Chapter 19. Seeking New Challenges

Ben 10 belongs to Man of Action Studios and Cartoon Network

Monster Hunter belongs to Capcom

RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum

I only own my OC and Ultimate forms

Dedicated to Braedey95 and CorJayNelson


Opening - Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Theme


Team RWBY and Emma have all sat at their respective chairs and prepares to watch the next match. Team JNPR vs Team BRNZ.

While the girls are all cheering, Emma looks over at a empty seat. Jack had suggest that he'd scour the nearby villages below for any possible attacks.. At first, they dismissed about the Grimm until he'd remind of them of the ones behind the oprations in Mountain Glenn and Breach and Albedo.

Emma seemed hesitant at first since he was almost killed by Ben's doppleganger, but finally respected her boyfriend's wish and decided to hang out with RWBY for a while.


After the arena has chosen it's biomes for the fight, which is a forest on one side and a stormy mountain on the other, team JNPR readies themselves against their fight with team BRNZ.

"3...2...1..." Port announces through the audience. He almost sounds like a fighting game announcer.

Jaune raises his sword. "Come on guys!" He yelled.

"BEGIN!" Port finally said and the round starts.

All four members of JNPR charge forward, but only three fighters from BRNZ do the same; their beanie-wearing sniper turns around and heads into the trees, cocking her weapon. In the center of the field, leader Brawnz Ni delivers a knee kick to Pyrrha Nikos' shield that sends her skidding back, right before she blocks the claws on his fists with her xiphos. She jerks her sword away and makes him leap back, just as the sniper jumps up into the branches of the forest with the bladed butt of her rifle. Lie Ren readies his StormFlower to attack Nolan Porfirio, who almost gets blindsided by Nora Valkyries swing with Magnhild before he ducks under the attack and attempts to hit her with his cattle prod. The sniper girl finally takes aim from her spot and manages to fire off two rounds near Ren, destroying the rocks behind him. Jaune manages to block the buzzsaw gloves of the last BRNZ brawler with his own shield before he notices the bullets flying and sees the glint of the gun in the leaves.

"Retreat!" Jaune yells.

Ren glances back at his leader as a shot hits the ground by his feet. He and Nora start running back into the mountains as Jaune and Pyrrha cover their escape by blocking the bullets with their shields. The four leap over a rocky outcropping for cover.


"Nice." Emma commented.

"Hm?" Yang muttered.

"It's a good tactic. Stay behind cover for a plan. I like how Jaune thinks." Ruby added.

"What she said." Emma replied.


"What do we do?" Pyrrha asks Jaune.

Jaune looks over the edge to see the melee fighters closing in. "Spread out. Try to keep moving." Jaune orders.

His team follows this just as Brawnz lands a punch on Jaune's shield.

The sniper gets even higher in the tree and smiles from behind her scope as she looks at the fight below. Brawnz and Pyrrha continue to duke it out while Nolan slowly advances on Ren when he slides into his path. The prod-wielding warrior looks back at the trees and nods to his hidden ally, who shoots at Ren's feet again and makes him jump around trying to dodge them. Just as he lands, Nolan hits him upside the head with his weapon, and is able to miss the retaliatory kick with another blow to the knee and a final hit to the chest using the business end of his prod. Electricity shoots through Ren's body before he collapses to the ground beside his childhood friend.

"Ren!" Nora yells and scowls at the one responsible for Ren's predicament. Nora takes a swing at Nolan, who promptly dodges it and again unleashes his weapon's power into her corset, though this causes a quite different reaction from the grinning redhead.

"Oh-ho! Looks like one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie, is charging up to use her Semblance!" Port says through the arena, causing Nolan to panic.

"What?" Nolan says in shock.

"Yes, Ms. Valkyrie's Semblance lets her produce, as well as channel, electrical energy straight to her muscles!" Oobleck explains. "This allows her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attacks and send the young man flying!"

"WHAT?!" Nolan yelled as he looks back at his enemy.


"That's Zinogre's thing." Emma pointed out.

"To be fair, Zinogre can absorb much more powerful electricity for longer periods of time. Nora can only absorb electricity for a limited amount of time." Blake replied.


Nolan finally takes his cattle prod away, but the damage is done: Nora flexes her arms as pink lightning is seen coursing through her body. Nolan attempts to lift his hands up in surrender, but thunder starts sparking from Nora's Aura as she rushes at him. Nora's hammer hits head-on and Nolan bounces back across the field, crashing through a rock and staying there when he's stopped moving.

Jaune looks back at the mountaintop on his team's side as a dark storm cloud appears over it, cackling with lightning. He looks over at his energized teammate.

"Nora! Get to the mountain!" Jaune yells.

Nora salutes back and says, "You got it!" before sprinting to the mountain to start her climb.

"Ren! Try distracting the sniper!" Jaune ordered.

Ren, as another shot nearly misses his head, he slouches "Sure. Why not." He replied sarcastically.

The remaining three members of JNPR run forward as Nora hops up and rapidly ascends the mountain. The dreadlocked BRNZ opponent throws the saws from his gloves into Jaune's shield, which still manages to bend the metal and slam the leader's own defense in his face before the weapons return back to their master. Pyrrha gets up close to him, and he delivers a series of spinning swings with his arms into Akoúo̱ as Jaune shakes off his disorientation and charges into battle yet again.


"Whooo! Go get them, Jaune!" Ruby cheered.

"Yeah! Come on, buddy! You got this!" Emma cheered as well.

"Well, he's certainly improved." Weiss pointed out.

Yang pumps her fists. "Yeah! But he ain't got nothing on Pyrrha!" She said.


Back in the fight, Yang's statement is proven true with Pyrrha taking on both Brawnz and the sawblade boy, delivering a kick to one as she deftly dodges and blocks the discs of the other, throwing her javelin to distract the latter while she somersaults back to use both feet in landing a blow on Brawnz. The sniper girl attempts to shoot Ren while he dashes his way toward her position, leaping out of the way of her shots, the flying saws, and even sliding under Pyrrha before he runs at Nolan, weapons blasting until he's close enough to start swinging his blades away. He ducks and deflects each of the cattle prod's attempted hits until he manages to hold it in the pistol's blades and double kicks his opponent, giving him the opportunity to catch Nolan's weapon in his own as the prod is forced behind Nolan's head and leaves him trapped. Ren hides behind the teammate of the sniper, who stops aiming at him and lifts her barrel up to another target: Nora.

"Nora!" Ren warns as he keeps the struggling Nolan in place.

Jaune, as he catches Brawnz's claws with his blade while Nora lifts herself higher and higher to the top, yells, "Pyrrha! Up!"

His partner rushes towards him, dodge rolling to avoid a launched saw until she bounds over Brawnz and lands on Jaune's shield. He manages to throw her into the air with her own shield raised to block the kill-shot aimed at Nora. This gives the redhead just enough time reach the peak, and she lifts her hammer up as a bolt of lightning hits the weapon directly. She changes it back into grenade-launching form and pops the front off to reveal six explosives that shoot out over the field in a heart-shaped formation onto the sniper. The poor girl barely has time gawk before she leaps over to a nearby tree just as the one she was in goes up in pink flames, leaving only a giant scorch mark billowing smoke to block out the coughing sniper's view. She jumps down from the branches just as her three teammates look up and behind them at Nora coming down on them like a meteor, slamming her hammer into the ground and sending theenemies back at the feet of their disoriented teammate.

"This is it, guys! Let's finish 'em with team attacks!" Jaune exclaims. "Ren! Nora! Flower Power!"

"Wait, what?" both Nora and Ruby (who's still watching) said.


"Oh god. For the love of Azmuth." Emma said, facepalming. "Jack told him not to do it..." Emma added.

"Team attacks?" Ruby asked.

"Duo names...He's terrible at duo names..." Emma replied.


Jaune lowers his blade as he looks back at his befuddled team. "F-Flower Power." He replied. His lost friends shrug. "That's your team attack name!" He yelled.

"Since when?" Ren asks.

"Guys, we've been over this!" Jaune said and he gestures at his teammates, not noticing the other side getting up, ready to fight again. "Flower Power is Ren and Nora! Ren brings a flower, Nora brings the power!"

Ren jus rubs the back of his head with one of his guns"How do I bring a flower?" He asks.

"No, silly, not a flower! Flour, like in baking!" Nora corrects, though she's still wrong.

"Why would I bring that?" Ren asked.

"I- Uh- No, it's your symbol!" Jaune yelled.

"Sooo, what are we?" Pyrrha asked curiously.

"Pyrrha!" Jaune yelled, as if accusing Pyrrha of something.

"Sorry! I just want to make sure it's clearly defined." Pyrrha excused, because she really doesn't know. Jaune tries to be patient while Team BRNZ looks more confused than their opponents. "Pyrrha, you and I are Arkos. It's that thing, where we take out shields? Remember?" Jaune said.

"Arkos?" Pyrrha asked.

Jaune is starting to lose his patience. "Yeah! It's our names put together!" He replied.

"Right, no, I get it..." Pyrrha said.

"What, you don't like it?" Jaune asked, panicking.

"No, no! It's... good?" Pyrrha hesitated.

"Mmm, I sense hesitation." Nora commented. 


"Huh?"The members of team JNPR turn to BRNZ who stood only a few meters away, the leader looking rather confused and annoyed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Brawnz called out

"Trying to have a team meeting, thank you very much." Jaune said, turning back to the others.

"Yeah. Team ears only." Nora growled.

Brawnz looked to his teammates who merely shrugged, just as confused as he and most likely the rest of the stadium were. "Were in the middle of a fight!" Brawnz yelled in annoyance.

"And we're in the middle of a conversation! What don't you get about that!?" Jaune snapped back, losing his patience entirely.

"Um, Jaune?" Pyrrha spoke up.

"Yes, Pyrrha" Jaune sighed.

"I think he means that were ALL in the middle of a fight." Only now did Jaune remember his surrounding as he took a moment to glance around the Coliseum before sighing.

"Nora, just... hit em with the hammer." Jaune said.

"Got it." Nora said with a dangerous smirk.

"Wait...what?!" Brawnz said in alarm. He and his team started backing up as Nora leaped forward raising Magnhild and sending team BRNZ out of the arena crashing into the wall securing JNPR's victory.

Port's voice came over the intercom. "And with that, it appears Team JNPR wins by knockout. Literally, can someone go make sure they're okay?"


At the appropriately named Crow bar, a grey-haired man in a tattered red cloak sat at the bar counter a large selection of empty glasses beside him while he brings another to his lips as he looks up at the screen, displaying the victors of the recent tournament match the caption read " Team JNPR defeats Team BRNZ."

"Those kids weren't half bad." The bartender said as he wiped out one of the glasses.

The grey-haired man glanced up at the screen before returning to his glass, grunting in response.


Team SSSN walks into the center of the field, waving to the cheering crowds as they do so. As they continue waving, Neptune stops as soon as he spots his four beautiful opponents, which causes him to develop a confident attitude as he addresses them. "Ladies." He sayed, confident.


Shock at this simple word turns to her shaking with rage, Weiss angrily gets up and points into the arena. "Break his stupid face, NDGO!" She yelled.

"I'm kinda on Weiss on this one." Emma said. "Guy needs to be brought down a few pegs.

"I would pay you to step on him as Ultimate Tyrannopede.." Weiss said as she glared at Neptune.

"That's going too far..." Blake said, sweatdropping.


After the biomes have been chosen, half desert and half ocean with a shipwreck, the fight begins. And apparently, Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Ben find out from Blake that Neptune is afraid of water. Emma facepalmed again at that.


Back at the fight, Neptune zooms through the enemy team and skids up the mountain behind them.

"Neptune! What are you doing?!" Sage yells at his blue haired teammate.

Neptune is now standing on a ledge near the top of the formation, yelling down to his friends, "Uh, you know, just gaining some higher ground!"

"On the enemy's side?" Sun asked., obviously mad at Neptune.

"They would never expect it!" Neptune excused.

Dew, a member of team NDGO, shrugs. "He's not wrong." She said.

Team NDGO goes forward into their turf as Team SSSN follows them, Sage with his sword raised and Scarlet having ditched his coat. He comes up on Octavia Ember emerging out from a nearby arch and tries to slice her with his cutlass. She ducks under the swing and continues sliding away, past the middle of Dew and Sage getting ready to rumble. Sage hefts his giant blade overhead, only to get knocked back by Dew's spear. He glances up in time to see the blonde wave her weapon over the sand to create three small twisters that kick up dust in Sage's face. He looks around as they surround him, but doesn't realize the danger until they coalesce into one big tornado that picks him up off the ground. With his weapon torn out of his grip and screaming in panic, he's totally helpless as the winds knock him and his blade out of the arena.

"NDGO gains an advantage." Oobleck announced as Sage's image is crossed out in the board.

Octavia slides in front of Sun and Scarlet, who ready themselves to fight her just as she spins her sword around and produces a wave of flame that kicks up dust in their faces. Sun manages to jump out of the cloud just in time to call for his replacement in fighting the redhead.

Seeing his leader run from the duel, Neptune leaps down from his position and cocks his gun. Octavia attempts to use another fire attack to blind Neptune, but he simply puts on his goggles and fires a bolt as his opponent, who blocks it with her blade right before seeing Sun leap out of nowhere to deliver a neck-snapping kick to her face.

Now furious, Octavia brings her blade onto Sun's Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form as he spins it all around his body while hitting several parts of hers. He ends it with a jab that knocks Octavia on her back in the sand.

"And we're down to 3-on-3!" Port says as everyone cheers in the audience.

Sun looks at Neptune fighting with Gwen Darcy as she circles him with her flying knives and Scarlet attempting to go weapon-to-weapon with Dew. She merely calls upon another sandy cyclone to lift Scarlet up, and he revolves around the spiral until it launches him over the shipwreck. It seems like he's about to be eliminated at well, but he extends his arms and manages to dive onto a part of the mast, almost losing his balance once the pole's under his feet. He eventually finds his balance right when Nebula closes in and launches an arrow with her crossbow at the mast, using it to jump right up to where Scarlet is. She folds up the sides of her weapon into a blade to cross swords with her opponent, the both of them ducking and missing or getting hit by the hilts until Nebula slams her metal over Scarlet's and forces him to lean back on the post. Luckily, he manages to get his sword back out from the trap and feign a swing at Nebula's feet before knocking into her with his elbow, causing the NDGO leader to fall into the sand below.

From his position, Scarlet sees Gwen continue to throw her knives, and he smirks before whipping out his pistol and shooting the hilt guard as a grappling hook to get her by the ankle.

He uses the cord to lift Gwen into the air while he slowly comes down to the ground, only to land directly beneath her as she attempts to protect her modesty while knives start raining down from her dress. Scarlet quickly adopts a pose that somehow allows him to miss every single blade that comes crashing down into the sand at his feet, which he gives a sigh of relief to.

His luck doesn't hold when Dew leaps near Sun, causing the monkey Faunus to find his new improvised weapons in the form of two coconuts he knocks out the palm tree beside him, which he throws at his opponent only to get them knocked right back at him, now spontaneously catching fire as they travels. Sun narrowly misses them both, but Scarlet gets one straight to the face, and the other lands in a place that makes him squeal in unimaginable pain while dropping his Aura levels into elimination.

"Aw nuts." Sun looks from Scarlet to Dew as she summons a few water blue tornadoes that he tries to dodge around. " Uh, Neptune? Could use some help, buddy!" Sun yells as he runs away from the ladies.

"Uh, you know, uh, it would probably be better if you came over here! Yeah, I can guard this... sector! We're in lockdown mode!" Neptune excused, still trying his best to look like he's not afraid of water.

Sun looks around infuriated as Nebula manages to shoot the cord holding Gwen up behind Sun. "What are you talking about?! There's nothing to lock down!" Sun yells, getting annoyed.

"Lockdown! Got it!" Neptune says out of nowhere.

Sun jumps out from Dew's attempt to pierce him with her spear as he calls out to Neptune. "Dude, I know you're afraid of water, but you gotta-"

He stops yelling when a blue shot knocks an attacking Dew out of midair and into the water.

"There! I helped! Are you happy now!? ...Also, Iam not afraid of water, and I have no idea what you are talking about!" Neptune yells.

Dew manages to get back up as Nebula and Gwen join their comrade in the water, lifting their weapons and ready to fight once more.

In an unfair 3-on-2 disadvantage, Sun is now panicking. "NEPTUNE!" He yells at his partner.

"Fine! Just get out of the water!" Neptune replies.

Sun does so. Neptune jumps over to a spot near the coastal line next to Sun, and he unfolds his weapon into its trident form before tip-toeing forwards and, eyes closed, plunges the sparking prongs into the water. The energy surges through the deep until the remaining members of NDGO are electrocuted and kneel in the water, smoking and defeated with the sound of the buzzer.


The bartender whistled as the match came to a close. "Now that was a match!"

The stranger scoffs. "That was a mess." He said a slight slur present in his voice.

"Come on man, you didn't like them, or the Vale kids, or any of the rounds before that? What fight are you here for?" The bartender complained.

The grey-haired stranger glanced back over his shoulder at an incoming aircraft with elegant ribbons flying from its wings. "That one." He said, standing before downing the last of his drink, slamming the glass down he threw a few Lien cards onto the table. "Happy Vytal Festival!" He said as he left the bar.

The bartender watches as the man stumbles away, setting down the glass he just finished cleaning, he reaches for another only to knock the first down in the process. "Aw, gee darn it!" He muttered.


"Looks like the dorks made it to the next round!" Yang comments.

Blake looks down in the arena where Sun and Neptune are dancing like fools before the fellow Faunus gives her a special double-gun gesture, eliciting a blush from Blake. "Emphasis on 'dork'." She said, smiling abashedly.

"That concludes the matches for today. Please leave the Coliseum IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION!" Oobleck said over the sound system.

Team RWBY and Emma flinched at the unexpected volume change, but stops when Oobleck was done talking. "Come on, let's go congratulate 'em." Yang suggested.

The team get up from their seats and start to head out just as the same ribbon-adorned craft passes over the Coliseum, causing Weiss to stop in her tracks and Ruby to bounce into her.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Ruby asked.

Weiss is still looking up at the craft with a strange expression.

"She's here." She said.


"So it would seem one of Andros' ally is here in this world as well."

"Hmm? Who do you mean my dear?"

"Zack Masayoshi Orion."

"......Is he a threat to out plans?"

"Even if he knows we're, no. He's as strong as Andros, but he has never faced a Kaiju before."

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