Chapter 26: Hiding Something, Hiding Something, Hiding Something

"How've you been?" Keith asked, not meaning for the question to have any underlying messages. He and James had been watching a movie together but it had long since finished so Keith was reaching out for desperate attempts at conversation. James was leaning his head on Keith's shoulder and Keith had an arm wrapped around him. They had been sat in silence since the credits started rolling, staring ahead at the series of words they weren't actually taking in.

"Fine really. I've had lots of work to do because I'm in my final year and I've been cramming a lot. Who knew exams could be so difficult? And I'm used to being top of the class so I have to maintain that reputation and study so much. It's tiring but I'm getting by. I got an A in my last physics exam which is good but-" James was speaking so quickly that the words were practically falling off of his tongue. He wasn't giving himself any time to think what he was saying through because his mouth was moving too fast to consult with his brain. He didn't even notice the confused look Keith was sending him: thin eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

"Woah, slow down. I can't keep up. I lost you after you said you'd been cramming."

"Oh, sorry..." James forced a smile and breathed in deeply to make up for all the moments in his speech where he had skipped pauses. He then swallowed and repeated everything he had said at a slower pace that was easier for Keith to comprehend.

"Don't overwork yourself, okay?"

"I won't! Can we talk about something else now?"

"Like what?"

James eyes twitched around the room until he settled on a shrug. Keith frowned, not wanting to tear his gaze from his boyfriend in case he missed something important. His brain was at it again... James is hiding something. James is hiding something. James is hiding something.


"We should go on a date," Keith stated out of nowhere, suddenly sitting up straight as opposed to his usual slouch. He turned to James with a raised eyebrow, trying (and failing) to read James's own expression. He was wearing a deep frown and refused to look at Keith from where he had his head leant on Keith's shoulder. His eyes remained closed, making him appear like he was amidst a deep, peaceful slumber. "You know because we've been together like a week and haven't even been on a single date?"

"Is cuddling and watching movies not enough?" James sounded a million miles away. Keith might as well have been standing on Earth with James on the moon: no matter how much he tried, his boyfriend couldn't quite understand him. It would have made much more sense if space, as a vacuum, wasn't allowing the sound particles to move through it, explaining why James wasn't cooperating.

"That's not what I mean. I just think it'd be nice... we don't need to." James opened his eyes long enough to look down at where Keith was fiddling with his hands. Keith's confidence had been knocked back, especially considering he was usually a reserved person so it took time for him to open up. It broke James's heart to see him so sad and knowing he was the cause of the stress made it all the more worse.

"I'd like to..."


James shook his head, unable to commit to what he had been saying.

"James, I-" Keith shifted in his seat, running a hand through his hair and sighing. His thoughts were all jumbled up and messy so it was difficult for him to articulate what he wanted to say. "I- I need to ask... Are you doing okay?"

James's head jolted up, eyes wide. "What do you mean? I've told you a million times, I-"

"Are you feeling depressed again?"

James's heart dropped to the floor and smashed into a billion pieces. The worried look hidden behind Keith's glossy eyes might as well have shot James directly in the chest with how much it hurt him. Keith was on the verge of tears and it was James's fault. He had to tell him the truth or the guilt would kill him. James clenched his hands into fists and let his face scrunch up as he built the courage to say what was on his mind. "I don't have any money, okay?"

Keith blinked as his brain took a moment to process what James had said. "You... what?"

"I'm broke, alright? That's why we can't go on a date... because I can't afford it."

"Why didn't you just say? I can pay for it."

James swallowed and let his eyes drop to his lap. "I can't let you do that."

"I know you have a dumb amount of pride and think it's embarrassing to accept kind offers from your boyfriend but, trust me, you can let me pay for one date. It really isn't that big of a deal."

"Fine but only one. I can't let you pay for any more than that."


Keith decided to take James to the cinema and James didn't bother arguing because he knew it wasn't the most expensive date on the world. They had already taken the cheap way out and purchased snacks beforehand from a dollar store, saving on the masses that cinemas liked to charge for popcorn.

Keith handed the money to the cashier before accepting the two tickets and pulling James into a screen with the number seven beside it. They found their seats (near the middle of the room because that was the objectively perfect spot) and sat in them. The first thing Keith did was fish through his backpack for their budget popcorn before handing James his own stuff. Being more of a chocolate person, he had got some (almost worryingly) cheap chocolate covered raisins.

"So..." Keith began as he leant back into his chair. They had to buy time before the advertisements began to play in front of them because James had insisted on them getting there early. "How are you?"

"Tired," James let out a laugh so Keith knew not to worry. Despite that, Keith's mouth morphed into a frown and his eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"You're tired a lot... are you overworking yourself?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because if you are overworking then I-"

James moved his hand so it was balanced on Keith's arm and forced them to meet eyes. "I'm not overworking myself, okay?" Guilt swarmed in the pit of James's stomach but he swallowed and tried his hardest to suppress it. "I just haven't been sleeping very well." Technically that wasn't a lie. James hadn't been trying to sleep until the early hours of the morning and, even then, he struggled to stay asleep for anything more than an hour at a time. He was constantly restless and couldn't lay still long enough to drift off.

Keith would have pushed it further but the movie screen lit up with life. Instead, he stayed silent as James leant his head on his shoulder and the sounds of the advertisements began to ring through the room.

Once it was over, James walked with Keith to his dorm. They stood outside for a moment before James wrapped both of his arms around Keith's neck. "That movie sucked," That was an understatement. "The scariest thing about it was the amount we paid to see it." They had expected to be scared out of their skins but, instead, they had almost died of boredom. "But the date was nice overall. I love hanging out with you."

"Me too. I hope we can do this again sometime." James smiled before leaning down to press his lips against Keith's. Keith responded immediately by moving his lips in synchrony with James's, getting lost in the feeling before James backed away. They let their foreheads remain touching for a long moment as they both smiled at each other. "See you tomorrow then, I guess."


When Keith walked into his dorm and closed the door behind him, he collapsed onto his bed face-first. He let out a long groan, knowing how much fun he had had with James but wondering if what he felt was really love at all. James made him happy but the feelings weren't nearly as strong as they had once been for Lance. Keith could only hope they would sprout and grow the more time he spent with James.

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