Chapter Four

Chapter FourBroken By Design

Song: Run Boy Run by Woodkid

To celebrate three weeks in the bunker, I urged Vincent to come with me to the center, but like every other time I tried, he shut me down. Fear of the outside crept into his dreams late at night reminding him that he was never truly safe. For those three weeks, I took care of him, I was there by his side when he broke through the nightmares screaming in horror.

He healed pretty quickly. The marks on his face faded after a week, but it was the following days that made it tough keeping him afloat. His hair was falling off, and a new sickness had marked its territory on his skin, replacing the previous wounds. Vincent was ill.

"Please," I begged. I lost count how many times I tried getting him out of bed. When you were stuck underground, there was no real reason you'd want to get up, but we still had lives.

"No," he said.

Something about Vincent pulled me in. His gravity was a force I couldn't break free from. I liked him more and more the days went on, even when we had done absolutely nothing of importance. It only mattered that he was there and so was I.

We talked a lot. He didn't shut me out completely. He just didn't want to go outside anymore.

There was something special about him. I wanted to protect him. I tried to get to the bottom of things. I went to Capitain Saki's office and spoke with her about the incident, but Vincent not cooperating made it nearly impossible. Under no circumstance did he want to talk about who attacked him. It endlessly tortured me. Why wouldn't he want to talk about it? What was he so afraid of? He should be able to trust me more than anyone, yet he didn't. It made me wonder things I hated. It made me think of the things the doctor said to me.

Could he have lied about the attack? What could he get out of lying about something so serious? The last thing I wanted to do was doubt him, but he gave me no choice. If it wasn't his blood on him that day, whose was it? And why did that person never turn up? If someone else had gotten hurt, the captain would have known about it. Things just didn't fucking add up and I was losing my mind.

"Can you bring me some water?" he asked nicely.

"If you come with me, you can get more than just water," I tried.

"Or you can get it for me like you have been doing."

I looked at him and sighed. His eyes were getting red, only this time it wasn't from intensely crying. It was difficult saying no to him, especially in his condition, and because he was too cute.

"You have to go out at some point, Vin," I said quietly.

"You can leave the door open if it makes you feel better."

I snorted. "It doesn't, but it's a step."

"So, water?" he said, showing me that cute smile of his.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine. But you could've just drank from the tap water, it's safe."

"I don't trust anything these days," he muttered.

"I'll be back in a bit," I told him.

"Wait!" he said as I headed for the door. "Compliment me."

"Compliment you?" I raised a confused brow.

"You said if I wanted to be complimented, to just ask you. I look sick all the time and it makes me feel like shit, but you don't seem to care, and I want to know if that's true."

I went back and sat on his bed, gazing into his eyes as he laid on his back.

"Vincent, I think you're beautiful," I said. "I know last time I said you were cute, but you upgraded. I think you're still one of the coolest people I've ever met and honestly, I just can't take you out of my mind."

"That sounds like a confession."

I chuckled and shook my head in disbelief. He was totally trying to trap me.

"I'm not confessing anything," I said. "Not yet, anyway."

"Do you like me?"

"I do."

"Am I the best roommate?"

"The only one I want."

"Kiss me."

"Don't you want your water?"

"Kiss me, then get my water."

I felt like he was trying to test me. We hadn't kissed since that time I surprised us both. I always wanted to, but we never really spoke about our intentions with each other or how far he wanted things to go. If he thought I didn't want to kiss him because he was sick, he was wrong.

I laid a hand on his chest, holding him down. I leaned down until our lips met. I opened his mouth with my own, breathing him in and capturing his tongue as it left the wet darkness. I did the magic trick with my tongue that left people craving more, or in some cases, moaning. We exchanged so much saliva that it was a miracle we hadn't drowned.

"Lucian," he whispered, taking a breath.

I tenderly bit his bottom lip after sucking it dry. "Why do I want you so badly?"

"How badly?"

I grabbed his hand and placed it directly over my bulge. "This badly."

He pulled his face back and looked down. "Where are you even hiding that?"

"I wish I could hide it in your ass." I shut my eyes as soon as it left my mouth. "That was so cringy, I am so sorry."

"I love when you talk dirty," he reassured. "It's hot, because you're hot."

"You truly have a way with words," I said, laughing. I gave him another kiss and quickly readjusted my issue down there. "I'll be back."

I left the room feeling jittery. Kissing him made my heart race like the first time I kissed Jody in the third grade. I was a nervous boy once again, unsure of what steps to take next. He was taking over me and sooner or later, I was going to hide it in his ass.

If he wanted, of course. For him I'd do just about anything. Just the past three weeks alone I went back and forth between the center and our room, carrying trays of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not once did I complain or pressure him into leaving the room.

He needed to feel safe once again, and I wasn't sure how to do that for him. How could I make him believe that no harm would come to him as long as he stayed by my side?

I felt useless.

At least I could go to the center and still be able to pick him up food and things he needed here and there. Like water. If he wanted his thirst to be quenched, he could ask me for that too.

Never say that one out loud, I told myself.

The center wasn't too busy today. More people stayed indoors nowadays. It made it easier going through the cafeteria and riding the elevator upstairs. On the second floor, I went into one of those stores and picked up a few items: clothes, rags, water bottles, painkillers, and a yoyo.

Once I had my bag of things, I pondered for a whole minute. I knew there was a specific store on the last floor, but would that be going too far? It was an adult store. It wasn't large, and you had to be eighteen or older to enter, otherwise the doors wouldn't open to you.

But if something happened, I could be prepared.

I went ahead and made the choice to visit the fifth floor. I was nervous as fuck, especially if anyone I knew caught me going in.

"Hey, Lucian!"

Of course. Just as I worried about being caught.

It was Esper. She was just coming out of the bar, hopefully not drunk. It made me uncomfortable dealing with drunk people, not gonna lie.

"What's up?" I said.

"I miss seeing you around. You should come by the bar sometime, it's super chill."

"Is there no age restriction?" I asked.

"Sixteen or older."

"Oh, wow."

"I know, right? It's totally weird seeing little dudes in there drinking for the first time." She was definitely drunk. At least she wasn't super crazy. "You should see their drunk faces when I tell them about my time as a witch. Their eyes get big like this." She forced her eyes open with her fingers and rocked side to side, like a crazy drunk person would. She was laughing now. "So what brings you up here?"

"Um." I thought of an excuse, and when I couldn't find one, I just spilled the truth. "Was actually gonna see the adult store."

"Ah, yes!" she exclaimed. "Eventually everyone's gonna visit it, but right now we're in the stubborn stage. Everyone's too embarrassed. But honey, everyone gets horny. Except asexual people, God bless those people."

"Have you been to it?"

"Of course. What are you looking for? Who are you fucking?"

"No one."


"No, not Hunter."

"Then what do you want?" she asked, her hands going to her waist and her tongue sticking out. Was she malfunctioning?

"Uh, I don't know. Condoms, I guess?"

"Come." She waddled in front of me like she was afraid of tripping over. It was dorky in an extremely cute way. She turned back. "Not literally."

"I won't," I promised.

We walked into the store and I was relieved that there was no attendant. You could buy everything privately, mostly. If the store was empty, then you wouldn't have to look another human in the eyes. You got what you wanted, paid for it with your credits, and that was it.

"How long are these condoms even going to last?" she said as she looked at the many options on the wall. "If we're here for a couple of years, won't they expire? I think that will be a problem for the ladies. Although, I did hear a rumor that biological women got some medication that stops them from getting pregnant with zero side effects. It's supposed to last a few years. They really don't want babies running around."

"My mom was pregnant."

"Oh, yeah. I heard about that. I'm so sorry, honey."

"It's fine."

"So what condoms you want? Is your ding dong tiny?" She glanced down and looked at my crotch area. "Regular size? Monstrous?"


"Come on, we don't have all day."


She giggled.

"Here you go, sweetie." She was way taller than me and was able to reach the shelf I couldn't. "Do you want to buy some cream for whoever you're sticking it into? They're gonna need it."

"Is there anything to help them with it?"

"Lube? Have you never had sex before?"

"I have, but with girls."

"Oh!" She spun in circles until she reached the end of the room where she pulled out a bottle. "Now, this is what's called lube. I don't know why you've been fucking girls dry, but I hope they're okay—wait, no they aren't. Haha. They're all dead."

"I haven't," I said, taking the bottle from her hands. "It's complicated."

She leaned against a rack and almost tipped the whole thing over. "Oh, fuck. How did that get there?"

"Are you okay?" I asked as I paid for my things.

"I'll be okay when you tell me who the sweet boy you're going to tenderize is."

"Uh, Vincent. Do you know him?"

"Oh! The Korean boy you were with at the party! I saw him, but didn't get to talk to him, unfortunately. You should introduce me. He seems nice."

"Yeah, I don't know if anything will happen, but I want to prepare for it, in case he wants to."

"Oh, he wants to alright. Everyone wants to. You're the most attractive guy in here."

"I'm not, but thanks."

"Has Vincent ever bottomed before?"

"No, he's a virgin."

"What if he wants to top?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me and kept going even after an uncomfortable amount of time had passed.

"Then I guess I'd let him. I just want him."

She pouted and held her hand over her heart. "You're in love."

"I'm not."

"I hate love, but I love cats." She paused like she had figured out something horrifying. "Oh, fuck! There's no more cats. I'm going back to the bar and cry, catch you later."

"Bye." I waved, watching her tumble her way out of the store.

I shoved the adult bag inside the bag of clothes, that way it was out of sight and no one would ask me questions if they saw me carrying it. As I left the store and walked to the elevator, I heard Esper wailing.

I didn't know whether to laugh or be sad for her.

Esper was a unique person, like Vincent and Calista. She was the type of person I'd befriend instantly. All three were so different from one another, but they were people you needed to surround yourself with. When things got tough, their existence was enough to fill you with joy.

Like today, for example. I woke up, my throat was tight and dry, I felt like I was choking on air. My stomach was wild with nerves and fear. I wanted to scream and rip my way out of my skin. I was randomly uncomfortable with the idea of being trapped so deep underground with no way of knowing how life was up there. I'd never felt claustrophobia in my life, but everything worked differently now.

Vincent was there, reassuring me as I bit my lips and bled. He snapped me out of it, talked to me for an hour straight until I was okay. What would I have done without him? If I were alone all this time, no parents, no new friends, just me and four walls — I would have snapped.

I was walking back to my room, thinking about Vincent and how he made me feel, when I spotted a pair of legs being dragged through a pool of blood. At first I was too scared to move, and a bit apprehensive about trying to walk back and somehow make a sound.

"H-Help!" That voice . . . it had to be none other than Lindsay. She had a high-pitch voice like none other.

Heart pounding, hands shaking, I took a steady breath and ran as fast as I could, keeping in mind the years I spent in track. I slipped on blood I hadn't seen before and rolled on the ground. I crawled back to my feet and sprinted as I saw her legs disappear into the web.

When I turned the corner, my bags went flying. An attendant, whose uniform was dirty and bloody, was pulling a now unconscious Lindsay. The attendant's hands were fully covered in blood and ripped hair. It only truly petrified me when the attendant finally looked over at me with her bloodshot eyes and I connected the blood on her mouth with the missing flesh on Lindsay's shoulders. I'd never seen her before, but I hadn't even explored more than eighty percent of the bunker. She was pale and had damp black hair.

The attendant was breathing heavily now, too fast to be normal. Her chest was pumping like something inside her wanted to explode. Nothing did, but the visual was alarming.

"Stay away from her," I told the attendant, slowly making my way over to Lindsay.

For a moment, the attendant's eyes dropped back to Lindsay. She was acting like an animal who was just about to get their meal stolen. She snarled, showing bloody teeth, but was still backing away from me.

I managed to safely kneel next to Lindsay and keep the attendant away. I pressed the emergency button. The attendant wasn't wearing a bracelet, so I knew that it would not ring her.

My hand lightly brushed over Lindsay's face. She felt cold, but not dead. As I went to open her eyes to see if I could wake her up, the attendant jumped and and threw me back with unimaginable strength. I heard the sound of blood gushing and when I got back up, I saw that the attendant was ripping Lindsay's throat with her bare teeth.

"NO!" I screamed, rushing back and pushing her away. The attendant ran off. I didn't chase, I dropped on my hands and knees and trembled as I watched Lindsay bleed to death. I knew I couldn't stop it. The attendant had torn through the veins and muscles. There was nothing I could do for her.

I heard an intense high-pitch scream, sharp like the cut of a glass. I looked back with tears in my eyes as an attendant fainted.

That was when I realized—we were in Web 6. My room was in this web and I had left the door wide open. I jumped up and rushed down the hall, screaming Vincent's name. If that attendant harmed Vincent, I would never be able to forgive myself.

I saw the only open door and no sign of the attendant. I bolted straight in, lungs on fire, eyes wide open. Vincent was in his bed like I had left him. The moment he moved, I fell on my knees and cried until my vision blurred.

"Lucian?" Vincent called. "Lucian? What's wrong? Wait, is that blood?"

"S-someone r-r-really attacked you," I said, the shaking overwhelming me.

"Someone attacked you?!" he said, his voice fearful. He looked at the open door and rushed to close it. He came back and wrapped his arms around me. "You're okay now. It's okay."

It felt good to be in his embrace, but his warmth could not erase the cold images stuck in my head. Did this happen to him? The blood that had been on him wasn't his, just like the blood on me wasn't mine. I understood why he refused to talk about it now.

"I couldn't save the girl," I said, sobbing. "I was right there. I had her. All I had to do was watch her and keep that monster away."

"I'm sorry, Lucian," he said, holding my head against his chest.

"I'm scared."

"Me too."

"There's something wrong with that attendant. There's something wrong with this place. I can feel it."

"Look at me."

Sniffing, I pulled away and looked at his face. His eyes were comforting, reminding me of home, family, and love.

"Don't you feel it?" I asked.

"It's going to be okay, I promise," he said, both hands caressing my face. His voice was like hot chocolate on a Christmas morning. It was soft, sweet, reassuring, and enchanting. He spoke and my fears vanished into thin air.

"Thanks, Vin."

He smiled at me.

There was a knock on the door and it brought the fear back. Vincent got up and walked to the door, pressing his ear to it.

"Who's there?" he asked.

The door suddenly opened. It was Captain Saki. Her hand was still in the air from opening the door with her bracelet, which no doubt gave her access to open everything. Her face was empty, even though I was certain that she knew what had happened.

"Lucian, I need to speak to you immediately," she said.

"Come in," I said, not bothering to get up from the floor.

"Very well," she said, stepping inside without arguing and throwing me the bags I had left behind. "What happened to Lindsay Coleman?"

"I don't know. Don't you guys have hidden cameras?"

"Lucian," she began, and I could already feel her impatience with me with the way she breathed, "I'm going to be fully honest with you and hope that you do the same. What I'm about to tell you is confidential. I trust that both of you won't go around on a sharing spree."

"Sure," I said as she looked at the both of us.

"All of the cameras were broken. We don't know how, but we have zero vision since the incident with Vincent."

"All?" Vincent questioned.

"All of them. Every single one."

"How can someone do that without you guys noticing?"

She noticed the wheelchair in the corner. Vincent hadn't used it since I brought him back from the infirmary. With her hands in her pockets, she inspected it like it suddenly turned into a suspect.

"I don't know," she said after a long pause. "But on the day Vincent was attacked, one of our attendants went missing."

"An attendant killed Lindsay," I said.

"What did the attendant look like?" she asked.

"Black hair, brown eyes, pale skin. Her uniform was dirty and she acted strange."


"She ripped Lindsay's throat with her teeth like it was nothing. And she was strong, like . . . really strong."

"Vincent, was this the same person that attacked you?" the captain asked.

My eyes went straight to him.

Vincent swallowed. "I, um."

"ENOUGH SILENCE!" the captain exploded, stomping towards Vincent, who was still standing by the door. "I have been trying my HARDEST to keep everything under control since we all arrived! I have spent days and nights working to make sure that you all get to sleep safe and sound and have three meals a day! The least you can fucking do is cooperate when SOMEONE is attacking us from the inside!"

"I'M SORRY" he yelled back. "BUT I CAN'T!"

"You can and you will," she threatened, getting close to his face.

"Fine. You want me to cooperate so badly? A spider attacked me. A SPIDER!"

"A spider?" she scoffed. "How could a spider beat a person?"

"I don't know," he said, his voice sounding dark and quiet. "Why don't you tell me why there's a spider the size of a horse crawling around in a place called The Widow's Web. Now that's the real twist."

"That's impossible."

"But your attendants ripping necks with their teeth isn't?"

The thought of a giant spider roaming the bunker made me cringe. Vincent could be lying, but after what I experienced, I had no reason to doubt him.

The captain headed for the door, but stopped to look back over her shoulder. "We'll continue this conversation another time."

Five minutes after she left, an alert was sent out forbidding anyone from leaving their rooms. We were now on lock-down.

The water poured down my back, arms, and legs. It cleansed my skin and healed my soul. My mind was clouded by the sound of water rushing over my ears. I avoided ruining a peaceful moment, refusing to glance down at the swirling blood that escaped through the drain.

I leaned against the wall, dipping my head under the shower head. My eyes were closed and I wondered if Vincent was watching me. I purposely left the bathroom door open. The shower screen was completely see-through, there was no hiding anything. I wanted him to feel safe and know I was there, while simultaneously knowing that he was there too and no spider beast had taken him.

I scrubbed my body roughly until there was no evidence of blood on my skin. I used a large amount of body wash, hoping to permanently smell like lavender and not death.

Vincent was sitting on his bed when I left the shower. He was watching a movie. I dried my body and jumped into a pair of clean briefs. Vincent was wearing a plain white shirt and boxers, looking absolutely adorable.

"How's the movie?" I asked from the bathroom.

"You missed half of it," he said, commenting on the time I had spent in the shower.

"Sorry," I said, wiping my arms with the towel. "You didn't answer my question, though."

He sighed. "It's about a dog."

"Don't you like dogs?"

"I've never owned one."

I turned the bathroom lights off and came out with my mouth wide open. "You've never had a dog?"

"I've never had anything."

"That's sad."

"At least we're alive, right?" he said sarcastically.

I laughed and threw my towel at him. "You're damn right," I said, taking it back after he pulled it off of himself. "And when we get out of here and find a safe place to live, we're getting a dog."

"You want to live together?" he said in the cutest way possible, scooting to the end of the bed and dropping his feet on the ground.

"Why do you sound surprised?" I asked.

"I don't know." He rubbed his hands through his hair. "I guess it just sounds serious and I don't want to be confused."

I sat on my bed, tossing the towel on the floor. I hated the space between us. I wanted to tackle him, kiss him, tickle him, make him laugh and bring out that lovable smile of his.

"We don't have a normal life," I stated. "I can't just ask you out on a date and bring you to my favorite restaurant. If I had it my way, I'd take you to my summer house, where I'd spend every waking moment with you. I'd wake you up with breakfast in bed, we'd swim for hours, watch the stars at night, and make sweet love in the end. But I can't promise you those things, not anymore. I hope to do it someday."

"You . . . want me?"

"I do!"

"I think you have to remind me again, I forgot," he said nonchalantly.

He thought he was slick, didn't he?

"I think you should check for yourself," I proposed, leaning back on my bed, propping myself up on my elbows.

"Are you giving me permission to walk over there and touch you?"

"I'm giving you permission to do whatever you want."

He climbed out of his bed and leisurely walked to me, kneeling between my legs on the floor. His face was inches from my crotch, it gave me tiny butterflies like never before. I took deep breaths as he curiously examined my body. I was usually able to stay cool, but he was making me so nervous.

"Are you sure?" he said.

"I'm very sure."

"Lean back," he said softly. "Let me make you feel good."

I obeyed and rested my head on a pillow. His hands explored my body, touching and stroking. Fingers brushed over my nipples and caressed. I looked back down and watched as he licked my stomach.


Trying to stop myself from getting hard was a struggle. I didn't want to seem weak, but fuck. Vincent was so perfect at everything he did. He could just sit there and still be perfect. Like, damn. The way he sat? Genius. His posture? Graceful.

Vincent put his hands on my thighs and massaged them until my dick enlarged half way. It was painfully uncomfortable keeping my briefs on, but Vincent wasn't bothered by how tight it felt for me, because he wanted me to suffer.

He dragged his wet tongue over the bulge. It made me want to scream. Instead I whimpered like a bitch.

"What's wrong?" he asked knowingly.

"I really need your mouth on my cock, like now."

"Then pull it out."

After all that he was going to make me take it out myself? He really was a master of pain and suffering.

I got up, pushing him back against his bed, but keeping him seated between my legs. I took his hand and used it to stroke myself through the fabric of my briefs. It felt good to me and not excruciating.

Without my help, he pulled down my briefs in one go. His eyes were still very curious, even while staring at my hardening cock. I stepped out of the briefs and kicked them aside. I palmed my length, stroking up and down until I could get myself all the way hard and hopefully impress him, if he was into that.

"It's so big," he said, his mouth close to the tip, his warm breath making it twitch.

I slipped my thumb into his mouth and watched him suck on it as he stared back with bedroom eyes. I hooked my thumb and forced his mouth open. With my other hand, I lined up my dick and pushed the tip into his mouth, sliding over his tongue.

He couldn't fit it all in his mouth; he was half way and was already choking. I gave him some control and stopped bucking my hips, letting him suck on his own time — it all felt great either way.

I'd always known I was big, especially for my stature. I wasn't tall and muscular, I was literally just a lean boy with a big boy dick. Most girls were afraid to even suck it, only three had been able to ride me. It had all felt great at the time, but I knew something was missing. I wasn't able to use my full potential without hurting anyone.

But then there was Vincent, and he was sucking like crazy, slurping and licking his lips like he enjoyed the taste more than ice cream. He forced himself to go deeper, learning how to not gag and choke all on his own. I had never felt something like this before. He wasn't afraid.

He let me fuck his mouth for a minute. It took every bit of me to not let the moan reach my lips, until I suddenly didn't care anymore. Vincent liked me and I was sure he wouldn't make fun of me like the past girls had done for simply expressing my bliss through a series of deep groans.

His mouth was so wet, so warm, the second perfect hole to hide my cock in. He had saliva dribbling down the side of his lips, unable to hold a mouthful of drool and precum. That was a beautiful sight, especially when his eyes teared up.

I successfully pulled out of his mouth without accidentally finishing. That was the real struggle. My entire length was shiny from his spit and it still caused me to leak from the slit, even without contact, just the mere thought that his mouth had been on it was enough to send tingles through my body.

Vincent wiped his face, an unnecessary move considering I moved to his bed, laid back, and he was on my dick again like an addict. He bobbed his head, still only being able to go halfway down. I brushed my fingers through his soft hair and held his head in place, pounding upwards until he choked and I had to stop.

"Don't worry, I have a lot of time to train," he told me.

"You don't have to, sorry."

"I want to. I'm gonna deep throat you one day, even if I have to practice on you every day."

That made me groan, thinking about his sweet mouth on me, everyday. I'd be on a permanently high and never come back down. I no longer liked girls more, I no longer liked boys more, because in the end no one could ever compare to Vincent.

He continued his training, up to the point that I felt it coming. He kept me in his mouth, his tongue spreading to cover the head. I came right on his tongue and filled his mouth with more than I thought I could. My body was on fire and every limb ached with the lasting climax that washed over me.

Vincent captured every drop in his mouth and crawled over my body, tapping his cheek when our faces were inches apart. I'd do anything for him, even this. It wasn't repulsive to me. I opened my mouth for him and he leaned in, bringing his lips to mine and letting my load mix between our kiss. It was the sloppiest, most wicked thing I'd ever done, and I was all for it. It didn't really taste like anything to me. His tongue slid across mine, spreading the taste of my cum. Vincent enjoyed it more, licking my lips clean until all of the mixture was devoured.

"That was insane," I said, breathing hard.


[Author's Message]: I . . . Have nothing to say, yet again! LMAO. This was dirty as hell omg. Thank you again guys for all the love and support. I never thought I'd write this story and I'm just super excited for you guys to read the twist in the last chapter. More questions will be answered in the FAQ after the story ends. In the last chapter I will ask you guys to post questions that you want answered so try to remember them <3 Love you.

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