Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Tell Me It's A Nightmare

Song: Run For Your Life by K.Flay

   Vincent was getting worse. His hair was falling at a rapid rate, leaving behind clear patches on his head. The bruises on his skin were red, and often bled. There was no warm color to his skin anymore, it was all pale.

Two weeks ago, I got him to leave the room to visit the infirmary. Due to the system being bound by the bracelets, he was unable to obtain proper medical help. It left me frustrated for days. I came to this place healthy, and if I hadn't, I would've been given a shot only provided after a machine scanned my body. That couldn't happen to Vincent because he had no bracelet. The fucking bracelets were the keys to everything. The doctor had argued that it was a good system, it stopped thieves in case of an emergency. The bunker could run without authority because of the stupid device around our wrists. So there was nothing anyone could do for him. The doctor was able to give him stronger painkillers, but clearly it wasn't enough. There was something wrong with him.

Everything was on the table. It could be radiation, it could be something he came in with, or it was the attack. He said a spider attacked him and I believed him. Was the spider venomous? I wasn't an entomologist, but didn't poisonous spiders kill you fast? The attack was almost a month ago.

And if the spider was the size he said it was, wouldn't that make it more poisonous? Or deadly?

Vincent didn't deserve the pain he was going through. He was possibly the best person I'd ever met. And if he died because of this, I wouldn't be able to sleep again. I couldn't sit there day after day, watching him die right before my eyes. There had to be something someone could do to help him. Millions were spent on this place and no one could cure him? Bullshit.

I had a plan in mind, but it wasn't a good one. It involved annoying the fuck out of Captain Saki until she gave me what I wanted. Surely the chief's daughter had power to override the system and help Vincent out. All he needed was medicine, how hard could that be?

In the meantime, all I could do was make him comfortable. In every way imaginable. My lips on his skin was a good distraction, my lips on his dick was an even better one, but what he really needed was my love and affection. I told the truth when I said I'd never been in love, but it didn't mean I couldn't love someone. Being in love was different, in my opinion. I loved Vincent. But was I in love with Vincent?

I wasn't against it and I wasn't fighting it. If I was, then I was. Right now it was more important that he was alive, so that I could be in love with him.

"It's ready," I told Vincent.

One of the things that made him comfortable was a warm bath. I filled it all the way up and poured the soap he really liked — it smelled like me. The water was inviting and steamy and exactly how he wanted it.

Vincent walked inside the bathroom and began to strip down slowly, as if his bones hurt when he moved. I grabbed his clothes from the floor and tossed them into the hamper. It was hard staring at his body without imagining a billion positions, and I wasn't really trying not to anyway. We were past the shy point.

"You good?" I asked as he sank into the water.

He looked up with sweet eyes. "Can you join me?"

"How can I say no when you look at me like that?"

We'd been fooling around so much that I made it a habit of only wearing shorts and nothing underneath, for easy access. I simply removed them and I was naked. I grabbed the side of the tub and jumped behind him, sitting down and wrapping my arms around his body. I pressed my ear against his back and closed my eyes, listening to the sound of his breathing.

"I love you," he said, his voice soft and fragile.

That caught me off guard and my eyes opened. I'd been thinking of ways I could tell him I loved him, without actually using the word that left my tongue dry and full of regrets. That was the thing, though. Telling him I loved him wouldn't make me regret it.

"I love you too."

It felt like letting go of a breath I'd been holding for too long. My body melted into his and my arms were tighter around him, never wanting to let go. He placed his hands over mine and we just sat there.

After some time, the water began to get cold. The air still smelled like lavender and my arms were still holding him. I grabbed the cup on the edge of the bathtub and brought it down into the water, filling it up. I used the cup to pour water over Vincent's back, earning a relaxed sigh when I did it over his shoulders too.

"Can I?" I asked, lightly brushing my fingertips over the back of his neck, touching his hair.


I grabbed more water and poured it gently over his blond hair. His hair was falling, but it was still growing everywhere else, for now. I could see his natural hair, which was brown. He was fine as fuck with blond hair, but I was curious to see him with brown hair. I knew he liked my brown hair. He said it was the perfect length and super sexy. He also liked pulling it, so maybe that was the real reason he liked it so much.

He leaned back against me and rested his head on my shoulders. My right hand massaged his chest while I kissed his neck and made him moan. He leaned further back until my own back was pressed up against the tub and his ass was grinding against my shaft. I dipped my right hand under the water and massaged another part needing more attention. His breathing picked up, and so did my dick.

I wanted to know what it would feel like to be inside him, but I never pushed and never asked. If he wanted to do it, all he had to do was ask, because I'd say yes in a heartbeat.

He grew hard and his dick popped out of the water, giving me the perfect view of his smooth body rubbing against mine and my hand stroking him. The skin around the head was tight, smooth and just as pretty as the rest of him. He loved it when I rubbed my thumb over the rim, drove him crazy. He'd squirm if I used my tongue.

The water all around us rippled as my hand pumped him faster. He cried out in ecstasy, the sound coming from his lips growing higher and more desperate. He bucked his hips, forcing me to stroke him harder until his body writhed and his dick throbbed, finally releasing numerous long jets of warm cum over his body and my hand.

I brought the hand up to my lips and licked. As I swallowed his sweet release, he panted heavily and looked back at me with lazy eyes. We ended up doing it again, only this time with my dick hard between his legs.

Before days could stretch into weeks, I set out to find a solution for Vincent's sickness. The people in charge of this bunker were of no use. Captain Saki was my only hope, but she was nowhere to be found. The doctor refused to look at him again, saying she couldn't waste any more resources if the medication wasn't working. I couldn't give my bracelet away, otherwise I would have, instead it worked with my blood, my DNA, kind of like a techy fingerprint. It made me question why they had been so afraid of thieves; did they assume one day we'd all go mad and steal from each other? Were they prepared for that to happen?

I went out looking for answers. I visited every floor I had access to and went through every store. There was a small section in the convenience store with all sorts of medicine, but since I knew nothing about Vincent's sickness, I ended up empty handed.

I was so tempted to press the emergency button just to get the attention of the captain. I knew she was keeping a close eye on me. Two mysterious events had happened around me, and I had pressed the emergency button a few times, how could she not watch my shadow? Then again, the cameras weren't working.

Not even a full hour passed when I ran out of places to search. There wasn't much to look for in this place. There was the underground floors full of machinery that built and created what we consumed and wore, but how would that help me?

Wait a minute . . . Another floor was also designed for our scientists to continue working, improving our lives here in The Widow's Web, and making sure that we have a future outside once it's safe. That was what the attendant had said when I asked about the floors below.

They had a lab.

There was only one attendant I trusted, especially after the crazy one had killed Lindsay. Calista wasn't on any floor, so I assumed she had to be roaming the webs. How could I even find her when all of the webs were closed off? I could wait for someone to come out or go in, but that could take forever. I needed to find her immediately, she was my only hope of getting help for Vincent.

I had access to Web 1 in sections 5 and 6 — one belonging to Hunter and the other Aura. I had no other choice but to start there.

I'd never been to most sections. I usually stayed in mine and kept to myself. I had been invited to a few more private parties over the last month, but I turned them all down, thinking time with Vincent was more valuable. The positive thing about this was the fact that they were all the same. I went to Section 5 and entered Web 1 through the doors. It had the same decor as the other ones; like stepping into someone's fancy living room. I knocked on Hunter's door and waited. It was a while, and a couple of more knocks, before anyone answered. I'd almost given up.

Hunter opened the door. His eyes were heavy and the circles around them seemed darker. He was wearing glasses and was mostly shirtless, except for the loose jacket he wore that did nothing to cover up his body, and boxer-briefs.

"Lucian?" he asked, squinting his eyes as if he didn't recognize me.

"Can we talk?"

"Come in," he said, stepping aside. I walked through and was not surprised to see that it was an exact copy of Aura's room. Nothing was different. The colors were the same, the staircase was right in the middle, even the furniture was placed the same. "Have you been doing okay?"

"Yeah, why?" I said as he took me to the kitchen.

"Haven't seen you in a long while. You're always holed up in your room like you're afraid to leave."

There were empty bottles of alcohol scattered across the kitchen island. He didn't seem like a heavy drinker, but they could also belong to his brother.

"I've been taking care of Vincent," I said.

"Why are you taking care of him?" he asked, a confused yet amused look on his face.

"He's sick."

"Ah. He doesn't have one, does he?" He pointed at his bracelet as sat on the counter.


"So why are you here? I'm not a doctor. Unless you're here for fun." He grabbed his privates at the word fun.

"No, I'm not here for that," I said, looking at the placement of his hand.

He rolled his eyes, annoyed. He reached into the fridge from his position and took out a can of beer. He offered me one but I declined.

"Then what can I help you with?" he said, popping the can open and taking a swig.

"You and Aura are the only people I know who live in Web 1. That means you're filthy rich—"

"Were rich. You think it matters anymore?" he said, sounding more annoyed. "We bought our place and now we get to live. If you can even call it that. If I knew that life would be so lonely down here and that my own parents would abandon me to spend all their time with each other in massive orgies, I would've just stayed up there and burnt to death."

"What do you mean they abandoned you?" I asked.

"Some of the adults—or parents I should say, since I am an adult—took one of the Webs and moved into it. They spend all their time there doing God knows what. I see them every once in a while." He jumped off the counter and quickly walked to the fireplace, returning with a framed photo of his family. "But they left my brother and I here by ourselves."

The photo had to be a few years old. Hunter and Killian were young teenagers, surrounded by their family, all who shared the same tan skin, dark circles, and attractive trait.

"Where are you from?" I asked.

"My brother and I were born in here, but our family is from Egypt."

"You're all good looking," I said, grinning.

"Thanks," he said, his voice saying the opposite of thanks. He took the picture and leaned against the counter. "If you're looking for answers, I don't have them. It's the adults you have to talk to, but good luck with that. They'll never talk. They swore some oath or something."

"I just want to know if there's something I can do to help Vincent."

He shook his head. "I don't know. I have my plate full right now."

My heart began to beat rapidly. I moved closer to him and double checked, glancing down. I took a deep breath, my thoughts screaming against it. I reached down and grabbed him, twisting my hand and applying sweet pleasure until it grew thicker into my hand.

He was looking down at my hand unimpressed, yet his growing bulge was saying something completely different. He brought his eyes up and stared at me, his eyes half closed as if there was no energy left in him.

"You don't have to do that," he said, his voice was deep and quiet. "I'd help you if I could, but you're wasting your time."

"I know you want me."

"I want a lot of things."

"Then help me and I'll give you what you want."

He slapped my hand away and left the kitchen, running up the stairs. "You can't give me what I want."

"Then what do you want?" I asked as I followed him.

He laughed. "You can't give me what I want."

"I heard you the first time."

There were rooms on the second floor. His room was the only one open. I went inside as he paced back and forth nervously.

"No, you didn't." He pinned me up against the wall and hovered his face close to mine. "Can you kiss me?"

"I can."

He pulled me back and pushed me on his bed. He climbed over me and kept me still between his legs. His arms were on either side of my head as he stared down with sad eyes.

"Can you make me feel alive again? Can you let me touch you?" He was crying now and his lips trembled like he had been holding on to this feeling for so long and now it was tipping over like a bucket under the cold rain. "Would you have sex with me? Let me slide my fingers between your legs, touch places where I could fit and make you feel tight and wanted. Can you do that? Can you love me, Lucian?"

"I'm sorry," I told him.

He got up and screamed. "My brother is GONE! I can't help you and you can't help me!"

"What do you mean he's gone?"

He sat on the edge of the bed and I crawled next to him.

"Lindsay disappeared. Aura disappeared. Esper disappeared. And now my brother."

I gulped.

Did Captain Saki manage to keep Lindsay's death a secret? Was there even a point at keeping it hidden now? If I told Hunter that Lindsay was killed, he might react even worse than he just did, and that was only because he knew I couldn't feel the way he wanted me to feel. I had no idea the others disappeared. I'd been too consumed by Vincent to worry about anyone else.

"What do you mean they disappeared?" I asked.

"Lindsay disappeared first," he said. "Then Aura. And shortly after, Esper and I talked. She said something bad was happening, but refused to tell me anything. She said she was leaving the bunker. I never saw her again after that, so did she leave the bunker? Did the others leave the bunker too?"

"If anyone left the bunker, we'd know about it," I said, truly believing my own words. If anyone left, it would put us in danger. We were safer down here than we were up there. "There's no way anyone can just walk out of here."

"I know." He wiped his tears on the back of his hand. "His girl doesn't even know where he went. He's obsessed with her. He wouldn't just leave her behind."

"Did you talk to your parents?"

He gave me the side eye. "Of course I talked to my parents. Do you really think that went well? They just think he's hiding somewhere."

"And Aura?"

"I don't have access to her Web. She revoked it when she got mad at me. I haven't seen her parents either."

The truth was clawing up my throat, begging to slip from my tongue, but I swallowed it back. Hunter was already a mess, I couldn't give him the idea that his brother might be dead. He could be or he could be okay. I didn't personally know them and I wasn't about to start assuming.

"I have access to her web. I can pay her a visit."

"Don't you have access to all of them?" he asked.

"No? Why would I?"

"Because your dad helped build this place?"

My brows furrowed, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

He mimicked my expression. "You don't know? Wait, don't you know anything at all?"

"I don't," I muttered, frustrated beyond belief. "My parents never said anything to me about this place."

"After the party, you were on my mind the entire night. The taste of your lips, the way you kissed, like you weren't afraid of going for it. I kinda developed a crush for you. So like every normal person, I looked you up."

My brows now raised. "You looked me up? What does that mean? Did you stalk me?"

"No. I wanted to know who you were, so I asked around. Your father is Alastair Mars, he's one of the lead architects that worked on the design of the bunker. I was also very confused why you were in Web 6 and not 1, then I found out what happened. I'm sorry, that must have been hard to deal with."

"How did you get all of this information?" I asked.

"I asked an attendant. They're like an encyclopedia."

I stood up, having a new plan in mind. "Thanks, Hunter. I'll let you know if I find Aura or your brother."

"You're leaving?" The tone of his voice broke my heart. I'd previously judged his character, but now I knew that he was a good person. He wasn't just a hot guy with only one thing in mind, he was fragile and emotional — he was human.

"Once I get Vincent the helps he needs, we can hang more," I promised.

"Do you love him?"

I wasn't prepared, but the answer was crystal clear. "I do."

He nodded, half a smile on his face. "I hope you find what you're looking for then."

"Thanks," I said, walking to the door but turning back one last time. "And hey, my answer to your questions is yes—I can and I would do all of those things with you. I know that doesn't really help or make you feel better, but don't think you aren't good enough, because you are. You won't be alone forever, even in the end of the world."

I stalked through Aura's web, finding the living room space out front empty and messy. I went up to her door and knocked deliberately. I stepped back, hands in my pockets, and waited for someone to answer, hoping for the best. When no one came, I knocked again.

"Aura?" I called awkwardly. "It's me, Lucian."


Was she truly missing? The thought made my nerves skyrocket through the roof. Lindsay was dead. She was attacked from the inside by one of the people meant to serve us. If I hadn't been there, I would've never known what happened. I couldn't be everywhere at once, so was she dead? Were they all attacked by the same attendant?

I knocked again, this time harder.

Would I get in trouble if I let myself in? Only one way to find out.

I swiped my bracelet over the scanner and barged inside when the door clicked. The air was different this time around. When Vincent and I first came here for the party, it was freezing cold, now it was warm, like a stove had been left on. The kitchen was empty and all of the lights refused to turn on.

"Hello?" I said.

Nobody answered. I discovered a chair tipped over and it could mean nothing, but why would they leave it like that? I had a bad feeling about all of this. I used my detective skills and searched every corner, finding absolutely nothing. It was as if they had disappeared into thin air, leaving no trace or clues behind.

Against my fear's wishes to remain downstairs, I pulled up my big boy pants and went up the staircase to search the second floor. All three rooms had their doors open. I started with the one to my left and moved clockwise until I entered what I assumed was Aura's room.

The entire floor was covered in a sticky, stringy substance. They were spider webs. The webs spread from wall to wall and furniture to furniture, creating a white mess of tangles. I tried to shove my hand through but found that the webs were unusually strong and ultimately indestructible.

The spider that attacked Vincent was real.

I headed out of the room quickly, not wanting to spend another second in Aura's room in case the spider decided to come back. As I ran down the stairs, I noticed more webs that I hadn't seen before. They were all over the wall and wrapped around the staircase. Curiously, I walked to the back of what I thought was a simple staircase, but the webs disappeared into the floor.

"What?" I said out loud as I investigated, placing my hand directly over the web behind the wall. I tugged, but it wouldn't come off, like it was stuck inside. I checked the wall behind the staircase and pressed with all of my strength. A secret door appeared.

It was too dark to tell, but the secret door revealed a trap door. These Web 1 rooms seemed to have a basement as well. Could Aura be hiding down there? The trap door was big enough for a human to go through, but not a giant spider.

"Aura? Are you down there?" I called.

Something was telling me to go down there and that something was not my brain. My brain wanted me to leave as soon as possible. But what if Aura was down there and she was hurt?

I pondered for a minute before deciding to just go for it. I was no hero, but I was no pussy either. I lifted the trap door and went inside, stepping down shaky stairs. I raised my hand and turned on the handy flashlight on my bracelet.

There were dozens of boxes stacked on top of each other in a corner and a few tools, but it just looked like an ordinary — oh god. I tripped backwards when the light hit her face. My body instantly felt heavy and it was slowly shutting down as I tried to move back the light. Aura was on the floor, wrapped in webs. Half of her face was dangling backwards, barely hanging on by the piece of flesh that remained. Her eyes were still open, watching the stairs where I stood. There was no blood or foul smell, just her lifeless body, mutilated and left abandoned.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I wanted to run away but my legs wouldn't move.

How could this have happened? Did the others fall victim to this spider? Who was next?

As I thought that, the ground shook. I imagined a gargantuan spider crawling over my head, its heavy legs stomping heavily. The boxes rattled loudly before rolling over and crashing down. Aura's face snapped off and landed on the floor with a loud squish sound that made me sick. I hurried back to the stairs and climbed up as the quake strengthened. I ran without looking back and left Aura's place. The hall outside was dark, the power must have been cut off due to the tremors. I could hear familiar sirens blaring in the distance. The entire web was too dark for me to run through, so I kept my back against the wall and moved.

So many things were going through my head, but my number one priority was getting back to Vincent. This could be a simple earthquake or we might be getting attacked again, only this time harder with no way to escape it.

The gate was wide open like it had malfunctioned. I went through and squinted my eyes as burning red lights flashed all around the main hall. Something bad must have happened because all of the gates were open. People were dashing out of their webs and running towards the center.

"EVERYONE MOVE!" I heard Calista scream as she walked out of Web 2.

"CALISTA!" I shouted over the sirens.

She noticed me and pointed down the hall. "LUCIAN, RUN TO THE CENTER!"




My heart beat frantically as I bolted through the crowd of panic ridden strangers. I heard Calista shouting my name but I couldn't stop and leave Vincent behind. I had nobody else in this world, I was not going to let him go. Behind me, I could also hear the baying of the crowd as they all at once tried to shove their way into the center and realizing not everyone could fit as it filled from all directions.

When I reached the final web, I darted through without stopping, pale fingers curled into fists at my side, swinging forward as my history of track did the rest.

"LUCIAN STOP!" Calista screamed behind me once again.

I ignored her until I found my room. The door was open and Vincent wasn't inside.

"Where is he?"

"LUCIAN!" Calista caught up, her face was glistening with sweat and was fighting for breath. "PLEASE! COME TO THE CENTER! IT'S NOT SAFE OUT HERE!" She was still screaming even though the sirens in this web were fairly low.

"Have you seen Vincent?" I asked her as I walked inside our room. Both beds were empty. Mine had been neatly made for almost two weeks since we had decided to sleep in the same one. The bathroom was empty as well.

Calista stood by the door and watched me as I bent down to look under the bed or anywhere a person could hide.

"Lucian, please. It's dangerous out here."

I looked at her. "Why is it dangerous? Thought you didn't know what's going on?"

Her eyes were wide with emotion and worry. She had a face like a mother who was struggling to tell her children she was sick.

"We lost control of the bunker, Lucian," she said, her voice was quiet and tiny. "Captain Saki tried to keep it a secret, but it's all been piling up. We don't know what's happening. People are dying and we can't figure out why."

"It's the spider."

"Spider?" she repeated, confused. "What spider?"

"The spider that attacked Vincent? Did she not tell you about it?"

She shook her head, eyebrows pulling deeper in confusion. "If there was a spider, someone would have reported it. We only got reports of people killing each other, not spiders."

"People are killing each other? What?"

"Yeah. I haven't seen it myself but people have reported seeing someone killing another in the most gruesome detail. What makes it so difficult to investigate is that they are never seen again. The killer and the victim."

"How? There's nowhere to go to."

"Like I said, I don't know. We've checked everywhere and have talked to everyone."

"Are there secret rooms?" I asked, remembering the trap door.

"No, why?"

"I found a secret room in Aura's place," I said.

"Why were you at Aura's place? Hasn't she been missing like the others?"

"Yeah, that's why I was there," I replied, squinting my eyes at her tone. "Hunter told me she revoked his access to her web, but I still have mine. I went over to see if she was there, since I didn't know she was missing. I've been busy taking care of Vincent."

"Did you find her?"

I bent down and picked up the duffel bag from under my bed, wondering how to respectfully word it. "Y-Yeah. Her room was filled with webs and they led me straight to the secret door behind the staircase."

"Behind the staircase?"

"If you push the wall, it opens. There's a trap door inside. That's where I found her . . . dead."

"WHAT?" she yelled as I sat down on my bed with the duffel bag.

I swallowed. "T-The way she died, it . . . it wasn't done by a human being. The spider did it."

"I'm so confused," she said. "I've never been told about this spider."

"Supposedly it's the size of a horse, according to Vincent."

"How? How is something that big in the bunker and no one besides Vincent has seen it? Have you?"

"No, but I saw the webs. They were as thick as ropes and stronger."

"What is that?" she asked as I pulled out the envelopes.

"While I was with Hunter, he told me something I didn't know — my father helped design the bunker."

"Really? I know there were five people working on it, but I don't know any of their names."

"I remembered seeing blueprints in the duffel bag I came in with. Before he died, he told me to take the bag and run. It must have been seriously important, but I didn't know until now." I pulled out the blueprints from the first folder and my mouth gaped open. I had skimmed through them the first time I saw them, so I never noticed the clear spider web design, and all of the secret rooms and floors hidden behind the walls. "Is this real?"

Calista walked forward and took the blueprints from my hands. "What is this? There's no way. I've never seen this. The attendant's dormitory is the only place that doesn't show on the map."

"My father had these for a reason."

She shoved them back into my hands. "It can't be. Why would the Chief keep it from us? If those blueprints are correct, then we might be dealing with something bigger here. Have you shown these to anyone?"

"No, they've been in the duffel bag under my bed."

"Has Vincent seen them?"

"I don't think so."

"Are you sure? Think about it. If a giant spider did attack Vincent, then how is it possible that no one has seen it?"

"Because everyone that did died?"

"With these blueprints, you could go unnoticed for years. I think—" She gasped loudly as something black and sharp pierced through her chest. She whimpered as she looked down, blood beginning to pour from her lips. She was lifted in the air and the pain she must have felt was enough to send her screaming one last time as the black object sliced upwards and split her in half, spraying the walls with blood and guts. Her body dropped in front of me on the floor and painted my shoes red. I watched in horror as her body twitched, the two parts unfolding as her insides spilled on the floor.

All at once, the sirens stopped and the red lights switched off. I was in pure darkness except for the dim light from the television on the wall. For a moment, I thought I heard breathing next to me. I cowered back and lifted my blankets over my head, shivering at the cold air I felt as if someone had walked past the bed.

The lights came back on and I could see a faint shadow standing in front of me. The shape was humanoid but wasn't close to being human, unless us humans had extra limbs. The shadow watched me for a couple of seconds as I trembled under the false safety of the blanket.

"Lucian?" said the shadow, but it couldn't be.

My heart beat faster than ever before. It was Vincent's voice.

I slowly pulled off the blankets, keeping my eyes on the figure with the odd shape. As I peeled off the last layer of fabric, Vincent came into full view. It was really him. But the figure was the total opposite of Vincent, how could that be? I was sure of what I saw.

"Vincent, watch out, Calis—" Her body was gone. There was no blood or sign that her body had ever been there. I carefully left my bed and examined the spotless floor. "I swear she was right here."

"What are you talking about?" he said.

"Calista," I replied, looking back at him. "She was killed right in front of me. It just happened."

Did I imagine it all?


[Author's Message]: OMG! Only one more chapter to go. Not sure when the next chapter will be released, but before October is over. This chapter is everything I've been waiting for, the idea I got that inspired this story in the first place. I'm STILL working on it and it's very difficult to make it perfect. I am STRUGGLING guys. STRUGGLING! But thank you for the support, gosh I can't get over how many of you actually truly enjoy this story and I can't wait for you to read the next chapter. Make sure you save any questions you have for the last chapter so I can answer them in the FAQ. <3 Leave me a nice comment telling me what you think so far!

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