Chapter Twelve

I was thinking how I could get things off my mind. It was silent for about twenty minutes between me and Amber. She noticed that I didn't really feel like talking.

"Athalia why don't we go out, get things off your mind" Amber said

"I don't really feel like going out Ambs" I said

"I think it will help though" Amber said

I shrugged my shoulders and finally just gave in.

"I guess. Let me get my jacket" I said

Amber then nodded her head. We both then headed out. Dylan was already at the house waiting in the car. Amber then got into the passenger seat and I got in the back. When I got in the car i've seen that Dylan had brought Trevor. Me and Trevor had made eye contact. We quickly then looked separate ways. I had looked out the window the whole time. It was quiet the whole time besides that Amber was playing music.

We have finally arrived to a diner. We all got out of the car and walked towards the diner. Dylan and Trevor was walking in front of us. Before Amber took off farther I had pulled her back.

"Can we talk?" I asked

We both went to the bathroom to talk.

"What is it?" Amber asked

"I thought it was just going to be you, me and Dylan. I didn't know Trevor was tagging along" I said

"I'm sorry, I didn't know Trevor was coming." Amber said

"I mean I was trying to get things off my mind but him being here is just going to make me think more" I said

"Do you want me to ask Dylan to tell him to leave?" Amber asked

"No, no, that will be too harsh. It's fine, but thank you Ambs" I said

Amber then smiled.

"Are you ready to go back to them?" Amber asked

I then nodded my head.

We both headed to the boys. Amber sat down beside Dylan in a booth. I then looked at Trevor and he had looked back at me. I then just sat down next to him. I had seen that there was already food on table. I then looked at Dylan.

"Did you order this for me Dylan?" I asked

"Actually, no" Dylan said looking towards Trevor's direction

"I did" Trevor said

Athalia then stared at him.

"If you don't like it we can order something else" Trevor said

"No, no, it's fine. This is my original order. Thank you" I said

"Your welcome" Trevor said

We all then started to eat our food.

When we was done we all just was having conversations. Amber and Dylan then went to go pay for the food. They have left me and Trevor at the booth. It was a little awkward at first but then Trevor started a conversation.

"How have you been?" Trevor asked

"Oh, i've been alright. How have you been?" I asked

"I've been alright too it could be better" Trevor said

[Jackson's point of view]

I was getting out of my car heading towards a diner. I wanted to grab something to eat. When I was making my way to the door I have seen that Athalia was with Trevor. They were really close to each other.

I was so mad. Why was she with him? After we kissed she wanted to go out with him.

I then didn't feel like eating anymore. I have lost my appetite. I walked back to my car and drove off.

[Athalia's point of view]

Trevor and I were still talking. Amber and Dylan then came over back to us.

"We can go now" Dylan said

We all then started to walk out to the car.

"Do y'all want to go watch a movie?" Dylan asked

"I think i'm going to go home it's kind of getting late"  Trevor said

Dylan then had went to go drop off Trevor at home.

"Goodnight everyone" Trevor said leaving the car

"Goodnight" Everyone said

Dylan then drove off and headed over to my house. Amber and Dylan wanted to watch a movie but I really didn't feel like watching a movie.

"Hey, I think i'm just going to go to bed for school tomorrow" I said

"Get some good sleep Athalia" Amber said

"Thank you" I said

I made my way to my door. When I got into the house all lights were out. Everyone was already sleeping. I quietly went upstairs to my room.

I got ready for bed. I then got into my bed. I tried closing my eyes but I couldn't really sleep. I then just shut my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up from Zack pounding on my door.

"Athalia get up. We're going to be late." Zack shouted

"I'm up" I said groaning

I hurried up and threw some clothes on. I then hurried up and did my hair. I didn't have time to do my makeup.

I then ran downstairs the stairs and out the door. Zack was already waiting in the car. I finally got into the car.

"Next time i'm leaving you" Zack said

Zack didn't even look at me saying that. I think he was still mad about the whole thing with Jackson.

"What's up your ass?" I asked

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Zack asked playing dumb

"Whatever" I said

We had finally arrived to school. When I was getting out of the car I have seen Amber and Dylan walking into school with each other. I hurried up and ran towards them.

"Hi Ambs" I said

"Hi babes" Amber said

"Hey Dylan" I said

"Hi Athalia" Dylan said

We all walked into the school. Amber and Dylan walked to their lockers. I got to my locker. I opened it up and got all the things I needed for my classes. I closed my locker. I was about to go to my class but then I seen Jackson.

"Jackson" I shouted

Jackson didn't look back at me. I thought he didn't hear me so I tried catching up to him.

"Hi!" Athalia said in an exciting tone

Jackson had looked at me but then looked away.

"Are you ok?" I asked

No answer from him again. I started to get annoyed by the silent treatment.

"The silent treatment again?" I asked

Jackson stopped walking and then just looked at me.

"I don't have time for this, I need to get to class" Jackson said walking off

Jackson had left me there. I then just walked off to my class.

Time has passed by and school was over. I was walking out by myself. Amber and Dylan already had left. I had them seen Jackson was walking to his car. I walked over to him.

"Jackson" I said

Jackson then turned around.

"Why, why are you giving me the silent treatment again?" I asked

Jackson didn't say anything at first but then he did.

"Do you still have feelings for Trevor?" Jackson asked

"Wait, this is about Trevor?" I asked

Jackson didn't say anything he waited for me to answer his question.

"Jackson, Trevor and I haven't even been broken up for long to not still have feelings" I said

The color in Jackson's face had went grey.

"Then why kiss me if you still have feelings for him?" Jackson asked

"Jackson I like you a lot and it scares the shit out of me but i'm not going to lie to your face" I said

"What even made you think about this?" I asked

"I seen you two with each other at a diner" Jackson said sighing

"Jackson, you know that wasn't anything right? Amber and Dylan had invited us both to go out. I didn't even know he was coming" I said

"It looked more then just a hang out" Jackson said

I then looked at him. I couldn't believe that he took everything out of context. He didn't even care to come to me and ask about it.

"This is what you do, you take everything out of context. Why do you just assume?" I asked

"This is what I hate what you do" I said

"You hate me?" Jackson asked trembling over his words

"I didn't say I hate you, I said this is what I hate what you do" I said

He clenched his jaw.

"I need time away from you" Jackson said

My face had dropped. Why was he acting like this. All just because I was talking with Trevor. It wasn't even like that.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked

Jackson didn't say anything.

"You know what Jackson this is very childish of you. I really don't understand why your taking it to far. Me and Trevor wasn't even talking like that. So, no when your ready to not act like a child then you can come to talk to me" I said

I then walked away leaving Jackson there. I walked to my brother's car. He was waiting for me in the parking lot. I got in the car.

"What was you and Jackson talking about?" Zack asked

"I told him things weren't going to work out" I said looking over to Zack

Zack was looking at the road but then looked over at me.

"What isn't that what you wanted?" I asked

Zack then looked over back at the road and didn't say anything.

I wanted to make Zack believe that there wasn't anything between me and Jackson. I think i'm trying to convince myself that now. After that argument with him.

Zack had finally pulled into the driveway. We both got out the car. We went inside the house.

I had went straight to my room. I didn't talk to my parents when I came into the house. I just wanted to be alone.

I didn't really understand why Jackson got all mad over me and Trevor. There wasn't even anything happening between me and Trevor. We're just two people that have broken up, and now are trying to be civil and be friends.

I felt the need to rant about this to Amber. I had called her up and told her if she could make her way to my house.

It's already been twenty minutes i've been waiting for Amber. Until she finally had made it to my house. We both had went up to my room so I could tell her everything.

"What happened?" Amber asked.

I then had sighed.

"I don't think me and Jackson are going anywhere else" I said.

Amber had looked at me in confusion trying to figure out what I meant by that.

I then took the hint that she didn't get what I was saying.

"Jackson and I had got into an argument about Trevor" I said

"Trevor?" Amber asked.

"Jackson thinks that Trevor and I still have a thing for each other" I said.

"Why though?" Amber asked.

"He had seen me and Trevor that night when we were all at the diner together. He thought that me and him were on a date" I said.

"But you guys weren't. You didn't even know Dylan had invited him to come eat with us" Amber said

"Exactly, and I had told him when he wants to grow up and see that I don't want anything to do with Trevor, then he can come talk to me." I said

Amber then didn't say anything. I think she was thinking to herself. But then she finally had said something.

"I think you need to get things of your mind again" Amber said.

I then looked at her.

"If this involves me going out with Trevor again then count me out, that's what got me in this mess" I said.

"No silly. There's a party not too far from here. I think it's at Flynn's house" Amber said.

I didn't say anything at first. I had thought back to when Flynn had one of those parties he had thrown. All when everything went down with Trevor. I then stopped thinking of that moment and went back to what Amber had said.

"That don't seem to bad. We should go" I said.

Amber then looked at her outfit and had seen what she was wearing. She then had looked back up at me.

"You got anything that I could wear?" Amber asked

I then had smiled at her.

I was going through my closet trying to find something for Amber. I had laid all the clothes on my bed, so that Amber could find an outfit. Amber had tried mostly all of clothes on but she seemed to not like anything on her. I could see that she was struggling.

"Ambs you look good in all of these. What's the matter?" I asked.

"I don't like how it looks on my body" Amber said

"Your literally a hot pregnant women" I said

Amber wasn't rarely showing but even though you couldn't see anything, Amber herself didn't feel so good about herself.

Amber had smiled at her and then finally tried the last thing on in her closet.

"I guess this will do" Amber said.

I then finally went to go try on my outfit, after helping Amber's with hers.

"It's fine that Dylan comes right" Amber asked.

"Well of course he can" I said.

Amber and I were about to leave my room but then I had stopped her.

"Amber" I said.

"Yes?" Amber asked

"You're going to tell him right?" I asked

She already had knew what I was talking about.

"Yes, i'm just really scared" Amber said.

"I understand" I said.

"I'll try to tell him tonight" Amber said.

I then nodded my head.

We both then had left my room. We both went downstairs then out the door. Dylan was already here waiting outside in his car for us. We both made our way to the car. I slid my bottom into the seat. Dylan and Amber had kissed. And Dylan had turned around so that he was looking at me now.

"Hi, Athalia" Dylan said.

"Hi, Dylan!!" I said.

"What have you two been up to?" Dylan asked.

"Just picking our outfits out for the party. It took us ages to find" I said.

"The concept of being a girl" Amber said.

We all then had laughed at what Amber said, She also had laughed at what was said by herself.

We had finally made it to the party. Dylan had pulled into the driveway.

We had all gotten out of the car and made our way into the house of crowded people. Dylan had seen some people he already knew. They were coming up to him shaking his hand and greeting him. One of the other guys had asked him to join them. Where they were playing beer pong. Dylan then had looked back at Amber. He was trying to get her approval.

"Do you guys want to join?" Dylan asked.

"I'm fine but thank you" I said.

Amber was looking at Dylan but then she looked at me.

"I'm actually going to stay with Athalia but go have fun" Amber said

Dylan then had nodded his head. He had kissed her a goodbye and went off to join the guys.

Amber and I then were sitting on a sofa. We were just chatting until Flynn had made his way over to us.

"Hello ladies" Flynn said

Flynn had two beers in his hand.

"Do you guys want one?" Flynn asked.

"Yes, please" I said.

"No, thank you" Amber said

Amber had said no because she had found out that she was pregnant. But of course no one hasn't knew that accept me.

Flynn had handed me a beer. I had popped off the top and stared to take sips of the beer.

I then had heard a song that sounded familiar. It was one of me and Amber's favorite songs. I had shot my head up and looked at her. I had smiled

I had got up front the couch.

"Come on" I said holding my had out to Amber

Amber then got up. I had lead the way to where we were going to dance. Amber and I then started to dance. We were dancing for quite a while. Amber had kept looking over at Dylan. It seemed like she wanted to go talk to him.

"Hey, is it fine if I go talk to Dyl.." Amber said.

she tried to finish her sentence but then I kind of cut her off.

"Yes, go, I already know" I said.

Amber then smiled at me.

I had watched her walk away from me. I now realized I was alone. I looked around but didn't see anyone I knew.

I walked into the kitchen and got another beer. I popped the lid open and started to drink it. I had gotten finished with that one so I got another one. I was about the open the lid for that one but then I heard a voice.

"I think that's enough" Jackson said.

Jackson had taken the beer away from me. I tired to get it back but his grip was way too strong.

"No, no" I said smacking my head.

"No, what?" Jackson asked.

"I'm trying to take all my thoughts away but you being here isn't helping" I said.

"You're thinking about me?" Jackson asked.

"No, I didn't say that" I said laughing

"You didn't have to" Jackson said.

I then didn't say anything. I then said something else to change the subject.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked.

"I can't enjoy myself at a party?" Jackson asked.

I then didn't say anything. I had went back to earlier when all that happened between him and I.

"We should get you home" Jackson said.

"I don't think so" I said smiling.

"I think so" Jackson said.

"Wait no Amber's still here. I came with her and Dylan" I said.

"She had her boyfriend but you are on your own so let's go" Jackson said.

[Amber's point of view]

I had felt nervous going up to Dylan. I had told him that we should talk. We both went to go find a private place where we could talk. We had found an empty room. We both made our way into the room and sat on the bed.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Dylan asked.

I had froze, I didn't want to tell him just yet. I had try to find something I could make up to him. I felt like I was ready to tell him but I wasn't. I felt like he was going to be disappointed in me.

"Babe, are you ok?" Dylan asked.

I then looked over at him.

"I just wanted to tell you about Athalia. She's kind of going through a lot right and I was going to stay with her this week. I know how we planned that we were going to a cabin for Thanksgiving" I said.

"It's ok, I understand. Your best friend needs you. We can try to plan something else another time" Dylan said.

I then had smiled. But then I realized I have actually canceled my plan that we had together. All just for something I didn't actually want to share with him.

He then pulled me into a hug, kissing my forehead. I then looked up at him and pulled him into a kiss. That kiss had lead out to making out. After a while we were making out I had felt weird. I felt really nauseous, even felt like I was going to throw up. I had pulled away from Dylan and put my hand over my mouth.

"Are you ok?" Dylan asked.

I don't say anything because the vomit was about to come up from my mouth. I had ran towards the bathroom. I hurried up and threw the toilet seat up. I then started to puke non stop. Dylan had came into the bathroom and help my hair up for me. He had his arm on my back rubbing it, trying to give me comfort.

I then finally had stopped. I had put my head on Dylan's.

"Are you ok?" Dylan asked.

"I think it was something I ate" I said.

I was lying right to his face. I don't like lying to him. In fact this is my first time I have ever lied about anything to him.

"Let's get you home" Dylan said.

He then had picked me up.

[Athalia's point of view]

Jackson had carried me out to his car. He gently put me into the car. He had went around to the drivers seat.

I was looking out the window the whole car ride but then I noticed that Jackson had went different way then the usual way he goes to my house.

"Jackson you missed the turn" I said.

I was still looking out the window.

"We're not going to your place" Jackson said.

I then had looked away from the window and over to Jackson.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"If we take you home then your brother is going to know that his little sister is drunk and do you remember what happened last time her found out you was not sober?" Jackson asked.

I then remembered what he was taking about. He was talking about what happened last time at one of Flynn's party. When Trevor had found about me and him kissed. I was very drunk and blabbed my mouth out about it.

"We're going to my place" Jackson said.

I then didn't say anything. I have approved that Jackson was taking me to his place.

We had finally got to his place. Jackson had gotten out of the car and opened the door for me. I was about to get out but then Jackson had picked me up out of the car. He knew that I was too drunk to be walking. He had carried me all the way into the house into his room. He had gently laid me onto his bed, tucking me into the sheets. He was about to leave but then I stopped him.

"Where are you sleeping?" I asked.

"My parents are out of town for the weekend. So, i'll be in their room" Jackson said.

"You know you can stay in here if you want" I said.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Jackson said

"Why not?" I asked

Jackson hadn't said anything. He had looked at me a moment but then came over to me. He had got into the bed with me. he had left some space in between us.

It was silent for a moment but then I had broken the silence.

"Jackson" I said.

"Yes, Athalia?" Jackson asked

"I really like you" I said with my eyes shut closed.

I hadn't seen that Jackson looked over at me not saying anything. He didn't really know what to say. He was just very shocked.

"Good night Athalia" Jackson said.

He had ignored what I said.

I felt so tired. My eye sight started to feel really blurry. I couldn't help but to fall asleep.

We both were sleeping in the same bed together really close to each other.

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