Chapter Three
Trevor gets home and opens the door quietly suddenly the lights go on, and Trevor sees his dad sitting on the couch, waiting for him patiently
"Dad, aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"Trevor said scared
"Where the fuck were you?" said Mr Black angrily
"I was studying with Travis and his friends," Trevor said scared
"Are you lying to me?" said Mr Black
"No Sir I'm telling the truth," said Trevor
"Are you sure cause I called his friend's house and their mom told me you weren't there" said Mr Black
"Sir I promise I was there," said Trevor
"Yeah Dad," said Travis
"I know you will tell me the truth son was Trevor there studying with you and your friends now be honest Travis," said Mr. Black
"Umm...He wasn't there" said Travis scared
"Thanks, Travis that's why you are my favorite son instead of this little Brat you know you remind me so much like your mom," said Mr.Black angrily
"You know what I probably am Grandma thinks I'm like her too and all I ever wanted is to move with her why don't you tell me about her" said Trevor getting mad
"You want to meet that cheater of your mother" said Mr Black angrily
then punched Trevor in the eye and punched him in the lip Trevor stopped His father's hand
"This is the last time you put a hand on me," said Trevor
Trevor then punched his father and walked away
"TREVOR GET BACK HERE NOW," said Mr.Black wiping his blood off
Trevor runs upstairs and Travis stops him
"Are you okay you bleeding in your lip?" said Travis worried
"What the fuck Travis you always told me if anyone lay a hand on me you will do something and always protect me but when it's the dad you run away," said Trevor angrily
"Trevor I'm sorry," said Travis getting sad
"I just want to meet our mom so I can live with her and get out of this life," said Trevor angrily
"You want to meet that horrible person who abandoned us, at least, Dad took us and took care of us at least he did it, and abandoned us like that woman who is a cheater and left our dad for a man who left us for a man," said Travis angrily
"How can you say that if you never met her and you call but hitting us and treat us like shit is good care Mom left because dad Abused her, and she found a man who treated her right," said Trevor
"Okay why didn't she take us with her...she probably has another kid that she loves and us what we just kids got she left because of a bad marriage what kind of mother is that," said Travis angrily
"you know what you just like our father you both are ..." said Trevor angrily
"We are what...Trevor say it," said Travis angrily
"You are a coward, you and he are a coward, and useless person a piece of shit person too...Travis if keep acting like this you might end up on bad terms" said Trevor
"Fuck you Trevor and how am I going to end up on bad terms for listening to my dad who cares for me," said Travis
"You know what if you don't want to listen to me then I don't want to talk to you and see you," said Trevor angrily
"Wait Trevor I'm sorry," said Travis
Travis tries to stop Trevor and he turns around and punches Travis
"I don't want to see you or talk to you ever again you hear me" said Trevor
Trevor walks into his room and slams the door
-The next day
Athalia wakes up and hears the phone rings
"Hello," I said waking up and talking on the phone
"Hey do you want to come and eat breakfast and then go to the mall with Me and Dylan you can invite Trevor if you want," said Amber
"Yeah I will ask him let me text him," I said
"Okay just let me know what he'd say," said Amber
"Hey good morning Trevor I was wondering if you want to come can get breakfast and then go to the mall with Me, Amber, and Dylan," I said calling Trevor
"Sure I would love to but can you pick me up because My car broke down if that's fine," said Trevor
"Okay see you later," I said
Okay bye see you later" said Trevor
Athalia hangs up and calls Amber again
"So what did he say?" said Amber
"He said sure but you have to pick him up because his car doesn't work," I said
"Alright that's fine we will pick him up first then you," said Amber
"Alright I'm going to take a shower," I said
"Okay I will call you when I'm near," said Amber
"Okay see you later bye," I said
1 hour later Athalia goes outside and waits for Amber Dylan and Jackson put up at the drive-thru
"Hey Athalia where are you going so beautiful," said Jackson
"Hey stop flirting with my sister Jack," said Zack coming outside
"Shut up Zack," I said yelling at him
"Where are you going?" said Zack
"Somewhere," I said
"Where is somewhere," said Zack
Amber, Dylan, and Trevor pull up to the drive-thru and get out of the car
"Are you ready to go?" said Amber
"Hey cutie," I said running to Trevor for a hug and kiss on the lips
"Hey baby how are you"," said Trevor kissing back on the lips
Jackson starts to get jealous and Zack notices
"What happened to your eye and lip" I said worried
"Nothing just some kids hit me with a ball when they were playing soccer," said Trevor
"Damn you let a little kid hit you with a ball," said Zack
"Shut Zack," said, Jackson
"Are you sure you're okay?" I said worried
"Yeah I'm okay," said Trevor
"Are you sure that was a ball hit for me looks like a punch" said Jackson wondering
"Come on guys let's go eat IHOP," said Amber
"Can we come I'm really hungry" said Zack
"Yeah sure but there's not enough space," said Trevor
"That's fine I will take my car," said Zack
"Okay let's go I'm getting hungry," said Dylan
Everybody gets in the car and gets to Ihop and they go inside and get a take and order food
"So do you guys know the new girl" said Dylan
"Yeah are you talking about Nicole Diaz" said Jackson
"Yeah, how do you know her?" said Dylan
"She is my honor math class, she's nice and smart and kinda funny she always makes me laugh," said Jackson
"No, she's just a spoiled brat who thinks she's better than anyone just because she's rich," I said jealously
"No, she's really nice," said Jackson
"So I heard you and Trevor are together," said Dylan
"Yeah we are and I'm happy because I'm dating this beautiful girl," said Treveo going for a kiss on the cheeks
Jackson starting to get jealous
"You guys make a cute couple," said Amber
"Trevor hey," said Travis
"Travis, what are you doing here?" said Trevor
"Im going to pick up the food I ordered for me and Dad," said Travis
"Is Dad here?" said Trevor nervous
"No, he's at home just wait a moment let me get my food," said Travis
Travis goes get the food and comes back
"So you Trevor Brother I might guess," said Zack
"Yeah, your Zack...Zack Reyes with the whitest name and a Hispanic last name and the best football player and Captain with Jackson Hills" said Travis
"My mom named me and she is white and my dad named Athalia and I have a Hispanic name my full name is Zack Juan Reyes and Athalia is Athalia Maria Reyes My dad decided to have our second name after his parents because we didn't get to meet them," said Zack
"Oh I'm sorry for your loss," said Travis
"It's okay," said Zack
"Hi I'm Amber," said Amber
"Hi I'm Travis You are Beautiful," said Travis admiring Amber's eyes
"Hey Dude I'm Dylan the boyfriend," said Dylan jealously
"Shouldn't you be heading home Dad is probably hungry" said Trevor
"Yeah you're right well nice meeting you all," said Travis
"Hey let me help you take it to the car," said Trevor
"Oh okay it's not a lot but okay," said Travis
"What the fuck is wrong with you," said Trevor angrily
"What do you mean" said Travis
"You knew I was coming here you heard when Athalia called me because when she hung up I opened My door and saw you hearing before you ran to your room," said Trevor
"I wanted to apologize," said Travis
"I said I never want to see you ever again don't you understand" said Trevor
"Im sorry I know I been a bad brother and a.." said Travis
"A coward a fucking coward I don't want to tell you what I even doing," said Trevor
"What have you been doing?" said Travis wondering
"I have been trying to find Mom for two weeks," said Trevor
"What why?" said Travis angrily
"Cause I want to live with her I don't want to live with Dad anymore he doesn't treat us right," said Trevor
"And what if she doesn't even want you have you been thinking about that" said Travis
"You know what Fuck you Travis you always want to protect Dad when he's a coward and a horrible person just like you," said Trevor angrily
"You such a bitch Trevor, sometimes you're just like Dad," said Travis angrily
"NEVER TELL ME I'M MY FATHER," said Trevor angrily
Then Trevor punches Travis and they get into a fight Trevor keeps punching Travis then people start coming out
"What the hell Trevor stop," I said scared
"Trevor stop Dylan do something," said Amber scared
Dylan and Jackson hold Trevor and Zack hold Travis
"Im leaving," said Travis
Travis gets into his car and drives away
"Trevor you need to calm down," I said scared
"Yeah I just need to be alone," said Trevor trying to calm down
"Trevor let me help you please let's talk about why are you feeling this way," I said
"Hey take that tone down with my sister," said Zack
"I'm sorry Athalia I just need to be alone," said Trevor sad
Trevor starts to walk away
"Wait Trevor, please," I said crying
"It's okay Athalia just give him time let go eat and if you don't come back after breakfast we go find him I promise," said Amber Hugging Athalia
I had never been yelled at before not like Trevor did not even when Zack yelled at me before but I know he's going through something and I want to help him. I am going to him
"They get their food and 45 minutes later
"Guys I will be back I need some fresh air," I said worried about Trevor
Athalia goes outside and sits down near a bench
" Let me go check on her," said Jackson
Jackson goes outside to follow her
"Hey are you okay" said Jackson
"Yeah I'm just worried about Trevor," I said sadly
"He will be okay he just needs time alone," said Jackson
"I'm just scared for him I'm scared cause he has a black eye and busted lip and I've never seen him mad," I said starting to cry
"Hey it's okay I'm here for you always okay I promise I will never leave you never," said Jackson going to hug Athalia
Jackson and Athalia hugging Each other
"Thank you, Jackson," I said hugging Jackson
"No problem," said Jackson
"Jackson I...I...I lov" I said stuttering
"Yeah...You what" said Jackson
They start to get close
"Athalia I can't stop..." said Jackson trying to finish what he going to say
"Hey guys come on we are going to find Trevor," said Amber
Jackson and Athalia back away from each other
"Yeah I'm going with you guys," I said wiping my tears away
"Yeah me too I will go with Zack in his car to find him we will call him if we find him," said Jackson
"Alright let us know good luck," said Amber
Meanwhile, Trevor is at the store
"Hey are you okay" said Nicole
"Yeah I'm good," said Trevor
"Your Trevor people say you the new kid but that something weird with your dad and brother," said Nicole
Trevor pushes Nicole into the wall
"Get off on me you jerk," said Nicole scared
Jackson arrives at the store, looking for Trevor, and sees
"Trevor let her," said Jackson
"What's wrong with you," said Nicole
"I'm so sorry Nicole," said Trevor crying
"Are you sure you okay Trevor?" said Nicole worried
"No, I'm not I'm sorry please I'm sorry don't tell anyone, please," said Trevor
"'s okay everything will be okay," said Nicole
"Trevor Athalia is looking for and calling your phone like crazy," said Jackson
"I know but right now I'm just not in the right place right now," said Trevor
"Jackson is better if you leave just let me talk to him," said Nicole
"Yeah I will since he doesn't care about Athalia," said Jackson
"Don't say that I care about her so much I pushing her away because I love her and want to protect her" said Trevor
"If you love her you. You wouldn't even hurt like that you.." said Jackson angrily
"Jackson shut up and go now," said Nicole
"I'm so sorry Nicole I didn't mean to hurt you," said Trevor
"It's okay just tell me why are you acting like this," said Nicole
"Hey Athalia I found him he's at this store called The America Choice it's like a jewelry store," said Jackson Calling Athalia
"Why would he be at a Jewelry Store," I said wondering
"I don't know," said Jackson
"Tell me what's happening Trevor," said Nicole
"I'm scared really scared," said Trevor
"Trevor look at me keep your eyes on me," said Nicole
Athalia and Amber, Dylan, Jackson, and Zack see Nicole grabbing Trevor and looking at each other eyes
"Trevor are you okay" I said jealously
"Athalia what are you doing" said Trevor
"Jackson I told you to let me talk to him," said Nicole
"No, you just want to be alone with him," I said angrily
"Athalia stop she was just trying to help me," said Trevor
"So did your girlfriend," said Jackson angrily
"Jackson SHUT UP this is none of your business alright so stay out of it," Trevor said angrily
"No stop Trevor you just push me away but you let someone else help you. You barely know her" I said angrily
"I didn't tell her anything because I wanted to tell you everything but I'm just scared to tell anyone," said Trevor scared
"Well tell us," said Jackson angrily
"Jackson Shut up you're making him feel worse," said Nicole
"How am I making this worse if he is making Athalia sad and she is trying to help him" said Jackson
"Jackon just shut up," said Zack
"Look Athalia he simply needs to be alone just for a day he will just keep having panic attacks," said Nicole
"STOP everyone stop I can't...I can't...I can't it breathe" said Trevor panicking
"Trevor calm down"," I said scared
I didn't know what to do he was having a panic attack and I was just standing there trying to calm him down until Nicole Diaz calmed him down I was happy he calmed down but jealous I don't know why I was jealous if I have or had feelings for Jackson but I know I have feelings for Trevor.
"Hey Trevor stay calm take slow breaths and calm Count down to 10 and think about someone you care about," Nicole said calmly
"Athalia I need Athalia to hold my hand," said Trevor trying to catch his breath
"I'm here Trevor here take my hand," I said trying to calm him down
Jackson starting to get jealous
"Hey Jackson are you okay," said Zack wondering
"Yeah I'm okay I'm just worried," said Jackson
"Let's talk outside," said Zack
Jackson and Zack go outside and talk
"Are you sure you are okay every time you see Trevor and Athalia you look at them weird" said Zack
"No I'm okay I promise," said Jackson
"Dude do you like my sister" said Zack wondering
"Never she's your little sister," said Jackson
"That better be the truth, Jackson you can never date my little sister you understand," said Zack
"Yeah of course I understand but what if one day we fall in love and start dating" said Jackson
"Then I let you date her but you break her heart that means we can't see each other or talk to each other cause my sister comes first you know that," said Zack
"Yeah I know," said Jackson
"Guys come in a hurry Trevor can't breathe," said Dylan scared
Zack and Jackson come inside running
"What happening to him" I said crying
"Hey it's okay Athalia," said Zack going to hug Athalia
"I hear the ambulance let me go get them," Dylan said scared
"Trevor it will be okay just stay with me," I said crying
"He's over here," said Dylan yelling at them
"I will go with him in the ambulance," said Dylan
"Call me whatever happens," said Amber
"I will see you later bye love you," said Dylan going for a kiss on the lips
"I want to go with him," I said
"No Athalia we are going home to calm you down," said Zack worrying about Athalia
"It will be okay Athalia I will stay with you all night okay so when Dylan calls me you will be the first to know when he's okay," said Amber
At Hospital
"Where's my brother," said Travis running up to the desk
"Who's your brother," said the nurse
"Trevor Hudson Black," said Travis scared
"He's okay," said Dylan
"What happened to him," said Travis
"He had a panic attack," said Dylan
"Not again is he hasn't had one in 2 years," said Travis
Mr.Black goes inside angrily
" Travis didn't I tell you to get him" said Mr.Black angrily
"Sir Hi I'm Dylan Trevor's friend...umm he's not doing good he had a panic attack and it was hard for him to breathe," said Dylan
"That little bastard always pretending okay so he doesn't have to go home," said Mr.Black
"Dad what if he does not feel good," said Travis
"GO TELL THEM TO GET MY SON NOW TRAVIS," said Mr.Black yelling at Travis and then raising his hand, and Travis flinching
"SIR what the hell is wrong with you don't you understand your son can't breathe well...If I ever see you put a hand on Trevor or Travis I will call the police" said Dylan
"How dare you threaten me you do it again I will kill you," said Mr.Black angrily
"Dad let's go I will come tomorrow to see okay let's just go...Im so sorry about him" said Travis walking away with his father
The next day
Amber called Dylan and asked about Trevor
"Hey how's Trevor," said Amber
"I don't know they haven't told me anything," said Dylan
"Have you been there all night?" said Amber
"Yeah," said Dylan yawning
"Do you want me to bring you something?" said Amber
"Yeah some food and clothes if that's fine," said Dylan
" Yeah I will be there in 1 hour," said Amber
"Where are you?" said Dylan
"I spend the night at Athlia's house to keep her company," said Amber
"Is anyone there around you?" said Dylan
"No I'm in the bathroom getting ready for school," said Amber
"Yesterday Travis came in for Trevor but not to see him get him out I told him he couldn't breathe well and he was not doing well and he told me It's not the first time he had a panic attack and then his father came in yelling to discharge him from the hospital and I told him that he in bad conditions but He acted
like didn't care and it didn't matter if he dying and just said he was probably acting again he raised his hand and Travis flinched and I told if you ever lay a hand Trevor I will call the cop and he told him to never threaten him, or he's gonna kill me but don't tell Athalia I don't want to worry her more, "said Dylan
"I won't and What the hell is wrong with him," said Amber
"Amber you've been there so long are you ready for school," I said yelling tho the door
"Yeah I'm coming," said Amber yelling back
"Just bring me food and clothes I'm not going to school just in case, Travis and his father come back and try to take him out of the hospital," said Dylan
"Okay I will be there and drop things out to see Trevor before me and Athalia go to school," said Amber
"Okay I will see you soon Babe love you," said Dylan
"Okay love you too," said Amber hanging up on Dylan
Amber gets out of the Bathroom
"Come on we are going to eat breakfast," I said
"No, I can buy something cause we are going to Dylan's house to get him clothes and leave for the hospital but if you want me to wait I can," said Amber
"No, we can buy something on the way," I said
"Hey how are you feeling," said Jackson
"Hey Jackson what are you doing here so early," I said wondering
"I spend the night but how's Trevor has anyone talked to Dylan," said Jackson
"Yeah he said they haven't told him anything," said Amber
"I think I'm going to check up on Trevor later," Jackson said
"Us too after school and we are going right now before school starts," I said
"Oh you guys are going right now I can come with you if you want," Jackson said
"No it's fine we see you later," Amber said
Amber and Athalia go to the car and pass Dylan to get clothes and pass fast food to get food for Dylan
"Hey Babe," said Amber going for a kiss on the lip
"Hey thank you that's why I love you," said Dylan
"Okay stop can I see Trevor before I go to school," I said worrying about Trevor
"Yeah let me ask," said Dylan
"It's okay Athalia Trevor is strong," said Amber
"Hi I was wondering If we could see Trevor Hudson Black for like 5 minutes," said Dylan asking the nurse
"Yeah Let me check his room number," said the nurse
"Okay Thank you," said Dylan
"Umm this is room 205," said the nurse
"Okay thank you so much," said Dylan
"what did they say" said Amber
"She said that his room number is 205," said Dylan
"Okay let's go I don't want to be late," I said
They go up to 205 to check on Trevor
"Is he awake?" said Amber wondering
"Yeah now I'm awake," said Trevor waking up
"Hey Trevor I was worried about you all night I miss you," I said hugging him and going for a kiss on the lip
"How are you feeling Dude," said Dylan
"I'm feeling calm," said Trevor
"That's good I hope you feel better Trevor," said Amber
"Thanks, Amber...Did anyone hear about my dad or brother" said Trevor
"Umm no, they haven't come to see you yet, "said Dylan
10 minutes pass
"Well I got to go I'm late," I said
"Yeah, Athalia I...I umm...I lov...I hope you have a good day in school" said Trevor trying to get the word out
"Bye Babe call me when you get to the school safe love you," said
"Yeah I will love you too," said Amber going for a kiss on the lip
"Bye Trevor," I said while going for a kiss on the lip
At school
"Jackson do you know where my sister why is she late my mom called me and told me Athalia didn't show up for her first class," said Zack wondering where her sister
"Yeah She told me in the morning that she and Amber went to the hospital to bring clothes, and food for Dylan and check on Trevor," said Jackson
"Hey boys I was wondering how you know well Trevor," Nicole said walking up to Zack and Jackson
"I mean not that long we just know him why he came here and about his brother that's all it," said Zack
"Well I found out something about His Father and Mother," said Nicole
"What is it" said Jackson wondering what it was
To be continued
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