Chapter Thirteen

I had woken up with a massive headache. I had the worse hang over. I was rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

I remembered that Jackson had taken me to his house. I had looked over on the other side of the bed,  Jackson wasn't in the room.

I had gotten up from the bed and made my way to the door. I twisted the nob open and pull the door open. I went to go check in Jackson's parents room if he was in there but there was so sign of him. I then had went downstairs. I had held onto the railing, I felt like I was going to fall. I was still fucked up from the hangover.

I made my way into the kitchen. I've seen that Jackson was shirtless making tea. I could only see his back from where I was standing. The view wasn't so bad. 

I went to go sit on one of the stools over by the Island counter top. Jackson had finally turned around and had seen that I was sitting in one of the stools.

"Oh, good morning Athalia" Jackson said.

"Good morning Jackson" I said.

"I made some tea" Jackson said

"Please don't ever let me drink again" I groaned.

"Here drink this it will help" Jackson said handing the cup of tea over to me.

I had grabbed the cup of tea from his hands.

"Thank you" I said.

I started to take sips of the hot tea. I then had looked over at Jackson. He had me thinking about our fight we had yesterday.

"Look.." I said.

"Atha.." Jackson said.

We both were about to say something.

"You go ahead" Jackson said.

"All I was going to say is that i'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I didn't mean it like that" I said.

"I know what you meant Athalia. I just kind of took it the wrong way. Also you're kind of right, I take things the wrong way. I just assume things without asking. I'm really sorry for how I acted" Jackson said.

I didn't say anything I just had smiled at him. I then took some more sips of my tea.

"I should probably get home. My parents are going to be worried sick if they find out i'm not home" I said.

"Let me take you" Jackson said.

I then had shook my head.

Jackson grabbed his keys and we both went out the door to the car. We both got into the car. Jackson then had drove off to my house. The car ride was kind of quiet but then Jackson turned the radio on.

Jackson had finally pulled into my driveway. My parent's cars weren't here. That was better for me so that I wouldn't have to be questioned.

"Thank you for everything" I said.

"Anytime" Jackson said.

I opened the door, I was about to leave but then Jackson stopped me.

"Athalia" Jackson said.

"Yes?" I asked turning around to face him.

"I was wondering if you're free later?" Jackson asked.

"It depends, why?" I asked.

"Do you want to go watch a movie later at my place?" Jackson asked.

"What, like a date?" I asked trying to tease him.

"I didn't say that" Jackson said.

"I think it's a date" I said giggling.

Jackson then smiled.

"Come get me around six?" I asked.

Jackson then nodded his head.

I then smiled and got out of his car. I walked up to my porch and walked inside of my house. When I got inside I had seen that Zack was sitting on the staircase. He looked like he was disappointed. I tried to ignore his presence but he then had said something.

"I thought nothing was happening between you two?" Zack asked.

"I'm not having this conversation with you" I said.

"Athalia you told me nothing was happening between y'all" Zack said.

"Why is it any of your business" I said lashing out at him.

"I'm just trying to look out for you Athalia" Zack said.

"Well do me a favor and stop doing that" I said.

Zack then just stared at me. He was shaking his head.

"What happens if it doesn't work out, that will just leave chaos between you two" Zack said.

"I never said we were together" I said.

"I didn't think you had to, it's way too obvious" Zack said.

"I'm done having this conversation with you" I said walking away.

"I'm not done talking" Zack said.

"Yea well I am so have fun talking to yourself" I said walking up the stairs to my room.

I then went into my room. I felt the need to go take a shower. I stunk really bad.

When I had gotten out of the shower, I went digging in closet to got find something comfy to wear to Jackson's house. I had pulled out a pink set. The top was a blank pink crop top and then the pants were flared pink leggings.

I hurried up and threw the outfit on. I then felt like curling my hair. I had turned the curling iron on. I felt like the need to play music. I put one of my favorite songs from my playlist.

It has been like an hour since i've been getting ready. I had finished everything and the last thing I did was put some lip gloss on.

It was already Six o'clock. Jackson had texted me what he was already outside. I ran downstairs and out the door to Jackson's car. When I got in the car Jackson was admiring me. He couldn't pull his eyes away from me. It was like his eyes were glued onto me.

I then began to wave in his face.

"Hello, Jackson" I said continuing to wave my hand in his face.

"I'm sorry" Jackson said snapping out of it.

Jackson then had started to drive off to his house.

The whole car ride I was looking out to window but then I looked over at Jackson. Jackson already had his eyes on me. He hurried up and looked away. He was trying to play it off but I already had seen that he was looking at me.

Jackson then finally had pulled into his driveway. We both had gotten out of his car. Then we both went into his house.

When we had gotten inside I had seen that Jackson had a spot set up for us in the living room.

I then giggled to myself.

"What so funny?" Jackson asked.

"Not a date huh?" I asked.

"It's a date then" Jackson said.

He had lead me into the living room. We both sat down on the couch. Jackson then picked up a bin with popcorn in it. He handed it over to me. I then began to eat some of the popcorn out of the bin.

Jackson was kind of far from me. Something told me to get closer to him. I tried to slide over to him but I didn't want to make it obvious. He had his arm out over the couch. It's like he wanted me to lay in his arms. I then got the hint that he want me to so I laid back in his arms. I then was lying on his chest. I was getting really tired, my eyes were getting really hazy and they were about to shut but then Jackson had woke me.

"Athalia" Jackson said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Did you really mean what you said yesterday?" Jackson asked.

I really was confused on what he was talking about. I don't remember saying anything to him, that's probably because I got really drunk.

"What did I say?" I asked

"You were really drunk so you might not remember" Jackson said.

I then waited for what he was going to say next.

"Do you really like me?" Jackson asked.

I then hadn't said anything. I was too far scared to say anything. I really do like him but I don't want him to know that. I try to think about what my brother had said. What if us being together will ruin everything.

Jackson then started to cup my face with his hands. I placed my hand on his. Jackson had kept looking at my lips it was like almost that he wanted to kiss me. In this very moment I really did want to kiss him. I tried to ignore all the thoughts about what my brother said to me. I just try to block out what everyone would think about us. I was thinking of what I would want.

Our faces had kept getting closer and closer. Jackson had finally pulled me and our lips had crashed together. The kiss was very passionate. I then had pulled away from him. I looked at him for a moment but then I pulled him back into another kiss. Jackson then had pulled me onto his lap, I was facing towards him. Our kisses had turned into a make out sesh. Jackson's arms were on my waist while my hands were running through his hair.

We continued to kiss but something had felt wrong. I thought to myself if this was to happen our friendship could be ruined.

I had slowly pulled away from Jackson. He looked at me confused. I was still sitting on top of him. I then had gotten off of him.

"What's wrong, did I do something?" Jackson asked.

I then sat beside him.

"No i'm sorry, it's not you" I said sighing

I looked down at the floor for a minute before I could say anything. Jackson kept looking down at me to check up on me.

"Athalia is everything alright?" Jackson asked.

I then lifted my head up to look at him.

"I'm really sorry Jackson" I said.

"For what?" Jackson asked.

"I think if it's best if we're just friends" I said.

Jackson didn't really say anything at first. I wouldn't blame him. I just friend zoned him.

"Do you care if I ask why?" Jackson asked.

"I just think if we were to ever become something then it would ruin our friendship later on" I said.

"Athalia that's the thing it won't. What we have isn't just friendship it's something more" Jackson said.

I didn't say anything. I knew he was right on this one. Our friendship has more to it. I really do want to explore things with him. But also at the same time i'm not over Trevor. It hasn't been that long since our break up. I really do wonder how he's doing?

[Trevor's point of view]

I can't believe I let Dylan hook me up with some girl. I felt like I really needed it but at the same time I was missing Athalia.

I didn't know who Dylan was putting me on with. I was just waiting outside by the doors of an arcade. Dylan had placed the location.

I had waited and waited but then finally I seen a girl coming up to me. I couldn't really tell who it was until they got a little more closer.

I had noticed the person Dylan had put me on was with Nicole. The one person that gets on my nerves. The one person I can't stand.

"Hi!" Nicole said giggling.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me?" I said under my breath.

"What was that?" Nicole asked.

"Nothing. Shall we go inside?" I asked.

I couldn't say that I didn't want to go on this date with her. She would know that I wasn't the one that didn't want to go on this date with her. She doesn't really know that Dylan was the one that set this whole thing up. I didn't even know I was going on this date with her.

We both made our way into the arcade. I had went to the front to pay for the both of us. When I got done I went back to Nicole. She was sitting down in a chair waiting for me. She had seen me coming her way. She got up and we both went to the arcade games.

Nicole was going to all the games she liked. I just followed her around. I didn't really care where we went.

After a while we both went to go sit down in the food court area. I had ordered Nicole and I some fries and a chicken sandwich. When I got our order I brought it to the table. I then handed Nicole her food.

Nicole started to eat her food. I just started at her for a while. Nicole then had caught that I was staring at her. I then hurried up and look away.

"What is it?" Nicole asked.

I then looked up at her, trying to pretend I didn't know what she was talking about.

"What's what?" I asked.

"Why were you staring?" Nicole asked.

"I wasn't staring" I said.

Nicole then shook her head.

"what made you come on this date?" I asked.

Nicole then looked up from her food. She didn't say anything at first.

"I don't know. I felt like maybe you needed someone to hang out with after everything that happened with  Athalia" Nicole said.

I then had froze when that name had came out of her  mouth. By the look of her face she could tell that I wasn't too happy to hear that name.

"I'm really sorry I should have never brought her up" Nicole said.

"Not it's fine. Maybe next time try not to bring up my ex" I said.

I tried my best to stay calm with her. I felt like this date was going good so far. I didn't want to be the one to ruin it.

Nicole then shook her head.

Nicole then went back to eating. When we were finished with our foods, we went back to the arcade area. We played a little more games. When we were playing a game Nicole had started a conversation.

"Did you love her?" Nicole asked.

I then looked over at her.

"Who?" I asked.

"Athalia?" Nicole asked.

"What did I say about talking about her?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, but did you?" Nicole asked.

"Yes, I did love her. My love still hasn't changed for her" I said.

I started to feel really sad that Athalia wasn't the one that was here with me. I really had wished the two of us had worked out.

I was getting into my feelings. I started at the floor about ten minutes.

"I'm really sorry Trevor" Nicole said.

Nicole had gotten closer to me. She was trying to comfort me.

I then started to feel really weird. It was like I didn't want her to be close to me. I just wanted to be on my own.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked

"Doing what?" Nicole asked.

I then started at her for a minute.

"I need to go" I said.

I then started to walk away from her. I was walking towards the exit.

"Wait Trevor" Nicole shouted grabbing my wrist.

"What do you want Nicole?" I asked.

"Did I do something?" Nicole asked.

"Nicole you brought up my ex that i'm not fully over of" I said.

"Then why did you decided to go on a date with me if you're not fully over your ex?" Nicole asked.

"It wasn't even my idea to go on this date. Actually I didn't even know I was going on a date with you" I said lashing out.

"What do you mean?" Nicole asked.

"Dylan had set me up with you. I never wanted to go on this date in the first place" I said.

Nicole then was surprised that those words had came out of my mouth. She didn't say anything at first.

"Now here am I, really thinking that you wanted to go out with me but instead it was just a lie" Nicole said.

"I would never want to go on a date with you" I said.

Those words had slipped from my mouth about to regret what's going to come next.

"You're a real asshole, you know that, right?" Nicole asked.

I then had try to take those words back but it was far too late. Nicole had walked away from me. She had left the building. I'm try to go after her but she just ignored me.

"Nicole, wait i'm sorry" I said.

I then seen Nicole drove off with her car.

"Shit" I said hitting a trash can.

I then pulled out my phone and dialed Dylan's number. The phone was ringing. Dylan had finally picked up the phone.

"How did it go?" Dylan asked.

"It was a shit show man" I said.

"What happened?" Dylan asked.

"I'll tell you everything when I get home" I said walking towards the car.

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