Chapter six

    I opened my door and went out of my room to go check where Trevor could be. I checked the bathroom, the living room, my parent's room, the guest rooms and last but not least my brother's room.

"Zack" I said barging through his room

"Athalia you don't like it when I go barging through your room so don't do it to me." Zack said

"I could give a rats ass about that. Have you seen Trevor?" I said

"What do you mean, is he not with you?" Zack said

"I told him I was going to hop in and take a quick shower but when I came back he wasn't in my room" I said breathing heavily

"It's going to be okay Athalia. He probably went to the store or Dylan's house." Zack said

"But wouldn't he at least text me that he went out real quick?" I said

"Athalia just give it time. You should get some rest we'll worry about this in the morning" Zack said

"yeah okay, Goodnight Zack" I said

"Goodnight little sis" Zack said

I closed Zack's door and walked to my room. Maybe Zack's right I should just not overthink it he probably did go to the store or Dylan's house. So i'm not really thinking too much of it now.

(Two hours later)

I've been watching tv and scrolling through my phone to keep me occupied from Trevor being gone. I just looked at the time and he's been gone for about  three hours later maybe even longer because I don't know how long he's been gone since I got in the shower. Now I started to Freak out it was one in the morning and Trevor still isn't back. I really just want to know why he left, like did I do something wrong? I picked up my phone and started to call Trevor. Then after that he has like about 10 missed calls from me already. I called again and his phone just kept going straight to voicemail after that. I sent so many voicemails to him. I was just really worried something  bad has happen to him. I didn't really think until now to call Dylan. It's very late I really didn't want to call but i'm so worried about him. So I started to call Dylan.

"Hello?" Dylan said in a sleepy voice

"Dylan i'm really sorry to bother you, right now but is Trevor there with you?" I asked

"I'm sorry Athalia, he's not." Dylan said

"I'm sorry again for waking you up." I said

"Don't be sorry Athalia you can always call me even if it's at one in the morning" Dylan said

"Thank you. I'll just go to sleep and see if he calls me back." I said

"Me and Amber will come in the morning to your house. Sleep well Athalia, Goodnight." Dylan said

"Goodnight Dylan" I said

So I put my phone down and got into the bed. I was just going to wait until the morning to see what happens. I started to close my eyes.

     (The Next Morning)
I started to open my eyes and look around the room. I shot myself up so fast and ran out of my room and ran down the stairs. I went to go see if Trevor was anywhere. I ran past Amber, Dylan and my brother not even noticing that they were here. I was just so worried about Trevor my whole mind is on him right now.

"ATHALIA" Amber said

"Oh, hey Amber" I said rushing my words

"Athalia, Are you okay?" Amber said

"Yes of course i'm okay why wouldn't I be" I said

"Well first is because you ran through your whole house with no explanation and second Dylan told me you called him at one in the morning worry about Trevor." Amber said

"Yes i'm fine." I said lying right through my teeth

"Athalia?" Amber said

"Fine, no i'm not okay. I'm worried sick about him. He hasn't called me back or message me. I just would have thought he would leave something behind. I just want to know why he left, like does it have to do something with me, did I do something wrong?" I said talking really fast

"Athalia you need to breathe. I understand you're worried about him. But we can't call the cops or anything because it hasn't been over twenty four hours to file a report. And plus he might be with his brother or dad. And this is not your fault Athalia I know you didn't do anything and if he wants to leave you then that's on him and he's making a dumb decision." Amber said

"That's the thing Amber what if he's with his brother and dad. They hurt him. He shouldn't be with them." I said

"We will find where he's at." Dylan said

"Let me take you out Athalia we need to loosen you up. Just me and you we can have a girls day." Amber said

"Okay" I said not putting up no fight

"Can we talk?" Zack asked Dylan

"Um, what about?" Dylan asked

"Look Athalia came to my room she was really worried. She really cares about him. We need to find where Trevor is." Zack said

"Trevor wouldn't just disappear like this there has to be reason why he disappeared." Dylan said

"Maybe we should just stay low right now. Hes probably close somewhere." Zack said

"Well since the girls left we should just hang out for here right now." Dylan said

Zack pulls out his phone and starts calling someone.

"Who are you calling?" Dylan asked

"I'm calling Jackson. I'm telling him to come over." Zack said

Zack and Dylan had Jackson come over. They've been trying to put the clues together to figure out where Trevor would be.

"Have you guys try calling his brother?" Jackson asked

"Well, we actually haven't." Dylan said

"Then let's call him. He might know where he is." Jackson said

"Well I don't have his number." Dylan said

"I do" Zack said pulling his phone out and dialing Travis's number

"Travis?" Zack asked

"Who is this?" Travis asked

"Athalia's brother." Zack said

"I'm sorry I don't know who that is" Travis said

"Well Athalia is my sister and she's dating your brother." Zack said

"Oh, right the girl my brother is madly in love with." Travis said

"Uhh yea." Zack said awkwardly

"Well, did you need something?" Travis said

"We were actually wondering if you knew where your brother was? He's been missing for like almost a whole day. My sister has been freaking out." Zack said

"Uh- um no I don't know where he is." Travis said nervously

"Well I thought he would of been home with you and your dad" Zack said

"Well you thought wrong. I- I have to go" Travis said

"Wai—." Zack went to go say but Travis hung up on him

"He said he don't know where he's at" Zack said

"He's lying" Jackson said

"what?" Dylan asked

"The piece of shit is lying to us" Jackson said

"He did seem like he was. He was very nervous and sounded anxious." Zack said

Jackson looked around the house and did not see Athalia. He was so caught up he didn't notice she was gone.

"Wait, wheres Athalia? Jackson asked

"Oh, she went out with Amber they're have a "girls day"." Zack said

"Amber is just trying to keep her whole mind off of it. They'll be back later." Dylan said

     (Thirty Five Minutes Later)

"We're back" Amber hollering pushing the front door open

"Finally" Dylan said

"Aww sounds like someone missed me." Amber said to Dylan

Dylan and Amber laughing

I walked into the house and all my friends were here.  What I just need right now.

"How was your little "girls day"?" Zack asked me

"It was fun" I said in a sad tone

"I think i'm just going to go lay down right now." I said walking to the stairs

Amber and Jackson looked at each other. They both knew she wasn't okay. Jackson gave Amber that look that he was going to go check up on her.

I was curled up in a ball under my blanket. I felt like staying like this everyday. But I heard footsteps walking close to my bedroom door. I heard two little soft knocks on the door.

"Come in" I said in a soft voice still staying under my blanket

"Athalia" Jackson said pulling the blanket off of her

"Jackson, why are you up here?" I asked

"I came to check up on you. I wanted to see if you're okay." Jackson said

"Well i'm fine so you can go now" I said in a shaky voice

"Athalia i'm no going anywhere, I care about you" Jackson said

I didn't say anything I just looked at him. I was just trying to push him way. I was just sad and angry , I was worried about Trevor.

"You know I just miss him" I said

"I know you do Athalia" Jackson said

"I just want to know what made him leave" I said sighing

"We will find him Athalia, Trust me." Jackson said putting his arm around me

"I hope so" I said laying my head on his shoulder

"Athalia I know this is bad timing and everything but I think we should talk about us." Jackson said

"What about us?" I asked

"You know, we almost kissed" Jackson said

"yeah we almost kissed so what?" I said not wanting to talk about it right now

"Come on Athalia don't be like that." Jackson said

"Like what?" I asked

"Like that, trying to push me away." Jackson said

"I'm sorry Jackson I don't think it was a good idea. I was just feeling lonely and you was there" I said putting my head down

His face sunk he didn't like the words that came out of my mouth but that didn't stop him from giving up.

"I know that's not true." Jackson said

"Oh really it's not?" I asked

"Yeah" Jackson said leaning in closer to my lips

Our faces were so close to each other. The way he stares deep into my eyes. I know this is wrong but I couldn't resist him.

"See you do want me" Jackson said with a little smirk

Jackson was going to lean in even more to kiss me but my door swung open.

"Athal-." Amber said not even finishing what she's about to say

"mhm am I interrupting something?" Amber said raising her eyebrow

"Umm no" I said clearing my throat

"Can we talk Athalia?" Amber asked

"Yeah" I said

"I think i'm going to go" Jackson said leaving the room

Amber was eyeing him the whole time he was getting up to leave the room.

"Athalia what are you doing?" Amber asked sounding disappointed

"Honestly Amber I don't know" I said

"How long has this been going on?" Amber asked

"Since that day Trevor was in the hospital." I said

"That long? Athalia first i caught you almost about to have s*x with Trevor and now you pull this shit with Jackson. You got to pick, don't hurt them." Amber said

"I mean Amber we haven't kissed or anything we always go to but we got interrupted." I said

"Wait who interrupted you the first time?" Amber asked

"My brother" I said smiling awkwardly

"Your brother knows about this?" Amber asked

"Kind of, but he had a talk with me about him. He told me to stay away from him." I said

"Well Athalia you are with Trevor. Does he know about this?" Amber asked

"No, no he don't know anything please don't tell him I will talk to him eventually." I said

"Oh and when is that?" Amber asked sarcastically

"Well he seems to be missing so whenever he comes back" I said

"I still want to be with Trevor but what me and Jackson have is something." I said

"Do you care about Trevor?" Amber asked

"Yes of course I do" I said

"Then you need to tell Trevor." Amber said

"I will. I have to" I said

"Well i'm going to go downstairs with the others. You should come join us" Amber said walking to the door

"Um i'll be down there just give me a minute" I said

I didn't want to talk to Trevor but Amber is right I need to sort this out. I went to use the bathroom then went downstairs with the others.

(Twenty Two Minutes Later)

"I think me and Amber is going to head out" Dylan said

"you guys should come back tomorrow then." Zack said

"Yes you guys should" I said smiling

"Well we'll see you guys tomorrow" Dylan said walking to the door

"I'll be out in a minute I need to use the bathroom" Amber said walking to the bathroom

When Amber came out of the bathroom she passed the kitchen and she seen Jackson in there. So she decided to go in there with him.

"Oh, hey" Jackson said with his mouth stuffed with food

"So, here's the thing Jackson. Athalia is my friend and i'm just trying to look out for her. But let me just get to the point I think you should stay away from her. She is vey good with Trevor I don't need you go ruining that for her." Amber said

"I'm pretty sure Athalia is her own self and if she wanted to not be with me then she would have told me by now. And I don't see Trevor here at all he left her with no explanation." Jackson said

"Look I don't want no drama between the two of us so don't ever mention this conversation again." Amber said

"Or maybe you just don't want Athalia getting mad at you for talking to me." Jackson said

"You know what I tried playing nice with you Jackson but I guess you just want to cause problems. You do whatever you want but please stay away from her." Amber said leaving the kitchen not letting Jackson talk

Amber went in the living room to go grab her belongings.

"Hey are you leaving now?" I asked

"Yes unfortunately. I'll be back tomorrow though" Amber said walking over to give me a hug

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said

I went upstairs to my room after Amber left my house. I walked into my room and I decided to play Can't Help falling in love by Elvis Presley. This is the song me and Jackson had on when we almost kissed. I couldn't help to not think about me and him. I try so hard to get him off my mind but nothing seems to work. Another part of me knows I should become i'm with Trevor.

[Jacksons Point Of View]

I went upstairs to Zack's room but I was passing Athalia's room when I heard her playing that song we had playing that one day. I couldn't help but to just stand by her door and listen. I had a very big smile on my face when I heard he listening to this song. I really wanted to go in there but a part of me is saying I shouldn't I should just listen to what Amber was telling me. So I walked away and went to Zack's room.

(The next day)

[Athalia's point of view]

When I woke up this morning the first thing that came to my mind was Trevor. I just wanted to know what went wrong. Why he left with no explanation. I keep asking myself if it's me why he left. After me and him almost had s*x he was really weird after. I just really hope he's okay.

But I can't stay in my bed the whole day so I went straight downstairs with my family to get Trevor off my mind.

"Good morning everyone" I said to my parents and brother

"Good morning sweetheart" my mom said

"So you have any plans today?" my mom asked

"Um no not really. But I think i'm going to head to the store and grab a couple things." I said

"Can I come? I'll drive you" Zack said

"Actually Zack I think i'm just going to go by myself. I'm going to walk it's just 2 minutes away." I said

"Are you sure because I can drive you." Zack said

"Um yeah I just want to be alone right now" I said

"Okay well be safe" Zack said

"Thank you Zack, I will." I said

I grabbed my phone off the counter and a little coat off the coat rack. Then I walked out the door. I was walking to the store when I felt like someone was following me. I turned my head really quick and started to walk faster. Then I made it to the store and I felt much more safer. I was trying to reach some potato chips off the top shelf when someone came up startled me causing me to drop the chips.

"Hey Athalia" Travis said

"Oh hi Travis, I wasn't expecting to see you here" I said

"I'm just grabbing milk, we ran out of some." Travis said

"Right. So is your brother home by any chance?" I asked

"No i'm sorry Athalia he hasn't been home for a while" Travis said

"So you have no idea what has happened to him?" I asked

"Look Athalia I know you're really worried about him but maybe you should not be asking a lot of questions." Travis said

"Are you serious of course i'm going to ask a lot of questions. How are you acting like everything is fine your damn brother is missing." I said

"See I didn't want to run into you because I knew this was going to happen." Travis said

"You know something you don't want me to know don't you?" I asked

"No. I have to go" Travis said rushing out of the store

I just watched Travis leave the store. I knew he knew something. Why would he be acting like that if he didn't.

I started to walk home and I could feel like someone was following me again. I speed walked to my house and when I got to my house I shut the front door so quick and pushed my back against the door to catch my breath.

"Hey sis are you okay?" Zack asked

"What? Oh yes i'm fine" I said looking at him weird

"So what did you get from the store?" Zack asked

"Um, here you check for yourself" I said handing the bags to him

"I think i'm going to go to my room." I said walking towards the stairs

I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about me and Travis's conversation. Travis know's something and i'm going to find out what he knows.

[Travis point of view]

I walked into my house with the milk in my hand. I seen my dad on the couch watching tv.

"Hey dad, I got the milk." I said

"Thank you boy" My dad said patting my face

"So dad I ran into Athalia at the store" I said

"Did she ask you anything?" my dad asked

"Yea, she did." I said

"And what did you say?" my dad asked

"I didn't say anything to her because you told me not to and I don't really know anything." I said

"Travis it for the better that you don't know" my dad said

"But I feel like I have a right to know where my brother is" I said

"Fine you want to know where your brother is? He's with your uncle. Your uncle is teaching him a little lesson" my dad said

"Dad what kind of lesson?" I asked with a worried tone

"Just a little lesson that will show him how to behave" my dad said

"Is he ever going to come back home?" I asked

"When he learns his lesson then that's when he will come home." my dad said

"I'm going to go to my room" I said going to my room

I knew Athalia thought I was suspicious. I couldn't mess this up because then i'm going to disappoint my dad. So I need to make Athalia think Trevor is safe.

[Athalia's point of view]

I called Amber and told her to come straight to my house.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said

"Hey Athalia." Amber said

"I'm so glad you came" I said with a relived face

"Athalia what happened? Are you okay?" Amber asked

"Amber i'm only telling you this I don't want to tell anyone else right now." I said

"Okay. What is it?" Amber asked

"So earlier I went to the store to get a couple things. And I ran into Travis." I said

"You seen Travis again?" Amber asked

"The point is that I think he is hiding something." I said

"Like what?" Amber asked

"Well he told me to stop asking a lot of questions about Trevor. I think he knows something about Trevor's disappearance." I said breathing heavily

"He definitely know's something." Amber said

"I think we should call Dylan over so we can tell him everything that has happened" I said

"I'll call him" Amber said pulling her phone out

Amber called Dylan to come to my house. Dylan came to my house and we told him everything that happened at the store with me and Travis.

"Also when I was walking home I felt like someone was following me" I said

"Do you think Travis was following you after you left the store?" Dylan said

"I don't think it was him because the firgure of the body looked buff and tall." I said

"Who else would be following you?" Amber asked

"I literally know no one else" I said sighing

I was feeling really weird and shaking so I was going to go upstairs.

"I think i'm just going to go lay down" I said

"Do you want me to come up with you?" Amber asked

"I just want to be alone right now, if that's fine?" I said

"Yea of course" Amber said

"Thank you" I said walking upstairs

I went into my room and laid down in my bed. My eyes were getting drowsy, then my eyes shut.

[30 minutes later]

I woke up to my phone buzzing on my bed. I picked up my phone and it said unknown caller. I hesitated to pick up the phone but something was telling me to answer it. So I answered it.

"Hello?" I said

"Athalia?" Unknown said

"Who is this?" I asked breathing heavily

"It's Trevor" Trevor said chuckling

"Trevor?" I gasped

"Is this actually you?" I asked looking for hope

"Athalia but you can't let anyone know that I called you." Trevor said with a shaky voice

"Trevor everyone is worried about you. where are you? Are you okay?" I said

"I'm alright i'm just trying to better myself right now" Trevor said

"So that means you're okay, right?" I asked

"Yes, i'm okay. How are you holding up?" Trevor said

"Yes i'm alright. We just need to talk seriously face to face. When are you coming home?" I said

"Athalia i'm not coming home for a while" Trevor said

"Trevor what do you mean?" I asked

"I need a break from you and everyone around you" Trevor said

"You don't mean that Trevor do you?" I said

"I do. I'm sorry I can't talk anymore." Trevor said

He hung up and I was there left broken after the words that came out of his mouth. I was so angry at him, all I wanted to do is scream. I started to pour out tears. And I found the closest thing to me and picked it up then I threw it across my room. Then Zack flung my door open.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Zack asked

"Oh um nothing i'm just getting frustrated over everything." I said wiping my tears

"Oh, Athalia i'm here for you. I know your going through a lot" Zack said hugging me

My dad walked into my room and he seen the tears on my face.

"Zack what did you do to your sister?" my dad said pushing Zack away

"What happened mi hija?" my dad asked

"Um nothing dad. Zack didn't do anything." I said

My dad looked at me then he looked at Zack. Then my dad left the room not even apologizing to Zack.

"Zack i'm really sorry he blamed you" I said

"It's okay Athalia i'm used to it" Zack said

"I'm sorry to kick you out but I just want to be alone right now." I said

"Let me know if you need anything. I'm here." Zack said

[Trevor's point of view]

"Who the hell was you on the phone with?" my uncle asked with an angry tone

"Nobody I was just watching youtube" Trevor said nervously

"I think you're lying to me." my uncle said

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said sweating

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME TREVOR" My uncle said yelling in my face

My uncle walked away from me for a minute and picked up a whip. He started to walk over to me. I seen what he had in his hand.

"Take your damn shirt off" my uncle said

"What are you going to do?" I asked

"Don't ask fucking questions just do what I say" my uncle said

I looked at him. I knew exactly what he was doing. I turned around so my back was facing him. Then he took his whoop to me.

"Please stop your hurting me" I said screaming

"You should've thought about that before you wanted to make phone calls with out me knowing." my uncle said

"I'm sorry." I said in pain

"YOU SHOULD BE." my uncle said shouting

Then he continued to whip me until I couldn't feel the pain anymore.


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