Chapter Seven

   There I was lying on the ground. I couldn't feel anything I was numbed but the type of numb you don't want to feel. I don't understand what I did to deserve this? I question myself this everyday.

I heard foot steps coming towards me.

"So, did you learn your lesson?" Trevor's uncle asked

I didn't say anything back I was in too much pain to even talk and move.

"BOY I'M TALKING TO YOU DAMMIT." Trevor's uncle said

"Y.. Yes." I said stuttering over my words

"See all you have to do it listen then you won't have to face any consequences." Trevor's uncle said

I looked at him and just nodded my head. I didn't want to be here anymore. I just want to go back home to Athalia and my friends.

[Athalia's point of view]

I couldn't bare what Trevor just said to me it was to much. I was really hurt with those words that came out of his mouth. I don't want to feel anything right now. And then it got to me if I drink then the pain will go away I wouldn't have to think of this anymore.

I got up from my bed and opened the door very slowly so no one can hear me coming out of my room. I walked down the stairs really quietly so no one can hear me. I walked into the kitchen. Then, walked over to the little room that was in the kitchen, it was my dad's little bar. I walked in and looked for the right alcohol I wanted. I finally founded the one that I wanted. So, I pick up the bottle and walked out the room quickly to my room. I was praying no one seen. I don't want to get caught stealing alcohol from my dad. I got up to my room and closed the door then locked it. I went to go sit on my bed and open up the alcohol. I just looked at the bottle before I drank it. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but this is the only that will keep me distracted.

"I don't want to feel anything anymore." I said to myself

Without anything hesitation after that I took the biggest gulp. I made a weird face the alcohol was too strong. Also, it was my first time trying alcohol. I just kept drinking until I couldn't feel the pain anymore. I started to play loud music.

(Hours later)

Then, there I was laying on the ground just thinking of him. See there's the thing I didn't want to think about him or anything I just wanted it all to go away. But it didn't it was all in my head. Then, I heard a knock from my door.

"Oh, come in." I said with a wasted voice

I seen Amber peak her head in.

"Why are you playing loud music right now?" Amber asked

"What are you doing here?" I said giggling ignoring her question

  "Are you drunk Athalia?" Amber asked

"Oh, no don't be silly." I said

   She pasted herself up to me and smelt me.

"God, Athalia you reek of alcohol." Amber said with a disappointment on her face

  "What's wrong Athalia? Why are you drinking?" Amber asked me

I didn't want to tell her that Trevor called. He told me not to tell anyone. But why do I care he's the one that has me like this.

"Trevor called me earlier." I blurted out

"Wait what? He called you Athalia? Why didn't you tell anyone?" Amber asked

  "Well my brother did hear me throwing sh*t in my room. But when he came in I just told him I was upset about everything that is going on." I said

  "I know Athalia you're going through a lot right now but you can't be drinking it's just going to make you go down a wrong path." Amber said putting her hand on my shoulder

I was just memorizing what Amber said. The alcohol feels good though.

"Okay I won't do it again" I said giving her a little smile

"So, what's that number that called you?" Amber asked

"Um, It was unknown." I said

"Okay. Look i'm going to call Dylan over in the morning so we can figure out what phone he was calling from."

I nodded my head at her.

   "So, Just get some sleep and rest for the night." Amber said

"Are you staying over?" I asked hoping she would say yes because I didn't want to be alone

  "Yes." Amber said

    (The next morning)

  I woke up to a hang over. I forgot what even happened last night. I lifted my self up. Then, I seen Amber sleeping right next to me. I tired to get out of the bed but my body was so weak. I walked into my bathroom then started to brush my hair out. I walked out of the bathroom to seeing Amber sitting on my bed widely awake.

"Goodmorning Athalia." Amber said with a happy tone

"What happened last night?" I asked

"Do you really want me to get into detail" Amber said with a look on her face

I nodded my head. So, she told me everything that happened last night and I wasn't really happy with myself after hearing what she told me.

"So, I called Dylan so that he can come over." Amber said

"um, for what exactly?" I asked

"I told him to come over so we can figure out what phone Trevor called from and in that case we can track where the phone came from." Amber said knowing I forgot because I was hungover

  "Amber, there's no point he doesn't even want to come home." I said with a sad voice

  "And how do you know that?" Amber said

   "Because he said so" I said

   "Athalia, you don't know his situation, he could only be saying that to protect you." Amber said

  "Okay, let's find where he is." I said leaving out a sigh

   Then we heard the door bell ring. We both went downstairs to the door and I opened it. It was Dylan.

  "Hey, Athalia I heard what happened. Are you okay?" Dylan asked

  "I'm okay. Thank you for asking." I said

   "So, can I see your phone." Dylan asked

  "Uh, yeah here you go" I said handing my phone over to him

   Dylan grabbed my phone from me and started to figure out where the number came from. It's been a while. Then, he found something.

  "I found something." Dylan said shouting

  "You did?" I said sprinting up so quickly off the couch

"So, I found the location it says it's forty five minutes away from here." Dylan said

"Where the hell would he be that is forty five minutes away from here?" I asked

"I don't know but we're about to find out." Dylan said

"Thank you Dylan for helping" I said giving him a hug

"Of course Athalia. I'm doing this for you and for him. I think we all just want everything back to normal." Dylan said

  "Y'all ready for the party?" Zack said storming into the room

"Wait Zack what party?" I asked

"Oh did Amber and Dylan not tell you?" Zack asked

"Tell me what exactly?" I asked with confusion

"So, basically there's this new guy in town and he invited some friends to come he also invited me he also told me to bring some friends. But here's the thing we'll be staying there for two nights because it's in a cabin out of town." Zack said

"So, we'll be staying there in the cabin?" I asked

"Yes, so go pack some clothes for two nights and whatever else your bringing" Zack said

"Well i'll go pack right now" I said walking up to my room

I started to pack some clothes for the trip. Then, Amber walked into my room.

"Why didn't you tell me about the party Amber?" I asked looking towards her

"Well I actually the reason I came last night was to tell you that but then you was drunk and all over the place so I decided I was going to tell you in the morning. But you know Zack already said something." Amber said

"Right. So, are you going to go home and pack?" I asked

"I already did" Amber said

"So, like is my brother friends with this guy since he just moved to town?" I asked

"I don't know it's your brother he makes friends quick." Amber said rolling her eyes

Then we both laughed.

"What's even the guys name?" I asked

"I'm pretty sure it's Flynn Armstrong." Amber said

"Ladies what are we talking about?" Zack said entering my room

"Who said you could come in?" I said throwing a pillow at him

"Jeez Athalia what was that for?" Zack asked

"For entering my room, duh." I said rolling my eyes

"Anyways what do you want?" I asked

"I just want to come and say that we have the car started so we should get going." Zack said

"Would you mind helping me with my bags Zack?" I asked

"Um, I don't know if I should. Not after what you just did to me" Zack said playing around

"Zack i'm being for real. Help me." I said in a whiny voice

"I'm just kidding. I'll help you." Zack said picking up my bag

Zack picked up my bag and looked at me with his jaw dropped

"Are you bring your whole life with you?" Zack asked

"Be quite Zack" I said nudging his shoulder

We all went outside to the car and when I walked out of the house I seen Jackson. I actually haven't seen him for a while.

"Jackson, what are you doing here?" I asked

"Your brother invited me to this party thing." Jackson said

"Right" I said wishing he came for me

"Welp now everyone's bags are in the trunk we are able to go now." Zack said

"Hop in everyone" Dylan said

I looked at Jackson and he opened the car door.

"Ladies first" Jackson said

I looked at him and smiled. Then I went in the car.

"Anyone have any recommendations for a song to play?" Amber asking


"West coast it is." Amber said

"Well, this is going to be a long trip to I mise we'll take a nap." Zack said trying to get comfortable

It's been like over thirty eight minutes and we was still in the car. Everyone was sleeping except me, Jackson and Dylan. I was leaning against the window reading my book.

"What are you reading?" Jackson asked leaning his head closer to me

"Um, I don't know some book I found at the library." I said making eye contact with him

"Does reading bored you?" Jackson asked

"No, if it was boring then I wouldn't be reading a book, now would I? I asked sarcastically

"Someone has a smarta** mouth" Jackson said

So, we were already in the little town where the cabin is located. We were close.

"Where are we?" Zack asked waking up from his nap

"We're like 2 minutes away" Dylan said

"Amber, wake up we're about to be here." Dylan said tapping her softly

We pulled into the driveway where the cabin was. The cabin is very big this guy must be full of money. We all started to get out the car and stretch . The guy walked out of the cabin. Then, walked towards us and started to greet us all.

"So, this is the place.I hope you guys like it." Flynn said

"You guys can come in." Flynn said leading them inside

"I have a lot of bedrooms so there will be enough for y'all." Flynn said

"You guys can go choose y'all's room now." Flynn said

We all went to go find our rooms. I was walking down the hall and I found just the right room for me.  I walked into the room and it's so beautiful. It's very luxurious. I thought this cabin was going to be like an old rusty cabin but I guess not. I wanted to feel how the bed felt so I bounced on the bed.

"Looks like you're having fun with the room." Jackson said

"Uh, what?" I said standing up quick

"You like this place?" Jackson asked me

"I mean yeah it's pretty cool." I said

"You think this is just it wait until you see the pool." Jackson said

"There's a pool?" I said shockley

"You want to go see it? Jackson asked

"Maybe in a little bit i'm going to get situated." I said

"Okay. Let me know when you want to go." Jackson said

I smiled at him while watching him leave my room.

A few hours pass and I came out of the room to the dining room. Everyone was sitting down in chairs eating. The food actually looked really good. So, I sat down right next to Amber so that I could eat. While we were eating Flynn's was making conversation with everyone asking everyone questions about themselves.

"So, Flynn out of all places why did you decide to move to our town?" Dylan asked

"Well, my dad actually owns a business and he decided to move the business to this town." Flynn said

"What kind of building does your dad do?" I asked

"Honestly I don't even know he doesn't really talk about his work business with me." Flynn said

"So, do you like it so far in this town? Jackson asked

"Yeah, it's pretty chill." Flynn said

"Well at least someone likes this town. This town really boring we don't really do anything." Jackson said

"Well i'm a really fun person so I could try and make this town not boring." Flynn said

Everyone started to laugh.

"So, there's actually one more person that is coming to this sleepover." Flynn said

"Who?" I asked with a curious tone

"Nicole Diaz" Flynn said

"Wait her? How do you know her?" I asked

"I don't know met a lot of people but she's actually the first person I met in this town. She also helped me around school." Flynn said

"Oh, well when is she coming?" I asked

"She'll be coming tomorrow for the party and staying the night of the party." Flynn said

"Well, i'm actually gettin really tired so i'll see y'all in the morning." I said walking to my room

"Goodnight Athalia." Everyone said to me

"Goodnight everyone" I said smiling

I went into my room and laid down, but it seems to appear that I couldn't fall asleep. So, I took one of my bathing suits out and put it on. I walked out of the room and went straight to the pool. When I got to the pool Jackson was there he was sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water.

"Oh, I didn't know anyone was out here." I said about to walk away

"Wait no Athalia don't leave. Stay." Jackson said

"So, why are you out here?" I asked

"I couldn't sleep" Jackson said

"Actually I couldn't either." I said

You know they always say when you can't sleep that means someone is thinking about you. I actually don't even know if anyone says this I think I just made this up in my head.

"I like your swim suit!" Jackson said smiling at me

"Oh, thank you." I said looking down at my body nervously

  I walked over to him on the other side of the pool then I sat down right next to him.

"So, I haven't seen you for a while. What have you been up to?" I asked

  "Not much just focused on football right now." Jackson said

"Right so how is that going? I asked

"It's going well. I think i'm overworking myself over it but I feel the need to do it." Jackson said

Actually the last time I recall seeing Jackson was when we were about to kiss. I didn't like to think about it because I know it's wrongs to have some type of feelings for Jackson. What about Trevor? I can't do that to him, he doesn't deserve that. But at the same time I was mad at him. I don't even know if me and Trevor are still together because he said he needed time away from me. So what does that make me and him?

"Um, Jackson remember when we almost kis-" I asked getting cut off by Jackson

"Athalia we don't have to talk about it. Also remember you didn't want to talk about it so i'm respecting yours wishes." Jackson said

I was speechless. I actually did say that to him. I wonder if I hurt his feelings by saying that. Why didn't I think about that before? I kind of wanted to lighten up the mood so I ran my hands through the water and flanged some water on Jackson.

"Oh, ATHALIA you are dead." Jackson said getting up from the pool

I knew he was going to chase me so I ran from him. I ran to my room. He came running in my room. He came over to me and started to tickle the sides of my stomach. I tried getting out of his grip but he was too strong for me. I fell onto my bed and Jackson fell on with me. Somehow he ended up on top of me. His body was pushed against mine. My breathing got heavy and we both didn't break eye contact. But then after a minute we realized how we were.

  "Uh, I think I should go. You should get some sleep for tomorrow." Jackson said lifting his body off of mine

"O- oh okay, Goodnight Jackson" I said not wanting him to leave

"Goodnight Athalia." Jackson said leaving my room

[The next morning]

  I woke up and went out of my room to the kitchen. Everyone was ready and awake.

  "How did you sleep Athalia?" Dylan asked me

  "I slept like a baby. Those beds are like heaven." I said

"Well, good thing you got some sleep because we're gonna be partying today." Dylan said

"So I actually brought some alcohol for-" Nicole said barging into the kitchen

She stopped talking for a minute and seen me standing there.

  "Oh hi Athalia you're awake." Nicole said

  "Hi Nicole." I said smiling at her

  "So I brought some alcohol for the party tonight." Nicole said finishing her sentence

"You can just set that over on the table i'll find a place for them later." Flynn said pointing to where  she should place them

  Everyone was so occupied I didn't even know what to do so I just went outside in the front. I seen Flynn had one of those swing chairs so I decided to get inside and grab me a book to read while i'm outside. I headed outside with my book and went to go sit on the swing chair. I was sitting there for a while reading my book. I didn't think to get ready because the party is not until way later.

Meanwhile inside Dylan decided to look at his phone to check where Trevor's location was. When he looked he was shocked. He couldn't believe that his location was five minutes away from them.

"Amber come here real quick" Dylan said

"What is it?" Amber said looking down at Dylan's phone

"Wait what he's only five minutes away?" Amber asked

"Where's Athalia? We need to show her." Dylan said

"I'm pretty sure she's outside." Amber said walking towards the front door

"ATHALIA." Dylan said shouting my name

"Yes?" I said startled from Dylan screaming

"Look." Dylan said showing me his phone

I looked up at him. Something told me to look over at the trees and I got a glimpse of someone. I looked really closely and I couldn't believe it, it was Trevor.

"TREVOR?" I said loudly letting out a gasp so he can hear me

"Athalia?" Trevor said with confusion to why i'm here

I got up so quickly and ran to him. I didn't think I just ran into his arms and hugged him so tightly. I didn't want to let go I was too scared to let him go. I was scared what he was going to say next.

"Athalia" Trevor said kind of trying to push me away

"Where have you been? Why are you in this town? Why didn't you come back home?" I asked really quickly cause I was concerned

"Athalia calm down, I know you're concerned." Trevor said

"Well of course I am." I said back with a little bit of attitude

"What I should be asking you is why are you in this town?" Trevor asked me with his eyebrow raised

"Well, there's this party that this new guy in town invited us to and it perhaps to be out of his town his cabin. But no this is not going to get you out of what I just asked you." I said

"Athalia I don't want to talk about it right now" Trevor said

"But Trevor we need to." I said begging for him to tell me

"I said not right now." Trevor said with a mad tone

I think I pissed him off.

"You should stay for the party." I said changing the subject

"Alright, I'll be back later I need to sort some stuff out

"Okay." I said giving him a kiss on his cheek

A couple hours later pass and I started to get ready for the party. I was curling my hair. Then I placed out a silk white dress. When I was done doing my hair I tied it back into a half up low done then I put a pink bow in my hair. Then I heard someone knock on my door.

"Come in." I said

It was Trevor he was back. He was dressed up nicely for the party.

"You look amazing." Trevor said just staring at me

"You think?" I asked

"Yes, more than amazing." Trevor said

"Thank you." I said pulling him into a kiss

It's been forever since the last time I did that. It was actually the longest kiss we ever had I just wanted him to know that I missed him a lot.

"Woah" Trevor said opening his eyes

I let out a little giggle.

"Let's go out and join the others." I said reaching my hand to him

When we both left the room everyone was cheering.

"ATHALIA AND TREVOR." Everyone said cheering loudly

The only person I caught that was cheering with the rest was Jackson. He seemed to be upset seeing me and Trevor together. I kind of just shrugged it off I just wanted to have a good time.

"Well, don't you look so cute." Amber said walking over to me

"Thank you Amber." I said smiling at her

"So, let's get this party started." Amber said dragging me into the big crowd of people dancing

Me and Amber were dancing with each other having a good time. I think this is like the best I have ever felt. I kind of glanced over and I seen Jackson from afar staring at me while I was dancing. I hurried up and tried to look away from him.

"Hey i'm going to go get a drink, do you want one?" Amber asked me

"Not right now but thank you." I said

When Amber walked away I could feel someone's breath on my neck. I turned around so quick to see who it was. It was Jackson.

"Did I scare you?" Jackson asked me knowing he already knew the answer

"Well, yes." I said

Jackson just kept staring at me. He didn't say anything.

"So, like did you want something?" I asked

"I want you." Jackson said

"WHAT?" I said realizing what he just said

"Oh, nothing. Have fun dancing." Jackson said walking away

"Wait Jackson you can't just leave. Tell me what you said." I said

He didn't listen to me he just kept walking away. I knew what came out of his mouth I just wanted to hear it again. I didn't know if he was playing around. I looked around to go find Trevor. I walked in my room to see if he was in there and there he was sitting on my bed. He had his hands on his knees and had his head down so he could see that I walked into the room.

"Trevor, what are you doing in here? Are you hiding from the party?" I asked

"Oh, Athalia I didn't know you was in here." Trevor said lifting up his head to look at me

"What's wrong, why are you in here?" I asked

"I just needed time to think to myself." Trevor said looking away from me

"What are you thinking about?" I asked

"It's nothing Athalia." Trevor said

"I don't think it's nothing." I said knowing that this would piss him off

"Athalia why can't you ever just leave anything alone. I told you it was nothing so it's nothing." Trevor said in a mad tone

"No, don't do that I know what you're doing. You're trying to push me away. I'm just trying to understand what's going on. Why you left with no explanation. But all you seemed to do it push me away." I said in a shaky voice

"Look i'm sorry Athalia I know you're wanting to know what happened but there's some things you can't know for your own safety." Trevor said walking over to me putting his hands on my cheek

"Okay, I understand I just want you to know that i'm here and I don't want you to ever leave me like that again." I said

"I promise I won't leave you again." Trevor said pulling me into a hug

This was really comforting I didn't want to leave from his presence. But he let go of me.

"Let's go out with the others." Trevor said walking to the door and I followed him

(A couple hours later)

Pretty much everyone was dancing and drinking. Amber and Dylan was dancing with each other. Flynn was dancing on the tables. Trevor was talking with a couple of guys. Nicole was dancing with some random guy. Jackson I didn't know where he went he disappeared to god knows where. And me I was sitting down where Flynn's little bar was. I kept looking at the drinks but I was hesitating to not drink it. I felt if I drink it then I wouldn't be able to stop. But I picked up the bottle and poured me a glass of whiskey. I started to drink a lot and I could feel it kicking into my body.

"Everyone come in here we're going to play a little game." Flynn said shouting from the living room

Everyone started to come into the living room and found a spot to sit.

"What game are we playing?" Nicole asked

"Truth or Dare." Flynn said

"Really, Classic." I said rolling me eyes

"So, this is how it's going to go. I'm going to ask someone and they are going to answer then that person will ask someone else." Flynn said

"Okay let's see. Nicole, truth or dare?" Flynn asked

"mhmm Dare" Nicole said

"Alright starting out bold" Flynn said

"I dare you to take one piece of clothing off." Flynn said

"Really asshole?" I said pushing his arm

Nicole started to take her shirt off.

"See now she could have taken her sock off but that works I guess." Flynn said

"Alright it's my turn." Nicole said pushing Flynn out the way

"Dylan, truth or dare?" Nicole asked

"Dare." Dylan said

"I dare you to give your girlfriend the best make out session she could ever have." Nicole said

Dylan looked over to Amber and cupped her face then he pulled her into a kiss. This kiss started to turn into make out.

"Alright I think that's enough." Nicole said

"It's your turn now Dylan" I said

"Umm, Zack I dare you to give someone a lap dance in this circle." Dylan said laughing

"Now who wants a lap dance?" Zack said getting up from the couch

Flynn was laughing at Zack.

"Oh, I think you do Mr.Armstrong." Zack said walking over to him

"No, you get away from me." Flynn said trying to throw things at him

"Alright, Alright, Athalia my beloved sister, truth or dare?" Zack asked

"Truth." I said nervously

"Is it true that you ever kissed anyone else when you was in a relationship?" Zack asked

"Well, no but I was close to kissing Jackson twice." I said while I was drunk

No one said anything at first everyone looked at me then they looked at Trevor. Jackson was sitting across from Trevor and Trevor was giving him the death stare.

"WHAT THE FUCK." Trevor said out of anger standing up

"Tell me this isn't fucking true Athalia?" Trevor said

I didn't even say anything. I was so blurred out from what was going on. I seen Trevor get up and started to walk outside. I got up and ran after him.

"Wait Trevor baby what's wrong it's just a game" I said

"IS IT FUCKING TRUE ATHALIA?" Trevor said screaming at me

"Yes it's true please just calm down." I said

Jackson followed me and Trevor outside.

"Dude this doesn't have to happen. There's nothing on between me and her." Jackson said

"Are you really lying to my fucking face right now? Who the fuck told you can come out here with us." Trevor said

The next thing I knew Trevor punched Jackson in the face. Then Jackson got up and pushed him then they both started to fight each other. Everyone started to come outside to see what was going on and Zack came over and rushed to try and pull them apart.

"Someone help me get these two off of each other." Zack said

Flynn came running over to help Zack get them two off of each other.


Trevor and Jackson walked away from each other. And Zack just gave me a disappointing look.

"Amber please get my sister to bed." Zack said

"Wait but I don't want to go to bed." I said

"Athalia you need rest, you're going to bed." Amber said grabbing me and taking me to my room

We went into my room and Amber lays me on the bed.

"Amber do you think Trevor is mad at me?" I asked really drowsy

"Goodnight Athalia." Amber said walking out of the room

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