Chapter Nine

The next morning I woke up and all I could think about is how I went to go see Jackson. I couldn't let Trevor know about it because then he will think something is going on between me and Jackson again. Which there isn't because I just went to go tell him to get off my ass. I lifted up from my pillow and looked at Trevor. But then I heard a big bang on my door and I got startled.

"Come in" I said hollering

"Hey, by the way there is going to be a party at Flynn's this weekend." Zack said peaking into my room

"Oh okay, thanks for letting me know" I said

"Is he really still sleeping" Zack said smiling

"Yup, he's sleeping beauty" I said laughing

We both started to laugh hard.

"I can hear you guys" Trevor said mumbling under the blankets

"Now you want to wake up" I said pulling the blankets off of him

"Really Athalia it's freezing" Trevor said

"Well i'm going to go so maybe think about it" Zack said leaving my room

"What is he talking about?" Trevor asked

"Oh, he just said there was going to be a party at Flynn's house but we don't have to go if you don't want to." I said

"It's a party Athalia there's no way we're gonna miss it" Trevor said

"Oh yeah I can't forget how much you like parties" I said smiling at him

I just kind of thought Trevor didn't want to go to this party because of what happened last time at the other party. I was so worried I was going to lose him. I'm so happy I got him back.

"Hey, we should go get some breakfast downstairs" I said getting up off the bed

"Yes please i'm starving" Trevor said getting off the bed too

We both went downstairs and went to the table. When we both got to the table I seen that Jackson was here too. I'm guessing my brother invited him over. I looked at him and I just gave him a half smile. We were all eating our breakfast until Trevor decided to say something.

"So Jackson don't you have your own family at your own house shouldn't you be eating breakfast there instead of here?" Trevor said staring at Jackson

"Trevor, really that's rude of you to say" Athalia said shoving Trevor's shoulder

"Last time I checked Trevor you also have a home too. So, why are you here?" Jackson asked crossing his arms

"That's enough both of you. If you guys want to fight then do so but not in my house. If so then you both can get out of my house" Athalia's dad said

"Okay, why don't everyone just calm down" Athalia's mom said

It was quite after. We all just ate in silence because if one of us opened our mouths then it probably wouldn't be good. After we were done eating me and Trevor went up to my room.

"Trevor what the fuck was that?" I said turning around from the door

"What?" Trevor asked like he didn't know what I was talking about

"Don't pretend you don't know what i'm talking about" I said

"Care to explain because I don't know" Trevor said

"Why did you go after Jackson like that" I said with my eyebrow raised

"Because he's a fucking asshole Athalia" Trevor said

"Because he's a fucking asshole? Really Trevor that doesn't give you no right" I said

"Wait don't tell me you care about him" Trevor said

"Are you fucking kidding me? Of course I care for him he's been my best friend since we were little" I said

"But Athalia if you guys were just friends then why did I find out y'all both almost kiss" Trevor said

"Really are we talking about this I thought you said you didn't care about that anymore" I said

"I guessed I lied" Trevor said

"All i'm saying is that my mom or dad didn't have to invite you to come and stay with us but they did and your taking advantage of it by asking why Jackson is here at my house like it's your own house." I said walking out of my room and went outside to get fresh air

I couldn't be in that room anymore with him I felt like I was suffocating. And he had so much nerve bringing up what happened at the party I get what I did was wrong but he didn't have to bring it up after he told me he didn't care. After a while I was still outside on the porch sitting on the steps. Then I heard the door open behind me and it was Trevor I looked away because I was still pissed at him.

  "Athalia i'm sorry. I should have never said anything like you said it wasn't my place to say anything." Trevor said

"It's okay, thank you for apologizing" I said turning my head to look at him

"I just want you to know that I love you" Trevor said putting his hands on my face

  "I love you Trevor" I said pulling him into a kiss

  I didn't notice Jackson was behind us and we got interrupted.

"Mhmm, Trevor I just wanted to come and apologize. I never got to apologize last time so i'm doing it now. I'm sorry" Jackson said

"You know what it's fine bro" Trevor said giving him a smile

When Jackson was walking back inside I just gave him a smile.

"See being nice isn't that bad" I said

"Yea okay it's not that bad" Trevor said pulling me into a hug

Fast forwarding to the next day we all went to school. And right when we got inside I heard everybody talking about Flynn's party. I seen a lot of people that had fliers in their hands. There was a girl passing them around. So I went up to her and grabbed one from her.

"Really another party?" I asked sarcastically

  "Athalia I told you he was having a party" Zack said

  "Well I didn't think he was actually going to have another one" I said

"Look we need some fun in our lives so why not" Trevor said

"Fine i'll go but only for you" I said

"Oh, yeah?" Trevor asked

"I think that's my que to leave" Zack said walking away

Me and Trevor just started to laugh.

"Well that's one way to get him away from us" I said

"Athalia" Amber said coming up to me and hugging me

"Oh hey Amber what was that for?" I asked

"Well first I missed you I feel like we haven't seen each other for a while" Amber said

"I missed you too Amber, we should hang out later" I said

"Well we're going to be going to the party but we should definitely hang out there" Amber said

"Oh the party's tonight?" I asked

"Yes" Amber said

"I'll definitely be there" I said smiling

Then Amber walked away and I dropped Trevor off at his class and I went to my class. I walked into my class and I went to go sit next to Flynn because he's the only one I know in that class.

"So, you're having another party?" I asked like I didn't already know

"Yes, are you trying to ruin this one too?" Flynn asked

"Actually no. But how come you always throw so many parties and your parents don't care?" I asked

"Well my parents work a lot so they don't really know what I do plus they're never home so it's practically my house" Flynn said

"Right, do you like being alone?" I asked

  Flynn didn't say anything he just stared at me.

"Well I mean do you feel free without your parents?" I asked

"Yea, but sometimes I do want company" Flynn said

"Is this why you always throw parties?" I asked

The bell rang for us to go to our next class.

  "Yes, and I hope to see you at this one" Flynn said walking away

I thought about it I think I should go because I'll probably going to miss a lot of fun.

Couple hours later and me and Trevor was getting ready for Flynn's party. I looked at Trevor from the bathroom and seen him getting ready.

"You know Trevor we could always just stay home we don't have to go" I said hoping he would change his mind

"Athalia, why don't you want to go?" Trevor asked

"Oh no I do it was just a thought you know" I said giving him a half smile

Then we heard a knock at my bedroom door.

"Are y'all almost ready because i'm going to be leaving soon" Zack said

"Yes, we'll be out soon" I said

"I lied i'm not almost done" I said looking at Trevor then started to laugh

"It's okay it's not like he's going to leave us" I said

"Yeah I don't know it's Zack" I said giving Trevor a concern look

"Well better hurry up before he decides to leave us" Trevor said

"I'm trying my best" I said

When I was done getting ready which felt like forever I went downstairs where Trevor and Zack was Trevor was already down there because he didn't feel like waiting for me. They both seen me coming down the stairs.

"Omg Athalia finally. Let's get in the car now" Zack said walking outside

"You look really beautiful" Trevor said grabbing my hand

"Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself" I said chuckling

We walked out to the car and got in. Zack started to drive to Flynn's house which was ten minutes away. Flynn doesn't live in town he's really rich and his father owns like a big piece of land. When we arrived the music was really loud that I could heard it from inside of the car. Trevor got out and opened the door for me.

"Thank you, you didn't have to" I said

"Well of course I did" Trevor said

We all walked up the stairs and went inside. I seen Flynn he was flirting with some girl but when he seen us he instantly came towards us.

"Y'all made it. Welcome to my home. Oh and Athalia you decided to come i'm happy to see you" Flynn said

"Oh yeah I'm here" I said smiling

"What a lovely home you have here" Zack said in an awkwardly way

And I just looked at him because it was really weird how he said it.

"Do you guys want a beer" Flynn said

"I do" Zack said so quickly

"Well let me show you where they are" Flynn said guiding him towards the alcohol

"What was that?" Trevor said

"I don't know he's acting weird" I said

"No not your brother I mean when Flynn said you decided to come" Trevor said

"Oh I don't know" I said

"Did you not want to come" Trevor said

"I did, why do you keep asking that?" I asked

"Just curious" Trevor said

"I'm going to go find Amber" I said walking away because I felt overwhelmed

I couldn't find Amber but I ran into Nicole.

"Oh shit i'm sorry" Nicole said drowsy

"It's okay, are you drunk?" I asked

"I just had a little bit" Nicole said

"Right I think you had more than just a little bit" I said

"So I heard you and Trevor's back together" Nicole said

"Yeah we are" I said

She didn't say anything she just started at me for a while.

"Well it was nice seeing you Athalia I have to go now" Nicole said

"Bye Nicole" I said smiling at her

That's was really weird but I don't care because i'm trying to find Amber. Flynn's house is humongous it would take me forever to find this girl. I went upstairs where there was barely anyone. I barged into a room and I seen Amber and Dylan making out.

"Am I interrupting something" I said

"Oh, Athalia" Amber said pushing Dylan off of her to look at me

"Hey Athalia" Dylan said

"Hey Dylan" I said smiling

"Well i'll be downstairs waiting for you" I said

"I'll be down there in a minute I promise" Amber said

I walked downstairs and I could hear the really loud music. When I was at the bottom of the stairs I seen Jackson sitting on the couch he was staring at me. I just walked away and went outside by Flynn's pool. Nobody was outside because Flynn didn't want anybody going outside but I needed an escape from the party. I sat down and took my shoes off then I put my feel in the pool. I heard the door open and I looked over really quick. It was Jackson he came up to me and sat down next to me.

"I can leave" I said about to get up

"No please stay" Jackson said grabbing my hand

Then I just sat back down.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked

"I could ask you the same thing?" Jackson asked

"Just wanted to get away from the party" I said

"Why did you come then if you don't want to be here?" Jackson asked

"Well I came for Trevor he's the one that wanted to come" I said

"Did he care to ask if you wanted to stay home?" Jackson asked

"Well no but it don't matter" I said

"Well it looks like it's affecting you" Jackson said

"It's not" I said

"We're still friends right?" Jackson asked

"Yes, of course we are, why would ask that?" I asked

"Well I don't want to lose you because of Trevor" Jackson said

"Your not going to" I said

Then he put his hand on my hand. I looked up at him then I got up.

"Ambers probably looking for me I need to go" I said walking inside

"Athalia" Amber said coming up to me

"Amber" I said

"Look I know I was spending the whole time with Dylan but now you have me so let's go have some fun" Amber said dragging me

"Amber where are you taking me? I asked

"We're going to go dance" Amber said

  "Amber you know I don't dance" I said

  "You do now" Amber said

  I can't believe she was dragging me into this. I do not like to dance I never have. I'm just one of those people that sit on the side and watch other people dance at parties i'm not even a party person but Amber she likes to party.

"Are you having a fun?" I asked

"Yes, are you?" Amber asked

"Yes because i'm with you" I said laughing

I was having so much fun. Amber took all the worries and thoughts from my head. I couldn't think about anything else I was just in my own world with Amber. I was so caught up dancing that I didn't even know know where Trevor was but I wasn't even worried about it because he's probably with Dylan right now. Then when I was dancing I stopped because I seen Jackson was coming up to me. He looked really messed up he looks like he had too much to drink.

"Are you okay Jackson?" I asked

"Can we talk Athalia?" Jackson asked

"I'm busy right now Jackson" I said looking at Amber

"Fine you know what" Jackson said walking away towards a table

"What are you doing Jackson?" I asked

He was already up on the table he completely ignored me.

"HEY, everyone I have an announcement to make" Jackson Hollered at first but when he got everyone's attention he lowered his voice

Everyone was just staring at him waiting for what he was about to say.

"I just want to say that Flynn you threw like the best party ever and it kind of made me get a chance to tell everybody that i'm in love with Athalia. And that she's lying to her self by thinking she's in love with Trevor well guess what she's not, she told me she's not and me and her kissed." Jackson said to everybody

The room was silence and everyone turned their heads and looked at me. All eyes were on me and I seen Trevor across the room and my eyes were on him. He had heard what Jackson said and his face was bloodshot red he looked like he was going to kiss someone. My eyes were really watery and when I seen he was leaving the house I ran after him.

"TREVOR WAIT" I hollered

He was ignoring me. He didn't even stop. We were Outside and I called one more time for him.

"Trevor please stop just listen to me." I said

He turned around and looked at me.

"What the fuck do you want?" Trevor asked in an angry tone

"I know your mad but I can explain" I said

"Explain what that you cheated on me again after I gave you another fucking chance" Trevor said

"I didn't cheat though. I did not kiss Jackson and I didn't tell him I didn't want to be with you. He fucking lying to you Trevor can't you fucking see that." I said

"Where was you all night?" Trevor asked

"What?" I asked

"Is that where you disappeared all night with him?" Trevor asked

"No, I mean I was with him for a little bit talking as friends though nothing else happened and then after that I was with Amber the whole night" I said

"I don't know I just don't if i can believe that and I don't think I can trust you because what happened at the last party now this." Trevor said

"No, Trevor you told me we was done talking about what happened at the last party" I said

"Well I can't get it out of my head so I think we should bre.." Trevor said but then I cut him off

"No Trevor please I know what you're about to do." I said on the verge about to cry

"Maybe it's for the best" Trevor said with tears in his eyes

"Please" I said

"I'm sorry" Trevor said then he walked away

I was left there broken. I started to ball my eyes out. I was so fucking pissed off at Jackson for ruining my relationship. I was pissed off that Trevor too because he didn't even want to believe me. So I wiped away my tears and walked back inside to the party. I went into the kitchen and try to get my hands on any alcohol I could find. When I found some I opened the bottle I started to drink the whole bottle. Then I seen some people have some time of pills and I went up to them.

"Hey, you got any more of that?" I asked

"Yea, do you want some?" Some stranger at the party said

I shook my head yes and I opened my hand then he was about to give me the pill but Amber came. She stopped his hand so the pill wouldn't go in my hand.

"Hey, what's your name?" Amber said

"Ricky" Ricky said

"Why don't you do me a favor and fuck off Ricky" Amber said

"Jeez lady she's the one that asked for it" Ricky said

"I don't give a shit now move on." Amber said

"I'm going to get you home Athalia" Amber said putting my arm around her shoulder

"Wait what about Trevor?" I asked

"Athalia don't worry about him. I'm worrying about you and I'm going to get you home so let's go" Amber said

I let Amber take me I felt so hopeless I just wanted to go to sleep. She put me in her car and then I closed my eyes, that was the last thing I remembered.

[The next day]

When I woke up I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and my head was pounding. I lifted up from my pillow and looked around the room. I noticed that Trevor wasn't here and I remembered that we broke up last night. When I started to remember my eyes started to get watery. Why do I always fuck up good things. I lost Trevor just because Jackson's jealousy. I can't believe he pulled that shit last night. Our last break up I instantly went to go find him and work things out but this time something just told me to leave it like it is. I felt so horrible but I got up and went downstairs. I seen Zack was on the couch and my parents were in the kitchen. I decided to go back upstairs so my parents wouldn't find out that I was drinking also they're going to be asking about Trevor. When I was going up the stairs I seen Jackson he was coming out of the bathroom. I tired to go to my room as quick as I can because I was so pissed at him that I didn't even want to talk to him. I was about to go into my room but Jackson stopped me.

"Athalia wait" Jackson said

"No stay the fuck away from me I have nothing to say to you" I said about to slam the door on his face

"Athalia I know what I said what fucked up last night but I was so drunk to the point I didn't even know what happened but Zack told me everything I said last night and I feel like an asshole now." Jackson said putting his hand on the door so I wouldn't shut it

"Maybe because you are one. Why the fuck Jackson I knew you was Jealous but I didn't think you was going to go ruin my relationship" I said

"I'm sorry Athalia I know your mad and me being drunk isn't an excuse I get it but I didn't lie about one thing that I said at the party I really do. I know it might take time for you to forgive me but i'm going to try my best to earn your trust again." Jackson said then he went back downstairs

When he walked away I shut the door and went to go sit on my bed. I thought to myself did he actually mean what he said. Is he in love with me? Jackson's my best friend and I love him and I knew he loved me too but I didn't know he was in love with me. Everything is just happening way too fast. I just lost Trevor and Jackson just confessed his love for me. I think I need to get out I feel like i'm getting suffocated. I threw on my shoes and went downstairs. I made sure no one seen me leave the house. I just wanted to be alone for a while. Honestly I didn't even know where to go so I just started to walk where ever. When I was walking I ended up at the park that's close to my house. I noticed some people was at the park. I just ignored them. I went straight to the swings and sat on one of them. I looked down at my feet. I was kicking my feet so that the swing can move. Then I looked up and kept staring at those people at the park. I could tell that they had something in their hands. I was very curious so I decided to go up to them. I walked towards them and they all gave me a weird look like they were all confused who I was.

"Can we help you?" Some random girl said

"Umm, what's that in your hands?" I asked

"cocaine" A random boy blurted out

"Would you mind if I can get some?" I asked

"You know you seem like a sweet girl, what kind of girl like you is going to be asking for this?" Random boy asked

"Someone that needs to get away from everything" I said

"Give the girl some" Random boy said to the random girl

They handed me the cocaine

"Do I need to pay you anything?" I asked

"No, your fine I got you" Random boy said

"Thank you" I said about to walk away

"You know if you ever need something I got you" Random boy said

"Thank you" I said walking away back to the swings

I took the little piece of paper out of the bag that they gave me. Then I poured it all over my leg. I started to snort it all off of my leg. I started to cough a little because I wasn't really used to it.

A couple hours has past and I was really fucked up. All those kids from the park were gone and I was the only one there. Everything has disappeared from my mind I felt like I was living life. My eyes started to get really drowsy I felt like I was going to fall asleep. I went on the slide and laid down. When I laid down my eyes instantly shut.

[The next morning]

I woke up. I looked around and seen that I wasn't home. I looked at my phone and seen that it was eleven o'clock. I was really hoping everyone was still sleeping. I didn't want anyone to notice I was gone from the house. I didn't keep track last night I got really fucked up. I got up from the slide and started I to walk home really fast. I got to the house and walked in. I didn't see anyone so they probably were all still sleeping. I jumped so fast when I seen Zack come up to me so fast from the kitchen.

"Where the hell were you?" Zack asked

"Shit you fucking scared me" I said breathing heavily

"Well, where was you?" Zack asked

"I was at Amber's. Why do you care?" I asked

"Was you really?" Zack asked

   "Yes" I said

"Don't fucking lie to me Athalia. I called Amber this morning and she said you wasn't with her" Zack said with a disappointed face

I didn't even know what to say because lying my way out wasn't going to get me anywhere.

"I was with some friends" I said

"What friends Athalia?" Zack asked

"Just some friends. Why are you asking so much questions?" I asked

"I know all your friends Athalia. And practically Amber and Dylan are your only friends." Zack said

"Actually they're not my only friends" I said

"Well your glad mom and dad didn't go into your room and didn't see you was there because you would of got in more trouble" Zack said

"What so i'm getting in trouble from you?" I asked laughing 

"It's not a joke Athalia anything could have happened to you. Why did you leave without telling me?" Zack asked loudly

"Quiet down or mom and dad will hear you" I said

"Athalia promise me you won't leave without telling anyone" Zack said

"Okay, I promise" I said even though I knew I was going to do it again

"Go get ready for school" Zack said

School was starting late because we had exams. This whole week school was going to be starting late. So I got dressed and got in the car with my brother. We finally got to the school. I didn't want to get out because mostly everyone from this school was at Flynn's party and they all seen what went down at the party. I wasn't really worried about that though I was more worried that I would have to see Trevor's face after everything that happened at the party. I was scared what he was going to think of me. What is he don't talks to me? I need to talk to him though I have to try. When I walked into the school there was some eyes on me. Those people had to be at the party. I ignored everyone. I went to my locker to gather my belongings for class. I went to my first class to take my first exam. when that class was over time went fast it was already lunch. All of our lunches were mixed up due to all the exams. When I walked in I seen all my friends were at a table together. I also seen Trevor was sitting with them. I was surprised because Jackson was at the table with them. I walked up to the table and everyone was looking at me.

"Hey, Athalia sit down" Amber said

I was about to sit down when I seen Trevor was getting up from the table. He was walking away from our table. Everyone looked at me because they knew he left because of me. I looked at everyone but the. I went after him.

"Trevor" I hollered going after him

"What do want?" Trevor asking turning around to look at me

"You know you don't have to stop being friends with them because of me" I said

"I am not done being their friends. I just need some time away from you" Trevor said

"But Trevor can't you see I didn't do anything wrong here" I said

"Maybe you didn't but Athalia you can't lie to me that you don't have feelings for Jackson." Trevor said

I paused, I couldn't get a work out because I knew he was right. I didn't want to lie to him anymore. He knew my answer already by the look on my face and that I didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry Trevor" I said having a drop of tear come down my face

"No need, you can't help who you fall for" Trevor said

We didn't say anything to each other anymore. So he walked out of the lunch room away from me. He just left me there. I watched him walk away.

  [Trevor's point of view]

I walked out of the room away from Athalia. I went outside in the courtyard to get some air. I felt so angry at her. How could she love someone else? I was sitting on a bench that they had out there. After a while I could hear footsteps from behind me. I looked behind me. Nicole was the one behind me. She came to the bench and sat right next to me. I just looked at her with confusion.

"Do you need something?" I asked harshly

"I came to see if you was okay" Nicole said

"I'm okay. you can go away now" I said

"Well I don't think you are. Your girlfriend cheated on you. You deserve more than that." Nicole said

"Look you don't know anything so go away" I said

"Trevor i'm just trying to help you" Nicole said

"Why don't you do me a favor and stop trying. I don't need help from someone like you." I said

"From someone like me?" Nicole asked

"Yes, a spoiled little brat. Someone that only cares about their self" I said

I noticed there was people around us and I said that really loud. Some people heard what I said to Nicole. I noticed Nicole got embarrassed because some people were looking. But she spitted out some words.

"If I only cared about myself I wouldn't be asking you if you're okay. I was only trying to comfort you  but I guess I can't do that when you don't want it." Nicole said walking away after she said all that

I just watched her walk away. I was so angry at Athalia that I started to take it out on other people. I know it's wrong but I can't help it.

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