Chapter Four
"What did you find out about Trevor's parents," said Zack
"Well I haven't found a name yet but I found out that Trevor's Dad has been in jail for abuse," said Nicole
"Maybe that's why yesterday Trevor had a black eye and busted lip because his dad probably hit him," said Jackson
"Poor guys we have to tell Athalia about this," said Zack
"NO," said Jackson screamed "Sorry, We can't tell Athalia she is already dealing with Trevor in the hospital and I don't want to worry her right now," said Jackson
"We have to tell her what Trevor has been going through," said Zack
"But I will try to find his mother," said Nicole
Athalia and Amber came and ran up the halls
"where have you been mom called and told me you weren't in first period," said Zack
"Sorry Me and Amber went to the hospital to see Trevor but Dylan because he was scared to leave him alone there," said Athalia
"Why?" said Nicole
"What are you doing here this is our group met who let you in the group," I said
"Athalia remember she is the reason Trevor is okay," said Jackson
"Yeah anyway Nicole found something," said Zack
"Yeah is too," said Amber
"Okay so I found that Trevor dad had been to jail a few times because he was abusive to his partners that's why they move a lot and I couldn't find their mom's name but I will keep trying," said Nicole
Athalia jealously rolled her eyes
"Dylan said that last night Travis and his dad tried to release him even when the nurse told him that he was not doing good and he said that he always acts just for attention then Dylan said that He what about Travis and Dylan told him that if he ever saw him lay a hand on Trevor he would call the cop and he threatened Dylan that he would kill him and I scared he can hurt Dylan" said Amber
"It will be okay Amber we promise we will keep him safe," said Zack
"Did you hear about The Armstrongs?" said random girl
"Ashley what are you doing now," said Jackson
"What happened," said Nicole
"People said that they were coming to live with her because they found out that the wife had kids," said Ashley
"And Why would people care" said Zack
"Because Their son Fylnn is so hot and people say
He throws the best parties," said Ashley
"Well I guess we are people A lot right Jackson," said Zack
"How can you think about partying when Trevor is at the hospital" I said angrily
"She's right Zack," said Jackson
"Okay and I want to party and I will live my life i'm not going to stop my life just because your little boyfriend is sick," said Zack
"You're a selfish little twat Zack you only think about yourself," I said angrily
"Stop being a Fucking brat Athalia," said Zack
"Im being the brat by being a good person?" I said
"A good person, when we all know that you still have a thing for Jackson." said Zack
I saw Jackson when he said I got quiet and just ran off. I didn't know what to do at the same time Zack was right I couldn't forget him but I the same time I liked Trevor but loved Jackson
"You're an asshole Zack," said Amber running after Athalia
"What the hell is wrong with you dude," said Jackson pushing Zack, and went after Athalia
"What I was telling the truth," said Zack
"Athalia are you okay?" said Amber worried
"Why would he say that," I said crying
"He's being an asshole Athalia," said Amber hugging Athalia
" Hey Athalia are you okay," said Jackson
"I will leave you two alone call me later Athalia," said Amber
I nodded my head,
"Is it true what Zack said?" said Jackson
"No he was just being a asshole," I said
"Oh I know sometimes he can be a dumbass," said Jackson
I giggled and he smiled back at me those are the things that can't make me forget him
"You have a beautiful smile Athalia," said Jackson
I blushed and at that moment I knew I had fallen in love with him in a heartbeat again and at this moment all i want to do was just pull him in and kiss him.
"Thank you," I said
"Athalia remember when we were talking yesterday about Trevor and I was going to tell you something but Amber interrupted us" said Jackson
"Yeah what did you want to talk about," I said
"All I want to say is that Athalia María Reyes you are an amazing person," said Jackson (lying)
"Thanks," I said
"I should better get going to practice see you later," said Jackson (Sadly)
"See you later Jackson," I said
(At the hospital)
"How are you feeling," Dylan asked
"Hey, Dylan. Thanks for staying. I needed someone to talk to" said Trevor
"Of course, Trevor. What's going on? You seem upset." said Dylan concerned.
"It's my dad. He's been getting worse, and more abusive. I can't take it anymore." said Trevor getting upset
"I'm so sorry to hear that, Trevor. Have you thought about talking to someone about it?" said Dylan
"Yeah, but I need to find my mom first. She left a Years ago, and I have no idea where she is," said Trevor
"That sounds tough. Maybe we can figure out a plan to locate her together. Do you have any leads?"Said, Dylan
"Not really. She didn't leave any clues. But I know she would want to help if she knew what was happening." said Trevor
"Maybe we could check with relatives, family friends, or even social media. Someone might have heard from her," said Dylan
"Good idea. I just want to get out of here and away from my dad. He's unpredictable but I only know my dad's relatives." said Trevor
"We'll find your mom and figure this out, Trevor. And I think you must talk to someone about the abuse, maybe a counselor or the authorities," said Dylan
"Yeah, you're right. It's just scary. I don't want to make things worse." said Trevor
"Your safety is the priority, Trevor. Let's take it one step at a time, but reaching out for help is essential," said Dylan
"Thanks, Dylan. I appreciate your support. It means a lot." said Trevor going for a hug
"We'll get through this together, Trevor. You're not alone in this. you my friend no your my best friend " said Dylan
(At Athalia house)
"Amber, can we talk about something?"I said worried
"Of course, Athalia. What's on your mind?" said Amber
"It's about Jackson. I can't seem to get him out of my head, and it's driving me crazy I know I'm with Trevor but I just can't stop thinking about him."I said
"Oh? What's going on?"said Amber
"I don't know. It's like every little thing reminds me of him, and I can't stop thinking about our times together."I said
"Have you tried talking to him about it?"said Amber
"I'm scared too, Amber. What if he doesn't feel the same way?"I said
"It's worth a shot. You won't know unless you try. Maybe he's feeling the same way." said Amber
"I just don't want to ruin our friendship, you know?"I said
"I get that, but holding back your feelings might be doing more harm. It's better to know where you stand."said Amber
"You're right. I'll gather the courage to talk to him. Thanks, Amber." I said
"Anytime, Athalia. I'm here for you, no matter what happens."said Amber
"Hey, Athalia, I just got a text from Dylan. He's really worried about Trevor. Apparently, he's been facing some abuse, and he wants to find his mom."said Amber
"That's terrible. We can't let him go through this alone. What did Dylan say?"I said
"Dylan wants us to help him locate Trevor's mom. He's desperate to ensure Trevor's safety. Can we assist him in finding any leads or information?"said Amber
"Absolutely. Let's pool our resources and see what we can uncover about Trevor's mom. We can start by reaching out to people who might know her whereabouts or any recent contacts."I said
"Agreed. We need to act swiftly and responsibly. I'll coordinate with Dylan to gather more details while you begin looking into possible connections or leads."said Amber
"Perfect. We can make a plan to support Trevor together. It's crucial to ensure his well-being and find a solution to this troubling situation."I said
They hear a knock on the door
"Come in"I said
"Athalia, I owe you a big apology. I've been a real jerk lately, and I'm sorry for being so rude." said Zack
"It's okay, Zack. What's going on?"I said
"No, it's not okay. You're the best little sister, and I love you. And I shouldn't have told everyone about your feelings for Jackson. I feel terrible about it I know your with Trevor now and you care about him." said Zack
"Oh, Zack, why would you do that?"I said
"I thought I was helping, but I realize now it was a mistake. I feel really bad for not respecting your privacy. I should have talked to you first."said Zack
"It's alright, Zack. Let's just try to fix things from here. And thank you for apologizing."I said
"I promise to be more considerate from now on. I care about you, Athalia, and I want to make things right." said Zack
Zack: Athalia, Amber, we need to talk about something important.
"Do you hear that?" I said
[In the background, the parents' argument escalates.]
"We can't let them keep fighting like this. I'm going to talk to them." said Zack
[As Zack approaches his parents' heated argument, he intervenes.]
"Stop! Just stop fighting! This is tearing us apart!" said Zack
[His father reacts angrily.]
"Stay out of this, Zack!"said Mr.Reyes
"No, I won't! You can't keep treating Mom like this. You're being an asshole and a terrible father!"said Zack
[His father, angered, hits Zack.]
"Don't you dare talk to me like that!"said Mr.Black
[Meanwhile, Athalia intervenes.]
"Please, stop fighting! This isn't helping anyone."I said
[Athalia, witnessing the chaos, decides to run away.]
"I can't deal with this. I'm leaving."I said
[Amber notices Athalia leaving and follows her.]
"Athalia, wait!"said Amber
[Amber bumps into Jackson.]
"Whoa, what happened? Why are you running?" Said Jackson
"I can't deal with this no more"said Amber
[Jackson, concerned, quickly reacts.]
"Let's go back and see what we can do. This needs to be sorted out."said Jackson
Jackson running after Athalia
"Hey are you okay Athalia"said Jackson comforting Athalia."
"No it's just hard"I said crying
"Athalia, I know everything is overwhelming right now, but we'll get through this together."said Jackson
"I'm just so scared, Jackson. Trevor's in the hospital, and my parents are talking about getting divorced. It feels like my world is falling apart."I said
"I understand it's tough, but Trevor's strong, and he'll be okay. And as for your parents, sometimes things get rough, but they can find a way to make it work. Remember, we'll face this as a team."said Jackson hugging Athalia
"I hope you're right. I want Trevor to be okay, and I want my parents to be happy again."I said
"It might take time, Athalia, but things can get better. Your parents may be going through a rough patch, but sometimes people find a way to work through it. We'll support you, no matter what."said Jackson
"Thank you, Jackson. I just need someone to lean on right now."I said
"I'm here for you, Athalia. We'll navigate through these tough times, and eventually, things will be okay. You're not alone in this."said Jackson
"Lets get you home."said Jackson
Jackson has his arm around Athalia giving her the comfort she needs right now, he is walking her home.
I took a deep breath before i opened the door. I was scared my parents was still arguing. Athalia's thoughts
I opened the door and it was very quiet. I was surprised.
"Jackson would you want to come upstairs to my room" I said
"Um yeah," Jackson said
We went up to my room and just started talking about mostly everything. We've actually been talking for hours i wasn't really paying attention to the time I was just so focused on me and Jackson's conversations.
(One hour later)
Jackson plops off of the bed and tells Athalia to wait here.
"Where are you going?" I said
"I'll be right back give me a minute." Jackson said
Jackson comes back with a CD in his hand. He puts the CD into the dvd radio Athalia has in her room.
The song can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley comes on.
I just gave a look to Jackson cause i know him and Zack always used to make fun of me for listening to music like this.
"Remember when me and Zack used to always make fun of you for listening to music like this" Jackson said
"Yes i still remember, and i still listen to this song to this very day." I said
Jackson reaches his hand out to me to get up off the bed. I just looked at his hand for like a good minute then i finally grabbed his hand. Jackson pulled me in closer to him toward the point our bodies were touching each other. We both started to just slow dance to the music.
I started to lay my head on his shoulder. And we just danced in silence. But it wasn't an awkward silence it was a comforting silence. And in this very moment all i could think about is me and Jackson. Feeling his warmth and comfort meant so much to me.
Then Jackson broke the silence.
"Athalia,"Jackson said
I lifted my head off of his shoulder.
"Yes, Jackson?" I said
He didn't say anything he just stared at me and my lips. I know he wanted to kiss me i could just tell. I mean i can't blame him i wanted the same as he wanted. We both stared at each other for a while but then next thing i know Jackson was leaning in to kiss me. I wasn't backing up or anything i really wanted this. Me and Jackson's lips are only an inch away from each other but then all i could hear was my door slammed open. I backed away from Jackson so quick.
I looked towards the doorway and i seen Zack just standing there. I could see that Zack had a look on his face like when you know what is going on. I hurried up and said something so he could not ask what going on here.
"Do you need something Zack?" I said
"I just wanted to say that Amber called me she said that Trevor is wanting to see you." Zack said
"Oh um let me just grab a couple things and i will be on my way to the hospital." I said
"Hey Athalia i think i'm just going to head home." Jackson said
"Oh um yeah, I'll see around?" I said
"Yeah" Jackson said
(Jackson's point of view)
I started to walk out of Athalia's room. I was walking down stairs and i just seen Zack in the kitchen. I tired to walk fast so he didn't see me but that didn't work. Zack seen me and stopped me.
"Hey Jackson buddy" Zack said
"Yes Zack?" I said
I already knew what he was going to ask me this is why i just wanted to ignore him.
"So what was going on with you and my sister in her room?"
"What are you talking about Zack?" I said
I was playing dumb with him. I knew exactly what he was talking about.
"Well you know i opened the door and like i seen you and my sister was getting offley close. I felt like i was interrupting something."
"We was just talking Zack." I said
"Didn't look like you guys wasn't just talking" Zack said
"Look Jackson, your like one of my best friends and i don't know what you having going on with my sister but i think whatever is going on should stop because things are just going to get complicated with you two." Zack said
"Zack there is nothing going on between me and your sister, I wouldn't do that to you." I said
"I was just checking man." Zack said
"Oh and also did i hear the song me and you used to make fun of Athalia for always listening to?"
"Um yes," I chuckled
Zack and Jackson both just started to laugh.
(Athalia's point of view)
I started to gather my things I was taking to the hospital. I started to head downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and i seen Zack just eating an apple.
"Hey Zack i'm ready," I said
"You can go to the car let me go grab my keys." Zack said
The drive to the hospital was very silent and awkward. Not me or Zack said a word to each other. I think it was because of the whole thing that happened at the house.
(At the hospital)
I walked into Trevor's hospital room. And there he was just laying down talking with Dylan. I was standing there for a good minute until Trevor notice i was in the room.
"Athalia" Trevor said
"Hi," I said in a sweet tone
I walked towards his bed.
"How are you feeling?" I said
"I'm doing okay, Thank you for asking." Trevor said
"Of course, i'm always here if you need me." I said
"Hey i'll be right back i'm going to go ask the doctors to see when they will let you go." I said
"Okay, i'll be waiting here" Trevor said
I went out of the room and i was searching for a doctor to talk to. But then i seen a doctor over the counter. I went up to the young lady.
"Excuse me, I was wondering when Trevor Black can get out of here." I said
"I'm not sure at this moment, But i will let you know when i get information about it." the doctor said
"Thank you" I said
I went back to Trevor's room and i seen Amber with Dylan, Trevor and Zack. Amber looked at me and got up so fast to come and give me a hug.
"Hey are you okay, you know like with everything that is happening with your family?" Amber asked
"Oh yeah i'm good, Thank you for asking." I said
"Oh Trevor i talked to one of the doctors. She said she wasn't sure when you will be released but she will update us if she gets any information."
"Thank you Athalia, for checking." I said
"Your welcome" I said
"It's kind of getting late so i think me and Athalia is going to head home." Zack said
"I will come and check on you tomorrow early in the morning." I said to Trevor
I went to Trevor and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He kissed me back on my cheek.
"Stay safe Athalia, Goodnight."
"Goodnight Trevor," I said
"Hey man, get her home safely." Trevor said to Zack
"I will, you get some rest" Zack said
(At the Reyes family house)
Zack and I went straight to the living room. I plopped down on the couch. Zack handed me the remote.
"You can put something you like on." Zack said
We just sat there watching the movie. But then Zack said my name.
"Hey Athalia," Zack said
"Yes Zack?" I said
"So look Athalia i think we should talk about what i seen a few hours ago with you and Jackson" Zack said
"What did you see exactly?" I said
"Athalia you know you don't have to play dumb with me right?" Zack said
I didn't really know what to say at that moment. There was no way lying myself out of this.
"Okay so what did you exactly want to talk about?" I said
"Do you still like Jackson?" Zack said
Did i really want to answer this question? But he's my brother i can't lie to him. Athalia's thoughts
"I mean yeah." I said
"If you like Jackson then why are still with Trevor?" Zack said
"Uh um i don't know okay i just, i like trevor like a lot i really do." I said
"But not as much as you like Jackson?" Zack said
"Look Athalia i think you should tell Trevor how you're actually feeling so you don't hurt him." Zack said
"I will, Just not right now. Trevor is going through a lot and i don't want to drop all of this on him right now." I said
"Well okay Athalia i'm going to head up to bed. Maybe you should also go get some rest." Zack said
"See you in the morning Zack. Goodnight," I said
"Goodnight," Zack said
I went into my room. I went straight to my bed i didn't even think about changing into pajamas. I was just to tired.
I tired to close my eyes but something was keeping me up it was Jackson i was just think about our dancing, i was thinking about his body close to mine, his lips about to touch mine. Why Zack, why did you have to walk in that moment?
I was also thinking about me and Zack's conversation about me and Jackson. I understand why Zack was asking me all these questions. He just trying to be a good brother and look out for me. But he's right i need to talk to Trevor about this i just can't keep this from him.
My eyes were getting drowsy i was starting to feel very sleepy.
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