Chapter Five

(The next morning)


I woke up to sound of zack shouting through my door.

"What do you want?" I Groaned

Zack barged into my room not even asking for my permission to come in.

"Oh yeah just come right in." I said sarcastically

"You're still in the bed. You realize what time it is?" Zack said

I just stared at him in did not feel like saying anything at this moment i was so tired all i did was want to go back to sleep.

"You better be ready in 15 minutes or i'm not taking you to school you can find your own way" Zack said

"Okay, you can leave now" I said rolling my eyes

And from there i started getting ready.

    (At school)

When I arrived at school I went to head off to my locker to go meet up with Amber and Dylan.

"Hey Amber, where's Dylan?" I said

"Oh, he stayed with Trevor at the hospital. You know he gets out tonight right?" Amber said

"Who?" I said

"Trevor, who else?" Amber said

"Are you okay" Amber said

"Who, me? Yes i'm good." I said

Amber gave that look when she knows something is wrong.

"Look i'm just very overwhelmed with like Trevor being in hospital i'm just glad he's getting out today." I said

I looked up at the time i only had one minute to get to class.

"I have to get to class. I will see you after this class." I said

"Have fun with Mr. Willams." Amber said sarcastically

"Hahaha very funny" I said

I was like five minutes late to that class. When I walked in everybody stared at me. See i hate being the center of attention so my face got really red.

"Cared to explain why you late Ms.Reyes?" Mr.Williams said

I didn't know what to say. I never have this problem because i'm never late. So i just said the first thing that came to mind.

"My locker got stuck it took me a while to get it open." I said

"Mhm, Alright go find your seat Ms.Reyes" Mr.Williams said

When I went to go sit down i could feel someone's eyes on me. I looked across the room, it was Jackson. My eyes locked with his. I noticed what i was doing so i looked away so quickly. I couldn't help but to look back at him.

"Ms.Reyes and Mr.Hills would you both like so stare at each other all day or do your work?" Mr. Williams said

My face got blood shot red. Everyone started to laugh and giggle.

"Alright get back to work everybody" Mr.Williams said

Time has passed and it's been almost the end of school. I was walking to my locker but then i felt a hand touch me and pulled me into a random empty classroom.

I was struggling to get out of their arms. I was trying to see who it was. I pushed the person off of me.

"Get off of me" I said

When i turned around the person happened to be Jackson.

"It's just me" Jackson said

"Are you kidding me i thought i was getting kidnapped Jackson" I yelled at him

"Look i'm sorry i scared you, I just wanted to talk" Jackson said

"You know you don't want to pull me in an empty classroom so you can just talk to me." I said

"Well I thought i could only get your attention this way" Jackson said

"Well, what did you want to talk about?" I said

"Well i wanted to talk about us." Jackson said

I just started at him i know where he was going with this. I really didn't want to talk about this right now.

"What about us?" I said

"Well you know we like almost" Jackson paused

"Almost what?" I said

"KISSED!!" Jackson Blurted out

"Jackson I don't want to talk about this right now" I said

"But Athalia we can't just ignore it we need to talk about it." Jackson said

"I'm with Trevor, Jackson. So please can we just forget about all of this?" I said

The look on his face seemed very disappointed from the words that just came out of my mouth. I could tell he was not happy about what i just said.

"Right your with Trevor. Jackson said

"Look I need to go, I'll see you around Jackson." I said

He didn't say anything back. I just walked out of the classroom. I felt so bad.

"I know I hurt him but it's for the best right." I asked myself that.

    (The end of school)

When I went to the school parking lot I seen Zack already waiting for me.

"Hey little sis" Zack said

"Hey Zack, could you like take me to the hospital?" I said

"You know you can wait like a little bit longer to see Trevor. You not even off of school property and you're already wanting to go see him." Zack said

"Look Zack if you don't want to take me you could just say that" I said

"Hey, hold up I never said that Athalia" Zack said

"You basically did." I said

"Okay, whatever i'll take you." Zack said

I smiled

   (At the hospital)

I went to Trevor's hospital room. I walked in and I seen Trevor sleeping and Dylan watching tv.

"Athalia, what are you doing here?" Dylan asked

"Well, I came to see my beautiful boyfriend but he seems to be sleeping." I said

"Well he did go to bed very late. That was a little of my fault." Dylan said

Trevor started to open his eyes. I walked over to him.

"Goodmorning sleepy head." I said

"Well Goodmorning to you too" Trevor said

"I've been up for a while I had school" I laughed

"Right, how was school?" Trevor asked

"It was the usual normal as always nothing never new happens." I said

"Anyways I heard you were getting out tonight." I said

"Yes I'm finally getting out" Trevor said

"Hey, look if you want you could stay with me for a while I pretty sure my parents wouldn't mind you staying knowing that they know what's going on with your dad" I said

"Wait, what they know?" Trevor said

"Um yes I hope that was ok?" I said

"Well, what do they all know" Trevor asked

"I just told them you were having problems at home with your dad I didn't get into detail" I said

"Well, if it fine with them then I no problem staying with you." Trevor said

The doctor walked into the room.

"So it looks like you're free to go. You are still recovering from the injuries so I recommend to not be doing any sports right now if you play sports." The Doctor said

"Thank you Doctor" I said

"Athalia, I will be outside waiting for the both of you" Zack said

"Alright" I said

"Hey, Dyaln do you need a ride?" I said

"Actually Amber is outside waiting for me but thank you Athalia." Dylan said

"Oh well tell Amber I said I love her. You both be safe" I said

"I will, goes same for you both and Zack." Dylan said

"Thank you" I said

"Hey man, we will talk tomorrow"Dylan said to Trevor

"Yes, man you have a Goodnight" Trevor said

   (The Reyes house)

"You both stay out here i'm going to talk to mom and dad to see if he can stay" Zack said

"Zack, please try to convince them" I said

"I will try my best Athalia" Zack said

Zack walked inside the house.

"Look Athalia if they don't let me stay it's okay I can find somewhere else to stay." Trevor said

"Trevor they are going to say yes. And besides where will you go?" I said

He didn't say anything.

Zack came back.

"Look so both of our parents are sleeping." Zack said

"So what does that mean?" I said

"So he's going to stay tonight and we will talk to them in the morning. They can't really do anything about it because they're both sleeping." Trevor said

Well Zack does have a point there.

"Be very quiet when we go inside" Zack said to the both of us

Me and Trevor went into my room. I placed all of his belongings in my closet.

"I'm going to take a very quick shower. The remote is on my bed. Get comfortable." I said

"Athalia?" Trevor said

"Yes" I asked

"Thank you" Trevor said

"Of course" I said while smiling

I was finishing up in the shower. I washed my face and started to brush my teeth. I opened my bathroom door. Then I seen Trevor he was still up watching tv.

"I thought you would have been sleeping by now." I said

"Nope i'm still up" Trevor said

"Was you waiting for me?" I said giggling

"Maybe" Trevor said with a big smirk on his face

He patted the empty spot on the bed for me to go lay next to him. I crawled into the bed trying to get comfortable. Then next I laid my head on his shoulder.

"This feels amazing to just be right next to you." I said

"It really does" Trevor said

I yawned

"Goodnight beautiful" Trevor said

"Goodnight Trevor" I said

We both fell asleep in each other's arms.

   (The next morning)

I woke up to Trevor not being in the bed. I got out of my bed and went downstairs to seeing him in the kitchen with my Parents and Zack. I had figured out that probably my brother talked to my parents already about Trevor.

"Goodmorning sweetheart" My Mom said

"Goodmorning everyone" I said

I walked over to Zack where he was making pancakes on the stove.

"So i'm guessing you already talk to mom and dad?" I asked

"Actually no he talked to them." Zack said pointing at Trevor

I looked at Trevor and just smiled. I walked over to the table where my parents and Trevor were.

"How did you sleep hija?" My dad asked

"I slept pretty good" I said

"I'm going to head up to my room and get ready." I said

"Wait, you're not going to eat my delicious pancakes?" Zack said

"I will when i'm done. Save me one?" I chuckled

"I'll be up there when i'm done eating your brother's delicious pancakes." Trevor said then winked

I laughed

I was curling my hair but then I heard my phone ringing. My phone was clear over on my bed I had to go run to my phone to answer it. I picked up my phone to see who it was. It was Amber.

"Hey Amber" I said

"Hey girl" Amber said

"So how did everything go with your parents? I heard Trevor stayed so I know you had to talk to your parents about it." Amber said

"Well I didn't exactly talk to them. He actually did." I said

"Wait girl he did?" Amber said

"Yes I slept in and he was already downstairs with them." I said

"That's cute" Amber said

"But look Dylan had this idea that we should throw Trevor a coming home get together party just something simple and small." Amber said

"Well my parents are not going to be home tonight they are going to be out of town for like a week for their work." I said

"That's Great we can throw at your place then right?" Amber asked

"Yes, you and Dylan need to invite a couple friends and I will get drinks and food." I said

"Let me talk to the other and Trevor about this." I said

"I will be over there in a little bit" Amber said

"Okay" I said

While I was finishing up my hair Trevor walked into my room.

"You're still doing your hair?" Trevor asked

"Well I did just get off the phone with Amber so I wasn't really doing my hair." I said

"So look we want to throw you a little get together party for you coming home last night." I said

"Athalia I don't know if i really want to have a party." Trevor said

"It's only going to be a little one nothing too big."

"Come on you deserve it" I said giving puppy eyes

"Okay, fine." Trevor said

"Now you need to find something to wear" I said

"Well I find my outfit and you find yours" Trevor said

   Couple hours later and my parents are already gone for their business trip. I came out of the bathroom with a sparkly lavender dress with silver sparkly heals with my hair slicked back with rhinestones in my hair. Trevor was sitting on my bed but then Trevor looked up so quick. he couldn't keep his eyes off of me.

"You look so beautiful" Trevor said

"Thank you" I said

"You also look good" I said

"Thank you" Trevor said

"Well should we head on downstairs" I said

"Yes, don't want to be hiding from my own party" Trevor said

I chuckled

Everyone was here they was all downstairs in the living room talking with each other. Me and Trevor walked into the living room.

"There you both are" Zack said

Amber came running up to me.

"Omg you look so gorgeous" Amber said

"I look good? girl I love your dress." I said

Amber was wearing a midnight blue dress with sparkles all over the dress she had a slit in her dress. She was wearing Whites heals with her hair curled with a slick back pony tail.

"Thank you!!" Amber said

"Let's go join the others" I said to Amber

Trevor patted on his lap for me to go sit on him. So i took a seat on Trevor. We were all just drinking and talking. And then hours later next thing we know that more people was coming and people kept inviting people and our little get together wasn't little anymore.

"Trevor do you know where is Amber?" I said shouting over all the loud music and people

"No I haven't seen her" Trevor said

"I will be right back i'm going to go find her" I said walking away to go find Amber

I walked into the kitchen and there she was kissing Dylan.

"Look i'm sorry to interrupt your guys little moment but I need to steal Amber from you Dylan." I said

"You're stealing my girl now Athalia?" Dylan said sarcastically

"You can have her back in a minute Dylan you'll live." I said

"What is it Athalia" Amber asked

"Well first of all what happened to being a little get together?" I asked

"All of these people just kept asking other people to come so now it's not a little get together." Amber said

"Well I told Trevor it was going to be little and this is not little" I said

"Are you two done talking?" Dylan asked

"Someone is very impatient" I said

"Yes I am you got a problem?" Dylan asked

"Nope, no problem here" I said

We all stared to laugh.

"Well i'm going to go find Trevor" I said

I went out of the kitchen to go find Trevor. I went into the living room and I seen the one person I didn't really want to see or talk to since that talk that we had at school. It was Jackson he was with some girl he had his arm around her. They were both laughing. Jackson noticed me staring at the two of them. I just walked away. I just wanted to find Trevor he's the only person I need right now. Something told me to check the garage so i went to go check the garage and there he was in the fridge getting some beer.

"There you are. Are you trying to hide from your own party?" I said

"Well I kind of am. You know there's just too much people." Trevor said

"About that i'm sorry I told you it was going to be little but then like the whole world just decided to show up" I said

"Athalia don't be sorry I know this wasn't your plan." Trevor said

"Well it's actually cold in here if you want we could go to my room it's much warmer in there" I said

"Yes let's go to your room." Trevor said

Me and Trevor went up to my room where it's quiet and warm. Trevor went to sit on my bed and I sat right next to him.

"Trevor i'm really glad your better and out of the hospital" I said

"I am too and thank you for everything." Trevor said

"Of course i'm always going to be here for you." I said

I laid my head on his shoulder. We sat in there in silence but then a couple minutes passed and I lift my head up off of Trevor's shoulder.

"Trevor" I said

"Yes Athalia?" Trevor asked

I don't even want to say anything I just wanted to kiss him. So i pulled Trevor's face and we starred to kiss passionately. Then next thing we know we were making out. Then Trevor grabbed me by the wait and put me on his lap so that me and him was facing towards each other. We were still kissing each other but then he pulled away.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Trevor asked

I looked deep into his eyes. I knew I wanted this and I only want him at this very moment.

"Yes I want this, I want you." I said

Trevor pushed his lips against mine and he began to unzip my dress then I took his shirt off. I ran my hands through his hair. The only thing left of my body was my bra and panties.

"ATHALIA?" Amber shouting

Amber barged into my room. I hurried up and wrapped the blanket around my body.

"Omg I am so sorry I definitely interrupted something." Amber said

I looked at her with an awkward smile.

"Well I was just seeing where you was but you seem very busy right now so I will just left you both do your thing." Amber said

Amber started to close the door very slowly but the. she opened the door like she had to tell us something else.

"Oh yeah and next time you might want to lock the door." Amber said

"Right, Thanks for the tip." Trevor said

"Well i'll be down stairs if you guys need me" Amber said

Amber closed the door. I looked at Trevor and he started to pick his shirt off the ground and put it on. He didn't say anything to me I think Amber made it Awkward between the two of us. He picked up my dress that he had threw on the floor.

"Um thank you" I said

I started to put my dress on. After we started at each other four about a minute.

"Its getting late we should probably head to bed" Trevor said

"Right, i'm tired." I said

The party was still on and my brother was still up so now it's up to him to get everyone out of house tonight. I got up off the bed and changed into my pajamas. When I was done changing Trevor was already in the bed sleeping. I looked at him and just smiled. I got into the bed and cuddled up into his arms.

"Goodnight Trevor." I whispered

   (The next morning)

I woke up to me being wrapped in Trevors arms. I looked up at Trevor and started to admire him while he was sleeping. He sleeps like a baby, It's cute!! But then I heard someone knock softly on the door.

"Come in" I said quietly trying not to wake up Trevor

Then I seen Jackson in the doorway.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Can we talk?" Jackson asked

"Jackson I don't think it's a good time right now." I said while pointing my head to Trevor

Jackson realized Trevor was there in the room with the two of them.

"Right it never seems to be the great time" Jackson said

"Jackson don't be like that" I said

"Well that's how it seems" Jackson said

I was about to say something but then Trevor started to move and wake up.

"Goodmorning. Oh, what are you doing here Jackson?" Trevor said in a sleepy voice

"I was just leaving. I'll see you both around" Jackson said looking at me

Jackson walked out the door and closed it. Then i got up off the bed and went to go find something to wear in my closet.

"What was that about Athalia?" Trevor hollered so i could hear him clear from my closet

I walked out of my closet so I can talk better to Trevor. I didn't want to tell him the truth about what was really going on not just yet. So I tried to make something up.

"Oh um he was just asking about a school assignment." I said then i took a big gulp

"Why is he asking about a school assignment on a Saturday." Trevor said giving me a weird look

"Well I don't know, maybe Jackson is just very focused on school work." I said

He didn't say anything back to me he just started at me. I had a feeling he thought I was lying.

"Well I'm going to head down stairs to go help your brother clean up." Trevor said

"Yeah okay, i'll be down there when i'm done getting ready." I said

"Okay" Trevor said then giving me a kiss on my forehead

While I was getting ready all I could think about is Jackson I just wanted to know what he really wanted to talk about. I finished doing my hair then I went downstairs to help Trevor and my brother clean up.

"Someone finally wanted to join and help us clean up." Zack said

"Be quiet Zack" I said throwing a beer can at his shoulder

"Ouch that hurt" Zack said

"Good" I said rolling my eyes

Amber and Dylan came to help us clean up all this mess. After a while when we were done cleaning we all just sat on the couch to watch a movie. I got up off the couch.

"Does anyone want a drink?" I asked

"I DO" everyone said

"Okay i'll be right" I said walking towards the kitchen

I opened up the fridge with a lot of pop cans and beer. I pulled out about five pop cans. When I closed the fridge Trevor was standing right there.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I said yelling

"Did I scare you darling?" Trevor said

"Yes," I said while laughing

"So I want to take you somewhere." Trevor said

"What like right now?" I asked

"Yes, if that's fine with you?" Trevor asked

"I mean I have no problem but what about our friends and my brother?" I asked

"They will understand" Trevor said

I smiled at him. We both walked back into the living room.

"Where's our drinks?" Zack asked

"So we are going to head out" I said ignoring Zack's question

"Wait, where are you going?" Zack asked

"Well it's a surprise so she don't know." Trevor said

"Wait are you taking her on a date!?!?" Amber asked in a happy and exciting tone

"I am. I hope you all don't mind I will be stealing her for a little bit." Trevor said

"Actually I do mi.." Zack said not finishing his sentence because Amber slapped her hand onto his mouth stopping him from finishing what he was going to say.

"We don't mind. You go Ahead and take her to wherever you're wanting to take her." Amber said

Zack rolled his eyes at Amber. We were walking towards the door.

"Can you give me a minute." I said to Trevor

"I will be outside in the car waiting for you" Trevor said

I walked over to Amber.

"I'm nervous I wonder where he's taking me." I said to Amber

"Don't be nervous girl just relax. Tell me how it goes when you're back." Amber said

I smiled at her.

"Athalia?" Zack said

"Yes, Zack?" I said

"Have fun. Be safe I love you." Zack said

"Thank you Zack I love you too." I said then I went to hug him

"Well I should get going don't want to keep him waiting." I said walking towards the door

I walked to Trevor's car then got inside of his car. We drove off. I was looking outside the window.

"So, where are you taking me?" I asked

"If I tell you where i'm taking you then it won't be a surprise anymore. Now would it?" Trevor said

I just looked at him and smiled. Then he pulled into the little driveway.

"Stay right here i'll be right back" Trevor said then he got out of the car

I was looking around to see where he went. He was in the trunk he was grabbing something out of there. He was walking to my door and opened it. He had a blindfold in his hand.

"Come here. Let me put this on you" Trevor said

I turned around so he could put the blindfold around my eyes. Then he grabbed my hand and was leading my way to where we were going.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked

"We're here. You can take your blindfold off now." Trevor said

I took my blindfold off. When I took off my blindfold off I came to see a whole picnic set up. This whole setup was in a meadow field with the golden brown and orange leafs everywhere. There was so many good looking food on the little blanket he had laid down.

"You did this all for me?" I said while smiling

"Well yes it's not that much but I tried." Trevor said

"No I love this Trevor it's more than good enough. Thank you!" I said

"Well, are you hungry?" Trevor asked me

"Very much" I said

"Then let's eat" Trevor said putting his hand out so I could grab it.

We both were eating and talking.

"So did you like make all of this?" I asked

"You think I can make this all?" He said while laughing

"Well, I don't know it was just a question." I said

"No, I didn't make any of this. The food would be burnt." Trevor said

I laughed. So This is like bad timing but I really needed to talk to Trevor about what almost happened between me and Jackson.

"I need to talk to you about something" We both said at the same time

"Oh um, you go first." I said

"No, you go first" Trevor said

"Well, so you know how Jackson was in the room with when you woke up this morning?" I said

"Yes, where are you going with this?" Trevor asked

"Well the reason why he was there was because..." I said not finishing my sentence because Trevor's phone started to ring

Trevor looked his phone he seemed like he didn't want to answer the phone.

"I'm sorry can you give me a minute" Trevor said

"Yes of course" I said watching his stand up and walk a little away from me

Trevor looked furious he looked like he just wanted to hang up the phone. Whoever he was on the phone with he seemed like he didn't want to be. Trevor walked back to me where i was sitting on the blanket on the ground.

"Who was that?" I asked

"So what was you?" Trevor asked ignoring my question

"Trevor why did you ignore my question?" I said

"I don't know what your talking about" Trevor said pretending like he don't know what i'm talking about

"Trevor who was that on the phone?" I asked

"It was nobody, Okay" Trevor said

"Nobody really I don't believe that. Who was it" I said

"IT WAS FUCKING NOBODY ATHALIA" Trevor said screaming in a angry tone

My face was shocked I didn't know what to say. This was like the first time Trevor has ever yelled at me. He noticed that he was just angry and he took it out all on me. I just looked at him.

"Can you take me home?" I asked looking away from him

"Let me pick this all up i'll meet you in the car." Trevor said

I walked away from Trevor heading to the car. I got inside of the car. I just sat there until Trevor was done picking everything up. Trevor was walking towards the car. He went to the trunk to put everything in there. Then he came inside of the car. When Trevor was driving I had my head turned the other way so I wasn't looking at him. For a while it was quiet between the two of us but then Trevor broke that silence.

"Athalia look i'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" Trevor said

I didn't say anything back to him I was still a little bit mad at him.

"Look you probably don't want to talk to me or anything but I just want you to know I should of never took my anger out on you" Trevor said

"Trevor it's not that I don't want to talk to you I just want to know who you were on the phone with. You just seemed very mad with whoever you were on the phone with." I said facing towards him

"It was my brother. He was begging me to come home. He told me my dad was asking for me." Trevor said

I didn't say anything I knew he wanted to add more so I just listened.

"My dad always fucking does this. When he's done taking it out on me he pretends to play innocent and feels bad to make me come back home but then he just goes and takes it out on me again" Trevor said in a shaky voice

"Trevor i'm really sorry you shouldn't have to go through what your dad's putting you through." I said in a sad tone

"Thank you Athalia for like everything for letting me stay with you and giving me company." Trevor said

"You're welcome. Like I said I will always be here for  ayou." I said

We finally got back to the house it was pretty late when we got home. Everyone was in their beds sleeping. Me and Trevor went upstairs to my room.

"I'm going to take a quick shower i'll be out in a little bit" I said

"I'll be waiting for you" Trevor said

I smiled at him then went into my bathroom.

I got in the shower then when I was done I hopped out of the shower and changed into my pajamas. I walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey, so did you stay up this time for me?" I said but then I noticed Trevor was no where to be seen in my room

To be continued...

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