6.6 - Epiphany
Max Planck, founder of quantum physics:
"Gentlemen, as a physicist who has devoted his entire life to sober science, to the study of matter, I am certainly free from the suspicion of being taken for a swarm spirit. And so, after my research into the atom, I say this: There is no matter in itself. All matter is created and exists only through a force that causes the atomic particles to vibrate and holds them together to form the tiniest solar system in the universe.
But since there is neither an intelligent force nor an eternal force in the entire universe - mankind has not succeeded in inventing the longed-for perpetual motion machine - we must assume a conscious, intelligent spirit behind this force. This spirit is the source of all matter.
It is not visible but perishable matter that is real, true, actual - for matter would not exist at all without the spirit - but the invisible, immortal spirit is the real thing! However, since spirit cannot exist in itself either, but every spirit belongs to a being, we must necessarily assume spirit beings. However, since spirit beings cannot be of themselves either, but must be created, I am not afraid to name this mysterious creator in the same way as all the civilized peoples of the earth of earlier millennia have called him:
~ God ~
This brings the physicist, who has to deal with matter, from the realm of matter to the realm of spirit. And that is the end of our task, and we must pass our research on into the hands of philosophy."
Source:Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Abt. Va, Rep. 11 Planck, No. 1797. http://www.weloennig.de/MaxPlanck.html
In 1900, Lord Kelvin once said that there was nothing new to discover in physics; that all that remained was more precise measurement. Just five years later, however, Albert Einstein published his work on the special theory of relativity, which forced the scientific community to open up to a hitherto unthinkable view of the nature of reality, and yet: scientists who do not conform to the mainstream are still vehemently ignored, even despised. Think back to Galileo and the Catholic Church. How we are still stuck there! Have we learned anything from this?
Nine modest pages heavy, with page one ...just a cover page, wait.... so actually only eight pages? wow... Such an inconspicuous document, which, without causing much of a stir, was made available to the world public by the CIA secret service - online - and describes one of the strangest things to come out of the "Stargate Project". That's right. Stargate... Project.
Just like in the historically significant year 2017, when the old US Department of Defense released its UFO files to the renowned newspaper "The New York Times", but nobody in Germany wants to know that - ...
UFOs: By definition actually "Unidentified Flying Objects". For a long time, this term was considered too vague by UFOlogy experts. In fact, the term "UFO" also includes such banal stories as weather phenomena and optical illusions - and the like. With the Pentagon's 2021 disclosure report, the term "UAP" (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) is now officially used. However, since May 25, 2022, and the first official government hearing on UAPs in 50 years(!), the term "objects" has been used again, as they have been detected by appropriate sensors and identified as objects. Objects that move through the airspace using both radar and optical sensors, with speeds and flight maneuvers that are neither technically feasible (because they seem to override the laws of nature as we know them, for example) nor can a human or machine survive unscathed. Objects that appear to be intelligently controlled and can move through air, space and sea(!) without any problems or visible losses. Objects that exhibit flight characteristics such as abrupt, right-angled changes of direction with complete disregard for inertia. UFOs.
If you want to know more about UFOs, be sure to check out my other disclosure project: "What you [shouldn't] know". In it, I discuss the Pentagon's disclosure report and the relationship between UFOs and nuclear technology, among other things.
But the document that actually caught my attention, and what this is supposed to be about, has the bizarre title:
I translate from the English Wiki: "Stargate Project was the 1991 code name for a secret US Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence agencies"
Stargate focused primarily on "remote viewing" - an ability to psychically "see" events, places and information even when the "viewer" was in a distant place or time. The document was finally released in 2016 under the Freedom of Information Act. It describes a so-called "supervisor" who receives a sealed envelope and a separate set of geographical coordinates, as well as another person, "The Monitor", who guides the remote viewing session. The envelope contained the following information:
"The planet Mars"
"Period of interest: about 1 million years before Christ."
As you might have guessed, Project "Stargate" was of course shelved at some point, coincidentally after the CIA decided in 1995 that parapsychology was "not reliable enough". So it took a whole seventeen years from 1978 to 1995 to determine that the results were "not reliable" enough for the secret service - aha...So imagine being able to feign paranormal abilities to an entire intelligence apparatus in order to consistently land lucky hits over the entire period, the successes of which must have justified seventeen years of funding, and then you also have to have uncovered and survived this whole scam in order to be able to report on it... wasted taxpayers' money!
But seriously and anyway and all that... how on earth could the US Congress of all people be convinced to put taxpayers' money into ..parapsychology?
What is that anyway... Intuition? How does it work? What happens when we always sense something, when we realize that something is right or wrong, when we can assess others even though we have no direct information about them? What happens to a creative person who is kissed by the muse? Every creative person knows that there are times when ideas and images just spring to mind, like dictation on the page or canvas. How does it work when lovers feel a deep connection? Why is it possible for people who are connected to have a deep knowledge or sense of how the other person is feeling, even though they may be on the other side of the world? How is it possible for a mother to always know how her child is doing, even without direct contact or visual contact?
Parapsychology looks back on about 120 years of evolution of earlier experiments. The experiments dealt with the relationship between mind and matter, specifically with the intention and behavior of the physical world and the question of what role the mind plays in the physical world.
With the intention of making coffee cups, the owner of a coffee cup factory has a clear vision in mind ~ well, to make coffee cups, and coffee cups are indeed made ~ but it is not a direct connection. It takes a lot of work between the mere intention and the actual production of coffee cups!
What is much more interesting is whether there is a direct correlation between one's own intention and the behavior of the world.
As a rule, very sensitive systems would be used for this type of experiment. For example, you would ask someone to direct their intention towards something in order to mentally try to manipulate the system to achieve a desired result. A classic and fairly simple example would be "flip a coin and wish for heads or tails". Perform this experiment many times and what you will see after many tosses is that the statistics of the system are skewed in exactly the direction you want to go.
However, working with coins is quite tedious and anything but reliable, as mechanical things are very difficult to measure accurately. With the development of electronic circuits in the 1960s, the equivalent of the classic coin toss emerged. It was now possible to produce small bits, i.e. ones and zeros, very quickly and very accurately, and so experiments were carried out in which an attempt was made to use a random number generator to mentally induce the system to produce more ones or more zeros. After very long studies and meta-analyses, it was found that there was indeed an influence, i.e. a deviation in randomness. The systems, which were supposed to be random, no longer behaved randomly. This was discovered after around 50 years of experimentation.
Then, in the 1990s, Dr. Roger Nelson at Princeton University came up with the idea that maybe intention was just one piece of the puzzle and maybe attention was the key. So Roger Nelson started doing experiments where he would take randomizers and put them near a group of meditators because he thought it would generate a lot of directed attention. Sometimes people knew the randomizer was there; sometimes they didn't. He wanted to see if the randomness would be ordered during meditation and after hundreds of such tests, he and his team came to the conclusion that by paying attention, a trend in randomness emerges, so the system becomes less random.
Later, an important experiment was conducted before and after the announcement of OJ Simpson's verdict in his murder trial in '94. This was a special event in the history of parapsychology in that hundreds of millions of people around the world knew that something interesting was about to happen in a few seconds. It was the announcement of a verdict in which OJ Simpson would be found guilty or innocent. And the team found clear evidence that within seconds of the verdict being announced, there was a sudden spike in the line-up of random number generators. Despite the successes, experiments of this kind always involve an immense amount of work. For this reason, a network was set up to operate random number generators around the clock, fully automatically. This was the birth of the "Global Consciousness Project" under the direction of Dr. Roger Nelson. Logically, attention-grabbing events would occur worldwide that no one could predict, unlike at OJ Simpson's sentencing. To this day, the system continues to collect data from around 70 random generators, fully automatically in cities around the globe.
...Yes, and then "NineEleven" took place in 2001. As a result of the attack, the rash apparently went through the roof. Take a look here:
There are therefore good statistical reasons to assume that these random generators do not behave randomly, apparently when global events that attract immense attention take place. To this day, however, it remains unclear whether the power of the mental involvement of many people collectively changes the randomness, or whether the measurement results are the result of something even greater.
Let me ask you a question about this
Have you ever had the experience of thinking about a certain person and then, by chance, this person makes themselves known to you? This can and may happen occasionally, yes, without further ado, but if such "coincidences" occur more frequently, how should such a constant experience be interpreted?
"Coincidences of this kind", as they occur independently of each other and are linked to each other via a common level of meaning, are called synchronicity in specialist circles. A term from psychology, established by the famous founder of psychoanalysis Carl Gustav Jung.
Synchronicity, that is what has accompanied me for half my life, and on some days with such intensity as my more or less late realization that the detour into quantum physics at school was to condense into an essential foundation stone in the search for myself; that quantum physics seems to be closely rooted in the concept of consciousness. I look back on my life and realize how an unknown, external providence sets the right course, apparently so that I may arrive where I am now. But not just any course, no, those of extraordinary significance. Quantum physics, consciousness, self-discovery. An external coincidence, something you can't see, which, hidden in the background, sets the right course.
And I am so incredibly grateful for that!
What was for me in the physics course the eerie, cold shiver in quantum physics, I now have again with probably the most important work I have ever come across: "Aion - Contributions to the Symbolism of the Self" by the famous founder of analytical psychology Carl Gustav Jung, who was once a student of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. We had covered both of them in class according to the syllabus and I still can't get over how such an external influence can evoke such a profound experience in you. It's not easy to put into words how it feels to relive something so profound; to look back and realize how the pieces of life's puzzle fit together. It is amazing! Scary in the same measure
~ and I find it so ...fascinating!
For example: astrology and the horoscope. Something I would have always said was absolute humbug. As if the position of the stars had any measurable influence on the course of events (apart from the moon of course, with its gravitational pull...but not Jupiter out there with the shortest distance between Jupiter and Earth being 588.5 million km as the crow flies, so there you go). Then an "Aion" comes along that makes me sit up and take notice (big time!) and by now I've reached a point where I can accept that the position of the stars might have an influence on the course of events after all?
What the..?
Of course, I still don't read horoscopes and I still dismiss such predictions as pure nonsense, but...
The subject of astrology has now taken on such a high significance for me that I personally would never have thought that a psychoanalyst like ~ Carl Gustav Jung ~ would be capable of such a profound achievement - that's how impressed I am by this book! The book description for "Aion" says the following:
"Aion is the paraphrase for the Christian era, which comes to a close with the parousia (presence) of Christ and the appearance of the Antichrist. In "Aion" Jung examines the changes in the psychic situation within the Christian eon by means of an investigation of Christian, Gnostic and alchemical symbols of the self. At the center of all considerations is the attempt to clarify and amplify the archetype of the self and to connect it with the traditional figure of Christ. The decisive factor here is that Christ is seen as a symbol of all-encompassing wholeness that unites all the characteristics of an archetype.
Jung's psychological critique focuses on the theological doctrine of privatio boni, according to which evil is not the opposite of good, but rather its diminution. By excluding the evil power, Christ only corresponds to one half of the archetype, the other half appears in the Antichrist. A denial of the reality of evil as the conditional opposite of good must lead to a metaphysical dualism in which heaven and hell are separated from each other and are mutually hostile opposing powers. The psychological aspects of the individuation of man must be examined in the light of this Christian tradition, which was inclined to deny the reality of evil.
Not only experience, but a number of symbols in history speak against the exclusion of the evil power from the empirical self. By examining the symbol of Pisces, which on the one hand was associated with Christ early on and on the other played a central role in astrology as a sign of opposition, Jung demonstrates that the repression of the double aspect of good and evil has evoked the fatal dualism that psychology seeks to overcome."
- End quote
A short explanatory video. Anyone who is enthusiastic about mythology & psychology should definitely take a look!
The theory behind "Aion" is that emotions, thoughts, ideologies and beliefs can be personified into characters (so-called archetypes), which people have always described as deities. Such an archetype gains scope through faith and its traditions. Over time, this archetype takes on a life of its own, gains influence and power, and finally becomes "alive" with real effects on the fate of humanity.
Jung claims to have shown that these, shall I say, "intangible" stories about myths and entities are not just pure fiction, but that they become "alive" through us and our attachment to these stories. As a result, they take on a life of their own and may even turn against us, exerting forces of an intangible nature on us. According to Carl Gustav Jung, truth is the only effective way to emerge safely from the dialog with archetypes.
"Aion" is a rather eerie, yet frighteningly fascinating book. Not without reason, the book is said to be thoroughly disturbing (but I find it disturbing in a fascinating way). Here is the famous psychologist "Jordan Peterson" referring to Jung's intelligence:
Jung was once asked if he believed in God, to which he replied in the negative, saying instead that he knew about God. Jung elaborated on this statement in his book "Aion". And for those who think Jung was a fool: Jordan Peterson describes Jung's intelligence here:
Yes, next we see the same Jordan Peterson as he just described Jung's intelligence and in the next moment experiences an emotional breakdown due to his profound realization in relation to his very own "synchronicities".
Jordan Peterson, a psychology professor who gained internet fame for his counter-cultural views on politics and gender. He is also someone who talks a lot about the Bible and Christianity, even though he is not a Christian himself.
The reason why confessed, non-denominational men like Jordan Peterson speak on camera to a global (internet) audience on the verge of tears about how frightening this realization is seems to be that the way he has always understood reality, as well as his entire paradigm, would be dramatically transformed.
Peterson emphasizes that the stories and traditions surrounding the God & Christ myth are not just beautiful fantasy that can be safely ignored. Christianity differs from other religions in that it's not a prophet pointing to the so-called "world of narratives" (i.e. a world of narratives that may at least help you, say, get through hard times, or become a better person), no, in Christianity ~ God himself ~ comes out of the narrative world and actually enters our objective world, showing that the narrative world is just as real and significant as the tangible world.
The next time you get the impression that the universe seems to be communicating with you in a strange way, for example if you often experience such synchronicities, realize that you are on a ~good path~. It could well be that there is something at work that is obviously more than just coincidence. There is a deeper meaning behind it, which I assume from my own experience that such a manifestation, especially in times like these, is well-disposed towards you (despite the adversities).
When this body dies and goes back into the earth, a new human being is born somewhere. As a new person with the same question "Who am I?" and you will have two possibilities to find out who or what you are:
a) Read my work, or....
b) Do as I do.
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