Lorelei's POV
"A talking Sandshrew?! No way!"
The Sandshrew laughed. "Your cousin told me you would likely react that way. She caught me for you."
I seriously need to come up with a way to show Natalie my gratitude for this.
"That was so sweet of her. I love Natalie so much. Do you have any ideas as to how I can show her gratitude?"
"Natalie told me you two will be doing an ice skating duet to open the upcoming Tapu Lele Festival. Why don't you take her to the ice rink and reserve a private rehearsal time so you two can have the ice to yourself for a bit?"
I beamed. "Great idea! I'll ask her."
Marie's POV
Now that lunch was over, we were all doing our own thing while waiting for Tessa's next directions.
"So guys," Tessa got our attention. "Some point today, Olivia will be coming by with copies of the Tapu Lele Festival program for us. I'll let you know when she's on her way."
"Tessa, I'm sure there are a few other Legendaries from Galar who haven't found their Chosen Ones yet." Yumi inquired.
"I think you may be right on that one, Yumi. I'll call Olivia right now." Tessa pulled out her cell phone and dialed Olivia's number before entering her room and shutting the door.
I heard a loud sigh from the other side of the room. I looked in the direction of the noise to see Jasmine shaking her head in irritation, her cell phone in her hands.
"Something wrong, Jasmine?" I asked.
"It's my sister, Kennedy. We're twins. She still wants us to share the 3DS, even though I'm the one who got it for Christmas three years ago."
"Well," I got up from my seat to sit down next to Jasmine, gently laying a hand on her shoulder. "Siblings share, don't they?"
"Yes, they do, but at the same time, it's my 3DS. I thought she would've lost interest by now."
At that moment, Tessa came out from her room and shut the door.
"Olivia said that she's ok waiting a bit longer, but a week at the most." Tessa then noticed Jasmine's face. "Is Jasmine all right?"
"She's upset because her sister Kennedy still wants to use her 3DS."
"Well," Tessa shrugged. "It can't be that bad, can it?"
"Tessa," Jasmine sighed. "You're an only child. You wouldn't understand."
"I just explained to Jasmine that siblings share, but she's still not happy about it because that 3DS was her Christmas present."
"Look at it this way, Jasmine." Moana piped up. "I have to share my things with Kiki all the time!"
"I've gotten into plenty of fights with Ron over the Wii." Christian added.
"Mom and Dad told me that when I was a baby, I would always cry whenever Reggie refused to share his old Solrock plushie." Brianna giggled. "And what's ironic is that when Paul was a year old, he'd cry because I wouldn't give him my old baby rattle."
"See?" I grinned at Jasmine. "You're not alone."
Jose's POV
"Well, Kubfu, here we are. Home sweet home."
My name is Jose Polman. I just returned to my hometown of Circhester after four long months of training on the Isle of Armor.
I had the time of my life there. I made a few new friends, including Abigail and Camrey, the twin granddaughters of Ballonlea Gym Leader Opal.
Speaking of Gym Leaders, my favorite is Bea, and I'm training to one day be her successor.
I approached the front door, Kubfu trotting along at my feet. After ringing the doorbell, I was pulled into a hug by my loving mother, Aileen.
"Welcome home, sweetheart. How was the island?" Mum brought me inside and shut the door.
"It was wonderful. The scenery is beautiful, Master Mustard is the best mentor I've ever had, and I kinda struck up a rivalry with another student."
"A rival, huh?" She looked down at Kubfu. "And who's this little fella?"
Kubfu's eyes widened, and he ran to hide behind my legs. I laughed, thinking back to when he hid behind Master Mustard when we first met.
"Mum, this is Kubfu. He's a bit of a shy one. Once he warms up to you, though, he'll absolutely love you. I can tell because he was exactly like this when we first met."
"Awww," Mum cooed. "He's adorable!"
"For some odd reason, he hasn't evolved yet. He was supposed to once we completed the Tower of Waters. When I showed him the scroll, he didn't evolve like he should have. Even Master Mustard was baffled. I'm guessing something else has to be accomplished."
"Well, sweetheart, I hope you guys accomplish what needs to be accomplished so Kubfu can evolve."
I smiled. "Thanks, Mum. Where's Dad?"
"He's still at work. He'll be home in a few hours."
My father works at RKS Laboratories, the sponsor for the Poison-type Gym.
"So when are you going to introduce me to that new rival of yours? What's his name? Avery?"
"When will you introduce me to Avery?"
"I don't know, Mum." I shrugged. "Our relationship is rather... complicated. One minute, we're getting along, and the next we're at each other's throats. He even compared me to a 'poor lost Wooloo' when we first met."
"Hmmm... Is he, like, two years older than you?"
"Four." I corrected.
"I see; a rising adult. I guess Avery thought he was better than you." Mum theorized.
"That's it exactly." I confirmed.
"Well, I'm sure you're tired out. Why don't you and Kubfu go upstairs and take a nap? I'm sure you'll feel better in a few hours."
"Good idea. Thanks, Mum!"
I headed upstairs with Kubfu, shutting the door when I entered my bedroom and tossing my backpack on the bed.
"This is my bedroom, Kubfu. What do you think?"
Kubfu looked around for a few seconds before smiling as if to say he liked it.
"I'm glad you like it, little buddy."
I then to sit down at my desk, gazing forlornly at the picture of myself and my childhood best friend, Victoria Mullins, at the ages of 10 and 11.
Ever since Victoria's mother died, my best friend's mental state has taken a turn for the worst. Her father is in denial, and he doesn't even want to talk about his dead wife. She's even attempted suicide several times, but I thank Arceus that she has Pokémon who love her so much as to keep her alive.
As my mind wandered, I felt an evil presence behind me. Kubfu was jumping and shouting noises at me to turn around, and when I did, I saw these dark shadowy blobs with purple dots for eyes and a mouth.
I was stunned. What are those things, what are they doing in my room, and how did they get there?!
Suddenly, I couldn't think right. All I could think to myself over and over was, if hot dogs were dogs that looked hot or if the hot dogs were literally dogs that were steaming hot...
The shadowy blobs drew closer, and I felt myself getting dizzy before everything went black.
Normal POV
Kubfu was seeing red. He knew what those entities were, and he knew what was going on. He knew that they had inflicted a Lavender Town frequency on him, and he had to something before Jose ended up dead.
As he watched the Void Shadows close in on his unconscious Trainer, Kubfu felt power and the strong bond between himself and Jose surge through him, and he evolved into Rapid Strike Urshifu.
A protective instinct overcame Urshifu, and he lashed out at the Void Shadows with his newly learned signature move, Surging Strikes.
The Void Shadows screeched in pain and shock before disappearing into thin air.
"That's right!" Urshifu growled. "You'd better stay away."
Urshifu kept watch for another minute to see if any more Void Shadows would pop up. When none did, Urshifu picked up his unconscious Trainer from the floor and placed him on his bed.
When Jose came to, he was surprised to see that Kubfu had evolved, and Urshifu was standing over him.
"Are you all right, Jose?" Urshifu asked.
"Kubfu!" Jose beamed. "You evolved! And you're talking again! And yeah, I'm fine." His eyes widened in realization. "Those things! What happened to me? What were they?"
"I'll explain." Urshifu replied. "Those shadowy creatures are called Void Shadows. They're the minions of Dark Matter, a malicious entity made of all our negative emotions. The majority of the Legendary Pokémon have chosen their Trainers, and Dark Matter knows it. That's probably why it sent the Void Shadows to attack you. Because it knows we're fighting back."
"So... let me get this straight. This Dark Matter is trying to destroy us all, we're supposed to band together with a group of Trainers, and I'm your Chosen One, is that correct?"
"That's right. This group, the Legendary Heroes Squad, are currently on Akala Island in the Alola region. They are led by Tessa, the daughter of the Kalos region's Professor, Augustine Sycamore. Tessa was chosen by the Legendary Pokémon Lunala. I sent a telepathic signal to Lunala, and she let Tessa know that we are coming in a few days."
"A few days?!" Jose's eyes widened. "Can't we go tomorrow?"
"We need to let your parents know. We also need to tell Master Mustard."
Jose scoffed. "I can only imagine how Avery will react to this." He then shot out of bed. "Mum! She doesn't know! Come on, Urshifu!"
Jose ran downstairs, followed by Urshifu, to tell his mother what just happened.
"Oh, sweetheart..." Aileen grabbed her son, crushing him to her chest. "My precious baby boy. I'm so glad you're ok." The relieved mother turned her gaze to Urshifu. "Thank you so much for saving my son."
"You're very welcome, Mrs. Polman. It is my duty as his Legendary Partner."
"Mum..." Jose spoke as his mother released him from her embrace and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Urshifu and I have something to tell you."
As Jose and Urshifu explained everything to Aileen, tears welled up in her eyes, and she threw her arms around her son again.
"You're only thirteen, and you have such a heavy burden on your shoulders. Are you sure you want to do this?"
"I'm going to make a bunch of new friends, Mum. I'm not the only one."
"When are you leaving for Alola, sweetheart?"
"In three days, Mum. I need to let Master Mustard know that Kubfu evolved, and tell him what happened."
"Before you tell Mustard, your father needs to know what happened."
When Jack came home from work two hours later, Aileen immediately told him what happened to their son, and how Urshifu had saved him.
Like his wife had done, Jack pulled his son into a Bewear hug, murmuring praise to Arceus that Jose was alive.
"Thank you very much, Urshifu. Had it not been for you, Jose probably would have died."
"We have a very strong bond, Mr. Polman. I would never let him die."
"That's good to know, Urshifu. Did I hear that right? Jose is going to Alola to join some group that will destroy this threat?"
"I'm leaving in three days. That gives us time to train a bit and go tell Master Mustard."
"You're still going to introduce us to Avery, right?"
"Not sure, Mum. I'll have to wait and see what he says."
Natalie's POV
I was in my room taking a nap with my Klefki when somebody knocked on the door.
"Natalie, it's me." Cousin Lorelei spoke through the door.
I got out of bed and opened the door, greeting my cousin with a hug.
"Hey, Big Cuz. What's up?"
Cousin Lorelei gasped, noticing the wrinkled bedsheets. "Oh, were you taking a nap? I'm so sorry I woke you up."
"No, no, Big Cuz, it's fine."
Klefki flew up to my cousin and tilted her head quizzically.
"Big Cuz, have you met my Klefki?"
Klefki held out one of her little arms to my cousin, and Lorelei gently took the arm in her hand, shaking it.
"She likes you."
"I'm glad. Oh!" Cousin Lorelei sat down on the bed, pulling out her cell phone. "Come here! Come here!"
I sat down on the bed next to my cousin as she pulled up the PokéTube app on her phone.
"There's a new Annoying Orange video that I want to show you. First, though, do you remember that How2 video involving a big snowball? You know, Orange kept annoying Pear with that one song?"
"I remember how that song went! Watch out where the huskies go,"
"Don't you eat that yellow snow!" Cousin Lorelei sang with me. We then burst into a fit of laughter.
"Ah, here's the video." Cousin Lorelei pulled up the video and paused it before it started. "You ready?"
Cousin Lorelei played the video, and we started reacting to it as it played.
"Tongue push ups? Yuck." Me.
"Wow, that's an abnormally long tongue." Lorelei.
"Pear's right. You're just a special case." Me.
"We're sure lucky we can't smell that." Lorelei.
"*sigh* of course it's Grapefruit." Me.
"Ha! 'Evacuate Colon No.2'! I get it. It's still gross, though." Lorelei.
"Wow. So arrogant." Me.
We laughed hysterically when Grapefruit put in his fragrance commercial.
"Ha! Even the voiceover person agrees!" Lorelei.
"Wait, Orange has a fragrance commercial too?" Me.
"Ok, that nya-nya-ing is starting to get annoying." Lorelei.
"Nostrils? You don't even have a nose!" Me.
"Ha! I knew Marshmallow was a boy!" Lorelei.
"They're just refusing to state it outright, though." Me.
"Yeah, you've already used that adjective." Lorelei.
"I'm surprised Pear has a fragrance commercial too." Me.
"I wonder why Midget Apple doesn't have one." Lorelei.
"Ooh! Passion has one!" Me.
"Aaah, such calming music." Lorelei.
"Wait, what?" Me.
"Thanos snap? Uh oh. Avengers, huh?" Lorelei.
"That's not a disease." Me.
"Gagging rights. Good one, Orange." Lorelei.
"Oh, no, that's not good." Me.
"Wow." Cousin Lorelei said once the video was over. "That was really funny."
"I'm glad you showed me that."
"Oh!" My cousin's face lit up in realization. "Now I remember why I came to see you. I wanted to thank you for catching me that Alolan Sandshrew. You're so sweet."
Cousin Lorelei threw her arms around me, and I hugged her back.
"You're welcome, Big Cuz. I love you so much."
"And I love you too, Nat. By the way," she separated from me to put a hand on my shoulder. "As a token of my gratitude, I'd like to take you to the Heahea City ice rink. Olivia gave me the CD with the music for our ice skating number. Since I'm a member of a regional Elite Four, I can reserve the rink for an hour so we can practice."
"I'd love to, Big Cuz! Thank you! Let's go and tell Tessa."
Cousin Lorelei turned off her cell phone, and I returned Klefki to her Pokéball. We exited my room and shut the door before approaching Tessa, who was cuddling with Anderson on the couch.
"Hey, Tessa, Big Cuz and I are off to the ice rink to practice for the Festival."
"That's perfectly fine with me, but don't forget to be back before dinnertime."
"We'll be back before dinner, don't worry, Tessa." Cousin Lorelei assured the ravenette.
With that, my cousin and I left the Squad hotel room and left for Heahea.
Alexander's POV
Shortly after Natalie left with Lorelei, Tessa announced that she was going to take Lunick and Maggie out for training.
"Hey, Tessa! Can I come too? I want to spend some one on one time with Zekrom."
"As long as you guys train too, I have no problem."
"Babe, Annie," Tessa addressed her boyfriend and best friend. "I'm putting you two in charge while we're gone." She kissed Anderson before standing up. "Lunick, Maggie, Alex, you ready to go?"
The four of us went down to the first floor, and went outside to the hotel training court before I left for Wela Volcano.
After making sure no one else was in sight, I let Zekrom out of her Pokéball.
"Something on your mind, Alex?"
"As a matter of fact, yes."
"Alexander, I want you to promise me one thing." Zekrom looked down at me, ruby eyes into amber.
"Anything, Z."
"No more secrets. You kept me in the dark about your strongest ideal for a very long time. Promise me we'll tell each other everything."
"I promise you, Zekrom. I won't keep any more secrets from you. You're one of my closest friends."
"Thank you, Alex." Zekrom's eyes suddenly widened, noticing something moving in the distance behind me. "Alex! Look!"
I turned around to see a Turtonator walking by.
"Well, would you look at that? A Turtonator!"
Zekrom looked back at me, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I definitely want to battle that one. Want to catch it while you're at it?"
"Sure, why not? I did promise Tessa we'd train. Hey, Turtonator!"
The Turtonator stopped walking and turned to face us.
"Are you tough enough to fight my Legendary Pokémon partner, Zekrom?"
The Turtonator narrowed it's eyes.
"Turtonator accepted your challenge." Zekrom remarked. "Can't wait to kick some Blast Turtle butt."
"Ok, Z, let's start off with Dragon Claw!"
Zekrom's claws lit up, and she charged through the air towards Turtonator. What I didn't expect was for Turtonator to turn it's back to Zekrom.
"Zekrom, watch out! If you make contact with the spikes on it's shell, it'll-"
Zekrom made contact with the spikes on Turtonator's shell, and I winced.
Just a second later, there was an explosion and a blast of smoke. When it faded, I saw that it had done barely anything to Zekrom.
"Pah!" Zekrom scoffed. "It'll take much more than that to hurt me."
Turtonator launched a Flamethrower attack, and I gasped. "Zekrom, dodge that!"
My Legendary Partner veered off to the side, avoiding the attack.
"Quick, use Dragon Breath!"
Zekrom obliged, launching a beam of purple energy that struck Turtonator head-on.
"Yes!" I bellowed. "Critical hit!"
"Even better; it's paralyzed!"
"Well done, Zekrom! Now!" I thrust my hand outward. "Finish it off with Fusion Bolt. Don't hold back!"
Zekrom roared and cloaked herself in bright blue electricity, charging at Turtonator once again. The collision created a light so bright, I'm positive Tessa and the others could see it from where they're training. I flinched, covering my eyes so I wouldn't be blinded.
When Zekrom returned to my side, I could see Turtonator barely struggling to get up.
"Alex, now's your chance! Throw a Pokéball!"
"Gladly." I took out a Pokéball and enlarged it. "Go, Pokéball!" I threw it, and it connected with Turtonator's head, sucking it in. It hit the ground and wiggled a bit before clicking.
"Great job, Alex!" Zekrom praised.
"Thanks." I approached the Pokéball and picked it up. "I'm going to call you... Te Kā."
"Te Kā, eh? Never heard of that."
Normal POV
A few hours later, Tessa, Lunick, Maggie and Alexander all returned from training just as Lorelei and Natalie returned from Heahea.
"So how did practice go?" Tessa asked Natalie and her older cousin.
"We had a great time." Natalie replied.
"Glad to hear it." Tessa grinned.
When dinnertime rolled around, Robin's uncle had the food and drinks brought up to the room. Lorelei happily accepted to stay for dinner when Tessa offered for her to do so.
At 10 PM, Tessa called for bedtime. As everyone was heading to bed, Christian came up to whisper something into Tessa's ear.
"Oh, guys, we're going to have a meeting at 7 AM tomorrow. So make sure you're all up by 7 tomorrow."
Tessa's POV
Just a few minutes before 7 AM the next morning, I banged on the doors of those who hadn't woken up yet.
"Tessa, I know you told us this last night, but why are we having a Squad meeting this early in the morning?" Brianna questioned, yawning.
"So sorry to be waking you guys up this early in the morning, but we need to address something very important." I replied. "Christian told me that there are other Trainers out there who haven't been chosen by their Legendary Partners yet. We'll only be getting newbies from the Galar region, just to let you know."
Everyone nodded in understanding.
"Also, in a few hours, I'll be taking Yushuv and Kaelynne out for training. And one more thing, since we're up already, I wanted to ask you all this important question. What do you guys think constitutes a strong bond between Trainer and Pokémon?"
"Ooh! Ooh!" Melody raised her hand.
"Working together with your Pokémon."
"That's a good example. Anyone else?"
"Can I give one?" Hunter asked.
"Helping your Pokémon if they're in trouble, which is what we're all about, of course."
"Another great example. Aiden, I see you have your hand up."
"Putting your Pokémon's needs before yours."
I beamed at the pink haired boy. "Exactly."
"I have a few."
I smiled at the platinum blonde in the pink dress. "Go on, Summer."
"Spending time together. Getting to know each other..."
"Also great examples! Any others?"
"I like to include my Pokémon in my dancing." Lydia said enthusiastically.
"Yesterday, I promised Zekrom that we wouldn't keep any more secrets from each other."
I smiled at Alexander's words. "Sounds like you have a very strong bond with Zekrom."
"I cuddle with Manaphy at night!" Anna, who was holding Manaphy in her arms, kissed the top of his head.
"I've gone flying on Latias many times!"
"When I have a nightmare, I snuggle with Mesprit." Alyssa reached up to pat Mesprit, who was sitting on top of her head, on her own.
"I always share my donuts with Hoopa!"
"Tapu Lele and I always do a bunch of cute things together!"
"Whenever I have macarons, I never hesitate to share a few with Victini."
"I'm so glad Aiden shares his macarons with me!" Victini giggled.
"Whenever I'm upset and have no one else to rant to, I share my feelings with Tapu Koko!"
"I'm glad you guys have strong bonds with your Legendary Partners. But forging strong bonds with your other Pokémon is just as important. For instance, my Greninja has been with me ever since she was a Froakie. She was my 10th birthday present from Daddy."
"That is true." Julie agreed. "My big brother gave me my shiny Eevee. We became close from day one."
"So part of the reason why I brought this up is that such strong bonds are very important in both Mega Evolution and Z-Moves."
"And Dynamaxing!" Summer and Winter chorused.
"Yes, and Dynamaxing. So remember, it's important for you to have strong bonds with all of your Pokémon, not just your Legendary Partners."
Maya's POV
I didn't say anything throughout the entire meeting. I just watched and listened, nodding as Tessa emphasized the importance of strong bonds between us and our Pokémon, and some of our friends listed examples of such bonds with their Pokémon.
"If I may," I spoke once Tessa said it was important to have a strong bond with all of your Pokémon. "I have a story to tell you all."
"Go ahead and tell us, Maya."
"Well, it's the story of how I met Dialga..."
I was taking an afternoon stroll by Mt. Coronet with my partner Pokémon, Torterra and Staraptor. Nolan was back home on Iron Island hanging out with his best friend Michael Enon, and Verity was currently in Snowpoint.
There was no one nearby, so Torterra, Staraptor and I had peace and quiet.
"Terra! Torterra!"
"I know, Torterra. I know you want to see Verity, but we have to pass through Mt. Coronet first. I would've flown to Snowpoint on Staraptor, but she's not good at flying through blizzards.
"I know, Staraptor. It's not your fault. We'll correct that in the not so distant future, I promise."
"Hey, don't be nervous." My face brightened, suddenly getting an idea. "I know! I'll give you some of your favorite Poffins as a reward..." I sing-songed.
"Star! Staraptor!"
I giggled. "See? I knew you'd come around."
"Huh?" I turned around, noticing that Torterra was looking up to the mountains, crouching down in attack position. "Torterra, something wrong?"
After a few seconds of silence, a loud roar permeated the area. I tensed up, and so did Staraptor.
"Torterra, get ready to attack."
Torterra obeyed, getting ready to launch a powerful Frenzy Plant attack.
Looking up, I could clearly see the shape of a Pokémon descending through the fog. As it drew closer, I held out my hand to stop my partner.
"Torterra, wait."
It was when the Pokémon burst through the fog that I got the biggest shock of my life.
I knew who it was.
It was her... the firstborn daughter of Arceus... the deity said to rule over time...The Legendary Temporal Pokémon herself, Dialga.
But what was she doing here? Why was she here?
As Dialga landed less than ten feet away from me, Torterra stepped back, and Staraptor hovered behind me.
Dialga looked down at me, her red eyes piercing into my light blues.
My breath caught in my throat. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before. I couldn't bring myself to take a step forward or back.
What was Dialga doing here?!
I finally managed to compose myself, gathering my long blue skirt in both my hands, slightly crossing my legs and bending down in a curtsy.
"So this is Maya. You look exactly like Father said you did!"
First of all, I knew that by 'Father', Dialga meant Arceus. Second of all, did she just talk?!
"Y-y-yes..." I stammered, once again standing up straight. "That's my name."
"I can tell you're nervous. Don't be."
I sighed in relief, now knowing that Dialga didn't want to do a number on me or my Pokémon. "But then... What are you doing here? I mean, it's not like a lowly mortal like me could be your Chosen One, right?"
"Actually, Maya, that is in fact the case."
"You're serious?"
Dialga then proceeded to tell me about the malevolent entity Dark Matter, and it's intentions for the world.
"So... This really is happening. I'm not dreaming or anything." I pinched myself on the arm. "Ow!" I then looked up to see Dialga still towering over me. "Nope. Not a dream."
"Unlike Palkia and Giratina, Father and I sensed Dark Matter's impending attack long before many of the other Legendaries did. You were my chosen from the moment you were born."
"I'm just the daughter of the Champion. That's all it is. That's why I'm not a nobody here, just because my mom is the strongest Trainer in Sinnoh."
"Maya." Dialga said sternly. "Those are the exact words I knew you were going to say. You should know that's not true, as do I."
"Hold on, how did you know I was going to say that?"
"First off, I am the deity of time after all. Second, Calyrex told me."
"Who's Calyrex?"
"A Legendary Pokémon from a far off region. We're good friends because of his connection with time. He can see any past, present or future event."
My eyes widened. "So that means you and this Calyrex Pokémon know who my father is!" I then scowled. "Not like I care, anyway, since he abandoned Mom before she even found out she was pregnant with me."
End Flashback 1
"Not too long after that came the time I broke the news to my mother. It was just a few hours later."
Flashback 2:
My phone buzzed, and I checked my text messages. I had just gotten one from Verity, asking where I was.
'Verity', I texted back. 'something came up. I won't be coming to Snowpoint today.'
Verity's reply was almost immediate. 'Aww, man!'
I turned my cell phone off and put it back in my purse. "Staraptor, Dialga, we're going for a ride."
"I already know where we're going."
"Spot on, Dialga. We're heading to the Pokémon League. I have to see my mother."
"Now just a minute. You have to catch me first."
"Oh. Right." I pulled a Timer Ball out of my purse. "A Timer Ball. How ironic. Staraptor, here it comes!" I tossed the Timer Ball at Staraptor, who hit it with her wing. It bounced off of Dialga, and the Temporal Legendary was caught immediately.
Staraptor hit my hand with her wing in a high-five. I let Dialga out of her ball, and she looked into my eyes once again.
"Ready to go, Maya?"
"I sure am, Dialga. You're going to like my mom. She's in for a real shock."
Dialga crouched down so I could climb onto her back. Staraptor hovered above us.
"Ok, Staraptor! Lead the way!"
Staraptor took off, and Dialga followed close behind.
When we were above the clouds, I smirked, getting an idea.
"So, Dialga, let's see how much you really know about me. What's my middle name?"
"When was I born? Month, date and year."
"April 30, 2000."
"What time was I born?" I grinned at my own pun.
I giggled mischievously. "Time puns!"
Dialga sighed. "9:13 AM."
"Half-brother and sister's names?"
"Nolan and Verity."
"Wow! I'm impressed."
"Star! Staraptor!"
"We're almost there! Dialga, follow Staraptor."
Dialga followed Staraptor through the clouds until we landed at the Pokémon League. I returned Dialga and Staraptor to their Pokéballs before entering the building. The security guards recognized who I was and let me through. I greeted Aaron, Bertha, Flint and Lucian as I passed by.
As I entered the Champion's room, I saw my mother training with her Garchomp and Spiritomb.
She turned around, surprised to see me. "Hey, Maya! What's up? What are you doing here?"
"Two reasons, actually. One, I wanted to see you."
"And I love seeing you too, sweetheart. What's the second reason?"
"Well..." I pulled out the Timer Ball I caught Dialga with. "Mom, this might be a bit of a shock, but..." I tossed the ball into the air, and Dialga popped out.
"D-D-Dialga?!" Mom stammered. "But how?!"
Dialga and I both told Mom the story: how we met, about Dark Matter, and how I had been her Chosen One from the moment I was born because Dialga and Arceus had sensed Dark Matter's impending attack much sooner.
"Maya... Oh, my baby..." Mom enfolded me in her arms, and I hugged her back immediately.
"When did this happen?"
"Not too long ago. Just a few hours."
"Dialga," Mom pulled back from me to address my new Legendary Partner. "As Champion, I'd like to ask you a very big favor: take good care of my baby."
"Mom!" I blushed out of embarrassment.
"I'm serious, Maya." My mother said in a stern tone identical to the one Dialga used earlier. "You could get seriously injured!"
"No." I shook my head. "Dialga won't let that happen."
End Flashback 2
"And finally, the night after all that went down. It was after sundown that we became something along the lines of sisters."
Flashback 3: Normal POV
Maya and Cynthia were back home on Iron Island with the rest of the family. Cynthia had told her husband that both Maya and Nolan had been chosen by Dialga and Darkrai respectively. To say Riley was shocked was an understatement.
When Verity had come home, Maya had explained to her half-sister the reason why they weren't able to meet up at Snowpoint earlier. Verity got jealous instantly, unhappy that she was the only Shirona-Hart child to have not been chosen by a Legendary. Nolan had gently reminded his twin that it was the Legendary's decision as to who his or her Chosen One would be.
The moon was now in the sky, and the stars were shining. There were no clouds whatsoever. Dressed in her blue nightgown, Maya stood on a hill overlooking the island, and the only one that had grass and a tree.
As the Champion's daughter recalled in her mind everything that had gone down today, it began to dawn on her just how heavy this burden that was just placed on her shoulders really was.
Dialga popped out of her Timer Ball, seemingly sensing her new Trainer's stress.
"Everything ok, Maya? Don't say yes to that; I know something's on your mind."
"Nah," Maya giggled, trying to push her stress deep down. "Dialga, everything's fine." Her façade didn't last, though, and she broke into tears, collapsing to her knees and burying her face in her hands. "Actually, Dialga, you're right. Something is on my mind. The fate of the world rests on my shoulders, on Nolan's, and the shoulders of this group of friends we'll be making! It's just too much for me to take in!"
Dialga's eyes filled with pain as she watched her Trainer cry. The Temporal Pokémon felt helpless, until she got an idea.
"I know what will make you feel better. Come here."
"Huh?" Maya was confused as to what Dialga was up to.
"Come on, Maya." Dialga flew a short distance to the tree to lay down. "Over here."
The golden blonde got up from her knees, wiping her tears away and crossing over to where Dialga was. She sat down and scooted in close.
"You see where the diamond on my chest is? Put your head just above there."
Maya let out another choked sob, resting her head where Dialga asked her to. "How is that going to make me feel better?" The golden blonde sniffled. She stopped short when she heard a steady, powerful thumping under her ear. "Wait a minute..."
"Do you hear that?" Dialga asked in a calming, sisterly voice.
"Yes... That's your heartbeat... But... the legends say that's exactly what keeps time going -"
"-So it is. Just listen. Focus on that, Maya. You'll feel better. And remember that I'll always be there for you."
Maya listened, slowly calming down. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, the blonde closed her eyes, the rhythmic beat soothing her to sleep.
A few minutes passed before Dialga decided to check on her Chosen One.
"Maya? Maya?"
Dialga stopped upon seeing that Maya was now out like a light.
"Wow." Dialga mused to herself. "She really was hurting."
Dialga kept watch over her Trainer for another half hour before joining the blonde in slumber.
Back in the house, Cynthia panicked for a second, seeing that her eldest daughter wasn't in her bed. The Sinnoh Champion raced up to the grassy hill and stopped abruptly.
Cynthia sighed in relief when she saw Maya under a tree, snuggled up to Dialga.
"They're like sisters already." The Sinnoh Champion murmured. She quietly sent out her Spiritomb, whispering an order to it. "Keep an eye on them for me, ok?"
End Flashback 3: Maya's POV
"Wow." Tessa remarked. "What a story."
"Awwwww!" Yumi squealed. "That's so sweet!"
"You described everything very well." Allison commented.
"Thank you."
A few seconds later, we heard the sound of a room key being inserted. The door to our room opened, and Kiawe entered with Ash and Serena.
"Hey, everyone!" Kiawe greeted us. "Robin's uncle gave me a room key so I can visit you guys with no trouble."
"Good to know." Tessa replied.
"Hey, Kiawe!" Lydia went to kiss her boyfriend. "I see you have Ash and Serena with you!"
"Kiawe is taking Ash and I to his house!" Serena had a huge grin on her face. "He lives here on this island! Do you want to come with us?"
Lydia beamed. "I'd love to!" She turned to look Tessa in the eye. "Tessa, do I have your permission to stay the night at Kiawe's place with them?"
"That's fine with me, Lydia. Just remember the drill."
"Be back tomorrow morning, yes, I know. Besides, Kiawe has deliveries to make tomorrow morning anyway."
With that, Lydia left the room with Kiawe, Ash and Serena.
Two hours later, Tessa took Yushuv and Kaelynne out for training, Chara left for a morning flight on Yveltal, and Anderson and Annaleise were temporarily put in charge.
Cassandra's POV
"Cass, time to get up!" My father rapped on my bedroom door. "It's almost 10 in the morning!"
I groaned, stretching and pulling the bedsheets off my body. "Coming, Dad."
Seeing that I was awake, my Thwackey happily banged his wooden sticks on the toy drum I got for him.
"I hear you, I hear you, Thwackey. Good morning."
My name is Cassandra Gillespie. I live in Hammerlocke with my parents, Montgomery and Janice. The last time I visited my cousin Clara was before my Uncle Philip got turned into a Yamask by the gypsy whose friend had tragically died. I really miss Clara and my Aunt Heather. I absolutely want to see them again.
The Gym Leader here, Raihan, is a good acquaintance of mine. I was surprised to hear that Leon, Galar's Champion, is his biggest rival and best friend. In fact, it was Raihan who told me that Leon had just recently started dating Melony's secondborn child and first daughter, Ariel.
Speaking of friends and acquaintances, it was just recently that I got a text from my friend Summer James, saying that she and her twin brother Winter had been chosen by the Legendary Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta. She also mentioned something about a malevolent entity threatening our existence, and that they would band together with a huge group to destroy this entity for good.
I wonder what it would be like if I ended up joining that group. What if Clara was also chosen?
As my mind wandered, I heard what appeared to be a tapping on my bedroom window. I ignored it at first, thinking I was hearing things. When I heard it again, I turned around to see a strange Pokémon floating on the other side of it. It was green, purple and white, and it appeared to literally have a big head.
I rushed to the window and opened it, letting the Pokémon in. It flew inside, and I shut the window.
"Thank you, Cassandra." Said the Pokémon in an obviously male voice. "I don't know how I would've gotten in otherwise. I mean, I could've just teleported..."
I gasped. "Did you just talk?"
"Uh huh." The Pokémon replied. "Telepathy. All Legendaries such as myself can use it."
"You're a Legendary Pokémon?!"
"That is correct. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Calyrex, and you, Cassandra, are my Chosen One."
I gasped, my jaw dropping. "Really?!"
"Yes, really. And get this: your cousin was chosen by Terrakion, a Legendary Pokémon from Unova."
"Yes!" I squealed, jumping for joy.
"Don't celebrate just yet, Cassandra." Calyrex warned. "You know the reason why us Legendaries are picking their Chosen Ones, right?"
"My friend Summer mentioned this evil entity. I can't think of a name..."
"Dark Matter."
"Right. Dark Matter."
Calyrex then proceeded to explain to me what Dark Matter was, and the entity's dastardly plans.
"This is terrible."
"Even worse, Dark Matter has blocked my ability to see far enough into the future where we do battle with it. I can only see so far enough as all of us standing together. All of us meaning you, myself, and the other Legendaries and their Chosen Ones."
I flinched. If Dark Matter is this powerful, we need all of the help and support we can get.
"Cassandra Marian!" I heard my father shout from downstairs.
"Coming!" I shouted before turning to Calyrex. "Come on, let's go tell my parents."
I left my bedroom and went downstairs, Calyrex floating behind me.
"Good morning, darling." Mum greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Your Pokéball pancakes are on the table, and your dad put your favorite maple syrup on them." She then noticed Calyrex. "Wait, that Pokémon looks familiar..." She then gasped, recognizing him. "Calyrex, what are you doing outside the Crown Tundra?!"
"Crown Tundra?"
"It's a snowy expanse south of Postwick." Mum explained. "There's a superstition in Hammerlocke saying that those who dare traverse the Crown Tundra have a death wish. It's notoriously treacherous terrain."
"Do you believe that superstition, Mum?"
"No, but I am a firm believer of being very careful and prepared when you go into dangerous places." My mother turned back to Calyrex. "So what are you doing far from your home turf?"
After Calyrex explained everything, Mum covered her mouth in shock, and Dad slammed his hand on the table.
"Uh uh! Absolutely not! My daughter is not putting herself in danger. My brother-in-law was turned into a Yamask for goodness sake! Cassandra could get blown up, turned into stone, or transformed into a Pokémon or something weird!"
"Uh, Dad," I held my hand up. "I'm going to go to Alola to join this group of other Trainers who have been chosen by the Legendary Pokémon, and Clara is one of them. I'll have many friends to hang out with, and their leader, a girl around my age named Tessa, keeps a close eye on all of us. Besides, Calyrex is one of those Legendary Pokémon you do not want to anger."
Dad glared at Calyrex for a moment before sighing. "I guess I have no choice. Make sure that you always stay with a buddy, preferably Clara. Sit down, eat your pancakes, and your mother and I will book your plane ticket."
"Say hi to Clara for us, by the way."
"I will, Mum." I replied, sitting down to eat my pancakes.
When I finished ten minutes later, I caught Calyrex in a Pokéball before heading upstairs to pack my suitcase.
Yumi's POV
I knocked on Seth's door, wanting to have a little chat with him.
"Come in." Seth's voice said from the other side.
I opened and shut the door before sitting next to Seth on his bed.
"What's up?"
"Nothing much. You?"
"Same. Hey, I was wondering, do you have any siblings? It gets kinda lonely sometimes, being an only child and everything."
"I have a little sister; Rose Caprio. She's very energetic and bubbly, kinda like you."
"That's nice. Any older siblings?"
"I used to have an older brother. His name was Zero. He died in an accident not too long ago."
"Oh." My face fell. "I'm sorry for your loss."
Seth shrugged. "Thanks, I guess."
"My parents' names are Austin and Missy. What about yours?"
"My mother is still around. Her name is Flora. I have a stepdad. His name is Atticus. He's Rose's father, and he was Zero's father, but not mine."
"Speaking of fathers, where is yours?" I asked.
Seth scowled. "He left Mom when she told him she was pregnant with me. That's all I'm saying about my deadbeat dad."
"There's something you aren't telling me."
"Now you listen!" Seth slammed his hands on his nightstand. "I've had a rough life. I don't want anyone questioning me about my father, kapeisch?!"
"Well fine!" I growled. "Your choice! I don't care anymore!" I stormed out of the room, slamming the door. I ran into my own room, shut the door, and sat on my bed, sulking.
"Yumi?" I turned to see Diancie floating next to where I was sitting. "What's wrong?"
"Seth got all high temper with me because I asked for too much information regarding his deadbeat father."
"That was a personal question, Yumi. Even though you've known Seth for a very long time, he's still not ready to open up to you just yet. Maybe one day, he will be."
The usual smile returned to my face. "Thanks, Diancie. You're the best."
Chara's POV
Yveltal and I were enjoying our afternoon flight. I breathed in the salty and floral Alolan air, exhaling in delight.
"Doesn't it smell great, Yveltal?"
"It sure does." I then saw him look down, growling at something. I followed his gaze, and what I saw made me gasp in shock. A Pokémon Poacher was beating an innocent Meganium!
"I'll tear him limb from limb." Yveltal growled. "Maybe even turn him to stone while I'm at it. Or should we get Officer Jenny?"
"He'd be long gone by the time Officer Jenny gets here. And turning him to stone alone is far too lenient in my book." I grinned sadistically, pulling out my pocket knife. "I've got a better idea."
I could see a dark glint in Yveltal's eyes. "Oh, this should be fun."
I put away my pocket knife for now. "Yveltal, we need to land quietly so we don't alert him that we're here."
Yveltal sneakily flew down so I could hide behind a nearby tree. I crept up behind the poacher, slowly taking out my pocket knife again before literally stabbing him in the back with it.
The poacher yelled in pain, collapsing to his knees. Blood began to stain his shirt, and he looked up in fear at me.
"What the-"
"You're beating an innocent Pokémon to the point of death." I said coldly. "And for that, you deserve a world of pain." As Yveltal checked on the severely injured Meganium, I stabbed the bad man over and over.
When I was sure he was dead, I ordered Yveltal to use Oblivion Wing and turn the poacher to stone.
"With pleasure." Yveltal used his signature attack, and the poacher's dead and bloody body turned into solid stone. "Do you want me to destroy it while I'm at it?"
I grinned. "Please do."
Yveltal obliged, destroying the stone statue using one mighty swing of his tail. I then sent out Cyndaquil to burn away any remaining blood and grass surrounding it. I knew that if anyone noticed the pieces of stone and scorched grass, they would think someone was training here.
I then turned to tend to the Meganium. "Hey, it's ok. The one who tortured you is dead and gone. You're ok. You're ok."
"You know," Yveltal commented. "You seemed to have no regard for that man's life."
"I didn't." I said in a stone cold voice. "That man was willing to go as low as to torture a Pokémon into submission, kill it, or take it to sell on the black market." I then pulled out a Full Restore and poured the medicine into an empty bottle for Meganium to drink. I then sprayed a Hyper Potion on Meganium's wounds, soothing her (yes, it's female) as she cried out in pain.
"Hey, Chara. Two things: one, that Meganium looks like she wants to come with you."
I looked into Meganium's eyes. "Is that true?"
"Meg! Meganium!"
"Ok, then!" I gently pressed a Pokéball to Meganium's forehead, and she was instantly caught.
"By the way, what's the second thing?" I asked Yveltal, placing Meganium's Pokéball in my bag.
"Tessa's gonna kill you if she finds out."
Thomas's POV
"Registeel," I sat down next to my Legendary Partner. "How much do you know about Dark Matter?"
We were by ourselves outside the hotel, sitting under a tree. I had gotten the green light from Annaleise, so that's why we were out here.
"I never told you this when we first met, but Dark Matter is an entity made up of all our negative energy and emotions. When our first Chosen Ones defeated Dark Matter a hundred thousand years ago, we thought we'd stopped it for good."
"But you didn't."
"Nope. I don't think Dark Matter can be truly defeated unless all our hearts come together as one."
"Lunala and I would like to add something."
I turned my gaze to see Tessa returning from training with Yushuv and Kaelynne, Lunala floating at the former's side. My three fellow Legendary Heroes Squad members sat down beside me and Registeel.
"I know for certain that Dark Matter has these minions called Void Shadows." Said Lunala. "They are black shadowy blobs with purple dots for eyes and a mouth. Urshifu, a Legendary Pokémon from Galar, sent me a telepathic signal saying that the Void Shadows had attacked his Chosen One, Jose Polman. Jose's ok, thankfully, but this is a sign that Dark Matter is making a move."
"Is he on his way to Alola?" Tessa asked.
"He'll be here in a few days. We do have someone on her way, though. Cassandra Gillespie, Clara's cousin. She was chosen by Calyrex, known on his home turf as the King of Bountiful Harvests."
"I want to surprise Clara, so I'm keeping this a secret." Tessa turned to address the rest of us. "Yushuv, Kaelynne, Thomas, will you keep Cassandra's incoming arrival a secret from Clara and the rest of the Squad? I'm going to tell Anderson and Annaleise too, under the condition they keep it a secret too."
"We will." I said simultaneously with Kaelynne and Yushuv.
"Awesome!" Tessa grinned. "Let's go back up to the room."
Brianna's POV
Tessa came back to the room with Yushuv, Kaelynne and Thomas, addressing the Squad.
"Liam, Liz, you two will go training with me tomorrow, ok?"
"Ok!" Liam and Liz replied at the same time.
A few minutes later, Chara came back, fuming slightly.
"Chara, is something the matter?"
"Yes, something's the matter! I was enjoying the calm skies with Yveltal when we came across a poacher brutally beating a Meganium!"
"Did you do something about it?"
"I kinda showed him the wrath of my pocket knife before Yveltal turned him to stone." Chara grinned in a sadistic manner.
Moana covered her mouth with widened eyes, and my jaw dropped.
"Chara Ludvina!" Tessa gasped in horror. "You didn't!"
"Oh, yes, I did."
"If I may," Adrien interjected. "I know exactly who she was talking about. The poacher Chara and Yveltal killed has escaped arrest multiple times, and no one in any region, not even the G-Men, could capture him. So I think they did the right thing this time."
"I'll have you know, I have standards. So anyone who would dare abuse a Pokémon to the brink of death shall answer to me." Chara said smugly.
"Chara, you are very, very lucky you weren't caught."
"You know, Chara," Allison frowned disapprovingly. "That arrogance of yours could very well get you in trouble one day."
Allison's words brought back another memory. I stood in the corner, my arms folded across my chest.
Ash was back to normal, and the evil spirit had been expelled from his body.
"Man, am I glad that's over; but thanks to all of you, I'm gonna be ok." Ash smiled gratefully at his friends. "You all are the best."
The girl in the bandanna, May, giggled. "Ash, you keep on talking like that and I'm going to blush."
I was about to yell a 'NO!' but Dad beat me to it, frightening Ash and his friends.
"Foolish kid, listen here. You weren't defeated by some sort of evil spirit. You were defeated only by yourself."
"But... What do you mean?"
"Young man, that evil spirit was attracted to you by your own uncontrolled arrogance. You work on that!"
"Right." Ash hung his head in shame. "Maybe I still am just a foolish kid. Sorry."
"Darn tootin' right, you are!" I hissed. "Your friends could have been seriously hurt or worse!"
"Brianna," Dad put his hand on my shoulder. "I've got this, sweetheart."
Ash looked up at us again. "But I wanna battle with you; one more chance! And I want it to be an official battle this time!"
Dad and I exchanged a glance before turning our stone cold stares to Ash. We seemed to agree on one thing: Ash would have to be less of an idiot and improve himself.
"Sir! Miss Brianna!" Samuel called. "We're ready to leave as soon as you are."
Dad nodded, and we turned back to Ash.
"I'm sorry, Ash, but we have to go. Dad has to investigate another ruin, and Mom is waiting for me."
"Huh? But, please-"
"-Relax." Dad said sternly. "We'll be in touch when the time is right, but until then, you'd better train hard!"
"Right!" Ash nodded with a smile.
"Goodbye, then." Dad then turned to me. "Come, Brianna. Your mother's waiting for you."
Dad, Samuel and I went back into the Battle Pyramid, heading to the control room.
"Hear that, Dedenne?" I turned to the miniature electric mouse sitting on my shoulder. "We'd better train hard too."
Once we were in the control room, Dad prepared to take off for Fennel Valley, and I called Mom on the video chat.
End Flashback
I sighed. "Allison's right. Foolish kid... If something similar happens to Chara, it's on her."
Tessa's POV
Before I could give my next orders to the Squad, I once again heard the sound of a room key being inserted. The door opened, and Olivia entered, accompanied by a teenage girl with blood red hair and green eyes identical to Emilie's and Audrey's. The girl wore a jacket the same color as her hair but a slightly darker shade over a sky blue polo shirt. The girl also wore dark blue jeans and matching colored boots with white Rosemaling patterns. I instantly knew that this girl was Cassandra Gillespie.
"Cassandra's here."
"Thanks, Olivia."
With a nod, the Akala Island Kahuna left the room.
"May I have your attention, please?"
Everyone stopped talking and turned to me.
"I am thrilled to announce that we have a new face in the group. Everyone, say hello to-"
"Cassie!" Clara squealed, running up to hug her cousin.
"Clara!" Cassandra hugged Clara back immediately.
I laughed sweetly at the family reunion before addressing everyone again. "As I was saying, say hello to Cassandra Gillespie. As you can tell, she is Clara's cousin, and her Legendary Pokémon Partner is the King of Bountiful Harvests, Calyrex."
One by one, everyone introduced themselves to Cassandra. Once they had, I addressed Cassandra.
"One of the group is absent right now. You'll meet Lydia Johnson tomorrow. Her Legendary Partner is Articuno. She is staying at her boyfriend's house tonight."
"Ok." Cassandra nodded. "I understand."
"Squad, I'm going to take Cassandra and her things to her room. We'll give her some time to settle, and then we'll eat dinner, ok?"
"Got it!" Everyone said.
"Very well." I turned to Cassandra. "Ok, then. You room number is 70." I took Cassandra to the door with the number 70 on it, and she opened it.
"Wow..." Cassandra gasped in amazement. "It reminds me so much of my room back home!" The redhead entered her room and rolled her suitcase over to her bed. "It's big enough for both me and Calyrex to sleep on!" She grinned. "Speaking of Calyrex, I haven't introduced him to you yet."
When Cassandra let Calyrex out of his Pokéball, I was stunned upon getting a good look at him.
Calyrex was a floating green, purple and white Pokémon that slightly resembled a deer. He literally had a big head that resembled a crown.
"It is nice to finally meet you in person, Tessa Sycamore."
"You too, Calyrex."
Anderson's POV
Ten minutes later, Cassandra exited her new room, followed by Tessa.
"Ok, Squad! Now that Cassandra has gotten settled, who's ready for dinner?"
We all shouted random things in agreement.
"Mum told me about the Poppin' Pachirisu Floats they have on the dessert menu." Cassandra beamed. "I can't wait to try one!"
"I've tried one myself, Cassie, and you're going to like it for sure!"
"Good to know, Clara."
Just like last night, Robin's uncle had the food and drinks brought up to the room. Tessa even arranged to have a Poppin' Pachirisu Float brought up to Cassandra, much to the redhead's delight.
At 10:00, Tessa ordered everyone except for me and Birhan to go to bed. She then pulled us into her room.
"Ok, Birhan. Anderson and I have been talking, and we wanted to help you plan out your love confession to Annaleise. You wanted to confess to her during the Tapu Lele Festival, correct?"
"That's right."
"Well, we don't have a lot of time left. How do you want to confess to her?"
"Hey, remember when you suggested that I sing a song to her?"
"Yeah... Why?"
"There is one that I want to sing to her." Birhan replied. "I'm going to need Anderson to play it on his guitar."
I smirked. "I'll gladly do it. What's the name of the song?"
Birhan pulled it up on his cell phone, and I pulled up the guitar chords on my own.
"So, Birhan, in the days leading up to the Tapu Lele Festival, we'll each practice our parts in the confession. We just have to make sure Annaleise doesn't catch wind of any of this." Tessa's face lit up. "I know! I can have Maya and some of the other girls keep Annaleise busy during our practice times!"
I threw an arm around Tessa's waist, pecking her cheek. "I have such a smart girlfriend."
Tessa giggled. "Ok, guys. Now that we have Birhan's confession of love to Annaleise planned out, let's get a good night's sleep."
Emilie's POV
"Daddy? Mommy?"
Morty and I looked in the direction of the voice, seeing our daughter standing in the doorway.
"Audrey, darling, what's wrong?" Morty asked.
Morty and I glanced at each other. We both suspected it had something to do with her powers.
"Come here, Sweetheart." I soothingly called to her.
Audrey darted to the side of the bed, and I helped her up, setting her in the middle, right between Morty and I.
"Daddy, can you tell me how you met Mommy?"
"I had a few visions about your mother." Morty explained, holding Audrey and I close.
As Morty told the story, I blushed, thinking back to the day we first met.
"So Daddy saved Mommy's life?"
"Because of the visions your father had about me, yes." I replied.
"Now, Audrey, did you see that Pokémon again?"
"Yes." Audrey replied. "I saw some purple on it, and some red too."
Morty looked into my eyes. "All right, Emilie. We are definitely talking to Yushuv about this."
Lydia's POV
The next morning was quite eventful. Kiawe, Ash and I had been ambushed by the same Team Skull Grunts we battled on Mt. Hokulani, and I ended up staying behind to watch my boyfriend battle Ash. And speaking of Ash, this time around he was the one to defeat Team Skull with a Z-Move.
After everything was all done, Kiawe dropped me off at the hotel, and I returned to the Squad's room to see a new member in the group. It was a redhead girl wearing red and blue.
"Lydia, this is Cassandra Gillespie." Tessa gestured to the redhead. "Olivia brought her here last night. Cassandra, this is Lydia Johnson, the Chosen One of Articuno."
"Nice to meet you, Lydia." Cassandra held out her hand to me. I grabbed her hand in mine for a shake.
"Same to you. Who is your Legendary Partner?"
"Calyrex, the King of Bountiful Harvests."
"Huh?" I tilted my head. "'King of Bountiful Harvests?'"
"The people of Galar call him that because he brings lush vegetation and harvests every year." Cassandra explained.
"Oh..." I dragged out. "I understand now."
"Liam! Liz!" Tessa clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "You two come with me. Today's your training day."
Liam and Liz stopped what they were doing, and got up to leave the room.
"Anderson and Annaleise, you're in charge until we get back. Liam, Liz, allons-y!"
Tessa held the door open for Liam and Liz. She waited until they exited before leaving after them.
"'Allons-y?'" Summer, Winter and Cassandra questioned.
"It means 'let's go' in Kalosian." Annaleise explained.
Evelyn's POV
I let out a sigh for the umpteenth time today, staring at my bedroom ceiling.
"Just another day all by my lonesome."
My Yamper jumped onto my bed and plopped down at my side.
"Hey, girl." I gently stroked my Yamper's head. "Thanks for trying."
My name is Evelyn Iris Potter. Despite being the daughter of wealthy and famous parents, I'm not as happy as I once was.
My life drastically went downhill 11 years ago, when my mother died of lymphoma.
Ever since Mum died, Dad hasn't been the same.
I love my Dad very much, but he's always so busy.
Speaking of my father, he hardly ever lets me go out. Don't get me wrong, I love Wyndon. It's where I was born and raised, but there's this part of me that longs for adventure.
I currently have three Pokémon. One of them, of course, is Yamper. The second is my Cufant, which I caught while out with my best friend, Danica Sterling. The third is a Perrserker Dad gave me for my 14th birthday. I named that little rascal Tae-Tae.
As I looked out my bedroom window at the view of Wyndon, someone knocked at my door.
"Evelyn, it's me." I recognized the voice as my godmother, Oleana.
"Come in, Auntie." I said glumly, not taking my gaze away from the window.
I heard the door open and shut. I heard the click of high heels approach my bed, and felt someone sit down next to me.
"Evelyn, look at me."
I turned over, looking into the caring green eyes of my godmother.
Oleana is the closest thing I've had to a mother since Mum passed away. She wasn't this caring around anyone else. Only Dad and I got to see this side of her, and so did Mum while she was alive.
"You really miss your mother, don't you?"
I nodded. "Yeah. I wish Dad would talk about her. It's what Mum would want. And speaking of Dad, I really wish he'd spend more time with me."
"Evelyn, you know how busy your father is."
"It's always that way." I huffed. "It's just not fair. If only Dad would get off his high Horsea and set some time aside for his own daughter."
The few times Dad does let me out, it's only if I'm accompanied by Oleana or Danica.
My godmother put a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You may look exactly like your mother, but you did inherit your father's impatience."
I was surprised at what my godmother just said. Usually, I am compared to Mum, but almost never to Dad.
Oleana was definitely correct on that one, though. Just like Dad, if there's something that I know can be done right away, I absolutely hate to put it off.
"I guess you're right on that one."
As for other family members, I do have relatives, but I haven't seen them since Mum's funeral. I do keep in contact with my aunt, uncle and cousin through my Rotom Phone. Dad and Oleana don't know about it because I've never told them.
My mother was buried in the Old Cemetery in an icy cold place to the far south of the region. That place is known as the Crown Tundra. I've always wanted to go there to explore and visit Mum's grave, but Dad forbids me to do so.
I've never disobeyed my father in my life, like, ever, and I don't want to. Yet for the past two years, I've been feeling a pull to the Crown Tundra.
As much as I'd hate to disobey Dad, I can't ignore this pull any longer. The next time Danica comes over, we're going to tell Dad that we're going to the Wild Area, when in reality, we're going to be in the Crown Tundra.
Emilie's POV
"Honey?" I called to my husband.
"Yes, My Love?" Morty called back, entering the living area of our hotel room and sitting next to me on the couch.
"Yushuv responded. He said we can stop by with Audrey in a few hours. I didn't say what exactly, but I did mention we needed to talk to him about something."
"Good. And speaking of 'talking about something', I've been thinking. Audrey is four years old, and..."
I looked to Morty, and he nodded. It was time to give Audrey the talk about death.
"Audrey," Morty called to our child. "Your mother and I want to talk to you about something."
Audrey approached the couch Morty and I were sitting on, and she sat down between us.
"Your father and I have been talking. We decided to give you 'the talk', by the way I'm not referring to the talk we'll be giving you when you become a teenager. I'm referring to the talk about..." I sighed.
"Audrey, do you know what death is?" Morty asked our daughter.
"I've overheard Mommy mention it once or twice, but I never really..."
"Sunshine, we'll try to answer any questions you may have." I placed a gentle hand on Audrey's shoulder.
"Mommy, what is death exactly? And what happens when we die?"
"When we die, Audrey, we can't think or feel anymore. Our bodies simply shut down. They stop working and can't be fixed. We can't eat or sleep anymore."
Audrey's eyes widened, and she held my hand in one of hers and Morty's in the other. "Daddy, do we all die?"
"Yes, Audrey. Everyone dies eventually."
"How do people die?"
"Well," Morty said. "Sometimes people die because they're too old. Others get very sick and then die. Sometimes, you can die if something terrible happens to you."
"Like what?"
"Well, sometimes people can die in a car accident, be killed by a rampaging Pokémon..."
"Or even shot by a madman with a gun." I said grimly.
Audrey flinched. "Oof."
Danica's POV
Today was a brand new day, and I was on my way to visit my best friend, Evelyn. On the way, I stopped off at Motostoke to visit another friend of mine. Her name is Tia Digenova, and like Evelyn, she's a couple years younger than I am.
Hang on, you'll get to know more about me later, but right now, I'll need to introduce myself.
Danica Sterling is my name, and superpowers are my game. Literally.
I only have a couple, though: enhanced agility and the ability to communicate with Pokémon.
I reckon you want to know all about me, like my family. That's for another time. All I'm going to say for now is that I live not too far from Motostoke, in the seaside town of Hulbury.
Tia's in the bathroom right now, so I'm sitting on the couch and watching a rerun of an exhibition match between Champion Leon and Gym Leader Raihan.
I snickered, turning to my Shinx, Ezreal. "Ez, how much do you wanna bet Tia will take her sweet time in the bathroom, as usual?" I asked with a lowered voice.
"Hey, I heard that!" Tia yelled from upstairs.
You see, Tia is not like most of us. She has this extremely acute sense of hearing. I mean, we're talking knowing who made what noise, hearing whether or not someone is talking smack about her, even being able to hear someone talk under their breath, and she can even hear so much as a pin drop.
Tia is short for Tiana, but she does not appreciate being called by her full first name.
"Sorry, Tia!" I hollered.
Tia scoffed. "Yeah, you'd better be!"
A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and Tia ran downstairs, almost falling in the process.
"Tia!" I shouted in alarm.
"I'm ok."
Just a mere second later, there was an explosion from next door.
"Is Marcus detonating TNT again?" Tia rolled her eyes.
"Most likely. It's probably a Jinx-er."
Tia facepalmed. "You and your League of Legends."
Tia hit the nail right on the head. League of Legends is my favorite game. It is for that reason I named my Shinx after the Prodigal Explorer, Ezreal.
Ezreal is my only Pokémon so far, but I hope to catch others. My love for the game is so strong, I'll be naming any future Pokémon I catch after characters from the game as well.
Another explosion nearly knocked us off our feet, and Tia growled in frustration.
"Can't he detonate his TNT outside the city?!"
"Let's just hope his mother gets onto him about it."
After I said that, someone knocked on the door in a pattern I happened to recognize.
Tia opened the door, and standing a few feet away from the door on her flame patterned roller skates was a gray eyed redhead my age wearing a red dress and protective gear with the same pattern as her skates.
"Heya, Tia! I see you have Danica with you."
"Nice to see you, Katie." Tia greeted the redhead, now identified as Katie.
"My bro is at it again. I don't see him outside, so he must be exploding his dynamite in the house. Mum's gonna be furious."
Tia and I exchanged a sympathetic look. Ellie, Marcus and Katie's mother, was a redhead like her daughter, and it did not take much to get her angry.
"I know she's told my little brother many times to not detonate TNT in the house. Dad doesn't really say much to him about it because he's mostly focused on his training just like I am on mine."
"You know, I haven't seen your Dad in a while. Can Danica and I come over and say hi?"
Katie beamed. "Of course! Follow me."
Tia shut and locked the door, and we followed Katie next door, trying to keep up with her on her skates. While Katie took off her skates and protective gear, replacing the skates with her red sneakers, I could hear a woman yelling from inside.
"Uh oh..." Tia and I said simultaneously.
Katie opened the door to her house and entered, Tia and I following behind.
"Hey, Dad!" Katie called. "I'm back."
A familiar face jogged into the living room to hug his daughter. It was Kabu, the city's resident Gym Leader.
"How's my little spitfire?"
"Daaaaad!" Katie complained as Kabu smothered her. "Not in front of my friends!"
"Oh," Kabu noticed us and let go of Katie. "Nice to see you, Tia and Danica. Katie got home just in time. My wife's angry with our son yet again."
"Dad, how come you haven't said anything to Marcus about not detonating TNT in the house?"
"Kaitlyn, what have I always told you?" Kabu gently scolded his daughter.
Katie sighed. "Not my Grookey, not my circus. I know."
I heard the yelling get louder and clearer until a sulking black haired boy with bright green eyes entered the room, followed by a livid red haired woman who looked like an older version of Katie with the same green eyes as her son.
"- So you'd better own up to what you did, young man, or you're grounded for two weeks! Do I make myself clear?!"
"Yes, Mum." The boy said glumly.
"Was he exploding TNT in the house again, angel?" Kabu addressed his wife.
"Yes, he was, this time in the basement!"
"Marcus," Kabu turned to his son. "We all know that you're a pyro and that you love your TNT, but your mother has made it clear many times that you have to detonate it outside."
"I'm sorry, Dad." Marcus said before turning his gaze to his mother. "Sorry, Mum."
"Apology accepted, Marcus. I don't want to punish you, but if you detonate TNT in the house again, I will have no choice but to do so." The red haired woman noticed us, and smiled warmly. "Oh, hello, Tia. Who's this?"
"This is my lovely wife, Ellie." Kabu introduced me to the woman, Ellie. "Ellie, this is Danica. I've met her before, but you haven't."
"It's so great to meet you, Danica. You already know my husband, Kabu, and our daughter, Katie. This is our son, Marcus. Marcus, say hello to Danica."
"Cheerio, Danica!" Marcus waved with a grin. "The name's Marcus. If you're asking how much I love TNT, the answer is very. When I'm older, I'm going to take Dad's place as Gym Leader!"
Kabu chuckled at his son's enthusiasm. "You have to prove yourself worthy first, little man."
"For your information, Marcus, I was born first. So if anyone will be succeeding Dad as Gym Leader, it'll be me."
"You've got it all wrong, Katie. I'm the bigger pyro in the house, so it'll be me!"
"It'll be me, meathead!"
"It's gonna be me, Skwovet cheek!"
"You can't even get Dad's silly jog right!"
Kabu sweatdropped, and Ellie facepalmed watching their children bicker. Danica and I glanced at each other and shrugged.
"Children, stop arguing!"
"Yes, Mum."
Tia laughed awkwardly. "Being an only child, I have no idea what it's like to argue with a sibling."
"Oh, snap..." I looked up at the clock. "I need to go get Evelyn."
Katie grinned. "A day out with the Chairman's daughter, huh?"
"Hey, she's my best friend, ok? Chairman Rose trusts me, because he knows how much I care about Evelyn."
"Speaking of Chairman Rose, if you see him, please give him my regards. If you see Oleana, tell her to pass the message."
"I will, Kabu. See y'all around!"
Lunick's POV
"So, Cassandra, did you know that they have two big pools at this hotel? One is a private pool that has been reserved for us, and then there is a public pool with slides and a toddler area."
"Really? That's incredible!"
I was making small talk with Cassandra, telling her about the sights to see at the hotel and around Akala Island.
"You know, Kabu would love Wela Volcano."
"Ummm..." Natalie tilted her head. "Who's Kabu?"
"Kabu is a Gym Leader back home in Galar." Summer explained. "Our mother is best friends with his wife, Ellie. In addition to their teenage daughter Katie, they have a son mine and Winter's age by the name of Marcus. He's a pyromaniac, and get this, Natalie, he absolutely loves detonating TNT."
Natalie beamed. "Does he really? Well, I certainly hope to meet him someday."
The door to our room opened, and Tessa entered, followed by Liam and Liz.
"Hey, how was training?" I asked the Chosen Ones of Entei and Raikou.
"We had a good time." Liz replied. "Helioptile evolved!"
"Magby evolved too!" Liam added.
"That's amazing!"
"Liam and I are going to definitely get a good night's sleep." Liz remarked.
"Good to hear." I said, heading in the direction of Room 4.
"You know, I wish I could learn how to be sassy."
I stopped to listen to Isaac talk with Jenna.
"I want to surprise my parents, Ash, my brother, the rest of the Squad, heck, even Zapdos!"
"Oh, please." Jenna scoffed. "You happen to be talking to the queen of sass."
"So does that mean you can teach me?"
"Of course I can." Jenna's amber eyes glinted with mischief. "You just need to practice, practice, practice."
I then saw Tessa dash past me, running to the door. She opened it, and Lorelei entered, followed by a young couple with a little girl who appeared to be their daughter.
"Papi! Mamá! Audrey!" Yushuv ran over to the couple to hug them.
The woman looks familiar. I think I've seen her a few times before.
I noticed everyone start to gather around, curious as to what was going on.
"Yushuv, who are they?" Phillip asked.
"Guys," Yushuv gestured to the couple and little girl. "I'd like to introduce you to my adoptive family: my Papi, Morty, Gym Leader of Ecruteak City, my Mamá, Emilie, and my little sister, Audrey."
Oliver's jaw dropped. "The Morty took you in? I'm not worthy!" He wailed dramatically.
"Mamá was a close friend of my birth mother. She and Papi took me in and raised me as their own after my real parents died five years ago."
"What happened? How did your parents die?" Anna asked.
"That's none of your business." Allison said sharply. "Have they even given Audrey the talk about death yet?"
"Allison!" Lydia scolded her best friend.
"Allison, I've got this." Tessa intervened. "Yushuv, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to."
Yushuv smiled sadly. "I think it's time that I tell you."
Emilie turned to Lorelei. "Can you please take Audrey into Natalie's room and keep her busy for a little bit? She's too young to be hearing stuff like this, and we don't want there to be any more roadblocks in helping Audrey control her powers."
"Of course, Emilie." Lorelei then turned to Audrey. "Hey, Audrey. There's a funny cartoon I want to show you. Let's go to Natalie's room, ok?"
"Ok!" Audrey trotted after Lorelei.
When we were sure Audrey was out of earshot, the rest of us gathered around to listen to Yushuv's story.
"It happened just the week after I turned 10. I was fooling around in the cave outside the village I lived in when I ran into this kid named Charles. He was a very powerful Trainer, and he seemed lost. He asked me for the way out, and I told him where the exit was, and that the village had a Gym because I didn't like the leader that much. I stayed in the cave to train for another hour with Pele, who was a Gastly at the time. When Pele and I left the cave, we were shocked to see that Charles had destroyed the entire village, even the Gym."
Everyone in the room gasped, except for Moana. Was she there that day?
"Pele and I searched for survivors, but there were none. Charles massacred every single villager. The straw that broke the Camerupt's back was the sight of my parents' bodies."
By this point, Yushuv was struggling not to cry, and was failing.
"It turns out," Morty began to speak for Yushuv. "I had a vision of Yushuv's village's destruction. I panicked and told my good friend, Eusine, to head to the village as soon as he could. By the time he got there, though, it was too late. He found a toddler wandering around the ruined place, and brought her back to her parents and older sister, who had initially come to the village to visit some friends." He looked in Moana's direction, confirming that Moana was indeed there that day. "Eusine then found Yushuv and Pele. He came back to Ecruteak with Yushuv and told me and Emilie what he had seen and that he was too late. Emilie suggested that we adopt him, as she was good friends with his mother, Winifred, and that's what she would have wanted for her son."
Yushuv was full on sobbing by now, and Morty and Emilie went to hug him.
"Six months after we adopted Yushuv," Emilie interjected. "I found out I was pregnant with Audrey. I didn't tell Morty until a month later, when I had begun my second trimester. I was scared, however, because of Team Flare. Despite them operating in Kalos, they had spies searching Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova for signs of children with supernatural powers that they could force into their ranks. I knew there was a pretty high chance the baby would inherit my husband's clairvoyance, so Audrey would have been a target. The only two regions where I knew they wouldn't go to were Alola and Galar. I chose to go into hiding in Alola because hardly any villainous teams knew anything about that region. I befriended and stayed with Olivia, and when I gave birth to Audrey, Olivia was there to support me through labor. I raised Audrey in hiding for four years, and it was after her third birthday that I found out Lysandre was dead and that Team Flare had been disbanded. That brings us to where we are now."
Yushuv stopped crying, and he blew his nose with a tissue.
"Charles was arrested a few months after Mamá left, and charged with mass murder. He received a death sentence on the spot. His execution took place at the Tin Tower, shortly after I turned 11. Family and friends of the victims were invited to come and watch. Papi and Eusine took me because I wanted to see my parents' killer get what he deserved. To my surprise, Ho-Oh showed up for the first time in... well, forever."
"Ho-Oh was there?" Emilie asked.
"He was." Yushuv confirmed. "The sister of one of the people Charles killed asked Ho-Oh to do the execution himself, and he obliged. I looked away when Ho-Oh dealt the killing Flamethrower because I was 11 at the time, and I didn't want to be scarred for life. Papi patted my shoulder when it was ok for me to look. All that was left of Charles was a pile of ashes. Seeing that gave me closure, and that's when Ho-Oh looked into my eyes. I could see sadness in them. He then took off to the skies and wasn't seen again... until recently."
Moana's POV
As soon as Yushuv, Morty and Emilie finished the story, most of us were in total shock. I was biting my lip, Seth and Chara had their heads bowed in sorrow, Anna and Melody were crying, Meghan, Robin and Rebecca had tears in their eyes, Lydia, Jasmine, Peter and Lyric's jaws were dropped, Brianna was clenching her fists, Tessa had both hands over her mouth, and Adrien was going "tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk..."
The others, with the exception of Cassandra and Allison, were whispering things to each other, like comments on how Charles got what he deserved and everything.
"I'm so sorry, Yushuv." Cassandra shook her head.
"I had no idea you had it that bad." Said Allison. "Want a hug?"
Tessa gasped.
"Sure." Yushuv smiled sadly.
Allison got up from where she was sitting, and gently enveloped Yushuv in her arms. The blond hugged her back.
Tessa smiled, putting a hand to her heart. "She's opening up more, everyone."
I smiled too. Like the rest of the Legendary Heroes Squad, I've always known Allison as someone who hated to be touched, (except by her family, Pokémon, and well known friends such as Lydia) but now we're slowly becoming well known friends to her.
I then saw Lorelei come out of Natalie's room with Audrey.
"Well," Yushuv said. "Now that all the sad stuff is out of the way, I'd like to properly introduce you. Papi, Mamá, Audrey, these are my friends."
"For those who don't know us, I'm Morty Levin, Leader of the Ecruteak City Gym. I specialize in Ghost-types. Emilie here is my wife, and Audrey is our daughter."
"Although I'm not a Gym Leader like my husband, I specialize in Fairy-types. I'm also a fashion designer."
I squealed. "You're the Emilie?! The famous fashion designer Emilie? It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Moana, and I love fashion."
Emilie giggled. "Well, Moana, it's nice to meet you too. I'd love to talk fashion with you if you wish." She held out her hand for me to shake, and I took it immediately.
I then noticed her wedding ring. It was solid gold with little emerald jewels, and an emerald in the center.
"I like your wedding ring, by the way. It's beautiful."
"Thank you." Emilie put a hand over her heart. "Morty told me on our wedding night that it brings out my eyes. Since Audrey has my eyes, it brings hers out too."
We then watched with smiles on our faces as Tessa, Lillie, Artorias and Oliver introduced themselves to Morty.
"We happen to be the four members of the Legendary Heroes Squad with Ghost-type Legendaries on our teams. My Legendary Partner is Giratina, Tessa's is Lunala, Oliver's is Hoopa, and Lillie's is Marshadow."
"Really?" Morty beamed. "You'll have to introduce me to them."
Tessa grinned. "Well, come outside with us, and we'll bring them out."
Normal POV
"Papi... Mamá..."
Morty and Emilie turned to see their adopted son standing behind them.
"What is it, Yushuv?"
The blond teenager pulled out a Pokéball with a flame pattern. "Someone would like to talk to you. Let's go outside." He then turned to his friends. "Tessa, Lillie, Oliver, Artorias, Christian, I think you guys should come too."
"We will." Tessa then turned to her best friend and boyfriend. "Annaleise, Anderson, you're in charge until we get back."
"Right!" Anderson and Annaleise replied simultaneously.
Tessa went to open the door and hold it for everyone leaving the room. Oliver was the first to leave, followed by Yushuv, Artorias, Christian and Lillie.
Morty scooped Audrey into his arms, following behind with Emilie. Tessa was the last to go, shutting the door behind her.
Once they were outside the hotel and in an open area, Yushuv turned to his adoptive parents.
"Ready, Papi?"
"I'm ready, Yushuv."
Yushuv tossed the Pokéball, and Ho-Oh emerged with a loud cry.
Morty gasped. "Ho-Oh..."
The bird of rainbow colors swooped down and landed in front of Yushuv and his adoptive parents.
"Morty. I can tell you're a bit disappointed you weren't my Chosen One. I still wanted to talk to you about something. I just wanted to say... thank you."
The Ecruteak Gym Leader was stunned. What was Ho-Oh thanking him for?
"I wanted to thank you and Emilie for taking in my Chosen One after his parents died and raising him as your own."
Emilie wiped a tear from her cheek. "Winifred, Yushuv's birth mother, she and I were friends growing up. I wanted to honor her memory by taking care of her son as if he were my own."
"And that was very noble of you and your husband, Emilie."
"Say, Tessa," Morty averted his gaze to the ravenette and her friends. "Why don't you and your friends bring out those Ghost-type Legendaries?"
"That's why we came out here." Tessa pulled out the Ultra Ball containing her Legendary Partner. "Lunala, I choose you!"
"Come on out, Giratina!"
"You too, Hoopa!"
"Marshadow, come out and say hi!"
The four Ghost-type Legendaries emerged from their Pokéballs, looking down at the Levins (up in Marshadow's case).
"Lunala, Marshadow, Giratina, Hoopa," Tessa addressed the four Ghost-type Legendary Pokémon. "This man right here is Morty. He's a Gym Leader from Johto who specializes in your type. We wanted to introduce you to him!"
"Is he a Ghost-type user?" Giratina asked.
"He is." Artorias confirmed.
Morty set Audrey down on her feet and held up his hand so Lunala and Giratina could lower their heads and allow him to pet them. He then turned his attention to Marshadow and Hoopa, who soaked it all up.
"Awww." Yushuv cooed. "They like you, Papi."
"Oh, Yushuv," Morty turned to his adopted son. "There's something we wanted to talk to you about. It involves Audrey."
Yushuv's brown eyes widened. "What about Audrey? Is she ok?"
"Physically, she's fine." Morty replied. "Audrey has recently been plagued by visions of an evil looking Pokémon that seems to be aligned with Dark Matter. She says it's purple and red, and is shaped like a dragon. Do you happen to know anything about this Pokémon?"
"Hmmm..." Yushuv put his chin in his hand and stared off into space for a few seconds. "Nope. I'm afraid I don't." His eyes widened in realization. "But Arceus might. Christian, why don't you summon him?"
"Summon?" Morty, Emilie and Audrey questioned.
"When Arceus claimed Christian as his Chosen One, he infused a symbol into his palm that summons him to Christian's side when he touches it." Yushuv explained.
"Sure." Christian replied. "Arceus can definitely provide us information on this Pokémon Audrey has been seeing." He then pressed a finger into the symbol on his palm. In a brilliant flash of yellow light, Arceus descended from the sky. He landed in front of Christian, his five friends, and the astonished Levins.
"Long time no see, Arceus." Christian greeted the Alpha Pokémon.
"Same to you, Christian. Why have you summoned me? From the looks on the others' faces, I'm sure it wasn't just for a hello."
Christian shook his head. "No, it's not. Gym Leader Morty and his wife Emilie here are worried. Their daughter Audrey has been having visions of a Pokémon, and none of us know anything about it, not even Yushuv."
"Did Audrey give a description of this Pokémon?" Arceus asked.
"She did. The Pokémon is red and purple, and shaped like a dragon."
"I know exactly who you're referring to. Eternatus."
"Eternatus?" Everyone repeated.
"Correct. Eternatus is a Legendary Pokémon from the Galar region. 20,000 years ago, he was inside a meteorite that crashed into this planet. He is the catalyst for the Dynamax phenomenon in Galar, and was responsible for a catastrophe known as the Darkest Day. During that terrible period of time, Pokémon Dynamaxed uncontrollably and went on a rampage. The Darkest Day finally ended when Eternatus was defeated by Zacian and Zamazenta."
"So..." Morty spoke after a long silence. "If this Eternatus really is allied with Dark Matter, then Yushuv and the others are in for an extremely difficult fight."
"And that's not the end of it."
Everyone looked in the direction of the voice to see Cassandra racing toward them at top speed, Calyrex floating behind her.
"What do you mean by 'that's not the end of it', Cassandra?" Tessa asked.
"Tell them what you told me, Calyrex."
"There's a girl named Victoria Mullins, who lives in a city in Galar known as Circhester. A recent personal loss has brought darkness into her heart, and Eternatus has, in sensing that darkness, attached himself to Victoria. And I can confirm that he is indeed loyal to Dark Matter."
At Calyrex's words, Tessa drew in a sharp breath. "This is bad. This is very bad. We need to go to Galar and find this Victoria girl before Eternatus does."
"Wait." Said Calyrex. "In my vision of us all together, I saw Eternatus at Victoria's side. This means that Dark Matter is playing Eternatus like a pawn and he doesn't realize it."
"So that means we have to bring Victoria back with us and lure Eternatus here." Tessa realized. "Then we can make him realize that Dark Matter is using him, and then he'll join our side."
"Great idea, Tessa!" Cassandra grinned.
"Thanks for your help, Arceus."
"You're welcome, Christian. I hope to see you again soon."
"You too, Arceus."
With that, Arceus took off and disappeared.
"Morty, Emilie," Lunala spoke up. "There's something you should know."
The Ecruteak Gym Leader and fashion designer focused their attention on Lunala.
"Dark Matter also has these minions called the Void Shadows. I got a signal from a Legendary Pokémon from Galar saying that the Void Shadows attacked a young boy."
Morty nodded in understanding. "Ok, thanks, Lunala. We'll keep an eye out for them."
"We're going to be heading back to our room now, Yushuv." Emilie placed a hand on her adopted son's shoulder. "You'll know where we are if you need us."
"Thanks, Mamá."
A minute after Audrey and her parents went back to their room, Tessa and the others returned their Legendary Partners to their Pokéballs before racing back inside to warn the rest of the Squad.
Tia's POV
After Danica left, I headed for the Wild Area to spend some quality time with my Pokémon. We just had curry for lunch, and I was now playing with my Centiskorch and Drednaw.
"Well done, Drednaw. Ok, Centiskorch, it's your turn." I threw the foam ball into the air, and Centiskorch caught it with his pincers.
"Supreme!" I clapped my hands in delight as Centiskorch returned the ball to me.
My incredible hearing then picked up a rustling from far away. It's definitely a Pokémon.
"Wait! Guys, stop."
The rustling turned into footsteps on grass, and that's when I knew it was too fast to be human footsteps. So it's definitely a Pokémon.
It then hit me. The Legendary Pokémon Zarude was heading this way! But why, though...?
I then saw Zarude in the distance, leaping up and swinging from tree to tree until he jumped down to land in front of me and my Pokémon.
"Ah, there you are, Tiana Digenova."
"Whoa." I held my hand up. "Ok, first of all, Zarude, I know who you are. Second, can you please not call me Tiana? I preferred to be called Tia instead. Third, what are you doing here?"
"Let's cut to the chase. Do you know who or what Dark Matter is?"
"No. Never heard."
"Well, allow me to explain. Dark Matter is a malicious entity that takes the shape of a gigantic ball of darkness. It is made up of all our negative energy and emotions."
"So, is this Dark Matter a threat to us?"
"Yes." Zarude replied. "That is why I have come to you, Tia. You are my Chosen One."
I gasped, putting both hands to my mouth out of shock.
"Is that true?" I asked, lowering my hands.
"It is."
"Hmmm... Why me, though?"
"Well, Tia, you are observant, kind and helpful. You have the qualities I have been looking for in a Trainer."
I put a hand over my heart, touched by the Legendary Pokémon's compliments. "Thank you."
"You're very welcome, Tia. By the way, do you have one of those ball shaped things you can catch me in?"
"You mean a Pokéball?" I pulled out the Safari Ball I received last year. "Yes, I do. Ready?"
"Ready." Zarude then tapped the center of the Safari Ball with his claw and allowed himself to be captured.
"Well that was interesting."
Centiskorch and Drednaw made noises of agreement.
"Ok, guys, return!" I called my Pokémon back to their Pokéballs. "Mum and Dad will be home soon, and we need to tell them about what just happened."
I then raced back home so I could be ready for when my parents came home from their errands.
Normal POV
"So... Eternatus, huh?"
Morty and Emilie had been talking about the information Arceus had provided them on the Pokémon in their daughter's visions since returning to their room.
"As Audrey grows up, her powers will grow stronger." The Ecruteak Gym Leader reminded his wife. "I may have shown signs of clairvoyance a few years later than Audrey did, but it's a given since I went through the same thing she's going through now."
"If things get worse, what should we do?" Emilie asked her husband.
"Hopefully, Olivia knows a solution to help her control her powers. We'll just have to keep a close eye on Audrey and be ready to take action if things take a turn for the worst."
"Mommy? Daddy?"
The concerned parents looked into the green eyes of their daughter; the exact same green eyes as Emilie's.
"Something the matter, little ghost?"
"Daddy, I had a vision."
"Was it about Eternatus?"
"No." Audrey shook her head. "It was about a little boy."
At first, Morty panicked on the inside. Audrey was four years old, and that was way too young for her to even start thinking about love!
"Tell us about the boy." Emilie said softly.
Audrey climbed up onto the couch to sit in between her parents. "He looked like you, Mommy, but he had purple eyes. Daddy's eyes."
Morty and Emilie looked at each other, stunned. Could this mean...?
"It might be my future baby brother."
The Gym Leader and fashion designer gazed at their little girl lovingly.
"Do you want a little brother or sister, sweetheart?" Emilie asked.
"Yes! Please, Mommy? Please, Daddy?"
Emilie exchanged a smirk with her husband before looking back at her daughter. "Well, only time will tell if your vision comes true."
"I hope it does!"
"Me too. Now go back to your bedroom and play with Tikki and Plagg, ok?"
"Ok, Mommy!"
When Audrey was back in her bedroom, Emilie pulled out her cell phone to send a text to Georgina, letting her know that although she would be heading home with Morty and Audrey earlier than planned, they would still return for the Tapu Lele Festival.
Tessa's POV
When we made it back to our room, I immediately got everyone's attention.
"Guys, we're having an emergency Squad meeting, right now!"
Yushuv, Christian, Oliver, Lillie, Cassandra and Artorias sat down with everyone else as the rest of the Squad gathered around me.
"An emergency?" Michael asked.
"You seem worried." Peter remarked.
"Cassandra ran out of here in quite a hurry." Phillip remarked.
"What's going on?" Yumi questioned.
I held up a hand, indicating for everyone to be quiet. They all stopped talking.
"Yes, Cassandra did run out in a hurry." I explained. "And this is why I've called this emergency meeting. You see, it involves Eternatus."
"Hold up," Summer raised her hand. "Are you talking about Eternatus the Legendary Pokémon?"
"Yes. You see, Morty and Emilie's daughter, Audrey, has been seeing Eternatus in her visions, and we didn't know Eternatus's name until Arceus told us."
"Zacian and Zamazenta told us about Eternatus." Winter revealed. "They defeated him many years ago when he caused the first ever Darkest Day."
"Here's where it gets bad." I warned everyone. "Calyrex told us that Eternatus is Dark Matter's ally, but he doesn't know that he's being played like a pawn. There's also a girl in the Galar region who has recently suffered a personal loss. This girl's name is Victoria Mullins, and Eternatus has attached himself to her because he sensed the darkness in her heart."
"We basically need to bring Victoria back with us." Lillie explained.
"Wait a minute." Said Liam. "You said Eternatus attached himself to Victoria, right? Well, if we bring Victoria here, Eternatus will follow us."
"That's kinda what we're counting on, Liam." Cassandra responded.
"Well, that's a brilliant plan." Lycan said sarcastically.
"Lycan, it's gonna work." Elijah slapped Lycan on the shoulder. "Tessa knows what she's doing."
"Anyway, I'm going to be taking ten volunteers to come with me to Galar. We're going to be gone for a while, but we hope to be back with Victoria late tonight. As usual, I'm going to be putting Anderson and Annaleise in charge."
A large number of the Squad raised their hands, hoping to be picked. I chose the ten people, pointing to them and listing them by name.
"Let's see... Cassandra knows her way around Galar, so I'll be taking her. Brianna will be coming along as well. Dylan, Trey, Thomas, you'll be coming too... Jerco, Alex, Blake, Jasmine and... Evan."
"What about us?" Summer was surprised. "Winter and I live in Galar too!"
"I'm going to need you two to stay behind and provide as much info on Eternatus as you can." I explained.
Winter sighed. "Ok. We understand."
"Tessa, when are we leaving?" Trey asked.
"Immediately. Trey, do you have a Pokémon that can fly?"
"Unfortunately, I do not."
"Ok, then, you can ride with me on Lunala."
"I don't have a Pokémon on me that's capable of flight either." Brianna shook her head. "I mean, Tapu Koko can fly, but she likely wouldn't want to carry me a very far distance."
"Neither do we." Cassandra and Jasmine said simultaneously.
"I'm too heavy for Swoobat to carry on her back." Thomas sighed.
"Solgaleo doesn't fly unless he's travelling through an Ultra Wormhole."
"Ok, here's the deal." I slammed my fist down on my palm. "Thomas can ride with Blake on Rayquaza, Brianna and Jasmine can ride with Alex on Zekrom, and Jerco and Cassandra can ride with Evan on Reshiram."
Thomas beamed. "Perfect solution!"
Once those of us that were going to Galar changed into our regular clothes and out of our Guardian attire for those of us who had it, I kissed Anderson and hugged Annaleise before stopping at the door with Cassandra and the others. "Ready to go?"
"Ready!" Brianna and the others shouted with raised fists.
The eleven of us then left, ready to set off for Galar and find Victoria.
Evelyn's POV
I was forlornly staring at a picture of me on my third birthday being held by my parents when I heard a knock at my bedroom door in an all too familiar pattern.
I got up from my daisy patterned chair and opened the door to see my best friend Danica standing there.
"Dani!" I beamed, launching myself into my best friend's arms.
"Hi, Evie!" Danica hugged me back. We parted after a few seconds, and Danica threw an arm over my shoulder. "So, where are we off to today, best friend?"
I leaned over to Danica's ear to whisper, "The Crown Tundra."
Danica stepped back in shock, taking her arm off my shoulder. "The Crown Tundra?!"
"Shhhh!" I hissed. "My dad would have an aneurysm if he found out I went there! He's never let me go there, and he likely never will.
Danica smirked, lowering her voice. "You're actually disobeying your father?"
"Eh," I shrugged. "Just this once."
"That's very Sylas of you." Danica winked.
I rolled my eyes. "Hardy har har. I get it. You and your League of Legends."
"Ready to go?"
"We need to let Auntie know first."
Danica groaned. "Ah, yes, the bitchy blonde."
"She's still my godmother, though. She's kinda that way to anyone that's not me or Daddy." I grabbed my purse off my bed and slung it over my shoulder before closing my bedroom door and walking around with Danica until we found my godmother.
"Auntie, I'm heading out with Danica."
"And where are you going?"
"To the Wild Area." Danica lied. "We're going to catch a couple of rare Pokémon."
"Ok. Make sure to have Evelyn back before dinner, or I'll send Felix."
Felix is my bodyguard. He usually accompanies me, Dad and Auntie Oleana to interviews, tournaments, press conferences, and other events.
"We will, Miss Oleana." Danica said, clearly trying to hide her disdain for my godmother.
With that, we headed for the elevator and rode it to the ground floor. On our way out of Rose Tower, Danica and I began conversing again, this time with lowered voices so any potentially eavesdropping Macro Cosmos employees wouldn't hear us very well.
"Do you think we'll find the Tomb of Ne'Zuk?"
"I have no doubt there will be temples there, but this isn't League of Legends. Sorry to disappoint you."
"Well," Danica shrugged. "I can play League of Legends on my Rotom Phone."
"By the way, do you have a Crown Pass?"
Danica held up a ticket with a crown on it. "I came prepared."
"Quest accepted?"
Danica grinned mischievously. "Quest accepted."
"Agreed. Also, tell your League of Legends online friend I said hi."
"Sure will!"
With that, the two best friends left Rose Tower and set off on their secret expedition to the Crown Tundra.
Jasmine's POV
After a long five hour ride on our Pokémon, we finally made it to Galar. We landed in a small town called Postwick.
"So, Cassandra, do you know where Circhester is?"
"I sure do. Just follow me and Calyrex."
"Wait." Calyrex stopped us. "Victoria isn't in Circhester at the moment."
"Well where is she, then?"
"Did I hear you say Victoria?" An unidentified male voice with a Galarian accent asked. We all turned in the direction of the voice to see a young pale skinned teenage boy with neatly styled brown hair and eyes wearing a black, white and orange uniform top and shorts with a fist on the shirt and the number 623 on the shorts. He wore black knee length socks, white sneakers, and a caramel colored motorcycle jacket over his uniform.
The dark skinned teenage girl beside him had light brown eyes and raven black hair styled in a bun at the top of her head, two long curls that framed both sides of her face, and a braid in front of the bun. She wore a gray jacket over a dark purple polo shirt, a black sash-like belt, dark blue tights, and black flats.
"Who are you guys?" Brianna asked.
"I'm Jose. Jose Polman." The boy replied. "The girl next to me is Tia Digenova. Tia is short for Tiana, but she hates being called that. Watch out for her incredible hearing." He grinned devilishly, making creepy gestures for a dramatic effect. She can tell who made what noise, she can hear the drop of a hat, and she can even hear every door you guys open..."
"That was so not necessary." Tia smacked Jose over the back of his head. "But it's true. I do have super hearing. It's something I was born with. I hope you are kind enough to not talk smack about me behind my back."
"We would never do that to a friend." Evan said with a serious facial expression.
"My name is Tessa Sycamore." Tessa introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, Tia and Jose."
"Wait, Tessa Sycamore?" Jose's eyes widened. "As in the daughter of Mega Evolution Professor Augustine Sycamore? The Tessa Sycamore who leads the Legendary Heroes Squad?"
"That's me!" Tessa winked. "Wait, aren't you the same Jose who was attacked by the Void Shadows?"
Jose cringed. "Yeah, that's me. Had it not been for Kubfu evolving, I would have died."
"Void Shadows?" Tia questioned.
Tessa turned to Tia. "Dark Matter's minions. So, Tia, did you get chosen as well?"
"I did. My Legendary Pokémon Partner is Zarude."
"Well, then, Tia and Jose, welcome to the Legendary Heroes Squad."
"Thank you, Tessa." Tia and Jose said simultaneously.
"Now, I think it's time for you to get to know some of your fellow Squad mates." Tessa gestured to me and the others.
"I'm Jasmine Van Horn. Pleased to meet you. The brunette in the green dress is Brianna Cavell."
"My name is Dylan Peterson." He gestured to Trey. "This is Trey Samson."
"I'm Blake Noxic, and this is Rayquaza."
"Thomas Sanderson."
"The name's Evan Stone. This white dragon right here is one of Unova's Legendary Pokémon, Reshiram."
"Alexander Grace. This black dragon right here is Reshiram's counterpart, Zekrom."
"Cassandra Gillespie. The Pokémon floating next to me is my Legendary Pokémon Partner, Calyrex."
"And I'm Jerco Snow."
"Nice to meet you all." Tia greeted my friends.
"Anyway, did you mention the name Victoria?" Jose repeated.
"Yes, we did." Calyrex answered. "We're looking for a Victoria Mullins. Are you?"
"We are." Tia replied. "Jose called me up when he said that he went over to visit Victoria at her house, but her father said she wasn't home. Here we are right now."
"Victoria's my childhood best friend." Jose explained. "She hasn't been doing well since her mother's death nine months ago. I'm very worried about her."
"Maybe we can't find her..." Cassandra turned to Calyrex. "But I think I know someone who can."
Evelyn's POV
We arrived at Wedgehurst in less than half an hour thanks to the Corviknight Taxi.
Upon entering the train station, Danica flashed her Crown Pass, and the attendant allowed me to tag along because I was Chairman Rose's daughter.
The train ride to the Crown Tundra took only ten minutes. We exited the Crown Tundra Station and were greeted with the most beautiful sight ever.
The area was teeming with pine trees, and the lightly falling snow and mountains in the background added to the tundra's beauty.
"Good thing I decided to come here with you." Danica slapped my back. "This reminds me so much of Freljord."
"Ah, yes, 'cause Freljord is an icy place too. You love League of Legends way too much."
"League of Legends is my life, ok?" Danica pulled out her Rotom Phone. "It says here this location is known as the Slippery Slope."
Before Danica and I could plan our next move, an angry voice echoed through the area.
"Dad, I'm fifteen years old! I don't want you embarassin' me!"
Danica and I turned to see a girl roughly a year my senior with eerily familiar green eyes and Whimsicott styled whitish blonde hair with half of it dyed pink. She looked very pretty with her light blue headband, and she appeared to be wearing a dark blue school uniform with a small red and white tie. Dark blue tights, green Pikachu tail earrings and brown shoes completed her teenage girl look.
The man the girl was staring down had a Dynamax Band on his arm, and he was wearing an orange exploration uniform complete with a pair of binoculars and a hard hat with a strange looking symbol on it. He looked exactly like Dad, but slimmer.
The woman with them had the same whitish blonde hair as the girl, and she was wearing a red sweater and black sweatpants with gray winter boots. Unlike her husband and daughter, she had brown eyes just like mine.
I recognized the girl immediately. It was my cousin, Peonia; Nia for short. That means the man and woman are my Uncle Peony and Aunt Nina.
"Mum, do something!"
"Come on, Nia dear, be reasonable here..." Uncle Peony pleaded, trying to reason with my cousin.
Cousin Nia spotted me, and her face broke out into a wide grin.
"Hi there, Nia. Nice to finally see you again in person."
"Little Cuz!" Nia rushed over to pull me into a hug. I embraced my cousin in return, gently patting her back.
"It's been so long since I've seen you! Dad told me that we were small children the last time we saw each other."
"It was at your Auntie Diana's funeral." Aunt Nina reminded Cousin Nia.
"Yeah." Cousin Nia smiled sadly, pulling back from me. "Aunt Diana."
"Evelyn!" Uncle Peony beamed. "Come and give your uncle an ultra-mega Bewear hug, Princess!"
I ran into my uncle's arms, and true to his word, he squeezed me with the strength of a Bewear, lifting me into the air in the process.
"Urk... Uncle... Peony... Can't breathe..."
"Honey, let her down." Aunt Nina patted my uncle's shoulder.
"Right. Sorry." Uncle Peony let me down, and my aunt pulled me in for a much gentler hug.
"You were up to my hips the last time we saw you."
"Yeah," I replied, pulling away from my aunt. "I guess I was."
Aunt Nina then noticed Danica. "Who's this, Princess?"
I ran over to my best friend. "Uncle Peony, Aunt Nina, Nia, I'd like you to meet my best friend, Danica Sterling. Danica, these are my relatives."
"Best friend, huh? So, Danica, you goin' on an ultra-mega Adven-tour with my niece?"
"Sure am. I will make sure your niece comes back in one piece. Plus, I'm kinda like Demacia!"
"Demacia?" Uncle Peony and Aunt Nina questioned, confused.
"It's a League of Legends thing. Danica loves that game. Demacia is a location in the game. What Danica is trying to explain is that she has a few superhuman powers."
"Wait a minute!" Uncle Peony beamed again. "I remember Danica now! You, her and my darlin' Nia used to play together before your mother passed away!"
"I remember her too!" Aunt Nina grinned. "Diana would bring Evelyn and Danica, and Nia would always run to hug her cousin and do that secret handshake they loved to do! Then, they'd run off with Danica and grab the jump ropes!"
"Ah, yes," Danica reminisced. "Those were the good times, before... well..."
I sighed. Danica's past was very tough to talk about.
"We had a secret handshake?"
"Yup!" Cousin Nia replied. "I'll have to reteach it to you sometime."
"Ah, yes! And speaking of 'ultra-mega Adven-tour'..."
"Oh, no..." Cousin Nia groaned.
"Don't make me ultra-mega embarrass you! Don't make me unleash the Noble Roar of Dad on you, Nia!"
"I'll have to take a hard pass on that, thank you! Mum, help me out here!"
Aunt Nina just shrugged.
"You're not takin' a side?! Mum, come on!"
"See here now, Nia? Even your mummy wants us to have some quality father-daughter time!"
"I'd rather be battling Dynamax Pokémon, thank you very much!"
As Uncle Peony and Cousin Nia continued their family banter, I turned to my aunt. "Are they always like this?"
"Now that your cousin is a teenager, she doesn't want her dad doing things with her very often. By the way, how is life at home? Make sure your uncle doesn't hear you. Rose is a very sensitive subject to him."
"Dad's very protective of me. Ever since Mum died, he has hardly ever let me leave Rose Tower. He only lets me out if Danica, my godmother Oleana, or my bodyguard, Felix, is with me. Speaking of Dad, does Nia know about him?"
"Yes, but she doesn't speak about him in the presence of your uncle. I only talk to your cousin about Rose when we're not in Peony's presence." My aunt then turned to Danica. "So, Danica, how close are you and Evelyn?"
"We're very close." Danica replied. "I make an effort to see her at least three times a week."
"And that's what best friends should do."
"Aunt Nina, Dad has forbidden me from coming here, most likely because Mum is buried in this tundra and I want to visit her grave."
"We told Miss Oleana we'd be in the Wild Area looking for rare Pokémon, but Evie and I came here in secret. If I don't bring Evie home by dinnertime, Miss Oleana will send Felix after us, he'll notice we're not in the Wild Area, our ruse will be exposed, and Mr. Rose will most likely ground Evie."
At the sound of my cousin and uncle's voices, Aunt Nina groaned. "Well, you two ladies get on with your expedition. I have to deal with that husband and daughter of mine."
"We will. Let's go, Evelyn!" Danica playfully elbowed me, and I did the same thing back to her.
We then headed for the village of Freezington before exiting to the Frostpoint Field.
Cassandra's POV
"Calyrex, can you please find Victoria Mullins for us?" I asked my Legendary Partner.
"Leave it to me." Calyrex said. He closed his eyes, and we gave him the peace and quiet necessary to concentrate. He opened his eyes after fifteen seconds. "I see a girl Tia's age with black hair, pale skin and dark red full frame glasses. She appears to be... crying."
Jose gasped. "That's Victoria! Where is she?"
"I'd recognize that area anywhere!" Calyrex said happily. "She's on my home turf, you know."
"She's in the Crown Tundra? Lucky for us, I have a Crown Pass!"
"Well, we should get going. The sooner we get to the Crown Tundra, the greater the chance of us finding Victoria."
"Good idea, Jose. We can get to the Crown Tundra from the train station in Wedgehurst!"
Less than half an hour later, we sprinted to Wedgehurst, boarded the train, and arrived in the Crown Tundra.
Tessa and the others gasped in awe of the tundra's beauty.
"I've never seen a place so beautiful!" Tia marveled. "I must admit, I have never come here in my life."
"I saw Victoria in the grassy areas of the tundra. We should head into the town of Freezington, head south into Frostpoint Field, and then into the Giant's Bed from there."
It took us ten minutes to arrive in the Giant's Bed. When we did, Jose addressed my Legendary Partner again.
"Hold on, Calyrex. Isn't there a cemetery here?"
"Yes," Calyrex replied. "The Old Cemetery. Residents of the village and loved ones of Galar's people who have passed on are laid to rest there."
"Of course!" Jose realized. "Victoria must be heading to the Old Cemetery!"
"I think her mother's buried there." Tia theorized. "That might be why."
"Well, then, let's go to the Old Cemetery and find Victoria."
Evelyn's POV
As Danica and I walked through the grassy areas of the Crown Tundra, I spotted what appeared to be gravestones in the distance.
"Danica, look! It's the Old Cemetery!"
We ran down the hill and to the entrance of the cemetery.
"You think she's in there, Evie? Your mum...?"
"Without a doubt."
As I began to make my way into the cemetery, Danica stopped me.
I turned around to face my best friend.
"I'm going to be off catching a Pokémon or two while you're at your mum's grave. I'll catch up with you later, ok?"
I nodded. "Ok."
Danica gave me a quick hug before walking off with her Shinx, Ezreal.
As soon as Danica disappeared, I entered the cemetery and searched through the gravestones until I found the one I was looking for.
I knelt down beside the headstone, wiping a tear from my face as I silently read the words engraved on it.
In loving memory of
Diana Potter
Born March 7, 1976
Died August 13, 2005
Beloved wife and mother
"Hey, Mum. I guess a visit to your grave is long overdue, huh?" I sniffled. "I miss you so much. Dad misses you too. He absolutely refuses to talk about you, and I know that's not what you want. I came here to this tundra with my best friend, Danica Sterling. My Uncle Peony told me that Danica and I used to play together with my cousin Nia before you died. Ah, that's right. Dad doesn't know that I keep in touch with my relatives. Oleana says I'm an exact carbon copy of you, but that I inherited Dad's impatience. She's right. Anyway, back to Dad, he doesn't know that we're here, and he's forbidden me from coming here. If he were to find out I disobeyed him, he'd almost definitely ground me. It's just not the same without you, Mum."
I then sang the song I'd always sing whenever I stared at the happy family photo from my third birthday.
"How the tide rushes in
And covers footprints in the sand
As my hope's erased and carried out of my hands
How the tides ebb and flow
As driftwood tossed upon the shore
And my heart's cast aside and lost evermore.
Yet, though the ocean with waves unending
Covers the earth
Yet is there loss after all?
For what e'er drifts from one place
Is with the tide to another brought
And there's naught lost beyond recall
Which cannot be found
If sought."
I sighed, taking out two of my Pokéballs to release Tae-Tae and my Yamper.
"Yamper, Tae-Tae, look at this."
My Perrserker and Yamper examined my mother's gravestone. Tae-Tae turned to me with a questioning meow.
"That's right, Tae-Tae. This is Mum's final resting place. Dad always blames himself for her death, saying that if the cancer had been caught earlier, it could have been treated, and Mum would still have been alive today. Even Oleana has tried to tell Dad that Mum's death wasn't anyone's fault. I don't know if he'll ever stop blaming himself, though."
Yamper nuzzled my hand comfortingly, and I gently pet the top of her head.
"Yet, though the ocean with waves unending
Covers the earth
Yet is there loss after all?
For what e'er drifts from one place
Is with the tide to another brought
And there's naught lost beyond recall
Which cannot be found
If sought."
I kissed both my palms and gently touched Mum's gravestone with them, sending her love that I hope she'll feel on the other side.
"I love you, Mum, and I miss you. Please send grandpa my love as well."
Mum's not the only dead member of my family. I also had a grandfather on Dad's side, but he died in a mining accident when he and Uncle Peony were small, long before my cousin and I were born.
I then heard someone sobbing from nearby. I turned my head to see a girl around my age crying at another grave. From what I could see of her, she had black hair in an over-the-shoulder braid, and she wore a black leather jacket with a mustard yellow shirt under it, as well as light gray jeans and black lace up boots.
Who is this girl? I don't think I've ever seen her before.
Victoria's POV
As I sobbed at my mother's grave, I could tell someone was watching me. I looked through my tear filled eyes to see a ginger haired girl sitting at a nearby gravestone with a Perrserker and Yamper at her side. I could see the concern in her brown eyes. She doesn't seem familiar to me.
I was about to talk to the girl when I heard many footsteps at once heading this way. A group of teenagers arrived, and I recognized Jose among them.
"There she is!" Jose pointed at me.
"What are you all doing here?" I asked through my tears.
"We came here to find you, Vicki."
Jose is the only person I allow to call me Vicki. I don't even let my father call me that anymore, because that was Mom's favorite nickname for me and it reminds me so much of her.
Unlike the others in Galar, I don't have a Galarian accent. Jose has made fun of me once or twice for that.
"How come?" I questioned.
"We'll get there in a moment." Was Jose's response.
"Whose grave is that?" A brunette girl in a green dress asked.
"Her mother's." Jose explained. "Mrs. Mullins and her Lapras were killed at sea in a storm nine months ago. They recovered her body and buried her here four months after."
"That's just like what happened to Meghan's father." A black haired boy with golden eyes commented. "Except he was on a ship when the storm that killed him happened."
"We're sorry for your loss, Victoria." A dark skinned girl consoled me.
"Thanks, um..."
"Tia. Tia Digenova."
"So, before we explain why we've come here," a black haired girl in a sparkly pink dress began to speak. "I wanted us to introduce ourselves to Victoria. My name is Tessa Sycamore, and you already met Tia."
"I'm Brianna Cavell." Said the brunette girl in the green dress.
"Alexander Grace." The black haired boy with golden eyes introduced himself.
"Cassandra Gillespie." A redhead with bright green eyes held out her hand, and I shook it.
"Dylan Peterson." Said a dark skinned boy wearing orange and red.
"I'm Jasmine Van Horn." A blonde girl wearing teal said with a warm smile.
"The name's Jerco Snow." Said a boy with spiked orange hair.
"Evan Stone." A platinum haired boy wearing white and blue gestured to himself.
"I'm Blake. Blake Noxic." A girl with short black hair waved to me.
"My name's Trey Samson, and that's Thomas Sanderson." A dark skinned boy in green pants gestured to a boy in a navy blue shirt.
"Hello." Thomas waved.
"It's nice to meet you all. So... weren't you going to tell me why you're here? Also, Cassandra, who is that Pokémon floating next to you?"
"This is Calyrex, the King of Bountiful Harvests. He's a Legendary Pokémon."
"Nice to meet you, Calyrex." I politely greeted the Legendary Pokémon.
"You see," Tessa spoke again. "We've come to bring you back with us to Alola."
"Alola? Why? I can't leave Galar!"
Calyrex flew down to take my hands in his. "Victoria Louise Mullins, you are in serious danger. The darkness in your heart as a result of your mother's death has attracted the attention of Eternatus, another Legendary Pokémon. He has attached himself to you, and he is allied with Dark Matter, a malevolent entity that takes the shape of a gigantic ball of darkness and is made up of all our negative energy and emotions. But here's the thing, though: Dark Matter is playing Eternatus like a pawn, and he doesn't realize it."
"But if he's attached himself to me, wouldn't he follow us back to Alola if I come with you?"
"That's actually the plan." Jasmine explained.
I took a deep breath before sighing. "I'll come back to Alola with you, but on one condition."
"What's that?" Tessa raised an eyebrow.
"That is," I looked Calyrex in the eye. "If Calyrex can create flowers for Mom's grave."
"It's a deal." Cassandra winked. "Calyrex, you're the King of Bountiful Harvests, right? Do your stuff!"
"Hold on." Calyrex pointed to the gravestone the ginger haired girl was sitting at. "I must not forget this young lady as well. What is your name, human child?"
"Evelyn." The girl replied. "Evelyn Potter."
Cassandra, Tia and Jose's jaws dropped. "Chairman Rose's daughter?!" They all exclaimed.
Wait a second, Evelyn's father is Chairman Rose?!
"Yup." Evelyn shrugged. "I'm here with my best friend, Danica, but I came to the cemetery to pay my respects to my dead Mum."
"Ironic." I commented. "We both have dead moms." I stood up so I could read the writing on Evelyn's mother's grave.
"So Diana was her name, huh? I see your mother was born on the same day I was."
"Your birthday's March 7?"
I nodded. "It is. March 7, 2002."
"Hey!" Evelyn grinned. "We're the same age! June 3 is my birthday."
"Victoria, Evelyn, come with me." Calyrex said. We both got up and followed him to a bed of soil nearby. "Victoria, what type of flowers do you want on your mother's grave?"
"Mama always liked marigolds, so..."
"Ok. And what about you, Evelyn? What type of flowers do you want on your mother's grave?"
"Irises. My middle name is Iris, and I want that to be a sign of gratitude."
"All right, then. Watch this."
We watched as Calyrex waved his hand over the soil. Green sparkles fell into the dirt, and in one row, irises sprouted from below. In another row, marigolds blossomed.
"Whoa..." I murmured, stunned.
"I put some magic in the flowers that will make them last for a year. It rains fairly often over here, so even though they won't be in the ground, they'll be refreshed by the rainwater."
"Thank you, Calyrex." Evelyn and I said at the same time.
I pulled out the marigolds and arranged them into a bouquet with a sturdy blade of grass fashioned by Calyrex. Evelyn did the same with the irises.
Joining Tessa and the others, I exchanged a sad smile with Evelyn as I placed the bouquet of marigolds on Mom's grave. Evelyn wiped a tear from her eye as she placed the bouquet of irises on Mrs. Potter's grave.
"Well, come on. The sooner we get back to Alola, the better."
"I'll come with you." Evelyn raised her hand. "I need to find Danica."
With one last look at Mom's grave, we left the cemetery and began to make our way to the train station.
Lucas's POV
"Well, Lucas, I guess I underestimated you."
I had just defeated Hapu in a Grand Trial battle after taking on the Vast Poni Canyon trial at my insistence. During the battle, my Bronzor had evolved into Bronzong.
"Thanks for the great battle, Hapu."
"You're very welcome, Lucas." Hapu grinned. "Now, you know what it's time for, right?"
"Am I going to get..."
"That's right! Your blessing!" The Kahuna turned to Tapu Fini, who Bethany had released from her Pokéball. "Ready, Fini?"
"Sure am!"
"All right, then. Close your eyes, Lucas. I'll tell you when to open them."
I shut my eyes, and I instantly felt the warmth of Tapu Fini's energy surround me.
"You can open your eyes now, Lucas."
I looked down at my new outfit in awe. I was wearing a pastel pink cape and boots, a pastel blue shirt with yellow sleeves and buttons the same color as my boots. My outfit also had a yellow and blue belt.
"Hapu, it's wonderful!"
"And here's your Z-Ring." Hapu handed me a white Z-Ring with a dark pink Z-Crystal. "It comes with a special Z-Crystal for Cresselia: the Cresselium Z. Do the Psychic-type poses, and Cresselia will be able to use her exclusive Z-Move: Dream's Havoc."
Remembering to say the Guardian's promise, I knelt down to Hapu's level, placing the Z-Ring on my arm. "Kahuna Hapu, I promise that I will cherish my blessing and think about all living things in this world, as it is my duty as a Guardian."
"Good to hear, Lucas."
I then received a text from Zoey saying that she had returned back home to Unova, but that she'll come by Alola to see me perform in the Tapu Lele Festival. I sent a reply back, acknowledging her message.
When all that was said and done, Anderson and Annaleise took us back to our hotel room so we could wait for Tessa and the others to return.
Tessa's POV
On our way out of the Old Cemetery, we explained to Victoria about the Legendary Heroes Squad, how we were chosen to fight Dark Matter, and which Legendaries picked us. Evelyn was intrigued as well, and she listened to every word.
Just as we were about to enter Frostpoint Field again, Calyrex stopped abruptly.
"Something wrong, Calyrex?"
"There's a girl heading for the Three-Point Pass. She has brown hair and is wearing a black jacket over a dark blue plaid polo shirt, and she is wearing dark blue tights with gray flats."
Evelyn gasped. "That's right! Danica!"
"Can you show us the way to the Three-Point Pass?" Cassandra asked.
"Sure." Calyrex replied. "Just follow me."
"We shall."
With the help of Calyrex's psychic powers, we were able to meet up with Danica in less than ten minutes.
"Wow, you got here quickly." Danica snickered. "These your friends, Evie?"
"I'm temporarily traveling with them." Evelyn explained. "Dani, I'd like to introduce you to," she pointed to each of us as she listed off our names. "Tessa Sycamore, Jerco Snow, Blake Noxic, Dylan Peterson, Evan Stone, Jose Polman, Tia Digenova, Thomas Sanderson, Trey Samson, Alexander Grace, Jasmine Van Horn, Brianna Cavell, Cassandra Gillespie and Victoria Mullins. Guys, this is my best friend, Danica Sterling."
"Nice to meet you, Danica!" We all greeted Evelyn's best friend.
"Nice to meet you too. Oh! I caught two new Pokémon!" Danica sent out a Honedge and a Duskull. "The Honedge is Rhaast, and the Duskull is Kayn."
"She named them after League of Legends characters." Evelyn explained. "Danica loves that game to death."
"You bet I do. I just remembered that there's this ruin I want to check out before I take Evelyn back home."
Brianna gasped in delight. "There are ruins here?"
"Yup. The Split Decision Ruins. I wonder why it's called that, though..."
We continued walking until we turned around a corner and spotted a temple. Half of it was yellow, and the other half was a dark red.
"So this is it, huh?" Jose remarked.
Danica scoffed. "This looks nothing like the Tomb of Ne'Zuk."
Brianna kept on walking. She seemed drawn to it.
"Take a look at those symbols." Brianna pointed to the top of the temple. We looked up to see a symbol that appeared to be an X on the yellow half, and a symbol that appeared to be a Y on the dark red half.
"Could this be a sign that two Legendary Pokémon live in this temple?" Alex inquired.
"It very well may be." Brianna replied. "Let's investigate and find out!" The Pyramid Princess ascended the steps and stopped at the sealed doors. "Oh? There appears to be writing on the door. Let me read it. Hmmm... 'A giant of rock. A giant of ice. A giant of steel. When gather the three giants, the door of destiny shall be opened.'"
"Good thing we brought Dylan, Trey and Thomas with us." Cassandra praised Tessa.
"Of course!" Brianna beamed. "Boys, send out your Legendaries."
Dylan, Trey and Thomas ascended the steps to stand next to Brianna. They released Regirock, Regice and Registeel from their Pokéballs.
"What is it you need me for, Dylan?" Regirock asked his Trainer.
"Why have you summoned me forth, Trey?" Regice inquired.
"Is there an enemy we need to battle, Thomas?" Registeel readied a Metal Claw.
Thomas laughed. "No, Registeel. We need you and the other two to help us open the door to this temple."
"Hmmm..." Regirock pondered. "I sense two of our brethren in there. They are waiting for their Chosen Ones."
Regirock placed his rocky hand on the doors, and Regice and Registeel did the same with their icy and metal hands. The doors to the Split Decision Ruins opened immediately.
"Well done, guys!" Dylan praised. "Return for now." He, Trey and Thomas returned their Legendary Partners to their Pokéballs.
"Well, let's go inside."
After I said that, we all entered the ruins in a single file line.
Normal POV
Tessa and the others were impressed with the look of the interior of the ruins. Like the exterior, half was yellow and half dark red. Brianna immediately pulled out her tablet and began investigating the writing on the walls.
"Brianna's going to have a lot to tell her father." Evan observed.
"Yeah, no kidding." Alexander rebuked.
"Guys, look." Tessa pointed to the floor. "There are these dots on the floor. I wonder what they do."
"I kinda feel uneasy." Jasmine shuddered. "That statue looks like it's staring at me."
Danica accidentally stepped on one of the dots, and it lit up yellow.
"Wait." Jerco began to realize something. "I wonder if Danica and Evelyn are supposed to step on the dots."
Remembering the X pattern, Danica stepped on the remaining dots, and half the room filled with electricity.
Evelyn then stepped on the dots in the Y pattern, and they lit up dark red. An earthquake shook the temple, and the other half of the room filled with draconic energy. The statue lit up in both colors, and Tessa gazed expectantly at Danica and Evelyn.
"I wonder if we were the ones these Legendary Pokémon have been seeking." Danica said to Evelyn.
"Let's check the statue and find out."
Hand in hand, Danica and Evelyn approached the Pokémon statue and put their free hands on it. Two loud Pokémon cries echoed through the temple.
"Zizi zizizi!"
The Pokémon statue exploded, revealing two Pokémon that appeared similar to Regirock, Regice and Registeel. One was yellow with pink dots in the familiar X pattern, and had blue rings on it's body. The other was dark red with blue dots in the equally familiar Y pattern, and resembled the floating head of a dragon.
The yellow Pokémon seemed to be staring into Danica's soul, and the dark red Pokémon into Evelyn's.
"Who are those Pokémon?" Evelyn cried out in shock.
"I am Regieleki." The yellow Pokémon answered in a male voice that seemed to crackle with electricity. "Battle me, Danica Sterling!"
"And I am Regidrago." The dark red Pokémon responded to Evelyn. This one also had a male voice, but his had a growl to it. "Evelyn Potter, I challenge you!"
"Challenge accepted!" Both girls answered. Evelyn sent Tae-Tae into battle, and Danica threw out Rhaast.
Evan, Jasmine, Jerco, Trey, Tia and Tessa stayed behind to watch Danica and Evelyn battle the Electric and Dragon-type titans. At the same time, Brianna and the others investigated the braille writing on the walls. The Pyramid Princess deciphered the braille and typed her translated findings into her tablet.
"So according to the writing," Brianna stated. "Regieleki was created by Regigigas, who used pure electric energy, and that the ancient people restrained Regieleki's powers by placing those blue rings on his body."
"And Regidrago?" Alexander inquired.
"Regigigas made Regidrago with crystallized dragon energy, but only had enough for his head. The sheer power of these two is why they were sealed away. The ancient people dreaded to even think of what would happen should Regidrago be completed."
"Now that's crazy." Jose commented.
"I'm definitely telling my Dad about this when he and Mom come to Alola for the Tapu Lele Festival." Brianna said with firm finality.
Evelyn's POV
When Regieleki and Regidrago had weakened, I took out the Heavy Ball I received as a birthday present from my godmother, and Danica pulled out the Fast Ball I gave her when we last hung out.
"Go, Heavy/Fast Ball!" We both shouted as we threw both Pokéballs. Both Legendaries were sucked in, and we watched with bated breath as they wiggled on the floor. They finally clicked, and we let out sighs of relief.
Tessa and the rest of the group applauded the battle and captures with smiles on their faces.
"You did it, Evelyn!"
"Congratulations, Danica."
"Thank you, Brianna."
"You too, Dylan."
Regieleki and Regidrago popped out of their Pokéballs, and they addressed us again.
"Danica, Evelyn, we wanted to tell you why we challenged you, and why we allowed you to capture us." Regieleki said.
"Does this have anything to do with the Dark Matter Tessa mentioned?" I asked Regidrago.
"Yes." The Dragon Orb Pokémon replied. "You are my Chosen One, Evelyn, and your friend there is Regieleki's Chosen One."
I shook my head, turning to my best friend. "I don't know if our ruse will last, Danica. We're going to have to tell Daddy about this."
"I agree with you, Evie. Your father is very smart, and he'll put two and two together sooner rather than later. However, he just might let us go to Alola if we tell him the truth."
"We should also show him Regieleki and Regidrago to increase our odds of convincing him."
With all that said and done, Danica and I returned our new Legendary Pokémon Partners to their Pokéballs before leaving the ruins.
Tessa's POV
Once we left the Split Decision Ruins, I addressed Evelyn and Danica.
"Looks like we'll be bringing two more back with us. Evelyn Potter and Danica Sterling, you are now officially members of the Legendary Heroes Squad."
"Awesome!" Evelyn and Danica jumped into the air, both raising a fist to the sky.
"What time is it?" Jerco asked, hoping one of us would answer.
Danica pulled out her Rotom Phone to check the time. "It's almost 4:00. Evelyn has to be home in two hours."
"That gives us enough time to say goodbye to my relatives. Let's head back to Freezington."
When we made it back to the icy village, we were introduced to Evelyn's uncle, aunt and cousin.
"Looks like my niece is makin' friends already!" Evelyn's uncle, Peony, said enthusiastically.
"Uncle Peony, Aunt Nina, Nia, would you three like to come to Alola to see me and my friends perform in the Tapu Lele Festival that Tessa told me and Danica about?"
"Of course we will, Princess!" Nina beamed. "We'd love to come. When's the date of the Festival?"
"I'll text you the date when we have it." Evelyn answered. She then hugged her relatives goodbye.
"Awww..." We all cooed.
"Well, then," Evelyn smiled. "Let's go to Wyndon so Danica and I can convince Dad."
"Wait a second." Danica said abruptly. "Can we make a pit stop at Hulbury first? I need to have a little word with my parents."
I didn't like the way she said 'little word'. What kind of beef did Danica have with her parents? I hope they don't abuse her...
"Sure." Evelyn replied. "Just make sure not to take too long, though."
"I'll try not to."
We then boarded the train and arrived back in Wedgehurst at 4:45. We once again rode our Pokémon that had flying capabilities, following Calyrex to Hulbury.
"I'll go with Danica." Evelyn put a hand on her best friend's shoulder. "You guys wait out here."
Danica's POV
When Evelyn and I arrived on the front porch of my house, I turned to my best friend.
"Evie, can you go upstairs to my room and get my suitcase?"
I opened the door, and the two of us entered the house. My mother rushed over to try and speak to me, but I held up a hand.
"Ah, don't even say a word, Mom. Bellona and I loved you and Dad, we cared about you, and this is how you repay us?! By forcing us to be part of your sick experiments? I've had it. I've fuckin' had it!"
I began to sing my feelings out as Evelyn marched upstairs to get my suitcase.
"Bet you think you get the picture
Bitch, you don't know how good I treat ya
Shake it off, this pride and glory
You dig up so many stories
Oh, you're so under the thumb
Four fingers form a knuckle sandwich"
I held up my fist to emphasize my point. From the corner of my eye, I saw Evelyn coming downstairs with my suitcase.
"Try my blood, it's just a starter
No one tastes like me, yeah!"
I took my suitcase and pointed to the stairs. "Shirts please! Four of 'em."
Evelyn ran back upstairs as my father came in. I turned my fury on him.
"I'm pretty like a car crash
Ugly as a lullaby
You really wanna try it
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!"
Evelyn came back downstairs with four of my shirts. She knelt down to open the suitcase and place them inside.
"Just what do you think you're doing, young lady?" My father questioned sternly.
"Leaving, Dad." I snapped. "I'm tired of being neglected and forced to watch yours and Mom's sadistic experiments! Evelyn is helping me pack, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." I turned back to Evelyn. "Pants and dresses next. Five of each, please."
Evelyn nodded and ran back upstairs as I turned on my mother again.
"Girl, I've been way too much to handle
Bitch, I've never been a good example
Seen not heard is what they told me
I look too good to be this lonely
Oh, grab this loaded gun
So hopeless but I'm still romantic
Bloodstained, I'm gonna blow a kiss
And I bet it tastes like me, yeah!"
Evelyn ran back downstairs and placed the pairs of pants and the dresses in my suitcase. I mouthed 'makeup bag' to her, and she ran back upstairs.
"I'm pretty like a car crash
Ugly as a lullaby
You really wanna try it
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!"
Evelyn returned with my makeup bag, and I pointed to the front part of my suitcase. She unzipped it, placed the makeup bag inside, and rezipped it.
"No way, missy." Dad yelled. "You are not leaving this house!"
"Yeah?" I sassed. "Try me. Had you and Mom been better, and had you not neglected and emotionally abused me and Bellona, I wouldn't be packing right now, and Bellona wouldn't have run away after her 18th birthday!" I turned back to Evelyn. "My toothbrush and toothpaste are in a plastic bag next to the bathroom sink. Get that, along with six pairs of underwear, my spare Pokéballs, two pairs of shoes, my hairbrush, and my feminine stuff."
"Any specific pairs of shoes?"
"Nah, just two random pairs."
Evelyn nodded and ran back upstairs to get everything I asked her to get.
"Lock up your sons, make way for the daughters
You be the lamb, and we'll be the slaughter
You've burned the witches, now you're defenseless
Who needs a Y with this many X's?
Lock up your sons, make way for the daughters
You be the lamb, and we'll be the slaughter
You've burned the witches, now you're defenseless
Who needs a Y with this many X's?
Lock up your sons, make way for the daughters
You be the lamb, and we'll be the slaughter
You've burned the witches, now you're defenseless
Who needs a Y with this many X's?
Who needs a Y with this many X's?
Who needs a Y with this many X's?
Who needs a Y with this many X's?
Who needs a Y with this many X's?"
Evelyn came back downstairs with my feminine stuff, underwear and spare Pokéballs, handing them to me before running up to get the rest of the stuff.
"I'm pretty like a car crash
Ugly as a lullaby
You really wanna try it
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!
Experiment on me!"
With the remaining things I asked Evelyn to get, my best friend came back downstairs for the last time, helping me to finish packing. I turned to my parents with a stone cold glare, holding up Regieleki's Fast Ball.
"Try and stop me from leaving, and I'll have Regieleki trap you in a Thunder Cage."
That seemed to scare them off, and they ran back to their mad science lab.
"Wow, Danica." Evelyn put a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I wish they treated you and your sister better."
"They used to be loving parents." I smiled sadly. "It all changed when I was five and Bellona was nine, though. I'm guessing your mother's death was part of the reason they... well..."
"I see. Come on, it's almost 5:00."
I then left my house with Evelyn, hoping to never, ever come back.
Normal POV
"How did it go?" Tessa asked when Danica and Evelyn returned with the former's packed suitcase.
"It went... Ok, I guess." Evelyn shrugged, not wanting to provide any details yet. "Now come on, we must get going. I live in Rose Tower, you know where that is, Calyrex?"
"I do. I know where Wyndon is."
"Then we'll follow you, just like before."
It took fifteen minutes to get to Wyndon on everyone's flying Pokémon from Hulbury. When they made it to Rose Tower, Evelyn instructed Tessa and the others to stay behind while she and Danica went inside.
The ginger and brunette took the elevator to the floor with Rose's bedroom and office, Oleana's bedroom, and Evelyn's bedroom.
As the girls approached Rose's office, they were stopped by Oleana.
"I'm sorry, Evelyn, but I can't have you disturbing your father. He's just way too busy."
"Auntie, you always say that!" Evelyn complained.
Oleana sighed. "It's the truth, Evelyn Iris."
"What's going on out here?" The door opened, and Chairman Rose stepped outside his office.
"Oh! Chairman."
"Oleana, were you keeping my daughter and her best friend from seeing me? You know I'm never too busy for my baby girl."
Yeah, that's debatable... Evelyn thought to herself.
"Oh. I'm sorry, Chairman." Oleana apologized, walking off down the hallway.
"So, Little Light," Chairman Rose greeted his daughter, allowing her and Danica into his office. "What did you and Miss Danica want to see me for?"
Evelyn pulled out the Heavy Ball containing Regidrago, and Danica pulled out the Fast Ball containing Regieleki. "Danica and I wanted to show... and tell you something."
The two girls sent out their new Legendary Pokémon Partners.
"Little Light, who are these Pokémon?"
"The yellow one is Regieleki, and the dark pink one is Regidrago." Evelyn explained. "Regidrago's my Pokémon, and Regieleki's Danica's."
"Where did you catch them?" Rose questioned.
"We caught them in the Galar mine!" Danica lied.
"Which one? There have been no reports of Legendary Pokémon in the..." It suddenly dawned on the Chairman. He had previously heard of Regieleki and Regidrago, and how they had been sealed in a temple in... "I cannot believe that you went to the Crown Tundra!"
"But Daddy..."
"Mr. Rose..."
"You deliberately disobeyed me, young lady." Rose scolded his daughter.
"I know, Daddy." Evelyn hung her head in shame. "I'm sorry. At the same time, though, I had been feeling a pull to the Crown Tundra for two years now, and I couldn't ignore it any longer."
"Plus, these Legendary Golems chose us!"
Rose was confused. "Chose you?"
With the help of Danica, Evelyn explained to her father what she and her best friend had been told by the Electron and Dragon Orb Pokémon.
"This can't be happening. Not to our beloved Galar... Ok, that's it. I'm going to arrange for Danica to move her things out of her abusive home and in with you, Evelyn. After that, neither of you will be leaving again without Oleana's supervision."
"Dad, I'm not a child anymore. I'm 14 years old! I have been chosen by a Legendary Pokémon! I want to go to Alola and make new friends! Please?"
Rose felt like crying as he stared into his daughter's brown eyes that were an exact copy of those of his late wife. He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.
"Evelyn, I do admit, I have been extremely protective of you since your mother died. I was afraid I'd lose you too, and I still am. You are the only family left in my life. Your uncle wants nothing to do with me, and I likely have a niece or nephew who doesn't even know about me..."
"I met Uncle Peony, apparently for the first time since Mum's funeral. He knows I'm your daughter, but even to this day he refuses to talk about you. I think it's sad. You do have a niece, which means I have a cousin. Her name is Peonia, and she's a year older than me, but we call her Nia. And speaking of Mum, I visited her grave. Why do you refuse to talk about her? It's what Mum would want."
Rose took his daughter's hands in his, struggling to not cry. "You remind me so much of your mother. I miss Diana so much. I never talked about her because it was always painful for me to do so."
Evelyn threw her arms around her father, overjoyed that he was finally talking about her mother. "I love you, Daddy."
Rose hugged his daughter in return, gently caressing her ginger hair and kissing the top of her head. "I love you too, Little Light."
Evelyn parted from her father. "Wait, Dad, before we go, I wanted to ask a favor of you."
"Danica and I will be performing in a festival honoring one of the Island Guardians of Alola. Do you and Auntie want to come watch?"
"We'll only be there the day of the Festival. We'll stay a night at a hotel, and then we have to come back to Galar. Is that ok with you, Little Light?"
"It's fine with me. By the way, Kabu sends his regards."
The Galar League Chairman smiled at his daughter's words. "Please give him my regards in return if you see him."
"I will."
With triumphant smiles on their faces, Evelyn and Danica left Rose Tower, ready to tell Tessa the good news.
Moana's POV
At 10:00 at night, very late, Tessa and the others finally returned to Alola with five new faces in tow.
"Who are they, Tessa?"
The Sycamore girl grinned and gestured to the new people. "The girl with the glasses is the same Victoria Mullins I told you all about earlier. The girl in the purple shirt is Tia Digenova, the boy is Jose Polman, the girl with the ginger hair is Evelyn Potter, and the brunette is Danica Sterling."
"Nice to meet you!" We all greeted the newcomers.
"Welcome to the Legendary Heroes Squad. I hope you like it here in Alola!"
Tia smiled. "Thanks. And you are...?"
"Mallory Mikuri."
"So, can you tell me who your Legendary Partners are?" Adrien inquired. "With the exception of Victoria of course, as we need to sway Eternatus to our side before she can become a full fledged member."
"Mine is Urshifu, Tia's is Zarude, Danica's is Regieleki, and Evelyn's is Regidrago."
"Two new Regis, huh?" Bethany remarked. "I hope you tell your old man about this one, Brianna."
"Oh, I will." The Pyramid Princess retorted.
"Attention, Squad!"
We all turned our attention to Tessa.
"Normally, I call for bedtime at 10 PM. However, because we came back so late, tonight is an exception. We're still going to bed after a very late dinner tonight, understood?"
"Understood!" Everyone said, including the newcomers.
Ten minutes later, Robin's uncle brought food and drinks up to the room. We began to eat and exchange small talk. New friendships were beginning, as evident in the exchange between Evelyn and Bethany.
"Do you mind if I call you Beth?"
"Not at all. Everyone calls me that."
"Ok, then, Beth. I'm sure Regidrago would love to meet Tapu Fini."
"It's late, but I'd love to introduce them tomorrow."
As for me, I struck up a conversation with Tia.
"Is Tia short for Tiana?"
"It is, but I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call me that."
"Gotcha. I'll remember that."
"Thank you, Moana."
Once we were all done, Tessa ordered everyone except for me, the newcomers, Rose and Elijah to get ready for bed.
"Rose, Elijah, I'll be taking you two out for training tomorrow morning, ok?"
"Ok, Tessa."
"You two can go to bed now."
After Rose and Elijah headed for their rooms, Tessa took the newcomers to their rooms before addressing me.
"Moana, I know you like cute Pokémon, so..." Tessa held out a Pokéball.
I took the Pokéball and released the Pokémon. I covered my mouth in shock when I saw what it was. It was a Galarian Ponyta!
"You... You caught a Galarian Ponyta... for me?"
"I did." Tessa replied. "I caught it while we were in Galar, and I thought you might like it, so I decided to give it to you."
I threw my arms around Tessa, and the ravenette hugged me back.
"Merci beaucoup, Tessa! Maman told me that's how you say 'thank you' in Kalosian."
"Il n'y a pas de quoi, Moana."
"That's Kalosian for 'you're welcome' or 'it's nothing'."
"Très bien, Moana!" Tessa beamed. I knew that she meant 'very good'. "Ok, it's time for bed now."
I recalled my new Ponyta to his (yes, this one is male) Pokéball before heading to bed.
Emilie's POV
After Morty and I put Audrey to bed, we got ready for bed ourselves.
"Honey, I seriously hope Audrey's visions don't get worse."
"Like I said before, Emilie, Audrey's powers are inevitably growing stronger. I know what it's like, as I too went through terrifying visions."
At that moment, we heard Audrey scream. We leaped out of bed and ran into Audrey's room. She had tears streaming down her little face, and she reached out for us.
"Mommy... Daddy..."
We sat on either side of Audrey and held her gently, whispering sweet nothings to her until she calmed down.
"Did you see Eternatus again, or was it something else?" I asked softly.
"It was something else."
"What did you see this time, little ghost?"
Audrey sniffled. "There were these... Shadowy, inky blobs. They had the most frighteningly evil eyes..."
Morty and I glanced at each other with concern. "They must be the Void Shadows Lunala told us about."
I nodded in agreement.
"If the visions get worse, we're going to go see Olivia, ok, darling sunshine?"
"Ok, Mommy."
I kissed Audrey's forehead, and Morty did the same thing.
"We love you, little ghost."
"Love you too, Daddy."
"Sweet dreams, Princess."
Tessa's POV
A piercing scream woke me up from my sleep. I jumped out of bed and entered the living room, noticing the door to Melody's room ajar. I ran in to see Victoria and Anderson comforting a shaking and crying Melody.
"What happened?" I asked.
"She had a really bad nightmare about her mother's death." Anderson explained.
I sat on the bed next to Melody, gently taking her hands in mine.
"Nightmares happen, Melody. I've had them many times. And Victoria here lost her mother too, so you're not alone."
Melody sniffled. "Tessa, can you sing me a lullaby?"
I giggled. "Melody, you're too old for lullabies."
"Please?" Melody begged.
I sighed. "Ok."
"I happen to have my guitar with me, so I'll play something soft." Anderson placed his guitar in his lap, playing soft music. Melody cuddled into my chest, and I stroked her back as I sang to her.
"Touch your heart...
Close your eyes...
Make a wish...
Say goodnight...
Sky so wide...
Off the lights...
Sleep so tight..."
"Good night, Melody." I whispered, gently guiding her head back onto her pillow.
"Good night, Tessa. I still can't sleep, though."
"I know what will help you get to sleep." Victoria sat next to Melody, gently squeezing her hand. "My own mother used to sing this to me when I was little. It's about a legendary river of magic and memory."
Instantly knowing the song Victoria was referring to, Anderson played the tune on his guitar as Victoria sang.
"Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory.
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river, all is found."
Victoria pulled the blanket over Melody.
"In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you.
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned."
I noticed Melody starting to fall back asleep, so I headed to the door, but stayed in a bit longer.
"Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?
Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost,
Then all is found."
I then noticed that Melody had gone back to sleep. The three of us looked at each other and back to Melody before quietly shutting the door and heading back to our rooms for the night.
Emilie's POV
When Morty and I woke up the next morning, Audrey screamed again, and we came running to her side.
"I'm scared!" Audrey panicked, tears in her green eyes. "It's getting stronger!"
I turned to my husband. "This is too much for her. We must go see Olivia at once."
Morty scooped Audrey into his arms, and we teleported to Konikoni City with the help of his Gengar. I knocked on the door, and Olivia greeted us with a smile.
"Nice to see you, Emilie! And I see you have Audrey with you." She then noticed Morty. "Who's this?"
"Can we please come in?"
"Of course!"
We entered Olivia's house and sat down on her couch.
"So this is the infamous Mystic Seer of the Future." Olivia quipped as I introduced my husband.
"That's his title back home." I explained. "Kinda like how mine is the Loveliest Face in Johto. Yeah, even though I'm not a Gym Leader, that's what people call me."
Olivia looked between my husband and daughter. "I can see the resemblance between you two. The only difference is that she has your eyes, Emilie."
I shrugged. "I hear that a lot."
"So other than introductions, why did you guys come here?"
"Audrey inherited my powers." Morty explained.
"They're getting stronger." I added.
"I wondered where Audrey got her powers from, but now that her father is back in her life, it's obvious where she got it. Now, Audrey, tell me what happened."
"Audrey, tell Olivia what you saw, darling."
"There were these... Shadowy, inky blobs." Audrey said the very same thing she said last night. "They had the most frighteningly evil eyes..."
"Morty seems to think that Audrey saw the Void Shadows, the minions of Dark Matter."
"Lunala had previously told us about them."
"Do you know of a solution that can help her?" I asked in a pleading manner.
Olivia seemed to ponder for a bit before her face lit up. "Did your parents ever teach you how to meditate?"
"No..." Audrey tilted her head in a quizzical manner.
"It'll help you focus and control your powers."
"How do you do it?"
Olivia knelt down to Audrey's level. "It's extremely difficult for those starting out. The primary focus is clearing your mind. In other words, letting go of the past and future to focus on the present moment."
"I did plenty of that when I was pregnant with you." I smiled soothingly at my daughter. "Mainly to clear away the stress of possibly not being a good mother."
"Basically, you need to sit still to start. I know it's difficult to be still when you're an energetic four-year-old child, but it's an important part of meditation."
"Morty and I will help her."
"But what if I can't clear my mind?"
"If your mind does wander, which it almost definitely will do, just push the thought back and focus back on the present moment."
"Oh. Thanks, Mommy!"
"When should we start teaching her meditation?" My husband asked Olivia.
"I highly recommend teaching her as soon as you get back to the hotel." The Kahuna advised.
"Got it. We'll get her started immediately."
Nolan's POV
When we all woke up the next morning, I noticed Yushuv on his phone.
"Something going on, Yushuv?"
"Papi and Mamá took Audrey to see Olivia. The visions are getting worse."
"I see."
I greeted each of my friends as they left their rooms.
"Wonder why Tia's not up." Anderson whispered to Annaleise. "She's probably washing her face."
"I heard that!" Tia yelled from the other side of her closed door.
"Note to self," Evelyn addressed Anderson. "Tia has super hearing, so don't talk smack about her when you know she's in the building, or better yet, don't talk smack about her at all."
"Yeah, you tell 'im, Evelyn!" Tia said, opening the door and entering the living room.
As soon as everyone was in the living room, Tessa held a brief Squad meeting. After that, I raised my hand. I too had a story to tell.
"Yes, Nolan?"
"I have a story to tell you myself."
"Is this about how you met Darkrai?" Lycan questioned.
"No." I replied. "It happened the night after."
"Go and tell us, Nolan."
"Well, as you know, when I set my mind on something, next to nothing can get me to stop until I achieve said goal. I absolutely hate it when I'm not taken seriously, and I can easily tell whether or not someone's trying their best. Well, just hours before Darkrai came to me, I was defeated in a battle, and I began to hold a grudge against that one Trainer, vowing to one day crush him. Upon returning home to Iron Island, Darkrai appeared and, well, here we are now. That night is when... well... this happened." I turned around and pulled off my shirt, revealing my scarred back. Shrieks and gasps of horror rang through the living room.
"How did that happen?"
I sighed. "I'm getting there, actually, Tessa." I put my shirt back on and turned around to face my terrified friends and sorrowful half-sister. "There was a storm that night. I was training with Riolu and Darkrai when I was struck by lightning. The last things I heard before I blacked out were Riolu's cries for help and Maya screaming for Mom, Dad and Verity. I woke in a hospital bed, and I had to stay for two days before I was discharged. The scar on my back is what they call a Lichtenberg figure. Victims of lightning strikes usually get them."
"I'm so sorry, Nolan." Danica shook her head.
"Don't apologize, Danica. It wasn't anyone's fault but mine. I should not have been outside during a storm. Getting struck was the price I paid. For the first week that Darkrai was on my team, he inadvertently caused me to have recurring nightmares about the night I was struck. He felt very guilty about it, and yes, the nightmares did stop after a week."
"I guess that's a cautionary tale for all of us." Tessa said sternly to the rest of us. "If there's lightning and/or thunder and we're outside, we must go in immediately."
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Now that everything's said and done, Rose and Elijah, come with me."
Tessa stood up and strode to the door, Rose and Elijah trailing behind.
"Hey, Tessa, is it ok if I do some training with Zekrom and my new Turtonator?"
"And can I go for a walk with Marshadow?"
"Yes to both of you. Alex, Lillie, come with us. Anderson, you and Annaleise are in charge until we return."
Tessa, Alexander, Lillie, Rose and Elijah left the room, and the rest of us went to do our own things, such as Bethany and Evelyn introducing Tapu Fini and Regidrago to each other.
Jose's POV
Immediately after Tessa left with four of my new friends, I approached Victoria, who was sitting with her Alcremie, Delicia.
"Vicki, can I talk to you in private?"
"Of course."
The two of us went into Victoria's room and shut the door. We sat together on her bed.
"Victoria, I understand how hard on you your mother's death has been. I can't even imagine what it's like to lose one or both of my parents, but there are others in the same boat as you. For instance, Michael lost his mother in a plane crash. Liz's father perished when the Dreamyard in Unova exploded. Evelyn's mother died of lymphoma. Meghan's father also perished at sea in a storm. Carter's mother died in childbirth. Lillie lost her father to the plague. Melody's mother was killed by a rampaging Pokémon. Lucas's father passed away from colon cancer. Adrien's father died of an accidental fentanyl overdose. Anna's father died of Cubchoo Disease weeks before her birth. Tessa explained to us Yushuv's story of how his parents died, and Elias lost his parents within several years of each other. Artorias's parents died when he was a baby. I also have two friends; fraternal twin girls named Abigail and Camrey. Their father was murdered when they were babies, and it happened right before their eyes."
I could see the astonishment in Victoria's eyes as she took in every example that I listed.
"Didn't Clara's father die too?"
"No." I replied. "Just mere months ago, he met a fate worse than death. He was on the receiving end of a gypsy's curse, which turned him into a Yamask. Said gypsy was mourning the death of her best friend, and she took her pain out on the nearest person, who, unfortunately, was Clara's father."
"Can he be changed back?"
"That I don't know. Another thing, Vicki. Your suicidal thoughts really concern me. I know that you've made several attempts on your own life that were thwarted by your loving Pokémon."
"Jose, you know how-"
"-Vicki." I placed my hand on top of hers. "Remember this one thing. Your Pokémon will always be here for you, Tessa and the others are here for you, and so am I."
Victoria threw her arms around me, and I hugged her in return, gently patting her back.
"What would I do without you, Jose?"
"You'd be dead." I said sarcastically.
We both laughed, and I could tell that at least for now, Victoria's depression had been pushed to the very back of her mind.
Tessa's POV
An hour later, I returned with Rose and Elijah, Alexander following behind.
Five minutes later, Lillie returned, carrying a Spritzee in her arms. I noticed her bloody knuckles and narrowed my eyes.
"Lillie... What did you do?" I questioned in a warning manner.
"Two Team Skull Grunts were beating up this innocent little Spritzee, so I captured it. Not before giving those bastards what they deserved, that is."
Jerco laughed Mareepishly. "Guys, remind me to never get on Lillie's bad side."
"No fair! No fair, no fair!" Tapu Lele sulked. "You should've left that to me."
"Or Olivia." Moana added.
"I probably would've done the same thing." I interjected, understanding how Lillie must have felt in that situation.
"Speaking of Olivia, she ought to know about Lillie's good deed." Blake suggested.
I snapped my fingers. "Great idea, Blake!"
"I'll text my cousin right away." Birhan said, pulling out his phone.
Summer's POV
I was staring out the window in Room 68, when I heard the chatter in the living room increase.
"Sobble!" I called to my Galarian starter, who settled on my shoulder. "Let's go see what the commotion is about."
As I opened the bedroom door and entered the living room, Tessa quieted everyone down.
"Well, Hop, enchantée. Welcome to Alola!"
Hop is here?! In Alola?!
"Hop!" Winter exclaimed, exiting Room 69. "Whatcha doin' here, mate?"
"Winter!" Hop hugged my twin brother and patted him on the back. "Lee said I needed some off time, and he suggested that I take a vacay in Alola. I immediately took the chance, as this is where you and your sis went off to. Speaking of which, where's my lovely Summer?"
"I'm here!" I called out. My friends parted so we could see each other.
Hop grinned. "There she is!"
He held out his arms to me, and I ran to him. He caught me by the waist and lifted me into the air, twirling me before setting me back down on my feet.
"Awwww!" Melody squealed. "You guys are so cute together!"
Hop laughed cutely. "Thanks, um..."
"That's Melody Pinesis." I explained. "She squeals at even the slightest romantic act."
"Well," Melody chirped. "It's nice to finally meet Winter's rival and Summer's boyfriend."
"He constantly goes on and on about wanting to dethrone his big bro and be the new Champion of Galar." Winter rolled his eyes.
"Oh, come on, mate! That's a fact!"
"So, Hop," Annaleise Rivas addressed my boyfriend. "How long are you staying in Alola?"
"A week." Hop replied, wrapping an arm around my waist. "I'm also coming back for the Tapu Lele Festival, and Lee is coming along too."
"Awesome!" Michael Enon's eyes glittered with delight. "We're going to meet your big brother!"
"Say, Hop," Nolan stepped forward. "My mother, Cynthia, is the Champion of Sinnoh. She and my father, Riley, are staying in Alola until after the Tapu Lele Festival. She told me that you made the first move. Basically, you kissed Summer first. Mom also mentioned that she knows your brother?"
"Yup. All the Champions know each other. That's what Lee told me. And Summer," Hop turned my face so I was staring into his eyes. "After Lee gave me the idea of coming here, I caught you a Pokémon."
Hop pulled out a Pokéball and gave it to me. I opened it, and an Applin fell into my free arm.
"Oh, Hop, you're so sweet!"
Tessa gasped, her face lighting up. "I just remembered something, guys! In the Galar region, it is said that if a boy gives an Applin to the girl he's in love with, or vice versa, they'll be together forever!"
"Well," Winter shrugged. "Guess that means Hop will one day be my brother-in-law."
"Oh, you bet I will, mate! Once we're all grown up, I'm going to ask Summer to marry me. Lee may think he's more of a romantic than I am, but I'm going to prove him wrong."
Winter sighed. "Honestly, Hop, you want to best Leon at just about everything."
"Wait a second." Bethany Cantrell spoke up. "Does your brother have a girlfriend?"
"He does. It's the oldest daughter of Circhester Gym Leader Melony Iemma, Ariel."
Winter cringed. "I don't think Ariel's big brother Gordie is going to like this."
"Gordie sometimes switches back and forth between the role of Gym Leader with his mother." I explained to my friends. "Gordie is a Rock-type Trainer, and Melony and Ariel both use Ice-types. Melony herself told me that ever since Ariel was born, Gordie has always played the part of overprotective brother. That overprotectiveness only got worse when Melony's husband disappeared last year."
"Sorry to hear about Melony's husband." Adrien said. "My father died from an accidental fentanyl overdose when I was four, and my mother disappeared a year later. My younger siblings and I now live with our grandfather at the Battle Palace. He's the Frontier Brain."
"Sorry for your loss. On a more positive note, it must be nice having a family member as a Frontier Brain."
"Moana and I know what it's like." Brianna smirked. "Her father is the Ace of the Battle Dome, and my father is the King of the Battle Pyramid."
Hop was gobsmacked. "So that makes you a princess!"
Brianna laughed. "We're not actually royals. It's just Dad's Frontier Brain title."
"So, Hop, can you tell us a bit more about Galar? I mean, what kind of food is popular there?"
"Curry is very popular in Galar. Summer loves it."
"Unfortunately, my brother doesn't, though."
"And I never will."
"Suck it and see, mate." Hop slapped Winter's back. "You just might end up liking it."
"'Suck it and see?' What does that mean?"
"Galarian expression, Brianna." Danica explained. "It basically means that you'll never know if something will work unless you try it first."
"Oh. Right."
"So where's your room?" Tessa asked my boyfriend.
"On the floor below. Speaking of that, I need to call up Lee and tell him I made it."
We all said goodbye to Hop, and he kissed me goodbye, causing Melody to squeal again.
Tessa's POV
Shortly after Hop left, I went to stand on the balcony. Something caught my eye, and I turned to see a wedding ceremony taking place on Hano Beach. The bridesmaids had begun to walk down the aisle.
I started to daydream, longing to grow up and for my time to come. I'm quite positive Anderson and I are meant for each other, and if we really are, I wish I could know when our time comes.
When will our time come, though?
I looked to the sky, singing a plea to Arceus or whatever divine higher power could hear me.
"Each day I live
I want to be
A day to give
The best of me
I'm only one
But not alone
My finest day
Is yet unknown
I broke my heart
Fought every gain
To taste the sweet
I face the pain
I rise and fall
Yet through it all
This much remains:
I want one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny!
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity."
The bride and her father were now walking down the aisle. I felt an ache in my heart, wishing that were me and my father. I'm only 12, but still...
"I've lived to be
The very best
I want it all
No time for less
I've laid the plans
Now lay the chance
Here in my hands
And give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny!
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel
You're a winner for a lifetime
If you seize that one moment in time
Make it shine!
Give me one, one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny!
Then in that one moment of time
I will be
I will be
I will be free!
I will be
I will be free!"
As I stared out at the wedding ceremony with longing in my eyes, I felt two strong arms wind around my waist that I knew belonged to Anderson Davis.
"What's wrong, Tess? Why are you so sad?"
I leaned into Anderson's chest with a sigh. "Look on the beach. Do you wish that were us?"
"Of course I do, it's just that..."
"We're 12 and 13, I know. I still can't help but dream, though."
Anderson turned me to face him so he could plant a short but loving kiss on my lips. "It's gonna be us one day, Tessa. I just know it."
Normal POV
Morty had returned from training with his Gengar. He smiled fondly at his wife and daughter, who were in the middle of meditation.
Despite starting out, Audrey was making progress fairly quickly, much to the relief of her concerned parents.
He knew how annoyed Emilie would be if anyone disturbed her, so he gave his Gengar a stern look, telling him to not cause any mischief.
Unfortunately for Morty, Gengar did not listen. He snuck over to Emilie's Slurpuff and prepared to launch an attack. Morty glared and shook his head, but Gengar disobeyed his Trainer anyway. Slurpuff squealed, and ran around the room being chased by Gengar.
Emilie opened her eyes and rolled them. Who would make a racket while she was trying to meditate?
"I swear to Arceus, who in Alola has the nerve to..." Emilie stopped when she saw her husband. "Oh, it's just you, honey. I thought Aromatisse was pranking us again."
"Gengar disobeyed me, even though I told him to not make a racket."
"Maybe put him in timeout next time he disobeys you." Emilie suggested, returning Slurpuff to her Pokéball.
"That's a good idea. Makes me dread Audrey's rebellious teenage years."
"Speaking of Audrey, want to join us?"
"I'd love to."
Morty and Emilie sat on both sides of their daughter, and the family of three clasped hands with one another, focusing their breathing and clearing their minds of the past and future.
Only time would tell if the meditation would work out in Audrey's favor.
Lydia's POV
Later on that afternoon, Kiawe returned from Melemele, and he had quite the story to tell us.
"So, Professor Kukui took us all to the beach, and we had a little extracurricular lesson on Mareanie. I even beat Ash in a little swim race."
I giggled at the thought of the look on Ash's face when he lost to Kiawe in the swim race.
Ethan grinned. "Mareanie, huh? I should know, since I have a shiny one."
"Why do I get the funny feeling that the Team Rocket Trio were involved somehow?" Melody narrowed her eyes.
Kiawe sighed. "They were. They played dirty and actually defeated Ash. He told me he's always won every battle against the trio until now."
Cries of outrage erupted from several of the boys, but Tessa was quick to shut them up.
"While they were celebrating, however, this Bewear that has apparently taken a liking to them came along and took them away."
The boys were now laughing, and some of the girls were smirking.
"Has this always been happening?" Jose asked through his laughter.
"Every encounter we've had with them ends with Bewear taking them away."
"You know, I reckon the Bewear has taken a liking to the Team Rocket Trio, just as you said."
Before Kiawe could respond to Adrien, he got a text from his mother.
"Mom needs me back home." He approached me to peck my lips. "I wish I could stay, Lydia, but I can't."
I smiled sadly. "I understand. That's ok."
We exchanged 'I love you's before Kiawe left.
The rest of the day passed fairly quickly, and before we knew it, it was bedtime.
Tessa's POV
When we all woke up the next morning, I gathered everyone in the living room for a brief Squad meeting.
"Lunala told me that we seem to be down by two or three Squad members. Are there any other Legendary Pokémon we don't know about?"
"Calyrex told me about his two loyal steeds: Glastrier and Spectrier. However, they haven't been sighted in a long time."
"Thanks for the input, Cassandra. Hopefully, they will show themselves and find their Chosen Ones. Anyway, Birhan and Blake, you two will be coming with me for training after the meeting ends, ok?"
"Got it!" They both said.
I then saw that Danica's hand was raised, and I called on her.
"I have a story of my own to tell, and it's obviously not about how Evelyn and I met Regidrago and Regieleki."
"What's it about?" Liam inquired.
"I'll tell you." Danica replied, getting up and moving to stand before us. "The first few years of my life were happy. I had loving parents and an older sister, Bellona, to look up to. My parents were always busy, though, and my sister was off on her Pokémon journey. Mrs. Potter would take me and Evelyn to visit her relatives and play with her cousin Peonia. However, after Evelyn's mother died, my parents became totally different people. They started neglecting us. One day, my parents forced me and Bellona to watch their sadistic experiments on Pokémon and human fusion."
With the exception of Evelyn and Seth, everyone either gasped in horror, covered their mouths in shock, or gaped. I bit my lip, struggling to not cry.
"As a result, Bellona started doing drugs, and I frequently visited Evelyn. Five years ago, after Bellona's 18th birthday, she ran off with her boyfriend, Joseph, and never returned. After Bellona ran off with Joseph, my parents started to verbally abuse me. They never beat me physically, just with their words. I finally had enough and packed my suitcase. Here I am now."
"Are you still in contact with Bellona?" Liz asked.
"Yes. We either call or text each other once a week."
Maggie's POV
When Danica had finished her story, I spoke after a long silence.
"That must have been hard for you."
It was, Maggie."
"I know what will make you feel better. Anderson, can I borrow your guitar, please?"
"Sure, I'll go and get it."
Anderson came back ten seconds later with his guitar, and he handed it to me.
"Danica, I wrote this song myself, and the words just might resonate with you."
With that, I started playing, and I sang.
"There was a girl
Who couldn't sleep at night
She sat on a hill like
Jack and Jill without a bucket.
'Stead of drops pouring down
She heard voices
Who whispered in her ear
Uh do-do-do-do.
There was a girl
Who played the violin
The boys in the schoolyard
Pushed her down and called her names
She swore she'd never play again
Tumbling down, she thought of her friend
Till she heard the voices go
Uh do-do-do-do
Oh, yeah.
They said
'When they knock you down,
Don't you dare frown
You're higher on the ladder than they are.
Get off of the ground
Take a look around
You're higher on the ladder than they are.
Keep your chin up.
Keep on playin'.
Don't be down'.
There was a girl
Who wore a yellow dress
With lilacs in her hair
Her presence made all the boys stare.
'Stead of sitting alone
She did cartwheels
And joined in a game of hopscotch
She wasn't at the back of the line.
She knew she'd be frowned on
She said
'When they knock me down
No, I won't frown
I'm higher on the ladder than they are.
Getting off of the ground
And I'm looking around
I'm higher on the ladder than they are.
Keep my chin up.
Keep on playin'.
Don't be down.
Don't be down.
Don't be down'."
The Legendary Heroes Squad applauded my singing, and Danica gave me a hug as a way of saying thank you.
"Those words really did resonate with me. Thank you, Maggie."
Lillie's POV
Olivia arrived at our room moments later, and she explained that Tessa had told her about my rescuing of that Spritzee and how I had beaten up those Team Skull Grunts. She did, however, mention that I may have been a bit too violent with them.
She then mentioned that my mother gave her my late father's Z-Ring and that she wanted me to have it, but that like Kiawe did, I needed to defeat her in a Grand Trial battle first. I promptly accepted her challenge.
I was hesitant to use Marshadow, but Olivia mentioned that he was one of the lesser Legendaries, so using him wouldn't be as unfair as it would have been had Tessa used Lunala.
"I'm still going to make sure Marshadow goes easy on you, though."
Olivia giggled. "Oh, don't go easy on me, but since he's still a Legendary, make sure Marshadow doesn't go hard on me either."
That's the exchange we had before the battle. Olivia had used Probopass, and the match was a draw, though Probopass had gone down first, technically making me the winner.
The Guardian attire Olivia and Tapu Lele blessed me with was a carbon copy of my white dress, except it didn't have an identical hat.
When I received Dad's Z-Ring, I was surprised to see that there was no special Z-Crystal for Marshadow on it! There was just a plain Ghostium Z and Fightinium Z.
"Olivia, where's the Marshadium Z?"
Olivia shook her head. "Unfortunately, Lillie, despite there being proof of the existence of a Marshadium Z, it has never been found."
"I understand." I held out my pinky finger, and Olivia linked hers with mine. "Kahuna Olivia, I promise that I will cherish my blessing and think about all living things in this world, as it is my duty as a Guardian."
"I am happy to hear that, Lillie. I expect great things from you now."
"You'll see it."
Normal POV
After lunch, Evelyn took Victoria out on a walk through Heahea, and they sat on a bench swing in a nearby field.
"I see Jose gave you a little pep talk."
Victoria looked out at the sea with a hardened face. "Yeah. He did."
"Are you afraid of the ocean?"
The ravenette sighed. "Yeah. I'm also kinda scared of storms, you know, because of what happened to Mom."
The ginger held Victoria's hands in hers and stared into her brown eyes with compassion in her own.
"I saw you standing in the middle of the thunder and lightning
I know you're feeling like you just can't win, but you're trying
It's hard to keep on keepin' on, when you're being pushed around
It's hard to tell which way is up, you just keep spinning down, 'round, down."
Victoria smiled and started to sing along with Evelyn, understanding the meaning of the words. The timbre of their voices blended perfectly together.
(Evelyn and Victoria)
"Every storm runs, runs out of rain
Just like every dark night turns into day
Every heartache will fade away
Just like every storm runs, runs out of rain."
The ginger and the ravenette got off the bench swing and began to run through the field together with their Pokémon, Regidrago among them.
"So hold your head up and tell yourself that there's something more
And walk out that door
Go find a new rose, don't be afraid of the thorns
'Cause we all have thorns."
(Evelyn and Victoria)
"Put your feet up to the edge,"
"Put your face in the wind"
(Evelyn and Victoria)
"And when you fall back down,"
"Keep on rememberin'"
Victoria beamed. "Of course!"
(Evelyn and Victoria)
"Every storm runs, runs out of rain
Just like every dark night turns into day
Every heartache will fade away
Just like every storm runs, runs out of rain."
"See?" Evelyn grinned. "What did I tell you?"
"You're right, Evelyn, but..."
"It's true, Victoria Mullins. Every storm does run out of rain eventually, and one day you will get your depression sorted out."
"It's gonna run out of pain (Victoria: Where the north wind...)
It's gonna run out of sting (Victoria: Meets the sea...)
It's gonna leave you alone (Victoria: There's a mother...)
It's gonna set you free (Victoria: Full of memory...)
Set you free..." (Victoria: Come, my darling, homeward bound...)
Evelyn squeezed Victoria's hand reassuringly.
(Evelyn and Victoria)
"Every storm runs, runs out of rain
Just like every dark night turns into day
Every heartache will fade away
Just like every storm runs, runs out of rain."
It's gonna set you free..."
"It's gonna run out of pain...
Set you free..."
Victoria threw her arms around Evelyn, and the ginger hugged the ravenette in return.
Moana's POV
When Victoria and Evelyn returned, Morty, Emilie and Audrey accompanied them.
"Hey, Papi, Mamá, Audrey." Yushuv greeted his adoptive family.
"Hello, Yushuv. We're heading home to Johto tonight, and our flight leaves in an hour. Would you like to see us off?"
"Awww, man!" Yushuv pouted. "But I'm going to miss you!"
Emilie giggled. "Now, now, my little Hondew Berry. We'll be back for the Tapu Lele Festival, remember? That's exactly in two weeks, so it won't be that long."
Yushuv smiled, reassured by Emilie's words. "Ok. But yes, we'd love to see you off."
For the next few hours, we stayed in the room and hung out with Yushuv's adoptive family. An hour before their flight's departure, we headed to the Heahea City airport to see them off.
"I'm really going to miss you."
"Like we said, Yushuv, we'll be back in two weeks."
When the Levins' flight was called, Morty, Emilie and Audrey headed through the security check, waving to us as they disappeared out of sight.
Tessa's POV
By the time we returned to our hotel room, the sun was already starting to set. Someone knocked on the door, and I let the person in. It was Olivia, and she was holding three small three-page packets.
"Hey, guys! I have the Tapu Lele Festival program all done, and I brought three copies; one for Tessa, one for Anderson, and one for Annaleise." Olivia handed the three of us one three-page packet each.
"Thanks, Olivia!" I then looked down at the program to see what all was on it.
Act 1:
* New World Symphony Movement 2: Ice Skating Performance (Lorelei Ayamura, Natalie Bannister)
* Prayer to Tapu Lele by the Island Kahuna (Olivia Palakiko)
* Four Seasons Dance:
1. Spring: (Tulips: Maggie Winters, Blake Noxic, Rebecca Wilson, Kaelynne Harvey, Jasmine Van Horn)
2. Summer: (Sun Goddess: Summer James; Sunbeams: Lillie Germain, Lydia Johnson, Derek Morris, Jenna Grace, Thomas Sanderson, Evan Stone, Lyric Johnson)
3. Autumn: (Leaves: Julie Rhodes, Dylan Peterson, Anna Aiken-Henderson, Isaac Ketchum, Isaiah Ketchum, Allison Rogers, Maya Shirona-Hart, Lycan Singh, Hunter Dimarco, Oliver Fern)
4. Winter: (Elsa: Audrey Levin; Lead Snowflake: Winter James; Snowflakes: Brianna Cavell, Moana Dixon, Tessa Sycamore, Mallory Mikuri, Alexander Grace, Isabelle Zumi, Alyssa Gojika, Sebastian White, Yumi Lukasiak)
* Pump Up the Jam: Dance (Bethany Cantrell, Jasmine Van Horn, Lillie Germain, Meghan Cheng-Strange, Thomas Sanderson, Trey Samson)
* Ripple: Dance (Lydia Johnson and her Pokémon)
* Still I Fly: Vocal Performance (Tessa Sycamore, Anderson Davis)
* Waltz of the Volcano: Dance (Kiawe Koa, Lydia Johnson)
* Whispering: Vocal Performance (Tessa Sycamore)
* The Jitterbug: (Lead Singers: Hapu Windon, Steven Stone, Molayne Cunningham and Ilima Reagan; Jitterbugs: Moana Dixon, Brianna Cavell, Liam Carson, Evan Stone, Ethan Lynch, Alexander Grace, Jenna Grace, Kiawe Koa, Lyric Johnson, Mallory Mikuri, Dylan Peterson, Isaac Ketchum and Maggie Winters)
* Lighting of the Pink Lanterns (Olivia Palakiko, Moana Dixon)
* Rock Around the Clock: Dance (Audrey Levin, Kiki Dixon, Mimo Koa, Virginia Enon, Junior Dancers)
* The Winner Takes It All: Vocal Performance (Lead Singer: Maya Shirona Hart) (Chorus: Kaelynne Harvey, Tessa Sycamore, Brianna Cavell, Lillie Germain, Hunter Dimarco, Lucas Cove, Troy Atlas, Yushuv Hayes)
* Nuvole Bianche: Ice Skating Performance (Ariel Iemma, Lady Frosmoths)
* Carrying the Banner: Dance and Vocal Performance (Dancers: Kiawe Koa, Ethan Lynch, Oliver Fern, Carter Hubbard, Anderson Davis, Christian Klein, Sebastian White, Alexander Grace, Evan Stone, Derek Morris, Isaac Ketchum, Isaiah Ketchum, Peter Lang, Damien Sky, Jerco Snow, Adrien Mondena; Singers: Blake Noxic, Lillie Germain, Clara Campo, Bethany Cantrell)
Act 2:
* Ré: Ice Skating Performance (Leads: Lorelei Ayamura and Natalie Bannister; Ensemble 1: Lydia Johnson, Tessa Sycamore, Yumi Lukasiak, Jasmine Van Horn, Blake Noxic, Eric Logan, Phillip Lotus; Ensemble 2: Brianna Cavell, Blake Noxic, Kaelynne Harvey, Derek Morris, Isabelle Zumi, Alyssa Gojika, Annaleise Rivas)
* Emily's Choice: Vocal Performance (Maya Shirona-Hart)
* Original Alolan Folk Dance (Poni Island Hula Dancers)
* Ode To Joy Dance:
1. Part 1: Winter James, Adrien Mondena, Birhan Robinson, Mallory Mikuri, Isabelle Zumi, Meghan Cheng-Strange, Evelyn Potter
2. Part 2: Bethany Cantrell, Alyssa Gojika, Melody Pinesis, Hunter Dimarco, Maggie Winters, Dylan Peterson, Danica Sterling
* Scars to Your Beautiful: Dance (Moana Dixon)
* Poker Face: Dance (Tessa Sycamore, Maya Shirona-Hart, Derek Morris, Yumi Lukasiak, Natalie Bannister, Annaleise Rivas, Michael Enon, Thomas Sanderson, Sebastian White, Allison Rogers)
* Star Wars in 99 Seconds: Vocal Performance (Anderson Davis, Jerco Snow)
* Chandelier (Instrumental): Roller Skating Performance (Stow On Side Knuckles)
* Tango De Amor: Dance (Avery Fletcher, Abigail Palmer, Klara Mark, Jose Polman, Camrey Palmer, Mustard's Students)
* Poland: Ice Skating Performance (Ariel Iemma)
* Won't Stop Running: Dance (Julie Rhodes, Jasmine Van Horn, Meghan Cheng-Strange, Anna Aiken-Henderson, Danica Sterling, Kiawe Koa, Artorias Oakley, Nolan Hart, Oliver Fern)
* I Have Twelve Oxen: Vocal Performance (Maya Shirona-Hart)
* Piano Concerto No. 21 (Mozart) Movement 2: Ballet Dance (Audrey Levin)
* Where Evil Grows: Dance (Jose Polman, Cassandra Gillespie, Tia Digenova, Victoria Mullins, Lydia Johnson, Summer James, Dylan Peterson, Isaiah Ketchum, Evelyn Potter)
* William Tell Overture Dance:
1. Call to the Miltank: (Moana Dixon, Brianna Cavell, Jasmine Van Horn, Annaleise Rivas, Tessa Sycamore, Mallory Mikuri)
2. Cavalry Charge: (Isabelle Zumi, Derek Morris, Yumi Lukasiak, Trey Samson, Clara Campo, Winter James)
3. Storm (Adrien Mondena, Melody Pinesis, Alexander Grace, Jenna Grace, Evan Stone, Maggie Winters, Elias Bane, Chara Dupain, Phillip Lotus)
* Final Prayer to Tapu Lele (Olivia Palakiko)
"Wow..." I murmured, stunned. "That's quite a lineup."
"The festival is in exactly two weeks, so that's not a whole lot of time to prepare! So if I were y'all, I'd make sure to practice your songs, dances, and other stuff while you can."
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