06: Night Never Ending
Cecilia was still awake and reading a book when Elena opened her bedroom door and peered in at her. Jack was asleep in bed.
"What?" asked Cecilia, looking at Elena.
"Nothing, just checking," Elena replied.
"Checking for what?" asked Cecilia.
"Making sure that you two are okay," replied Elena, before leaving.
"Okay?" replied Cecilia confused.
"Your sister's weird," Jack muttered.
"I know," Cecilia said. "Go back to sleep."
"He's driving me crazy," said Alex as he paced the garage.
"Oh, no, what a nightmare," Cecilia replied. "All siblings do that to each other."
"Is he always like this when his brother comes to town?" Ricky asked.
"Yes," replied Jack.
Dylan walked into the garage, and Cecilia to go give him a hug, and kissed him on the cheek. Dylan seemed surprised by that and sat down on a chair.
"And where have you been?" asked Alex.
Dylan shrugged, "Sorry, I thought I was being annoying. And I was just really tired."
"I'm always tired and not even I sleep as much as you do," Jack said to Dylan.
"'Thought you were being annoying?' The fuck does that mean?" Alex muttered.
"Sam was trying to talk to me," Dylan said.
"Jesus Christ, what does he want to talk to you about?" Alex asked.
"He was just asking about why it looks like I haven't slept since he last saw me," Dylan said. "And he asked me if I heard what happened down at the cemetery."
"What happened at the cemetery?" asked Cecilia confused.
"Some asshole burnt some bodies there," said Dylan. "Apparently it was some drug deal that went bad."
"I never heard of drug dealers burning people," Ricky said. "That makes no sense."
"Yeah," replied Alex.
"Fucking vampires, man," Jack muttered to Cecilia.
Cecilia had to shrug at that.
"What was that?" asked Alex.
"Vampires," Cecilia said.
Alex looked really confused. "Vampires? As in the blood sucking people with fangs and shit?"
"Yeah," Jack said.
"Are you both high?" asked Alex.
"No," Cecilia replied.
"How did you get vampires from burnt bodies?" asked Ricky.
"I know things," Jack said.
"You know things?" asked Ricky incredulously.
"I know that you're Jewish and vegan," Jack said.
Ricky looked like a deer caught in headlights.
Alex looked at Ricky confused, "You're Jewish?"
"Yeah," Ricky replied.
"Oh, that's cool, man," Dylan said to Ricky.
"Does that mean that when Hanukkah starts, we have to give you a present every day for twelve days?" Alex asked.
"It's actually eight days, but if you give me twelve presents, I certainly wouldn't complain," Ricky said.
"Yeah, you're getting eight not twelve," Alex said.
"Damn, I shouldn't have corrected you," muttered Ricky. "What's the deal with vampires again?"
"Vampires are in town and my sister's dating one," Cecilia said.
"She even barged in the room just to make we're okay," Jack said. "Like a weirdo."
"You think your sister's boyfriend is a vampire?" Alex asked incredulous. He was probably regretting going out with her, now that he knew that she believed in vampires. He probably thought she was a crazy.
"Why not? The Lockwoods are werewolves and Bonnie's a witch," Dylan said.
Alex now looked like he was regretting dating Dylan too.
Jack nodded, "And you're a witch too, bitch."
Dylan scoffed at that.
Alex looked at Ricky, "Looks like we're the only sane ones in this band, now."
"All right," replied Ricky with a shrug.
"What else did Sam tell you about the cemetery thing?" Alex asked Dylan.
"Nothing else about it," Dylan said. "That's all I know was that someone burned some bodies and I think they did drugs."
"Do they know who were killed?" asked Alex.
"Not yet," replied Dylan.
"Cecilia," said Alex's mother, coming into the garage. "Elena is here. She says that it's important and she needs to talk to you."
Cecilia closed the song journal, passed it to Jack, and got up to go see what Elena wanted.
Elena had a cup of water.
"Thank you, Mrs. Adams. I didn't know that Sam was back," said Elena.
"You're welcome, dear. Sam came back yesterday. He says he's going to live with us," said Mrs. Adams.
Elena noticed Cecilia and set the cup aside. "Thanks for letting me in, and I would like to stay and talk some more, but we have to go."
Cecilia and Elena left the house and Cecilia got in the car that Elena had.
"What's going on?" asked Cecilia. She noticed Stefan in the car.
"He wants to take us somewhere," said Elena.
"That sounds completely safe," Cecilia muttered.
Elena gave her a look and Cecilia got in the backseat of the car, before Elena started driving.
"What are we doing here?" Cecilia asked, looking at the woods.
"I want to show you both something," Stefan said.
"In the middle of the woods?" asked Cecilia. She noticed some kind of old looking pillar. "What are we doing here?"
"This used to be my home," said Stefan.
Elena started, "It looks so..."
"Old? It's because they are," said Stefan.
Cecilia examined the pillar and looked at Stefan. "How long have you been a vampire?"
"I've been seventeen-years-old since 1864," said Stefan.
"Oh, my god," said Elena.
"Why does this concern me?" asked Cecilia.
"I'll get to that," said Stefan. "Half a century before the boarding house was even built; this was my family's home. Damon and I...we were both born here. The Salvatore brothers...best friends." He looked at Elena and Cecilia. "We met two girls...Katherine and Elizabeth."
"You knew Katherine in 1864? Damon made it seem like..."
"Damon was trying to make you think that...I was still heartbroken." said Stefan. "He saw that I was happy with you and he wanted to ruin it because he didn't have Elizabeth anymore while I had Katherine."
"Why? He didn't have Elizabeth and you were happy with some woman one-hundred-forty-five years ago?" Elena said. "Did he like Katherine instead?"
"They weren't just any girls," said Stefan.
That didn't answer Elena's question.
"Damon went with Elizabeth and I escorted Katherine to the ball at the original Lockwood mansion."
"The first Founder's Party?" asked Elena. "Where you signed the registry?"
"That night, a guy named William Danforth chose to stand around and talk to Elizabeth, all night," said Stefan. "She was laughing up a storm."
"So, Damon was upset over that?" asked Elena.
"That's the thing about Damon. He doesn't get mad, he just gets even. What Damon wants, Damon usually gets. I think Katherine noticed the closeness between Elizabeth and Damon. Elizabeth always said that they were just friends, but I think she wanted to be with both William and Damon. I think Katherine got mad at how Elizabeth was growing soft by being with William. Elizabeth brought him around a lot, you know and Damon really hated it. I think Katherine knew it too. She egged it on you know. She told him lots of untrue or true things about them."
Cecilia felt sick.
"I think she made him pull the trigger. Katherine and Elizabeth both could control Damon's mind. Katherine really got inside his head," said Stefan, showing them around. "It kind of tore Damon up a lot; whether he liked William or not, Damon felt guilty for it. It really screwed Elizabeth up a lot. I don't know if Elizabeth knew if Katherine had a part in it or if she knew Damon did it...she's a smart girl, she probably knew what Katherine had done."
"She fell into a depression because her best friend was murdered by her boyfriend," said Cecilia, recalling Damon's story. "She took her own life because she wanted to be with her best friend."
"Yeah," said Stefan, stopping by an old bench. "How did you know?"
"Damon told me that last week at the Founder's Day Party. He didn't tell me he killed William," said Cecilia.
"I bet he wouldn't," said Stefan. "He'll be admitting to murder. Anyway, Katherine decided that it'll be fun if she wheeled in on Damon after Elizabeth's death. I guess Katherine decided that she wanted him as well. She said that she had plans for the three of us."
"I guess Katherine was going for a brother-husbands type of thing," joked Cecilia.
Stefan shuddered and pushed aside a pillar. He took out something wrapped in a really old looking cloth, while they stayed silent for a moment.
"You know, I just realized how much Jack looks like William. I don't think William had any descendants and I don't think the Danforth lineage turned into the Winters' family tree."
"Jack's family was never part of the Founders," Cecilia said. "I think the Winters' family settled here in the 1890s though. I have no clue why William and Jack would resemble each other. Maybe William had a brother who married into the Winters' family though."
Stefan stood up and went to Cecilia. He held out a very beautiful gold locket to her that had flowers on it. It looked like it had pearls in it.
"Here, I want you to wear this."
"Why?" Cecilia asked, confused.
"Yeah, why are you giving her that?" asked Elena.
"I wouldn't doubt that Damon would hurt Cecilia just to hurt me," Stefan said.
"The mind control...you said Katherine used. Do you ever do that to us?" asked Elena.
"No. That necklace and this one, it contains an herb called vervain. It protects you from being compelled. I want to protect you two from Damon's influence. But I also want to...protect you two from me. You should never take these necklaces off...because no matter what happens after today, no matter how you two feel about me...you'll know that you were free to make your own choices," Stefan said.
"What about Jack?" asked Cecilia.
"He's a Seer. He can't be compelled," said Stefan. "I don't know why Seers can't be compelled. I think it has something to do with knowing the future that kind of knocks something a little loose."
"That might explain his homicidal tendencies," Elena said to Cecilia.
"He says that just to be creepy and it works," Cecilia pointed out. She looked at Stefan. "Is there any more of this vervain? I want to give some to the other guys."
"I think they'll be fine," said Stefan.
"You said 'I think'," replied Cecilia.
"They'll be fine," Stefan stated firmly.
Cecilia narrowed her eyes at Stefan, "And if they get hurt, I'll put a stake in your chest and then your brother's."
"Got it," replied Stefan.
Cecilia's mind was still reeling when she got home with Elena and Stefan. There was a commotion in the kitchen and Cecilia went to see what was going on.
Alex, Matt, Vicki, and Jeremy were in there. Jeremy however was on the ground.
"What happened?" Cecilia asked.
"She's really messed up," Matt added.
Stefan went to look at Vicki. "Vicki, look at me. Focus, you're going to be fine. Everything's going to be fine." Stefan said. "Guys, take her up to bed. Shut the blinds. She's going to be okay. Come on." Matt went to help Vicki. Stefan looked at Jeremy. "Come on." He gently pushed Jeremy to follow Matt and Vicki.
"What's going on with her?" Cecilia asked.
"She's transitioning," Stefan said.
"Transitioning? What do you mean by that?" Cecilia asked.
"A vampire," said Stefan. "Damon must have gotten to her. She's new. She hasn't completer her transformation yet."
"H-how does she do that?" Elena asked.
"She has to feed on human blood," Stefan said.
"And what is she doesn't?" asked Elena.
"She'll die. She may only have a few hours," Stefan said.
"And you let my brother and her brother go up there with her?" asked Cecilia.
"It's okay. She doesn't know what happening to her yet," said Stefan.
"That doesn't make it okay," replied Cecilia. "What if she realizes it and attacks them?"
She went to go upstairs, but Stefan stopped her. "She doesn't remember anything. A part of her is still human, but slowly, the deeper she gets into the transition, the memories will start to come back, and then she'll know she has to make the choice."
"The same choice you made?" asked Elena.
"Who actually wants to die at seventeen?" Cecilia countered.
It looked like Vicki ran out of the house.
"Vicki!" called Matt.
Cecilia ran to go after her, but Vicki was gone.
She echoed Jack's sentiment of 'fucking vampires'. Alex was walking.
"Am I hallucinating or did I just see Vicki disappear?" Alex asked.
"Which way did she go?" Matt asked.
"I don't know," replied Alex. "She just ran out of the house and vanished."
Cecilia looked at Jeremy. "What happened?"
"I don't know. She was fine and then she...she just freaked out," Jeremy said.
"I'm going to go look for her," said Matt. "Call me if you hear anything."
"I can track her," Stefan said.
"Go," said Elena.
Stefan took off.
"What the hell is going on?" asked Alex.
"Drugs," Cecilia said.
"Could be meth," said Alex. "I hear a lot of things about meth."
Cecilia went to clean up the mess in the kitchen with Alex.
"Where did you get that at?" Alex asked, reaching over and taking the locket that was around Cecilia's neck. He looked at it, even though it was still around her neck.
"Stefan gave it to me," Cecilia admitted.
She would tell him about the whole vampire thing, but she'd rather not have Alex think she lost her mind even more than he already thinks.
"Why would he give it to you?" Alex asked.
"Maybe he decided to give it to me because Elena has one and he's just being nice," Cecilia said.
The doorbell rang.
"I got it!" yelled Elena.
Cecilia went to go see if it was Stefan with news about Vicki.
Instead Damon was at the door.
"Jeremy, go upstairs," said Elena.
Jeremy did what he was told to do.
"You're afraid of me. I'm going to go out on a limb here and uses. Stefan finally 'fessed up," Damon said.
"Stay away from me and my sister," said Elena.
"Hey, there's no need to be rude. I'm just looking for Stefan. May I come in? Oh wait. Of course I can. I've been invited." Damon casually walked inside the house. "We can cut to the chase if you want. I'm not going to kill you right now. That wouldn't serve my greater agenda. So...where's Stefan?"
Alex smashed a lamp over Damon's head. Damon seemed to barely notice and he turned to glare at Alex. "Okay, one, rude. Two, I'll cut you some slack because I'm a nice guy. Three, if you do that again, I will kill you, slowly and painfully."
"Again, I repeat, where's Stefan?" asked Damon.
"He's out looking for Vicki," Elena said.
"You know, because you turned her into a vampire," Cecilia added, glaring at him.
"Don't look at me with those hateful little eyes of yours," said Damon. "Girl's gonna thank for what I did to her."
"Did you thank Katherine for turning you?" Cecilia asked.
"Mmm," said Damon. "Got the whole life story, huh?"
"We got enough," Elena said.
"Oh, I doubt that," replied Damon. "Tell my brother I'm looking for him. Oh, tip for later; be careful who you invite in the house." He glared at Alex, "And you should be careful on you hit in the head with lamps. You might not like what happens afterwards."
Alex gave him a strange look, but Damon left the house.
"Who the hell was that guy?" asked Alex.
"Stefan's brother," Elena said. "He turned Vicki into a vampire."
"Well, she's turning into one," Cecilia clarified.
Alex looked at Elena, who nodded.
"You hit him over the head with a lamp," Elena said. "What were you thinking?"
"Well, you two looked freaked out when he barged into the house, so I thought I would try to protect you both from a creep," Alex said.
"I mean, thanks but that was unnecessary," said Elena.
"Okay, next time some creep comes into your house, I'll let him creep on you," Alex said.
"That's not what I meant," Elena replied.
"Please you two; knock it off," Cecilia said.
"Right," said Elena. She looked at Alex, "Sorry."
"Yeah, sorry," replied Alex. "So, that guy really was a vampire? And he turned Vicki into a vampire?"
"Yeah," Cecilia said, "Him and Stefan both. But Damon turned Vicki into a vampire. Stefan is going to go for an animal blood only type of lifestyle instead of human blood."
Alex sat on the couch and ran his hand through his hair. "This is so weird."
"What's weird?" asked Elena.
"This vampire stuff," said Alex.
Cecilia sat down next to him on the couch. She took his hand, "It's weird for me too."
They looked at each other and Alex leaned in and kissed her.
It would've been nice if Elena wasn't there, watching.
Alex left, but he kissed her one more time on the porch, which was at least less awkward because Elena wasn't watching this time.
Stefan came up to the porch.
"I need to talk to Elena," said Stefan.
All Cecilia could focus on was the blood of his shirt, "Whose blood are you wearing?"
"My blood," said Stefan. "I got shot with a wooden bullet."
"Oh," said Cecilia. She went in the house and looked at Elena. "Stefan's waiting for you outside."
Elena went outside.
After about a minute of talking, Elena went back inside. She seemed upset about something.
Cecilia asked, "What happened?"
"Vicki turned," said Elena. She slid down the door and started crying.
Cecilia went to join her against the door. "Hey, come on. It could be worse."
"How could it be worse? She fed and she's now a vampire!" Elena said.
"She could've been burnt like the others in the cemetery," Cecilia pointed out. "She can live a normal life. Well, as normal as a life as being vampire-ly possible anyway. Everything is going to be fine."
"I wish everyone would stop saying that everything's going to be fine," Elena said.
At least, she stopped crying, so Cecilia guessed that something was finally going right.r
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