05: Sometimes Dead Is Better
Jack was making cereal and Cecilia made toast, when Aunt Jenna came into the kitchen.
"Oh, you're up," said Aunt Jenna.
"Hard to sleep when you have somebody trying to discuss what cheese goes with what sandwich," Cecilia said.
"You were the one going on about it," replied Jack. He took a bowl out of the cupboard.
"I'm not going to be home for dinner," Aunt Jenna.
"Why?" asked Cecilia.
"I got a date with Logan Fell," Aunt Jenna said.
"Torture him for me," Jack said.
"Me too," said Cecilia.
Elena came into the kitchen. "What's going on?"
"I told Celia and Jack that I'm not going to be home for dinner," Aunt Jenna said.
"She's really going on a date with Logan Fell," said Cecilia.
"She should torture him," said Jack. "Order the most expensive thing, eat it, and sneak out through the restroom."
"That's a good idea, Jack," Aunt Jenna said.
"Also make sure he doesn't forget that he cheated on you," said Cecilia. "Make sure that he never forgets that he broke your trust."
"You two are evil," Aunt Jenna said.
"Thank you," Jack and Cecilia said at the same time, both grinning evilly.
"I try," Cecilia said.
"I don't," replied Jack.
Elena obviously rolled her eyes as she took the box of cereal from Jack. "You two were made for each other."
Cecilia rolled her eyes at that. "Did you hear from Stefan yet?"
She and Elena (and Jack) agreed to keep the vampire thing on the down low. Jack said that it would be best if they didn't let the Salvatore brothers know that they were onto the fact they were vampires.
"Not since he left that vague message three days ago," said Elena. She mimicked Stefan's voice, "'Hi, um, Elena. I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days.'"
"How many times did you listen to that message just to get it memorized?" Jack asked. Elena glared at him.
Cecilia passed Jack a slice of toast.
"Haven't you called him?" asked Aunt Jenna.
"No, and I'm not going to," replied Elena.
"And you're okay with everything?" asked Aunt Jenna.
"No, I'm not okay with any of it," replied Elena.
Cecilia wondered if she was talking about the vampire aspect. "But I'm not gonna cry about it, either."
"That's the spirit," Jack replied. He was leaning against the counter.
"You know, I was going to write in my diary this morning and then I thought, 'what am I going to write?'" Elena said, "Honestly, I'm not gonna be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy."
"Keep that spirit going," said Jack, taking a bite of toast.
"Yeah, what Jack said," Aunt Jenna said.
"I'll be fine," said Elena.
"If you say so," Jack said.
Elena glared at him, "I didn't ask for your commentary, Jack."
"Too bad, you got it anyway," replied Jack.
Jack and Cecilia walked up to Alex, Dylan...and Ricky.
It was going to be weird hanging out with Ricky.
Before Cecilia can even sit down, Caroline walked up to them.
"Here, the sexy suds carwash is tomorrow," said Caroline. She passed out fliers to them.
Dylan immediately tried giving it back, "Thanks, but I'll pass."
"It's a fundraiser," said Caroline. "No take-backs."
"I'll pass, too," said Ricky. He looked down, "I'm overweight."
"You're a little on the heavy side, some people find that attractive." Caroline stated, "Again, no take-backs. It's a fundraiser."
Caroline strutted off.
"Was that confusing for any of you?" asked Ricky.
"A little," said Cecilia. Before she can sit down, Alex kissed her on the head.
It had been agreed that she and Alex would be openly dating, because Dylan was sure that if she and him, openly dated, rumors would spread on if Cecilia was going to dump Dylan and run away with his dad, like what happened with his ex and mother.
Cecilia sat down, stretching her legs out so Jack can lie down on them and sleep.
"All right, what's wrong?" Dylan asked, looking at Alex, who looked annoyed.
"Sam is coming home from college," Alex said grumpily.
Alex rarely talked about his older brother, Samuel. It got to the point that Cecilia actually forgets that he has an older brother. She only remembers Sam when she sees pictures of him.
"Who's Sam?" asked Ricky.
"My older brother," Alex said grumpily. "He thinks he's a know-it-all because he's in college now. And he'll criticize everything I do or say. And my parents will ignore it because their favorite son came home. I mean the one who's not dating a guy and girl and not in a garage metal band. He's the one who's going to make something out of himself when he graduates and gets a normal job."
"I thought your parents were okay with you being in a band," said Cecilia.
"They think it's a phase so they're just entertaining me," Alex responded. "They think that once I graduate high school, I'll go to college and get a normal job and give up the thought of being in a band. They think lavishing all this praise on Sam will make me think to be like him, but I'd rather not be like him."
"How much do you hate your brother?" asked Ricky.
"I wouldn't say I hate him. I just really dislike him. He's a major pain in the ass," said Alex. "And I don't want him criticizing me, my band, my music, my girlfriend...I didn't even tell him I'm bi, because that'll probably another thing he'll criticize me over."
"Damn dude," said Ricky. "You can always stay with me if you need to escape him."
"I would like that, but I can't avoid him forever, even though I would like to," Alex muttered.
"So, what are you going to do about your brother?" asked Dylan.
"Suck it up and pray to every deity I know that he leaves within a few days," replied Alex.
"Good luck with your situation," Ricky said to Alex.
"Okay, so – what do you want, Stefan?" Jack asked, turning to look at Stefan. Cecilia was surprised to see Stefan standing there at the bookshop counter.
Stefan seemed surprised, "How did you know it was me?"
"Same reason I know you're a vampire," Jack replied.
Stefan looked at Jack and chuckled, "I'm not a vampire."
"Cut the bullshit, Salvatore," Jack said. "I know that you and your brother are vampires. What do you want?"
"Seers," muttered Stefan.
"What?" asked Cecilia.
"Seers," said Stefan. "That's what Jack is. Seers are people who can predict the future. Some witches have dreams that can see the future, but Seers, who can predict the future, are rare; at least in the supernatural world. I was wondering what Elena's favorite food is."
"Why?" asked Cecilia.
"I just want to tell her some things," said Stefan. "I think I owe her some answers."
"She likes chicken parmesan," Cecilia said. "Are you going to tell her that you're a vampire?"
"No doubt that Jack already told you that beforehand," Stefan said. "I got to go."
"Can you tell Zach not to open the cellar door?" asked Jack.
"You of all people should know what happens when you try to change the future," Stefan said.
One blink later, he was gone.
"Jesus Christ," muttered Cecilia.
"Fucking vampires," muttered Jack.
Cecilia and Jeremy stayed home, playing video games.
"You're not going to do that sexy suds car wash thing?" asked Jeremy.
"I'd rather not wear a bikini and get stared at by grown men," said Cecilia. "That naked guy getting on stage was enough for me."
"I can't believe that guy did that," said Jeremy.
"I think he was drunk," Cecilia said. "A while ago, you said that Dylan helped you realize some things. What did you two talk about?"
"Oh, he talked a lot about self-blame, like his mother running away with his girlfriend. Some stuff about how he believes his dad is avoiding him. Some other stuff about how he feels like shit, but he doesn't know why he feels like that. I think there were some other things, but I forgot," Jeremy explained.
Cecilia stayed quiet. She wasn't sure, but she was sure that Jeremy knew a lot more than he was letting on. "Alex's brother is in town."
"Should I give a damn about his brother?" asked Jeremy.
"Nah," said Cecilia. "Where's Elena?"
The doorbell rang and Cecilia looked over, seeing Stefan. "Stefan's here." She still couldn't get her mind wrapped around the idea that her sister was dating a vampire.
"You let him in and I'll get Elena," said Jeremy.
Cecilia went to answer the door. "How are you not burning in the sun anyway?"
"This ring protects me and Damon from the sun," said Stefan. "It got enchanted by a witch."
"Oh," replied Cecilia. She looked at her , thinking that maybe Dylan texted her back, but he hadn't. She had texted Jack wondering if he got anything from Dylan, but he hadn't. Alex was at work.
"What's wrong?" Stefan asked as he started getting things out of a bag that he had brought.
Cecilia helped get some dishes out to set out.
"I haven't heard anything from Dylan at the moment," said Cecilia. "He's probably sleeping."
"You should talk to him about it," said Stefan. "I once found him in the woods."
"What's he doing in the woods?" asked Cecilia alarmed.
Stefan shrugged, "I don't know."
"Jenna? Celia?" called Elena. "Jack?" She walked in the kitchen, "Stefan? What are you doing here?"
"Dinner," replied Stefan. "Jeremy and Cecilia told me that Chicken Parmesan is one of your favorites, and I happen to be a good cook."
Cecilia took that as her cue to leave. Elena just looked stunned at what was going on.
"I don't get it," said Jack, holding a Sudoku booklet.
"I don't either, and no matter how many times you try to teach me, I still don't understand a single thing about Sudoku," said Cecilia, eating something crunchy.
"No, not Sudoku, but here, I need you to check my answers," said Jack. Cecilia took the booklet to check the answers. "I'm talking about how there is a park bench right behind the park bench. We're sitting in the park bench that's right behind the park bench."
Cecilia looked up to look at the park bench that was in front of her. "Huh. That's weird. So, let's say..."
"That if there's a couple making out?" asked Jack.
"We'll be watching them," Cecilia said.
"What the actual fuck are you two talking about?" asked Alex, walking up. He looked at Cecilia and dropped a kiss on her head, before sitting next to her.
"We're talking about how we'll be watching two people make out on that bench," said Jack.
"Yeah," said Cecilia.
Alex gave them a strange look, "You two are weird."
Cecilia gave the booklet back to Jack, "Here. Your answers, as usual, are correct."
"Of course," replied Alex.
"What's up?" asked Cecilia as she reached in and her bag and took out another piece of chocolate brittle and ate it.
"What are you eating?" asked Alex.
"Brownie brittle," replied Jack, without even looking up from doing a Soduku puzzle.
"Oh," replied Alex.
"What's up?" Cecilia asked Alex. She offered him some brownie brittle, but he declined.
Alex looked around, "Where's Dylan?"
"Probably playing with his cat," Jack said, still doing a puzzle.
"So, what happened?" asked Cecilia.
"Sam," said Alex irritated.
"What did he do?" asked Jack.
"He decided to move back home. As in he took a job here and it's obviously just some ploy to make me so fucking mad, I'll end up murdering him," said Alex.
"Why?" asked Jack.
"Because I can barely stand him," replied Alex like it was obvious.
"I mean, why did Sam move back home?" said Jack, passing the booklet to Cecilia to check the answers.
"To piss me off?" replied Alex. "I don't know. He didn't say."
"Maybe college got too hard for him and he decided to drop-out," Cecilia said.
"Doubt it," Alex muttered.
"Come on," said Cecilia. "How bad can your brother be?"
"Very," replied Alex.
"Come on, he's your brother, not the Anti Christ," said Cecilia.
"Sometimes it seems like it," grumbled Alex.
"What do you want us to do about him? Exorcise him?" asked Jack.
"Can you? That might help," Alex replied.
"Call us if his head spins around and he spider-walks down the stairs and throws up blood," Cecilia joked.
"Fan-tas-tic," replied Alex.
Jack left Cecilia's room, seeing Logan Fell in the hallway, closing Jeremy's bedroom door behind him. Jeremy was standing in the hallway too.
"What the hell are you doing?" Jack asked Fell.
"Uh, hey, I was looking for the bathroom," Fell lied.
Jeremy looked at Jack confused.
"I doubt you're going to find the bathroom in a bedroom," Jack replied.
Jeremy pointed towards the bathroom. "The bathroom's right there."
Elena burst out of her room and walked down the hallway, nearly running Jack over.
"Sorry Jack," said Elena over her shoulder.
Jack looked at Fell. "Jenna is a nice woman."
"I know," said Fell.
"She deserves a lot better than some asshole like you," Jack replied. "I will stab you in the neck if you hurt her again. And I'll have my best friend stab you in the eyes if you hurt Jenna again."
Fell chuckled a little uncomfortably at that, "Noted."
Jack glared at him one last time, before Fell went into the bathroom.
"What was that all about?" Cecilia asked from her bed where she was reading a history book.
"I threatened to stab Fell in the neck if he hurts Jenna again," said Jack, sitting down at the desk chair.
"Okay," Cecilia said.
"Also I told him that you'll stab him in the eyes too," Jack replied.
Cecilia thought about it and shrugged, "Sure."
"She deserves a lot better than him," Jack told her.
"She does," replied Cecilia. "Unfortunately he won her over."
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