Chapter 10
T/W: Mentions death, also some minor sexual content.
Wedding day! I wake up early, feeling pretty damn good about everything. My cell beeps and I check it. I smile as I read the text message from Steve.
'Good morning, baby. Hope u slept. Can't wait 2 c u in a few hours. Luv u.'
I quickly type out a response.
'Good morning, handsome! I did sleep well. Hope u did 2! Can't wait 2 cu 2! Love u!'
'I did sleep well, baby. Kisses S.' I laugh.
'Kisses L.' Mom knocks on the half opened bedroom door of the spare room that I slept in.
"Come in!" Mom comes in.
"You ready, baby?" She asks. I grin.
"Damn ready."
My head hurts a little bit this morning from those few drinks I had last night so I head to the bathroom to pop some Tylenol. Then I go make me some strong coffee text Lex.
She's texts me back almost right away. I'm glad she's awake already. I smile to myself, reading her text messages.
"You ready, dude?" Dustin joins me in the kitchen.
"I am." Dustin glances at my phone.
"Is Lex ready?" He asks, getting some coffee mugs out.
"Sure sounds like it," I reply.
"Did you two ever talk?" Dustin goes to pour himself a cup of coffee.
"We did. It was difficult, but Dave was right. It turned out to be a game changer." Dustin smiles, sipping his coffee.
"That's good. Just remember, Steve, you need to keep the line of communication open."
"I learned the hard way," I say, pouring myself a cup of coffee.
"Don't we all?" Dustin gives me a wry grin.
Mom, Alexx, Catherine, Calleigh, Lindsey and myself are heading to the church. We're down to about an hour before the wedding. I'm nervous, but in a good way. I'm mostly anxious to see Steve. When we pull up to the church, I see Steve's truck and my heart skips a beat.
"Now for the tricky part," Mom says.
"Mo-om," I complain, hold my dress skirt up off the ground. "It's okay for Steve to see me in my dress before the wedding."
"What about the element of surprise?" Mom's brow is furrowed. She looks beautiful in her dark blue dress.
"Screw that," I say, walking towards the front entrance. "I just wanna see Steve."
"You've been apart less than twenty four hours," Mom points out.
"It feels longer," I say, pouting. Alexx laughs.
"Don't worry, baby," she says. "There'll be days when Steve will piss you off and you won't want anything to do with him."
I know Alexx is right. I just don't want there to be too many of those days.
I'd seen Lex her loyal entourage enter the church. Dave tried to discourage me by blocking my view, but much to his disappointment, I still saw.
She looked stunning. Actually stunning doesn't quite describe it. Lex was positively breath taking. Radiant and gorgeous. I grinned to myself.
"It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding," Dave scolds me.
"With all the shit Lex and I have faced over the last few weeks," I say to Dave. "I think we've already had plenty of bad luck so I'm not worried."
I'm waiting in a back room, alone, pacing around, anxious for the ceremony to begin. I stop pacing and go to the door, cracking it open and peeking out.
I see Steve. Damn, he looks fine in his tux. It fits him perfectly and snug in all the right places. I shift, wishing Steve and I could have some fun.
An idea hits. I close the door and find a scrap of paper and a pen. I quickly write out a note to Steve. Then I hurry out of the room, snagging Lindsey.
"Can you give this to Steve?" I whisper in her ear. Lindsay grins and nods, taking the note from me. I hurry back to the room, checking to see if the closet back here is unlocked. It is! What luck. Now Steve and I can have some real fun without waiting until the honeymoon.
Lindsay is trying to get my attention. Crap! Is something wrong with Lex?
"Yeah?" I say when I get to Lindsay. She grins, handing me a folded up scrap of paper. I quickly unfold it and see what it says.
I nearly laugh out loud, slipping out of the sanctuary and heading into the back room, where my beautiful bride is eagerly waiting. My breath catches in my throat momentarily.
"You look amazing," I whisper in Lex's ear. She beams, reaching for my hand.
"You don't look so bad yourself, Mr. Speedle." I blush, grinning. Lex kisses me, leaving a trace of her lipstick on my lips.
"Wanna have some fun?" Lex teases.
"I wouldn't say no," I say. "But the ceremony's about to start."
"It's our ceremony, Steve," Lex argues. "What are they gonna do, start without us?" She makes a fair point.
"Not here." Lex holds my hand, pulling me towards a closet and opening it. We slip inside, letting the door fall closed behind us.
Lex impatiently works at getting my pants undone while I hike her dress skirt up. My fingers graze her crotch and Lex's body stiffens, as my pants fall free, pooling around my ankles.
I hook my finger under the band of Lex's underwear, sliding it down as Lex struggles to get my boxers down.
Just as we're about to start, the closet door is flung open and we both freeze. I dare to look. Grant and Jay are both standing there, looking both embarrassed and a little shocked.
"The, uh, ceremony is about to begin," Jay says. "That is, if you two are still planning on going through with it."
They both quickly leave. My face is burning. Lex starts to laugh.
"It's not funny," I grumble, reaching to tug my pants back up. Lex's face is practically turning red from laughter and there are tears in her eyes.
"It was kinda funny," she says, pulling her underwear up.
"Your uncle and Jay pretty much saw us..naked."
"Not too much." Lex pushes the door open, holding it for me to follow.
"It's still embarrassing," I say.
"Hey, it'll make a good story to tell our grandchildren," Lex says. I laugh.
"If we ever have any."
"We will," Lex says. She smiles. "What do you say we get on with this ceremony?" I smile, gently kissing her.
"I'm with you."
It's over. The ceremony is over. Now it's time for the fun part: the party! After we took a million photos, Steve hustled me into his truck and we headed to the country club.
"It's real now, Lexie," Steve murmurs to me. I smile, touching his knee.
"Yeah," I say. "It really is."
"How are you feeling about things?" Steve asks.
"Everything feels a little..surreal at the moment," I answer.
"I, uh, dreamt about..Tim last night," Steve tells me.
"He told me he loved me and he knew I'd take good care of you."
"Oh, Stevie," I whisper. "That sounds precious."
"It was."
"Sounds like we both got Speed's blessing," I remark.
"Definitely. Also Eric and I seem to be doing better," Steve adds.
"That's great to hear." We reach the country club and everyone else has beat us here. Good. Now Steve and I can make out grand entrance together. Steve cuts the engine.
"Did you realize that..Eric liked you?" He asks. I nod.
"I suspected he might." I reach for Steve's hand and his expression softens. I touch his face.
"I don't want him, though. So please don't worry."
"I not worried," Steve says. "I know you're not interested in Eric that way." I smile, leaning in for a tender kiss. Steve grins.
"Shall we go grace our presence with the masses?" I laugh, sneaking another kiss.
Lex and I are dancing. She hasn't stopped smiling since we walked through the doors of the reception room. She's hardly left my side, holding my hand continously.
Its great to see her so damn happy, especially after everything's she's been through. It's nice to see my parents happy again, too.
We've all suffered through a hell of a lot this last year. Losing Tim was devastating for us all. Me, Lex, Mom and Dad. Even Eric, Calleigh, Alexx and Horatio.
I think we all deserved some celebration. A lot, actually.
Steve and I are about to leave the reception. I was so excited to have some time away from Miami and just focus on us for a few days.
We're actually going to Georgia for a week. Steve and I thought it'd be fun to visit Savanah. Neither of us had ever visited so we thought that'd be a prime place to go.
I've changed out of my wedding dress, giving it to Mom, who'll take it to her place until Steve and I return home. We're saying our goodbyes to everyone. Dave, I guess, had heard about Steve and I's secret rendezvous and naturally decided to comment on it.
"So," Dave says, grinning wickedly at Steve and I. "I heard you two were planning on skipping the wedding and going straight to the honeymoon!"
"Shut up," Steve snaps, smacking Dave. He glares at Steve. I just crack up.
"Have a wonderful time, honey," Mom tells me. "Text me when arrive."
"I will," I say. I hug Calleigh, Catherine, Alexx, Uncle Grant, Jay and Horatio. I save Eric for last. He smiles a little sadly at me.
"Thanks for looking out for me," I whisper. Eric hugs me tightly.
"Of course, Lex." Eric releases me and I smile at him. I go to Steve's truck and climb inside. Steve climbs into the driver's seat, closing the door and off we go.
"This day was perfect," I say to Steve, reaching for his hand. He smiles.
"It was. And I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you Alexandra Speedle."
"Yes, Steven Speedle. To many more adventures together."
A/N: And that's a wrap on book 2! Thanks for reading! I do have more ideas for Steve and Lex but I don't know if I'll be posting on here or not.
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