Xiao heard the clanging of pots and pans throughout the house he shared with his adopted sisters and his adoptive father.
Irritation filled his face as he sat up- all the noise was bothersome, especially because it was six in the damn morning.
His feet hit the floorboards roughly as he stood up and ran a hand through his hair- not really caring how he looked.
The smell of burnt pancakes filled Xiao's nose and it crinkled- "please don't tell me..." he stepped into the kitchen and sighed heavily.
Zhongli, aka Xiao, Hu Tao, and Ganyu's father, stood over the stove just looking absolutely confused on how it was supposed to work.
"I don't think it's supposed to be bubbling like that..." the man mumbled to himself.
"Dad, you flip the pancakes," Xiao informed with an annoyed groan, stepping up to the stove and turning off the burners.
Zhongli blinked in confusion before it registered, "ohhh, well, that makes sense. I wondered why the pancakes were only cooking on the bottom," he spoke with a hand to his chin.
"What's burning?" Ganyu asked as she poked her head into the room, she was dressed for school already. As usual she's up before everyone else. How she didn't hear Zhongli was anyone's guess.
Zhongli smiled, "I wanted to make breakfast for my kids! But I apparently cannot do that, I am sorry," he apologized, but no one was truly bothered by it.
"It's okay! Just next time ask for help, okay?" Ganyu chirped as she gathered her school bag, putting most likely student council files inside.
Xiao snorted and leaned against the wall, "how did you even survive on your own before you bought us?" He asked.
"Don't refer to yourself like that, I didn't purchase you like some entertainment pieces," Zhongli scolded.
Xiao rolled his eyes before pushing himself off the wall and walked past Ganyu out of the room. Right... of course you didn't, because who would want three almost grown kids... he thought bitterly, grabbing his guitar case, and climbed out the open window just above his bed.
He sat on the roof where he could stare at the city around him, but not the stars...
The dark haired boy's fingers strummed at the guitar strings, not really focusing on a song, just... playing, letting his feelings out.
A breeze ruffled his hair and the sound of someone sitting down behind him was the only thing he focused on.
"What?" He asked.
"You know, you should really cut him some slack... he's not the person you should be mad at," Hu Tao's voice spoke.
There was a silence that settled between them.
She spoke up again, "your playing is nice... the melody is sad though."
"Kinda the point," Xiao rolled his eyes.
He didn't hate his sisters. They were going through what he was, even if they weren't blood related to him.
They all knew each other from the system.
Xiao was the oldest, then Ganyu, then Hu Tao. Ganyu was a senior in high school but she was taking college classes, she was so smart and it impressed Xiao how she had that dedication even after everything.
Hu Tao was a junior in high school, should have been a senior but she spent her time ditching school during the time in the orphanage.
And Xiao, well, he was a freshman in college. He didn't have classes until later but he figured... "do you want me to walk you to school..?" He mumbled.
If Hu Tao was anyone else she might have missed it, but thankfully she knew her annoying older brother like the back of her hand.
Her signature creepy grin crept on her face and she leaned against Xiao's back, "awww I didn't think you'd ask~! But yes! Let me get ready, I didn't even begin to change."
Xiao rolled his eyes, but he had a small grin as he heard Hu Tao stumbled up the roof and through the window before he was left with silence once again.
A sigh passed through his lips and he put his guitar back in its case, then standing up and leaving the roof. The place he enjoyed the most quiet.
☆·.¸¸.·'¯'·.¸¸.¤ ~♡のⓛⓞⓥⓔ♡~
"Hu Tao, what in the fuck are you wearing?" Xiao asked, his eyebrow twitching.
Hu Tao grinned, "well you see, dear brother, to make sure nobody messes with you you have to assert your dominance by being the crazy one! NO ONE messes with the crazy one!" She guffawed.
Xiao stared incredulous at her proclamation, and also at the thing she called an outfit.
It was a turtleneck mesh shirt with an oversized, HIDEOUS Halloween patterned sweater over top. It had fucking tinsel. A pair of black safety shorts and knee high red and black socks. As usual she wore her black beret.
"Ughhhhh... let's just go before I stare at you too long and my eyes burn from my skull," Xiao muttered.
She laughed and followed him out the door. Ganyu left for school about a half hour before them, she had student council meetings.
Xiao looked down at Hu Tao when they neared the school. There were kids already staring at her, whispering. It made him want to knock their teeth out.
"Hu, are you okay?" He asked.
She looked up at him, her smile still on her face, "yep! I don't care what they think of me, I know I'm ten times more interesting than the whole lot of them!" She announced, oh so loudly, now kids were staring at her EVEN MORE-
"Right..." Xiao walked her up to the front gates, he tucked his hands in his pockets, "I'll see you after school I guess?"
"Do you have afternoon classes or night time ones? Today?" Hu Tao asked.
"None today, I've gotta try to find a job," he answered, looking stressed because of it.
Hu Tao hummed before she gasped, "OH! OH OH OH!!!" She bounced up and down- a grin completely taking over her face, "I found a job you can do!"
Xiao stared at her, "oh no... like what?" He inquired- albeit nervously.
"Just come on!" She grabbed his hand and yanked him past the school gates and into the building.
"Wha- hey!"
She didn't slow down and Xiao was really glad he was used to being dragged around by her and Ganyu or else he felt like his legs would give.
They turned a corner and as Hu Tao dodged out of the way she didn't leave much warning for her brother and let him crash right into someone.
Xiao sat up and rubbed his head, "Hu Tao what the fuck is wrong with you?" He grumbled, "sorry, my sister was yanking me down the-"
A voice cut him off, "it's fine," oh, they sounded sweet...
Xiao blinked as he came face to face with the person he crashed into. They were a boy. He had snowy blue hair, long eyelashes that matched, icy cat like eyes, and pale skin. The dude looked like a whole ass elf from a fantasy game or something.
The dark haired male shook his head lightly to get that dumb thought out of his head before standing up and holding his hand out to him, "sorry, again... I'm Xiao."
The boy took the non-offending hand and got off the floor, "I'm Chongyun, and it's okay, I've done worse," he sighed at that.
Hu Tao rolled her eyes at them, "okay okay enough with the meet cute! We need to get you to the musical director's office!"
Chongyun's eyes widened before glancing to Xiao, "are you applying for the position he has up?"
Hu Tao didn't let Chongyun get his answer, "sorry mystery boy! We gotta go before I'm late to class- AGAIN!" She tugged Xiao away- who was just dumbly following her.
Well this would be interesting.
Chongyun was left standing in the hallway, staring at the two siblings who mowed down anyone in their way. "Huh..."
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