Chapter 4: Forever falls reunion
I looked over at Blake and couldn't help but smile just by looking at her. My thoughts were broken by Prof. Goodwitch addressing us.
"Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful," Prof. Goodwitch began. "But we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples form the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here, with Mr. Rose, so that none of you die while doing so."
I was paying attention to Prof. Goodwitch while hearing Jaune behind us with a crate of seven jars. We stopped, but Jaune bumped into Cardin and looked away while nonchalantly whistling.
"Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap," Prof. Goodwitch said while holding a full jar of said sap. "However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm. So be sure to stay close to your teammates and rendezvous back here at four o' clock. Have fun. Oh, Mr. Rose, keep everyone safe, and collect your jar of sap."
"Yes, ma'am," I replied.
Everyone began dispersing while Jaune left with Cardin's group. Pyrrha's face was sad and upset. She walked off following our group with Team (J)NPR. "Pyrrha, how long are you going to be upset with Jaune?"
"Until he can get it together." Pyrrha replied with a snarky attitude.
"Pyrrha." I said while stopping the both of us. Pyrrha looked at me and sighed.
"I'm sorry," Pyrrha apologized. "I shouldn't have gone at you like that. I'm sorry."
"Pyrrha, it's fine." I returned her apology. "I agree that Jaune needs to get his head out of his ass and do something, but you know why."
"I know," Pyrrha replied with a bit of sadness. She took a glimpse at me and Blake holding hands and looked back at us. "Oh, so you two are now a thing, huh?"
*Narrator POV*
Elsewhere in the Forever Falls, Team CRDL, being the lazy MF's they are, were laying down while Jaune collected all the sap for them. Jaune got into the middle of Team CRDL and placed the sap-filled jars down and fell over.
"Hey," Cardin said grabbing the rest of Team (C)RDL's attention. "Good work, Jauney boy. Now that wasn't too hard, was it?"
Jaune was on the ground cross-eyed as his voice sounded like he had a frog in his throat.
"I think I'm allergic to this stuff." Jaune groggily said.
"Great, great, great," Cardin ignored Jaune and towered over him. "So, Jaune, I bet your asking yourself why did my buddy Cardin asked me to collect seven jars of tree sap, when there's only five of us."
"That is one of many questions I have asked myself today, yes." Jaune replied as he sat up.
"Well," Cardin said with a smirk. "Come with me and you'll find out."
Jaune gulped as he followed Team CRDL to a ledge as the five crawled over and saw Teams RWBY and (J)NPR with Cmdr. Rose gathering sap. Ren handed a full jar over to Nora and she licked her lips and drank the sap from the jar. Which in return earned laughs from everyone, including Cmdr. Rose as he went back helping his sisters, his girlfriend, and Weiss. Jaune was confused as to why they were there.
"Cardin," Jaune asked worriedly. "What's going on?"
"Payback." Cardin answered while glaring daggers at Pyrrha and Y/N. Jaune followed his glare at his two friends down below
"Pyrrha and (Y/N)?" Jaune questioned as he watched Pyrrha and Cmdr. Rose kneeled down to collect sap. "What are you-"
"That's the girl and a**hole," Cardin replied while slamming his fist down. "Red-hair, know-it-all, thinks she's so smart, and him. The jerk that gave me that hand print burn mark back in the cafeteria."
Cardin grabbed a box from behind him with a "W" written on the side.
"Alright boys," Cardin said with a grin. "Last night, ol' Jauney boy managed to round an entire box of Rapier Wasps, and now, we're going to out him into work. Now, according to one of the essays he wrote for me last week, these nasty things love sweets. I'm thinking it's time we teach both of them a thing or two."
Team CRDL and Jaune got up with Cardin slamming two jars of sap into Jaune.
"And YOU'RE gonna do it." Cardin said.
"Do what?" Jaune asked.
"Hit them with the sap," Cardin replied. "Either that, or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon."
Jaune looked at Team CRDL and onto the two jars of sap. Jaune turned around while holding the jars of sap and looked at Pyrrha and Y/N, but what Jaune and Team CRDL didn't know, was Y/N listened and recorded the entire plan of Cardin's and forward the plan to Goodwitch.
Jaune was contemplating whether or not to go through with it, but remembered Y/N's help and the kindness Pyrrha showed him. After a moment of hesitation, Jaune had his answer.
"No." Jaune said.
"What did you say?" Cardin asked while Jaune was gripping the two jars of sap.
"I said, "No!"" Jaune replied as he threw the two jars at Cardin, hitting him in the face. Cardin stumbles backwards before laughs as the rest of Team CRDL grin evilly.
"Now you've done it." Cardin said while smirking. Russel and Lark grab Jaune's sides and pulled him closer to Cardin.
*Y/N's POV*
After overhearing Cardin talking about his plans, I forwarded the recording over to Goodwitch and she replied that she'll personally deal with Team CRDL after the field trip. I was helping Blake collecting her sap, well I was. Blake was busy leaning into my side while collecting.
"Blake," I said getting her attention. "You have to collect your own sap, you know."
"I know," Blake replied. "But-"
Blake was cut off when we all heard a roar in the distance.
"Did you guys hear that?" Ruby asked. That was until Russel, Lark, and Dove came rushing past us in a hurry.
"Ursa, Ursa, Ursa!" Russel cried out and ran right into me. I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close.
"Where?" I asked.
"Back there," Russel replies and points ahead of us. "It got Cardin and Jaune."
I heard a jar dropped and Pyrrha was getting worried. I got mad and started getting enraged.
"You three left those two. With an URSA?!" I furiously yelled at Russel.
"It was bigger than any Ursa we've seen." Russel replied and that got me more enraged.
"YOU IDIOTS!!!" I yelled even louder. "You three left them with an URSA MAJOR!!!"
I was so mad, I punched Russel into a tree. I walked over and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up.
"I would deal with you three, but I'm not the one that's gonna give Team CRDL a beating of a lifetime!"
"What are you talking about?" Russel questioned. I played the recording of Cardin's plan. "Y-you heard us?"
"Not only that, but I forwarded that recording to Prof. Goodwitch herself. Now Team CRDL, what's left of it anyways, are going to speak to her immediately after this incident," I said while dropping Russel. "Now, MOVE! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"
Russel immediately ran towards Prof. Goodwitch and I turned to everyone else.
"I already informed Prof. Goodwitch about the situation. We need to move, now!" I said and moved ahead while brandishing my sword and was followed by Teams RWBY and NPR. We got towards the area where Cardin, Jaune, and the Ursa Major were and saw Cardin getting thrown around like a ragdoll. As amusing as it was to watch, it had to be stopped. We watched as the Ursa Major was about to strike at Cardin, but it was blocked by Jaune's shield. Jaune was having trouble a bit, and everyone was about to jump in and help. Pyrrha and I stopped them from going.
"Wait." Pyrrha stopped everyone.
"She's right," I added in. "This isn't our fight."
"Consider this," I replied. "Jaune's Redemption."
Jaune countered the Ursa Major's attack and slashed across its chest, sending the Ursa Major backwards. It went for an attack, but Jaune dodged it in time. The Ursa Major took another swipe. Again, Jaune dodged it by jumping into the air, but it left him wide open. The Ursa Major took the opportunity and sent Jaune flying next to Cardin. Jaune charged at the Ursa and leapt for an attack, but the Ursa Major smacked Jaune away. I figured Jaune's aura was now in the red.
"Jaune!" I called out to him. "Don't give up!"
The Ursa Major came charging at Jaune and he returned the charge. The two were about to clash, and the world felt like it went into slow motion. Both Pyrrha and I held our hands up. Mine glowed yellow, while Pyrrha glowed a dark red and moved Jaune's shield, while mine froze the Ursa Major's arms and legs in place. Jaune's shield countered the frozen paw and Jaune slashed the Ursa Major's head clean off. I let go of the Ursa Major's arms and legs, and it fell down. Pyrrha and I looked at each other and held our hands down.
"Uh... what?" Ruby asked confused.
"How did both of you...?" Weiss added into the questions.
"Well," Pyrrha replied. "Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs, (Y/N) has a time abilities. My semblance... is Polarity"
"Oh," Ruby said amazed. "You can control poles."
I snickered a bit while Yang and Blake smiled a bit.
"No, you dunce," Weiss replied to Ruby. "She means she has control over magnetism."
"Magnets are cool too." Ruby added in. I snickered and rubbed Ruby's head. Pyrrha was about to walk away, but stopped by Weiss.
"Where are you going?" Weiss asked Pyrrha.
"Yeah," Ruby agreed. "We got to tell them what happened."
"Actually, Prof. Goodwitch already knows." I replied with everyone staring at me.
"How?" Pyrrha asked.
"I recorded the whole thing and sent it to Prof. Goodwitch," I replied. We looked back and saw Jaune and Cardin, but it looked like Cardin got what was coming to him. "I believe it's time we-"
I was interrupted by another roar and out comes another Ursa Major.
"Another one? I barely survived one." Jaune said.
"Jaune, Cardin," I yelled to the two. "Get over here, now!"
Jaune and Cardin were rushing over to the rest of us, but the Ursa Major was catching up. I was about to charge in until a grappling hook shot out of the forest, and wrapped around the second Ursa Major. The hooks chain then pulled the Ursa Major away and was impaled in the head... by my friend, Titan Cameraman, who is now at my height.
"T-Titan Cameraman?" I called out to him, causing him to look in my direction.
When he saw me, I ran up to him and hugged him tightly, who returns the hug.
"It's so good to see you again." I said.
"It's good to see you too, bro." Titan Cameraman said, shocking me by his ability to now talk
"What the- you can talk now?" I said in shock.
"Yes, when I first arrived on this planet." Titan Cameraman explained to me.
"Big Brother!" Ruby called me out. I was about to reply, but we heard howling and saw three Beowolves jump out of the forest. I pulled out my sword, ready to fight.
"Just like old times, right bro?" I asked Titan Cameraman.
"Like old times, bro." Titan Cameraman responded.
The two of us were about to attack, but the Beowolves were killed instantly with sniper fire. "Huh?"
I was confused as well and I turned my attention to Ruby as did everyone else.
"It wasn't me," Ruby defended herself. "I swear."
"That's because it came from me," Another voice I recognized, but I couldn't believe it. Out from the forest came my brother-in-arms, John.
(Art not mine)
"John?" I called out to him.
"Hey, kid, long time, no see. And damn, you look good." John said jokingly.
"Ha ha. Very funny, John." I said, unamused.
I said while walking my way over to John with Titan Cameraman. As I got close enough, I brought John into a bro hug like Titan Cameraman and we laughed. "I can't believe it. First, Titan Cameraman. And now, you. How did you get here?"
"We were fending off Calamity and it's minions, when the entire area was consumed by a bright light, and the next thing I know, I ended up here. How did I end up here though?"
"You can probably blame the portal that brought me to your world in the first place." I replied to John. "Now, we shoul-"
"Y/N Rose?" I heard a female voice and turned into the direction and felt my heart drop. Not from sadness, but rather joy. The owner of the voice belonged to one of my many girlfriends. Aircraft carrier: Kaga.
"Kaga..." I said as my voice started to crack as she was staring at me in shock.
"Y/N Rose. My dear boyfriend!" Kaga said with tears in her eyes and ran up to me as I did the exact same. Once close enough, we stretched our arms out and held each other close.
"I'm so glad your alive." Kaga said while happy tears rolled down her cheeks.
"I can't believe it. I missed you so much, Kaga." I said while holding her close. The moment would've lasted longer, if Yang hadn't ruined it by speaking up.
"Hey, little bro," Yang called me out. "I know you're having a nice reunion and all, but you could at least introduce us to these three, especially to your girlfriend there. I'm sure she'd like to meet Blake, your other girlfriend."
"Wait, what?" Kaga asked looking at me.
"Well, y-you see, Kaga, I-" I said, trying to come up with an answer.
"It's fine, Y/N." Kaga said, placing a hand on my metal cheek. "Akagi and I both knew that you would find another girl in case we wouldn't reunite with each other, but we're back together again and I want to see this "other girlfriend" you made. I'm sure Akagi does too, right dear sister?"
I watched Kaga look into a direction and I really couldn't believe who I saw.
"Yes, Kaga," Said Akagi, Kaga's sister and Y/N's other girlfriend from the Sakura Empire. "I would like to meet this other girlfriend who kept Y/N happy while we were separated."
"A-Akagi? Is that really you?" I said stuttering on her name.
"Yes, dear Y/N, It's really me." Akagi replied with a giggle.
I let go of Kaga and made my way over to Akagi. I got close and held Akagi's hand as she held mine. We looked at each other and I embraced Akagi in a passionate hug after so long.
"I can't believe it. I'm so happy to see you again, Akagi." I said as Akagi returned the hug.
"Yes. All as the gods intended." Akagi said in a soothing voice.
This sweet moment would've lasted longer, If a certain blonde-haired sister hadn't ruined the moment.
"Little Bro!" Yang called me out. I grunted as I held my head back. I heard snickering coming from John. "Are you going to introduce us, or have "fun" in the forest with your reacquainted girlfriends?"
That statement itself made John laugh harder, Titan Cameraman put his hand on his face in annoyance, and made Kaga and Akagi blush.
"YANG!!!" I yelled to Yang. "That's not funny at all."
"Yeah, it was." John said while slowly calming down.
"God-" I said while pinching my brow. "Very well."
"Okay," I began the introductions. "Teams RWBY and JNPR, I'd like to introduce you all to my friends and girlfriends, Titan Cameraman,"
"Hi." Titan Cameraman greeted everyone.
"John." I introduced John to everyone.
"It's an honor to meet you." John said while saluting everyone.
"Finally, these two are my girlfriends, aircraft carrier's Kaga and Akagi, two members of the Sakura Empire."
"Hello." Akagi greeted everyone with a wave.
"It's nice to meet you all." Kaga said greeting everyone.
"Now for the other introductions," I said while moving in front of Teams RWBY and JNPR. "Kaga, Akagi, Titan Cameraman, John, these are the friends I made with my sisters and girlfriend. Starting with Team JNPR, or Juniper, lead by Jaune Arc."
"Um.. Hi." Jaune nervously said with a wave.
"The one with long, red hair is Pyrrha Nikos." I said moving onto Pyrrha.
"It's an honor to meet you all, and Akagi, you look so gorgeous. I'm honestly kind of jealous."
"You're too kind, Ms. Nikos," Akagi said. "You are also quite beautiful. You have nothing to be jealous about."
"Just Pyrrha is fine," Pyrrha said. "And thank you."
"Now," I said getting their attention. "This is Nora Valkyrie. She's also a bit energetic so..."
"Hi," Nora said while waving. "Do any of you make pancakes? Oh, what about making sloth noises? Can you break legs?"
Akagi, John, Kaga and Titan Cameraman were a bit taken back from Nora's questions.
"Finally, this is Lie Ren." I introduced Ren last.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all, and I'm sorry about Nora. She's a bit... Nora." Ren greeted and apologized for Nora's antics.
"It's alright," Kaga replied to Ren. "Her questions just took us by surprise."
"Now," I said while walking onto Team RWBY. "This is Team RWBY, or Ruby, lead by-
"RUBY ROSE," Ruby yelled out while interrupting me and getting stares from everyone. "Oops, sorry, Big Brother."
"It's fine," I reassured Ruby. "That just caught me off guard, that's all. As she said, this is Ruby Rose. My dear little sister."
"You must be the girl that Y/N told us about." Akagi said.
"You mentioned me, Big Brother?" Ruby asked me.
"Yes he has," Kaga replied to Ruby. "Several times and how he missed you."
Ruby wasted no time and grabbed me into a hug.
"I love you, Big Brother." Ruby said.
"I love you too, Ruby." I replied while hugging Ruby. I then moved onto Blake. "This is Blake Belladonna, my girlfriend that I made."
"It's very nice to meet you all," Blake began. "Especially you, Kaga and Akagi. I hope you both-"
"Ms. Belladonna," Akagi interrupted Blake. "Kaga and I would like to thank you."
"Thank me?" Blake asked confused. "For what?"
"We knew of the possibility of us never being reunited with Y/N, but you gave him love when we weren't here and..." Kaga said as she leaned closer to Blake. "We'll share Y/N, deal?"
"Deal," Blake agreed. "But what about other girls?"
"They'll have to be agreed upon by us three." Akagi replied.
"Now that's settled," I said moving on towards Weiss. "This is Weiss Schnee."
"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Weiss greeted them with a bow. I moved onto Yang, my older half-sister.
"Finally, this is Yang Xiao Long, my older, half sister." I introduced Yang.
"Yo! Nice to meet you all," Yang replied. "Thanks for watching my little bro. Kaga, Akagi, thank you both for taking "care" of my little bro."
"Of course," Akagi replied. "He's helped us in more ways than one. Especially for me and Kaga."
"Oh, for the love of-," I said while groaning a bit. "Let's get going back to Beacon, before this turns into something else entirely."
Everyone laughed as we walked back to Professor Goodwitch. We made our way back and along the way, everyone was chatting with John, Titan Cameraman, Kaga and Akagi. I was surprised that they were hitting it off with them. We saw Prof. Goodwitch waiting for us and was surprised to see my friend, brother-in-arms and girlfriends.
"Mr. Rose," Prof. Goodwitch said to me. "Can you-"
"Yes, I can." I interrupted Prof. Goodwitch. "These are my friend, Brother-In-Arms and my girlfriends, Titan Cameraman, John, Kaga and Akagi. I assume that Ozpin would like to meet them in person?"
"That you are correct, Mr. Rose," Prof. Goodwitch replied. "He wants to know about the Ursa Major attack with your friend "Brother-In-Arms" and girlfriends. Now, onto the bullhead everyone."
Prof. Goodwitch left onto the bullhead and we all followed in suit. On our way back to Beacon, I saw Ruby and John talking to each other, more than likely about weapons and weapon calibrations, and Titan Cameraman and Yang, with Nora, talking to each other. Kaga and Blake spoke to each other while Akagi was talking with Pyrrha and Prof. Goodwitch.
After a few minutes on the bullhead, we finally got to Beacon and got off. The sights were enough to grab the attention of John, Akagi and Kaga.
"My Goddess," Kaga said taking in the sight. "That's the academy?"
"It like an actual castle." Akagi added while looking at Beacon.
"This... This isn't what I was expecting." John said while looking.
"Okay," I said. "Let's meet up with Prof. Ozpin. Everyone else can go to their dorms. Prof. Goodwitch?"
Prof. Goodwitch nods and walks ahead. I followed her with Kaga, Akagi, Titan Cameraman and John in tow.
Teams RWBY and JNPR left for their dorms. While we followed Prof. Goodwitch, people were staring at Kaga and Akagi's nine tails and fox-like ears. Kaga, Titan Cameraman, John and Akagi looked around and admired the architecture of the academy, but was cut short when we arrived to Ozpin's tower. We all packed into the elevator and went up.
"Everything looks so different from up here." Kaga said while watching the buildings get smaller as we rose higher.
"I know," I replied to Kaga. "It's quite a sight."
The elevator dinged and the door opened. Ozpin was standing near a window with his cup of coffee and turned to us.
"Welcome," Ozpin greeted. "Titan Cameraman, Mr. John and first carrier division Kaga and Akagi. It is a pleasure to meet you four in person. Please, have a seat. Same goes for you, Mr. Rose.
We all sat down on the chairs in front of Ozpin's desk and Prof. Goodwitch stood next to him as she watched us.
"Again, it is a pleasure to meet you four," Ozpin began. "We've heard much about you from Mr. Rose. And we are aware of the Sirens."
That statement itself made Akagi and Kaga jolt a bit and look at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You told them about the sirens?" Kaga asked me.
"Ms. Kaga." Ozpin grabbed her attention. "At the time, it was wise of Mr. Rose to tell us about the sirens, so we'll be prepared for them if they ever show up on Remnant. However, I made it a direct order that all known knowledge of the sirens be kept secret. I understand that it's better for all to know about the sirens, but in our case, it's better to be kept secret."
"And why is that?" Akagi asked Ozpin.
"It would draw the attention to the Atlesian Military and leader, General James Ironwood." I answered Akagi.
"James Ironwood? Who's that?" John questioned.
"General of the Atlesian Military and Headmaster of Atlas Academy," Ozpin answered John. "They're Remnant's military force against the Grimm, but they take any technology they find and use it for their own gains."
"That would be really bad if they got they're hands of Siren technology." Akagi said.
"Yeah, my thoughts exactly," I agreed.
"It would be best if all knowledge of the sirens are to be kept under the radar from Atlas." Ozpin added.
"We would like to talk more, but we need to get back to our base before it gets too dark." Kaga stated.
"Very well. You may leave." Ozpin said.
And with that, we left Ozpin's office and parted ways for the day.
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