Itsuka Kendo/Setsuna Tokage - [Lemon Chapter]
*I pray to the spirits of heaven that this lemon will not be eliminated*
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N):Oh my god!! this is boring!!
(Y/N) said as he sat cross-legged watching his classmates train their quirks and Ultimate Moves.
(Y/N):I'm coming up with a bunch of new combinations and I can't even put them to the test! ugh!!
(Y/N) got up from the ground and went with Aizawa.
(Y/N):Hey,Aizawa. can I ask you a favor?
Aizawa:What do you want?
(Y/N):Can I absent myself from class for today? I'm just sitting there doing nothing.
Aizawa:Other students would be happy about that.
(Y/N):You know that I am not the most normal person there is.
Aizawa:You are right about that...okay,you can be absent for this class
(Y/N):Thanks! you are the best,I hope you know.
(Y/N) left the Gamma Gym to walk around the P.E Ground.
(Y/N):Aizawa said that I couldn't train too much...but doing a run doesn't hurt anyone.
(Y/N) started running around the yard with each lap increasing his speed. He was doing this for several minutes to lose some time but it wasn't working very well for him,he stopped.
(Y/N):This doesn't help me at all...I'm already used to running so much that this doesn't mean much to me anymore. What else can I do to waste time?
(Y/N) looked behind him to see Kendo dressed in her P.E uniform.
She ran over to (Y/N) to give him a big hug.
Kendo:Why didn't you tell us that you were already out of the hospital ?!
(Y/N):Sorry,I left the hospital yesterday afternoon and the doctors forced me to take a break for the next few days. Sorry for worrying you this week that I was in a coma.
Kendo:The good thing is that you are fine now.
They both sat on one of the benches that were in the place. (Y/N) began to recount everything that had happened to Kendo.
(Y/N):And after defeating him I ended up in a coma due to the inhuman overexertion that my body underwent...but hey! I've already woken up...
Kendo:That sounds well as dangerous. Anyone else would have died if it weren't you.
(Y/N):I learned that when you try to protect someone, you will face things that you never thought you would ever face. I would have been a little more prepared knowing the person who was going to be there...
(Y/N) said remembering how he was humiliated by Shroom a second time. At that moment he felt Kendo's lips on his cheek.
Kendo:Don't worry,at least everything went well. Now that girl you saved is safe and sound.
She said as she rubbed her hand down (Y/N)'s back.
(Y/N):You're right...but I still can't get out of my head I could have saved someone's life if I hadn't fallen into a coma. It's kind of difficult but I guess I have to live with that mistake.
Kendo:It's okay,I know you did the best you could.
(Y/N):At least I am calm knowing that that person died with a smile on his face.
Kendo smiled upon hearing this but she still saw (Y/N) quite down from what happened with Nighteye. She thought for a few moments until she saw the warehouse where most of P.E.'s instruments and objects were stored.
Kendo:Come with me,(Y/N). I want to show you something.
Kendo said as she took (Y/N)'s hand. They both went inside to the warehouse without anyone seeing them. Kendo,using her quirk,took several boxes and placed them in front of the door.
(Y/N):Kendo,what are you doing?
Kendo:I can see that you are clearly still quite down for what happened and I would like you to feel better,even if it is momentarily. I don't like to see you like this.
(Y/N):It's okay,I'll get over it. It is not so bad
Kendo:I'd rather you feel better now than! no! my hand slipped!
Kendo said as she opened her jacket revealing her sports bra which was quite tight and perfectly showed how big her breasts were without leaving anything to the imagination.
Kendo:What are you waiting for,Big boy?~ they are your property,you can do whatever you want with them~
(Y/N):I'll make sure to be nice to these puppies~
(Y/N) put his hands on Kendo's breasts and began to play with them while also paying attention to her nipples. Kendo tried to moan as little as possible so that no one outside would hear them.
Kendo:I-I thought you were going to g-go to l-little m-more rough
(Y/N):I like to go in a gentle way.
(Y/N) approached Kendo and started kissing her. He put her hands on her butt and lifted her up,he walked to a trunk where he would put Kendo on top of it. They both stopped kissing and (Y/N) ducked down to face Kendo's crotch.
(Y/N):Can I?
Kendo nodded with a blush on her cheeks. (Y/N) grabbed Kendo's pants and began to pull them down slowly revealing her visually wet panties. He moved her panties aside to show her pussy. Kendo was quite nervous so she decided to look away.
(Y/N)giggle but he put his hands on Kendo's thighs and then started licking her pussy, she quickly put her hand over her mouth avoiding moaning too loud,she did not want anyone to discover this,of course,this was the happiest moment of her life and she wanted nothing to interrupt them. Kendo was carried away by the pleasure feeling (Y/N)'s tongue making its way through her pussy.
Kendo tried to speak but she couldn't find the way to put the words together due to the intense pleasure she was feeling.
Kendo:It's just his tongue...and...and it feels so good...
Kendo put her leg behind (Y/N)'s head forcing him to thrust his tongue deeper inside her. He knew what Kendo wanted so he decided to use his quirk,frog,to make his tongue become longer, this caused Kendo to moan very loudly.
Kendo:(Y-Y/N)!...I-I'm gonna...
Kendo released her juices into (Y/N)'s mouth. Even though he continued to lick her pussy making Kendo start to breathe heavily.
Kendo:W-Wait...l-let me recover myself!...A-Ah!~
Kendo couldn't take it anymore and cum a second time. This time (Y/N) decided to stop licking her pussy and let her recover herself.
(Y/N):Sorry,I think I got carried awa heheh
Kendo:I-It's o-okay...*Pant* just ... let me recover a bit.
(Y/N) nodded but instead of standing there,he approached Kendo and started kissing her. She didn't back down and responded to the kiss by putting her hands behind (Y/N)'s head,he began to feel like something was rubbing against his crotch. He broke the kiss to see how Kendo was rubbing her knee against his crotch.
Kendo:I still need to do my job~
Kendo used hwe quirk to enlarge hwe hand to grab (Y/N) and lift him up. Kendo lay down on the ground and pulled (Y/N) next to her to snuggle up close to him. She reached out with her other hand and then ripped off (Y/N)'s pants completely.
(Y/N):Heheh don't worry,I can create other pants. Just go your way.
Kendo nodded and this time removed (Y/N)'s boxer with more gentleness revealing his erect cock. She smiled and using two of her giant fingers she started jerking off (Y/N)'s cock
(Y/N):O-Oh d-damn...I-I swear that with each one of you it is a-always a new experience
Kendo:I'm glad you are liking this
Kendo kept rubbing his fingers around the shaft faster and faster but at the same time gently,we didn't want this to end with a scene that no one wanted to imagine.
Kendo was fascinated to hear (Y/N)'s moans knowing that she was doing a good job of pleasing her boyfriend like he did just a moment ago to her. She continued jerking off (Y/N)'s cock until he reached his limit and cum on Kendo's hand
She returned her hand to its normal size and licked off some of (Y/N)'s cum from her hand.
Kendo:It tastes...very good
(Y/N):You know...I can alter my whole body at will.
Kendo:You altered the taste of your...
(Y/N):Perhaps but that's not the point right you want to go to the next level?
Kendo nodded with a nervous smile. She stopped using her quirk making (Y/N) sit on the floor. Kendo leaned in front of him,she began to take off her panties slowly in order to provoke (Y/N) which was working,she watched as his dick began to get erect again.
Kendo moved her finger indicating (Y/N) to come closer to her,he did that and put his hands on her knees and spread her legs.
(Y/N) slowly began to rub his dick against Kendo's pussy to tease her. This worked as Kendo began to moan more and more and her pussy began to get wetter than before.
Kendo:(Y-Y/N),remember that I-I must go back to my class and I believe t-that you do not w-want to face the fury of Vlad King and much l-less Ms Aizawa.
(Y/N):You're right about it...but I'll still go my way,just so we both enjoy this and I guess this is your first time,right?
Kendo nodded feeling a bit embarrassed,(Y/N) smiled and walked over to her to kiss her lips.
(Y/N):Don't be embarrassed about it, I just want to make sure that since it's your first time,that this is special.
(Y/N) said affectionately,melting Kendo's heart upon hearing his words. She without thinking twice began to kiss him,putting her hands behind his head to deepen the kiss. (Y/N) took advantage of this and began to slowly insert his cock into her pussy.
Kendo started to feel very sore at first but the pain faded quickly. (Y/N) had used his quirk to ease her pain so that she could really enjoy this sweet moment with her boyfriend.
(Y/N) began to thrust deeper inside taking Kendo totally by surprise,but a very welcome one as she began to moan with pleasure. Her moans gradually began to grow louder each time (Y/N)'s dick hit her cervix.
Kendo covered her mouth with one hand while with the other one,she had it on (Y/N)'s shoulder. She embedded her fingernails on his shoulder but due to the fact that he had a greater pain tolerance than any human being,this did not cause him any discomfort.
(Y/N) continued with the deep thrusts,pushing further into Kendo's pussy until he felt her walls contract around his cock as she suddenly came. Despite this,(Y/N) did not stop and continued with his thrusts making Kendo not stop moaning.
Kendo's eyes rolling into the back of her head feeling (Y/N)'s dick move fiercely inside her.
This was a feeling that was completely new to her and hell if she wasn't enjoying it. (Y/N) realized this and he,with strength of will,was able to endure the moment of ejaculation for longer just so that Kendo could enjoy it longer.
After a few minutes,(Y/N) couldn't hold it any longer and he cum inside Kendo,she was about to release a loud moan until (Y/N) shut her down with a kiss on her mouth.
They both stayed like this for a long minute until they both broke the kiss,(Y/N) pulling his dick out of Kendo's pussy.
Kendo:T-That...w-was...W-WAIT!! w-e don't use protection!...this totally...
(Y/N):It's okay,I can make myself fertile or not when I want. Don't worry about getting pregnant, I'm not that irresponsible.
Kendo:I-I see...good to know that,I was concerned for a second...that felt...great...I never thought my first time...would be like this.
(Y/N):I promise you that your first time was going to be special.
Kendo:For me it was already special because you were going to be my first time.
(Y/N)'s cheeks turned a reddish color upon hearing Kendo's sweet words. She giggle and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
Kendo:I love you,(Y/N)
(Y/N):I love you too
They both hugged each other,feeling the warmth that each one's body gave off.
After that,Kendo put on her panties and pants just like (Y/N) only he had to create new pants with the help of his quirk. They both moved the boxes that blocked the door to exit the warehouse only to find themselves head-on with...
Setsuna:Hi there,I could hear you guys had a lot of fun~
(Y/N):D-Did you hear everything?
Setsuna:How not to do it? It was lucky that there was no one around,Kendo
Kendo's face turned completely red.
Setsuna:Mr Vlad King was wondering where you were. You were lucky that I offered to look for you. Don't worry,I won't say anything...with one condition
(Y/N):What would that condition be?
Setsuna put a smug face
Setsuna:You don't have to be a genius to know what that condition is,sweetie~
(Y/N):Huh?...Oh! o-okay
Setsuna:Good! see you later,boyfriend~ Let's go,Kendo,before Mr Vlad King gives us another sermon.
(Y/N) said goodbye to the two of them. Setsuna and Kendo started walking towards the dressing room to put on their hero costumes to begin their training with their Ultimate Moves. Along the way,Setsuna started asking Kendo some questions.
Setsuna:Soooo...How was everything?
Kendo:Uh? What do you mean?
Setsuna:Do not play the fool. You know what I mean,what was it like doing with (Y/N)? how big is he?
Kendo:I will not answer that!
Setsuna:Fine,keep your secrets...but it must have been fantastic for you to moan like that.
Kendo:For the love of God,don't tell the others!
Setsuna:Come on,there is nothing wrong. You just had a nice time with our boyfriend,don't feel embarrassed...and I can't wait for my nice time with him.
Setsuna licked her lips at the thought of that.
[One Day Later]
It had already been a day since (Y/N) had sex with Kendo in the warehouse,luckily for both of them, apparently no one suspected the two of them.
By now it was late afternoon and classes had just ended,all the students in class A were leaving to the dorms.
Denka:Is it my imagination or is Ms Aizawa getting more and more fussy with her classes?
Mina:The same was going to say,every time the classes are more complicated with her.
Momo:Taking into account the last thing that happened,maybe she just wants us to be the best prepared now that we will face the same experience that a pro hero faces every day.
Denka:You have a point there...but every time I stop thinking for a second,Ms Aizawa has already explained three different things!
Kyoka:I knew you did that but not that often.
Denka gritted her teeth at Kyoka's comment until she noticed (Y/N) bringing a broom and shovel to the homeroom.
Denka:Uh? Cleaning up to you,(Y/N)?
(Y/N):Well,not really but since I have nothing else to do I offered to clean up a bit. Aizawa has me strictly training,and the closest thing to training.
Minori:If you don't have anything better to do,then I can give you a recommendation~
Minori said as she sat on her desk and she highlighted her assets.
Minori:What you think?~ A-AUCH!!
Tenri grabbed Minori by her ear,like a mother reprimanding her daughter.
Tenri:Things like that should not be said in front of people! much less in a school! Now let's leave our Class President alone with the honor of cleaning up our study place!
They all left the homeroom leaving only (Y/N) in place. He began to clean the homeroom hoping that the time would pass faster.
The minutes passed and (Y/N) managed to clean the entire homeroom but for him this was not fun at all. This is not fun for anyone.
(Y/N):Why does boring things only slow down time? I was hoping this was at least something a little fun.
Setsuna:So why don't you try something else?~
(Y/N) turned around to see Setsuna closing the homeroom door.
(Y/N):Setsuna? what are you doing here?
Setsuna:Well,most of the students and teachers have left the place so I thought...this is a good opportunity for the two of us alone~
Setsuna said as she walked towards (Y/N) shaking her hips
(Y/N):Setsuna,we're at school,if any of the teachers see us then...
Setsuna:Everything will be fine,I walked around the hallway and didn't see anyone in the building and I also know that you have a relationship with Ms Aizawa and Midnight,I think they can cover your back.
(Y/N):H-How did you know that?
Setsuna:I could see when you came to school one day together with Midnight and also Ms Aizawa is somewhat affectionate with you. There is no doubt that your charms also reached them,do not worry,I will not tell anyone.
(Y/N):It's nice to know that but I'm still not sure about this
Setsuna:Come on,doesn't the fear of being caught excite you?
Setsuna said as she put her hand on (Y/N)'s crotch,she started rubbing her hand against his clothed dick.
(Y/N)'s never bad to try something new
Setsuna smiled and she unzipped (Y/N)'s pants. She bent down to pulled down his pants and underwear to see (Y/N)'s limp dick inches from her face.
She began to run her fingers up the shaft,watching (Y/N)'s dick slowly begin to erect. Setsuna was surprised to see in front of her how big his dick was
Setsuna:W-Wow,I see why Kendo wouldn't stop moaning.
Setsuna didn't think twice and she started licking the shaft of his dick. She started off with gentle licks that then turned into her shoving his entire dick inside her mouth causing (Y/N) to have to cover his mouth to avoid moaning too hard.
(Y/N) had a hard time to silence his moans because Setsuna was sucking pretty hard.
(Y/N):She's literally sucking me dry!
Setsuna was happy to give (Y/N) a sloppy blowjob,seeing his reactions she continued non-stop,feeling the tip of his dick hit the back of her throat. She continued like this for a long time until (Y/N) couldn't take it anymore and cum directly on her throat.
Setsuna swallowed all of (Y/N)'s semen that fell into her mouth,wasting no drop. At the same time that that was happening,she climaxed making her juices spill onto the floor.
Setsuna:I-I*Pant* swear,for a moment I*Pant* thought I was drowning
Setsuna went to one of the desks and leaned against one of them. She lifted her skirt and moved her panties aside to reveal her pussy to (Y/N).
Setsuna:Let's not tempt luck too much,I think you already know what to do~
She said as she wiggled her butt in front of (Y/N). He approached her and lowered her panties,he put her hands on her hips and slowly began to put his cock inside her pussy.
Setsuna moaned feeling how (Y/N)'s cock made its way through her walls.
(Y/N) made sure to use his quirk on Setsuna so that she would not feel pain. He started with slow thrusts causing Setsuna to relax from the sensation she was feeling in most of her body.
Setsuna:I wouldn't mind if you were a little harder. I promise I can handle it~
(Y/N):Let's take our time. I want us both to feel good,especially you.
(Y/N) whispered in her ear as he increased the intensity of his thrusts feeling his cock hit her cervix. Setsuna began to moan but she made sure her moans were not too loud for anyone to hear. This was taking more work than she thought because (Y/N) was going harder and harder with his thrusts.
Setsuna had a great idea,she parted half of her body, she turned her upper body around and started kissing (Y/N) to silence her moans.
This worked, and Setsuna was getting even more excited as she felt (Y/N)'s tongue inside her mouth. Both continued in this manner until Setsuna heard footsteps approaching the homeroom.
Setsuna:W-Wait (Y/N)...someone is coming this way...we must...we must...
Setsuna was unable to form any more words as she felt how she was about to reach her climax. She could make out the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer until she saw Aizawa's silhouette in the windows.
Setsuna:O-Oh no...
Aizawa opened the homeroom door.
Aizawa:There you are
Aizawa went under the blackboard to pick up her sleeping bag and leave the homeroom. At that moment,(Y/N) and Setsuna reappeared in the homeroom, both very tired and sweaty.
Setsuna:...W-What just happened?
(Y/N):I made the two of us invisible,my quirk is able to make several people invisible if I am touching them. I think Aizawa didn't notice us.
Setsuna:Y-Yeah...t-that was close...but very exciting...
Setsuna reattached her upper body to her lower body. She almost fell to the ground if it hadn't been for (Y/N).
(Y/N):I guess I was rougher than I thought.
Setsuna:Don't worry, I enjoy it very much. I love you~
(Y/N):Love you too
Both shared a short kiss,Setsuna leaned on (Y/N)'s arm and both left the homeroom.
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