Chapter 6 - The Calvary Battle & The Shadow of a Past Begins to Appear
Everyone looked at me surprised to hear that I was going to do the Cavalry Battle by myself.
(Y/N):All right,doing this myself will help me see all the quirks that everyone has. With the little I remember is that I can at least guess how one's quirk works just by looking at it. I hope I'm not making a mistake,right now I could be an easy prey.
I waited the fifteen minutes until I could see how everyone already had their team
Midnight:Now,let's go! Counting down to the brutal battle royal! Three! We're aiming for Two! one thing...One! Start!
Midnight yelled making the battle begin,each of the teams went directly against Izumi's team.
(Y/N):It's a good thing I didn't finish in first place.
I kept my concentration on each quirk that was being used at the moment,its mode of use,its effect,its weaknesses,everything that is important.
(Y/N):...I think I have the necessary information.
I buried my arms in the ground and then came out from under everyone else. I grabbed each of the bandanas leaving everyone without points
Izumi:My bandana!
Katsumi:What the hell just happened?!?!
Everyone looked around to see where their bandanas had ended up, I sighed and put on all the bandanas.
(Y/N):Tsk! this is practically putting a piece of meat around my neck in a room full of hungry lions
Denka:Hey look! (Y/N) has all the bandanas!
Once Denka said that,every student fixed their gaze on me.
Tetsutetsu:Go get him! we need those ten million!!
All the teams started running towards me.
(Y/N):Let's go...
Juzo from Class B used his quirk which caused the ground beneath me to begin to swallow me up.
(Y/N):Softening,allows the user to soften anything they touch but it has a very obvious weakness,I can still escape
I began to fly away from Juzo's trap.
(Y/N):Okay,so far I managed to guess one quirk...there are still several more to go.
Kyoka:On it!
Kyoka used her Earphone Jacks to try to get my bandanas off
(Y/N):Earphone Jack,Controllable earlobes that work like headphone cables but they can only stretch a maximum of 6 meters.
I moved away as much as I could from Kyoka's Earphone Jack until I could see that she could no longer stretcg them
Tokoyami:Dark Shadow!
I turned to see how Dark Shadow was approaching me
(Y/N):Dark Shadow grants the user a shadowy monster-like being within their body that they can materialize and de-materialize at any moment but being a shadow,its obvious weakness is the light
I exploded a ball of energy in my hands causing a strong light to generate around me.
Dark Shadow:Agh! the light!
Dark Shadow began to grow smaller and to get away from me,I landed on the ground
Katsumi:Give me that back,(Y/N)!!
Katsumi shouted as her team carried her towards me.
(Y/N):Explosion allows the user to excrete sweat similar to nitroglycerin from their palms and ignite it at will to create various explosions if so then it is better to cool off a bit
I swung my arm sharply,creating a powerful wave of wind which flew towards Katsumi,this caused her to back off along with her team
Katsumi:I don't want to hurt you but if you don't leave me another option then...w-what?!
Katsumi could see how she only managed to create small sparks in her hand
(Y/N):Good! that wind wave was able to remove all that sweat from your hands,now you will have to wait a little bit to use your quirk again.
Katsumi:Tch!...well played.
I could hear all the explanation that (Y/N) gave about Kacchan's quirk
Izumi:H-How?...How did (Y/N) know about Katsumi's weakness? it took me a long time to figure that out
Tokoyami:It's not only that,he also knew about Dark Shadow's weakness even though I never showed it
Ochako:That's not all,he also knew with precision the reach of Jiro's Earphone Jack and also the quirk of one of the students from class 1-B
Mei:Woah! he really is amazing,it's like he knows everyone's quirks just by seeing it once
Izumi:...She has a point on that,I haven't seen (Y/N) speak to class 1-B before and he gave a totally detailed description of one of their can he do that??
(Y/N):Come on guys. Show everything you have and overcome those weaknesses,Pro heroes are watching right now!
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N) was right,the Pro Heroes were watching but they weren't the only ones seeing specific person was watching everything from a monitor...well,as close to "watching" as you can get.
??? 2:I can see that he has managed to overcome himself in the last while without our help.
??? 1:But of course,Gero,I always knew that he would be willing to succeed,with or without our help he will be able to become stronger in any way. After all you improved him for that purpose.
A man hidden in the shadows said while looking at the Calvary Battle,specifically (Y/N). Next to him was an elderly man who was making improvements to a machine which was helping the man hidden in the shadows to breathe.
??? 1:I can see that the quirks you implanted in him have been very helpful as far as his intelligence is concerned.
Dr Gero:I can notice that too,it's a relief,it's not easy to find quirks that are based entirely on increasing the user's intelligence...done
Dr. Gero said as he finished making the final adjustments to the machine.
Dr Gero:Tell me,why didn't you let Shroom and Kurogiri bring (Y/N) back here?
???:Very easy,right now (Y/N) is in the U.A,where All Might is as well as her successor. (Y/N) is collecting a lot of information,if we interrupt that then we will be blind in the future
Dr Gero:You still want him to continue to be your successor
???:I can't think of someone more perfect than him,the effort of years cannot be lost right now
Dr Gero:What about that girl,Homura?
???:She is extremely immature and gets carried away very easily. (Y/N) is calm,thoughtful and analytical,he was created to be that way. Clearly one of the two will be my successor. Homura is like a second option but I don't even want to consider her as that...that boy over there...he is perfect to become the next Simbol Of Evil...
???:(Y/N) Shigaraki...My beloved greatest creation
[Back to the Stadium]
(Y/N) kept dodging attack after attack from the different teams until he could see that there was not much time left
(Y/N):There is not much left for this to end,I don't want everyone to lose this event either/Hey everyone!...
They all looked at (Y/N),he took off all the bandanas that he had on his neck and forehead
(Y/N):Today there are sale of bandanas,take the ones you can!!
He threw "all "the bandanas into the sky causing them to scatter all over the arena
Katsumi:Quick,pick up the ten million bandana!!
Izumi:Quick,before time runs out!!
(Y/N) could see how everyone went for the bandanas before time ran out. He smiled and pulled his hand from behind his back to reveal the ten million bandana,he put the bandana on his forehead.
(Y/N):I know this was mean but it was really fun...huh?
(Y/N) felt someone touch his neck from behind,he quickly jumped forward and turned around to see Monoma from Class 1-B without his team
(Y/N):Man,you completely missed my forehead
Monoma:I wasn't aiming for the head,I wasn't really looking for the bandana,I wanted your quirk
Monoma:My own quirk gives me the ability to copy other people's quirk just by touching any part of their body and since you've called attention so much,I want to see what kind of quirk you have
Monoma tried to extend his arm but he could see that he couldn't do that
Monoma:Huh? how can I extend my body like he does?
Monoma looked at the rest of the students and could see that he couldn't get any important details about them or their quirks.
Monoma:W-What?! I don't have any information about the quirks of everyone...but clearly I touched his''s impossible...the only thing for this to happen is that...he doesn't have a quirk...
Present Mic:TIME'S UP!!
All teams stopped,each making sure they had at least one bandana.
Present Mic:That's the end of the second round,the cavalry battle! Now,let's take a look at the top five teams right away!...In first place Team (Y/N)!...well,(Y/N) only
The crowd started cheer on (Y/N),he smiled and waved to the cheering crowd.
Present Mic:Second place is Team Todoroki!
Shiyori:This was pathetic...(Y/N) was literally making fun of us all this time...
Shiyori thought as she looked at (Y/N),he looked at her and gave her a big smile making her blush
Present Mic:Third place is Team Bakugo!
Katsumi clenched her teeth and fists in frustration but she quickly calmed down.
Eiji:Woah! you're extremely calm even after finishing third,don't even look like the usual Katsumi
Eiji:Oh! there she is again heheh
Present Mic:Fourth place is Team Shinso!
Izumi could see how the four chosen teams were already
Izumi:I'm really sorry,I had hoped to get the highest amount of points but we couldn't achieve it
Ochako:Don't feel bad,Izumi. We did the best we could and we worked hard for it,no matter if we didn't...
Present Mic:And finally in fifth place is Team Midoriya!
Present Mic:Because there was a one-person team,a fifth team will be considered so Team Midoriya will also go to the final round! Now,we'll take an hour's break for lunch before we start the afternoon festivities! See ya!
That was the last thing Present Mic said before leaving. (Y/N) decided to leave the stadium, he walked down the hallways until he stopped when he heard someone calling him.
???:It's you!
???:It's you!
I turned when I heard someone's voice calling me
(Y/N):Yeah,it's me and as far as I know you are Mt Lady
Mt. Lady:That's right,sweetie~ you were amazing in both challenges!
(Y/N):Oh come on,you are going to make me blush,although it is something easy knowing that a pro hero as cute as you is cheer up me
Mt. Lady:C-Cute?
(Y/N):What surprises you? I think you get those compliments every day
Mt. Lady:Yeah but not from boys as cute as you~
(Y/N):Thanks!...I can see you're here after the whole villain attack to the U.S.J.
Mt. Lady:You are absolutely right,some heroes came here to be like security guards,so that something similar to that does not happen again.
(Y/N) seems that you come for something else~
I said as I approached her,I could see how a blush appeared on her cheeks
(Y/N):What happens? are you nervous?
Mt. Lady:M-Maybe...
(Y/N):Do not be
I put my hand on her cheek
(Y/N):Man,you are beautiful
Mt. Lady:Stop,you're making me blush more than necessary
(Y/N):I don't see the bad in it,tell me why are you really here?
Mt. Lady:E-Ehm...
Mt. Lady:I came here just to see your cute and handsome face. I don't know how you can have a combination like this
Mt. Lady:A-And...I was thinking want exchange numbers? You can't always find a man like you could say that...I'm your fan
(Y/N):A fan?
Mt. Lady:You were so incredible in the last events...that I did not stop encouraging you
(Y/N):That is very nice of you and I would like to exchange numbers with a fan as cute as you~
Mt. Lady smiled as she pulled out her phone from her hero costume,more specifically,from between her breasts
(Y/N):A curious place to store your phone
Mt. Lady:If we make it to the third date you might be able to have a little fun with these puppies~
(Y/N):I'll be waiting
We both exchanged phones,I was about to say goodbye to her until she kissed me on the cheek
Mt. Lady:Think of it as a good luck kiss...and this...
Mt. Lady placed both hands on my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss. The kiss was a bit aggressive as if she was trying to dominate in the kiss but I gave her ass a firm squeeze causing her to moan and giving me the opportunity to take total dominance over the kiss.
We were kissing for a full minute,I dominated her mouth with my tongue until we both broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen.
Mt. Lady:That was the best kiss I've ever had in a long time...don't forget to call me~
(Y/N):It would be a crime not to do that and don't hesitate to call me too cutie
Yu:Call me Yu Takeyama,I really hope this reaches more
(Y/N):I hope the same,I'll be waiting until our date~
Yu said as she walked away from me. I could see how she was shaking her hips as she walked away from me,I looked up and saw her looking at me with a flirtatious smile on her face,she blew me a kiss and continued on her way
???:What are you looking at?~
I looked behind me to see Midnight wrapping her arms around me in a hug, I felt her large breasts press against my back.
Midnight:Do you kiss Yu first but don't you give me anything for me?
I could see how Midnight was pouting while hugging me,to be honest she looked very cute doing this
(Y/N):Are you jealous?...Nemuri ~
Nemuri:...B-But of course,Is it that all the times that I have tried to attract your attention have not worked?
(Y/N):They have worked,it's just that I care about you and I don't want you to lose your job by having a relationship with a student
Nemuri:We can have our love outside of school,please...this is the first time I feel this kind of attraction towards someone like you~
(Y/N):I am honored that I make you feel those feelings...
I turned around and grabbed Nemuri's hand,with my other hand I put her on her hip,bringing her closer to me
(Y/N):Do you want me to make you feel other feelings?~
Nemuri:I would love to~
Me and Nemuri started kissing in the middle of the hall,it was lucky that all the people were out of the stadium taking a break.
We both kissed for a few seconds feeling our tongues fighting for dominance,Nemuri moaned every moment we kissed. After a few more seconds we both broke the kiss causing a trail of saliva to come out of our mouths
Nemuri:T-That ... let's kiss some more
We kissed again but this time the kiss lasted for several more minutes until we broke the kiss again due to the lack of oxygen
Nemuri:O-Oh kiss like a pro~
(Y/N):...I'll pretend that's not a bad joke
Nemuri:Heheh aanyway,call me when classes end,I would like to meet you on a more personal level
She approached my ear
Nemuri:More personal~
Nemuri said before playfully licking my ear,she walked away from me if not before giving me a good view of her butt while she shaking it. I looked at my hand and I could see her phone number
(Y/N):I have the phone number of a Pro Hero and my teacher...this day has been very interesting
I left the stadium and looked for something to eat. I quickly went to a ramen stand and started eating all I could...or until all the money that All Might had given me ran out
(Y/N):Ah! this is the most delicious food in the world!...well pizza also has great merit
I was about to continue eating until I felt someone touch my shoulder,I turned to see Shiyori behind me
(Y/N):Hey Shiyori! do you want to eat with me?
Shiyori:No...I want to talk to private
She said in a cold and serious tone. I knew it was something of extreme importance
(Y/N):Sure,let's go
[Third Person-POV]
Shroom:Ah! watching the festival from here is the best,you have a view of everything and you don't even have to pay for tickets
Shroom said as he sat on his scythe,hovering high above the stadium so no one could see him.
Shroom:Hmmm...right now Kurogiri must be looking for that crazy guy who looks like he has never touched that I realize...a group of heroes was looking for him...and it was led by Ingenium...oh! this is going to be great,better announce this news to (Y/N),his little friend,Tenri would like to hear that.
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