Chapter 5 - Feelings of a Villain & The Beginning of the Sport Festival
(Y/N):Okay...okay...apparently I can already handle this flying thing
I said as I flew through several buildings without colliding with any
(Y/N):Yeah,this will help me get to places faster! and it only took me several head bumps.
I kept flying until I felt like my phone was ringing,I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was a call from Camie
(Y/N):Hey Camie,what's up?
Camie:Hey! are you busy right now?
Camie:I was wondering if you wanted to go out somewhere with me
(Y/N):Like a date?
Camie:If you want this can be a date~ what do you think?
(Y/N):Yeah sure
Camie:Sweet! wait for me in the same station that you left me a week ago
(Y/N):Alright,I see you there,bye!
I ended the call and put my phone in my pocket.
During these last days before the festival I have been talking a lot with Camie,we have practically already become friends
We have been talking by text and calls these days,this is because I have been training for the festival, so we have not been able to meet face to face lately until now.
I continued flying until I reached the station,I waited for a few minutes until I saw Camie approaching me
Camie:Hey there!
(Y/N):Hey Camie,you look good
Camie:I can say the same about you,just as handsome and cute as always...I would even dare to say much more
(Y/N):Hehe thanks,let's go
Camie nodded and she quickly hugged my arm. We took a walk around the city talking about the different things that had happened lately like the attack on the U.S.J and the Sport Festival
Camie:I'm sure that if you participate you will get all the attention,you already did it in the U.S.J
(Y/N):I guess you are right about that but I will try to control myself and make my classmates look good for the pros too
Camie:I promise that I will be watching the festival and supporting you
(Y/N):That's really kind of you
Camie gave me a cute smile. We continued walking until we reached a nearby park,I bought two ice creams for myself and her,we both kept talking until...
We both heard someone cry,we both looked in front of us and saw how a little girl was crying in front of a tree. I approached the girl and crouched down at her height
(Y/N):Hey there,what happens? why are you crying?
Girl:*Sob* my balloon escaped and is stuck in that tree *Sob*
I looked up and I could see the balloon on the top of the tree stuck in one of the branches
Camie:It's very high
(Y/N):That is not a problem
I stretched my arm to the top of the tree and grabbed the balloon,I lowered it very carefully avoiding that it did not explode with any of the branches
(Y/N):Here you go girl,your balloon is safe and sound
Girl:Thanks! mister!!
(Y/N):It's is an ice cream to solve the bad time you had
Girl:Thank you! thank you! Mister!
The little girl ran very happy,I smiled and looked at my side seeing how Camie looked at me very happily,more than before
(Y/N):Something happens?
Camie:It's just that I find it very attractive for a man to be good with children
(Y/N):I see kids as something to protect them,they are so innocent that I don't think they should know until an appropriate age what a villain is and what heroes sacrifice to save people. Of course that is imminent but I like that a child has a good childhood
Camie:That's so sweet,if you want we can share my ice cream
(Y/N):Don't worry about it,I'm fine.
Camie:Come on,you won an ice cream
(Y/N):I won an ice cream for being nice to a little girl?
Camie:If you want I can give you something better~
Camie said while wiggling her hips
(Y/N):I would love to but let's continue enjoying our date
Camie:I'm already enjoying it to the fullest
We continued with our date until it was getting late. We were sitting on one of the park benches
(Y/N):Really? You are not allowed to have a relationship within the school
Camie:Yeah,it's boring because you can't get to know cute boys...except you,at least I've gotten to date someone like you
(Y/N):What do you mean?
Camie:That you are the first boy who has really caught my attention and I do not regret having done it,for me you are perfect. Cute,handsome,goood with kids,you are perfect!
(Y/N):O-Oh!...t-thanks,no one had told me that in that way before
Camie:What do you mean?
(Y/N):N-Nothing,nothing....It's getting late,maybe we should go
Camie:Awww! I wanted to spend more time with you but you're right,tomorrow we have school
(Y/N):This will not be the last time we see each other,we have our numbers so we can go out anytime we want
Camie:You're right about that...before I go take a picture with me!
(Y/N):Yeah of course
Camie took her phone out of her pocket and put it in front of us,she hugged me and put her head on my chest. She took the photo and got up from the bench,before she left,she gave me a little kiss on the lips.
Camie:I will be supporting you during the festival and I hope we can have another date
Camie said with a smile before walking away. I smiled and lay on the bench looking at the sky. I felt relaxed until I felt something move in my arm,I rolled up my sleeve to see my muscles twist again for a few seconds and then stop.
(Y/N):Tsk!...what happens? does not cause me any harm but it is worrying to see how your muscles move by themselves
I got up from the bench as I saw it was already getting dark. I decided to walk home but my walk was interrupted when someone grabbed me from behind by the collar of my shirt and dragged me into the alley next to me. This person put his hand over my mouth and at that moment I could feel how small cells of my body started to disintegrate but my regeneration was able to regenerate those lost cells very quickly.
I opened my eyes to realize that the person who had dragged me into the alley had been Homura.
Homura:Why?...WHY?! why does my quirk have no effect on you?!
(Y/N):You're good?
Homura:Huh? w-what?!
Homura slowly removed her hand from my mouth.
(Y/N):I asked you if you are good. You look very stressed right now
Homura:A-And why do you care?!
(Y/N):I just don't like it when people feel bad and even less so when it's a girl as pretty as you.
Homura's cheeks turned a reddish color as she became more nervous. It was clear that she didn't get compliments so often.
Homura:A-After what I did and y-you still dare to say those things to me
(Y/N):Of course,don't you deserve to receive those words?
Homura:I-I-I-I...I am a villain
(Y/N):I don't know...right now I'm seeing a very shy girl who hasn't received affection in a long time...
I moved a little closer to Homura to get a better view of her in the darkness of the alley.
(Y/N):There is that cute girl
I put my hand on Homura's cheek
(Y/N):...Why are you in the League of Villains?
Homura:U-Uh...I-I...I want to kill A-All Might thus d-destroying the society she represents and...
(Y/N):You don't sound very honest with what you are saying...what do you really want...I want you to talk...not your quirk.
Homura:I-I...I don't know...I just...I just follow this feeling of destruction...
(Y/N):...I be honest...I don't think you should stay in the League Of Villains.
Homura:...And what do you know about it?
(Y/N):Enough,I can assure you. Believe it or not,I really care about you...all I see right now is a confused girl who doesn't know what direction to take.'re one in a long time has cared about...
Homura stopped the moment I hugged her. She was still for a few seconds until she hugged me back,after a few more seconds she hugged me tighter and tears started to fall down her cheeks.
Homura:What's wrong with me?...I've never acted like this before....
(Y/N):That doesn't matter now...I just want you to know that there is someone who really cares about you...if you need help...just come with me.
Homura stopped hugging me and looked me straight in the eye
(Y/N):And I mean it...if you need support...I'm here for you...whenever you want. I think I can differentiate from a villain who is bad by nature...and one who fell that path...
I said before taking her chin with my fingers and kissing her cheek,I said goodbye to her and left the alley
(Y/N):And also I can see...when a person has been completely manipulated
(Y/N):Let's see what comes out of this
I said as I stretched. I was along with my classmates waiting for us to be called for the opening of the festival,we were all wearing our PE Uniform
Toru:I really wanted to wear my costume
Ojiro:To keep everything fair,we can't
At that moment Tenri slammed the door open
Tenri:Everyone! are you ready?! we will be entering soon!
We all got up ready to leave but clearly most of us were nervous due to the fact that we were going to be seen by hundreds of people.
I turned to see Shiyori with a serious face,more serious than usual.
(Y/N):Shiyori,do you need something?
Shiyori:I will have to put aside my feelings for you and show that I am stronger than you,All Might has her eyes on you just like Midoriya
Shiyori:And this goes for you too,Midoriya. Looking at things objectively,I'm stronger than you,not enough to be the best in the class but I'm superior to you
Izumi:E-Ehm y-yeah...
Shiyori:But All Might has her eyes on you too,I'm not trying to pry about that. But I'm going to beat you
Denka:Oh? Is the second best in the class making a declaration of war?
Eiji:Hey Hey hey! why are you picking a fight all of a sudden? Not now,we're about to start!
Eiji said as she got up from her seat and tried to calm the tension that was in the environment
Izumi:Todoroki,I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me,but of course you're better than me...
(Y/N):Izumi,you shouldn't speak so negatively about yourself
Izumi:But,everyone,the students from the other courses are aiming for the top with everything they've got! I want to become the greatest hero! I can't afford to fall behind...I'll be going for it with everything I have,too
Shiyori:...And lastly...(Y/N),I know you have a connection with All Might but I want you to know one thing...I will defeat you with everything I have.
(Y/N):...Heh okay,if so then I won't hold back
I approached her and began to whisper in her ear
(Y/N):And don't think that I missed that part about your feelings~
I gave her a peck on her cheek without anyone noticing, Shiyori blushed and quickly left the room along with the rest. I followed behind everyone, walking down the long hallway until I saw the light at the end of it.
Once we emerged from the long hallway that led to the arena,Present Mic's voice began to echo throughout the place.
Present Mic:Hey! Pay attention,audience! Swarm,mass media! This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love,the U.A sports festival,is about to begin! Everybody,are you ready!?
Present Mic screamed at the top of his lungs making the crowd roared in cheers
Present Mic:It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage!
Present Mic said causing the crowd to start cheering us
Izumi:S-So many people...
(Y/N):Aizawa was right when she said that this event was very popular/this is broadcast all over the country...well...he can't see me after all.
Tenri:Will we be able to give our best performance being watched by so many people? This is also part of the training required to be a hero!
Eiji:Man,she's going overboard with that praise! I'm getting nervous!...god,just looking at the crowd is making me nervous.
Present Mic:They haven't been getting as much air time,but this class is also full of talent! Hero course,Class 1-B! next up,general studies Classes C,D and E! Support course,Classes F,G and H are here,too! and business course,Classes I,J and K! All of U.A's first years are now here!
Present Mic yell presenting to the other courses
Midnight:Time for the player pledge!
We all looked in the direction where we heard Midnight's voice. I along with my male classmates, as well as the men in the stands blushed at the sight of Midnight in her hero costume.
Eiji:What is Ms.Midnight wearing?
Denka:That's an R-Rated Hero for you
Tokoyami:Is it okay for her to be at a high school even though she's R-Rated?
Midnight:Quiet everybody!
She ordered while cracking her whip
Midnight:Representing the students is (Y/N) from Class 1-A!
I said nervously. I walked up to the platform where Midnight handed me the microphone.
Midnight:Now say something that can cheer up all this crowd.
(Y/N):Hmmm...I think I got it...I-I hope that all the students here give their best,no matter if they are from the hero course or not,all of you have fantastic quirks that highlight your qualities. Everyone who is watching this,hero and no hero,every quirk is special no matter what! P-PLUS ULTRA!!
The whole stadium cheered in excitement
Midnight:A speech that has touched my heart,you really know how to make people feel special~
Midnight said suggestively in my ear
(Y/N):I also have another way of making people feel special,especially women~
I said gaining a blush from her,I went back with my classmates
Midnight:Now,let's get started right away! the first is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year,many drink their tears here! Now,here's the fateful first game!
Midnight said as the big screen showed a big wheel that had different types of games. Everyone waited until it fell into the first challenge
Midnight:This year,it's this! An obstacle course race!
(Y/N):It doesn't sound that hard
Midnight:All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium...about four kilometers! Our school's selling point is freedom!
She said as her eyes fell on me and she began to lick her lips
Midnight:As long as you all stay in the course,it doesn't matter what you do! Now,take your places everyone!
I along with all the students gathered at the place where they were going to start the race. The place was already quite crowded.
The moment Midnight screamed everyone then ran through the crowded entrance,pushing and shoving each other trying to get the lead. I smile and start to fly avoiding the whole crowd
[Third Person-POV]
Student 1:He can fly?!
Student 2:That is not fair!!
Present Mic:That was totally amazing(Y/N) never ceases to amaze us!! any comments,Mummy Girl?
Present Mic:That's the attitude I was looking for!...normal that you can't find a boyfriend
Aizawa:What was that?!
Aizawa said while using her quirk on Present Mic while wrapping her scarf around him
Present Mic:I-It was just a joke,jeez
(Y/N) landed in front of everyone and started running,leaving everyone behind.
(Y/N):That was a good start,I'm first and I doubt anyone will get here that fast.
He looked back and could see how his class was taking the lead. Especially Shiyori who was catching up with him. He could also see Minori approaching while using her quirk
Minori:I've outwitted you,Todoroki! don't think you'll get (Y/N) to pay more attention to you than UAGH!!...
Shee was cut off when a metal object hit hersending her flying
(Y/N):Shit! Minori...
(Y/N) quickly started flying towards Minori and caught her in his arms.
(Y/N):Are you okay? that was a hard blow
Minori:Hmmm~ now I feel much better~
Minori said as she snuggle her head into (Y/N)'s chest and ran her hands through the muscles of his arms. (Y/N) sighed and descended to drop Minori on the floor and get back to the lead.
Minori:W-Wait! take me with you!!
Minori shouted seeing how (Y/N) was lost in the distance,he managed to take the lead and keep up with Shiyori.
They both stopped when they saw the first obstacle. Lots of Villain Robots from the Entrance exam block the way
(Y/N):These are the same robots that I faced in my exam
Robot:Targets found!
(Y/N):I'd better not waste my energy so quickly....HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!
(Y/N) manipulated his body by liquifying himself and throwing himself against the robot entering the openings of it body
Shiyori:W-Wha the...huh?!
Shiyori saw how the robot began to act very strange until it stopped,it turned around and began to attack the other robots destroying most of them.
The robot stopped and in a second it exploded into a thousand pieces,from there a pink cloud came out which began to change of from until (Y/N) appeared in midair
(Y/N):That was weird...before I couldn't liquify myelf my body without changing to my appearance
Shiyori:H-He...he controlled the robot from within and destroyed it
(Y/N) fell to the ground and kept running,Shiyori saw how some robots were still approaching
Shiyori:There are still enough
Shiyori touched the ground causing her surroundings to start to freeze,she moved her arm with great force towards the robot
(Y/N) stopped when he saw how Shiyori managed to stop almost all the robots
(Y/N):Woah!...she really is strong,that was amazing...huh?!...W-WAIT!!
(Y/N) stopped and began to fly in the opposite direction when he saw how the robots were about to fall on the students. He stretched his arm around the robots and held them in place preventing them from falling
(Y/N):Quick,get out of there!
All the students made it through the robots
Aizawa:Even in a competition he cares for others than himself
Present Mic:Todoroki from Class 1-A! she attacked and defend in one hit! how elegant! she's the first one through! It's,you know,practically unfair!
Aizawa:Her actions are logical and strategic
Present Mic:As expected of someone who got in through recommendations! She'd never fought them before,but those Robo Infernos couldn't get past her from her elite moves from her!
Aizawa:Nor should (Y/N) be left out,even if this is a competition he cares first for the safety of others than to be in the first place
Aizawa said as she watched (Y/N) go back to first place very easily,she blushed at seeing him
Student:Hey! There's someone trapped underneath that robot!
One of the students pointed at one of the robots that Shiyori had grappled with. Before anyone could do anything the robot began to craked and Eiji burts out of the robot with a part of her body hardened
Eiji:Heheh! a giant piece of tin is no match for me!
Present Mic:Kirishima from Class 1-A was under that Zero Pointer!
Present Mic exclaimed in shock and excitement but at that moment someone else did the same,it was Tetsutetsu from class 1-B
Tetsutetsu:That bitch! all class 1-A is really full of bastards
Student:Everyone! let's work together for now to clear a path!
One of the students yelled ready to attack but at that moment Katsumi appeared as she began to use her quirk
Katsumi:Like I'm gonna let some of you go ahead of me!!
Katsumi yelled using her quirk to propel herself up ward and dodging the attack of one of the robots
Katsumi:Damn it! I'm doing it awful!
Katsumi thought while trying to go as fast as possible to where (Y/N) and Shiyori were but at that moment Sero and Tokoyami appeared right behind her
Sero:Do not think that you are going to overtake us that easy!
Present Mic:As expected,most of the group that's gone ahead is from Class A. Class B and the other courses aren't bad,either!
Present Mic said seeing as the majority who were ahead were those of class 1-A
Aizawa:Class A doesn't spend a lot of time standing around. Those who experienced firsthand that world above them through the incident at USJ...those who had fear in their hearts...those who dealt with it and pulled through...they used that experience to drown out their hesitation
Present Mic:Oh damn,that's deep
Izumi was trying her best to overtake most of the students as much as she could without using the One For All.
Izumi:I can't rely on One For All this early in the competition!
Izumi thought as she dodged one of the robot attacks,she looked around and saw a piece of metal lying on the ground,she picked it up
Izumi:It's the armor of the robot that (Y/N) destroyed!
Izumi said and then saw how a robot was heading towards her.
Izumi:That robot will lock onto the target and track it. I'll make it build up momentum...and then...It won't be able to stop suddenly!
The robot charges against her and at that moment Izumi slices it's head off with the metal
Izumi:This will be of great help to me.
Izumi said as she ran again until she stopped when she saw a huge wall of robots in front of her and the students. She tried to think of a way to get past them until she saw one of the Zero Pointers' chest explode and hit the ground. Izumi turned around to see Momo standing by a large cannon
Momo:Heh! piece of cake!
Momo said while continuing to shoot the robots clearing the path,Izumi couldn't help but look at Momo's chest and compare it to her own
Izumi:(Y/N)...would he like them big?
Momo cleared the path of the robots and everyone continued running. In the lead were (Y/N) and Shiyori,she constantly trying to freeze him
(Y/N):I don't think it is a good idea to freeze my feet only,do you know that I can recover any part of my body even if it has been completely ripped off?
Shiyori:I guess you're right,your body is like jelly
(Y/N):I'd say like chewing gum,since I can...
Shiyori:(Y/N)! WATCH OUT!!
Shiyori watched as (Y/N) fell from the cliff which was the next obstacle.
Shiyori stopped at the edge of the cliff and looked down worriedly
She saw two arms come out of the hole and grab onto the edge of the platform in front of her. (Y/N) came out of the hole landing on the platform
(Y/N):That was close...
Shiyori:How could I forget about that?!
At that point,the rest of the students made it to the next obstacle.
Present Mic:The first barrier's a piece of cake? Then what about the second? If you fall,you're out! If you don't wanna fall,then crawl! It's "The Fall"!
Ochako:When did they build this?
Tsu suddenly squatted next to her
Tsu jumped until she landed in the middle of one of the ropes that connected to the platforms. She began to move across the rope with great ease.
Tsu:*Kero* This is like a glorified tight rope
(Y/N) watched as everyone began to take a little courage and begin to cross the obstacle
(Y/N):What am I doing? this is easy for me
(Y/N) began to fly and managed to pass the entire obstacle very easily
Ochako:What kind of quirk does (Y/N) have?!
Mina:How is it possible that he can do so many amazing things?!
Ochako and Mina said in surprise. They both heard someone giggled behind them. They both turned to see a pink haired girl carrying different types of equipment with her
???:Here it is! Here's my chance to show off! It's time for my support items to be in the limelight! Look,all you support companies across the country!
Ochako:You're from the support course?
Mina:It's okay to bring in items?
???:The hero course undergoes combat training regularly,right? In order to keep things fair,we are allow to equip items and costumes,as long as we developed them ourselves! or perhaps I should say for those of us in the support course,this is the place where we can show off our ideas and skills to companies!
She scream as the soles on her boots began to make her hover over the ground and she flew off the edge
???:Come,take a look,all you companies! especially the big ones!...huh?
At that moment one of her equipment began to make strange sounds.
???:I knew I had to do some maintenance on these.
Her equipment stopped working and she started to fall
Everyone watched in horror watching the girl fall into the void until a white glow passed through the place and headed towards where the girl had fallen.
Everyone was silent for a few seconds until they saw how (Y/N) came out of the void with the girl in his arms
???:U-Uh?! w-what?
(Y/N):Don't worry,you're fine now
The girl looked at (Y/N),he gave her a reassuring smile. He flew to the other side,there he put the girl on the ground gently
(Y/N):Phew! That was close,thank goodness I managed to save you,my name is (Y/N) by the way
Mei:M-Mei Hatsume...t-t-thank you so much for saving me
(Y/N):It's nothing...I would like to keep talking to you but I have to continue with the competition,good luck Mei...and if you want we can continue talking later,bye!
(Y/N) said with a smile on his face before continuing with the competition,Mei now had a blush on her cheeks
Aizawa:He really has a very noble heart...
Present Mic:It seems Todoroki has reached the final obstacle! The Minefield!
Present Mic yelled very excited
(Y/N):...The Mine-what?!
(Y/N) shouted with concern about the name of the next obstacle,he saw behind him how Katsumi was getting closer,Shiyori could also see this
Present Mic:It's set up so that you can tell where the mines are if you look carefully! o you have to exploit your eyes and legs! by the way,these land mines are for games,so they're not that powerful,but they're loud and flashy enough to make you wet your pants! only the best student will get through without difficulties so...COME ON,(Y/N)!! DO IT!!
Aizawa:Are you really fanboying one of your students?
Present Mic:What? You can't say that he hasn't done amazing in the whole race
Aizawa:Yeah,I'm not going to argue with that
Aizawa said seeing how (Y/N) dodged each mine with extreme ease
Shiyori:This is incredible,(Y/N) is avoiding each mine as if he already knows the position of each one
Katsumi:BITCH!! Don't declare war to the wrong person!
Katsumi yelled as she approached Shiyori using her quirk
(Y/N):Uf! This is getting more complicated,now there are two...
At that moment a great explosion formed behind the three of them,everyone watched in amazement as Izumi flew through the air carrying the robot's armor underneath her.
Present Mic:Was it an accident,or did she do it on purpose? Class A's Midoriya is in hot pursuit with that blast!
Izumi managed to surpass (Y/N)/Katsumi and Shiyori but not for long,she could see them three behind her
Izumi:Oh no,I'm losing speed!...that's not surprising...they'll overtake me in an instant!...thinking about the time I'd lose landing,there's no way I'd be able to take back the lead...damn it! no! don't let go! grab hold of that chance you got to get in front of these three and don't let go!
Izumi thought and with the last of the robot's armor,she used it to hit a mine underneath her. The explosion generated by the mine was able to propel Izumi forward causing her to gain a great advantage.
Present Mic:Midoriya swiftly blocks those behind her! Would you believe it? she cleared the minefield in an instant! Eraser Head,your class is amazing! what're you teaching them?!
Aizawa:I didn't do anything. They got each other fired up on their own
Present Mic:Woah!...everyone has heard how Eraserhead has claimed to be a terrible teacher!
At that moment,Izumi managed to pass through the corridor and thus make it across the finish line,winning the race.
Present Mic:Izumi Midoriya's made a huge splash!!
Izumi took first place while (Y/N) took second place,Shiyori achieved third place
Present Mic:And now,they're finishing one after another! We'll make a list of the results later,but for now,good work!
Present Mic said as the rest of the students arrived
(Y/N):Man...that was fucking awesome! I can't wait for the next challenge hahaha!! the good thing is that most of you made it!
(Y/N) said looking at his classmates
Momo:This...was more difficult than you imagine...more considering that my back hurts after carrying "our team"!
Momo said while looking behind her,(Y/N) could see that Minori was glued to Momo's back with the help of her quirk.
Minori:Hey! I am not that heavy!
Momo:Get off me!
Momo moved abruptly causing Minori to let go of her and causing her to fall to the ground.
(Y/N):...By the way Izumi,congratulations,you did very well
Izumi:O-Oh! thank you but you were the one who got all the attention,you did very amazing things throughout the race
(Y/N):Don't take the credit,you did well too
(Y/N) said while stroking Izumi's hair,she smiled shyly while blushing
Midnight:The first game of the first-year stage is finally over! now,take a look at the results!
Midnight said as the score board popped up and had all the ranks of the race in order
1st - Izumi Midoriya - [Class A]
2nd - (Y/N) - [Class A]
3rd - Shiyori Todoroki - [Class A]
4th - Katsumi Bakugo - [Class A]
5th - Ibara Shiozaki - [Class B]
6th - Juzo Honenuki - [Class B]
7th - Tenri Iida - [Class A]
8th - Fumikage Tokoyami - [Class A]
9th - Hanta Sero - [Class A]
10th - Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu - [Class B]
Midnight:The top 42 made it through to the next round. It's unfortunate but don't worry even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine! the real competition begins next! the press cavalry'll be all over it! give it your all! now then,here is the second game. I already know what it is,but what could it be? I just said it,now here it is!!...
She taunted and said before pointing to the board showing that it was saying "Cavalry Battle"
Midnight:Let me explain everyone,the participants can form teams of two to four people,it's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle but with one key difference. Based on the results of the last game,each person has been assigned a point value and the points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom. So 42nd place gets five points and 41st gets ten points!...and the point value assigned to first place is...ten million!
(Y/N):Woah!...In're screwed,Izumi
Izumi:Those are not sweet words!
Hitomi:Ten Millions,huh?
Midnight:It's survival of the fittest,with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top! then,I will explain the rules of the cavalry battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out and try to keep as many points as they can. "Made to be taken off easily" stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal,the harder it'll be to manage them! and the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen or if your team falls,you're not out! We will give you your bandanas and start the cavalry battle in fifteen minutes,time necessary for you to get strong teammates!
The moment Midnight finished with her announcement Izumi approached (Y/N)
Izumi:(Y-Y/N),a-are you going to be part of my team?
(Y/N):E-Ehm w-well...
Katsumi:Get away from him,nerd. He wants to be with the winners!
Katsumi said while hugging (Y/N)'s arm
Ochako:I want to be part of your team,(Y/N)!
Mina:Me too!
(Y/N):H-Hey wait!
At that moment (Y/N) began to be surrounded by a large number of students,most of them were girls
Present Mic:Well,well,well apparently (Y/N) is very popular with the girls~
(Y/N):Okay! M-Midnight!!
(Y/N):Can I do this by myself?
Everyone looked at (Y/N) in shock,Midnight thought for a few seconds
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