Chapter 4 - The Sport Festival/Meeting New People & A Worrying Situation
(Y/N):...Ngh!...Agh! m-my fucking head!
Recovery Girl:Language!
I felt something hard hit my head,I opened my eyes to see Recovery Girl in front of me standing on a high chair
(Y/N):That doesn't help me recover at all!
Recovery Girl:But it will help you have manners
(Y/N):Anyway...MY CLASSMATES!!!
Recovery Girl:Calm down! they are alright,they are all alright. Your classmates are safe and sound
(Y/N):Oh...g-good to hear that...agh! I feel like my brain is being drilled from the inside
Recovery Girl:Take it easy,you have a simple headache. It will disappear without you noticing...although let me ask you something,one of your classmates said that you had aggressively fought a beast but once you got here you didn't have any injuries
(Y/N):Maybe it's because of Nomu's regeneration. I managed to turn that Nomu into a cookie before it could hurt me even more,apparently when I turn someone into a candy I can also get that person's quirk.
Recovery Girl:I'm worried about how you discovered that
(Y/N):D-Don't worry!...this was the first time I used it on another living being and I will never use it again,I promise! the way who was that person who had seen the fight? I do not remember seeing someone there
Recovery Girl:It was Young Todoroki,she was looking at everything while hiding. She told me that she wanted to help you but apparently you had everything under control
(Y/N):I could have hurt her...wait a minute now I remember Thirteen was hurt just like Aizawa!
Recovery Girl:Thirteen had a laceration from her back to her upper arm,I was able to stabilize her and do what I can and is currently resting in the room next door and your teacher,well...
Recovery Girl got out of the chair and moved the curtain that was next to the bed I was lying on. There I could see Aizawa covered with bandages,looking like a mummy
Aizawa:Can you stop screaming for a second,my head hurts enough right now
Recovery Girl:I'll go find something,I'll be back
Recovery Girl left the room leaving me alone with Aizawa,I looked at her
(Y/N):I'm really sorry,Aizawa. I'm truly sorry
Aizawa:What are you talking about?
(Y/N):I had the power to defeat that Nomu but I didn't do it in time for you to emerge unscathed. I was a coward because at that moment I only thought about myself and not about you and my classmates...
I put my hand on hers
(Y/N):If I hadn't been a coward you wouldn't be in this state right now....I'm so sorry
Aizawa:Do not are my student and it is my obligation to protect you from threats like this
(Y/N):Don't make excuses for me to feel better. I was stupid and a coward,I plan to improve on that right now...but you were great,you're amazing. You defeated so many villains by yourself and trying to protect your students from everything...I'm glad to have a teacher as cool as you. If at any time I am able to do something for you then I will...see you soon
That was the last I heard from (Y/N) until I heard how the infirmary door opened and then closed
Aizawa:...Very good,Aizawa...not only do you not get any man to come near you,but now you are falling in love with your student...fucking great!
(Y/N) seems that she accepted it
I said as I stopped listening through the door,I could see Recovery Girl approaching me with my bag
Recovery Girl:All Might said to give you your stuff once you recovered,she was very worried about you
(Y/N):And where is she right now?
Recovery Girl:She went to her house,I told her that she could go when I told her that you only had a headache...although I don't know if Midoriya is still waiting for you
Recovery Girl:She didn't want to separate from you,she was very worried and said she wanted to make sure you were okay. She may be waiting outside but I'm not totally sure
(Y/N):Thanks for that,I'll go now
Recovery Girl:If you keep having a headache come back to me,maybe I can give you something more stronger
(Y/N):I'll keep it in mind
I walked through the corridors of the U.A until I reached the exit,There I could see Izumi using her phone while waiting for me at the school gate,she looked up from her phone to see me.
(Y/N):Hey IzuUf!!
I shut up the moment I felt like Izumi started to hug me tightly
Izumi:You're good!
(Y/N):O-Of course I am,did you think something was going to happen to me?
Izumi:Well of course! when I saw how it is that All Might had you in her arms when she left the U.S.J...I thought that you...BUAAAAAHHH!!!
Izumi started crying a lot,she could literally rival a fire hose
(Y/N):H-Hey,c-calm down,I'm fine. Nothing happened to me,just a headache that's all...but thanks for worrying about me...not many had done that before
I said while giving her a kiss on her forehead. Her cheeks started to blush a lot
(Y/N):Come on,switch to that smile I always like to see. Let's go home and forget about this
Me and Izumi started walking home together. Along the way I began to think about the situation I was in
(Y/N):Kurogiri already knows that I am a U.A student and that guy,Shroom knows me very well even though I know I've seen him was clear that they were not going to let me get away that easy...
I looked at Izumi and I could see how she was smiling
(Y/N):*Sigh*...I don't want to get away from what I have now...finally have what is called friendship...but I am afraid of not being able to protect this friendship,because of my cowardice and selfishness I almost let two teachers die...I must not let that happen again
Izumi:(Y/N),are you okay?
(Y/N):Completely,I was just thinking about what would happen now with the villains.
Izumi:They were really dangerous,I never thought we would face some of them so fast.
(Y/N):This is experience,Izumi. Experience that will help us face the real world in the future and we must be prepared. You want to protect people with a smile on your face like All Might,right?
Izumi:Y-Yeah! you're right!
(Y/N):I like to see that enthusiasm of yours,you really want to be a true hero who saves people
Izumi:Totally but by the way,I've been wondering,where have you been living all this time?
(Y/N):With All Might
Izumi:Oh....W-WITH A-A-ALL MIGHT?!?!?
(Y/N):Yeah,she has given me the opportunity to be here. It's been since we first spoke in that alley
Izumi:It must be cool living with All Might! she must have a gigantic mansion!
(Y/N):And you are absolutely right,the first few days it will take me hours to find the bathroom...god was horrible
Izumi giggle,we continued walking until we reached where she lived,apparently it was an apartment complex
Izumi:This is where I live,you didn't have to accompany me all the way
(Y/N):No but I wanted to,I really like being with you
Right now Izumi's whole face had the same shade of red as Eiji's hair.
Izumi:I-I-I-I-...T-THANKS!! B-BYE!!
Izumi ran to her apartment leaving a trail of dust behind her
(Y/N):...Heh...I will have to help her eliminate extreme shyness from her but that's something so cute about her that I do not think it is a good idea
I started using my quirk to swing between the houses to get to All Might's mansion faster.
Izumi:What I have just done?! I yelled in his face and left without saying anything else...oh god
I said as I leaned against the door and descended to sit on the floor
Izumi:If I keep going like this I won't even be able to even give (Y/N) a hint about my crush on him...
[The Next Day-(Y/N)-POV]
(Y/N):Thanks for the pill
Recovery Girl:It's nothing this will help take away that headache you have
(Y/N):I hope so,I haven't had a headache this bad before
I said while I took the pill with a glass of water,I gave the empty glass to Recovery Girl and went to my classroom
(Y/N):Ngh! why does my head hurt so much?...huh?
I took my hand off my head and then pulled down the sleeve of my jacket. At that moment I started to panic as I saw how the muscles in my arm were twisting for a few seconds until they stopped.
(Y/N):...Okay,this is already worrying...and what the hell am I going to do? There is no doctor on Earth who can help me...there's only one person who know what is happening to me...
I continued my way to my classroom,I was about to open the door until I heard how the others were talking about U.S.J
Sero:Who knows what would've happened if the teachers hadn't come when they did.
Kyoka:It wouldn't make much difference,we were all safe thanks to (Y/N)
Toru:It's true,I could see the video. I didn't know that (Y/N) could turn into something like that but he was amazing!
Sato:He is crazy strong,being honest I see him being the next big hero
Tenri:Someone like him leading our class will be of great benefit to all of us!
(Y/N):Did I really do that well at the U.S.J? the last thing I remember was Nomu slamming me against the ground.
I opened the door to my classroom making everyone look at me
(Y/N):Hey guys!
Mina approached me and began to hug my arm
Tenri:What are you doing here? you should rest!
(Y/N):Why? I did not suffer any damage,I am completely fine
Mina:I'm happy that you are fine!
(Y/N):I am also happy that you are fine and all of you too
Tenri:...(Y/N),your actions during the villain attack have been admirable...
Tenri crouched in front of me and took my hand
Tenri:It is an honor to have a class president like you!
(Y/N):T-Thanks,Tenri,I guess I did what any hero would do but after all without you no pro hero would have shown
Tenri got up,I didn't miss the blush that she had on her cheeks. Mina released my arm if not before blowing me a kiss. I went to my desk and sat down
Mina:Tsu,who's gonna teach homeroom today?
Tsu:Well,Miss Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from her injuries? *Kero*
Just then the door opened revealing Aizawa wrapped in bandages
Tenri:Ms Aizawa,you're back too soon!
Eiji:You're too much of a pro! I'm glad that you're okay
Ochako:You call that "okay"?
Aizawa:My well-being doesn't matter...
(Y/N):Woah! even if you suffer a great attack you are able to continue without complications,you really are impressive!
Ochako:Ms Aizawa just stuttered?!
Ochako said in a low voice so that Aizawa would not be able to hear her
Aizawa:More importantly,the fight is not yet over.
Minori:Don't tell me,it's the villains again?!
Aizawa:...The U.A sports festival is drawing near
Everyone sighed in relief
Momo:But wait,isn't it dangerous to have an event like this after what happened?
Denka:It's true,what if they attack us again?!
Aizawa:They think by allowing and showing the Sports Festival shows that our crisis management system is up to par by holding such an event. But in addition to that security is increased five times than the previous year to prevent an attack to happen. Above all,the Sports Festival is a huge chance for you all to get recognized and progress your hero career. This event cannot be canceled or postponed by a few villains
(Y/N):We are talking about the League of villains,Aizawa...I don't think you should take it so easy
Aizawa:Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the world. In the past,everyone obsessed over the Olympic Games but once the quirks appeared they have drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership,they're now a shell of their former glory. And now,for Japan,what has taken the place of those Olympics is the U.A. sports festival! Of course,all the top heroes around the country will be watching ...
Toru:For scouting purposes! I know that
Denka:After we graduate,it's typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick
Kyoka:A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks,though. Kaminari,I feel like you'd be one of them. Since you're dumb
(Y/N):Uf! that burn will not disappear that easy
Denka gritted her teeth feeling angry at Kyoka's comment while she smiled and blushed at the same time when she heard my words.
Aizawa:Of course,being in a popular hero agency will provide more experience and popularity. If you're chosen by a pro,it instantly opens your future. Once a year,there's only a total of three chances. No aspiring hero can let this chance pass by. If you have the will,be sure to prepare!
Class 1-A:Yes! Ms!
Aizawa:Homeroom is dismissed
Aizawa said as she left the classroom. Everyone started talking about how excited they were about the Sport Festival
Eiji:Even after everything that has happened,I am excited about this event!
Mina:I am too,are you (Y/N)?
(Y/N):Of course I am,this from the Sport Festival sounds very fun and exciting
Izumi:Man,everyone's so into it
Tenri:You're not? We're enrolled here to become heroes so of course we're fired up
Tsu:You have a unique way of getting fired up*Kero*
(Y/N):We all have different ways to get pumped up,Tenry's is kinda cute
Tenri quickly blushed and began to play with her glasses
Tenri:T-Thank you for the compliment
(Y/N):It's nothing. Are you excited too,Izumi?
Izumi:Of course I do but somethin...
Ochako:(Y/N),Deku,Iida...let's do our best in the festival!
Ochako said as a dark aura surrounded her
Izumi:U-Uraraka,your face!
She keeps repeating that to everyone in the classroom. After that was over,Tenri/Izumi/Ochako and I make our way to the cafeteria
(Y/N):You were really very excited there,Ochako
Ochako:Y-Yeah,sorry for that it's just this is my chance to make a big impression on heroes
(Y/N):I see...and tell me,why do you want to be a hero?
Ochako:Well um...beacuse...for the money
Izumi:Money?! do you want to be a hero for the money?
She blushed and scratched the back of her head while looking to the her side
Ochako:Y-Yes,sorry it's such an unwholesome reason. You three have such admirable motivations and mine is just...embarrassing
(Y/N):It's okay,Ochako,nobody is judging you for that
Tenri:How is having a goal to support your livelihood not admirable?
Izumi:R-Right but it's unexpected
Ochako:My family owns a construction company but we haven't gotten any work at all,so we're flat broke. This isn't really to tell people,though
(Y/N):I see that it is something very admirable to be a hero to help your family financially,you don't need to be ashamed for that,Ochako
Ochako:Y-You think?
Ochako said while playing with her skirt
(Y/N):Totally and besides,even if you see it as selfish,you are still helping people and saving lives is for that...
I jumped with fright when I saw how All Might had appeared next to me
Izumi:All Might? What are you doing here?
All Might:Lunch! wanna eat together?
Ochako:Heh that's adorable
I look at Tenri as Izumi does the same as she gives us a nod
(Y/N):I guess we will
Me and Izumi entered the teacher's lounge together with All Might
[Third Person-POV]
Tenri and Ochako continued on their way to the cafeteria,the two of them were right now in the line to get lunch
Tenri:So what do you think about (Y/N)?
Ochako:Um...I think he is really cute
Tenri:I-I meant why All Might wanted to have lunch together with him and Midoriya
Ochako:O-Oh!...Maybe it's because (Y/N) was able to defeat that beast of the U.S.J on his own.
Tenri:But what about Midoriya?
Ochako:YHmmm maybe because of what Tsu said on the bus,that Deku's quirk is similar to All Might's
Tenri:So maybe All Might has taken a liking to her and (Y/N) for how strong and courageous they both are. They're amazing.
In front of them two was Shiyori who had heard the whole conversation
Shiyori:All Might...Izumi Midoriya and (Y/N)?
(Y/N):There is no problem in that,I understand about your power limit
All Might:I am thankful that you are not mad at me but I'm still worried,how have your headaches been?
(Y/N):They are...finally gone
Izumi:Have your headaches lasted so long? and why? I thought you were able to use your quirk
(Y/N):I am,there are only times that I overexert quirk has great potential that apparently I have not released yet
All Might:But at least you're fine but more importantly,about the sports festival. You still can't regulate One For All,can you? What'll you do?
Izumi:W-Wait All Might! (Y/N) is!...
All Might:Don't worry,(Y/N) already knows about One For all
(Y/N):Don't worry,Izumi. I will keep the secret safe
All Might:Yeah but anyway,Izumi. I don't want to stress you out but I want you to be able to take more control of One For All for the festival,I know it won't be easy but I have great confidence in you
Izumi:Don't worry,All Might,I'll do my best!
All Might:I like to hear that,have some tea,it will help you calm down
All Might handed a cup of tea to me and Izumi. We both drink that tea
All Might:Being very honest,I think the time that I can be as the Symbol Of Peace is being more limited than I thought...some that are planning evil are starting to realize that.
I squeezed my hand tightly feeling how the cup began to crack,I already knew who she was referring to. She stood up
All Might:I bestowed my power to you because I want you to succeed me. That feeling back then is still growing inside of you,right?
Izumi:Yes! of course
All Might:So it's time to prove it and there is no better way to do it than at the Sport Festival. The big event where all the pro-heroes,no,the whole country will be watching closely. That's why we're having this talk. The next generation's All Might. The rookie symbol of peace,Midoriya Izumi. I want you to show the world that you are here!
Izumi:B-But how?
All Might:Do you know the sports festival system?
Izumi:Yes,of course! The support/business/general studies and hero courses come together and fight through preliminary games of different types by class year. The students who make it through face off in the finals. It's a round-robin tournament divided by grade
All Might:That's right! In other words,you can sell yourself with everything you've got!
Izumi:That's true...but honestly,it's kind of hard to get completely into it right after what just happened. Besides,All Might is already teaching me,so I'm not as motivated to stand out at the sports festival In the first place,I don't think I can stand out in my current state and I did terribly in the fitness tests. Not to mention that by my side is possibly the person with more potential than me
All Might:No one's better at spouting nonsense than you!
All Might:Those who aim for the top and those who don't. That slight difference in attitude will make a big difference out in society. I understand how you feel and this is my own wish. So I won't force you. Just don't forget that feeling you had back at the Seaside the way now that you bring that topic to the table...(Y/N)...
All Might:I know you very well,we have talked about everything but there is something that you have not told me come you have a quirk with so much potential? In a few months you have become as strong as me and as you mentioned yourself,you have only trained on your own. How did you get such a powerful quirk...maybe your parents...
At that moment I squeezed my hand so hard that it destroyed the cup into a thousand pieces,I could hear my blood falling to the ground
Izumi:(Y-Y/N)! your hand!
(Y/N):Do not worry...
I said showing Izumi and All Might how my hand started to heal on its own
All Might:H-How?
(Y/N):The Nomu that was in the U.S.J. I turned it into a cookie,I ate that cookie and apparently managed to get both of its quirks....I'm sorry,All Might you can see,I don't want to bring to the table how I got my quirk...when it's time I'll tell
All Might:...Alright,sorry for trying to ask that question,you two can go
We both nodded,Izumi was the first to leave but I stayed
(Y/N):I'm sorry if I was a bit rude but as I said before I will tell you everything when I see it necessary
All Might:I trust you,(Y/N). I have no need to break that trust with you,I will wait until that moment with great patience
After a long day of classes it was the end of the day and everyone was already preparing to head out home but once I opened the door there was a large crowd of students
(Y/N):W-What the hell?!
Ochako:What...What's going on?!
Tenri:What is your business with Class A?
Minori:We can't get out! What are you doing here?
Katsumi:Scouting out the enemy,Grape Bitch!...We're the ones who made it out of the villains' attack. They probably wanna check us out before the sports festival
Katsumi said while standing in front of the crowd
(Y/N):That doesn't interest me,I want to go home
Katsumi:Yeah! move,extras!
Tenri:Stop calling people "extras" just because you don't know them!
???:I came to see what the famous Class A was like,but you seem pretty arrogant. Are all the students in the hero course like this? Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned. There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course
One person said as she stood in front of the crowd
(Y/N):Oh woah,she looks a lot like Aizawa...
???:The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival,they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they may also transfer people out...scouting out the enemy? I at least,came to say that even if you're in the hero course,if you get too carried away,I'll sweep you feet from under you,I came with a declaration of war...especially with you
(Y/N):...that beast of the U.S.J.
???:Yes,you. I heard that you were the student who defeated several villains in addition to defeating one who was supposedly at the level of All Might,which I say is a complete bullshit
Katsumi:Don't you dare talk to him like that. Did you hear me,bitch?!
(Y/N):Easy,Katsumi...first I would like to know your name...
Hitomi:My name is Hitomi Shinso
(Y/N):Okay Hitomi...and what with that? do you think I did that to get fame or something? that's a bullshit. I did that to protect my classmates,I did what is right so please don't think that I save people just for fame or anything like that.
She looked at me for a few seconds until she started to smile
Hitomi:I like you,you are not like the rest of your class...but for the rest,better you watch yourself
???:Hey Hey! I'm from Class-B next door!! I heard you fought against villains,so I came to hear 'bout it! don't get so full of yourself! yourself!
(Y/N):Okay...first of all I would like to know someone's name when they literally spit in my face
I said while wiping all the saliva that had fallen on my face
Tetsutetsu:I am Tetsutetsu Testsutsu,If you bark too much,it'll be embarrassing for you during the real fight!
(Y/N):...Okay,Testsutsu I'm going to say this very clearly...screw you,I'm going home
I said pushing Tetsutetsu out of my way and walking through the crowd
Tetsutetsu:Where do you think you are going?! I haven't finished talking to you!
(Y/N):But I do! byeeeee
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N) said as he walked the hallways to the exit
Katsumi:Man,that was amazing
Shiyori:It is something that you would do without shame
Katsumi:What the hell did you say Half and Half bitch?!
Eiji:He is so manly~
Eiji said in a dreamy way
(Y/N):Gosh! who the hell would brag about surviving a villain attack?
I said as I walked through the school gate.
(Y/N):Hmmm...I need to free my mind a bit,I have a few days before I start at the Sport Festival...
I changed direction and used my quirk again to swing between houses and alleys
(Y/N):...This swinging thing is fun but...I really want to try this for a long time.
I landed on the roof of a very tall building,I looked down to see the great fall
(Y/N):Okay...50/50,50 on me crashing into the ground and 50 on me crashing into the we go
I opened my arms and let myself fall
(Y/N):Okay! now manipulate your energy to at least float and not hit the ground!!
I surrounded myself with a white aura and I could see how little by little I began to stop in mid-air
(Y/N):Y-Yeah!! Wooho! now I can fly
Instead of flying forward of me,I flew backwards and crashed into the building.
(Y/N):Agh!...okay,I still have to perfect this
I gave another try and this time I managed to fly forward. It took me a little time but I was able to start flying in all directions but I was still very clumsy because this was something new to me.
(Y/N):I will need to practice a lot to be able to fly more easily but so far I have not crashed into a building
I began to fly low through the city taking a closer look at everything around me until at that moment I heard a scream not far from the place where I was
(Y/N):It was not my imagination...I heard a scream near here
I started flying around until I saw two people in an alley. I flew until I landed on top of the building to see what was happening
???:Hey get away from me,you're acting really creepy!
I could see how a girl who seems to belong to Shiketsu High School was being harassed by a thug
Thug:Do not resist too much,you know that using your quirk is illegal. it wouldn't look good for you to use right now heheh
(Y/N):Hey dude
The thug fell to the ground and tried to escape from me while crawling
Thug:What the hell are you?!
(Y/N):I don't know,a hero or a vigilant who protects people or a villain who murders without mercy
I grabbed the thug by the collar of his shirt and hit him against the wall
(Y/N):How pathetic you are,harassing a pretty girl just because nobody wants to be with a freak like you,I get it,I don't like people like you too
Thug:Please forgive me,d-don't hurt me! I'll do whatever you want!! I'll leave the country if necessary,b-but please don't hurt me!!
The thug started to cry
(Y/N):Where has that attitude that you had before gone? maybe you...*Sniff* *Sniff* oh dude,you really just pissed on yourself
Thug:Please let me go...I want my mom!
(Y/N):...This is no longer fun it's sad...I think there is a police station nearby...HAH!!
I threw the thug to where the police station was
(Y/N):Now you go where you belong...
I returned to my normal appearance and turned to see the girl from before
(Y/N):Hey,are you...
???:Woah! can you change form? is that your quirk?
The girl said very happily,as if nothing that had happened before didn't matter. Now that I could see her better,she was very beautiful and cute
(Y/N):Ehm,yeah,it's my quirk but I was going to ask you if you were okay?
???:Uh? I'm completely fine thanks to you,thanks for helping me
(Y/N):Is nothing
Camie:By the way my name is Camie Utsushimi
She said while smiling and grabbing the front of her hat
(Y/N):Hehe my name is (Y/N)
Camie:Hey,would you like to walk with me? I like you and I would love to talk to you
(Y/N):She's pretty straightforward/s-ssure,why not,I would like to walk with a girl as beautiful as you
Camie:And me with a boy as handsome and cute as you
Me and Camie started walking towards the station together,I could tell that she is quite talkative but in a good way. She brings up quite interesting and not so boring topics
(Y/N):It must be boring to be in a strict school like Shiketsu High School,like come on,you're even forced to wear that hat
Camie:It's not that bad,it's very pretty. Although it must be fun to be in the U.A.
(Y/N):Not so much being honest,it's fun but there are times when teachers are very,very rude and they try to make you try harder than you can but despite that it is a very fun place...and by the way, what is your quirk?
Camie:Oh! my quirk is Glamour,it allows me to create both visual and auditory illusions for a short period of time
(Y/N):I can see why you couldn't use your quirk to defend yourself. I heard that illusion-based quirks have hard restrictions.
Camie:Yeah,very boring
(Y/N):Hehe...I think this is your stop
Camie could see that we had already arrived at the bus stop.
Camie:Awww! but I wanted to keep talking to you
(Y/N):This doesn't have to be the last time we can talk,we can exchange numbers
Camie:You're right!
Me and Camie exchanged numbers,before she got on the bus she gave me a kiss on the cheek
Camie:Be sure to call me!
(Y/N):I-I will
I said before the bus started to drive away. I turned around and started walking back home seeing that it was getting too late.
[Third Person-POV]
Unbeknownst to (Y/N),someone had been following him,this person was wearing a black sweatshirt to camouflage himself in the darkness of the alleyways.
Homura:How is it possible that he defeated that Nomu? that Nomu was able to withstand All Might at her 100%.
Homura kept looking at (Y/N) watching him walk,smiling.
Homura:...Why did he call me cute? one has ever said...anything like that before to me...he just wanted to make fun of me...yeah...only one person has been good to me and I doubt he's going to be the second.
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