Chapter 38 - The Perfect Recruit & Waking Up From A Coma

[Third Person-POV]

Minori:They're baaack!!! everyone! they're back!!

Minori screamed as she saw Izumi/Eiji /Tsu and Ochako return to the dorms.

Mina:Are you guys all right!?

Momo:We saw it all on the news!!

Shoji:Everyone was worried about you guys

Denka:You've all been through a lot!

Sato:In any case,have some chocolate cake!

Tenri:You trouble makers

Shoji:We're glad your all okay

Kyoka:Okay...? Are they okay? Mm...

Toru:OCHAKO!! TSU!!!

Toru yelled while hugging the two of them. Each of them received a warm welcome from their classmates. At that moment Shiyori approached them and started looking at all of them.

Momo:There you are,Todoroki. You still haven't welcomed ..

Shiyori:Where is (Y/N)?

Shiyori said directly bluntly. Everyone fell silent as they realized the fact that (Y/N) never walked through the door.

Mina:That's true. Where is (Y/N)? did he not come with you?

Izumi/Eiji/Ochako and Tsu lowered their heads,everyone fell silent until Katsumi made her way between them and grabbed Izumi from the collar of her uniform.

Katsumi:Where the hell is he?

Katsumi said seriously,she wasn't angry or furious,she just wanted a clear answer.

Izumi:H-He...he's in a coma...

Everyone was surprised by this statement except for Katsumi and Shiyori. 

Katsumi released Izumi and walked towards her bedroom.

Denka:Hey Bakugo! where are you going? its still early

Katsumi:I don't have much time on my hands...and besides...this has already been the second worst day of my life.

Katsumi said before going to her bedroom

Shiyori:...Sorry...but I also need to go to sleep as well


Shiyori:It's just that tomorrow I'll be busy,that's all...I know (Y/N) is going to get out of this...I know he will.

Shiyori said before going to her bedroom as well.

Katsumi lay down on her bed and she began to hug a pillow,tears began to wet the pillow,she pressed her forehead against the pillow trying to find some comfort,even knowing that it was not going to help.

Katsumi:...If I'd had that stupid license...maybe this never would have happened...Why can I never be there for him?!

Katsumi just let her tears roll down her cheeks. On the other handShiyori was sitting looking through various pictures that she had on her phone. Those pictures were of her along with (Y/N),both very happy. She only managed to shed a tear

Shiyori:...He's going to be fine...he must be...

[The Next Day - With Shroom]

Shroom:You're fucking kidding,right?

Dr Gero:No,I'm not,they've captured Kurogiri. More specifically,Gran Torino and that detective,Naomasa.

Shroom:Fuck!...and what happened to the others? you know,the bunch of buffoons we have

Dr Gero:Well,It seems that they also decided to pay Chisaki a visit,apparently they attacked the bus that was transporting him.

Shroom:You failed to do something too?

Dr Gero:I sent Gigantomachia to kill them both...unfortunately Gran Torino managed to escape with Kurogiri and Naomasa.

Shroom:Didn't they die against Gigantomachia? that is amazing...ugh! great,we lost a great member of the league and we are left with the worst.

Dr Gero:Don't worry,I've been doing some research and I found someone who will be very helpful in the league.

Shroom:And how did you meet this person?

Dr Gero:Actually...I created this person.


Dr Gero turned around and started typing some coordinates into his computer.

Dr Gero:A long time ago I created a Bio-Android which can absorb any quirk that he finds in his path but that is not the most impressive,the quirks that he believes are not really necessary he can convert into energy which he can use to perfect his body and become stronger and stronger.

Shroom:I'm not going to deny that that sounds impressive.

Dr Gero:It's indeed impressive and I also think I already know where he can hide.

Shroom:Where? I'll go give him an invitation letter for our hookup

Dr Gero:His last exact whereabouts was in Nevada,USA.

Shroom:USA? That is a bit far,it will take me a little time to get there.

Dr Gero:Why don't you teleport? I can see that your quirk has been increasing in power thanks to the fruits of the Three of Might.

Shroom:I only have a medium range which I can detect the soul of a person,even so I cannot be 100% sure that this is the person I am looking for to teleport to their side. I need to spend a good time with a person to distinguish her soul from others. I will fly to the the way,what is his name?

Dr Gero:Cell...his name is you have a picture of him in his first phase...

Dr Gero gave Shroom a picture of Cell.

Dr Gero:But I cannot assure you that he is still in that phase today. He is someone who wishes to achieve that perfect shape that I promise he will one day achieve.

Shroom:Okay...he looks very ugly,I hope his last phase doesn't look worse .I'll go for him right now...USA...this will be a journey...

Dr Gero:The other time we went to Antarctica, don't complain.

Shroom:Whatever by the way,where is Turles? I haven't seen him all day.

Dr Gero:He was here an hour ago but then he said he was going to train a little,I mentioned that he could train with Gigantomachia. From what he told me,his quirk is extremely destructive but it only relies heavily on one essential factor to activate it.

Shroom:Extremely destructive?...hmmm well,whatever,I'm going to the USA.

Shroom created a portal in front of him and went through it to exit the lab. Dr Gero looked back at his computer,he began to type some keys to show Turles training against Gigantomachia on the screen.

Dr Gero:I wonder what kind of quirk he has...he needs to know if what he said is true or not.

[With Turles]

Turles was dodging and launching energy attacks against his rival,Gigantomachia.

Turles:*Pant* *Pant* The old man was not lying when he said that you are not someone we should not underestimate.

Gigantomachia:You are strong but not strong enough to give me a fight.

Turles:I can see there is a full moon...hey! can you train with me until the moon rises?


Turles:The full power of my quirk comes out when there is a full moon. Maybe at that moment...we can have a real battle.

Gigantomachia:As you want

Turles:Good...Now I'm going to teach all those assholes...that destroying someone's dreams comes with horrible consequences.

[Afternoon - With Shiyori]

Shiyori:Shove it!

Shiyori screamed as she hit Endeavor's hand. Right now she had finished her special Hero License course due to the fact that she failed the exam earlier. She had met her father outside the building in which she and Katsumi had attended to make their special course.

Endeavor:Shiyori...I'm proud of you

Shiyori didn't say anything,she just stared at Endeavor very angry.

Endeavor:On that note...I'm hoping to become a hero you can be proud of. As your father and the number one hero...I want to be deserving of these titles.

Shiyori:Tsk! good luck with that now...if you stopped bothering me,I must go.


Shiyori:What does it matter to you?

Shiyori started walking away from Endeavor until he spoke again.

Endeavor:I heard what happened to (Y/N)...I'm so sorry.

Shiyori stopped and turned her head to look at her father.

Shiyori:I would like you to be away from our's something I don't want you to destroy too.

Although he didn't show it,Endeavor was extremely hurt by his daughter's words.


Katsumi yelled at Shiyori causing her to stop.

Shiyori:What do you want?

Katsumi:Tsk! don't you have manners?!

Shiyori:Look who says it

Katsumi:Ugh!...anyway...are you going to visit (Y/N)?

Shiyori:Yeah,I still have time to give him a quick visit before visiting hours end.

Katsumi:I'll go too.

Shiyori:...Okay,it's good to know that you care about him.

Katsumi:What the hell do you mean by that?! I am a million times better girlfriend than you!

???:Hey! I heard that you two are going to visit (Y/N) at the hospital.

Shiyori and Katsumi looked behind them to see Camie.

Katsumi:What the hell do you want?

Camie:I was thinking of also going to visit (Y/N). I heard what happened to him and I want to see how he is.

Katsumi:WHAT?! You really!...

Shiyori:Sure,you can come with us.

Katsumi:WHAT?! who are you to decide in this situation?!

Shiyori:(Y/N)'s girlfriend,just like you and her. You know that (Y/N) loves us all the same and if she really cares about him then I won't deny her the chance to see him just out of stupid jealousy. You should also do it knowing very well that (Y/N) loves you and he has been there for you even if you wanted to keep him away.

Katsumi:...Okay,whatever,you can come with us.

Camie:Thank you!

The three of them walked in the direction of the hospital where (Y/N) was. The journey did not last long as they took the train to get there faster, just in time before the visiting hours ended. Once there,one of the nurses showed them the room where he was staying. The three of them went there to see him in bed, the only thing that could be heard in the room were the sounds of the machines that gave him oxygen.

Shiyori:It's...hard to see him like this.

Camie:He has come out of things worse than this,it is a matter of time before he wakes up.

Shiyori:I can see that you have known him for a long time.

Camie:That's right,I met him when he defended me from a creep that was harassing me.

Katsumi:That's fucking cliche

Shiyori:At least try to be a little nicer to people you just met. You don't have to criticize the way one person met another.

Katsumi:GRRRR!!! Why do you disagree in everything I say?!?!

Shiyori:Because you are never right.

Katsumi:Do you want to keep talking shit,Icy hot bitch ?!

Katsumi screamed as she created tiny explosions on the palms of her hands trying to intimidate Shiyori.

Shiyori:That's a new one


Katsumi tried to attack Shiyori until at that moment some nurses entered the room and tried to stop her.

Nurse 1:Please! you can't fight here!!

Nurse 2:You can hurt the patient!

While Katsumi tried to free herself from the nurses,Camie looked at all this quite confused but she took the moment to approach (Y/N) and kiss him on his cheek.

Camie:I hope you recover soon,I promise that I will visit you when you wake up.



[Two days later - With Dr Gero]

Dr Gero:...Okay...the machine is ready...I only have one chance for's the first time that I don't feel confident in my experiment...

Dr Gero touched a few buttons in front of the machine in front of him. He was right now in the middle of the forest preparing for the welcome of a special person.

Dr Gero:Alright,camouflage system it only remains to teleport his spaceship we go...I only have one chance to use the copy of Kurogiri's quirk.

Dr Gero sighed and pressed a button causing a purple mist to come out of the machine equal to Kurogiri's,creating a gigantic portal in front of him.

Dr Gero:Gero,you are amazing.

Dr Gero took a small book out of his pocket and started jotting down a few things in it until he saw Frieza's spaceship begin to pass through the portal.

Dr Gero:Huh? His spaceship does not generate any kind of noise?

He thought until he saw in amazement how Frieza crossed the portal, pointing his hand towards his spaceship. He opened his hand causing the spaceship to escend and land on the ground.

Frieza:At last we meet again.

Dr Gero:...So your quirk is Telekinesis?

Dr Gero asked Frieza who descended in front of him.

Frieza:Oh please,I come from a family that has managed to evolve its quirks over the years,thus creating a prodigious heritage. I come from one of the first families that practiced quirk marriage and as you can see,after years and years,the result has been incomparable. I do not know if what I have could be called quirk since right now my skills are so many that it can no longer be called "quirk". My own body has these abilities and I don't need a quirk factor to make them work.

Dr Gero:Yeah,I have knowledge of that,I already knew your family and that your bodies can obtain some abilities from a previous relative

Frieza:How do you know that?

Dr Gero:I was the doctor who helped your mother with her first and second pregnancy. I took care of your brother for a while,you too,your father wanted the best doctor in existence to watch over his children. You have grown a lot,and also you and your brother indirectly helped me to the ability that a human body can obtain quirks without the need for a quirk factor.

Frieza:That sounds interesting but I don't like the fact that you got that information from me.

Dr Gero:Don't worry,I don't reveal people's secrets...if I don't see it necessary.

Frieza:I see...okay,now getting down to business. I still have my doubts about this alliance,without All For One as a powerful ally,I don't see the need for me to help the league,after can be a nuisance to me.

Dr Gero:As I said before,I along with Shroom are temporarily leading the league of villains until the return of All For One. I make sure to direct and prepare everything from the shadows while Shroom is in charge of getting us powerful allies in addition to removing some parasites from the path that may bother us in the future. 

Frieza:Tell me,what about those filth that I could see on TV that were together with All For One and his son?

Dr Gero:Well...they are recruits that the previous future leader of the league had let in. Some of them have powerful quirks and some very useful ... the problem is that they are too difficult to control but I assure you that we are looking for allies or recruits that are cooperative with all this.

Frieza:I still have my doubts about what the League Of Villains has become.

Dr Gero:Is there any way to convince you to be our ally?

Frieza:Hmmmmm...I have to assume that you are the creator of those creatures called "Nomu"

Dr Gero:That's right

Frieza:Perfect,for our alliance to be completely sealed I want you to do something for me,of course,I will give you the necessary resources for that.

Dr Gero:What do you want?

Frieza:I want the soldiers of my army to be as powerful,obedient and reliable as your Nomus. Right now my army is pathetic,it doesn't even come close to the power that my father and brother had...and that bothers me! If I want to become the emperor of this universe,I need an army that does not generate shame!! that generates terror in those who dare to face them!

Dr Gero:I see,I see...I think I can do that to each of your soldiers,alter their bodies and minds giving them super strength in addition to total obedience to your orders. If you give me the necessary resources I can do all that in your spaceship,right now my laboratory would not have much

Frieza:If you're going to meet my conditions...then we're allies now.

Dr Gero and Frieza shook hands closing the deal.

Dr Gero:It is a pleasure to create an alliance with you,I will start with the creation of your new army of super soldiers in no time. For now that machine that is there will keep your spaceship hidden so that suspicions are not raised.

Frieza:You are a person who thinks of everything. I like that

[Hospital- With Ryuko]

Ryuko:Thank so much

Ryuko told one of the nurses who had helped her find out what room (Y/N) was in. She was in the hospital for that obvious reason...why else was she here?

She entered the room and to her surprise,Nejire was there sitting next to (Y/N),resting her head on his stomach. She raised her head to see Ryuko.


Nejire:Ryuko! why are you here?

Ryuko:I guess the same as you, I came to visit (Y/N). I finished all that infernal paperwork and was able to give myself a day off so I could visit him and see how he was doing.

Nejire:He's fine,he just hasn't woken up yet

Ryuko could easily tell how depressed Nejire was about (Y/N)'s condition. She walked over to Nejire and put her hand on his shoulder.

Ryuko:Apparently he means a lot to you.

Nejire:Yes,I knew about him since the festival and I started to get more and more interested in him...I don't know but (Y/N) gives an aura of security,'s like feeling the safest person by his side...

Ryuko:I see...being honest,at first I thought you were exaggerating a bit with your new boyfriend but seeing how he,even being on the verge of death,he was able to give his life to save not only a little girl,but also all of us...

Ryuko said as she remembered how (Y/N) gave one of his last breaths to teleport everyone off the battlefield.

Ryuko:You were right in everything you said about him...I would like to know him even more

Ryuko said as her cheeks turned a reddish color. She stayed by Nejire's side to keep her company and support her in this.


So it was for a whole week,all of (Y/N)'s classmates visited him every day by the time the classes ended. It goes without saying that all the women who (Y/N) had a love relationship also joined to visit him in the hospital.

But now it's time to go with someone else...

[In Nevada]

Shroom:Yeah,it's me...

Shroom said as he took his scythe and spoke to Dr Gero thanks to the orb in it.

Dr Gero:Shroom,it's been a week since you went to the USA,did you manage to find Cell?

Shroom:Almost,it is taking me a bit of time but I assure you that I am following close to finding it. I'll call you when I can find him.

Dr Gero:Alright

Shroom ended his transmission with Dr Gero.

Shroom:Okay...time to work

Shroom said as he stretched out and got up from the beach chair.

Shroom:Oh man! These hotels are great and they are also free...

Shroom soared into the air at extreme speed,seeing the entire city of Las Vegas at night

Shroom:It was good while it lasted but I have work to where could he be?

He began to fly around the city trying to find a clue. 

A few minutes passed since he flew from one point of the city to another without finding any clue of Cell's whereabouts until in the distance,very far away in the desert there was a loud explosion.

Shroom:How curious,there are a lot of souls gathered in one place...but each one disappears very quickly. Bingo!

Shroom flew until he reached the place where that explosion had occurred from before. On the way he could see people's clothes lying in the middle of the desert.

Shroom:Woah! I knew America was all about freedom but I think this is taking it too far....


Shroom could hear not far from him a cry of sheer pain and agony. He moved to the place where the noise had occurred and could see more clothes lying on the ground. He descended to inspect the place.

Shroom:What the hell is happening here? huh?


At that moment a person fell next to Shroom. He only wore pants and his skin color was gray.


Shroom:Nah,man. I do not have change.

??? 2:I'm sorry but you could move to the side, if you don't want to end up like him then you should do that.

Shroom turned her head to see him.

Cell:I need to decide what to do with him.

Shroom:Oh!....I'm sorry,I'll leave you with your friend

Cell:Good choice.

Cell extended his stinger from behind his back and injected it into the chest of the person he had faced earlier.

Cell:Momentary muscle is a totally useless quirk for me. So you'll go to the dumpster.

Cell began to absorb the vital energy of the person

Shroom:Years of therapy will never erase these images.

The person had completely disappeared only leaving only his pants.

Cell:That was you...

Shroom:Oh name is Shroom,I suppose you must be Cell...although you don't look anything like your first form. You are very handsome.

Cell:Thanks for the compliment but I have already reached my final phase,my final and perfect form after having absorbed an untold amount of quirks and vital energy from many heroes who tried to confront me.

Shroom:I can see that you had no mercy on any of them but it is not the important thing here. I guess you still remember your creator,right? Dr Gero?

Cell:Yeah,I still remember that old man,what happens to him?...and who are you? his secretary?

Shroom:Heh no,but I'm liking you. I come from the League Of Villains,a group of villains formed in Japan.

Cell:I know about the League of Villains. I was not born here but what do you want from me? that's what you traveled for I guess

Shroom:Yes,it is very obvious but we want you to join us. Dr Gero said that you are an extremely powerful person and that you would come in handy for the league.

Cell:And what do I gain by joining the league? 

Shroom:What do you want?

Cell:Hmmmm...maybe my biggest goal in my life is to see how powerful I can become,my perfect form is something amazing and unfortunately I have not seen someone rival for me. I have thought several times about traveling to Japan to face this "Symbol Of Peace" that people say she is the strongest hero...but unfortunately she just turned out to be a sham.

Shroom:But that does not mean that she is the only strong person in that country.

Cell:You see,I'm perfect,my strength is perfect,and with that I shall bring equally perfect destruction through the rest of the world. I want to show everyone that I am the most powerful person on this stupid planet.

Shroom:That's the passion we need in the league. I assure you that in Japan you will find a person who can give you a great will even bleed from how strong he can be.

Cell:Really?...that sounds good to me,I haven't had a decent fight in a long time and if you say that person is as powerful as I am...then why deny this about joining the league? I guess we got a deal,Shroom


They both shook hands closing their alliance.

Shroom:Let's go,getting from here to Japan takes several hours.

Cell:I have something better than that.

Cell put his hand on Shroom's shoulder. With his other hand she put two fingers on his forehead.

Cell:I have already located Dr Gero for a long time,with my Instant Transmission we will arrive in a millisecond.

Cell said while smiling

Cell:Let's see what Japan has to offer me.

[The Next Day - With (Y/N)]

Right now in the hospital,something incredible was happening. at this moment,(Y/N) opened his eyes. But he looked totally heartbroken,hopeless,feeling like the worst in the world was happening right now.

(Y/N):T-This...this can't be h-happening...n-no...the damn pillow is hot.

He took the pillow,turned it over,and laid his head back on it.

(Y/N):Much better

One of the nurse who was watching (Y/N) dropped a tray of medical supplies on the floor as she saw what had happened in front of her eyes.


After all the commotion that had happened, things calmed down a bit more until after a few hours everyone from Class A along with Aizawa arrived at (Y/N)'s room upon hearing the news that he had woken up from his coma.


Izumi screamed as she entered the room and saw (Y/N) awake. They all gathered around him.

Mina:(Y/N)! are you okay?!

Ochaco:Does something still hurt? does something hurt?

Sato:I brought you a cake knowing that you woke up,just for you.


Momo:Do you want me to prepare you a tea? they say tea is good after waking up from a coma

Shiyori:Where did you get that information from?


Tenri stood in front of everyone

Tenri:Please,our classmate just woke up from a coma and the least we need is to overwhelm him with a lot of questions.

(Y/N):Ehm...e-excuse me...

They all looked at (Y/N) who looked quite confused.

(Y/N):...Who are you all?

At that moment everyone felt a lump in their throat hearing those words come from (Y/N).

Denka:(Y/N)...don't you recognize any of us?


Everyone felt a chill run down their spines when they knew what had happened...that feeling quickly disappeared the moment (Y/N) started laughing.

(Y/N):Hahaha! don't worry,guys,don't worry. I have no amnesia. it was just aAAAAAAHHHH!!!

(Y/N) screamed the moment Aizawa hit him on the head.

Aizawa:Never think about doing that again,did you hear me?

(Y/N):Y-Yes,It wasn't funny at all,'s good to be awake,how long was I in a coma?

Sero:You spent a full week in a coma. how do you feel,dude?

(Y/N):Good,I feel very good. I already want to leave here being honest.

Eiji:You spent a week in a coma, doesn't that worry you?

(Y/N):I've been through worse things...but something does concern me,where is Eri? what happened to her?

Aizawa:Eri is fine,she woke up long before you and is being taken care of these days.

(Y/N):Phew! It's good to know that all of this ended well for everyone.

Aizawa:Not really...

Tsu:Ms Aizawa,Don't you think it's too early to tell (Y/N) that? he just woke up *Kero*

Aizawa:He will end it knowing sooner or later

(Y/N):What are you talking about?

Aizawa:(Y/N)...unfortunately...Sir Nighteye...died...he received fatal damage to his body after facing Chisaki...and no one could save him...sorry.

(Y/N)'s jaw dropped by what he just heard. He gulped as he felt a lump appear in his throat.

(Y/N):...And I had two ways to have saved him...and instead...ended up in a stupid coma...god damn it! disappointing this is all...I am disappointed in myself.

Aizawa:(Y/N),even the best heroes can't save all people.

(Y/N):Yeah,but I am capable of many things...and I was not able to save the life of a single person.

Aizawa:But you managed to save someone else's managed to save Eri's life along with Midoriya. But don't worry...I know it's hard to know that you couldn't save someone's life...but that's the life of's hard but ... it's the reality we face. Believe it or not...this is experience,you can do much better next time...and also...Nighteye died with a smile on his face. Knowing that you managed to change his prediction.

(Y/N) listened carefully to Aizawa's words and then smiled.

(Y/N):*Sigh*...I guess you're right...but it saddens me to know that Mirio is possibly angry with...

Nurse:P-Please! don't run down the hallways.

At that moment everyone saw how Mirio opened the door of the room,he smiled when he saw (Y/N)

Mirio:(Y/N)! you are awake!! I'm so happy!

Tamaki:Mirio,you should be more careful in hospitals.

Nejire:But he can pass through anyone who crosses his path.

Tamaki and Nejire also came to the room. Nejire was the first to run up to (Y/N) and start hugging him.

Nejire:You finally woke up,did you know how sad I was because you were in a coma? 

(Y/N):Yeah,I think so,I suppose that I worry everyone but I assure you that I am...more good than ever,I honestly feel that someone can throw a city on me and only feel a headache.

Sato:That's a funny way to say it.

(Y/N):You're right but it's the way, Mirio, I'm sorry for...

Mirio:Don't say it, (Y/N), I'm still sad about Sir's death...but I'm glad to know that he died with a smile on his face and with his head held high, the best thing is not to dirty his death with tears but to ennoble it with a pleasant memory of him.

Nejire:Amazing that you managed to create that speech out of nothing.

Mirio:It was not necessary to say that

(Y/N):I guess you're right, Mirio, it's better to remember him as the great hero he was...but now it's time to get back to reality...I can't wait to train again!

Aizawa:Well, you'll have to wait even longer. The doctor who checked you told me that for a while you will have to take a break and yes, that includes training. The most you can do is a little training routine and nothing else.

(Y/N):W-What?!...b-but...I'm fine, I assure you

Aizawa:I'm sorry but I trust more in the word of a professional. For now you will only go to class and avoid doing more exercise than necessary. Your health comes first for me.

(Y/N):...Ugh...okay...they will be very boring days.

Minori:Don't worry,I can make them more fun~

Kyoka:Shut up

Kyoka put her earphones jack in Minori's ears and released a loud sound making Minori scream in pain.

Aizawa:Please can you avoid giving the doctors more work than necessary?


After the doctors finished reviewing (Y/N) and making sure he was still able to stand up and walk,he was released from the hospital.

(Y/N):Finally,I thought that it would never end.

(Y/N) said as he put his costume in his briefcase. He was dressed in his casual clothes brought by Toshiko.

Toshiko:It's good to see you on your feet again. Seeing you in bed lying down is very strange for everyone.

(Y/N):I always like to be doing something, even something small. Thanks for bringing my clothes.

Toshiko:It's nothing,are you ready?

(Y/N):Yep,we can go now

Toshiko:Okay,let's go to my car.

(Y/N) nodded and went along with Toshiko to her car.

Toshiko:...By the way...before we go...I asked Togata for something that he was saving for this week.

Toshiko said as she took out from her pocket a small bag containing a small lock of green hair.

(Y/N):What is that?

Toshiko:A lock of Nighteye's hair

(Y/N):...It is a rare way to keep the memory of someone.

Toshiko:That is not the reason why I have this...Nighteye before he died said that he wanted you to have his quirk

(Y/N):H-His quirk?...w-why?

Toshiko:I don't know...but he said that this would be of great help to you in the future...and that this was his last wish.

(Y/N) looked at the small bag containing Nighteye's DNA for a few seconds,he took the bag.


Toshiko:You don't have to do it now if you don't feel confident about this.

(Y/N):N-No's's an honor to know that Nighteye entrusted his quirk to me...I'll make sure to use it well.

(Y/N) pulled the hair out of the bag and held it in the palm of his hand. It began to be absorbed into (Y/N)'s body until Nighteye's lock of hair disappeared. got it?

(Y/N):I guess...let me try it with you.

Toshiko nodded,(Y/N) put his hand on her shoulder and started using Foresight.

(Y/N) could not only see All Might's future but also her past. He take off his hand from her shoulder.

Toshiko:What's going on?

(Y/N):Apparently Nighteye's quirk is also different from his. Instead of just seeing a person's future I can also see their past.

Toshiko:Thier past? that is impressive. What could you see?

(Y/N):That you had a nice and cute master.

Toshiko:Nana Shimura,yeah,she was like a mother to me.

(Y/N):I'm sorry for what my father did to her.

Toshiko:It's okay,now he has already been punished for everything he did in the past...but what about my future?

(Y/N):It's blurry...I couldn't see well were in front of a person...who was wearing a rabbit costume?...or something like that. I don't know,everything was dark and blurry.

Toshiko:That's a very different prediction than the one Nighteye gave me...but that doesn't matter anymore,let's go back to school,don't tell Aizawa that we did this or she will kill me if she knows that you used your quirk even knowing that you must rest.

(Y/N):She looks very concerned about my health.

Toshiko:Maybe it's because she doesn't like to lose people very close to her...even though she looks cold and harsh,she really cares about the people around her. She already lost someone who meant a lot to her before.

(Y/N) didn't say anything,he just listened to everything Toshiko said about Aizawa.

Toshiko started her car and she started driving back to school.

(Y/N):So...something else happened while I was in a coma?

Toshiko:Yeah,It is something that I do not know if I should mention it to you but I think it is also necessary that you know it since it also has to do with the league. During your fight against Chisaki,elsewhere,Gran Torino along with Naomasa managed to capture Kurogiri.

(Y/N):K-Kurogiri?!...I was impressed by hearing that,Kurogiri was someone to be careful with.

Toshiko:That's not all,Gran Torino and Naomasa also told me that someone else was in the place,someone who almost killed them if it were not for Gran Torino managed to escape from the place carrying Naomasa and Kurogiri in his arms. Do you know Gigantomachia?

(Y/N) widened his eyes in surprise upon hearing that name.

Toshiko:I think the answer is yes,seeing your reaction.

(Y/N):Y-Yeah,I remember him. My father introduced me to Gigantomachia once,he told him that if something happened to him then Gigantomachia would take care to protect me from anything that endangered my life and to follow all my orders.

Toshiko:...You think you can convince be on our side

(Y/N):I doubt it. Gigantomachia is totally obedient to my father. I doubt he wants to turn his back on him

Toshiko:There is no doubt that your father was powerful in the shadows...and that is still a problem. We managed to capture Kurogiri,we are aware of Gigantomachia...but Dr Gero is still the biggest threat. We do not know anything about him and knowing how intelligent he is,we do not know that he can surprise us.

(Y/N):You are very right in all that...

(Y/N) put his arms behind his head and started looking out the window.

Toshiko:Are you worried about this?

(Y/N):A little,yeah...but it reassures me a little knowing that there is still room to become stronger. If one day I have to face the entire League Of Villains...then I will go prepared with everything.

Toshiko smiled upon hearing that

Toshiko:All For One must be wallowing in his cell right now.

After a drive back to the U.A. (Y/N) went to the dorms to get some rest from everything. Once he opened the door,he could see all of his classmates gathered in the hangout area to give him a warm welcome.

Sato had prepared another cake for him,Momo had prepared a special tea for him,special just because it was quite expensive.

(Y/N):Thank you so much for all this, even makes me feel bad to receive all this love.

Sero:Come,dude. We are already like a family

Mina:Yeah! It doesn't bother me to pamper you if in return I receive so much love from you.

Tokoyami:Besides that your absence is quite noticeable.

Denka:Yeah,Katsumi was very quiet,something very strange about her.



(Y/N):Well makes me happy to know...that there are people who really care about me...*Sob*

Toru:(Y/N),are you crying?

(Y/N):N-No...*Sob*'s just a quirk of mine...okay,fine...I'm crying but they are a tear of happiness*Sob*...I never thought that I would meet people as special as all of you. All of you care about me and give me your love...that makes me feel bad not to give something in return to all of you.

Ochaco:What are you talking about,(Y/N)? you have already given us in exchange

(Y/N):Uh? what thing?

Kyoka:Your friendship and love,dummy.


Shoji:Yeah,having you as a friend and someone that you can trust in all the best that you can give us.

Momo:Having you as a boyfriend...has really been a very special experience for all of us.

Tokoyami:And it goes without saying as a friend,whenever we ask for your help,you are always there to help. Like the several times you helped me train with Dark Shadow.

Aoyama:Besides that you have helped me in a fabulous way improving the handling of my quirk!

Mina:Don't you still have stomach aches?

Aoyama:...Y-Yeah but they are not so frequent anymore

Shiyori:I think it's easy for everyone to say that your friendship is something that we are all happy to have and something great that you have given us in return.

(Y/N):*Sob* *Sob* Guys ... come here all of you!!


(Y/N) extended his arms and pulled everyone into a group hug.

Izumi:(Y-Y/N),I-I can't breathe!

Tsu:This is being somewhat uncomfortable

Minori:Speak for you,I can feel his abs through his shirt.

Momo:D-Do you always have to ruin these m-moments?


It was dark by now and everyone was in their rooms sleeping,everyone except for (Y/N). He was still awake even though it was past midnight.

(Y/N):These days are going to be very boring...I want to train...I want to see Piccolo again and tell him what happened...

Piccolo:I already know everything that happened


(Y/N) quickly got up from his bed and looked out his window to see that there was no one on the balcony.

(Y/N):B-But...fuck,of course...telepathy

Piccolo:Have you already forgotten about that?

(Y/N):Yeah heheh,it's good to see you again Piccolo...well,listen to you. Did you know I left the hospital?

Piccolo:I was always in the hospital,only I decided not to go inside so as not to attract attention. I flew around every day to make sure you were okay. You had me worried,next time don't overexert yourself like that and don't act so reckless when you're in the middle of a city.

(Y/N):I'll keep that in the way,I used the technique you gave me...I know it was too early due to how powerful it was but...

Piccolo:You put it to good use. With it you managed to finish off Chisaki and you managed to save Eri. Now that you can precense and feel the power that the Dragon Fist has,I want you to always remember using it wisely,it is an extremely destructive ability for both the user and the opponent. I could see that you didn't manage to use 100% of it but you used enough power to just defeat Chisaki. You have progressed much better than before, I am very proud.

(Y/N):Thanks!...but unfortunately I won't be able to train with you for a few days,the doctor who checked me said that I would have to take a break for a few days.

Piccolo:So do it,try to rest during these days. You can't base your whole life on just training. Rest,enjoy life,the people around you these days. You have earned them.

(Y/N):Hehe okay...thanks Piccolo...

Piccolo:It's nothing kid. now go to sleep,tomorrow you have classes.

(Y/N):Yeah,okay bye

Piccolo:Bye...take care

(Y/N) stopped hearing Piccolo's voice in his head and went to sleep.

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