Chapter 37 - Breaking Your Limits...In The Worst Way
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N):Can you really do that?
Piccolo:That's right,I can transfer some of my techniques to other people. I have a quirk that can do that.
(Y/N):That is awesome! if you have so many quirks you really must be very powerful.
Piccolo:Not really,most of my quirks are more supportive than offensive. What you see are years and years of training making each quirk I have extremely powerful and have a better use than the previous one I had. That does not mean that I am weak
(Y/N):I never said that,but that doesn't take away from how amazing you are...and what is that technique you will give me?
Piccolo approached (Y/N) and placed his hand on his head, a white aura surrounded him for a few seconds. you can use this technique
He said removing his hand from (Y/N)'s head.
(Y/N):So this is the technique you mentioned...let's see how it is...
(Y/N) was ready to use the technique but Piccolo grabbed his forearm with considerable force.
Piccolo:Now stop there. I gave you this technique because I saw your progress and I trusted you, don't make me take it away from you, do you understand?
Piccolo:Now let me tell you something very important about this is extremely powerful,very powerful.
(Y/N):How much?
Piccolo:Hmmm...You know that One For All is the stored power of 8 previous users, right?
Piccolo:Well,this technique is the combined power...of over a thousand people.
[Back To The Present]
(Y/N) yelled as he grabbed one of Chisaki's massive arms and threw him against the ground. He flew towards Chisaki until he punched him but he,using one of his four arms that protruded from his body,managed to catch (Y/N)'s fist which made him back off a bit.
(Y/N):There are too many people around! I need...I need to get all of them out of here...AAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!
(Y/N) released a scream of pure agony feeling his entire body twist,he used Warp to teleport all the people around him and Chisaki out of the area.
(Y/N) began to vomit blood from his mouth but this did not prevent him from dodging one of Chisaki's attacks,even though he dodged the first attack,in the second he was caught by Chisaki's gigantic hand.
Chisaki:You destroyed everything I strove to build! in trying to return all of humanity to normal!!!
(Y/N):Do you really think I'll believe that bullshit?! all you want is to make the Yakuza return to their former glory...let me tell you that the Yakuza were already in decline even before the quirks appeared. No matter what you do,your organization is doomed!
Chisaki:SHUT UP!!!
(Y/N) cried out in pain when Chisaki began to squeeze him,trying to break every bone in his body.
Black tendrils came out from (Y/N)'s back,stabbing Chisaki's hand and then releasing a large amount of energy
Chisaki threw (Y/N) into the air but from his wrist shot out an adhesive tape which wrapped around one of Chisaki's giant hands. (Y/N) swung until he reached Chisaki and gave him a barrage of blows, each one more powerful than the last.
(Y/N):S-So many languages and apparently the only way you understand is by beat the shit out of you!!!
Chisaki grabbed (Y/N) again and threw him again, but this time towards the city, losing him in the distance.
Chisaki:Where is Eri?!...where is everyone?!
Chisaki couldn't help but get hit by a traffic signal in the face from (Y/N)
Chisaki:How the hell are you still alive?!
(Y/N):Because you are horrible trying to do a good job!!!
Chisaki hit (Y/N) with one of his arms throwing him against one of the houses in the area. Luckily for him,Izumi appeared to get him out of the way saving him.
(Y/N) could see how Izumi was carrying Eri on her back which was held by Mirio's cape.
Izumi:(Y/N),how do you feel? you are full of blood!
(Y/N):Yeah,it's mine...I feel like all my organs are swimming in blood inside me...but I can't stop now,I need to stop this bastard. G-Get out of here,I...
Izumi:I'm not going to leave here,I'm not going to leave you alone in this. Although this may be certain death...I will not leave your side...
Izumi said as she took (Y/N)'s hand.
Izumi:No matter what we face,I will be there with you...we will fight together with whatever comes our way
Eri:Watch out!!
Out of pure instinct, Izumi grabbed (Y/N) in her arms and managed to dodge Chisaki's attack.
(Y/N):I-Izumi!...I won't hold out any longer...we need to end this with a powerful ultimate attack!
Izumi:I'm more prepared than ever...Just a little more,Eri...just hang on a little longer.
Izumi and (Y/N) waited for Chisaki's next attack. They both managed to dodge the attack so that they both started running up his arm. Izumi and (Y/N) used the One For All 100% managing to get closer to Chisaki to give him a double kick in the face of him so that he was thrown into the air.
(Y/N) and Izumi fell to the ground on their feet and then took a great leap in the air getting closer and closer to Chisaki.
This was the perfect moment for both of them,Chisaki couldn't be able to dodge in midair. The only thing that was needed was a powerful ultimate from both of them to finish off Chisaki.
Izumi:DETROIT SMASH!!!...100%!!!!!
Izumi screamed as her hair stood on end and a green aura began to surround her, her veins becoming fully visible in a red color all over her body.
(Y/N):...You entrusted this ability to me,Piccolo...and I'll use save...someone's make Eri smile defeat...bastards like this.
(Y/N) could feel a great amount of energy beginning to be generated within his body. Piccolo was right...this was the power of thousands of people gathered in a single powerful attack.
Chisaki yelled totally terrified by what was approaching him. Once both attacks were coordinated and hit Chisaki,the dragon flew into the sky and then fell in the same place generating a great explosion and shockwave.
(Y/N):That little moment...I could feel my body go to another extreme that no human could go...but I did...I exceeded my limits for that short period of time. At that moment I could feel...what was the power of thousands of people inside was a destructive...that it would even kill the person who had used it even I wonder am I still alive after that?
(Y/N) thought as he held Izumi and Eri in his arms, they were slowly falling until they touched the ground. They both collapsed and fell to the ground breathing heavily.
Izumi began to feel great pain throughout her body,Eri was the cause of this because her quirk was getting out of control.
At that moment Chisaki came out of the rubble with a last breath to try to catch Eri with one of his giant hands but at the moment he touched her,Chisaki was separated from Nemoto and Rikiya going back to the moment before the three of them merged.
(Y/N):Eri's quirk!!'s getting out of control!...I need to stop it!!...Erasured...I can't use my quirks!...I'm too weak!!!
(Y/N) began to despair when he saw how Eri's quirk began to get even more out of control until someone appeared next to her. Something went through her causing Eri to stop using her quirk but at the same time she fell unconscious in Izumi's arms.
(Y/N):What...what the hell did you do to her?!?!
Shroom:Relax,I just deactivate her quirk. She has used her quirk after a long time will take her a while to recover.
Shroom said as he put his hand on Eri's head,Izumi only drew her closer to her preventing Shroom from doing anything to her.
Izumi:Don't you dare hurt her
Shroom walked away from the two of them and approached (Y/N)
Shroom:Hey,are you okay?
Shroom:Good for you
Shroom pulled a pistol out of his pocket and loaded it with a bullet.
Shroom:Then you won't stop me from doing this...
(Y/N) gritted his teeth waiting for Shroom to shoot him or something but instead he turned around and walked towards Chisaki.
Shroom:Overhaul or also known as Chisaki. This must have been a hard day for you, you lost all your subordinates...what a shame.
Shroom said while looking at Nemoto and Rikiya. He raised his hand and pointed it at the two of them,he fired a blast of energy killing Nemoto and Rikiya, the souls of the two of them were transferred to Shroom.
Shroom:Now, only one left
Chisaki:I can't believe death is gonna be like this...
Shroom:Who said that I was going to kill you? death would be a very good thing for you, I will grant you something better than that.
Shroom walked towards Chisaki who was leaning on his knees, Shroom just smiled and gave him a strong kick in his face that threw him to the ground and broke his mask.
Chisaki tried to get up but Shroom put his foot on his chest and pointed the gun towards his forehead.
Shroom:Tell me,Chisaki,do you remember these bullets?
Shroom put his scythe aside and pulled out a small box from his pocket. He opened it to show Chisaki the quirk-destroying bullets,only there was something else in it...there were only three left.
Shroom:Your objective was to return humanity to the moment before the quirks appeared,it would be something very hypocritical of you if that plan...does not start with you.
Shroom smiled before shooting Chisaki in the shoulder. He didn't cry out in pain,he just fell silent knowing what he had lost in that moment.
Shroom:Come on,rejoice! I cure your disease! hahah!
Shroom said in a sadistic way,he put his foot on Chisaki's shoulder,he began to press on it with such force that it made Chisaki cry out in pain.
Shroom:I'll be honest,hearing your screams of pain are very addictive hehe
Shroom was about to break Chisaki's shoulder until he received an energy ball on his back, the energy ball failed to do him any harm.
(Y/N):S-Stop it... you've already made him suffer enough
Shroom:Seriously? Are you really going to stop me from making him suffer more? Don't you remember what this bastard piece of shit did to Eri?...are you really so soft with people like him? It's ironic...I don't remember you being that soft with your oldman
(Y/N) gritted his teeth as he listened to Shroom but he was so tired he couldn't even move.
Shroom:I'm going to give you some advice,my dear (Y/N). Today I am in a good mood for this. Here is the clear proof of "what is a true villian"
Shroom said as he grabbed Chisaki by his hair and lifted him off the ground.
Shroom:This asshole took advantage of a little girl to fulfill his goal,HIS GOAL! Not caring about anyone else,several of his subordinates died and you can see that this fucking idiot doesn't care about them at all. A true villain is one who loses his humanity and his only importance is himself and does not want redemption. This bitch is not going to be redeem with pretty or inspiring words. His actions are such that I myself would give him the death penalty right now...
Shroom said as he made Chisaki kneel in front of him and pointed the barrel of the pistol against the back of his head.
Shroom:What?! Can't I decide on the fate of this scumbag while he can decide the fate of Eri? You know more than anyone how that feeling is.
(Y/N) was left wondering what to say but he couldn't argue with Shroom, he was right on several points.
Shroom:...I hope you've seen the difference between a villain who wants redemption...and one who...will be a scum for the rest of his life...but I'm not going to get my hands dirty with this guy. He has already lost everything he had and death would be a very good thing for him.
Shroom kicked Chisaki on his back throwing him to the ground, he put the box containing the bullets and the pistol back in his pockets to go back to pick up his scythe.
Shroom:Well...I would dare to say that this was very some way. (Y/N),keep that in mind if what you want is to save people in general...oh! and by the way I'll be back and we'll have a match again. You have shown me how much you are worth right now...maybe I can even teach you something else as a reward if you manage to defeat me. Well,bye-bye! we will see you in the next arc!! *Wink*
Shroom said before flying out of the place seeing how the other pros heroes and the police arrived at the place to help everyone.
[A Few Minutes Later]
Paramedic 1:Quick!! we have to take him to the hospital right now!!
One of the paramedics yelled as they carried (Y/N) on one of the stretchers to the ambulance, he does not stop spitting blood from his mouth and bleeding from all the wounds on his body
Paramedic 2:We don't have much time, hurry! these two need all the attention!
The paramedic said as he put Nighteye into another ambulance, everyone looked very worried about what had happened to the heroes.
[Several Hours Later]
After several hours in the hospital, Izumi was the first to be discharged because her body had suffered practically no damage.
Doctor:We did all possible scans and we have not found any problems with you. You are completely healthy which impresses me by everything I hear
Izumi:It's good to know that but I'm a little more worried about others.
Aizawa:I've just seen them.
Aizawa said as she opened the door to the room surprised Izumi to see that she was fine. she told Izumi to go with her.
Aizawa:Kirishima has immense bruising and lacerations all over her body,but it's not life-threatening, Amajiki has a large fissure-like wound on his face,but apparently it'll heal up without a trace,given time. Fatgum suffered numerous bone fractures, but he seemed to be doing fine. LockRock was very fortunate. Apparently Shroom only cut his arm but not deep enough, he was very merciful to him.
Izumi:That's great!
Aizawa:Eri, on the other hand, still hasn't woken up and her fever won't go down. We have her quarantined for now. This was a decision made based on the information you obtained about her. She can't control her quirk that turns back a person's time. Should anything happen to trigger her quirk again,we have no way of stopping it aside from me or Shroom. You experienced her power ceaselessly destroying your own body,right? Not many people would be able to do that...and even if there were,she might just increase her power output
Izumi:That's was getting more intense...If it hadn't been for Shroom then I wouldn't be here.
Aizawa:Apparently Shroom was going his own way,he attacked us and Chisaki at the same time. Also we don't have the whereabouts of him or the bullets he stole from Chisaki. That guy just gives us more headaches but anyway,as I told you before,because we don't know how strong it is and to keep our minds at ease,I think this is the most rational option at the moment. We're doing this for her sake,too...
Aizawa said as Izumi was surprised as when the doors opened,she saw All Might standing in front of them
Izumi:All Might! Recovery Girl! why're you here?
Bubble:I asked him to come because...Sir was always thinking about All Might...
Bubble Girl started crying confusing Izumi.
Doctor:Unfortunately,there's nothing we can do...honestly,it's a miracle he's breathing right now.
Recovery Girl:My healing won't help anything at this point.
Everyone moved so Izumi could see Nighteye connected with a large number of tubes to his stomach.
Izumi:S-Sir Nighteye
Doctor:Sadly...he won't make see tomorrow
Izumi:...(Y/N)!!! he can save him! He has a better healing than Recovery girl has or even he can copy Eri's quirk! Nighteye can still be saved!
Aizawa:...Izumi...he is in a coma
Izumi:...W-What?....N-No...that's impossible! a while ago he was fine!
Recovery Girl:Unfortunately he couldn't take it anymore. He fell into a coma due to the superhuman effort he made to end the battle. The only good thing about this is that...maybe...the coma doesn't last long.
Doctor:We cannot be sure how long he will be in a coma but we suppose it may not be long since his regeneration is helping him...but that does not mean that at some point he will wake up. We can not do anything since his body is something that is far from everything we know,we called the only doctor in Japan who may be able to help (Y/N).
Aizawa:But for now...we can only wait...and...accept this ...
Izumi started crying at the news until she felt All Might's hands on her shoulders.
All Might:This is no time to cry,Young Midoriya. It is better to say goodbye properly.
Izumi wiped her tears away and she nodded to approach Nighteye with All Might at her side.
All Might:Nighteye... didn't feel like...coming to see me until...I was dying?
All Might:I don't no what to wronged you...
Nighteye:No need to be so...uptight...I never held anything against you...I just always...wished for your happiness...that's all so...if you decided to fight against fate...that's fine in my book
All Might:You need to fight too! give me a chance to atone for what I've done!
Nighteye:Atone? I also owe a lot of people for troubling them...up until now...I've been searching for every possible change your future...I wanted to change the future...where you are killed...searched...all this time...but nothing worked...I couldn't...change a single thing...but (Y/N) and Midoriya show me something today. I just couldn't...clear away these doubts. "I can't change anything." "It's impossible to change." Those thoughts were always stuck in the back of my mind...Looking back...I was all about energy...a future that you strongly wish strongly,that there is no room for doubt...a strong and clear vision...It wasn't just (Y/N) and Midoriya...everyone came together...and believed so strongly in that future. What happend today...was perhaps the result of all that energy centered on (Y/N)...firing it all out at once. The future is never changed my views on that...I am...very satisfied with that...however...I regret one thing...
Nurse:You mustn't be up and about!
Mirio:Sir Nighteye!!
Mirio entered the room while behind him a nurse tried to stop him.
Mirio cried out in despair as he stood next to Nighteye,tears streaming down his cheeks as he saw his mentor struggling so that his life was not yet over.
Nighteye:I've made you much hardship...if only I had been there for you...
Izumi said with tears streaming down her cheeks seeing how Mirio breakdown when he saw how Nighteye was in his last moments of life.
With great effort,Nighteye raised his hand to put it on Mirio's cheek,he used his quirk one last time to see Mirio's future.'ll be'll make a fine hero...this is...the only future...that we shouldn't smiling
Nighteye said as Mirio suddenly grabbed both Izumi and All Might's shirts tightly as the three of them cried.
Nighteye:Society needs smiles,laughs,and energy to bring about a bright future...please promise me that (Y/N) matter what happens to that boy...h-he...must keep smiling...don't make my quirk...disappear...give...give my quirk to (Y/N)...he'll need it...
That was the last thing Nighteye said before leaving with a smile on his face. The only thing that could be heard in the room was the flat lined heart monitor.
Mirio collapsed next to Nighteye's bed as he cried. All Might only put her hand on his back,at this moment the only thing that counted were the actions,not the words.
[Several hours later]
After Nighteye's death,Aizawa and Izumi met inside (Y/N) 's room to see how he was connected via mechanical ventilation.
Izumi:I never imagined seeing (Y/N) like this...before he had fainted but it was not something serious and I always knew that he would come back with that smile of his that would make anyone happy...but this is different. No one is sure that he can wake up again...or if he will be that same person from before.
Izumi just stared at (Y/N) and then felt someone put their hand on her shoulder.
Aizawa:Relax,(Y/N) has come out of worse battles. I know he's going to get out of this.
Izumi:...I guess but...(Y/N) was supposed to be protecting Eri by taking her away from Chisaki...but I just led her towards him. He tried so hard but I still think that I got in the middle of it all.
Aizawa:I do not think things have been like are blaming yourself too much and you are not seeing the other side of things. You helped (Y/N) defeat Chisaki,if you had not been there then (Y/N) may not have had all the strength necessary to defeat him. In my opinion,you did something good...but very reckless...although that is already becoming a feature of yours. You helped (Y/N) a lot,Midoriya,I think you gave him a lesson
Izumi:A lesson?
Aizawa:Yes,no matter what you're up against,it's always good to have someone by your side...
Izumi thought about Aizawa's words for a bit until they both heard the door to the room open. They both turned to see the doctor who was going to help (Y/N).
Dr Gero:Good afternoon,my name is Doctor Maki,I am the doctor who comes to check on young (Y/N)
Aizawa:He's right here,they say that you are the only one who can help him.
Dr Gero:That's right,I have many years of experience,centuries you could say.
Dr Gero:My quirk makes my aging slower than that of a normal human.
Izumi:That is amazing!
Aizawa:We have to go,Midoriya. Let Dr Maki do his job with (Y/N)
Dr Gero:I promise you (Y/N) are in the hands of a professional.
Izumi and Aizawa left the room leaving (Y/N) alone with Dr Gero,he smiled as he approached him.
Dr Gero picked up his briefcase and opened it to take out a syringe. He tapped the needle a bit releasing the air accumulated inside.
Dr Gero:You really did a real show,(Y/N). You impress me,I mean it. I did not think that you were going to reach the point where you would be able to almost break the limits of your body...but as you could have anticipated,the payment for doing this action is more than painful. At least be grateful that I brought a serum to help you improve your skills...
Dr Gero tought as he inserted the needle into (Y/N)'s arm injecting him with the serum.
Dr Gero:That should help your regeneration to be faster...and this will help me with future plans. You are being the perfect test subject for what I am preparing. You have indirectly helped me despite what you think. You are still a naive child despite your great intelligence that I provide you...even...that girl,Eri will also help me a little but for now I need to have all those quirks that you've managed to copy so far.
He took a lock of (Y/N)'s hair and put it in a small plastic bag.
Dr Gero:That'll do,we'll see you...very soon,(Y/N)'d better get ready for what's coming.
Dr. Gero put everything back in his briefcase and left the room.
Dr Gero:Done
Izumi:Done? that was fast
Aizawa:And what about my student?
Dr Gero:Should I just talk to you two or do the other ladies need to be here too?
Dr Gero said seeing how the rest of the girls were spying from the corner.
Aizawa:I guess it's not bad that they know it too,they are his girlfriends after all.
Dr Gero:Girlfriends? heh lucky kid but getting to the point. (Y/N)'s body will finish regenerating in less time due to the fact that I inject him with a serum that makes his regeneration progress faster. This is an experimental serum because regeneration quirks are a bit rare and it has seldom been the case to use this serum but I assure you it will not cause long-term damage.
Aizawa:All right,and when will he wake up from his coma?
Dr Gero:I can theorize that in a week and a half but it may be less than that. Apparently the boy did not let his body finish evolving.
Izumi:Evolve? what do you mean?
Dr Gero:From what I've seen from his old records thanks to Recovery Girl. (Y/N)'s body has evolved over time. From the attack on the U.S.J,from the festival,his fight against the Hero Killer...a fight against Endeavor?
Aizawa:That was in a controlled environment
Dr Gero:Okay whatever. The last moment of his evolution occurred in the fight against All For One and this recent battle against Chisaki. His body seems to be constantly evolving,this explains how he has been able to face foe almost unimaginable for a boy his age. Besides that,come out alive telling that literally half of his organs were floating in blood. Seeing all this I have been able to realize that despite the fact that his body is constantly evolving,when his body tries the most it is when it acquires a new power recently.
Izumi:Wait! I remember that (Y/N) had copied Chisaki's quirk
Mirio:I also remember that,It was right after he managed to regenerate.
Dr Gero:That explains everything. (Y/N) did not let his body get used to the new quirk he had obtained,this caused his body to give an extra effort to maintain evolution while he fought. Taking into account that from what you mentioned that he was able to regenerate from an atom,that could have taken a lot of energy from him.
Ochako:Woah! I thought you were exaggerating as usual Deku when you said it had regenerated from an atom.
Izumi:I told you it was real...what do you mean by usual?!
Aizawa:Well, moving on, will (Y/N) need anything specific when he wakes up?
Dr Gero:I recommend that when he wakes up,(Y/N) should not do any kind of effort beyond a simple daily training,his body needs extreme rest so that it can "evolve" as it should
Tsu:You really know a lot about this *Kero*
Dr Gero:Years of experience,helping people from different quirks. I have great knowledge so this did not give me a great challenge. Now I have to go see little Eri,they also mentioned to me that she also needs my attention.
Aizawa:Yes,it's over here,follow me
Aizawa led Dr. Gero to the room where Eri was. They both arrived at her room and Aizawa opened the door for him.
Aizawa:Here she is,the doctors said she has a strong fever.
Dr Gero:From what I understand,she has a very powerful Quirk that has been dozing for a long time. The null training of this and the little accustomed that is to use it gave a great overexertion to her body.
Aizawa:You really know what you do.
Aizawa stayed with Dr. Gero while he checked on Eri.
Dr Gero:A quirk that can take a person to a previous stage of his existence...this will help me a lot to bring him back to his prime. More and more interesting and powerful quirks appear...that is why I love researching these peculiarities. You never know what else may appear in the future.
While he was checking on Eri, he noticed the bandages on her arm, he just sighed.
Dr Gero:It's no use making a comment, I'm making a child suffer too....I'm sorry for you,Eri...and I'm sorry for this.
Dr Gero touched the uncovered part of Eri's arm and managed to copy her quirk thanks to the help of one of the gems that had appeared in his hand and then it disappeared through his skin.
Dr Gero:All right,apparently her body isn't hurt apart from her scars,I'll give her an injection so her fever goes down and it becomes less alarming.
Aizawa nodded and gave Eri an injection in her arm. Aizawa put her hand on Eri's forehead feeling how slowly her fever was going down.
Aizawa:Woah, her fever is dropping rapidly.
Dr Gero:It is a strong medication so she will sleep for the rest of the day. Don't worry about a coma. I think my work here is done.
Aizawa:Thank you for coming to help one of my students and Eri.
Dr Gero:It's nothing,it's my job to help people.
Dr Gero said goodbye to Aizawa and left the room.
Dr Gero:Well...that was my old I just wanna watch this hero organization burn...they dared to take away from me what I loved the most...I will take away from them what they tried so hard to build.
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