Chapter 36 - Rescuing Eri/Taking My Body To My Limits &...
Rock Lock:She's at their HQ?! So all this research was just for nothing?!
Rock Lock complained to Nighteye,I just sighed and saved my energy not to threaten him again. Right now we were at Nighteye's agency and he called us a day after the investigation started just to tell us that he already had all the information about Shie Hazzaikai.
Rock Lock:So how'd you figure it out?
Nighteye:With the help...of a person who knows a member of the league
Fat Gum:HUHHH?!?
Rock Lock:What the hell are you talking about? You mean that the league gave you information about this organization like nothing?
Nighteye:I don't know what his intentions were but Shroom sent someone named Tapion to give us this information...
(Y/N):He's the same guy who helped us against Chisaki the first time we met him.
Ryuko:Are you sure that all this information is true? The league may have given you that information just to destroy just to confuse us
Nighteye:That may be so...but that person knew Shroom very well and from our records he has never been seen with the league until now. It's the best we have and we can't waste any more time.
Rock Lock:That's 50/50,we'll be lucky if that guy didn't lie to your face
(Y/N):I'm sure he wouldn't have lied to us,Tapion protected us the moment Chisaki appeared,I doubt he has anything to do with the league.
Fat Gum:If so then let's not waste any more time. We are finally ready to fight!
Bubble Girl:We'll stake the place out so we can be certain the jerk's at home
Mirio:Yeah! let's do this,Midoriya and (Y/N)!!!
Mirio said very excited moving his hands from one side to the other.
And with all that said,we all got ready,dressing up in our hero costumes and heading to the Chisaki HQ. Once there,we along with the police stood in front of the gate.
Most of my classmates were quite nervous because it was their first time in something like this but they were determined to help with whatever it was.
I was prepared for anything that came in my face!...that sounded totally bad but I don't care,I'm ready for this! I'm ready to save Eri! I look at my hand and squeeze it tightly.
(Y/N):I promise you that I will use this power responsibly,Piccolo. I promise you
The police chief approached the ring bell and was about to press it until I could see with the help of Infrared how someone was approaching. At that moment I extended my arm and grabbed the chief of police to get him out of the way and then use my quirk in front of the gate.
At that moment the gate was destroyed by a very tall and muscular man who wore a plague doctor mask. Due to my quirk, the villain flew against the entrance,destroying it completely. I left the chief of police on the ground safe and sound
Fat Gum:What a quick reaction,kid!
Villian:GET OUT HERE!!!!
The villain screamed as he got up from the ground,at that moment Ryuko used her quirk to transform into a dragon and try to subdue the villain while we entered the building.
Ryuko:I'll take care of this, you guys go ahead!
At that moment, other people came through the gate
Subordinate 1:The heck's going on here?!
Subordinate 2:You ain't welcome here! get it?!
I turned my fingers into black tendrils and shot them at the three subordinates that were in front of us stabbing them and then unleashing an electric current through my black tendrils causing them to fall unconscious
Aizawa:(Y/N), behave a little, we don't need to kill anyone!
(Y/N):I assure you, Aizawa, I'm holding back more than you think. KEEP MOVING!!
I said as I broke down the door and knocked out several of the subordinates who got in my way.
(Y/N):Sorry,I'll take my shoes off later! Where,Nighteye?
Nighteye:...Over there!
Nighteye said pointing to the wall where there was a vase in front of a scroll. He moved the vase to press one of the boards that functioned as a breaker to make the wall begin to open.
Bubble Girl:This is like some sort of ninja hideout!
(Y/N)'s cool...really cool but get ready,there are people who are waiting for us on the other side.
In that three subordinates came out from behind a secret passage,Centipede rushed to catch two of the subordinates while Bubble Girl took care of the third using her bubbles.
Bubble Girl:We'll make sure these three don't follow!! Go on ahead!
We all continued through the secret passage until we reached a dead end corridor.
Chief:There's no way through?!
Rock Lock:What's the deal,Nighteye?!
(Y/N):Wait! This is not a dead end corridor,there is a corridor on the other side.
Eiji:How do you know that?
(Y/N):It's one of my father's quirks. Because of his blindness he needed something to make up for it. I can sense my entire surroundings using infrared senses.
Rock Lock:Chisaki probably got his hands dirty using his quirk.
Fat Gum:How sneaky...
Izumi:We haven't come so far that this will stop us!
Eiji:Right! let's do this!!
Eiji and Izumi managed to destroy the wall using their quirks,at that moment the whole place began to move and deform. The exit was closed leaving us trapped in the maze.
(Y/N):This is Chisaki thing?!
Chief:N-No! I'd say it's gotta be the HQ director,Irinaka! But the scale he's doing it with is off the charts! his quirk is only limited by controlling something the size of a fridge!
Fat Gum:Maybe he gave himself a little boost,this explains everything that is happening!
[Third Person-POV]
Shroom:As always,heroes cannot enter a place without making noise.
Shroom said as he ate a fruit and at the same time he rubbed his neck.
Twice:Hey! can you give me a little?
Twice asked Shroom for some of the fruit he was eating only for him to destroy it with his hand.
Shroom:I'm sorry,there are no more
Shroom got up from the ground and stretched out hearing the loud noise that was being heard throughout the place.
Toga:They are already here! I can't wait to meet them and taste everyone's blood!
Shroom snapped his fingers opening a portal next to him.
Shroom:Okay,get out of here,now
Twice:Huh?! Why?
Toga:Yeah! you said we would work for overhaul
Shroom:There was a change of plans,I'll take care of all this. Get out of here now
Twice:We will not leave! we are going to avenge Big Sis Mag!
Shroom:Are we going to have the same conversation as before?
Shroom said sinisterly causing Twice and Toga to freeze.
Shroom:I'm breaking my back so this league doesn't fall into disgrace,I don't care what you guys think. Get out of here because of the Yakuza is personal...but take it this way,I also plan to avenge Big Sis Mag and also retaliate for what happened to Compress. If I want you to go,it's because I don't want anything to happen to go.
Twice and Toga looked at Shroom for a few seconds and nodded.
Shroom:Good,now get out. Daddy has to work
Twice and Toga went through the portal leaving Shroom alone.
At that Shroom snapped his fingers and a box full of fruits appeared in front of him, he took several and ate them all in one bite, a dark aura began to surround him
Shroom:Uh! yeah! that hit the is (Y/N)?
Speaking of him,(Y/N) was together with Izumi/Aizawa and Rock Lock along with a group of policemen trying to stop Irinaka who was using his quirk to try to crush them all,he was also responsible for some members to divide and they had to fight on their own.
In a sudden movement he managed to separate the group even more leaving (Y/N) along with Izumi and Aizawa,Nighteye along with the group of policemen and Rock Lock was left alone between the two walls that separated him from the two groups.
(Y/N):Damn it,we got slipt up again.
Rock Lock:Hey!!! you guys are still alive?!?!
Izumi:That's the voice of Rock Lock.
(Y/N):Wait a bit! I'll break the wall. Rock Lock,step aside.
Rock Lock:...Lock DO...A-AAAGHH!!!!
Aizawa:Rock!!! what's going on?!
(Y/N) was about to destroy the wall until it collapsed on its own. The three of them leaped back,dodging the rubbles,once they could see through the dust. (Y/N)/Izumi and Aizawa were able to see a very macabre scene.
Shroom:Good to see you,My Boy
Shroom said as he had his foot on Rock Lock's back,next to him was Irinaki's body cut in half. Izumi was about to vomit from this scene until Irinaki's corpse was enveloped in a black aura and it was transferred to Shroom's body.
Shroom:Yep! that was a good soul
Aizawa:Stay behind me! don't you dare come close!
Shroom:I'm sorry,Aizawa,but I'm not going to fight you,I admire you. Although your quirk is quite situational,you do know how to show off,but the one that interests me is him.
Shroom said pointing at (Y/N). Shroom took his scythe making (Y/N) think that he was going to attack only for a black tentacle to come out of his back and go at full speed to (Y/N)'s neck,going through it but without causing damage.
(Y/N):I-I'm fine but...I can't use my quirks!...f-fuck!...
(Y/N) fell to his knee too tired.
Shroom:What do you think? I have made my quirk better than before,now I can lash out at the souls of others from a distance. Upgrades,heroes,upgrades. you can't go on living in the past,you can always improve your quirk to impossible levels
Shroom quickly charge against (Y/N), Izumi quickly charged against Shroom using the One For All but he created a portal in front of him causing Izumi to go through it and end up hitting Aizawa.
Izumi:Ms Aizawa!
Shroom snapped his fingers again creating a portal behind (Y/N).
Shroom:Here comes the plane!~
(Y/N) was thrown through the portal closing before someone else could get through. Shroom quickly moved to attack Aizawa and knock her out with a blow from his scythe.
Izumi:M-Ms Aizawa!!
Shroom:Wow,she really knows how to roll with the punches,but now we're on our own. Now show me what you got,ninth holder of the One For All
Izumi:Y-You know it?
Shroom:Well of course,do you really think I'm like the rest of the stupid in the league? I have a high position in the league. Why do you think I am known as the most dangerous? now show me what you got,Izumi Midoriya,Deku,crystal bone or whatever you want to call yourself.
Izumi used the One For All to rush towards Shroom to kick him in the head but he ducked without much effort and then grabbed Izumi's leg and threw her against the wall.
Shroom:Your future as a Symbol Of Peace is as bright as Bakugo's patience. Null
Izumi quickly got up from the ground and started jumping around all the walls until he decided to attack Shroom from behind only for him to move out of the way causing Izumi to fall to the ground.
Shroom:That is all? is that your new style? kick and wait for you to hit the target? I can see that All Might has taught you what she knows.
Izumi:What do you mean?
Shroom:What? Do you really think All Might is good at teaching you something? she doesn't even know how to fight properly,the destruction of Kamino Ward might not have been too much if she knew how to fight. Punching like a moron is not synonymous with fighting,in your case,kicking is not synonymous with fighting style. I'll do my best to show you how pathetic you are to call yourself a worthy successor to All Might when all you do is cheating (Y/N) with the hospital bed.
Izumi:I will show you how much I have improved since the last time we met at the Training Camp.
Shroom:I must have lost my sight at that moment because I did not see anything impressive about you heheh
Izumi charged against Shroom trying to punch him but he caught her fist with the palm of his hand causing a strong wind wave to be generated around them. Needless to say,Izumi was shocked to see how someone had managed to stop a punch using One For All with such ease.
Shroom:Wanna dance?
Shroom grabbed Izumi's arm and slammed her to the ground before kicking her in the ribs,throwing her against the wall. Izumi did a cartwheel putting her foot against the wall and then propelled herself towards Shroom.
Shroom got into a fighting pose grabbing Izumi's fist and then putting his other hand on her forearm causing him to smash Izumi into the ground.
Shroom:To have a gifted power,you really don't know how to use it.
Izumi:...Grrrr!! they didn't give me this power! I tried hard to get it!
Izumi grabbed Shroom from his wrist,she got up off the ground to throw him against the wall. Shroom flipped and landed on the ground avoiding hitting the wall.
Shroom:Do you really think that power was not given to you? Tell me,what else did you do to get that power? From what I understand,the only thing you did was train to make your body endure the power of One For All. What else have you shown in all the time you've had One For All? that you have great suicidal tendencies,that is the most you have shown me.
Izumi:I have strengthened myself to obtain this power! I have suffered to make this power mine!
Shroom:Mine?! MINE?!?! HAHAHAHAHAH!!! sure! smash here! smash there! smash (Y/N)'s cock! who does the same? of course! the Symbol Of Shame,All Might! You can tell that you have improved a lot since you discovered that you have legs. Deku,you are pathetic in more ways than one.
Izumi:I-I know my progress has been slow but I have tried hard! I've suffered...
Shroom:You have not suffered shit!...well,actually you have made yourself suffer. Do you really think that you should always follow the advice of your master? A true master is one that also teaches you to also strengthen yourself. You always tried to follow All Might's advice when she didn't even know what she was doing. Gran Torino and (Y/N) taught you something that anyone with a bit of neurons would have been able to do in a week. You made yourself suffer due to the fact that you didn't take your quirk seriously from the beginning,even with All Might's warnings. You always said you were ready for that...when in reality you were never prepared for all the weight that One For All had on top...
Shroom moved at great speed towards Izumi punching her hard in her stomach. He grabbed Izumi's wrist and began to spin to then released Izumi causing her to crash into a wall.
Izumi:A-Agh!...What kind of quirks do you have?...this is not just about deactivating quirks from other people
Shroom:You seem to still remember what I said in the U.S.J. but think about it,why would I say all that my quirk can do to someone like you?
Shroom crouched down in front of Izumi
Shroom:You are not a threat to me or to anyone yet,you think you are worthy of being the successor of One For All but I ask you an honest have at some point in your life made a real effort to improve One For All?
Izumi:W-Well of course! Gran Torino taught me...
Shroom:No,no no,as I said before the only thing you trained there was how to control One For All,you started using your legs because your arms are already a dead weight for you and are no longer recommended to use them with your quirk. The only thing that you have focused on with One For All is trying to master it much more will you have to do that? when it all goes to hell? When this planet goes into chaos? You're way overdue,Midoriya. The One For All is more than just a power that accumulates from generation to generation...I would dare say that (Y/N) is putting it to better use than you even when he's using a copy of it.
Izumi:Why are you telling me all this? Why do you give advice to a hero?
Shroom:I may perhaps not be like other villains,despite others,I respect those heroes who use other means to be powerful. You, disgust me,you thought that without quirk you were nobody...but let me tell you something,being quirkless you were better than all these heroes who are here...even,you were better than your idol,All Might. Look at your teacher,Aizawa,look at the Hero Killer! damn! look at the fucking Nighteye! they have quirks that don't need a power boost,they are quirks that you will occasionally use and let me tell you something! They are that strong and respected because they don't need the kind of quirk that you have to become powerful or as you put people with a smile.
Izumi widened her eyes in surprise upon hearing Shroom's speech.
Shroom:I made you think,didn't it,Midoriya? get this right in your mind,once you know the true potential of One For All and you really know which way to go in your fighting that point maybe you could call yourself a hero. Right now you are just a wannabe scum,a pathetic being,a garbage that does not even have its own character that the only thing it does is that people run over it. Is that the hero you want to be tomorrow? It's up to you,Midoriya. What makes us special is not the powers we have,but how we make them look. Make this power become yours and show what you are capable of...(Y/N) doesn't have to take care of your ass all day have to take care of his too. Now I have to pay your boyfriend a visit,I want to settle an outstanding account with him.
Shroom said as he took his scythe and with it created a portal which he went through and escaped from that place. He teleported to the place where he had left (Y/N) earlier just to see that he was no longer there.
Shroom:What? Where did that motherfucker go?...and I bet that word works for him the other way around...
Shroom closed his eyes for a few moments and began to concentrate, he could feel all the souls around him until he saw that (Y/N)'s soul was not far from him.
Shroom walked through the corridors until he found him, watching as he barely managed to walk, helping himself with the walls..
Shroom:Here you are, ready for what will come your way?
(Y/N):Huh?...I don't have time for you
(Y/N) said as he kept walking
Shroom:Hey! hey dude! where do you think you are going? I...
(Y/N):I don't want to fucking fight you!! I do not mind!! THE ONLY THING I CARE IS TO RESCUE ERI AND I WILL DO ANYTHING TO SAVE HER!!!!
Shroom fell silent when he heard (Y/N), he turned around and kept walking. Shroom sighed and a tentacle came out of his back and went through (Y/N)'s neck giving him back his quirks and energy.
(Y/N):My quirks! my energies!...why?
Shroom:Someone needs to save that little girl.
(Y/N):What? Now do you feel sorry for little children?
Shroom:Believe it or not,(Y/N) and I...are more alike than you think. No reference intended by the way
(Y/N):Huh? what?
Shroom:Good God,do you want to save Eri or not?! she is waiting for someone to save her!
(Y/N) looked at Shroom for a few seconds,he turned around and used the One For All to get to the end of the maze faster.
Shroom:You say you're willing to save Eri from whatever there is...let's see if that's true.
Returning to (Y/N),he managed to reach the end of the hall only to see how the entrance was blocked.
(Y/N):It's there! there must be a way...of course...
(Y/N) used Permenation to break through the rubble and see how Mirio was protecting Eri from some spikes that Chisaki had created with his quirk. He managed to realize how one of the subordinates was prepared to use a pistol and shoot Mirio who had Eri in his arms.
Kurono couldn't realize that (Y/N) had also joined the action arriving with a flying kick to Kurono's face throwing him through the rubble and causing him to drop the gun.
Chisaki:You...I knew I should have murdered you the moment I saw you. I won't let you take Eri!
(Y/N):Your Japanese mafia must be very bad knowing that they depend on a little girl,that is pathetic
Chisaki:You better shut that mouth of yours.
Chisaki tried to use his quirk but (Y/N) ran towards him and gave him a powerful punch in his face,throwing him against some rubble.
Chisaki rose from the ground only to receive a double kick in the forehead from (Y/N) causing Chisaki to crashing into a wall.
(Y/N):Mirio! Quick! get Eri out of here!
Mirio:And what about you?!
(Y/N):That is not the goal right now! just get Eri to safety! that's the important thing right now
(Y/N) turned only to see out of the corner of his eye how Chisaki had thrown a small box at Nemoto which had crawled through an opening in the wall. The box was opened only to reveal the quirk-destroying bullets.
(Y/N) tried to attack Nemoto but at that moment Chisaki had charged against him.
Chisaki:You could have been a subordinate,(Y/N)'s a shame this ended up like would have been very helpful to me.
Chisaki touched (Y/N) with his bare hand,at that moment (Y/N)'s entire body exploded leaving only a stain of blood on the ground.
Chisaki:SHOOT HIM!!!
Nemoto was about to shoot Mirio but in those milliseconds of thought that he had he made a better decision
Nemoto:As long as that girl can't smile...then I can't let this go!!!
Nemoto shot at Eri knowing that Mirio would get in the middle of her...and that was what happened,Mirio received the that moment, he felt the pain of the bullet penetrating his body...but more painful was the knowledge...that he had just lost something precious to him...his quirk
Nemoto:Master! I did it...master!
Chisaki:It's funny! today two people have lost everything for that girl! your quirk...and also that...
At that moment Mirio, with all her strength, threw Chrono against Chisaki and then ran against him and punched him hard in his arm.
Mirio:Nothing that just happened has been in vain!...if what it means is saving someone from all this suffering! even without my quirk!!...I'm still Lemillion!!
Mirio screamed ready to launch another attack on Chisaki but he was quicker and kneed Mirio in his stomach and then he put his hand on the ground causing spikes to shoot towards Eri.
Mirio didn't think twice and ran to Eri and protected her from the spikes at the cost of him getting hurt in his ribs and leg.
Chisaki:Still determined to protect Eri? do you still want to be a hero? afflicted by that repulsive,diseased thinking of this new era. I'm out to cure people like you with Eri's power!
Chisaki was about to touch the ground until he saw the pool of blood next to him begin to bubble.
At that moment (Y/N) appeared punching Chisaki on the chin of him throwing him against the wall.
Chisaki:W-WHAT?!?! this is impossible!!!!
(Y/N):H-Heh...It is n-not when you have possibly the b-best regeneration that e-exists on this entire planet.
(Y/N):N-No...I just need an atom of me to regenerate...I can't believe what I'm going to say but...thanks Dr Gero! This was something new for me,the last time I regenerated from a small part of me...but this time it took me more time and energy to regenerate from a single atom...All my strength and energy went to regenerate faster...
Chisaki:Are you still determined to fight? and save Eri?! no matter what happens to her,even if I have to kill her in the process,I won't let anyone like you stand in my way!!
(Y/N):Man...You must have been born on a highway because that's where most accident happen
Chisaki was about to touch the ground again until at that moment one of the walls was destroyed coming out of there Izumi/Aizawa and Nighteye. Izumi ran up to Chisaki and punched him in the face causing him to back off.
(Y/N):Nighteye!! Get Eri and Mirio out of here!!
(Y/N) said as he charged against Chisaki along with Izumi and Aizawa.
Chisaki:Wake up,Chrono!!
Aizawa pushed (Y/N) out of the way making her shoulder is struck by a minute hand that is emanating from Chrono's head
(Y/N) changed course and charge with blind fury at Chrono grabbing him from his head and slamming him against the wall. He opened his hand and they fired a blast of energy at point-blank range at Chrono.
They all opened their eyes in terror when they saw what (Y/N) had done until the smoke that had formed around him dissipated and showed Chrono very hurt but still alive.
(Y/N):...I'm done...I'M DONE!!!...I'M DONE WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!
Chisaki:The same I say. I'M SICK OF ALL OF YOU!!!
Chisaki yelled knowing his fingers on the ground causing a large number of spikes to be fired in all directions,(Y/N) grabbed Aizawa and Izumi in his arms protecting them from the spikes.
Chisaki:I won't have my grand plan reduced to nothing by a bunch of fools!...did you hear that,Nemoto? I bet you're unhappy with me meeting my end like this!!
Chisaki said as she watched as Nemoto's body fell to his side,he approached him and grabbed him from his face.
Chisaki:You did very well,Nemoto...and I know that you are willing to die for me,right?!
Izumi:H-He...destroyend himself and his henchman...
Chisaki:(Y/N)...without any doubt I know that you are more powerful than me and you have achieved impressive things...but I know your do not believe that this power that you have now,all that you have suffered to be as powerful as now...was it worth it...If so then you know...that if you give me Eri now...
Chisaki:I will cure your disease...I'll show you all of Eri's suffering,it would have been totally worth'LL BE TAKING ERI BACK NOW!!!
(Y/N):You know what? I'm close to believing that your birth certificate is a prank letter from the condom factory.
Chisaki:You do know how to put someone in a bad mood,you are the same as that one in the league...ALL ARE THE SAME!!!!
(Y/N) tried to teleport everyone out of the place but it was impossible,his energies were not 100% to use it. He just threw Izumi out of the way and used the little energy to teleport Aizawa out of the place.
Chisaki grabbed (Y/N) from the neck and then threw him against some spike causing some to stab into his body.
(Y/N):N-Ngh!! Ahhh!!
Chisaki:You feel it?! Does that pain remind you of something?!
(Y/N):...A-Are you trying to break me? let me tell you something...YOU WILL DIE BEFORE THAT HAPPENS!!
(Y/N) touched the ground and from there spike came out that pierced one of Chisaki's arms.
Chisaki:A-AAAAAHHHH!! W-WHAT?!?!
(Y/N):I think I already know how this quirk copying works matter where a person's DNA falls on my body,I will be able to copy their quirk anyway...but even using a simple takes a lot of work...I'm...I'm too tired.
(Y/N) managed to escape from Chisaki but he was about to attack him until Nighteye threw one of his stamps at him.
Nighteye:I'll take him on! Take care of Lemillion and Eri!!
Nighteye yelled while still attacking Chisaki with his stamps. He went to (Y/N) and helped him up from the ground,at that moment they both looked into each other's that very moment Nighteye was paralyzed by what he had just seen.
(Y/N):Nighteye? are you okay?!
Nighteye:...Get out of here,be safe!
Nighteye yelled,pushing (Y/N) out of the way of one of Chisaki's spikes. (Y/N) quickly reunited with Izumi and they both ran towards Mirio and Eri.
Nighteye:That prediction...that prediction of his future...
Nighteye thought as he threw more of his stamps at Chisaki,preventing him from getting close to the others.
Izumi:Eri! Mirio! can you walk?!
Mirio:Y-Yeah,no ploblem...
(Y/N):Wait a moment
(Y/N) tried to heal Mirio but once he started with it he almost fainted.
(Y/N):*Pant*...My healing takes part of my stamina to heal someone else...I'm so tired I can't do anything.
Izumi:We'll take care of that later,(Y/N). Let's get out of here first
Izumi took Eri while (Y/N) helped Mirio to walk. Izumi destroyed the wall with a kick.
Izumi:I don't know where this corridor will take us,but anywhere is safer than here.
(Y/N):We have to escape quickly before...
Everyone looked at Eri
Eri:you've done enough...I am so sorry for...
(Y/N) put his hands on Eri's cheeks causing her to look at him. He had a smile on his face,that same smile that she had seen from him at the festival.
(Y/N):None of this is your fault. No one here is obliged to do this,we all come here to rescue you and take you to a better place. All the fault of this is that monster,you are not to blame for this. We are heroes and if there is a girl who is in danger,I will make sure that girl is safe from any problem that she has. Do you remember what I told you? I said "don't worry,I'll be there for you" and no matter what happens,I'll be there for you.
Eri nodded and buried her head on Izumi's shoulder. They were both about to leave the place until Mirio took one last look at Nighteye.
(Y/N) turned to see Nighteye impaled between two spikes. Chisaki started running towards them.
With the last of his energies in his body,(Y/N) used Warp to take Mirio/Izumi and Eri out of the place,but before Eri managed to escape as well,Chisaki caught her in his arms and then kicked (Y/N) in the face throwing him away from the two of them. (Y/N) had to forcefully stop his quirk so as not to teleport Chisaki to where the others were.
Chisaki:You better back off or you don't want to see what I'll do to Eri.
(Y/N):O-Okay!...okay,we don't have to go to those extremes
Chisaki:I will not let you end my plans,you or anyone will prevent me from using Eri to fulfill my desire to cure this disease!
(Y/N):Would you really dare to abuse a little girl just to fulfill a stupid plan like that?
Chisaki:That's right and every time it is necessary,no one will stop me!
Shroom:Sorry but could you repeat that,you son of a bitch!
Chisaki:Huh? Uagh!!
Shroom appeared behind Chisaki to punch him hard on his jaw causing him to let go of Eri. (Y/N) quickly,using the One For All,ran towards her and took her in his arms.
Shroom:I really wanted to do that.
Chisaki was still a bit disoriented from the punch Shroom gave him but he managed to see (Y/N) running away with Eri in his arms, he quickly hit the ground and spikes started coming out of the ground towards them.
(Y/N) looked behind him and without a second thought protected Eri from the spikes.
Eri began to cry when she heard a very unpleasant sound thinking that the worst had happened to (Y/N),but at that moment she felt someone wipe the tears from her.
She opened her eyes to see (Y/N) with a smile on his face.
(Y/N):Hey don't cry
Eri:B-But you...
(Y/N):Heheh I'm fine,don't worry,look,right now I'll teleport you with Lemillion and Izumi,the two of them will protect you. I promise that I will be fine
(Y/N) teleported Eri out of the place. That smile he had on his face changed to a grimace of pain, he spat blood from his mouth. (Y/N) felt the spikes that had pierced his back had now retracted causing him to fall to the ground.
Chisaki:You really want to make all this more complicated for me,tell me
Chisaki stomped (Y/N) on the back causing him to spit blood from his mouth.
Chisaki:Where is Eri?!?!
(Y/N):H-Hehe y-Yeah...l-like I'm going to tell you,keep dreaming.
Chisaki pressed his foot harder against (Y/N)'s back, something could be heard breaking and (Y/N= screaming in pain but he refused to say anything to him
Chisaki:Why? Why are you still so determined to get Eri away from me? Don't you see in the state that you're just trying to rescue her? why are you still with all this?
(Y/N):Well...I like to be a pain in the ass to people like you,it's very satisfying.
The fury inside Chisaki began to rise even higher,he raised his hand on (Y/N) ready to use his quirk on him once again until...
(Y/N)'s attack failed to release as much energy to kill Chisaki,just enough to stun him for a few seconds. He took advantage of those seconds to give Chisaki an uppercut on his chin,making him back off
(Y/N):My attacks are more ineffective but I can still keep him at bay. I just need to hold on a little longer. I need the others to leave this place with Eri.
(Y/N) quickly set his foot causing a single spike to come off the ground which was enough to impale Chisaki in one of his arms.
Chisaki:Grrr!! You know you are just trying to avoid the inevitable! you're so tired that most of your quirks can do no harm,you have already reached your limits!
(Y/N) punched Chisaki in the face throwing him away from him. He pointed his hand at Chisaki and was about to fire an energy blast at him until his hand started to shake,he grabbed his hand.
(Y/N):N-No...I can't even shoot an energy ball
(Y/N) grabbed his chest and mouth,then spat a worrying amount of blood from his mouth.
(Y/N):The same thing that happened on the I-Island is happening to me again...please body of mine,I need you to hold this fight!
(Y/N) saw how Chisaki got up off the ground
Chisaki:This is the end for you!
(Y/N):Man-that's too cheesy-can't you give me another death line?
At that moment the ceiling began to shake and then collapsed showing Rikiya,the person who destroyed the gate previously,now destroying the roof of the place. (Y/N) looked terrified who he was holding in his arms.
(Y/N):You've got to be fucking kidding me!!!
Rikiya:M-Master...I have the girl!
Rikiya said before he released Eri and she started to fall to the ground,luckily (Y/N) caught her in his arms. He could see how Ryuko managed to subdue the villain with the help of her quirk.
(Y/N) tried to escape but Chisaki using his quirk caused a column to be generated just from under (Y/N)'s arms causing Eri to be thrown into the air.
(Y/N) was about to go after Eri but Chisaki was quicker and went after her.
Chisaki:Finally! I can end all this at once!
Chisaki was inches away from catching her until at that moment he received a kick to his neck that threw him back to the ground,Eri was rescued by...
Izumi jumped into the hole with Eri in her arms. Chisaki wasted no time and charged against Izumi, but at that moment she was thrown into the sky. Leaving Chisaki and (Y/N) confused.
(Y/N):...What the fuck just happend?
Chisaki:Damn it...this is why I don't touch her. I never taught her how to use it...but she still does...Eri,you're a bad girl...but I don't care about her anymore...I...I MUST KILL YOU!!
Chisaki screamed creating a few spikes from under (Y/N) which he managed to dodge.
(Y/N):*Pant*...*Pant*...AgH!! COME ON!! this is not over yet!!
Chisaki:You're right,this is not over yet.
(Y/N) could see through the spikes how Chisaki had put his hand on Rikiya.
Chisaki:You are one of the main problems that my plan is not going to be a success. If I finish with you...then that will mean that no one can fight me...that no one will get in my way.
Chisaki used his quirk to fuse with Rikiya. (Y/N) could only stare at how Chisaki had transformed into a horrible creature.
(Y/N):Goddamnit! Well...I always like a challenge...Bleugh!
(Y/N) spat blood from his mouth and put his hand quickly to his heart.
Chisaki:Neither you nor Eri can see the value in all of this. Your quirk can do great things if you can expand. We are not talking about just rewinding individual,this goes even further. She can bring humanity back to the point this mutation would never have existed. She has the power to destroy the quirk factor and return humanity to normal. The power to destroy that way of what Eri represents. A brat like you cannot understand the value of these words.
Chisaki went to attack (Y/N) but he literally moved at the speed of light to appear in front of him and give him a powerful kick on his chin throwing him into the air.
(Y/N):...I know this may be my death...but I must not leave any loose ends...I need to end all this...this bastard must fall at all costs...The sacrifice of one save another...I am willing to die just to see that girl have the childhood that I never had before.
[With Shroom]
Shroom:Hoho! but who do we have here?! it seems that life hasn't given you any breaks, has it?
Shroom said as he entered a room in which there was some medical equipment and a hospital bed occupied by someone.
Shroom:But you know the saying, don't you? karma's a bitch, ever hear of it, Boss?
Shroom:Come on, answer me, I know that even if you do nothing, you hear everything around you.
Shroom moved closer to him
Shroom:Look at you, who is the person who abused me, treated me like shit and tried to have one of his subordinates kill me while you were giving favoritism to Chisaki? yes you are! yes you are! but look at you now, dying and with your organization about to disappear...but don't worry, I have something that will solve all your problems!
Shroom took a small box out of his pocket, opened it and took something out of it.
Shroom:It is something rustic, and here and in the United States they do it in a more elegant way but basically it is the same shit, I don't know if you have heard it but some people call it...Lethal Injection.
Shroom smiled ghoulishly as he showed the Boss the syringe.
Shroom:I don't know how this even has some bubbles in it...oh well, I don't think that matters.
Shroom approached the Boss and injected all the liquid into his neck, seconds passed before he began to convulse, his veins popping up all over his body, trying to scream for help.
Shroom:Oh! sweet!
The boss convulsed for a few more seconds until he stopped, foam was coming out of his mouth and his eyes were completely white.
Shroom:Good night, boss, I'll see you in hell, be sure of that hahah...HAHAHAH!!
Leaving the corpse of the Boss with a syringe stuck in his neck, foam coming out of his mouth, his eyes completely blank and his veins protruding from his skin, the only thing that could now be heard in the room was the beeping of the pulse machine which showed a straight line.
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