Chapter 35 - Memories Of The Past & Standards

[Third Person-POV]

For a few days,(Y/N) spent most of his time training with Piccolo,mostly engaging his mind and body using meditation. Right now they were both floating in front of a waterfall.

While (Y/N) was meditating,Piccolo opened his eyes then looked at (Y/N) for a few seconds,he punched him hard on his head throwing him against a tree.

(Y/N):A-Agh! Piccolo! What was that for?!

Piccolo:Because you are not taking this meditation seriously,if you had then you would have dodged or blocked that simple blow. Remember that we are freeing our mind from our body so that it is faster than the mind itself.

Piccolo said as he descended in front of (Y/N).

Piccolo:There is something that keeps you dismayed,tell me what it is.

(Y/N):...Tell I look anything like my father? please be honest with me

Piccolo:Hmmm...yes,there are several things in which you resemble your father.

(Y/N):In what things?

Piccolo:Well,I can see that your father's fascination with getting more and more quirks was not only in him,you also have that obsession with getting more quirks. It also goes without saying that you too can cause that aura of intimidation,terror,hopelessness and powerless


Piccolo:Why does that bother you?

(Y/N):Because I don't want to be like my father! I don't want to become like him!...Toshiko,Izumi and even Toshiko's sidekick,Nighteye told me that I have many similarities to my father. I don't want to be someone like my father...I don't want to be like that monster...

Piccolo:...(Y/N),please be more reasonable with yourself.

(Y/N):Huh? What are you talking about?

Piccolo:You have clear qualities that you inherited from your father but have you used some of them for the same purpose as him? Tell me,have you ever taken a person's quirk against their will?

(Y/N):Of course not,I have never stolen someone's quirk against their will,I only copied them but I would never dare to steal someone's quirk and I have never followed the same goals as my father.

Piccolo:There you have it,even though you have some qualities of your father,you differ in that you use them for good,not like your father...

Piccolo put his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder and knelt to catch up with him.

Piccolo:You differ from your father for the simple fact that you have decided to go your own way. You have changed that destiny that he tried to impose on you,you have achieved more than him. I can assure you of that and let me tell you...I am proud to have someone like you as a student.

Piccolo said while smiling,(Y/N) also smiled and at that moment he started to hug him. Piccolo hugged him back

(Y/N):Thank you...thank you for all this...Piccolo

Piccolo:...It's nothing,kid...I'll always be here for you.

The two hugged for a few seconds until (Y/N)'s phone started ringing. They both separated and (Y/N) took the phone from him and could see that it was Aizawa.

(Y/N):Hey,sweetie~ Something happens?

Aizawa:Y-Yeah,I need you to come to Nighteye's agency urgently. He mentioned to me that you are extremely important to this situation.

(Y/N):Huh?...okay,I'll go right now

(Y/N) put his phone away and got up from the floor.

(Y/N):Sorry Piccolo but I have to go,it seems to be something very serious.

Piccolo:Okay,good luck. I also have to do something

(Y/N):What thing?

Piccolo:It's a secret...oh and I also want to talk to you later,I plan to give you something,see you later.

Piccolo flew away leaving (Y/N) a bit confused,he just ignored this and used his quirk to teleport to Aizawa's side. She was outside of Nighteye's agency

(Y/N):Hey there.

(Y/N) approached Aizawa and gave her a kiss on her lips.

Aizawa:Hey,there is no denying that you are always on time,let's go in while we wait for your classmates

(Y/N):Eh? Will the others come too?

Aizawa:That's right,it must be a serious thing if even students who are just starting their hero work need to be involved,it is not very common.

They both walked into the agency to see some other pros there as well.

(Y/N):This clearly has to do with Chisaki and the meeting we had last time.

Bubble Girl:Hey (Y/N)!

(Y/N) could see Bubble Girl approaching him with a smile on her face.

(Y/N):Hi! I can see that Nighteye has a party here

Gran Torino:Take this seriously,Kid. Nighteye has seldom asked so many pros for help.

(Y/N) turned to see Gran Torino coming through the door.

(Y/N):Hey,Oldman,I can see that you have recovered.

Gran Torino:Do not think so low of me,I faced many threats,your father was very dangerous but not so dangerous that I could not get out of there alive.

(Y/N):I the way,what is this all about?

Bubble Girl:Sir Nighteye has not given the details yet but says it is quite serious.

Aizawa:Tell me,(Y/N),why does Nighteye want you so badly here? did you get in any trouble?

(Y/N):Well...more or less but that's not the point,I knew a person who apparently is part of the investigation of Nighteye.

Aizawa:Hmmm...another question,why are you in your P.E Uniform and not your usual uniform?

(Y/N):Oh! I was training with my master,as his training is sometimes very relaxed and other times fucking hard,I always use my P.E Uniform.

Aizawa:And what about your hero costume?

(Y/N):I don't know if it's a good idea. It is true that it can withstand a great amount of damage but since it is the only one that exists on the planet and that it can hardly be replicated,I prefer to use it when I do hero work.

Aizawa nodded, at that moment more pros entered the building, among those, one of them caught their attention when she saw (Y/N) in the place and decided to approach him.

???:You must be this (Y/N) Shigaraki that I've heard a lot lately.

(Y/N):That's right,a pleasure to meet you...ehm...

Ryuko:Ryuko Tatsuma or also known as Ryukyu

(Y/N):Wait,I remember your name,I think you were one of those people who sent me your offer.

Aizawa:(Y/N),all the pros from Japan sent their offer to you. Not even All Might could accomplish such a feat.

Ryuko:For your age,you have done everything,it seems.

(Y/N):You're right about that,although I also remember you because Nejire works with you.

Ryuko:Yeah,she talks a lot about you...a lot.

(Y/N):Yeah,I think that's very characteristic of her hehe and what did she mention about me?

Ryuko:Too many things to remember all of them,really heheh

Ryuko giggle but she then started to blush a bit. She did remember everything Nejire had talked about (Y/N),how handsome he was,how attentive he was with others,how expert he was in combat and using quirks. Ryuko was a bit surprised to hear this but at first she thought that Nejire was exaggerating things a bit but once she met (Y/N),she was able to confirm one thing,that he was someone very handsome.


Ryuko turned to see Nejire run towards her and jump on her.

Ochako:(Y/N)?! are you here too?!

(Y/N):That's right,I was called due to an emergency.

Tsu:You arrived before us and you weren't in your room when we went to wake you up.

(Y/N):Yeah,I went to train a little before going with the hero work,that for some reason wakes me up a little more

At that moment Nighteye entered the room

Nighteye:Thanks to the intel provide by all of you we're making great strides with this investigation. The little organization called Shie Hassaikai is plotting something. I have called all of you to share exactly what we know.

They all looked at Nighteye somewhat concerned by how serious he was talking about the situation.

Everyone gathered in a room which had a large table for everyone to sit down. Bubble Girl along with another Nighteye sidekick,Centipeder

He began to explain all the information they had gathered from the investigation into the Shie Hassaikai organization. At that moment Centipeder showed on a screen hanging from the ceiling an image that showed Chisaki along with Twice without his costume.

Centipeder:Jin Bubaigawara,who goes by the villian name Twice,he is apparently one of the members with whom the organization made contact,so the fact that the league is with Shie Hassaikai can be confirmed but we cannot confirm if they have reached a deal. They were all very wary of being tailed, so we could not chase them but with the help of the police we were able to have some recordings. 

Gran Torino:So it's related to the villain alliance...that's why you called me and Tsukauchi

Pro hero 1:And where is Tsukauchi?

Gran Torino:There was other information from witnesses, so he's checking on that.

Gran Torino after finishing talking to the pro,he turned his gaze to Izumi.

Gran Torino:Kid...let's hope this isn't going to end that way, but you may end up in a very difficult situation.

Izumi:It's no trouble at all

Izumi replied without question.


Bubble Girl:Uhhh,we have this kind of process! We wanted to request everyone's cooperation on HN

Ochako:The HN?

Nejire:That's short for the Hero Network! It's an internet service that only people with a pro license can use. They say you can see activity reports and apply for help from heroes with useful quirks nationwide!

Rock Lock:Hey,even if they're U.A. students,what's with the brats? Can't talk with them around,they just slowing us down

Rock Lock,a pro hero who was sitting next to (Y/N) said sourly.

(Y/N):We were called here for a reason the only way we are going to slow down is by listening to your complaints.

(Y/N) said bluntly,Rock Lock only stared at him for a few seconds until he looked away. At that time Fat Gum shot out of his seat and pointed towards Eiji and Tamaki.

Fat Gum:These two are super important participants!

Eiji:You mean us?

Fat Gum:Also,I'm seeing plenty of unfamiliar faces here! I'm Fat Gum! nice to meet you!

Nighteye:Hassaikai was once suspected of dealing in illegal substances which is why I've called in a hero familiar with such thing.

Fat Gum:Back in the day, I squashed load of dealers like that! In Red Riot's debut battle! Tamaki was shot by something new,a kind of drug that i've never seen before! A drug...that destroys quirks

Everyone was surprised by Fat Gum's words

(Y/N):That destroys quirks?! Tamaki,are you okay?!

(Y/N) said very concerned

Tamaki:Y-Yes...I'm back to normal after a day off

Rock Lock:If it recovers,no need to worry

Nighteye:No...I'll leave that explanation to Eraserhead

Aizawa:It is something different from my "erasure" because I am not attacking the person's quirk itself. What we call quirks are special additions to and ordinary body or the Plus Alpha Elements. Everything included within the Plus Alpha are what we call the quirk factor. What I do is temporarily stop those quirks factors from activating. I can't really do any harm.

Tsu:Wait a minute,doesn't one of the league members also have something like that?

(Y/N):That's right,Shroom is capable of not only deactivating someone's quirk,but also incapacitating that person for as long as he apparently chooses. It seems that in addition to attacking the "soul" of a person is also able to deactivate the quirk factor of one without damaging the quirk of said person.

Nighteye:We have some records of him...but every time a hero has encountered him...he has mysteriously disappeared.

The U.A students felt a chill run down their backs upon hearing this.

Gran Torino:Shroom is possibly one of the most dangerous members of the league,every time we have met him,I have no idea how he does it but he disappears at a speed that even I cannot reach.

Nighteye:But that is a separate issue that for now has nothing to do with what we are discussing. Please Fatgum,continue

Fat Gum:Okay,right after Tamaki got shot we took him to the hospital to get a look-see that quirk factor had taken damage. Fortunately,his body's natural healing was enough to fix the problem.

Nighteye:And the analysis of the thing he was shot with?

Fat Gum:Whatever it was,didn't harm the rest of his body,nothing but his quirk was impaired in anyway. The guy who shot him wouldn't say a word and the round that hit Tamaki was totally spent,however! Kirishima bravely defended Tamaki from a bullet,giving us the opportunity to obtain the contents of said bullet!

Eiji:Woah? I did that?

(Y/N):See,Eiji,I told you that your quirk was really something amazing.


Fat Gum:And when we analyzed the substance of the bullet,we discovered something pretty disgusting...they found human cells and blood.


(Y/N) felt a lump in his throat when he heard that,some pros began to draw their conclusions but (Y/N) had already solved the whole puzzle at that time.

Nighteye:The leader of the Shie Hassaikai is Chisaki and his quirk is Overhaul. The ability to both dismantle and restore. A quirk that allows to completely him to break down matter,and a bullet that can break down quirks. Chisaki has a daughter named Eri,there are no records or details about her birth,but when Mirio/Midoriya and Shigaraki encountered her,they noticed there were bandages around wrapped around her arms and legs

(Y/N):...That fucking bastard...I-I should have...

Ryuko:No...It's too repulsive to imagine

Gran Torino:That's superpowered society for ya. Anything you can imagine,there's someone out there make it happen...

Gran Torino looked at (Y/N) and could see that he was breathing heavily.

Rock Lock:Once again,why do we have children in this meeting? You're saying he's turning his own daughter's body into these bullets and selling them on the black market?

Nighteye:We're not certain that's he actually selling the bullets. It is possible that they're still in the testing phase and he's giving them out as samples to rally more people to his cause. We have no hard evidence,but we do know that he's getting funds across the nation. If the complete drug allows him to annihilate a quirk entirely,imagine the devastation he could cause

Rock Lock:So all this would have been solved if these kids had rescued the girl? Supposedly we have a kid who is capable of defeating a villain who put All Might in trouble but is unable to save a little...

At that moment (Y/N) got up from his seat throwing it against the wall embedding it in it. He grabbed Rock Lock from the collar of his costume.

(Y/N):How dare you say this,you fucking bastard?! If I had known all this then Chisaki would have already been in prision right now!

Everyone was scared to see (Y/N)'s behavior. A calm,cheerful and respectful boy was right now grabbing a pro from the neck of his costume lifting him off the ground and insulting him.

(Y/N):I know that the only thing you want is to escape from all this and go home,you are one of those heroes who does not care about anything but themselves! BECAUSE OF HEROES LIKE YOU I SPENT 15 YEARS IN A FUCKING HELL!!!!

(Y/N) released Rock Lock and headed for the door.

Aizawa:(Y/N),where do you think you're going?! 

(Y/N):What does it look like? I'm going to go get Chisaki and break his fucking arms

Gran Torino:Kid,calm down a little. You are not thinking clearly. Are you really going to go where that guy is hiding and kill anyone who gets in your way?

(Y/N):Yeah it not a good thing? I will kill a lot of people who do not deserve to live and rescue a girl who is possibly still waiting for someone to rescue her. I will not let a little girl have to go through that!

Nighteye:(Y/N),please. I know how you project yourself into Eri...

(Y/N) was about to open the door until he stopped at which point he was about to turn the door handle.

Nighteye:You are a smart boy. Think about the consequences that may occur,we don't even know Chisaki's location yet and if we go reckless then we may no longer be able to rescue Eri,maybe Chisaki escapes with her and we can not see her again.


(Y/N) was silent for a few seconds until he opened the door.

(Y/N):I will clear my mind a assured that I will go to rescue her no matter what any of you tell me...and you...

(Y/N) said looking at Rock Lock.

(Y/N):You're lucky I didn't crash you against the wall.

(Y/N) left the room closing the door behind him and went to the waiting room,there he sat at a table and put his hands on his head.

(Y/N):Why the hell didn't I do something? I can rescue a lot of people from an active battlefield...but I can't rescue a little girl...

(Y/N) stood there thinking things over,his head was full of doubts.

Despite the fact that seconds passed for him since he sat down and began to reflect on her mistake,several minutes had already passed causing the reunion to end.

Ochako:(Y/N),are you okay?

Ochako asked softly seeing how her boyfriend looks...defeated. He looked up to see how all his girlfriends were there with him.

(Y/N):...I'm so sorry girls for my behavior...I behaved like a jerk

Tsu:(Y/N),we understand how you feel. We know how helpless you feel at not being able to save Eri.

(Y/N):That is not why I am like this.

Nejire:So what really happens,please tell us.

(Y/N)'s not important.

Eiji:If that is causing you pain then tell us to make you feel better! It is also our job to cheer you up when you are depressed or when something worries you!

(Y/N):...Okay,you better sit...this will be a bit long.

They all nodded and sat down to listen to (Y/N)

(Y/N):I think you all know the fact that I was an experiment due to my father's wishes until I managed to escape,right?

They all nodded

(Y/N):Well...actually I managed to escape from there twice...once when I was about eleven years old...

[Back To The Past]

Right now, several years ago,we can see a younger (Y/N) running through a large forest at night. His legs were aching due to the fact that he had run nonstop for almost a full hour. Although (Y/N) at this age had great stamina,his body was not yet ready to face some superhuman challenges.

(Y/N):Don't stop!...don't stop!! he must not find you!

(Y/N) kept running until he could see the city lights through the trees,he kept running until he made it to the road.

(Y/N):I need a hero! they can save me! they do that!!

(Y/N) was full of anxiety in his body,he breathed more than normal but he did not stop,he kept running for another half hour until he managed to reach the city.

He quickly tried to find a hero but unfortunately for him he couldn't find anyone. It was night and many heroes decide to search between places with more people instead of those with less. 

(Y/N) tried to run but he couldn't take it anymore,his body had already reached its limit,luckily for him,he could see a nearby playground.

(Y/N):...It's the only place where I can hide

(Y/N) ran to the playground and there he hid inside one of the structures which was a large dome with holes on its sides

(Y/N) stood there without moving and making any noise,he looked through one of the holes for several minutes until he saw a very familiar silhouette coming out of the alley.

(Y/N) felt his heart stop for a few seconds when he saw that person but he tried to stay calm as best as possible. After a few minutes the person left the place causing (Y/N) to finally breathe a sigh of relief after two hours of running.

He sat against the wall feeling like the sand covered his feet,he looked through one of the holes at the starry sky.

(Y/N):...What a crappy life...

(Y/N) said that wrapped his arms around him and closed his eyes trying to get some sleep

















(Y/N):My name is (Y/N)... just (Y/N)

???:Nice to meet you,Just (Y/N)~

(Y/N):Hey! heheh...
















???:With you I feel so calm...relieved...I can be me and not be judged...I can be what people say I should be but without being forced into it.

(Y/N):I like you the way you are...the real you,I don't care what others say about you...














???:That was my first kiss...I've never felt like this's like a true feeling of love...I know this sounds crazy or silly...but I can't see myself without you. You really are what I need in my life.

(Y/N):I promise that I will be here for you,in this playground whenever you really are someone who has really managed to cheer me up after so long. You really...have managed to put a smile on my face...

[Back To The Present]


(Y/N) clutched his head from the pain he began to feel

Izumi:Are you okay?

(Y/N):Y-Yes...It's just mind can't remember all those memories. I somehow managed to block those memories voluntarily...I only remember a few small events from the past...but I remember the moment that I...lost all faith in heroes.

[Back To The Past]

(Y/N):Looks like she took her time today,I hope she hasn't been bothered again.

(Y/N) thought as he sat on the benches in the playground,he waited for a few minutes until he felt like two hands covered his mouth and grabbed him from the waist. He glanced sideways and was able to notice a person's characteristic white mustache.

Dr Gero:Almost a year looking for you,you made me lose valuable time and you know that that is something I do not like. Let's go back to where you should be.

Dr Gero left (Y/N) on the ground and grabbed him by the hand,with a strong gorilla grip that even hurt (Y/N)'s hand. He tried to escape from Gero's grasp but it was impossible for him due to his low strength. He began to be dragged by Gero taking him back to the laboratory from where he escaped.

Dr Gero:You better behave,once we get out of town and there are no heroes around then we'll go faster to the lab. your father will give you a good punishment after having disappeared all these months.

(Y/N):G-Grrrr!...HELP!! HELP!!!! SOME HERO!!! HELP!!! AAAHH!!

Gero tightened his grip on (Y/N)'s hand causing it to break. He took (Y/N) into his arms the moment he saw a hero approach him.

Pro Hero:Is something wrong here?

Dr Gero:Don't worry,just a few little problems with my grandson.


Pro Hero:...What happens with him?

Dr Gero:Well,because he's pretty reckless playing he broke his hand and I'm taking him to the hospital,he tried to escape earlier as he doesn't like hospitals,he always yells for help when we bring him to one and it always results in misunderstandings.

(Y/N):It's a lie! please help me!! HELP ME!!!

The pro hero looked at (Y/N) for a few seconds until he raised his finger pointing at him.

Pro Hero:Kid,you must stop causing so much trouble for other people. Don't you dare run away next time. You do not know the problem and the annoyance that you cause to other people by your tantrums. Have a quiet day,sir.

Dr Gero:For you too,sorry for the inconvenience my grandson caused.

The pro nodded and walked away from the two of them. Gero grabbed (Y/N)'s other hand.

Dr Gero:It doesn't take me long to heal injuries as simple as a broken bone but if you dare ask another hero for help then I won't just break your other hand.

Dr Gero whispered to (Y/N)'s ear as he walked back to his laboratory

Dr Gero:But the good thing is that I know you learned something good today,you can't even trust heroes.

Dr Gero said while (Y/N) had a face of absolute fear for what was going to happen to him.

(Y/N):...*Sob*...Am I...alone in this?

(Y/N) thought as he listened to every step Dr Gero took.

[Back To The Present]

Absolutely everyone was looking at (Y/N),shocked by what he just heard. It was a cocktail of emotions,which everyone was feeling right now.


(Y/N):It's okay. That mistrust of heroes disappeared a long time ago once I met all of's just...I don't want Eri to feel that way...more with what just happened. I don't want her to think that she's alone in this.

Izumi:Don't worry,we'll be there the moment we go to rescue her.

Aizawa:That remains to be seen

Aizawa said as she got out of the elevator

(Y/N):Were you waiting for that line to get off the elevator?

Aizawa:...Maybe but speaking of what happened, I was planning to talk to all of you about finishing your work studies today.

Eiji:What!? now,of all times?!

Aizawa:You heard that the league may be involved in all of this. That completely changes the whole thing.

Aizawa walked over to (Y/N) and put her hand on his shoulder.

Aizawa:I know you very well to know that you will not listen to my words. You will jump into action ignoring any order from anyone. So I will be watching you so that nothing happens to you,please think better of your decisions and do not get carried away by your feelings. You may not be as lucky again as you did in the fight against your father.


Aizawa:Cheer're going to go anyway and I'm sure that the moment you put yourself between her and Chisaki,you gave her hope. She may be waiting for you but remember,do not get carried away by your feelings,that is the worst thing you can do in a situation as delicate as this.

(Y/N):Y-Yes...Sorry for my behavior from before

Aizawa:That doesn't matter to me,what matters is that you feel better.

(Y/N) nodded with a small smile on his face.

Aizawa:Well,you are necessary for this operation after all and I think we need that same determination that you have shown before...however...Asui,Uraraka and Kirishima. You three aren't exactly here voluntarily. Izumi and (Y/N) are an essential part and Nighteye wishes that both of them are part of this but you can decide to join or get out of this whole thing.

Ochako:Miss Aizawa!!...

Aizawa:You can call me Eraserhead while we're out of school.

Ochako:O-Okay! Eraserhead! After hearing everything that is happening with Eri...and after knowing in detail that (Y/N) also went through something similar. There's no way I'm backing out now!

Tsu:If you're giving us permisson,Eraser...Then I would like to contribute whatever. No one should go through one.

Eiji:If there is anything we can do to help save that girl. We'll do it,Eraserhead!

Aizawa:I just needed to confirm that all of you are okay with this. As long as you understand this...our goal is just to rescue Eri. We can't do anything more than that. the looming threat of the league of villians is our biggest corcern,according to the police and Nighteye the only active member is Shroom...there may be a great chance that we will run into him and when that happens,don't even think about facing him. You already know how dangerous he can be and if that happens,our role ends there.

Aizawa said seriously making everyone nod.

[Night - Unknown Place]

Right now through the streets of the city,Tapion was walking watching the moonlight illuminate his path. He was walking alone through the streets watching as no person passed by him. 

He had his hands in his pocket until he quickly pulled them out to grasp the handle of his sword and unsheathe it to block Shroom's scythe.

Shroom:Good,good,I can see that you are still a great swordsman

Shroom jumped back taking a little distance against Tapion.

Tapion:Now what? Are you going to harass me for the time I have left?

Shroom:No no no. Don't get me wrong,you're cool but your life is too boring to be interested in you.

Tapion:Whatever,just leave me alone.

Shroom:Before you go,I have something to tell you that will interest you.

Tapion:No,nothing to interest me to join the damn league.

Shroom:It's not about the league,it's about that little girl,Eri.

Tapion:...How do you know about her?

Tapion said as he squeezed the handle of his sword,at that moment Shroom just threw his scythe to the ground.

Shroom:Look,men. This is serious,I may be a psychopath and a sociopath but I have standards. I know what happens with Eri,I know that she is being used to create bullets that destroy quirks.

Tapion:If you know all that then you joined with that organization

Shroom:No,it's just a small alliance that I'm going to destroy very shortly and I want you to send this information to Nighteye.

Tapion:...Why? Why does a little girl worry you so much? You have killed too many people to care too much about someone's life.

Shroom:Hey!!! I do this because it is my way to cleanse this world of people who brought me to this low point in my life! the Yakuza were the second to start that and you know what? I think I'm responsible for destroying all that pathetic mob and why do I care about Eri? because a child should not go through the same misfortune as me,be with a mafia that will do whatever it takes to have the same importance that it had in its best days...I come in peace so please put your sword aside,I attack you before but I knew that you were going to block my me,Tapion...

Shroom said seriously,Tapion hesitated for a few seconds but he sheathed his sword.

Tapion:What information do you have?

Shroom:The location of the organization,its members,their quirks and moreover...they have a drug that could put them to an advantage.

Shroom pulled a sheet of paper from his jacket and handed it to Tapion.

Shroom:There is everything I just said,go give it to Nighteye tomorrow morning or right now,as you see it but be quick.


Shroom nodded and turned to grab his scythe from the ground.

Tapion:Maybe I was wrong with you


Tapion:Maybe you can still be a good person.

Shroom:...Heh nah! like I told you before,I have standards. Why should I kill innocent people? or heroes who at least do their job well? Their souls are not useful to me...I only kill those who really deserve it.

Shroom said before flying out of the place, Tapion looked at the sheet and without a second thought he ran to where Nighteye's agency was.

Tapion:If I remember correctly,it must be close here.

Tapion wrapped himself in a green aura and began to fly around the city,watching every building there until he saw Nighteye's agency. He flew at full speed until he landed in front of the entrance. He opened the door to see Bubble Girl and Centipeder talking to each other. They both turned to see him.

Centipeder:Sorry citizen but the agency is about to close.

Bubble Girl:You can come back tomorrow morning

Tapion:This is important! I need to speak to Sir Nighteye right now. I have information about Shie Hazzaikai and Eri.

Bubble Girl and Centipeder looked at Tapion in amazement,both of them were somewhat skeptical at first but both decided to take Tapion to Nighteye's office.

Bubble Girl:Sir Nighteye! we have very crucial information!

Bubble Girl said as she opened the door

Nighteye:No need to yell,Bubble Girl...who is that person?

Tapion:My name is Tapion,nice to meet you,Sir Nighteye. Sorry for coming so late at night but it was necessary,I have information about Eri and Shie Hazzaikai.

Nighteye:...I hope what you say is true although I am surprised that you know the name of the organization...and that girl.

Tapion:It is not a joke...I would never dare to hinder an investigation that has the life of someone so young at stake. Here is the information I am referring to.

Tapion handed the sheet of paper to Nighteye and he began to read it,amazed at how accurate it all was.

Nighteye:This is too accurate to be true,how and who gave you all this information?

Tapion:The member of the league of villains,Shroom.

Bubble Girl and Centipeder was dumbfounded by this.

Centipeder:So the league is working with the organization!

Tapion:Not totally,Shroom mentioned that he was not working with this organization. It's just a short alliance

Nighteye:And how are you so sure what he told you is true?

Tapion:...He...was one of my friends many years ago...our friendship is completely over but I know how he behaves and I know what he said is true.

Nighteye:...Very well,I did not think that someone in the league would dare to betray someone who agreed to work with them. Thank you very much for your contribution,you don't know how grateful we are for facilitating this investigation. Do you want us to give you something in return for such help?

Tapion:...One thing only...please rescue that little girl,someone so young should not be exposed to whatever is happening to her. You are pros,I trust you.

That was the last thing Tapion said before leaving Nighteye's office. He took his phone out of his pocket

Nighteye:It's time to get ready...Huh?

Nighteye looked through his window as two objects had flown out of the city. He ignored all this and decided to get back to the point of the matter.

[With Shroom]

Shroom:I think the pros would help me...if I had known that the Yakuza still use children to survive...I would have tried even harder to destroy them.

Shroom thought as he made his way from roof to roof with astonishing delicacy but that delicacy is interrupted by Piccolo grabbing him by his neck from behind and forcing him to leave the city until he reaches a nearby forest where he throws Shroom with all his might through several trees until he crashed into a hill.

Shroom got up from between the stones to see Piccolo in front of him.

Piccolo:Where are they?! it would be better if you answer me now!

Shroom grabbed his scythe and charged against Piccolo but he easily dodged his attack and then punched him in the ribs causing him to spit blood from his mouth. 

Piccolo kicked Shroom's scythe out of his hands and then elbowed him in the neck causing him to crash into to the ground.

Piccolo grabbed him by his hair and threw him against a tree. Shroom hit the tree with his back causing him to spit more blood from his mouth. He tried to get up from the ground but Piccolo appeared in front of him grabbing him by his neck and hit him against the tree holding him there.

Piccolo:I'll say it one last time. Where are the Dragon Balls?!

Shroom:Bleaugh! this how you start a conversation? and for your question...yeah,I have two Dragon Balls right ha-A-AAGH!!!

Piccolo squeezed Shroom's neck tighter,leaving him gasping for air for a few seconds.

Piccolo:Don't think I'll be nice to you. I know you have the Dragon Balls,I had my suspicions at first but (Y/N) confirmed my suspicions.

Shroom:F-Fucking snitch


Shroom:A-Agh!...l-look...I don't have the Dragon Balls. They only give them to me until I can fill them with negative energy. That's it,then I have to return them.

Piccolo:Where and who?

Shroom:Do not know. I have no idea where that person is...and I know you have a quirk to know when a person lies...that's how you knew how your first student was not honest with you.


Shroom:I mean it,I haven't seen that person...I don't even know where he is,we only communicate remotely.

Piccolo:Hmph! I thought I would have to torture you even more for you to speak.

Shroom:I'm not going to die at your hands...but I know when I'm not at someone's level...look,I respect you,but can you fuck off?

Piccolo looked at Shroom for a few seconds and then released him causing him to fall to the ground.

Piccolo:...This was a waste of time.

Shroom:Maybe for you...but for me this was educational.

Piccolo:What are you talking about?

Shroom:Seeing how you develop in a fight...I know what to expect when I fight (Y/N) again.

Piccolo:...You are a complete fool. (Y/N) is not copying my style at all...he is creating his own,I better recommend that you prepare for whatever comes your way once you face him. You may die in that battle.

Shroom:I'll die when I damn well feel like it! I have survived death longer than you think...that guy...will have to make a great effort if he wants to finish me.

Piccolo:I don't think it will take long.

Shroom:You look very confident with your new pupil, you want me to remind you of how the first pupil ended up?

Piccolo:...I don't deny my mistakes...but I know that (Y/N) is someone I can trust...I've seen his progress and I know what he really is...I'm proud of how far he's come. He has really strived to become powerful for the common good and not for his own pride. I'm leaving,I don't see the need to continue lengthening all this.

Shroom:Yeah,6152 words,Jesus fucking christ.

Piccolo flew out of the place leaving Shroom,he raised his hand making his scythe return to him. He opened a portal and crawled through it and teleported back to Dr Gero's lab. He was there watching his computer until he turned around and saw the state Shroom was in.

Dr Gero:SHROOM!!!

Dr Gero stopped everything he was doing and ran to Shroom very worried. he put his arm around him and helped him up.

Dr Gero:What the hell happened to you?

Shroom:I had a fight with the green goblin. He beat me up and here we are now.

Dr Gero:Piccolo?!...Tsk! I told you not to go near him! 

Dr. Gero helped Shroom walk to his chair,he took a first aid kit he had stored near his computer for emergencies and began to treat Shroom's wounds.

Dr Gero:You were lucky he didn't give you deep wounds or you would be in surgery right now.

Shroom:It's good to have a doctor nearby, isn't it?

Dr Gero:This is serious,Shroom. I told you not to follow that plan considering who is looking for the Dragon Balls...

Shroom:That doesn't matter now...I guess I'll have to give them back to him...if Piccolo knows I have them he won't hesitate to get them back.

Dr Gero looked at Shroom for a few seconds and sighed,he finished disinfecting one of the wounds and began to bandage his arm.

Shroom:How far are you from finishing that experiment of yours with seeds? It's much better than being bandaged all the time.

Dr Gero:A lot,I'm still experimenting with how to get the seeds to heal the different wounds of the human body but it has been more complicated than I thought...done. Go lie down for now and I don't want to see you until you can walk better. Now you are going to rest for the night until you recover, do you hear me?

Shroom:Ugh! yeah dad

Dr. Gero returned to help Shroom take him to a room for him to rest.


Autor Note: I have made my first publication on Patreon, it is a poll and everyone can participate in it to know what theme you want the next book to be.

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