Chapter 32 - Healing A Broken Heart
Just now, me and Nemuri were driving back to school, both of us in her car.
(Y/N):You know I can teleport us,right?
Nemuri:I have no problem bringing you to school with me,after all I can spend time with you too.
(Y/N):And what will happen if they see us together? I don't want you to lose your job
Nemuri:Inside the school,you are my student and I am your teacher,outside the school we are a couple, good idea,isn't it?
(Y/N):I guess you're right about that.
Nemuri:Don't worry about it, if you are worried about what the director says then keep in mind that he already knows.
(Y/N):H-He w-what?!
Nemuri:The director doesn't overlook things so easily,you must hide it very well so that he doesn't notice it.
(Y/N):I-I see...If that's true...then how come Dr Gero knew so much about the U.A. if he never went near it and Nezu knew nothing about it?
After a few minutes we both arrived in front of the school gate. We both got out of the car and went into the school.
(Y/N):Well,I have to teleport back to my room so they don't suspect that I disappear for almost a whole day.
Nemuri:Okay there,I'll see you in class.
Nemuri slapped my ass as she walked away. I laughed and then teleported back to my room,I changed into my uniform and went to the common area to see Izumi and Katsumi vacuuming the floor.
(Y/N):Oh! I did not know that you were going to take care of the cleaning
Izumi:Uh? Hey,(Y/N)!...e-ehm...actually this is...our punishment.
(Y/N):Punishment? What happened?
Katsumi:Tch! Nothing serious,okay? we had a fight last night,that was it.
(Y/N):Yeah,I can tell from all those bandages,come here you two.
Izumi and Katsumi approached me,I healed all their wounds.
(Y/N):Okay,now. Are you going to tell me what you were fighting for? or is it personal?
Katsumi:It was just to clarify some things...and also to explain some things.
Katsumi said while looking at Izumi.
(Y/N):So you already know about One For all.
Izumi:Uh?! how did you know?
(Y/N):From the little clues I could guess everything. I can trust that you can keep the secret better than Izumi.
Katsumi:Yeah,I promise I won't reveal anything.
(Y/N):Thanks,well I have to go. Good luck with your punishment
I said as I kissed the two of them on their foreheads. I came out of the dorms and went to where my classmates were,once there I could see that there were a large number of students in the corridors.
(Y/N):This is the second time the hallways are this crowded
Denka:Hey (Y/N)!!
Denka wave her hand at me,I went to her meeting with the others.
Denka:Where you were? don't you know there is an opening ceremony?
(Y/N):Of The truth is that I didn't even know there was something like that but I'm already here so there are no more problems.
Monoma:Hey Class A!...
Me and Denka turned to see Monoma leaning against the wall.
Monoma:I heard the news! I heard two of you failed the licensing exam!
Denka:Class B monoma,you are as charming as ever.
Monoma:The tables are turning,Class A. Every single one of us passed
Eiji:That's great! But did you hear that(Y/N) achieved a historic result?
Eiji said standing next to (Y/N) and Denka,the three of them could see how Monoma's face changed drastically.
Setsuna:Yeah! I heard about it! (Y/N),you got 150 points on the exam
Monoma:150 points?! but the exam is 100 points maximum!
(Y/N):Apparently if you do everything flawless you can get extra points.
Denka:I think we hurt his ego
Eiji:Well,he is making a competition of all this
(Y/N):Let's go,we have to go to that ceremony...huh?
My attention focused on a familiar person who began to pass me by.
(Y/N):Hey Hitomi!
Hitomi:Hi (Y/N),I didn't think we would see each other again.
(Y/N):Why do you say that?
Hitomi:Because after we met in the hall a long time ago,we haven't spoken again.
(Y/N):Yeah,you're right about that,I'm really sorry. I guess you know some things happened in between and all that but I don't want to make excuses for that. Here is my number
Hitomi:Y-Your number?
Hitomi said as her cheeks reddened. I created a piece of paper in my hands and wrote my phone number on it and then gave it to Hitomi.
(Y/N):Yeah! If you need any advice,want to train or anything else you can call me. Don't let your hand shake when you want to call me heheh
Hitomi:E-Ehm...t-thanks...I-I have t-to go...
Hitomi put my number in her pocket and left with her classmates. At that moment Sero approached me
Sero:Isn't that the girl that faced Midoriya at the festival?
(Y/N):Yeah,Hitomi Shinso
Sero:Huh...looks like she got tougher somehow
(Y/N):You are right about it
We all headed to the place where the ceremony was to take place. Once there,Nezu started talking about how important it is that we take this being a hero seriously now that Toshiko has retired as The Symbol Of Peace. After Nezu,Hound Dog took the podium and...yelled? bark at us? Anyway,I just mentioned the incident about Katsumi and Izumi.
After all that we had to go back to class but before that I went with Shiyori and grabbed her by her arm to separate us from the others.
Shiyori:Something happens?
(Y/N):I've been thinking about something and wanted to hear your opinion on this. Knowing that right now you are focused on trying to get your license,I thought that maybe I could visit your mother in the hospital. I don't want her to feel lonely and I don't want you to be too stressed out.
Shiyori:(Y/N)...I'd love for you to do that...please...make my mother happy.
(Y/N):I promise I will,I just want her not to be too worried about you.
I peck Shiyori's lips and we both hold hands to go back to our homeroom.
Once there we all went to our desks and Aizawa began to explain what we were going to do in this class. Mina began to whisper something to Tsu,Aizawa realized this but instead of getting upset,she just call her attention.
Aizawa:Is there anything you want to add,Ashido?
Tsu:I want to ask a question,Ms Aizawa. Can you tell us what the "hero work studies" that came up earlier during the opening ceremonies are about?
Momo:The Principal said it was something many of the upperclassmen are engaged in...
Aizawa:It was something I was going to talk about later but now that they mentioned it I guess I can explain it now.
Ochako:How strange,Ms Aizawa is much more chilled than other times.
(Y/N):Yeah,It's weird,I wonder what happened
I looked away trying to avoid any question that might come.
Aizawa:Well to put it simply,they're hero activities outside of school. Like the internships you did under heroes before...only closer to the real thing
Ochako:...Wait! Then why did we work so hard at the Sports Festival?!
Tenri:That's true. If we have work studies,then even those who didn't get scouted at the sports festival would have paths open up for them
Sato:Now,calm down,Uraraka. You're not being yourself.
Aizawa:But!...In hero internships,you will use the scoutings from the sports festival as connections. This won't be part of regular classes. It's up to the students individually. For those who weren't scouted at the sports festival,it will be hard to even participate. Originally,individual agencies recruited on their own,but it was hard to get UA students to join. That's the reason it ended up being like this. If you have no more doubts please take a seat.
Ochako:Sorry for jumping to the wrong conclusion
Ochako said as she sat back down
Aizawa:Now that you have your provisional licenses,you can assist in more real ways for longer periods of time. But there haven't been many cases where first years have received their provisional licenses. With the increased activity of villains, we are currently thinking seriously about your participation. You'll hear more about what it's actually like,and I will explain in further detail at a later date. We have our own circumstance as well. Well,I'm sorry I've kept you waiting,Mic.
Aizawa said as she opened the door for Present Mic to enter and the English classes would begin.
After all that,the day was completely calm so I decided to go to the hospital where Rei was,taking advantage of the way to buy her favorite flowers. Once at the hospital,I walked to her room knocking the door waiting for an answer.
Rei:Come in
I heard from the other side of the door. I open it to see Rei sitting on her bed
She smiled at me and I closed the door behind me.
Rei:Just you?
(Y/N):Just me,I am sorry for not having visited you before but to remedy things I brought you your favorite flower.
I said while putting the flower on the table that she had by her side
Rei:Thank you very much...but you didn't have to do that
(Y/N):I didn't want to arrive empty handed so I asked Shiyori about something you would like and she told me about your favorite flower so I brought it for you. I know it's not much...
Rei:I love it,it's...a very kind thing of you.
Rei said while smiling,I sat on the chair next to her bed and we both started talking about everything that had happened in the last time although apparently Shiyori kept her up to date with everything.
Rei:I'm sorry for what you had to go through
(Y/N):It's okay,the past is past,I can't change it but I'm happy to have the life I have now,you know,to have wonderful girls like your daughter in my life.
Rei:I can't thank you so much for taking care of Shiyori.
(Y/N):Pfff! You are undervaluing Shiyori a lot,she is a strong and determined girl who can take care of herself,she's really trying to create her own path
Rei:It makes me know that Shiyori...has a caring boyfriend...after all that she had to go through...a-a-all s-s-she...
At that moment I could notice how Rei's voice began to break,she was trembling and her quirk began to generate ice trails around her arms. I quickly put my hands on her shoulders and tried to pull her out of her trance.
(Y/N):Hey,Rei,Rei,are you okay?
Rei:...O-Oh!...s-sorry,I-I think I...
Rei fell silent the moment I hugged her. I was wainting that she wanted to break the hug but instead she returned the hug but she hugged me tighter.
Rei:P-Please...don't leave me
I never broke the hug,I kept her close to me at all times.
(Y/N):It's okay...It's okay...I will never leave you
I said softly trying to calm her down.
We stayed like this for several minutes me trying to calm Rei down
(Y/N):It is clear that Endeavor left her a severe mental damage...I had not seen her like this seems that she does not like to be vulnerable in front of Shiyori.
After a few minutes she stopped hugging me causing us to separate.
Rei:S-Sorry you had to witness that.
(Y/N):Rei,you don't have to hide all this from me...
I took her hand making her look into my eyes.
(Y/N):I know how you feel,you can show your vulnerability with me at all times,I will be here with you,I will support you in everything that happens.
Rei:(Y-Y/N) don't have to do that
(Y/N):I promise Shiyori that I would be here with you and that I would make you happy...and I won't leave until I really know you're okay. As I said before,you can tell me anything, if you have some weight on you it is better to release it.
Rei looked at me for a few seconds until she started crying.
Rei:It's just that...I care a lot for Shiyori,I hurt her a lot...
(Y/N):You did not hurt her as you think,she does not hate you or only comes to see you out of pity. She admires you,she really truly loves you...she began to create her own path through the words that you had said to her as a child.
Rei:...R-Really?...that...that comforts me a lot...I really thought that Shiyori...thank you...really... thank you very much,I never had this confidence to release all this weight from me.
(Y/N):I understand you,if you need anything I will always be here with you.
I felt Rei squeeze my hands gently.
Rei:Do you promise...that you will come tomorrow?
(Y/N):I promise that I'll be here tomorrow
Rei nodded with a big smile on her face,she realized that she was still holding my hands
Rei:S-Sorry,I shouldn't have done that
(Y/N):I don't care,your hand is very soft.
Rei:Heheh I can say the same about yours
After everything that happened I spent the rest of the day with Rei making her have a good time.
Time flew by, me watching as outside the window, it had already turned dark,after a few minutes, a nurse came to the room to say that visiting hours were over.
(Y/N):Well,I guess I have to go
(Y/N):Don't worry,I promise I'll come tomorrow
Rei:You don't have to...really,I think...
(Y/N):Don't you dare make excuses,I promised you,I will be here without excuses
Rei:(Y/N)...thank really are such a nice man
(Y/N):Thanks,well,see you tomorrow
Rei wave her hand saying goodbye to me while smiling. I left the hospital and headed back to school,along the way I met a large number of fans,mostly women who asked me for autographs or gave me their numbers which I politely rejected.
(Y/N):If I keep giving my number,my mailbox won't stop ringing hehe...AH!
I fell to the ground after hitting something hard like concrete. I opened my eyes to see Piccolo in front of me.
(Y/N):I'm not liking the way we meet,Piccolo
Piccolo:What are you complaining about,technically you can't take pain
(Y/N):Yeah I guess you're right,why are you here? I thought we were going to train tomorrow
Piccolo:Do you remember that I told you that I wanted to talk about something with you? is that,I think you better know now. Teleport us both to the same place we always train.
I teleported together with Piccolo to the same place we always train,he began to fly and I followed him from behind until we both reached the top of a waterfall. We both sat by the edge of that waterfall.
Piccolo:I don't know if you know this but the Provisional Hero License Exam is an event run by the HPSC or the Hero Public Safety Commission
(Y/N):Yea I know about that,Aizawa explained it to me in detail.
Piccolo:Good because they are also the ones who work with the police to coordinate the heroes who were going to rescue you when you were "kidnapped".
(Y/N):I know that too, Toshiko explained it to me after what happened...but why are you asking questions about the HPSC?
Piccolo:Because I want you to know that this organization,although it has gained the acceptance and trust of society and the heroes, is nothing more than an extremely corrupt organization. Those who run that organization do immoral acts with the excuse that they want to maintain the status quo...If you say something against them then you won't last long.
(Y/N):W-What?!...How do you know about all that?!
Piccolo:Because at one point in my life they wanted me to work for them.
(Y/N):A-And what happened?
Piccolo:Easy,in a few words they made me disappear from history,but as you have seen they did not manage to end my life
(Y/N):Wait...from the story...that means all those villains you told me before...
Piccolo:Yes,I was the person who defeated each of those villains by myself. The HPSC took care of all that merit to fade and be replaced with the nonsense that a group of unknown heroes did it.
Piccolo:Think about it,a single person defeated several of the most cruel villains that ever existed and that same person also knew about what the HPSC and its immoral actions are really like. They had to make me disappear somehow,killing me was not an option,if none of their heroes were able to kill those villains then they weren't able to kill me. The only best thing they could think of is to make me disappear from history and that I would never have existed,there are very few people who know about me. You could say that I was the All Might of those times,I managed to make several people start with heroic acts because they saw me do it.
(Y/N):W-Woah...then the organization that helps future heroes to achieve their dreams...
Piccolo:It is an organization that will do whatever it takes to keep the peace...and when I speak of whatever it is,it is whatever. I tell you this so that you know first hand...that the world of heroes is not something totally is also darker than you think...I have seen heroes fall,become villains,villains become heroes...a lot of things. Those two people who ran the HPSC...were nothing but shamelessly corrupt....
(Y/N):What happened to the two of them?
Piccolo:...I don't day they disappeared along with a village in which the clan they belonged to also disappeared. Right now that place is nothing more than a ghost is a pity,that village was one of the most developed in comparison to the various villages in which the previous clans lived before.
(Y/N):How old are you?
Piccolo:I don't remember my age anymore...but just so you know,I have been alive since the time quirks were called Meta Ability. I have more experience than all the heroes put together.
(Y/N):I see...I really don't know how to swallow this.
Piccolo:It must be hard to realize what being a hero really is like.
(Y/N):Not really,like you I have also gone through many things,at some point in my life...I lost hope in heroes and I think that losing that hope was what helped me escape from that laboratory where I was. I realized that I couldn't trust that a hero was going to break through that wall and save on my way I escaped from that laboratory...I guess that hero I was looking for was myself since I was the only one who helped me escape from that horrible place.
Piccolo:It's really a shame what happened to you,I'm not going to lie to you. I believe in everything you said about All For One,that guy is someone despicable...but at least you escaped from his clutches and managed to overcome that fear you had of him.
(Y/N):Yeah...and it was all thanks to gave me the courage and determination to fight my father and defeat him.
Piccolo:It's nothing,I decided to be by your side and help you grow. I think you are one of the few people who has not disappointed me over time.
Piccolo said as he put his hand on my shoulder,because of how he said that last sentence,a doubt grew in me.
[Third Person - POV]
Somewhere in Japan,Tapion was walking in the rain down a fairly long alley.
He just walked through the alley listening to how the drops of water fell until they hit the ground creating pools of water which he stepped on. It was something calm and relaxing until that quiet moment was over when someone fell behind him,that person was carrying a large scythe on his shoulder.
Tapion:*Sigh*...What do you want?
Shroom:Wow! Is this how you greet me,Tapion? That greeting was cold. I have not seen you in years and the moment I could see that you returned to civilization I knew that I should give you a welcome.
Tapion:Just answer the question,I have things to do
Shroom:Come on,Tapion. Relax,I'm not going to hurt you,do you forget those times when we were best friends?
Shroom said as he approached Tapion and put his hand on his shoulder,he quickly removed Shroom's hand.
Tapion:Yeah,we were best friends,you and your brother but that's the past,seeing how you two were really...
Shroom:You say it as if you were different from us,do you want me to remind you of how your clan was destroAgh!
Shroom shut up when Tapion pinned him against the wall by putting his arm against his neck.
Tapion:Don't you dare mention that incident again! It is hard for me to live with that guilt even knowing that I will live for years carrying this guilt on my back. It's not good that you go overboard with me.
Shroom:I know you well,Tapion. You are not a person who kills if it is not for a good reason...and I think you should control yourself,remember that we are in the middle of a city full of innocent people
Tapion:You think I can't control my power? I trained exclusively for that!
Shroom:You don't want to attract too much attention,do you? and I know...that you still have a special place for me in your heart
Tapion gritted his teeth
Tapion let Shroom go
Shroom:Good grip,man. If you have a girlfriend with that kind of taste,you will really give her a good time.
Tapion:Leave me alone,you know that I will not join you. I do not intend to become what destroyed my life and my people
Shroom:And what will you do? Will you be a hero and try to stop us?
Tapion:...No...I'm far from one...and thinking that you wanted to be a hero when we were kids.
Shroom:Yeah but you know,your dreams are destroyed once you expose yourself to what all that really is. The reality is always gruesome and disappointing. can always change that reality. Now leave me alone,Shroom. You know that I am only alive because my quirk does not allow me to die so I hope to die naturally at some point...It is enough to live with the guilt of not having saved anyone.
Shroom:And why not die in an epic way? you know,taking as many lives as possible
Tapion screamed causing a green aura to wrap around him. Shroom smiled and saw how Tapion began to calm down causing that aura to disappear.
Tapion:Leave me alone,okay? I am not going to enter into any plan of yours or your brother's. I have no right to call myself a hero but I am not going to sink too low to become a villain.
That was the last thing Tapion said before continuing on his way. Shroom kept smiling even after what happened.
Shroom:Poor bastard,he's just blaming himself for the weakness of his entire clan.
Shroom thought as he jumped between the walls to escape from the alley.
[(Y/N)-POV - The Next Day]
Right now I was heading to the hospital to visit Rei,the classes were pretty normal today so I didn't have much to miss.
It didn't take me long to get to the hospital and enter Rei's room,seeing her with a smile on her face.
Rei:You are here!
(Y/N):Yep,I promise you that I would come back
Rei smiled at my words,I sat next to her. We both started talking about whatever came to mind,each moment that passed we both got closer each time,she knew about this causing her cheeks to start to redden.
(Y/N):You are very beautiful
Rei:U-Uh!..t-thanks. Where did that come from?
(Y/N):I just wanted to give you a compliment,sorry if it was unexpected.
Rei:It's okay...and thanks,I also have to admit that you...are someone very handsome...
(Y/N):Thank you...I guess I inherited that from my father heh...ugh! Why the hell did I say something like that?
I raised my gaze to see Rei in the eyes,we both began to slowly approach each other,making us both feel our breathing closer and closer. We were about to kiss until she backed off a bit.
(Y/N):Something happens?
Rei:This is not right,I can't do this to Shiyori...I can't hurt her like this
(Y/N):Rei...I don't think you're hurting Shiyori.
Rei:I'm very sure that kissing her boyfriend would hurt her,more than you think.
(Y/N):Well...I'm not going to hide this from you...look,Shiyori is not my only girlfriend,I have several girlfriends that I love with all my heart and Shiyori knows about this and accepts this by sharing me. I love Shiyori with all my heart just like all the girls because each one of them is special to me just like you are to me.
Rei:(Y-Y/N)...I'm also not going to hide the fact that my days have gotten better since you came that day with Shiyori. Since that day I have felt more and more happy being with you,what I have not been able to achieve in being in this hospital...I have achieved it in seeing you here with me. I have become happy and carefree...but I'm scared...
(Y/N):Scared of what?
Rei:That what happens with Endeavor...will happen again...I'm afraid...that abuse will happen again...I-I -...
I could see how Rei was on the verge of a panic attack,I began to hug her to try to reassure her.
(Y/N):Forget that,forget that all that happened...and if you can't do assured that from now on the future will be better...why? because I'm here,Rei. I will be by your side,even if the world is falling apart,I will be here with you to protect you from everything,no matter what.
With the help of one of my quirks I could see how Rei began to calm down. I held her for a few more minutes until she separated from me only for her to join my lips with hers. I put my hands on her cheeks to deepen the kiss,it was clear that she really needed this.
We stopped for a few seconds to catch our breath to kiss again. Rei put hers arms behind my neck causing her to pull me towards her and we both fell on the bed. We both continue kissing,letting our hands explore each other's bodies.
My hands went through Rei's curvy body causing her to moan a little inside the kiss,she did not stay behind and also explored my body passing her hands over my chest. Our hands began to go lower and lower until we were almost close to shoving them into each other's pants.
We stopped kissing,I looked Rei in the eye,she smiled and nodded. it
I nodded and started to lower my hand almost into her panties until...
Nurse:Sorry for the intervention but visiting hours have ended.
With a godspeed I got off Rei and sat in the chair next to the bed before the nurse managed to open the door fully and see what we were about to do.
(Y/N):T-Thanks! l-let me say goodbye and I-I'll go/Man,what a way to be cockblocked
The nurse nodded and left the room,I sighed and looked at Rei whose face was completely red.
Rei:I-I guess...w-we'll have to continue t-this at another time.
(Y/N):I guess you're right...but I want to make sure...are you ready to do it again?
Rei:W-What do you mean?
(Y/N):I don't know how to say it...but I guess I'll be direct...I guess your last intimate experiences weren't the most pleasant...and I want to be sure that you really want that. You don't have to force yourself to do something I want. This is something that is decided by both sides,tell me,are you sure to take this relationship to that level?
I said softly to make Rei feel comfortable.
Rei:I-I...I'm not sure ... I'm still terrified about it...I'm sor...
(Y/N):Do not be. I understand you and the only thing I wish is that when we get to that point we both have a good time. I don't want you to have a panic attack at that moment or to remind you of a bad experience. I only want the best for you,Rei.
Rei:(Y/N)....I love much...thanks for being here with me
(Y/N):Everything for you,babe
I said while stroking her cheek and pecking her lips. I said goodbye to her and promised her again that I would return tomorrow to visit her.
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