Chapter 29 - Small Steps For A Big Future & Trying To Be A Better Person


(Y/N):And that is what I must do

I finished talking to Piccolo,right now I was standing next to him on a waterfall far away from the nearest town. 

Piccolo:...Finally...I thought you would never open yourself up to creating your own path. I can see that you are making your own judgment about the facts.

Piccolo said as he stood up from the ground and looked at the horizon.

Piccolo:Tell me (Y/N) you remember what I told you about Tenri and her quest for revenge against the Hero Killer?

(Y/N):Yeah,that was a very selfish thing for her to do.

Piccolo:What do you think about that? What is your opinion about what I said? Be honest with me.

(Y/N):...I really think that...being selfish is not bad sometimes,after all there are times when we should worry about ourselves too,have a little self-esteem. You're right that Tenri did all this just to avenge her brother,not just because the Hero Killer was a big threat.

Piccolo:There are times when revenge blinds people,revenge in itself is not bad...but you must realize that it is a self-destructive path where you only focus on one goal in your whole least Tenri managed to escape from that path before it ended up in something worse...and luckily you didn't succumb in your desire to get revenge on your father either.

(Y/N):What do you mean by all this?

Piccolo:I just don't want you to fall into the path of bad ambition,that desire to achieve something at any cost...unfortunately I could see that example in someone who was close to me...that's why I am mentioning this far as I can see your ambition right now is to become protect those you love.

(Y/N):Yeah...I want to protect those I love...and also this whole place...people see it as an unimportant thing...but for a person who has only seen the outside about twice...this is a marvel...and I don't want to lose something like this.

Piccolo:See...right now you are being selfish because you want to protect the one you love so much...but that selfishness is healthy because you are not hurting the rest of the are protecting them...unfortunately I have seen a lot how human beings have become more deplorable with time...even more in moments of tension where everyone should unite to face the crises that always appear when you least expect it...but it is always the other way around...people become selfish in a bad part,Stain was right,some heroes may do this for other interests than being a hero...but I don't mind that if along the way you protect others and your interests don't get hurt.

(Y/N):...What was all this talk for?

Piccolo:It's just so you know what you're getting into,being a hero has a lot of responsibilities...and I'd really like you to know all that beforehand.

(Y/N):I know all that...I know all the responsibility I will have on my shoulders tomorrow...but I know that I must be even more prepared than before...that's why I want to start this training,no matter how rigorous it is...I will do it.

Piccolo:I like to hear that...but now it's time to start your training,despite what many people think,I think it's better to start mentally and then physically.

(Y/N):And why is that?

Piccolo:In extreme situations,you should not lose even a single second to think,you must make decisions immediately,in addition,a mental training will help you to balance the energy you have inside you and you will improve every movement you have and the destruction of these...I want you to use the One For all 100% in that direction,try not to destroy too much of the environment.

(Y/N):W-What?! but that's too extreme! Even All Might couldn't throw a punch without causing great destruction.

Piccolo:I know...but I want to see how you do,now stop crying and do it!

I sighed and began to gather all the power of One For All in my fist. 

I threw the punch in front of me releasing a massive shockwave destroying everything in front of me,the power was such that Piccolo had to put his hand on my shoulder to keep me from flying away from the recoil.

Piccolo:You saw it? the power you release is too much and you cannot control all that destructive power,if you want to learn to use every move without the need to destroy everything around you then you need to maintain a balance in your body and mind...

Piccolo raised his hand and pointed it towards the whole place that had been destroyed by me,I looked totally surprised as everything began to rebuild itself,it was like seeing time in reverse.

(Y/N) did you do that?! are not the only one who has many quirks

My eyes widened in surprise upon hearing this

(Y/N):Do you have a quirk in which you can turn back time?!

Piccolo:Yeah but don't think it's overpower. It has many weaknesses,I have to be present at the moment when an event happens,I have to see what happened and also the time I can go back is too little,I only have the limit of 11 minutes. Believe it or not,I trained with this quirk,just that it is extremely difficult to make it more powerful,I focused for almost ten years on this quirk...and I can only turn back the time by 11 minutes.

(Y/N):Wait! ten years?! old are you?

Piccolo:Heh there are many things you don't know about me...that nobody knows about me...

[Two Days Later]

It's been about two days since I started training with Piccolo. I can only say that Piccolo may be the best teacher there can be. I am completely sure that with his help I will become stronger. 

Despite all that,during these last few days I have tried to get closer to Katsumi but she has managed to avoid me with a lot of effort. I have tried to wait for her in her bedroom but I have seen that she does not appear at any time when I wait for her or when she is there,she tries to ignore me completely. I know about this because of Tomoko's quirk. It saddens me very much to know that she is like this because of me and that Katsumi won't even let me get close to her to try to fix the things.

I was still thinking about how to fix things with her while I went back to the dorms. 

Once there I found Shiyori sitting on the couch,she looked up and smiled at me.

Shiyori:Hi there

(Y/N):Hey,babe. Are you okay?

Shiyori:Yeah,I was just thinking about what to improve with my new Ultimate Move...and I also wanted to talk to you

(Y/N):Something happens? father...insists too much that you come to my house for dinner today.

(Y/N):Really? why didn't you mention it before?

Shiyori:Because I just got the call from him like twenty minutes ago.

(Y/N):Oh!...I see,let me take a shower and change clothes to go with you

Shiyori nodded,I went to the boys' showers to wipe all this sweat off my body and then put on casual clothes. 

I met Shiyori out of the dorms wearing her casual clothes as well. She took me by the hand,intertwining our fingers and we both started walking towards her house.

To make the trip more enjoyable I tried to start a conversation.

(Y/N):By the way,tell me,how have things been with your mother? sorry if I have not had time to go with you to visit her.

Shiyori:It's okay,I know you need to train more than ever knowing that you have a lot of quirks to control. My relationship with my mother has been better than ever. I'm happy that now I can be with her

(Y/N):I'm happy to hear that,it must make her happy to see you almost every day

Shiyori:Yeah...but lately I haven't had much time due to Aizawa's hard training. She understands my situation but...I don't like her to feel alone

(Y/N):Oh...and what about Fuyumi and your brother,Natsuo?

Shiyori:My sister has to work and Natsuo does not have time due to his studies.

(Y/N):I'm sorry about that...I don't think Endeavor would ever think of visiting his wife...even that could be bad for her...

Shiyori:By the way...talking about my brothers,I know you were flirting with my sister

Shiyori said in a cold way,this started to freak me out

(Y/N):S-Sorry! I didn't mea...

Shiyori:Heheh calm down...actually...that's good.

(Y/N):T-That's...good? why?

Shiyori:I have always seen Fuyumi very lonely,she always cares about us but I have never seen her worry about herself...when you came that time to find me to visit my mother. She kept asking me questions about you and when she saw you on the news she kept worrying about you...I think she liked you.

(Y/N):I see...and I guess you want me to make Fuyumi happy just like I do with you.

Shiyori:I know it sounds stupid and all that but...

(Y/N):Hey,it's okay,I wouldn't mind making Fuyumi happy,she's a nice girl and very kind I think I would like to make your sister happy

Shiyori:Thanks for that

Shiyori stood on tiptoe and kissed me on the lips,despite all that conversation I could see how she was still a little worried

(Y/N):Shiyori,tell me the truth. Are you worried this whole dinner will go wrong or something?

Shiyori:I don't worry about that...I worry that my father...won't let this relationship lead to more.

(Y/N):Shiyori,our love will not break just because your father says so,do not think that he is an obstacle in your life because it is not like that. You are a smart girl who is learning to make decisions in her life. Your father will not destroy the love that exists between us because he does not have to decide what you are going to have in your life.

Shiyori:T-Thanks...You really know how to calm me down

(Y/N):Because I made sure I knew everything about my girls,so I always know what to say in cases like this.

Now let's keep walking,we don't want to keep your family waiting. Shiyori nodded with a smile on her face,she took my hand,intertwining our fingers and we both continued on our way to her house.

After several minutes walking we both arrived at her house,Shiyori knocked on the door and it was opened by Fuyumi

Fuyumi:Hey Shiyori!...(Y/N)!

(Y/N):Hey Fuyumi,it's good to see you again.

Fuyumi:S-Same,please come in,dinner is not ready yet but you can wait until it is finished.

I sat in front of a circular table that there was. Shiyori approached me and sat on my lap, I hugged her from behind.

We both started watching TV while Fuyumi finished dinner. As we watched TV,I started to run my hand over Shiyori's inner thigh. I began to kiss her neck at the same time that I ran my hands over her thigh and under her shirt. I squeezed one of her breasts making her quickly put her hand on her mouth avoiding moaning very loudly.

Shiyori:A-Are you really doing this now?

(Y/N):If you want,you just have to tell me to stop. I don't want to force you to do anything

Shiyori:...Your touch...feels so good. I can't help moaning too loud

(Y/N):Do not worry my love,if you want after this we can have a moment alone just for the two of us. A moment to show my love for you~

I said while gently biting her ear. I looked at my side and I could see Fuyumi looking at us,she quickly changed her gaze to the other side,she had a noticeable blush on her cheeks. I stopped my actions making Shiyori sigh in disappointment.

Shiyori:I have to go to the bathroom,I'll be right back

Shiyori got up from my lap and went to the bathroom. 

(Y/N):I guess she's going to finish what I started.

I got up from the floor and approached Fuyumi from behind to see what she was doing.

(Y/N):Woah! it looks delicious

Fuyumi:Ah! (Y/N),don't scare me like that.

(Y/N):Hehe sorry,I just wanted to see if you need help with anything.

Fuyumi:D-Don't are the guest and...

(Y/N):But that does not mean that it cannot help with something. If you need something from me just tell me


Fuyumi told me while looking into my eyes,she quickly looked away when she realized that she was staring at me,I put my hands on her cheek making her look at me again,her cheeks began to turn a reddish color 

(Y/N):Tell me you have a crush on me?


(Y/N):Hey,hey,calm down. Be honest with me,I want you to be honest with me and with your feelings.

Fuyumi:I-I...I really have huge crush on you...just hearing how Shiyori talks about kind and protective you are with my mother...see how incredible you are on's hard for me not have a crsuh on you. But it's wrong...Shiyori is your girlfriend and...

(Y/N):Actually,Shiyori told me about how lonely you are...and she doesn't mind that I go out with you too,don't worry about this. I am also a boyfriend of other girls but I love each one equally. I just want to give you the love that a girl as great as you deserves...

I said as I flicked her hair behind her ear

(Y/N):What do you say,Fuyumi? Would you let me love you and make you happy? 


Fuyumi said very happy,she threw herself into my arms and began to hug me. She raised her head making us look at each other,we both began to slowly approach each other until our lips connected. I put my hands on her hips while Fuyumi was still hugging me.

We were kissing for several seconds until I could feel how her tongue was asking for access to my mouth,I opened my mouth and our tongues began to dance,Fuyumi began to moan into the kiss. My hands began to go down involuntarily putting on her ass,I gave it a strong squeeze causing Fuyumi to approach me and jump on my wrapping her legs around my back. 

At no time did we break the kiss,she put hers arms behind my neck while I kept my hands on her butt. At that moment I felt someone else approaching the house so I broke the kiss with Fuyumi and left her on the floor

Fuyumi:W-Wha...What happen?

(Y/N):Someone else is going to enter the house

Fuyumi nodded but I could see that she was a little sad,I approached her and gave her a short kiss on her lips.

(Y/N):This is not going to be the last time we see each other. Rest assured that you will see me around here very often~

I said to her while winking at her,at that moment the door of the house opened to reveal a white haired boy wearing a college jacket.

???:Hey Fuyumi! I'm...hey! you are that guy of the TV!

(Y/N):Hi! my name is (Y/N)...S-Shigaraki

Natsuo:So you are Shiyori's boyfriend,my name is Natsuo,Shiyori's Older bother

I walked over to Natsuo and shook his hand.

Fuyumi:I was waiting for you,Dad invited (Y/N) for dinner

Natsuo:Very rare for Dad to invite someone to dinner...but from what I saw on TV you really are impressive,I am still surprised that you could be at the level of All Might.

(Y/N):Hehe thanks man.

Natsuo:By the way,try to cover your back about dad,it's just advice

Natsuo said quite seriously,I can see that Shiyori is not the only one who has a strong hatred for Endeavor.

Me and Natsuo started talking about his life and my life,it makes me happy and it surprises me to see that he was not bothered by the fact that I was the son of a villain,I suppose he understands the fact that children can become very different from their parents. 

Shiyori came back from the bathroom after a while and sat next to me. 

An hour had passed and Fuyumi already had dinner ready but Endeavor still hadn't shown up.

Fuyumi:Dinner is ready,we'd better go to the dining room

Natsuo:Yup,I'm very hungry.

(Y/N):But your father hasn't arrived yet,would it be okay to have dinner without him?

Shiyori:He's usually late when he comes home so we eat first.

I see,apart from being a terrible father,he's also a terrible host. Why the hell did he invite me to come if he didn't even show up? But anyway,we all headed to the dining room to eat the food that Fuyumi had prepared. All I could see on the table were the plates of food she had prepared that was making me drool at how delicious they looked. 

We all sat down and began to eat 

Fuyumi:I can see that you liked my food

(Y/N):That I like it falls short of how great your food is,Fuyumi.

I said making Fuyumi smile. At that moment I felt someone else approaching,I used Infrared,one of the many quirks of my father and I could realize that it was Endeavor which had arrived. He opened the door of his house and walked to the dining room where we were,Shiyori and Natsuo gave him an emotionless look

Fuyumi:Hey dad,how was work for you?

Endeavor:As always, good you are here,I want to talk to you.

Endeavor said clearly referring to me

Natsuo:Can't you even wait for him to finish dinner? or even have manners?

(Y/N):It's okay,I'm not hungry anymore,what do you want to talk to me about?

Endeavor:Come with me,this will only be between the two of us.

Shiyori looked at me concerned but I gave her a reassuring smile and assured her that everything would be fine. 

I followed Endeavor through the corridors of his house,I have to note that his house is quite big. 

After a few seconds of walking,he then stops in front of a room,he slides it open and looks in my direction

Endeavor:Follow me

He said as he heads inside. I followed him and could see how he knelt in front of what appeared to be a shrine. I knelt next to him and I could see how the shrine was really a death shrine,there was a photo of a young girl with white hair,that girl was somehow very familiar to me.

(Y/N):Who is that girl in the picture?

Endeavor:...My eldest daughter,Tomo Todoroki...many years ago,before training Shiyori. I trained Tomo first because she possessed an even stronger flamer quirk than my Hell flame,her flames were hotter and deadlier than mine,were more powerful in every way. But unfortunately she inherited her mother's resistance to freezing temperatures,rather than my resistance to high heat,because of that and other problems I had to consider her a failure.

I clenched my fists when I heard all this but I stayed calm.

(Y/N):And what happened to her? did she die?

Endeavor:I neglected her the same way I did with Fuyumi and Natsuo...she still tried to prove that she was better than Shiyori by trying to recklessly train her quirk without my supervision. I told her to give up this goal and focus on something else in life but she refused to do so. After a big incident at Sekoto Peak...where Tomo was there...she died.

(Y/N):I see...and why are you telling me all this? Why did you bring me here?

Endeavor:The words of All For One...the words of your father "Stay away from my creation" the same way that I referred to Shiyori.

(Y/N):It is not the same way...but the background is the same. You wanted to create Shiyori to be someone who surpasses All Might...I was created to destroy all heroes...we were both created to fulfill the goal that one person set on us.

Endeavor:...I have realized...the big damage I have done to my family...I have behaved like a real villain...

(Y/N):I'm glad to know that you were able to fully realize the damage that you have not done only to Shiyori but to your children calling them "failures" but I think that the worst damage was Rei...your wife.

Endeavor:I know...I'm...trying to fix all this...a few days ago I went to visit Rei in the hospital

I widened my eyes in surprise upon hearing this.

(Y/N):...A-And how was everything?

Endeavor:...I just want her to see that I'm not looking for forgiveness from others...I just want to show...that I want to be a better person. Clearly this marriage will lead to nothing else if not more pain...I told you to come here because I want to ask you something...until now that you know almost everything about this you think I am someone similar to your father?

(Y/N):...Endeavor...You are a terrible father and husband...but you are totally far from being even similar to my father,he did so many horrible things that it would take me hours to say it all. I suffered so much torture that it surprises me even that I have not gone crazy at this point. You can change and be a better person...that is clear,you are a great hero,someone passionate about his work...but you should know that people also take into account who that person is under their costume,I hid all this time that I was the son of All For One...and you could already see what happened...what happens in the dark,comes out in the light

Endeavor:...Thank you,kid...I did not know that someone like you...could open my eyes...even...your way of expressing yourself reminds me of someone but whatever...the only way I have to show that I can be someone better is to prove to myself that I can be a better father to Shiyori and the rest

(Y/N):I'm sure you can,Endeavor...I support you in that

Endeavor looked at me and gave me a warm but small smile,something quite strange coming from him being honest.

Endeavor:Thanks again,kid. I'm really glad that Shiyori met you. Please take care of her...more than I ever can.

(Y/N):Be sure about that,man

I told Endeavor with a smile,at that moment we both heard lightning outside the house,followed by several raindrops that began to hit the roof.

(Y/N):Oh great,It started to rain and it is time for me and Shiyori to go back to the U.A./I will never trust those stupid meteorologists again

Endeavor:Stay over here tonight,I'll make a call to your school to let them know that you two are here.

(Y/N):Thanks for that

After the chat with Endeavor,I went with Natsuo to see if he could lend me one of his pajamas for tonight,he kindly gave me one of his. 

After going to the bathroom to change I started walking around Endeavor's house,trying to find the guest room.

(Y/N):From my experience of living in houses that are huge...this must be the room.

I said as I stopped in front of a room,I slides it open and what was in front of me made me open my eyes in surprise...and feel that my pants felt tighter than before.


(Y/N):Ah! shit! sorry,Shiyori. I didn't know this was your room.

I said while covering my eyes avoiding more than I should,I heard how Shiyori walked towards me,she removed my hand from my eyes.

Shiyori:Don't feel nervous,it won't be the last time you see me like this.

(Y/N):I're right about that but I'd better go and find the guest room.

Shiyori:If you want you can sleep with me,I wouldn't mind.

(Y/N):If there is no problem then...why not?

Shiyori smiled and went to her bed,she lay down and opened her arms to me

Shiyori:Come with me~

I giggle and closed the door behind me,I went with Shiyori and leaned on her pressing my body with hers. She made me lay my head on her big breasts,her breasts feeling like soft pillows.

Shiyori:(Y/N)...can we...can we do something?

(Y/N):Something like what?

I raised my head to look at her,Shiyori started to blush really hard.

Shiyori:I-I...I've thought a lot about this and...I want to have my first time with you...

(Y/N):Shiyori,you shouldn't feel ashamed to ask your boyfriend about having an intimate night

Shiyori:It's just...I don't know anything about this...and I don't want things to go wrong.

She said a little worried. I smiled and put my hand on her cheek

(Y/N):Shiyori,calm down,I assure you that all this will be fine. If you want I can help you in this,I am not an expert but I want you to feel comfortable in your first time.

I approached her and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips.

(Y/N):Don't worry my love,your boyfriend will make you feel very good tonight~

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