Chapter 28 - An Waited Battle/You Are Still Weak!


*Buzz*  *Buzz*  *Buzz*

(Y/N):...Ugh!...who calls so early in the morning?

I complained while lifting my head from the pillow,I tried to move but I could see how Yu was still sleeping on my chest. I stretched my arm to pick up my phone that had fallen to the floor

(Y/N):Who's this?

Nezu:Hey (Y/N),I hope I'm not bothering you

(Y/N):P-Principal Nezu? How come you got my number?

Nezu:It was not difficult. All Might kindly gave it to me

(Y/N):Oh! right,why is the call? it something serious?

Nezu:Something like that,I have to talk a few things with you. I'd like you to come to school in a few hours if it's not too much of a hassle

(Y/N):I'll be there,I promise

I ended my call with Nezu and began to worry about what might happen in that meeting.

(Y/N):Possibly I will be expelled from school. I don't think they like having me there knowing that I'm the son of Toshiko's arch enemy

Yu:Who was it,babe?

Yu said before yawning

(Y/N):It was the principal of the U.A. I have to go there because he want to talk to me

Yu:Hey,don't worry. I don't think it's going to be a bad you want breakfast?

(Y/N):Yeah,I'm going to prepare breakfast,stay here

Yu:I was supposed to do that

(Y/N):It does not take me any time and also I still do not think you can feel your legs after last night,just rest and wait for me to bring breakfast

I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for me and Yu

After I finished making breakfast and eating it together with Yu,I went to the shower to take a bath,something which Yu also joined with me.

After a bit of fun in the shower with Yu,I put on my clothes and was ready to go to U.A.

Yu:Do not forget to visit me~


I kissed Yu goodbye on her cheek and flew off in the direction of the school, it didn't take me long to get there.

I landed in front of the school gate and was a little surprised at how calm the place was given what had happened.

I entered the school and went straight to Nezu's office,he was there looking at some papers on his desk, I walked in and he looked up.

Nezu:Ah! (Y/N),good that you have arrived

(Y/N):It seems you want to talk about something serious with me

Nezu:Yes,but first I want to thank you,your sacrifice saved countless people and heroes. There were no fatalities in the confrontation with...your father

(Y/N):Just say it how you want,I don't really care

Nezu:Okay,but as I was saying,the people,the heroes,the ex Symbol Of Peace and I,the principal,cannot possibly thank you enough

(Y/N):Thanks! I...

Nezu:But,that does not mean that you broke many rules,too many I would say. You meddled in a confrontation without any license,you used your quirk without a license too,among others but those are the main ones.

(Y/N):So does that mean I'm in a lot of trouble,right?

Nezu:It would be so if it were not the case that without you then All For One would have possibly defeated All Might and...the result could have been another. I don't approve of that recklessness of yours...but I appreciate you breaking the rules this time. I made sure you were clear of all trouble with the law

(Y/N):Really?! thanks for that!

Nezu:It is nothing but now I would like to ask you some questions and that you answer me as sincerely as possible.


Nezu:First of all,did you reveal information about the school,students and other things to the League of Villains?

(Y/N):Of course not,I never did that and I never would,in addition to my massive hatred for my father I would never do something that would endanger the people I love

Nezu:I see,I ask you about this because Training Camp was something only teachers and the Pussycats knew about

(Y/N):The only thing I can say is that my father got help from Dr. Gero to get information about the school

Nezu:Yeah,All Might told me about all of that. I'm sorry that you went through all that

(Y/N):Meh! That already happened,I can't escape the past so I'll have to live with it. Something else you want to ask?

Nezu:Something like that,this is to inform you that I thought about implementing a new plan that I have been thinking about for quite some time. It is about that we will have dormitories here at the school so you can have your things ready when the dormitories are finished

(Y/N):That sounds great!

Nezu:Thank you and knowing that someone as powerful as you will be at the school,the students will be safer and finally I knew that your father had made a special costume for you

Nezu said as he put his paw on the briefcase that was on his desk

(Y/N):That's right,he told me that this costume was made especially for me and that there was none equal,that costume will withstand any kind of quirk that I get in the future,I don't know if the last thing he said was true.

Nezu:I see,because this costume was not made with the necessary regulations,they would supposedly have to confiscate it,but since you said that there was not one like it and that your quirk is based on multiple quirks...I guess there will be no other way than to turn a blind eye.

(Y/N):Wait! are they really going to do that?

Nezu:Power Loader took a look at your costume and confirmed that it is made of very rare and hard to find materials. It will take months if not years to make a costume similar to this one so it is best to leave it as is.

Nezu gave me my briefcase with my costume

Nezu:For these days off I would like you to train your quirks in an unpopulated area. So that you can improve the use of your many quirks. This is for your safety as well as the safety of the rest of the students

(Y/N):Okay,I understand. I was thinking of doing the same

Nezu:I guess that's it,you can go now

(Y/N):Alright thanks...being honest I thought you were going to expel me


(Y/N):You know,I'm the son of All Might's arch nemesis

Nezu:That's right,but at no time did you break our trust,I could feel honesty in your words and as All Might told me,you really had a bad time in your childhood...if that can be called childhood. It would be repulsive of me not to give you the opportunity to have a better life,you will continue to be a U.A student...and from what I have are a great inspiration for future heroes. Good luck in your future,(Y/N)

(Y/N):T-Thanks! Principal Nezu

I took my briefcase and left his office,before I could continue on my way I could see Aizawa coming out of one of the rooms,she turned to see me


(Y/N):H-Hey Aizawa

Aizawa didn't say anything,she approached me and put both hands on my shoulders.

Aizawa:I'll tell you just one thing...why the hell do you always have to be so damn reckless?! Do you know how worried I was for you?!

Aizawa yelled at me very angry

(Y/N):I-I'm sorry,It was not my intention to worry you but I had to settle some pending accounts

Aizawa:Yeah,All Might told us all what you had to go through with your father,I'm really sorry

(Y/N):It's okay,I'm happy that all of this at least ended mostly well. I'll have to go for now,I have...a lot to train

Aizawa:I heard about your quirk,I can't believe a kind of quirk this powerful exists...does that mean you have mine too?

(Y/N):I can copy anyone's quirk with just a DNA sample...and since we've kissed a lot I think it's clear that I have your quirk~

Aizawa:I-I see...the next time you do something reckless...make sure you at least get out alive,I know that I will not be able to change that reckless attitude of yours...but I can't even think that at some point you could die.

(Y/N):I promise you that I will make it out of even the biggest fight that ever existed but always keep something in mind,you are all my first priority and if I am not completely sure that you are safe then I will keep fighting even if the fight lasts for years.

I said before giving Aizawa a kiss on her lips,I said goodbye to her and left the school to go to a mountainous area,the furthest from civilization. Once I saw a perfect area to train,I changed into my hero costume.

(Y/N):Okay,it's time to train every quirk I have,some have done it for 16 years and now I have to do that in the shortest time possible.

Throughout the rest of the day I began to train each quirk that I had,mainly the ones that were more dangerous such as One For All,Decay,Half-Cold Half-Hot,Hell Flame and Dabi's quirk which I name Cremation. They were extremely powerful and destructive quirks but I managed to control their destructive power with great effort,because my body was in charge of eliminating the weaknesses of my multiple quirks,I had one less worry.

After a few hours I could see that the sun was setting.

(Y/N):This has been a productive day,they are not great advances but small steps are what I need right now,I believe that I am powerful enough to face everything that comes my way!

Shroom:Oh really?~

My eyes widened as I heard Shroom not far from me. I used Tomoko's quirk and I managed to find the exact location of Shroom

(Y/N):You better come out from behind that rock,Shroom. This could end very badly for you

Shroom came out of hiding but he was not carrying his scythe.

Shroom:Well, well, I can see that your ego has already gone to your head "ThIs CoUlD eNd VeRY bAdLy fOr YoU" and here I thought you were different from the rest of the guys who like to wear tights all the time.

(Y/N):Why are you here? I think you know how dangerous I am right now

Shroom:HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Cool pun! I bet you've been working on that all day


Shroom:Because you have many quirks does it mean that you are now the most powerful? that's stupid,you're still just as weak as before

(Y/N):Do you want to try that?

Shroom:Hmmm...yeah,why not. I haven't had a decent fight in a long time but I want to make my point clear to you...

I braced myself, thinking he was going to launch an energy attack or something but instead I felt something go completely through my body. I fell to my knees and looked at Shroom to see that he now had his scythe in his hands.

(Y/N):Uh?....I don't feel tired at all

Shroom:It's because I just deactivate your quirks but don't drain all your energy. You can see how much control I have over my quirk. I want this fight to be without quirks and without weapons

Shroom said as he embedded his scythe into the ground and got into a fighting pose.

Shroom:Do your worst!

(Y/N):I don't think I need quirks to defeatA-Agh!!!

All the air in my body escaped the moment Shroom punched me in my stomach, he followed up with a kick to my ribs with such force that he threw me against a hill.

I quickly got out of the hole in which I had been embedded and was about to charge against Shroom but in the blink of an eye he was already in front of me,I did not have time to react and he gave me a strong punch in my face that made me go completely through the hill.

(Y/N):W-What...what the hell was that all about? His speed is incredibly high and his punches...very powerful

Shroom:Come on,(Y/N). Make me have fun at least in this fight...

Shroom grabbed one of the stones that were on the ground. 

Shroom:You were powerful,weren't you? Or is it that you are only powerful only with your quirks?  you are just like your father!

(Y/N):I will teach you not to underestimate me!!

Shroom:I'm sorry but...I'm already doing it

Shroom threw the stone at me,I was going to catch it with my hand but my instincts made me move to the side,I was dumbfounded to see how that simple stone was able to go through several trees behind me.

I turned my head and Shroom was in front of me again but this time I was able to block his attack and try to fight back but it was impossible,every hit I gave,Shroom dodged it and counterattacked harder and harder.

Shroom:Do you really think you deserve that title of the most powerful "Quirk User" that everyone is saying?!

Shroom screamed as he grabbed my head and kneed me hard in the face and then made another sweep between my legs to give me another knee but this time in my ribs as I was falling to the ground.

I tried to kick Shroom but he grabbed my leg and he literally threw me into a tree with all his might. Shroom charge against me with a flying kick but I managed to dodge his attack by taking a great distance,I could see how Shroom was able to cut the tree in half with just one kick.

(Y/N):This is ridiculous,I have not even managed to give him a simple is it that Shroom is giving me more fight than my own father?!

I started shooting energy balls at Shroom but he dodged all my attacks very easily. I stretched my arm towards Shroom again trying to hit him but he still managed to dodge me very easily due to his high speed

Shroom:I'm still waiting for this to be fun!!

Shroom yelled as he ran towards me,I desperately tried to catch him with my arms but he released a black and red aura causing my arms to retract due to the intensity of his power.

I quickly released my energy around me causing Shroom back off,I started to fly but out of nowhere Shroom appeared in front of me.

The moment I fell to the ground I tried to get up but Shroom gave me a strong stomp on my back causing me to hit the ground.

Shroom:Well...that was are still weak!


I screamed in pain the moment Shroom put pressure with his foot on the place he had hit me,I could see how Shroom raised his hand again and his scythe returned to him.

Shroom:Right now I can kill you in very different ways...but I won't.

(Y/N):H-Huh?! w-why?! Isn't your goal to kill me?!

Shroom:Of course not,if I killed you right now then what would I have fun with in the future? Besides that I don't have you as my objective,you are not that important to me,you know?

(Y/N):So why did you do all this?

Shroom:Easy,so you can see that once the quirk of a hero or villains becomes completely useless. I admire those people who don't always need quirks to defend themselves,for example Eraserhead,although she almost always has to use her quirk she has more tricks up her sleeve...tell me,what the hell did you teach me in this fight?...You are incredibly powerful with your quirk...but once your quirk is gone,what happens? easy,you become useless. That is one of the many problems of some heroes,they trust their quirks too much that they neglect having a true fighting style...I will let you live because being are the only one I see that I can have fun for a while...

Shroom said as he took his foot off my back

Shroom:I don't know why but you call my attention a lot,that speech of yours in the fight against your father...I really liked "A hero is one who not only saves innocent people but also saves the villains who have fallen on that path" That really touched my heart but let me ask you something,are all villains really capable of being saved? Will you be able to save those villains that you mentioned?...I hope you take your words seriously. Actions speak louder than words themselves...I hope you have learned something in this fight,see you later...and I really mean it,We will see each other again very soon...

Shroom said as he opened a portal behind him and left the place. I got up and sat on the floor thinking about everything he had told me

(Y/N):...G-God...what a great humiliation.

Piccolo:That really wasn't your best fight

I looked above me to see Piccolo descend slowly in front of me

(Y/N):Were you here all this time? why didn't you help me?!

Piccolo:Because Shroom's words were so true that I thought about not interrupting this fight. Unfortunately he didn't have any Dragon Balls in his possession right now...but that's not the point. He was right,you can't always depend on your quirks

(Y/N):Yeah,you're very right,everything was clear to me when he began to beat me up the moment I opened my mouth...I don't have a fighting style or anything like that. I think I have always thrown a fist and hoped it would hit my enemy's face.

Piccolo:That's right...that's why I'll have to bother training you.

(Y/N):W-What?! do you want to train me?

Piccolo:That's right,you have great potential,kid. I'm not going to let that potential go to waste and are something that is really lacking in this society and I want you to at least be an example to follow for all those children who want to be future heroes. I will teach you my fighting style,it is varied,aggressive as well as strategic and also...if you show me that all this training was really worth it...I will give you a reward.

(Y/N):I promise I will not disappoint you!...Shroom is very right...very right...Acts speak louder than words themselves! And if I want to be that hero who also saves the villains then I will do whatever it takes to become that hero that everyone needs.

Piccolo:Good,I like to hear that enthusiasm,for now we will make a small introduction of what you are going to learn,the rest of the days I will not be anything nice with you and I mean it very seriously so you better prepare yourself.

(Y/N):Yes,sir! I'm ready for anything!

Piccolo:...And I hope...that you really learn for yourself during my training and that you bad you are right now.

(Y/N):Huh?...I do not understand what you mean.

Piccolo:I will not give you the answer to that,once you realize your own is the moment that you really start to grow as a great hero. This will not just be physical training...take that into account...a true fighter is not only worth for his strength but also for his mind.

[Many Days Later]

(Y/N):I really wasn't ready for any of that

It had been several days since I started training with Piccolo,the first day was pretty good...while the rest was complete hell. Piccolo's training was very hard,more than the one Aizawa had given us in the Training Camp but this is not the time to back down

It was already sunset and I had decided to walk back to the U.A,I was already quite tired of the training

(Y/N):I am so tired...I never thought I could be this tired considering the large amount of stamina I have

I entered the school and I could see how the bedrooms of my class were with the lights on.

(Y/N):Huh?...oh shit! I forgot that today is the day that the students would move to their dormitories...I think they will not overlook that I had installed myself in the dormitories a few days ago

I thought about entering the dorms but I discarded the idea and went to Nezu's office.

Nezu:Uh? why are you here? I thought you were going to meet your classmates

(Y/N):I was thinking the same...but I don't know,I really don't know why I'm here right now

I sat in one of the chairs in his office.

Nezu:You look tired,I know I said you should train your quirks but I don't think you should overdo your training

(Y/N):I didn't just decide to train my quirks,I'm also training to get a better fighting style...that's something that I really lack.

Nezu:Is someone helping you with that?

(Y/N):Yeah,he has a lot of everything

Nezu:Is he a pro hero?

(Y/N):Not really,as he had told me,he helps when the situation really needs the way,have you managed to discover the way in which Gero could infiltrate the U.A.?

Nezu:No...and I don't think an investigation is necessary either...not because I see it unnecessary but because I don't want this to become something public. We will look for the way in which Dr Gero was able to obtain information from us.

Nezu said very seriously,I tried to think of a way in which Gero could infiltrate this school

Nezu:By the way,you better go to your bedroom. Tomorrow you have classes and it is better that you start with energy

(Y/N)'re right,it's just know...

Nezu:Are you really so insecure about what will happen if you meet your classmates again?

(Y/N):Yeah...I knew from the beginning that lying was not going to be a good thing...and now I am afraid of those consequences.

Nezu:(Y/N),the main thing that a hero must have...not only a hero,but a mature person is to have the courage to face those consequences that our decisions have caused,you can't run all your life because the consequences will follow you wherever you go,so the best decision is to face it.

(Y/N):I guess you're right...I must stop being a coward and face the consequences once and for all. Good night

Nezu:Good night.(Y/N)

I left Nezu's office and went to the dorms. Once I got there I could see Tsu outside,I could hear how she was crying a little,worried I approached her.

(Y/N):You know,it's a crime to see cute girls cry and not help...

Tsu turned to look at me,her eyes widened in surprise

(Y/N):And more if she is your cute girlfriend


Tsu looked at me for a few seconds in shock,she then jumped over and wrapped her arms and legs around me. She hugged me quite tightly


(Y/N):I-It's okay,it's okay...sorry for disappearing these days without saying anything

Tsu:Just...I'm happy that you're back,I thought something bad had happened to you...I couldn't stop thinking about you

Tsu began to cry in my chest,I began to caress her hair helping her to calm her down a bit.

(Y/N):I'm really sorry,I didn't want to make you worry about me. I'm really sorry,Tsu

Tsu:*Sob*...Nothing happens,now I am happy to know that you are alive...and you are here with me

(Y/N):I will always be there for you and all of you,never doubt that.

I said to then give Tsu a kiss on her lips,I tried to break the kiss but she put her arms behind my neck to continue with the kiss. Our tongues began to dance until they almost tangled with each other. We both broke the kiss and I revealed to Tsu my long tongue

Tsu:Y-You tongue...

(Y/N):It's your quirk*Kero*

I blush when I croak,that came out without even thinking about it. Tsu giggled and hugged me one last time before getting off me

Ochako:Tsu? are you okay? we hear screams and...

I could see how almost all my girlfriends had come out of the dorms to find out what was happening with Tsu,needless to say,each one of them was looking at me in shock. I smiled and approached them with Tsu standing by my side.

Mina:Is it you? it really you?!

(Y/N):Well of course it's me,I don't think there is someone else like me heheh

After that all the girls approached me and began to hug me very,very strongly.

(Y/N):A-Agh! girls I can't breathe

All the girls stopped hugging me so I could get the air back into my lungs.

Tenri:Where have you been all this time?! we were worried about you,you never gave us any notice about what happened to you!

Eiji:Easy,Iida. (Y/N) may have been busy with everything that has happened to him recently,give him a break

(Y/N):I can see that you...haven't forgotten me even after what happened.

Momo:How could we forget you?! you are the best boyfriend there is,we could never forget about you even if you are the son of a villain

Izumi:Why didn't you ever tell us something like that?

(Y/N):...It was not something I wanted to was something I wanted to forget,I spent the worst years of my life being with my father...I just wanted to forget all that and also...if my father knew about you,I was afraid that he decided to do something to all of you...luckily right now he is in prison

Minori:Yeah,after that epic fight! everything was amazing! explosions everywhere,a lot of action and Auch!...

Tsu shut up Minori slapping her with her tongue

Denka:B-But I remember that you used quirks very similar to ours

(Y/N):They are not similar,they are your quirks. My quirk is based on copying the quirks of others but this copy is totally exact,almost without any difference

Toru:It's like Monoma's quirk,right?

(Y/N):No,its very different. After all I still have all your quirks and I also need a DNA sample from the people I want to copy their quirks and if you saw the fight you can also see that I can combine the quirks just like my father did.

Mina:That is totally amazing! you literally have the most powerful quirk that can exist!!

(Y/N):Yeah,I think so...

I was talking a little more with the girls until it was too late so we decided to go back to our beds to sleep.

I was with a smile on my face knowing that...I was able to protect everything I loved...and that I managed to overcome my fear of the person who made me suffer for most of my life.

[The Next Day]

It had already become daylight and right now we were in class with Aizawa explaining to us about our Provisional Licenses

Aizawa:Our primary goal now is to get you your Provisional Licenses

Class A:Yes,Miss!

Aizawa:A hero licenses implies a great deal of responsibility regarding human life. Naturally,the test to obtain one is very hard. Even if it's provisional,it only had a 50% pass rate each year. That's why from today,we will have each of you come up with at least two...

The door slides open revealing Nemuri,Ectoplasm and Cementoss. 

Nemuri/Ectoplasm/Cemetoss:Ultimate Moves!

The three of them shouted at the same time excitedly to the whole class.

Ectoplasm:Ultimate Moves! these are your finishers. Your most unique techniques!

Cemetoss:A move so ingrained into your body that others cannot copy it. Battle means seeing how much you can force what you're good at on you're opponent

(Y/N):Why is that phrase so ironic to me?

Nemuri:Your moves will represent you. These days,pro heroes without ultimate moves are an endangered species

Aizawa:Let's move forward with a more detailed explanation and a practical demostration. Change into your costumes and meet us at Gym Gamma

Aizawa ordered as we all got up and grabbed our costumes to change. 

After putting on my costume I went with the others to the Gym Gamma

Aizawa:Gym Gamma,also known as the "Training Dining Land" or TDL

Cemetoss:I came up with the idea for the facilities. We can prepare a specific terrain and other things suited for each student. That's what the dining part means.

Denka:I see...

Tenri:May I ask a question?! Why do we need to have ultimate moves to get the provisional license!? please explain the intention behind such a requirement!!

(Y/N):Tenri,it was not necessary to shout all that

Aizawa:I'll tell you everything in order. Calm down. Heroes dealt with accidents,catastrophes and disasters both natural and man-made. It's our job to save people from just about any situation imaginable. The license exam will test how well you are able to do that. Your skills in gathering information,decision-making,how fast you move and how well you fight,as well as your communication skills,charisma and qualities as a leader

Nemuri:A good example that you can have is (Y/N) in his fight against that monster. No offense

(Y/N):You have full permission to insult my father

Aizawa:Midnight is right. I don't know how you did it but in your confrontation there was no fatality. Only a few injured,but we must also take into account the great destruction that occurred.

Nemuri:And for a potential hero,your ability to fight is especially important to your future. If you are prepared,you won't have to worry. These moves could have a big impact on whether or not you pass.

Cemetoss:If you can keep a cool head and act with decisive,stable moves that means you have a high level of combat prowess

Ectoplasm:An ultimate move doesn't have to be an attack. For example,Iida's Repricroburst. That temporary burst of speed is a threat worthy of an ultimate move.

(Y/N):I think I already have an idea of this. We need to find something that allows us to have the advantage in battle


Midnight said as she stood next to me and began to hug my arm

Midnight:Consider Kamui Woods,who played a big role in the fight the other day. His move Lacquered Chain Prison is a perfect example of an ultimate move. He restrains his adversaries before they can do anything

Aizawa:Unfortunately the Training Camp was canceled but the training you did to develop your quirks was part of the process to create your ultimate moves. In other words,until the beginning of next semester,for ten days or so until the end of summer vacation,you'll be working out your ultimate moves as you develop your quirks. You also should think about how to improve your costumes,considering how your quirks are developing and the nature of your moves. You'll have to get through this with your "Plus Ultra" spirit. Ready?

With all that said, everyone started working hard on creating their Ultimate Moves, I just stood there watching everyone doing their best. In that Aizawa approached me

Aizawa:How are you doing on the Ultimate Move front? although I could see that you are already quite prepared with that

(Y/N):Heheh yeah,I think I'll rest for now

Aizawa:You lazy shit

Aizawa grumble as we both laughed

Nemuri:Do you need a little help,(Y/N)?~

Nemuri appeared from behind me and hugged me pressing her massive boobs against my back.

(Y/N):Not really,combining quirks is similar to Ultimate Moves,right?


Nemuri:Show me some of your quirk combinations


Aizawa and Nemuri looked surprised to see how a pink mass came out of my arm that moved to face me. The pink mass changed its form to take my appearance

Nemuri:Hey,it's the same thing you used at the festival

(Y/N):Yep,it's a clone but that clone over we share the same mind so...

(Y/N) 2:I can control the actions and words of my clones without hassle.

Aizawa and Nemuri were very surprised by this.

(Y/N):The good thing about this is that if I see it necessary,I can make my clone feel no pain so that pain is not transmitted to me.

Aizawa:And can you do that without the need for a quirk? your fighting style is very unpredictable,that's an advantage

(Y/N):You're right about that,now let me show you my combinations

I pointed my four fingers at my clone and used Rivet Stab to transform my fingers into black tendrils and shoot them at my clone stabbing him in his chest,then I used Denka's Electrification to release a strong electric current from my black tendrils towards my clone electrocuting him.

Aizawa:I-Impressive,does that only work on your fingers?

(Y/N):No,it can also come out through other parts of my body such as in my spine making me also protected from behind.

Nemuri:That sounds impressive! if you can control all your quirks it will be very difficult for the villains to catch you off guard

(Y/N):Yeah,but that's not the only thing I want to train. I've seen that I don't have a decent fighting style so I plan to learn a new one.

Aizawa:Good to see that this of your new quirk and how powerful it is has not gone to your head. It is very easy for a person to lose their mind when they are given a lot of power in a single second.

(Y/N):Yeah well...I'll be honest,at first I thought a bit like that...but thanks to a person he helped me put my feet back on the ground.

I said while remembering Shroom's words

Toshiko:I see everyone's going at it!

Me/Aizawa and Nemuri turned to see Toshiko entering the Gamma Gym but right now she looked a little different. She was no longer that skeleton girl from before,right now she looked a little more like an average woman.

Toshiko:I had nothing else to do so I came here

Aizawa:Huh? you look very different than before

Toshiko:Yeah,maybe it's because I've been exercising again.

(Y/N):What do you mean by "again"?

Toshiko:Due to my old injury it was very difficult for me to stay in shape,exercising was very difficult for me,but thanks to the fact that you healed that wound from the past,I feel better than ever.

Nemuri:You mean that horrible scar? you really could heal All Might completely?

(Y/N):Yeah,it's the Recovery Girl quirk but apparently improved. I just need to put my hand on the wound and instead of using the stamina of the person I am going to heal,I use my own stamina and since I have a lot of stamina I don't feel tired after using it. Apparently I concentrate all my healing power on one side,I still have no idea what is the limit of my healing but apparently I can heal old wounds and even scars...let me try something

I put my hand on Aizawa's head and began to use my healing,we all saw how her scar began to disappear until there was no trace of it.

(Y/N):How you feel?

Aizawa:...M-Much better...I no longer have that need to blink more really are impressive.

Nemuri:Won't you think about taking Recovery Girl's job? ~ heheh

(Y/N):Of course not,I will use my healing on people who need extreme healing,so it will be more fair hehe...

We hear a huge explosion behind us. We all turned to see Katsumi destroy one of the Ectoplasm clones,I could tell that she was more serious than usual

Katsumi:Bring another

Katsumi said very coldly

(Y/N):...I have realized...that Katsumi has been very distant from me...did something happen in the days that I was kidnapped?

Aizawa:I don't know very well how she is...but since that day she has acted very coldly. Even when All Might and I went to her house,she never spoke,she just stood there staring at the ground without saying a single word.

Toshiko:I think she was the one who was most affected by your kidnapping,Young Midoriya mentioned to me that she saw how the League of Villains kidnapped you in front of her own eyes.

I widened my eyes in surprise,I didn't know anything about that. I need to talk to her,let her know that this was my idea and that she was not at fault for anything.

After class finished I went together with Izumi to the Development Studio. I was talking to her about Katsumi to assure my suspicions.

Izumi:And that's what happened in the hospital

(Y/N):Oh shit...I'm really sorry,I just wanted the league to kidnap me to end the attack but apparently I only made things worse. I need to talk to Katsumi about everything.

Izumi:Are you sure about that? I've seen Kachan upset before...but not like this.

(Y/N):Don't worry,I'll try to make her see reason. I also worry a lot about the way,how have your arms been? Toshiko told me that you won't be able to use them again in conjunction with One For All

Izumi:That's right,the doctor at the hospital told me that if I use One For All again with my arms then they will become dead weight.

(Y/N):If you want I can heal your arms from all the damage you have received with One For All. So you can use them again without any problem.

Izumi:Can you do that? do you have a healing quirk? better than Recovery Girl? but would that be possible? perhaps your father...

(Y/N):Yes or no,those are the answers to the question

Izumi:Y-Yes! sorry for that

(Y/N):Don't worry,it's cute

I took both of Izumi's hands,I could see how she was blushing. I started using my quirk to repair all the damage to her arms.

(Y/N):I think that's fine with that. Now you can use your arms again without problems...I think

Izumi:Thank you for that...but I think I'll follow another path,I still have no idea what All Might was referring to with "you're still trying to emulate me"

(Y/N):I think I know what she meant by that


(Y/N):Yeah,I think you're trying so hard to be like All Might. That is your problem,you must create your own fighting style and not copy someone else's...not copy someone else's...

That sentence hit me like a truck,now I realize what Piccolo was referring to. I don't need to copy someone's fighting style...I need to create my own,my fighting style in conjunction with my abilities and my I realize how wrong I was at first.


(Y/N):Uh?! w-what?

Izumi:Are you okay? you were quiet for a long time.

(Y/N):I just realized something very important to me

Izumi:Ver important?...hey! we are here...

Izumi said as we stopped in front of the door leading to the Development Studio, before she could open the door we both heard Ochako's voice. We could see how she was walking along with Tenri.

Ochako:Deku! (Y/N)! Are you guys here to improve your costumes as well?

Izumi:Oh! Uraraka,we...

The moment I opened the door an explosion came out of the room,something solid hit me causing me to fall to the ground.

Power Loader:You shouldn't build everything that comes to mind,you know?

???:Hehehe,failure is the mother of invention,Mr. Power Loader! Those are Thomas Edison's words. Even if what I've built doesn't work as planned,it doesn't mean it's useless.

Power Loader:This isn't the time for that! You have to listen to me,at least this one time

(Y/N):Mei,I hope this doesn't become a habit for the two of us

The smoke cleared showing Mei on top of me pressing her breasts against my chest.

Mei:(Y/N)! my baby!!

Mei started hugging me tightly as she put my head between her breasts.

Mei:Why are you here? do you want me to make you another suit? if so,come with me!

I couldn't respond at all when Mei grabbed me from my hand and dragged me into the Development Studio,I could see out of the corner of my eye how Izumi/Ochako and Tenri were quite jealous.

Mei:Tell me,what kind of suit do you want now? whatever it is,I'll do it to you!

(Y/N):Don't worry,Mei. I already have a perfect costume for me and my quirks.

Power Loader:Oh! that's the costume I analyzed last time.

Power Loader said as he entered along with Izumi/Ochako and Tenri

(Y/N):I think so. The Principal mentioned to me that it is a very rare costume

Power Loader:And so it is,that costume is the best there can be.

Tenri:What makes (Y/N)'s suit so awesome? please explain us

Power Loader:Well,this suit can withstand high temperatures as well as low temperatures. It can be stretched without breaking without apparent limits and it is also made with materials that are difficult to find. I have to turn a blind eye to that costume because it will take years to make another one for you.

Mei:This costume is really awesome

Mei said as she touched my muscles while licking her lips.

(Y/N):But I did not come for any change or something like that,I came together with Izumi,she is the one who wants to update her costume.

Power Loader:Yeah,Eraserhead gave me the heads up. She said her kids might want costume modifications to accommodate their ultimate moves. Now,show me the instruction manual for your costume. It's in the case with your costume,right? I have a costume production license,so I'll modify the parts using that. For small changes,I can just report them to the design company and they'll manage the paperwork. But for big changes,we'll have to fill out an application and ask the company to do it. Then the government will inspect the new costume,and once it's approved,it will come back here. Well,the inspection office we work with is the best,so they will be back in about three days

(Y/N):Would the government have to inspect my costume? heh if this was done by Gero then it will be the most illegal thing in the country...By the way,Mei,how have you been with your babies?

Mei:Pretty good! I have done more than before,let me show you some

Mei took one of her babies and put it on Izumi. It was an armored suit which Mei began to control until it began to rotate until it almost broke Izumi's back but Mei managed to stop it in time.

Mei:Looks like the mobility software's buggy! sorry 'bout that!

Izumi took off her suit and fell to her knees while clutching her back. Ochako approached her worried but I put my hand on Izumi's head,healing the pain in her back.

(Y/N):Well I guess you can use that to immobilize the bad guys.

Mei:That's a good idea!

Tenri:I would like you to strengthen the cooling device on my legs...

Tenri told Power Loader but Mei approached her from behind.

Mei:In that case...

Mei quickly put some sort of engines on Tenri's arm. Mei pressed the button turning on the engines making Tenri propelled upward hitting the ceiling with her head,she fell to the ground once the engines turned off

Tenri:My quirk uses my legs!

Mei:I know. But you know what I think? If you want to cool down your legs,then why don't you run with your arms?

Tenri raised her head and looked directly at Mei. I could swear to see how small rays came out of their eyes and collided with each other.

(Y/N):Well...I've learned quite a bit from this oddly enough.

Ochako:What do you mean?

(Y/N):I already have an idea of how to create my Own fighting style! thanks a lot to you girls

I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and left the Development Studio to go to see Piccolo.

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