Chapter 27 - Fixing The Aftermath & Lemon [Mt Lady]


(Y/N) to the Pussycats Agency

I said as I flew in the direction of the agency.

(Y/N):From what Shino told me,the agency is located in a mountainous area

While I was flying trying to find the agency,I received a call on my phone. I took my phone out of my pocket and could see it was a call from Melissa

(Y/N):...I can't keep hiding all this,it's better to tell everything once and for all

I sighed and answered the call

(Y/N):Hey Meli-


I almost dropped my phone when I heard Melissa scream on the other side

Melissa:(Y/N)! are you okay? I saw the news and I saw how they were taking you in an ambulance and!...

(Y/N):C-Calm down,Melissa. I'm fine,I just got out of the hospital

Melissa:I was very worried about you,seeing that you were kidnapped by villains and after you fought against that villain...I thought something bad had happened to you

(Y/N):I weren't going to want to talk to me again.

Melissa:Huh? w-why do you say that?

(Y/N):Well...the villain I my father, All For One and...he was also the arch enemy of All Might...I thought you didn't want to talk to me again after knowing the truth

Melissa:But you are not equal to your father,you not only saved my life but also protected my father and also managed to save the life of Aunt Might. I don't care if you are the son of Aunt Might's arch enemy,you have shown that you are not the same as him if it were like that...then why did you decide to defeat him? don't worry,I still love you...since the day we met

(Y/N):Thank you Melissa,I really needed to hear that...I love you so much,I have to go,I have to solve some problems that my father caused

Melissa:Okay,be careful,I love you (Y/N)

I ended my call with Melissa and kept flying until I could see the Pussycats Agency in the distance.

(Y/N):Huh!...It wasn't going to be as difficult as I thought...

I landed in front of the building and knocked on the door,I waited for a few seconds until the door opened revealing Ryuko in her civilians clothes

Ryuko:Sorry but the Pussycats Agency are...(Y-Y/N)?

(Y/N):H-Hey Ryuko...I-I AAAGHH!!!

I began to feel my bones being crushed by the tight hug that Ryuko was giving me

Ryuko:I can't believe you're alive!!

(Y/N):B-But if you continue like this,I don't think it will be for long!

Ryuko stopped hugging me just to kiss my lips,the kiss lasted a few seconds but I could feel the passion behind it.

Ryuko:We were so worried about you! I thought you were still in the hospital

(Y/N):I was a few minutes ago but I convinced the doctors that I was better than before...but I'm surprised that you receive me in this way

Ryuko:Why do you say something like that?

Shino:Ryuko who's in...(Y/N)?!

Shino appeared from behind Ryuko dressed in her civilian clothes too

She without thinking twice ran to me and began to hug me

Shino:I was so worried about you!! I thought you weren't going to leave the hospital soon

(Y/N):Hospitals will have a hard time keeping me there more than one day heheh

Tiger:(Y/N)! are you okay!

Tiger said as he came out from behind Shinso

(Y/N):Y-Yeah,safe and sound/I thought he was going to be upset to see me

The three of them invited me in.

(Y/N):I didn't think you were going to be so nice to me...I think everyone already knows that I am the son of one of the worst villain that has ever existed in Japan. I am very surprised that you act like this with me

Tiger:Why should I be upset? I remember perfectly how you not only took me and Ragdoll away from the fight but also the other heroes who were there

Ryuko:Yeah! and besides,why would we be upset that you are the son of a villain? You are nothing like him,why else would you have decided to fight your father?

Shinso:You were amazing,I didn't know you had such a powerful quirk

(Y/N):Actually,in the last moments...was when my quirk woke up. Before that I was completely quirkless

Ryuko:That must be a joke. So how can you fly and throw those energy balls besides mentioning that you can stretch your whole body?

(Y/N):It is something that I could do before without the need for my can be said that I was forced to be part of an experiment,to be a weapon for my father...but that will not happen again...I hope so

Ryuko:O-Oh never mentioned anything like that

(Y/N):It's also not something you can tell anyone you know.

Shinso:I'm sorry for everything you had to go through.

(Y/N):Don't be,that is not important right now. I came here because I want to see Tomoko...where is she?

Tiger:She is in the hospital

(Y/N):Is she in a coma?!

Tiger:N-No,no...she's recovering in the hospital but...she's quirkless

(Y/N):Oh! Good to hear that!

Ryuko:How is that a good thing to hear?!

(Y/N):'Cause I can give her quirk back 

Shinso:Can you do that?

(Y/N):Yes,it is my father's quirk. He is that powerful because his quirk allows him to steal other people's quirks and keep them for himself...but his quirk is also capable of giving quirks

Tiger:Do you have the quirk of Ragdoll?

(Y/N):Yes,my quirk is something more powerful than my father's,my quirk lets me copy the quirk of others but these copies are totally exact,the only thing I require is a small DNA sample and I will have that quirk for myself. But since I also have my father's quirk so it means that I can give Tomoko her quirk back

Shinso:That sounds great,you will make Tomoko very happy!

Ryuko:And besides,she's also very worried about you,so let's not make her wait any longer

Ryuko says as we leave


It took us an hour to get to the hospital where Tomoko was.,we walked through the corridors until we reached her room. I was about to open the door until it opened by itself,nobody came out of there,until I lowered my gaze to see...



Kota came to me and started hugging my leg,I smiled and stroked his head

(Y/N):What are you doing here,buddy?

Shinso:He wanted to stay a little longer and Tomoko agreed with this

(Y/N):I see,it's good that you're fine

Kota:It was thanks to that green haired girl that I hit her in her boobs

(Y/N):Oh Izumi,sorry for not being there to save you but I knew Izumi was going to do a good job

Kota:By the way...I want to thank you for everything,for the talk we had and all that,I also gave a letter to that girl thanking her for saving me

(Y/N):It's nothing...a hero must be there even for a small kid

I said while giving Kota a smile,I looked up and looked at Tomoko's room door. I opened the door and there I saw her watching TV


(Y/N):No welcome for me?

Tomoko quickly looked at me and without a second thought jumped out of her bed towards me and started hugging me.


She screamed as she started to cry,I took her in my arms and we both headed to her bed

Tomoko:I could see everything that happened on are...fine

Tomoko said while giving me a smile

(Y/N):Yeah,I'm completely fine but I'm not here to talk about myself...I came for you,I know you're quirkless now...sorry for the damage my father did to you,I'm really sorry

Tomoko:Do not worry,you are not to blame for anything

(Y/N):But I want to fix all this damage that my father did to you

Tomoko:I do not think that is possible,I do not think there is a way that I will have my quirk back

(Y/N):Yes there is,I can give you back your quirk with my quirk.


(Y/N):Yeah,I have an exact copy of my father's quirk,the same one he used to steal your quirk, I can return your quirk to you without any problem. Let me give you your quirk back,this is not the time for you to retire from being a hero...although even without your quirk you are still an amazing hero

Tomoko:Thanks (Y/N) really know how to lift someone's spirit,but I'm ready to get my quirk back!

(Y/N):Okay we go

I put my hand on Tomoko's head, a red colored aura enveloped my arm and her body,it took a few seconds until I removed my hand from Tomoko's head.

Shino:Tomoko,can you use your quirk again?

Tomoko:...Y-YES!!! I can go back to monitor and observe the people that were around me...I have my quirk back!!

While Tomoko was screaming excitedly,I could tell that I still had Tomoko's quirk in me. I could still use it even after I returned it to her

(Y/N):I can give quirks to anyone and I'm not going to lose any of these? quirk is very impressive,Gero really did his best to make me that powerful Hmph!!

My thoughts stopped the moment Tomoko started kissing me,I kissed her back and we were like that for a few seconds until we broke the kiss.

Tomoko:I don't know how I can thank you for this (Y/N)!

(Y/N):You don't owe me anything,I just want to fix the damage my father did to you,that's all

I said while hugging her,she returned the hug and I could feel her tears falling down my shirt.

Tomoko:I love you so much,(Y/N)..I really love you,I couldn't stop thinking about you all this time,I was so worried about you

(Y/N):Don't be,I am capable of taking care of myself and I assure you that I will be there to protect you and all of you from any threat that is nearby. I'll make sure each of you is safe

Shino/Ryuko and Tomoko started hugging me at the same time while the three of them gave me lots of kisses on my face

Ryuko:Ah!~ you really are the perfect husband

After spending a few hours with Shino/Ryuko and Tomoko in the hospital,I decided to go to visit someone else

Shinso:Where are you going?

(Y/N):I want to visit someone,after all she was also present in the fight against my father.

All three were groaned disappointed

(Y/N):Hey this is not going to be the last time we see each other,I promise that I will continue visiting you three

I kissed each of them on the lips before leaving the hospital and flew off in the direction of Yu's apartment

(Y/N):I hope she's okay,she took a direct attack from my father just like Tiger and Best Jeanist

I kept flying for several minutes until I could see Yu's apartment in the distance

(Y/N):This is where she must live,she was very detailed with her address

I landed in front of her house and knocked on the door

Yu:Ugh! wait a second

Yu opened the door a bit annoyed

Yu:Sorry now I don't have time to...(Y/N)!!

Yu jumped at me and started hugging me,I hugged her back

Yu:I thought you were still in the hospital...why didn't you call me to tell me you were okay?!

(Y/N):So this wouldn't be a surprise,I'm completely fine,don't worry. I came here because I was worried about you,I can see that you suffered several damages

I said while looking at the bandages that Yu had around her head and arm

Yu:Y-Yeah,I just got out of the hospital

(Y/N):I'm sorry for the damage my father did to you,I hope you can forgive me

Yu:Why should I be mad at you? It was your father who did this to me,not you and also I saw the repetition,I did not know that you were that powerful!

(Y/N):Hehe yeah but let me heal you

I put my hand on Yu's cheek and started using Recovery Girl's quirk,I made sure to heal every wound she had.

(Y/N):I think that's enough,how do you feel?

Yu:...I feel amazing! it's like nothing happened to me

Yu said while taking off her bandages,she took my hand and made me enter her apartment

Yu:Feel comfortable,I'll bring drinks

Yu went to the kitchen for a moment,I sat on the sofa and she came back with two cans of drink

Yu:Sorry but no alcohol for students

(Y/N):Meh! I don't like the idea of drinking alcohol but thanks for the drink.

Yu:By the way...why did you never mention that your father is a villain?

(Y/N):More for fear of how others would react and besides the fact that I wanted to forget all that,my life with him was the biggest hell that ever existed...I just wanted to forget all my past and start a new life...but as someone told me..."no matter what you do...the past is not so easily forgotten and it is not so easily forgiven "...I guess now I have to accept my horrible past,but at least I'm calm that all this revelation has gone in the best possible way

Yu:I guess you are right,everyone was shouting your name in the streets and they have talked a lot about you in the media

(Y/N):I hope good things but I think we both know what the media is like


Yu and I spent a while talking about what happened and watching TV, I could see that everything had turned into chaos by the time Toshiko had retired as the Symbol Of Peace. I began to think about everything that could happen now that Toshiko would no longer be the Symbol Of Peace and that my father is in Tartarus right now but my thoughts were interrupted by Yu who began to kiss my neck


Yu:I saw you a little thoughtful so I decided to help you de-stress a little~

Yu said as she sat on my lap and began to kiss me,I felt her tongue asking for access to my mouth,I opened it our tongues began to struggle with each other. I ran my hands over her curvy body feeling every inch of it,Yu did the same feeling my muscles

We both continued kissing for several seconds until she broke the kiss

Yu:Why do we do this in a more comfortable place?~

You took me by the hand and led me to her bedroom,she pushed me to the bed and left the room


Yu:Wait a second~

I was confused by this but decided to wait,after a minute she came back but she was wearing her hero costume.

Yu:Did you call for a hero?~

(Y/N):Hehe yeah,a sexy hero like you~

Yu giggle and she jumped over me,I caught her in my arms and we both started kissing. I put my hands on her hips but she put her hands on mine and directed them towards her plump ass

Yu:Don't be shy,this body is all yours,sweetie~

I gave Yu's butt a strong squeeze making her moan with pleasure,unprepared,I approached her and began to kiss and suck her neck. I began to move one of my hands across her body listening to how she moaned more often.

Yu:A-Ah!~ (Y-Y/N)...your feels so good...

(Y/N):I'm just showing all my love for you to your body,just relax for now~

I put Yu against the bed, I got on top of her and continued with my actions passing my hands over her body taking my attention mainly to her breasts,thighs and her ass,I smiled seeing how Yu was enjoying this

I took the zip of her costume and began to lower it slowly seeing how her breasts came out first,I gave them a gentle squeeze listening to more moans from Yu. I began to suck one of her breasts while with him I used my hand to play and massage with the other one

Yu:A-Ah! (Y-Y/N)...s-so good~

I put my hand inside her hero costume and went down to feel her pussy with my fingers,her pussy was already quite wet. I finished taking off her costume seeing how wet she was,I sprend her legs and put myself in the middle of her thighs

Yu:Wait a minute...I don't think I should be the only one naked here,you know?

I smirk and started to undress,taking off my jacket/shirt/pants and finally my boxers revealing my erect dick

Yu:Oh my~ You are bigger than I imagined

(Y/N):I'm full of surprises heheh

Yu licked her lips and crawled to get in front of my dick,she gave a little kiss to the tip of my dick and then started licking it from base to tip

I began to moan when I felt Yu's tongue go through the shaft of my dick. After a few seconds she decided to try to put all my dick in her mouth,she took a little time at first but then she got used to my size

(Y/N):O-Oh~ Y-Yu!

She began to suck slowly until she began to increase her speed feeling my dick hit the back of her throath,she wrapped her arms behind my back and started taking more of my dick into her mouth until her lips touched my abs

My hands unintentionally latching onto her head and making her go faster. I noticed how she looked at me with lust in her eyes. She wasn't going to slow unless I physically stopped her

(Y/N):Y-Yu!...I-I'm gonna cum soon~

I moaned. At no time did she stop and continued sucking faster and faster. A few more deepthroats and I reached my limit,my body was filled with pleasure. I grabbed Yu from her hair and keeping her at the base as I came

I stopped grabbing her hair but she still kept her head down. After I had completely finished cumming. She take off my dick out of her mouth to inhaling air before smirking

Yu:W-Woah...That felt so good,babe~...

(Y/N):Y-Yeah*Pant*...But don't think we're done,now it's your turn

I made Yu lie down. I moved down and placed my head in-between her thighs,I then ran my tongue along her labia,causing her to moan softly. I then curved my tongue around her clit de ella before flicking it with my tongue

Yu:KYAHH!~ I-I am completely sure t-that this is not your f-first time

(Y/N):No,I've made other girls happy before but now it's your turn,just relax and let me make you feel good

Yu nodded while smiling. I continued running my tongue out of her pussy until I decided to go deeper inside her,she moaned and wrapped her legs around the back of my head and using both her hands and legs,forced my face deeper.

Yu:Y-Yesh! d-don't stop!

I was faster and rougher with my tongue,she started screaming in joy. The moment I hit her G spot she let out a loud moan of pleasure

Yu:G-GOD!! (Y-Y/N)!!

She shrieked as pleasure started to overwhelm her mind and body,I could see how she was getting closer to her climax. I decided to insert my finger into her,in a few seconds her body began to convulse and spasm.

Yu:I-I'm CUMMING!!!!

She screamed out in pure ecstasy. She let go of my head while her body had run out of energy. I cleaned my face and then leaned over her and began to hug her,she returned the hug and rested her head on my neck

Yu:I love you

(Y/N):I love you too,Yu~

I replied and kissed her. She laid in my embrace and caught her breath,after a few minutes of being cuddled up enjoying the company of one another. She lifted her head

Yu:Why don't we move on to the final act?~

(Y/N):Are you really ready? I don't mind the two of us snuggling a little more.

Yu:Y-Yeah,I think I have enough energy to make you feel good

(Y/N):What interests me the most is that you feel good too

Yu:Until now you have made me feel a kind of pleasure that I did not know exists. You really are good at this

Yu lay down in front of me and spread her legs

Yu:Don't make me wait,I need you inside me

I smiled and approached her,I aligned my dick against her pussy. I began to kiss Yu while I put my dick inside her,she moaned inside her kiss when she felt like my dick made its way inside her.


She moaned until I felt my dick hit her cervix. I started to thrust inside her slowly watching her body twitch every time my dick moved inside her.

I started to thrust slowly but after a few minutes I started to go faster and harder inside Yu listening to her moans of pleasure getting louder and louder,she began to hug me,I felt like she embedded her nails in my back but her eyes widened as pleasure jolted through her body.

Yu:O-Oh fuck!~ 

She moaned as I continued to push my dick deeper,she moved her head back and let her tongue slip out of her mouth from the pleasure she was feeling.

Yu:D-Don't stop!!...H-Harder!!

She begged,Yu wrapped her legs around me while I was going more harder inside her


She moaned the moment she orgasmed,I did not stop,my hips kept moving by themselves feeling how the pleasure clouded my mind,I approached Yu and began to kiss her,I took her in my arms and pinned her against the wall. I continued my thrust while we both moaned in the kiss


She moaned between kisses,my speed hadn't decreased at all,despite how tired Yu was getting.

Yu:Please don't stop. I want you to cum all you want~

It took a few minutes for me to cum inside her. I could feel how my cum filled her womb causing her to release a loud moan of pleasure at the same time. 

After I had completely finished cumming I put Yu down and laid her on her bed,I lay next to her,she turned to me and cuddle with me,resting her head on my chest.

Yu:Never in my life...I have felt so much pleasure and at the same time feel so loved...I love you

(Y/N):I love you too,Yu. Rest for now,I think after this you don't have enough energy

Yu:I'll be lucky if tomorrow I can feel my legs again heheh

I laughed along with her,after a few minutes we fell asleep, hugging each other.

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