Chapter 26 - The Awakening
[Third Person-POV]
Right now,the showdown between (Y/N) and his father,All For One,was a national chain of events.
All For One:I suppose I will have to teach you a lesson and make you understand by force what is your destiny in this life!
(Y/N):No matter what you do,I will give my all to end you once and for all. Did you really think that all the suffering that you did to me was not going to have consequences?
(Y/N) quickly charged against All For One to punch him in the gut,he was surprised by (Y/N)'s speed but he managed to withstand his blow.
All For One returned the impact of the attack causing (Y/N) to recoil in pain,he clutched his chest feeling the intensity of his own attack.
All For One:This is useless,(Y/N). Stop fooling around right now,you know yourself that you won't be able to win in a fight against me,less when you're quirkless
(Y/N):It may be so but that does not mean that I do not have other abilities
(Y/N) started shooting countless energy balls at All For One,he protected himself from the attacks and then transformed his fingers into black tendrils and fired them at(Y/N)
(Y/N) managed to dodge All For One's attack to charge against him and try to punch him in the mask but he was faster and used Air Cannon against him throwing him through several buildings.
(Y/N) said as he removed the debris that had fallen on him.
(Y/N):N-Ngh!...he's right,if it took much of me to at least have a fair fight against Endeavor...then I have nothing against him...but...I won't give up without giving my all.
All For One:What is it,son? that confidence from before seems to be fading
(Y/N) looked up to see his father floating above him.
(Y/N):Don't think...this is over,I can still try to kick your ass!
All For One:You say it with great confidence,so come and try to give me your best shot
(Y/N) smiled and charged against All For One,he was about to use one of his quirks,Impact Recoil in the next attack but did not realize that the next attack was aimed at his legs. (Y/N) managed to give a strong kick to All For One in the legs of him managing to destabilize him for a few seconds
All For One tried to punch (Y/N) but he ducked dodging the attack.
(Y/N) quickly went for All For One but he released a shockwave around him that made (Y/N) back off
All For One:...Impressive,you managed to take me by surprise but this is going to be the last time you do it
(Y/N):Don't be so damn arrogant!!
All For One:(Y/N),the gap between us is massive but you are still fighting,that stubborn of yours would work well against heroes but you continue to use it against your father
(Y/N):Yeah because for me you are the real problem! and problems must be solved!!
All For One:You are very right,my son...that is why you also need to be fixed because right now,you are my problem...
All For One was about to use Air Cannon against (Y/N) again but at that moment a fire blast was heading towards him,All For One made it disappear easily
Endeavor:Tsk! what a bastard
Endeavor:What went through your head trying to intrude on this,kid?!
All For One:Endeavor,I would advise you not to dare yell at my son if you do not want to suffer serious consequences...but I must say that I am impressed. They might've only been midlevel ones,but managed to get rid of the Nomus very quickly...guess I should've expected no less from the number sure have climbed high
Endeavor:...Kid,get out of here. We will take care of this
(Y/N) looked around to see Edgeshot and Kamui Woods in the place,Gran Torino also emerged from the rubble
(Y/N):I should have been more careful,I could have killed him
Endeavor:(Y/N),get out of here!
(Y/N):NO!! you guys get out of here! matter what you do,you are not even close to being able to even give my father a worthy fight!!
All For One:Oh! such words,my son. Even I couldn't have said it better but you heard him,Endeavor so be a good audience,sit down and shut up while we have this father-son conflict.
(Y/N):Endeavor just get out of here!! goddamn it!!
Endeavor looked at (Y/N) as he clenched his teeth
All For One:You better stay away from my creation, don't know how long I've waited for an heir like him
Endeavor at that moment opened his eyes upon hearing those words
(Y/N):For fuck sake!!! GET OUT!!
(Y/N) quickly extended his arms grabbing Endeavor/Edgeshot/Kamui Woods and Gran Torino to pull them away from Kamino Ward. (Y/N) made sure to leave them in a safe place away from the fight.
(Y/N):If in this fight someone has to die...then let it be just me and you
All For One:Don't think of something like that,(Y/N). I would never think of killing you
All For One:But that doesn't mean I'll let you escape this third time. I anticipated this fact and asked Dr. Gero for a little thing. No matter what happens in this will end up fulfilling your objective
(Y/N):I'll make sure that doesn't happen!!! there are many things that I can lose!!
All For One:Huh? How curious,I heard your conversation with All Might before,you said yourself that you have nothing to lose,why then do you still try to fight?
(Y/N):...You made it clear yourself "without power,one cannot assert his ideals" and before I can die in this at least I want to make clear my ideals of have yours...I have mine.
All For One:Interesting then tell me,what are your ideals? What the hell did you learn from all these heroes? Tell me the reason why you do all this?!?!
(Y/N):I didn't learn this from the fact I learned this from everything around me.
All For One:Huh?!
(Y/N):I have seen that each person has a different point of view of the heroes,some bad and some good...but maybe the problem I see is that...people think that villains are still heartless people but they are not. One person managed to teach me that old villains were driven by power and greed. You are the greatest example of all...but I have been able to see how different some villains are...some of them have suffered because of how hard some of us have been on them...they try to fulfill dreams that are not theirs...some have to act the way people dictate...some even lost that trust...and hope they had in heroes or people in general. If a single person could make this society think about heroes then I can do it too,but in a better way...Hero...that word for me means nothing,anyone can be a hero in their own way,not because other people say so and they should also be like that with the villains,not all are bad although some...are rotten inside.
(Y/N) said acidly,looking directly at All For One.
(Y/N):We are all the same,no matter how we were born,something that we did not decide to have should not condemn our entire existence....the only thing I am looking for is...respect for each other!! peace between people!!...respect that has been lost for all this time...I don't care how long it takes me to achieve peace...once I have it...I will not let it go so easily...and to answer your last question...why do I do all this?...I actually have many...revenge?...totally...hate? I hate you with every cell in my body...resentment? more than you think...but those are not the main reasons for all this confrontation...the reason for all this is because you do not deserve to continue living in this world,you have done nothing but hurt people for your own ambitions,hurting them,manipulating them for your own desires no matter who they are...even your own son...
All For One folded its arms and decided to continue listening to (Y/N)
(Y/N):I am doing this to protect everyone...from the threat that you truly are,that is the reason I am doing all of one should suffer for you anymore!!! I WILL PROTECT EVERYONE FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!!
(Y/N) screamed at the top of his lungs,the helicopter above them recorded all the speech that (Y/N) had said.
All For One:...Heheh! a great speech (Y/N) but there is a little flaw in all this. You are right I said that without power,one cannot assert his ideals and there is your error. You have no power here!
All For One used Air Cannon but this time with more power making (Y/N) fly through many buildings until he was embedded in one,he tried to escape but his body was not responding
All For One:And your idea of peace,son...peace will never come so will only come with fear...and I know what I'm talking about because I myself invoke that fear in society...All Might invokes fear in the villains while I invoke fear in the heroes...let's say it's like a cold war where only one side comes out the winner...
(Y/N):I still can't die...I don't want to let the world face someone like my father. I can't let that happen again...I CAN'T!!!
(Y/N) began to feel very stressed and began to panic.
(Y/N):I can't let my father win...but what do I do?...I don't have the necessary power
All For One:and I'll make sure that I'm the winner...You already had fun with all this...
(Y/N) could see through the dust as his father approached him. All For One grabbed him by the neck of his custom and pulled him out of the building
All For One:Now will you be a good kid and will you come with me or will I have to continue giving you a lesson?
(Y/N):...I...still have...something else
All For One:And what is Agh!!
All For One ended up throwing (Y/N) against some rubble,he could feel a little blood coming out of his finger
All For One:Please,son. Don't make a joke of yourself
All For One turned to see (Y/N) get up from the ground
(Y/N):*Pant*...I won't give up...n-no...I won't let you win!!
All For One:Fine! I guess there is no choice but to use brute force to make sure you come with better be prepared,because you wanted this,spoiled brat...
(Y/N) saw how All For One rose into the air,at that moment his arm began to mutate,twist and bend at very unpleasant angles.
All For One:Springlike Limbs,Four Kinetic Boosters,Three Strength Enhancer,Multiplier,Hypertrophy,Rivets,Air Walk,Spearlike Bones. You could bear a great punishment from me but it is time for this whole circus to end...
(Y/N) was impressed by his father's terrifying combination of quirks.
All For One:In order to you really come to your senses,I'll have to hit you with my Ultimate Quirk Combination...anything you want to say before this is all over?
(Y/N):Heh...yeah...I can tell you've been lonely for a long time~
All For One:Heh cute,It's moments like this it's better to end it all with a stupid smile on your face,as I said before,you wanted this to end like this...prepare for the consequences!!!
At that time (Y/N) had nothing else to do,if he dodged that attack then all of Kamino Ward and what was around would be destroyed,if he let the attack hit him then a new Symbol Of Evil would be born. He didn't know what to do...this was a life and death situation for him...the only thing that came to mind was to raise his arm and hope that somehow he would survive the attack
(Y/N):...I can't believe...that this is all going to end like this...I'm sorry everyone...I've failed...
[Meanwhile With Dr Gero]
Dr Gero:So this is how things are going to end...I guess All For One is coming back to action...
Dr Gero said while watching the entire fight from a big screen
Dr Gero:Another chaos is about to...
Dr. Gero was about to drink from his coffee cup until an alarm began to sound throughout the lab,he dropped his coffee cup and began to type on his keyboard to display (Y/N)'s vital signs,these showed how his body...was evolving.
Dr Gero:Oh no!!! this can't be happening now!!!
Dr Gero quickly switched back to the fight to see how All For One was inches away from hitting (Y/N) with his Ultimate Combination until...
Dr Gero:...Tsk!...congratulations,(Y/N)'ve finally awakened your quirk...sorry All For One are going to witness your potential in a different way.
Dr. Gero said as he watched the whole event from his computer.
???:...Heheh It was to be expected...All For One...would fall for his own heir...I didn't think there was a more ironic ending for you
A person slowly got up from the floor and looked out from behind the bars of its prison,at Dr. Gero who was still staring at the screen,the person smiled weakly.
???:Good luck...(Y/N)...g-good...luck
[Back With (Y/N)]
All For One:Prepare for the consequences!!!
All For One yelled while charging against (Y/N). Once All For One's attack hit (Y/N)'s hand,a gigantic shockwave generated around the two of them.
Everyone who was watching the fight on TV thought it was the end of (Y/N) Shigaraki...and maybe the entire society of heroes...and the world...
...Until what really happened was shown...
Everyone watching the broadcast was just as surprised as All For One to see how (Y/N) had stopped his giant fist.
All For One:W-WHAT THE?!?!...
At that moment (Y/N)'s arm began to enlarge,he unleashed a gigantic shockwave against All For One throwing him through a large amount of debris.
(Y/N):...W-What?...what was that?...this...this power that I feel right now...this...
(Y/N) Shigaraki/Quirk:DNA-Quirk - (Y/N) is able to copy anyone's quirk with complete accuracy with just a simple DNA sample. No matter the type of quirk,(Y/N) will be able to accurately copy it and can even update the information on it by re-consuming the DNA of the person who copied the quirk. Despite also copying their weaknesses,(Y/N)'s ability to manipulate his body makes him able to eliminate those weaknesses completely.
(Y/N) looked at his hands,he decided to do a little test of what was happening,he was very surprised to see how his whole arm had hardened,besides that he had also created a small explosion in his hand,impressed to see that he could combine quirks.
(Y/N):These are Eiji and Katsumi's quirk can copy other people's quirks?...but how accurate are they?
(Y/N) looked up to see All for One destroying the debris above him.
All For One:...So you wake up your quirk...Dr Gero warned me that this would happen in a life or death event for you...I think I just made a small mistake
(Y/N):A small mistake?...I can see that you just screw up so much
All For One:So you think? then let's see how you...
(Y/N):One For All...Full Cowling...50%!!!
(Y/N) moved at incredible speed without giving All For One time to react.
All For One:WHAT?!
(Y/N)'s Detroit Smash hit the All For One's mask,destroying it and causing him to back off several meters. He used his Rivet Stab as an anchor to avoid flying through the air.
Through the curtain of smoke that had formed around him,(Y/N) could see through it to his father with his mask,destroyed.
(Y/N):I-I no matter the type of quirk,I will still use all the potential it has even if it is based on don't know how much you screwed up. You have managed to steal a lot of quirks but I!...I have managed to copy a lot of quirks during my time at the addition to know perfectly how each of them work...HARDENING! CAROLINA SMASH!!!
(Y/N) hardened both of his arms and runs towards All For One while keeping his hands in a cross position. All For One defended himself by blocking the attack with everything he could.
All For One:I-Impact Recoil!
(Y/N):I don't think so!!
Although All For One tried to reflect the impact of the attack back to (Y/N),he used the same quirk returning the attack against All For One by making him launch against a building.
All For One:T-That's one of my quirks...h-how...
At that moment All For One remembered the bite that (Y/N) had given him on his finger.
All For One:H-He took my DNA...he right now...has the All For One and the One For All...not counting the quirks he could get during his stay at the U.A...D-Damn it!
At that moment All For One could feel hot and cold at the same time,he got up from the ground just to see how (Y/N) was using Shiyori's quirk.
(Y/N):Well,father you wanted this to end like this~
(Y/N)'s arm began to inflate as he at the same time created a blue flame in his hand. Combining Air Cannon and Dabi's blue flames,he released a massive wave of fire that began to burn everything in its path.
All For One quickly used Air Cannon to counter his son's wave of fire. This caused the flames to spread everywhere
All For One:C-Crap!
(Y/N):What's going on,father? Thanks to one of your quirks I can see are feeling fear of me.
(Y/N) said mocking his father,without wasting time,All For One use Rivet Stab to grab a column from a building and throw it at him,(Y/N) just smiled and raised his hand,once the column touched his fingers,it completely disintegrated.
All For One:Homura's quirk?!
(Y/N):How the tables have turned,huh? Now it seems that you have no power here!
All For One:I won't let you win this!!...
All For One screamed as he soared into the air
All For One:I'll use all my quirks to make you fall!
(Y/N):Same here,I have a limited amount of quirks but I know I can defeat you...after all you created me to be better than you!
All For One gritted his teeth and quickly charged against (Y/N),he smiled and used the One For All to move at incredible speed to punch his father hard in the stomach causing him to spit blood from his mouth.
(Y/N) quickly opened his fist and used Rivet Stab to transforms his fingers and stab All For One with his black tendrils. (Y/N) used Forced Quirk Activation in All For One causing him to use Air Cannon right below him generating a gigantic shockwave causing him to fly through a building.
(Y/N):This is fantastic,this quirk is extremely powerful...but I don't know if I have a limit. My body takes care that the weaknesses of the quirks are completely is for that reason that my bones have not yet turned to dust after using the One For All at 50%. But I must not go confidently,I need to defeat my father right now before something happens.
(Y/N) looked up to see how the building that All For One had fallen into was destroyed and he emerged from the dust using his Ultimate Quirk Combination once more.
All For One:This will be your last chance for you to come with me or else this time I will annihilate you with my Ultimate Quirk Combination and yes,this time I am speaking very seriously!! I will not hold back!!
All For One said as a shock wave was unleashed around him
(Y/N):Don't even think about it,this time I have the power to destroy you and I won't let you take advantage of me! you manipulated me all my life! I tried to see you as a good father...and to this day I regret having thought that deep inside you...there is someone that I could proudly dad...I think that was the biggest mistake in my whole life
All For One:I can say the same, were my biggest mistake,now perish at my quirks!
(Y/N):You are not the only one who can combine quirks,this time...I will defeat you once and for all!!!!
(Y/N) began to combine a large number of quirks just like his father. He hardened his left arm,he unleashing a large amount of energy on his arm using Denka's quirk,he used the One For All 100% making blue rays surround him and his hair stand on end and finally he used Dabi's quirk causing blue flames to form all over his arm.
All For One:This final attack is going to decide everything...
(Y/N):Heh never better said. Take a good deep breath because it's your last one!!!
(Y/N) and All For One moved at incredible speed generating a curtain of dust behind them.
A gigantic shockwave was generated around the two of them,they were both struggling to win this clash
All For One:Do you really think you're going to win this?!?! if this is your plan then let me tell you that you have made a serious mistake!!
(Y/N):So bold of you to think that this was my only plan!!!
Before All For One could use another of his quirks,(Y/N) combined the One For All with Katsumi's quirk creating a gigantic explosion that made All For One back off a great distance.
Through the smoke that had formed (Y/N) came out of there giving a somersault to get in front of All For One,he put his hand on his chest and generated another explosion much bigger than the previous one.
All For One fell on his back very injured but still determined to fight,he got up from the ground only to feel something sharp pass by his cheek.
All For One:W-Wha the...
He touched his cheek and he could feel blood again. A knife had cut All For One's cheek,the knife changed its course and it returned to (Y/N) catching it with his hand.
(Y/N):Creation combined with Metal Manipulation of the idiot you helped in the attack on I-Island. A great combination...but something is still missing...
(Y/N) licks All For One's blood that was on the knife,at that moment All For One could no longer feel his body,he was paralyzed
(Y/N):Hero Killer's Bloodcurdle,now you're at my mercy!
All For One:T-Tsk! just look at you,just by waking up your quirk a few minutes ago you managed to overcome me,your intelligence in this battle has been admirable. COME ON!! (Y/N)!!! Why don't you use all that power and intellect for your true destiny?!?!
(Y/N):Because it's my life...and as someone told me "it is not your goal,it's your life and you know how you handle it"...I will not fulfill YOUR damn goal!! I will not let someone like you continue to live,the whole point of your life is to cause misery and pain to everyone you encounter!...but it is over,I will not let you continue with that goal of yours...KAAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAMEEEEE!!!!!!!!!...
All For One could feel the great power that (Y/N) was putting into his attack,he tried to move in any way but it was impossible.
All For One:This can't be happening!...T-THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!
Blood began to flow from (Y/N)'s mouth. Once his attack hit All For One a gigantic explosion was generated around him,although the explosion was massive,once the dust dissipated it was shown to All For One with his clothes torn and burned. He fell to his knees and then fell face down to the ground.
(Y/N):T-That...was supposed to...k-Kill you...Agh!...
(Y/N) fell to his knees feeling very weak and dizzy.
(Y/N) ended up collapsing on the ground in front of his father.
(Y/N):At least I was able to get something out of all this...I am no longer afraid of you...
The last thing he could hear was the voice of All Might and other heroes who were going to help him.
After the frenzy between (Y/N) and All For One,several heroes,policemen,paramedics and reporters approached the place where such combat had taken place.
Reporter:The heroes' rescue efforts during the fight still continue after the aftermath,although apparently there were no citizens near the fight so the number of casualties remains at zero...the villain thought to be the ringleader is now...oh,they're leading him into the Maiden right now!...j-just like (Y/N) Shigaraki
The reporter said while showing how (Y/N) was picked up by two policemen from the ground
All Might:Hey! what do you think you are doing with him?
Policeman 1:We are ensuring that he cannot move on the way to Tartarus
All Might:The Tartarus?! That kid saved us all right now and you decide that you should take him to the Tartarus?!
Policeman 2:B-But...but he's the son of that villain...
All Might:That does not matter to me,I want him to be taken to the hospital and have the best medical attention there is!
Policeman 1/2:Y-Yes! All Might!!
All Might watched as the policemen carefully took (Y/N) to an ambulance while the rest of them took All For One away making sure he did not escape.
All Might:...There must be a reason...why (Y/N) kept all this from me...there must be...I...I still trust him
As All Might thought about it,she could see Endeavor just as thoughtful as she
All Might:Is something wrong with you,Endeavor?
Endeavor:...Huh?...This is not your business
Endeavor said before walking away from the place
Endeavor:What that guy said about (Y/N)...are almost the same words that I said about Shiyori...
Endeavor thought as he walked away from the place seeing that his help was not needed.
[The Next Day - The Tartarus]
All For One:Where am I?
Guard:You better shut your mouth!! you should already know where you should be now!!!
The guard who was carrying All For One in a wheelchair yelled at him
All For One:Ah!...a prision...
All For One could not feel anything around him,absolutely nothing,although he had a quirk that allowed him to feel his surroundings,the place that he was could not feel anything thanks to the sensors that were in the place
Guard:I am impressed that you fought that kid in this decrepit state
The guard said as he opened the door to All For One's cell where two guards were waiting for him inside.
All For One:I the hands of my own son...these feelings that I have right now...they are inexplicable,for a Symbol Of Evil I feel completely disappointed that it ended this way...but as a parent...I am completely proud to see how strong (Y/N) has become...but that doesn't that All Might left the future to her disciple...Izumi Midoriya,everything will be over...
All For One started to smile
All For One:You choose the wrong moment to bow out,you should always have someone who should take the reins once you retire...and that girl is not ready for that...but I was ready for everything...after all...I have the most intelligent person that ever lived on this planet by my side...
All For One:Huh?!...
At that moment All For One could sense a presence within the Tartarus,one that could be described as...terrifying,one that matched his but despite that,this was something familiar to him.
All For One:And I thought you were seem not so easy to kill...that's good...that's very old friend...heheh...
[With (Y/N) - (Y/N)-POV]
(Y/N) groaned as he clutched his head,he started coughing. He started looking at the ceiling and then at the window
(Y/N):Huh? I didn't think the prison had windows
Toshiko:It is because you are not in prison...
I turned to my left to see Toshiko,she was in her True Form and with bandages around her body
(Y/N):T-Tosh...A-All Might...
Toshiko:...Why?...Why did you hide from me that you were the son of All For One?...I thought...that we trusted each other...I even told you about the secret of One For are one of the people I have loved the most in my life...why did you hide all this from me?
(Y/N):...I never told you that because...because...because I wanted to escape from all that
(Y/N):At no time did I have something called childhood,I had hundreds of injections,almost all my life I was inside a container of water being an experiment,I could literally only see the light of day a few times. All For One let all that happen to mother died...trying to kidnap me and try to use me in the same way that my father wanted. I just wanted to escape from all that,escape from that nightmare and forget that all that had happened.
Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I brought back all those horrible memories
(Y/N):For the first time in my life...when I managed to escape from that laboratory...I could feel happy...I had friends...I had girlfriends...I had a real life,people I could truly love. I didn't want to lose everything because my father was the worst villain in Japan...I just wanted to forget that the reason for my existence...was only to serve as a weapon to destroy the heroes. Sorry for hiding all this from you...I just wanted to forget my whole damn past...sorry for...
At that moment Toshiko began to hug me,I burst into tears and hugged her back
Toshiko:I'm sorry...I'm so sorry,I-I never thought you had been through so much...I'm sorry...
We were hugging for a few minutes until I managed to calm down,I wipe my tears
(Y/N):Sorry for not telling you
Toshiko:It's okay,I knew there was some reason why you hadn't told me that...but I see why,I'm happy to know that you were honest with me
(Y/N):And just so you know,my love for you has always been honest
Toshiko:I don't think you should clarify that
Toshiko put her hand on my cheek and she leaned in to kiss me on the lips,we start kissing until we hear the door open
Gran Torino:Oh! It seems that you already woke up
Gran Torino and followed by Detective Naomasa entered the room
Gran Torino:You are better? a while ago you were spitting a lot of blood from your mouth
(Y/N):I think so,I still feel a little weak
Naomasa:I spoke with the doctors who treated you,apparently you had a very serious internal bleeding but due to one of your quirks this managed to control itself,the only thing you suffered was the effects of the lack of blood
(Y/N):I assumed it,it is the same thing that happened to me in what happened on the I-Island...maybe that happens due to the overexertion I made new quirk...
Gran Torino:New Quirk?
(Y/N):Yeah...all this manipulating my body,regeneration,firing energy something I can do without a quirk,what I used during my fight against my my real quirk
Naomasa:But how is that possible?
(Y/N):I have very few memories of this but...Dr Gero combined several quirks in my body throughout my childhood and adolescence,he was always careful that I didn't transform into a Nomu...or in the worst case scenario I would die.
Gran Torino:Oh god...w-wait! did you say Dr Gero?!
Naomasa:Dr Gero is possibly the most wanted person on the planet
Toshiko:He is an extremely dangerous person,his intellect is such that now that you said that he is part of the League Of Villains it makes him even more dangerous
Gran Torino:That guy was the one who contributed the most to the research about quirks,without him we might still be ignorant about quirks today.
(Y/N):And why was he so wanted by the police?
Naomasa:The information about him is somewhat...diffuse and contradictory,his files are extremely old but by all accounts he is wanted for illegal experimentation,data embezzlement,conspiracy among others,this is very strange as he used to be a very respectable person in his field.
Gran Torino:I guess you never really know anyone but even I find that HSCP report odd.
Naomasa:Considering what he is capable of doing and that he is still active,then his search and capture must be even more exhaustive considering that one of their experiments...was you and those creatures.
(Y/N):I guess you mean the Nomus
Naomasa:Yes,apparently these creatures obey without question. We captured the Nomus from what happened yesterday,they all had the same traits. They do not react to ordinary stimulation as humans do...they are like soulless puppets.
(Y/N):It's because they are...I don't remember the details very well but I managed to hear something about the Nomus,they can no longer be considered people or anything like that,it's just a creature that its only purpose is to obey and nothing else.
Naomasa:I see...this is becoming more and more disturbing
Toshiko:By the way,do you know where he is?
(Y/N):No,when I escaped from his laboratory this was in the mountains but I doubt that he is still hiding there knowing that I can tell you all this information
Gran Torino:You are right about that...then we are again at a standstill,not even his brother knows where he may be
Naomasa:Dr Gero has a younger brother named Dr Maki,he is the founder of Jaku General Hospital. He helped us a lot about his brother but nothing else
Gran Torino:Although to tell the truth...that guy came out of nowhere,a few years after what happened with Gero.
Naomasa:I think so too but...his documents seem to be legitimate,there is nothing strange about those
Gran Torino:Hmph...I'm still suspicious of all that.
(Y/N):I-I see...
Gran Torino:...but changing the subject...Homura Shimura's granddaughter?
Naomasa:Don't forget who told us that though. We must be a bit cautious with that. Have you two ever interacted with Ms.Shimura's family?
Gran Torino:Well...Shimura's husband was killed...In order to keep her son as far from the world of heroes as possible...she put him into foster care. She told me and Toshiko that "if anything happens to me,I want you to stay out of his life"
Naomasa:So that promise was turned on its head
(Y/N):That is very tragic
Toshiko:To think,my master's own kin lost herself in so much evil...I have to find Homura...I'll find her and...
(Y/N):No,you won't do anything,Toshiko
Gran Torino:The kid is right,what are you going to do once you find her? no matter who her parents are,she's still a dangerous criminal
(Y/N):Also...I'll take care of helping her out of the path of villainy
(Y/N):Yep,this is something that I have kept secret but I was able to meet Homura about two times before...sorry for saying this but Homura has some hatred towards you,Toshiko. It's not a good idea for you to be around her for now. But she and I have a certain connection,it is easier for me to approach her and possibly make her change her mind...after all she already realized who my father really was...
I said while remembering Homura's disappointed face upon hearing the last words my father said to her
Gran Torino:Yeah,the best we have right now is (Y/N). You stay on U.A and do what needs to be done even if you're no longer the Symbol Of Peace...
Toshiko:After the fight I had against All For One...I finished with the few embers I had from One For hopefully I can keep my other form for at least five minutes and as you can understand I cannot be the Symbol Of Peace for five minutes...
(Y/N):I see...a lot of things happened in that fight...that impresses me too much...aaaand now I realize that I have to give a lot of we can only wait for the hatred of the people and the media to boast that I am the son of a villain
Gran Torino:Believe it or not,this ended better than you can expect
Toshiko:Move the curtain and you will see
I moved the curtain and outside the hospital I could see a lot of signs that put my name followed by a "recover" "you are great" "you are the best",etc
(Y/N):W-Who are these people?
Toshiko:Your fans,who else are they going to be?
Gran Torino:You made a big impact in your fight,not only did you defeat a very powerful villain but you made several heroes think in a better way than the Hero Killer could have done.
Toshiko:I think we have never thought that there are villains who have really had a bad time in this society and that they also mainly need our help...we all seem to have become too used to thinking that all villains are bad...leaving aside that some may have had no other choice.
Naomasa:And I don't think they care that you are the son of a villain
I smiled when I saw that all this...Piccolo was right,I was worrying about nothing.
After finishing talking about some business with Gran Torino and Naomasa,they both left Toshiko and me alone. I got up from my bed
Toshiko:Do you already plan to leave?
(Y/N):I have something to do and it is very important,at least I want to fix all the problem that my father made these last days
I said while putting on the clothes that were at the end of my bed
(Y/N):By the way thanks for the new clothes,you didn't have to.
I said as I finished putting on my jacket
Toshiko:Well,I am your girlfriend and it is my responsibility to take care of you did for me
(Y/N):I'll always be there for you,Toshiko. Never think otherwise
I approached her and we both shared a kiss. He kissed for several seconds until I could see how Toshiko was glowing green.
(Y/N):W-What the?
Toshiko:Something happens?
(Y/N):...Wait,Toshiko,lift your shirt
Toshiko looked at me confused but she did what I told her to show me her scar,I put my hand on it and I could see how Toshiko glowed green again. We both saw very impressed how Toshiko's scar was slowly disappearing until it was gone.
Toshiko:M-My scar!...I feel...I feel better than ever...but how is this possible? you did not have a quirk that can heal others
(Y/N):I don't...but Recovery Girl does
Toshiko:Do you have the Recovery Girl quirk?
(Y/N):Maybe I can copy the quirks of others if at some point their DNA had contact with my body
Toshiko:But her quirk didn't work with me before
(Y/N):Maybe it is because the quirks that I had stored also had an "awakening" because I did not use your stamina to heal you,I used mine
Toshiko:I see,maybe that's why I don't feel tired...but this is awesome,you can heal wounds even this big
(Y/N):Yeah...I will have to train this quirk a lot,it is more powerful than I imagined at first,it is not just copying quirks from others...I have to go,I don't want to keep wasting time
Toshiko:Be careful...although I don't think you will need it
(Y/N):Hehe...yeah...and by the way,good luck with Izumi...I guess now it's her turn
Toshiko smiled and nodded,I said goodbye to her and made sure to leave the hospital as quietly as possible without anyone noticing
(Y/N) to the Pussycats Agency
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