Chapter 25 - The Symbol Of Peace Vs The Symbol Of Fear

[Third Person-POV]

After two hours of a train ride,Izumi/Momo/Tenri/Shiyori and Eiji had reached Kamino Ward. Everyone got off the train to see how the place was quite crowded

Izumi:So this must be where (Y/N) should be?

Shiyori:There are many people in the streets

Eiji:So,those guys are lurking somewhere in this city? where could they be?

Momo:We have to be very careful from this point. The villains know how we are,remember? they can attack us the moment they see us

Izumi:R-Right! a cover operation

Eiji:What should we do then?

Momo:Easy,a wig and clothes always make a good disguise!

Momo points out a small clothing store

Momo:Though it is a bit old school

Tenri:That does not matter,it is what we need right now to go unnoticed by the villains

They all went to the store Momo had indicated earlier to get some good disguises. After several minutes everyone was ready

Izuki:Awww right! lezzz go!!

Shiyori:*Sigh* I hate this wig

Izumi:I'm sorry but your hair and your scar make it very easy to recognize you,that wig will take care of it

Momo:That's the idea!

Izumi and Shiyori saw Momo leave the dressing room

Momo:A group of teenagers wandering around will attract too much attention

Tenri:I think you don't have much idea how a teenager really behaves

Tenri said as she left the dressing room with her disguise just like Eiji. They paid for their disguises and they left the store to continue with they mission

Shiyori:...You know,Momo,this would have been free if you used Creation

Momo then grabs hold of her purse and starts shaking around while the rest step back

Momo:But that's against the rules! If I make everything with my quirk,that will hurt the economy! as a citizen of this nation,I must spend money to help the economy!

Shiyori:Ah,I see...

Eiji:How altruistic...I bet she just wanted to go shopping.

They keep walking until they see a large number of people gathered in one place

Person 1:Look! it's the U.A!

They turned to see what a big screen was showing

Aizawa/Nezu and Vlad King apologized about what had happened to (Y/N). At that one of the reporters decided to ask Aizawa a question

Reporter 1:Since the beginning of the year U.A. students have had 4 encounters with villains. This time there were students who were gravely injured. How did you explain this to their families? Please explain to us what measures you are going to take so that something like this does not happen again

Nezu:We have strengthened security around the school an review security measures within the school. The safety of U.A. students is our main priority

Reporter 1:You spoke about keeping the students safe Eraserhead,but according to our information you encourage them to fight during the attack on the training camp putting them in grave danger. What was your reasoning for this?

Aizawa:I concluded that because we didn't know the full situation,allowing them to use their quirks would help avoid the worst possible outcome.

Reporter 1:And what would that outcome be? Do you think twenty-seven victims and one kidnapped child is a win for U.A. High?

Aizawa:I can assure you that things could have been much worse

Nezu:Most of the victims were injured by the attack of a poisonous smoke,we determined that it was because of a quirk used by one of the villains but thanks to Ms Kendo and Mr. Tetsutetsu's swift response none of the students received any more serious injuries. We are also taking into account if there was any psychological damage to the students but none have shown severe trauma or something like that.

Reporter 2:So you found a bright spot in this tragedy? The kidnapped student in question is (Y/N),he's the strongest student U.A has right now. What if they're brainwashing (Y/N) right now pulling him toward the path of evil? How can you sit there and tell us he still has a future? He can be a great danger to our society if something like that were to happen

Aizawa:...That kid is possibly the purest hearted person I've ever seen in my entire life. I have been able to precense as a teacher how (Y/N) has proven to be a great person so no,he will not succumb to brainwashing or to follow the path of evil...the evidence is clear,If you want,we can all see again how he cared about his classmates at the Sport Festival. I highly doubt that he can become a villain and I would like you to think about your words before antagonizing a simple student.

The other journalists began to whisper among themselves until Nezu spoke again.

Nezu:We will ensure that this does not happen again. By no means are we standing by and doing nothing.

The reporters kept asking questions but the others continued on their way,ignoring what people were saying.

Eiji:I can't believe it,not only the heroes are being criticized but also (Y/N)

Izumi:U.A. is being treated like criminals

???:All these people are wrong,people do not have the right to criticize someone in this way without seeing what really happened besides the fact that they do nothing for something so serious.

Izumi/Tenri/Shiyori/Momo and Eiji looked towards the person next to them.

Tenri:E-Excuse me?

???:It is a great responsibility to be a hero...but it is an even greater responsibility to be a good hero. You have to face a lot of problems that can destroy you as a person...what makes a good hero for me is that that person can overcome all that problem. Your teacher is handling this situation in an excellent way,even taking the hatred of other people,her main concern is her student and not what others think...You are U.A students right?

Izumi:N-No! pal! we are...

???:Don't lie to me,I clearly know who you are. Don't worry I am not going to reveal your identities,do you want to rescue your friend,right?

The five of them nodded quickly to avoid drawing too much attention.

???:I very careful,you are still young and you should know that there are villains who will not care about that. I wish you the best of luck...

Momo:The way you talked...

???:Don't get me wrong,I think anyone can be a hero no matter where you come from,what you have or what you lack,but you must know what you are up against...the responsibility you carry on your shoulders is great

Shiyori:Do you think that because of the Hero Killer ideologies?

???:No...what the Hero Killer is based on is that heroes don't deserve anything in return...I don't agree with that,if you save a person even if it's for money or end up saving a life. It's not bad to want something in return...what I see as bad is when it becomes an obsession and you cause more harm than good...heheh I think I am talking about a topic that is of no interest to you.

Eiji:I think its the opposite heheh

Shiyori:You are a hero?

???:...No...I don't see myself capable of being a hero...but if there is a problem I try to help as much as possible. It was a good conversation,I have to go for now.

Izumi:Wait,before you go,can you tell us who you are?

??? name is...

The person raised his gaze revealing his face

Tapion:I hope you have a bright future as heroes,I think that is what we need the most but keep in mind what the heroes are really up against,you are going to have a great responsibility on your shoulders...I hope you prepare for it and do not get discouraged. Good luck on your journey!

Tapion gave them a smile before walking through the crowd and disappearing into it.

Eiji:W-Woah!...I don't know why but that guy had a badass aura

Tenri:But we must not stop for that,we must continue.

Momo:You're right,let's not make (Y/N) wait any longer

They all continued with their mission

[Meanwhile In London,UK]

Right now in a small restaurant,all the people were watching TV watching everything that was happening in Japan,all except one person who was wearing a black trench coat,this person was drinking tea while listening to the news.

???:All I hear coming out of the stupid media is complaints but no solutions...and I can even feel how they are avoiding making fun of what happened just to denigrate another country...bunch of incompetents...there is no real support for something like this...the human race...a race with so much potential...and yet they keep stumbling over the same old stone.

The person said and then took a sip of his tea,the person took out of his coat a sheet of paper,he opened it and it was a map of London with an X painted on an exact location,a small amount of energy surrounded his hand for a few seconds to disintegrate the map.

???:...Human ambition is nefarious...they only look for their own benefit but no one else's...they don't care if they hurt innocent people along the way...they only care about their objectives...It may have taken me years to form this whole plan...but if this is what it takes to bring peace...then I will do one will be above anyone else...only I...only I can guide the human race to its true potential and one else will be hurt by human ambition...ever.

[With Shroom]

Shroom:...So they ended up chickening out.

Shroom said as he turned off the TV

Shroom:Are they really going to stand idly by like idiots?

Kurogiri:U.A is having a hard time apparently if they are not taking rapid action

Shroom:It is a shame,being the most prestigious school,this blow will start to give them a bad name,I expected more from them,to be the way how has it been with (Y/N)?

Kurogiri:It may have gone well,perhaps brainwashing was not necessary

Homura:Master was going to brainwash him?

Homura said as she sat next to Shroom,she took a glass of water that was on the table

Shroom:Of course,there are times when you have to take necessary risks. I don't know but that guy...more and more he has become more interesting to me

Toga:But is he going to remain the same as ever?

Toga came out from behind Kurogiri,standing in front of Shroom.

Shroom:Hehe well of course not,do you know what a brainwashing is? the (Y/N) you know are going to's a shame,you couldn't say goodbye to your crush,Homura~

Homura squeezed her hand activating her quirk and causing the glass to disintegrate,Shroom smiled but that smile disappeared the moment everyone heard someone knock on the door.

???:Hello! Pizza Delivery~


All Might:SMASH!!

All Might screamed as she broke through the wall

All Might:Do not worry! why? because we are here!!



Kamui Woods:Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison!

Shroom:Damn,what a long name

Before Kurogiri could create a portal,Kamui Woods took action and immobilized everyone with his branches.

Dabi:Wood? you think wood will...

At that moment,Gran Torino appeared and kicked Dabi hard in the head,leaving her unconscious.

Gran Torino:It will be better if you behave,it is for your own good

All Might:Just what I'd expect from one of the most competent new heroes,Kamui Woods! and the veteran faster than the eye can see,Gran Torino! You will not be able to run any more villains,why? because we are here!


They all looked at Shroom who started laughing like crazy

Shroom:"Because we are here"...but what a bullshit! Do you really think you are the best for just appearing on the scene and believing that you saved someone? Well let me destroy your hopes but no,(Y/N) is not here. You just wasted time,dipshits!

All Might:That does not matter,we will still keep looking until we find him!

Shroom:Yeah,it's because you have no other option,right? If you fail this then you will be called The Symbol Of Shame,tell me,who made this whole plan? that corrupt HPSC organization to maintain their image as the old bastards wanted it?! you are not heroes,you are all trash!!

Everyone began to feel a great pressure in the place,a dark aura began to slowly surround Shroom

Shroom:You always save those who need the most,right? then tell me...WHO ARE GOING TO SAVE YOU FROM THE MASSACRE THAT I AM GOING TO DO RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!

Shroom yelled as he released his energy,Kamui Woods could not bear so much power and had to free Shroom

Kamui Woods:A-Agh!! he is very powerful!

Shroom:It is not the first time that I have killed countless persons,you were worried about the Hero Killer but right now you must worry about me!! it's the first time I've dared to kill heroes...heheh I guess there's a first time for everything...I WILL MAKE YOU LOSE HOPE LIKE YOU MADE ME LOSE IT A LONG TIME AGO!!!!

Shroom put his hand in front of him and his scythe materialized through a dark aura,he was about to charge against all the heroes until Dr. Gero's voice came from the orb of his scythe.

Dr Gero:Shroom!! stop! please stop!! Now it's not the moment! I know how you feel,I know how you want to kill all the people you hate...but it is not yet time,please stop and follow the plan!

Shroom:...Calm down old man,I heard you...shit...I lost my cool there,let's get out of here...but I will leave some guests for you to play

Shroom aggressively moved his scythe in front of him creating a gigantic portal from which a large amount of Nomus began to come out.

Shroom:You already know what to do! rip and tear,kids! make uncle Shroom proud!

All the Nomus nodded to Shroom's orders and charged to attack the pros.

Everyone began to try to protect themselves from the Nomus,Kamui Wood tried to prevent the villains from escaping but Shroom used his scythe to harvest his soul and deactivate his quirk.

All Might:Kamui Woods!

Kamui Woods:I can't use my quirk...I can't even move!

Shroom:As you can see,you are not so special anymore. Heroes and villains are like that,once they don't have quirk,they are useless. 

Shroom turned and looked at the league members,he smiled and raised his scythe over them all.

Twice:W-Woah! Woah! I thought you were with us!

Spinner:Are you a traitor?!

Shroom:Shut the fuck up,we have to go

Shroom created another portal underneath the league members causing everyone to be teleported out of the bar. Shroom sighed and he quickly jumped into the air dodging All Might's attack.

All Might:Where is (Y/N)? tell me now!!,I will leave you with the mystery. Goodbye Symbol Of Shame~

Shroom quickly went through the portal and closed it preventing All Might from getting through.


[Meanwhile...With All For One]

Right now the place that was previously used as a laboratory for Nomus,now had been completely destroyed along with everything in front of it. Out of the shadows came All For One approaching Beast Jeanist who was the only hero that was still conscious after just one of his attack.

All For One:As expected of number 4,Best Jeanist. I thought I'd blown everyone away!...but in an instant,you controlled everyone's clothes and pulled them out of the way! You must have nerves of steel

All For One said while clapping,Best Jeanist was terrified as he looked at him. 

What they both didn't know is that Izumi/Tenri/Shiyori/Momo and Eiji were hiding behind a wall. All of them were paralyzed upon feeling the sinister and terrifying aura that All For One unleashed

Shiyori:What just happened? who is that guy?

Eiji:H-He erased them all in an instant!

Momo:We must run!...I know this,but...

Tenri:I can't...move my body,I'm so scared

Izuki:My body...won't move...

All For One:An impressive quirk,this is the strength from a huge amount of practice and practical experience. What do you think? is it a quirk that you would like to have?...

















(Y/N):I guess it can work for later...

Everyone felt a gigantic pang in their hearts when they heard (Y/N)'s voice next to All For One. Izumi began to breathe heavily upon recognizing that voice,through a small hole in the wall she looked through and could see what she never wanted to see.

(Y/N):It's a quirk that interests me...

(Y/N):I wouldn't mind...taking it from him

Izumi:T-This can't be happening!...are we late? brainwashed?!

Izumi started to panic thinking of all the possibilities that could have led to this. At that moment Tenri put her hand on her shoulder,even though she still looked panicky,she tried to stay calm,this was not a time to lose her composure...that would be worth dearly for them right now 

At that moment a portal opened behind them and from there all the members of the league came out.

Shroom:Hi there,here are the weirdos.

Twice:You're a life saver! I'm gonna remember you in my will!

Shroom:Please don't. I'm going to want to forget we ever met


All For One:You failed again,huh,Homura?...that no longer surprises me...

All For One turned his back on Homura and put his arm on (Y/N)'s shoulder

All For One:As you can see,(Y/N). You are the future of the League of Villains,I can't think of a better leader than you. Your intelligence will give you a tactical advantage against heroes,your charisma can attract as many recruits as you want,your quirk will make no one stand in your way. son,you will be the perfect Symbol Of Evil,you will fulfill the objective for which you were born...


They were all in shock upon hearing this revelation

All For One:...Huh! it looks like she's coming after all 

All For One terrifying everyone who was hiding behind the wall. He turned and stopped All Might's attack

All Might:I'm gonna make you give everything back! All For One!

All For One:You're going to kill me again,All Might?!

That clash caused a huge shock wave that destroyed the ground below them both. All the members of the league went flying except for Shroom and (Y/N),he extended his arm and caught some members while others went flying a few meters

All For One:You have wasted a lot of time,the bar is only 5 kilometers away from here...30 seconds after Shroom sent the Nomus for you to arrive. You've gotten weaker All Might.

All Might:What about you? What's with that industrial mask? Don't you think you're trying a little too hard?!

All Might said as she stood in front of All For One

All For One:Trying? you've barely tickled me,it is clear that you are going to repeat the same mistakes you made before.

All Might:I won't make the same mistake I did 5 years ago,All For One! I will take Young (Y/N) back! and this time,I will throw you in prison for sure! your league of villains puppets too!!

All Might screamed as she charged against All For One

All For One:If what you want is to die then I will give you a push,first,the cemetery is that way,let me help you.

All For One:Air Cannon plus Springlike Limbs,Kinetic Booster times four,Strength Enhancer time three. This combination is fun. Maybe I'll try to add a few more enhancer-types

Shroom:Why the need to make the names of your attacks so fucking long and ridiculous?

(Y/N):Is she...dead?

All For One:No,unfortunately she won't die from something like that

Shroom:Man,this fight will be cool! I'm sure this place will be hell itself!

All For One:I'm sorry,Shroom. I ask you please to get the others out of here

Shroom:...Tch! I wanted to stay and see how this ended...oh well-

Shroom moved his scythe and created a portal behind the league members.

All For One:Now leave

Homura:Master! what about you?!

All For One:Me?...heh I'll stay and show (Y/N) how ruthless the Symbol Of Evil must be.

All For One said while stroking (Y/N)'s hair,he just looked at the ground until he heard All Might yell

All Might:You won't get away!!

Shroom:...What the fuck are you waiting for? You must already know that I would not mind much leaving all of you here.

All For One started using Air Walk and clash his fist against All Might's creating another shockwave.

While the rest of the league were preparing to leave,Toga approached (Y/N) and began to hug his arm

Toga:You'll be fine after this,r-right?

(Y/N):I promise that I will be,you go with the others,I do not want anything to happen to you

(Y/N) gave Toga a small kiss on her lips,she giggle before going through the portal. Even though everyone had already left,Homura stayed there watching everything that was happening

(Y/N):Homura,go through the portal

Homura:B-But Mas...but what will happen to you?!

(Y/N):...I promise you that I'll be fine...and I won't forget about you.

Homura stared at (Y/N) for a few seconds until Shroom grabbed her from her neck and threw her through the portal.

Shroom:These weirdos really like to fool around...heheh...I hope you don't die here,I don't want my fun to end here~...e-ehm don't take that in a Yaoi way,okay?

Shroom went through the portal and then closed behind him. (Y/N) sighed and from his back a pink mass fell to the ground and it began to move around the place until it reached towards Izumi and the others,the pink mass began to move and take on the appearance of (Y/N).


(Y/N):I have to get you out of here,this will get more dangerous

(Y/N) wrapped his arms around the girls and began sprinting away from the fight.

Momo:(Y-Y/N)....what that man said is not are

(Y/N):...You better forget about me

Once (Y/N) managed to get to a place away from the fight,he unwrapped his arms from the girls not true...

Tenri:All this time...was this all fake? everything you were...was just a lie...

(Y/N):Of course not,I love all of were the people who made me the most happy in my whole life,if I hadn't met all of you...I don't know what would have happened to me...just I hope you...understand...all of this. I'm sorry but...maybe after this we won't see each other again

Shiyori:What are you talking about?!'re not going to...

(Y/N):I have something personal against my father...and I will not let him get away with it,if he is going to fall...I want it to be for me...bye girls,thanks...for changing my life...

(Y/N) liquify himself and turned back to where the fight was taking place,he made sure to take out every single one of the pro heroes and innocent people who were around the fight to avoid getting hurt,he made sure his father and All Might didn't notice

(Y/N) was carrying Best Jeanist on his back which was in serious condition and in his arms he was carrying Mt. Lady,at that moment she slowly opened her eyes just to see (Y/N)

Mt. Lady:(Y-Y/N)...we must...rescue you

(Y/N):Heheh I'm sorry Yu but I think I'm ahead of that,you just rest for now

(Y/N) dropped off Best Jeanist and Mt. Lady where the paramedics were arriving. He quickly liquify himself again to return to the place of the fight and join back to his body

(Y/N):I do not want more people meddling in this,they do not have to suffer for what is about to happen

Gran Torino:Kid! you have to escape from here!

(Y/N) looked behind him to see Gran Torino landing on some rubble.

(Y/N):Get out of here,Gran Torino

Gran Torino:Huh? stop talking nonsense and let's get out of here!

(Y/N):Gran Torino...I am not the person to be rescued right now

Gran Torino did not understand what (Y/N) was saying until at that moment the same black liquid that All For One had used with him was taking effect on Gran Torino.

(Y/N):Gran Torino!!

(Y/N) failed to catch Gran Torino and he was teleported in front of All For One using him as a human shield against All Might. All For One quickly used Impact Recoil against All Might but she used a Detroit Smash to counter it

All For One:She negated my attack with sheer force/You still can't fight with your full power,huh? 

All Might:You always toy with people! you break them! steal from them! take advantage of them and control them! scoffing irrationally at the people just trying to live their lives!!!

She tried to break All For One's arm but he was quick and used Air Cannon again to push All Might back a great distance.

All For One:Nice speech,All Might but was it really worth it?

All For One said while watching how steam started to come out of All Might's body while she was on her knees

All For One:Tell me,how long are you going to try to kill me? You couldn't do it last time and now you're weaker than before,I'm impressed that One For All hasn't killed you yet...

All Might opened her eyes in surprise

All Might:...W-What are you talking about?!

All For One:If I can't kill you then One For All will do it,that's very ironic. That supposed quirk that should kill me,the only thing it does is kill the user...that's normal,a powerful quirk like that shouldn't belong to an ordinary person like you.

All Might:N-Ngh...How the hell do you know that?!

All For One:A person managed to give me the most information about the One For All of a former user,I suppose you already know who she is,right? Nana Shimura

All Might:Do not sully the name of my honored master...with that filthy mouth of yours!

All For One:She was a woman with no skill whose ideals got ahead of her. She was an embarrassment to me as the one who created One For All...she died in a really pathetic way

All Might:ENOUGH!!!

All Might tried to attack All For One but he again used Air Cannon to throw her into the air. She was about to crash into a news helicopter but Gran Torino flew towards her and caught her in his arms

Gran Torino:Toshiko! You need to calm down or this will end just like it did six years ago! He manage to get away last time...right after opening that hole in your gut!

Gran Torino managed to land together with All Might on the ground.

Gran Torino:He knows very well that this is your weakness,you should not let him speak

All Might:R-Right!...

Gran Torino:His tactics and the quirks he is using are not the same as before. Head-on attacks won't work! you gotta fight smarter than that. Can you still move? Go beyond your limit! It's do-or-die time!

All Might:Yes,sir!

All For One:If just a few quirk combinations is enough to keep you at bay,then what's the use of you being here,Symbol Of Peace?!

All For One screamed trying to piss off All Might

Reporter:This scene looks like it's straight out of a nightmare! In an instant,half of Kamino ward has been destroyed! Currently,All Might is fighting the villain thought to be the ringleader! It's hard to believe that a single villain could obliterate several city blocks and go toe-to-toe with the Symbol Of Peace

While all Japan was watching everything that was happening,Piccolo, who was on top of a building watching the news on a big screen,saw (Y/N) standing in the same place as before,at which point he decided to telepathically talk to him.

Piccolo:(Y/N)?!...(Y/N),can you hear me?


Despite the great distance that separated the two of them,Piccolo sensed the terror and fear that was invading (Y/N)

Piccolo:(Y/N),what happens? why haven't you made your move yet?

(Y/N):...I can't...I can't move...that fear...this terror that I had as a child of my father has returned...I'm a coward...why can't I get over this damn fear?!

Piccolo:...(Y/N) is normal to feel fear,it is part of being human. You are not a coward,you are just that scared child who needs to destroy that fear that makes him stay immobile. I understand what you feel but if you never overcome this fear of yours...then you will not achieve your goal,although fear is normal there are times when you have to overcome it and make the difficult decisions that you have in front of you. I would like to help you but...I know this is personal and that you must defeat your father to overcome all those fears that he caused you in your childhood. Do not think that you are alone in this...I trust you...and I always will because I have been able to really see how you are...and let me tell you...your father will not be able to fight you...If anything happens be sure I will come to your aid but this is the time for you to show your father who you really's time for you to make your own way...and to shut that damn mouth on your father once and for all


(Y/N) looked up determined,he saw how All For One was with open arms

All For One:It's true,I may killed your master smashed everything I worked so hard to build. That's why I want you to die the ugliest and most gruesome way possible!! after I have achieved that,I will build all that again,I want to give my son the best possible future

All Might:W-Wait!...s-son?! you have a son?!

All For One:Of course,I rushed to the facts and made a great heir. One that not even One For All will be able to defeat

All Might:You really like to talk. No matter who I face,I will defeat you and your son,make sure to send you and that bastard to jail!

All For One:Heheh curious,you dare call "bastard" the person that you have managed to have a great connection

All Might:W-What?!....What the hell are you talking about?!

All For One:Open your damn eyes,All Might! That boy over there...

All For One turned to point at (Y/N)

All Might:N-No...

All For One:Yes,that boy over there is (Y/N) Shigaraki,my beloved son,my heir. MY GREATEST CREATION!!!

All Might was totally paralyzed upon hearing this...but not only did she hear this,everyone who was watching the report also heard these words...basically all Japan

Reporter:Um...w-what's...huh? we have...heard something...shocking,(Y/N)...the winner of the Sport Festival...the U.A student recognized for being the of the villain that All Might is facing

Everyone was shocked to hear this

All Might:...No!...That is not true!!...that is...not true...

Tears began to fall down All Might's cheeks,she could feel her heart break in half.

All For One:All this seems very ironic to me,All Might. The person you took was my precious son but the person you really should have saved is Homura Shigaraki

All Might looked up once more

All For One:Heheh tears...why don't you better save them for this?...Homura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's granddaughter

All For One said as he was delighted to see the despair in All Might's eyes

All For One:I created chances for you and Homura to meet but as arrived late. While you helped my son not only get into that school,you also helped him gather precious information about the quirks that your students have. Homura was waiting for you all this time...what a shame,what would your master think of this?


All Might screamed in despair

All For One:Ah! A mental breakdown,it was always like this,All Might. You were powerful physically but are weak

All For One prepared another Air Cannon against All Might,she just raised her fist in front of her and fully received the impact of the attack. She managed to survive...only at a serious cost.

All Might had returned to her True Form revealing to everyone her biggest secret. All the citizens were wondering what had happened to All Might,this was music to the ears of All For One

All For One:This time I really had fun fighting you,All Might. Now show to the world your pathetic form,"Symbol of Peace"...what a skinny body. Don't be ashamed. This is your true self right? hahah! Well tell me All Might,now do you have that spirit to try to defeat me?! what happened?...Where did that stupid smile go?...but whatever,it's time to make the Symbol Of Peace die...and let the whole world see it!

All For One pointed his fingers at All Might,he transforms his fingers into black tendrils that have red prominent cracked lines. He was about to kill All Might with his quirk until (Y/N) appeared next to him

All Might:...Y-You...

(Y/N):...I'm sorry...get out of here...I no longer have anything to lose

All Might tried to get closer to (Y/N) but he stretched out his arm and managed to pull her out of Kamino Ward.

All Might:NOOOOOO!!!!

That was the last (Y/N) heard before leaving All Might in a safe place.

(Y/N):I'm sorry Toshiko have a lot to lose,you can't leave Izumi...I already lost everything I wanted...

(Y/N) turned to see his father emerge from the rubble.

All For One:(Y/N)...I want you to explain the meaning of this to me

(Y/N):...Do I really have to make it so obvious to you? YOU REALLY THINK THAT I WOULD JOIN YOU AFTER THE SUFFERING THAT YOU MADE ME GO THROUGH!!!....but no more,this is more than revenge,father...I will not let someone like you continue living

All For One:You? fight me? will you dare to fight your own father?

(Y/N):At this point...I don't know if I'm fighting my father...or the biggest monster I have ever met in my entire life. But yeah I'll fight you...I'LL GIVE MY ALL!!

All For One:There are many things that bother me,(Y/N)...and one of those is insolence! if I have to beat you up to fix your brain,I'll be glad to do it.

(Y/N):Come get me then,you don't know how long I've been waiting for the moment when I can fuckin destroy you!! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!

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