Chapter 24 - Nightmares From The Past
[Third Person-POV]
All For One:Just look at you,you have become so strong in the last time. Gero promised me that you would have great potential but I never thought that you would be able to fight the number two hero even before you had awakened your quirk
(Y/N):M-My quirk?...all this time...have I been quirkless,right?
All For One:That's right,unfortunately you were born that way. Being quirkless means that you cannot complete your main goal in your life,without power,one cannot assert his ideals,I was thinking of giving you some quirks but I was afraid of killing you in the process...but as you can see Gero is an incredible person with a superior intellect who can surpass all the scientists of the I-Island,after all we owe almost all the research to him based on quirks. Yeah,society lost a great mind but the league gave him a second chance and look how he has surprised us,right now you are possibly the most powerful quirk user that has ever existed...
All For One approached (Y/N) and put his hand on his shoulder
All For One:With that power of yours you can bring order to this world,if you had remained quirkless then you would have no way to affirm your ideals. You have a great future ahead of you as the next Symbol Of Evil...or who knows,you can become a demon which can instill authority and fear just by appearing on the scene,you will have order over this world
All For One take off his hand from (Y/N)'s shoulder.
All For One:No matter how your path is,I will be proud of what you decide. I hope you have gathered enough information the time you have been in the U.A. although of course,Gero has already taken care of all that
(Y/N) widened his eyes in surprise upon hearing that
(Y/N):W-What do you mean with that?
All For One:How do you think we were able to get the exact location of where the training camp would take place? Gero thought of everything,he already has an eye on U.A. As we both say,you are the best existing creation. I can still remember the whole procedure in which you were becoming the most powerful being in existence. Do you still remember?
(Y/N) remembered all that in great detail,all those days of suffering embedded in his brain like sticky music. Something that you could not get out of your mind and the more you tried to forget it,the more you remembered it
Right now in a dark room the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the various machines that were connected to a water tank,inside was a young (Y/N),no more than five years old.
Dr Gero:Hmmmm his vital signs are fine,the combination of multiple quirks were successfully coupled into his body without the need for a quirk factor...It will take a while but it won't last long until he can manipulate his body at will. It will serve him very well since he will be able to maintain the great power that he will obtain with the passage of time,something perfect that will serve as a storage of quirks and energy...
Dr Gero said while taking notes on (Y/N)'s progress
Dr Gero:There is still a long time to go but I will have to think about giving him a suitable suit for now so that he can merge with the changes in his body...I must not will take a few more years but I do not have to forget to give him the Super Regeneration. His body will need to evolve for Super Regeneration to evolve as well...I shouldn't be too quick to give him more quirks than necessary. That could kill him if he still doesn't get used to his new body-
At that moment Gero looked behind him to see a figure in the middle of the room door.
Dr Gero:Visiting time is over,you can see your son at another time,Kemiko
Dr Gero said seeing All For One's wife and (Y/N)'s mother,Kemiko
Kemiko:You don't give me orders,Gero,I will see my son whenever I want.
Dr Gero:Well,this is my lab and you better shut the fuck up and let me do my job.
Dr Gero continued writing but Kemiko spoke again.
Kemiko:It's not a good idea to talk to your boss's wife like that,you know? You don't want to get in trouble.
Dr Gero:Troubles? Hah! Is that what you reduce yourself to? To being someone's wife?
Kemiko:That's right,I'm the wife of one of the most powerful men on the planet,and at the same time someone who is a master swordsman capable of cutting off your head in milliseconds,but despite that I will also have in my hand the most powerful weapon on earth,you won't know the pleasure it will give me to see how that thing will help us conquer the world,so you'd better finish it quickly.
Dr Gero:First son,then weapon,then thing...that's how you view your own offspring?
Kemiko:Of course,what else is (Y/N) going to do? I didn't have that parasite inside me for 9 months just to take care of him,that's your job.
Kemiko pointed at Dr Gero in a derogatory manner.
Kemiko:Well I can see that you are taking good care of it,I hope things continue to be like this,remember the funding for this is coming out of my pockets.
Dr Gero:More like the money you stole from others.
Kemiko:You can always get more,they get money with hard work but I go the easy way and make them give it to me,after all it all goes to a good cause plus the icy edge of a sword always makes them pee their pants.
Kemiko left the lab leaving Dr Gero alone with (Y/N)
Dr Gero:...How wrong you are, wrong you are....
[Three Years Later]
Kemiko shouted in desperation to Dr Gero.
Dr Gero:If I disconnect him right now he might die instantly! I won't let you destroy a lot of work just because your clan is being eradicated!
Kemiko:The Nobushi clan will not fall! I won't let that happen!
Dr Gero:That had to happen sooner or later,Kemiko,other clans also disappeared with time,at least have the dignity to say that your clan fell fighting against the heroes. Those wandering samurai already had their destiny done. (Y/N) will not save your clan from eradication,that is imminent.
Kemiko:Tsk!...nobody will stand in my way!!
Kemiko moved at great speed towards the water tank that had (Y/N) in it but before she could get even an inch closer,Dr. Gero grabbed her by her neck,lifting her off the ground.
Dr Gero:DNA-Report:It helps you to know exactly someone's quirk,its use,its weaknesses,the way the user handles it,it can even give you the most recent information with just a trace of their DNA. A very interesting quirk but at the same time useless,no one can deny your skill with your sword...but in a world of superhumans...does that really count as something to highlight?
Kemiko:If you dare to do anything to me...Shigaraki will kill you!
Dr Gero:Kill me? I doubt very much that you are of any importance to him considering that you already gave him what he wanted from you.
Kemiko's corpse fell to the ground and her head fell next to it but her corpse quickly turned a dark color and disappeared.
Dr Gero:Ugh! I hate the moment All For One asked me to make alterations to your body.
Dr Gero looked behind him to see Kemiko,sword in hand ready to fight.
Dr Gero:I'll give you a chance to go and at least try to make your stupid clan not to be eradicated completely...when Kutasuya wants to see something disappear...he's not going to stop for anything in the world...he already did it with me,he did it with someone else,and he will do it with you...I say this as a warning
Kemiko:...Mark my words,Gero...I'll be back when you least expect it...I will have the power I long for
Dr Gero:Hah! I may already be dead when that happens,your imagination is just as spectacular as your skill with your sword.
Kemiko gritted her teeth in fury but decided to leave the lab so as not to waste any more time.
Dr Gero:...Well...I think you could already see that your mother has a very special attitude.
Gero looked at (Y/N) and could see how he had his eyes open,he had seen and heard everything that had happened
Dr Gero:Don't worry,(Y/N),you'll get used to being used by others,after all that will be your destiny...poor little thing.
[Seven Years Later]
All For One:And tell me,how has my son's progress been?
Dr Gero:It's been a slow start but right now everything is going very smoothly. All the quirks I have given to (Y/N) have managed to attach to his body without major difficulties,right now they can not be called quirks as they do not require a quirk factor,you can call them skills,seeing that there are people who can disable or copy quirks,it is better that over time,(Y/N) will not have any quirk factor,it was a very troublesome process but at least I could eliminate all that.
All For One:Interesting but you said he was going to have a main quirk.
Dr Gero:I used an "ability" created by myself and tested in an old experiment of mine,this ability is able to evolve (Y/N)'s body after he recovers from a near death event or a moment of extreme stress. The main quirk that (Y/N) will have will manifest in the same way so it will also cease to be a quirk the moment his body evolves...for a second time perhaps.
All For One:You also mentioned something about my Super Regeneration
Dr Gero:For now I am focusing on his body being able to withstand large amounts of energy while being able to control at will every cell in his body...I had a copy of a quirk that could do that...that being the case then I don't think there will be a wear and tear on his body in the long run...of course,he must keep his body in perfect shape,it is possible that he may overexert himself,so when he first evolves he must not overexert himself or there may be consequences but with training I don't see that becoming a problem in the future.
All For One:Gero,you are amazing. The world lost possibly the most wonderful mind there is
Dr Gero:I must thank you,All For One. You have just given me the take revenge and bring down all they will realize what a serious mistake that was.
All For One:I think've created what I've always wanted...a true successor. One who has great intelligence,great dextery,great charisma and great power that even One For All cannot cope with...and here it is...(Y/N) Shigaraki,the next Symbol Of greatest dear son...I do not care that you were born quirkless...I want you to have success in your life...and I will do whatever it takes to do it...heh...I hope I can see that happiness of yours the first time I saw you born...
All For One said as he walked over and placed his hand against the glass of the water tank, he smiled under his mask as he looked at (Y/N)
[Flashback End]
All For One:It took a long time but you have finally achieved it,you are one step away from becoming an unstoppable being and when that happens you will need this...
All For One said as he raised his hand and pointed to his side,there was a black suit which was keeping in a glass closet. (Y/N) walked over to the closet and could see the reflection of his face on the suit.
All For One:You can see it,right? Your Future,your Success as Symbol Of Evil
All For One:Do not be afraid to admit it,my son. There will be no failures,I will be there supporting you. This is your destiny,that's why you were born,to restore the order we lost the moment All Might dared to face us and don't worry about One For All. As I said,Gero is someone impressive...he has managed to give me almost all the information of One For All but unfortunately I have not been able to get all the power of it. But I'm sure that you will manage to do it...I am proud of you,my son
(Y/N) felt a lump in his throat hearing all that...
All For One:Why don't you try on your new costume,(Y/N)? Gero made it especially for you,he took into account all the quirks of the U.A students as well as the teachers and some pros. Possibly this is the best costume that exists in all the earth,it can withstand any kind of quirk that you manage to get on your way besides your immense power. Get the materials to do it took a lot of favors that I had but everything is for you,my son.
(Y/N) nodded and opened the closet and took out the costume,he took off his clothes and put on his new costume
All For One:How you feel?
(Y/N):...It is comfortable...very comfortable,it is much better than the costume I had before
All For One:I'm glad that you like it. I asked Dr. Gero to make an intimidating but youthful costume,he did a good job but now,it is time for the society of heroes to fall,I will be there to witness it but I will not only do that,I will also be there as a guide and as your main support...
All For One said while raising his hand waiting for (Y/N) to shake it
All For One:Are you ready to take the reins of being the next leader of the League of Villains?
(Y/N) kept his gaze down as his hair covered his eyes. After a few seconds,(Y/N) raised his gaze,now he had a smile on his face.
(Y/N):Hahah! You know,at first I had my doubts about all this but your words managed to convince me,father. It's time for this society of heroes to fall once and for all
All For One:You do not know how happy it makes me to hear that and I am also happy to have helped you to see what your goal in life is,as everyone says,parents know what their children need
(Y/N) nodded and shook his father's hand
[The Next Day]
Right now in the closest hospital to the training camp,Izumi was recovering from her injuries after her fight with Muscular. Katsumi,who was in the same room with Izumi,was recovering from some minor injuries she had on her fight against Dabi. Izumi and Katsumi didn't have any conversation in all the time they had spent together
Izumi tried to break this silence between the two of them
Katsumi:Shut up...
Izumi looked at Katsumi very sad,she was no longer the same aggressive person as before,now she was completely depressed after seeing how her boyfriend had been captured in front of her and she couldn't do anything,it goes without saying that Shroom's words still echoed in her head.
Shroom:You just couldn't save the only person you loved,what a shame. I can't wait to see (Y/N)'s face knowing that his girlfriend wasn't able to save him
Katsumi:...I'm pathetic
At that the door opened revealing Denka
Denka:H-Hey girls! are you awake...have you seen the news?...the media is all agaisnt U.A now...
Mina:You're horrible trying to change the topic
Some of the Class A students entered the room.
Sato:It was worse than it was in the spring
Minori:B-But we've got a melon! we brought it together! a big melon!
Izumi looked at them and shifted her gaze to the window
Katsumi:...Are you all here?
Tenri:No,Jiro and Hagakure are being checked to make sure there are no toxins left in their bodies and Yaoyorozu also got hit hard on the head and is hospitalized here,apparently she recovered the consciousness yesterday
Katsumi:But someone is still missing...(Y/N) is not here!
Katsumi said while clenching her fists
Ochaco:D-Don't blame yourself for what happened
Katsumi:...They were in front of me those bastards...they laughed in my face and left with (Y/N)...why do you think this is not my fault?!
Izumi:I was there...I was willing to help...I have this quirk and I thought with how many times he saved me,I thought I could do the same for him but it was exactly the opposite. I couldn't do anything to prevent his kidnapping...he's gone...he's gone...
Izumi started crying while hugging her knees,Ochaco approached her and began to comfort her friend
Eiji:Then let's save him!
They all looked at Eiji very surprised
Katsumi:What the hell are you talking about?
Eiji:Todoroki and I were here yesterday. As we walked to your room,we saw All Might and a police officer talking to Yaoyorozu. Apparently she along with a student from class B planted a transmitter in one of the villains,she created a device that supposedly helped All Might to locate the transmitter
Tenri:W-Wait a minute,you are not thinking of asking Yaoyorozu to create another device for you?
Shiyori:What if she does?
Tenri:It is as All Might said! this is something we should leave to the pros! this isn't the place for us to act,you idiots!
Eiji:I know! but I couldn't do anything...once I hear how (Y/N) was kidnapped,I didn't do anything! If I don't act now,I won't be a hero or a woman anymore!
Denka:Kirishima,we are in a hospital,calm down,I understand that you are upset but this time...
Tsu:Iida is right...I don't want to accept it,with all my heart but...she is right
Eiji:Iida...all of you,you're all correct...I know that but...Bakugo/Midoriya!
They both looked at Eiji
Eiji:Your hand can still reach! We can go save him!
Tenri:We can not do that! we don't have what it takes to rescue (Y/N)
Shiyori:Even that the villains had orders not to hurt (Y/N),some did it without a second thought. He's probably still alive but it may not be for long...or something worse may happen to him. Kirishima and I are going
Tenri:Don't go overboard with your messing around!
Eiji:Why are you talking like you don't care about (Y/N)?
Tenri:Well,of course I worry about my boyfriend's safety but I know I don't have what it takes to rescue him!!
Tenri yelled as Shoji intervened so that this discussion did not turn into a fight.
Sero:W-Wait! Calm down. I fully understand Kirishima's frustration at not being able to do anything to save him and Todoroki's frustration at having him stolen in front of her very eyes. I'm frustrated,too,he is my friend but this is not a situation in which we should turn against ourselves. We shouldn't act on emotions. Don't you agree?
Aoyama:W-We should leave this to All Might...Miss Aizawa's permission to fight has been revoked
Tokoyami:Aoyama's right. I can't say much since I was the one who needed saving,though...
Tsu:Everyone,I know we are all shocked by (Y/N)'s kidnapping but we have to think things over calmly. I am also very shocked by what just happened but we cannot break the rules...if you do that you will only be acting like villains
At that moment,silence filled the room. Aoyama jumped from the sound of the door knocking,it was Izumi and Katsumi's doctor
Doctor:Sorry for interrupting,but it's time for Midoriya and Bakugo's exam
Sero:Let's go,I also want to see how Jiro and Hagakure are doing
As everyone was about to leave Eiji walks towards Izumi as she tells her to meet them in front of the hospital by tonight.
After everyone left,the doctor approached Izumi
Doctor:While you were sleeping,Recovery Girl came and did some strong healing,so you should be able to move your arms now...but I must tell you something that you should take very seriously. You've suffered a lot of injuries in a short amount of time,but this time it was very different
Izumi:W-What do you mean?
Doctor:To this...
The doctor showed Izumi an x-ray of her arms
Doctor:The bones and the muscles are in bad shape but the most worrying thing is your ligaments. The ligaments protect the joints but in your case they have begun to deteriorate at a worrying speed. I have decided to obtain a copy of your medical records and I have been able to see that it is not the first time that you break your bones due to the use of your quirk. If you continue to do this irresponsibly,you may lose the mobility of your arms. I can only tell you that if you do that two or three more times,the worst may happen. I suggest you rest for the moment and leave the rest to U.A,you can go home. Just try to take care of your arms
Izumi nodded while looking at her arms. She kept thinking that what the doctor had told her until she heard someone knock on the door,she looked up from her to see Mandalay in her civilian clothes
Mandalay:Hey hi! sorry if I'm bothering you
Izumi:M-Mandalay?! I-I'm not busy,w-what do you need?!
Mandalay:Well I think Kota has something for you
Izumi could see how Kota came out from behind Mandalay,he approached Izumi
Kota:I wanted to give you this,to thank you for saving me
Kota said while handing two letters to Izumi
Izumi:Oh,thanks!...but why two letters?
Kota:One is for (Y/N) but I couldn't find him at the hospital,do you know where he is?
Izumi felt a lump in her throat upon hearing Kota's question,she looked up at Mandalay and could see how she was trying not to break down in tears.
Izumi:H-He...He is helping the pros in looking for those who did this,he is very busy but I assure you that I will deliver your letter
Kota:Thanks! please have him read it...and sorry for hitting you over there
Izumi:I-It's no problem
Kota nodded and left the room with Mandalay,Izumi looked at the letter and she started crying
Izumi:Please...please let him be okay...please
It had already started to get dark and Izumi was ready to leave the hospital to go with Eiji/Shiyori and Momo. Before leaving she looked at Katsumi who was looking at the window
Izumi:Ehm...are you sure you don't want to come with Kirishima/Todoroki and Yaoyorozu?
Katsumi:No. I don't want (Y/N) to feel ashamed of me.
Izumi:Don't say that,Kacchan! You know that (Y/N) would never think that of you and none of us.
Katsumi:I could have saved him...but I didn't,I couldn't know that (Y/N) cares for all of us and he doesn't want any of them to get hurt.
Katsumi:And is that an excuse not to save my boyfriend?! not to protect him?!...he may say that but...I also worry about him but I could see that I wasn't even able to save him even with those bastards in front of me. Get out of here,Deku.
Izumi looked sadly at Katsumi,she was about to leave but said one more thing
Izumi:You're not the only one who feels this way,Kacchan. You weren't the only one who was there and failed to save him,this pain is not only yours...but at least I am trying to do something for him instead of doing nothing.
Katsumi shifted her gaze to Izumi but she was already gone. Izumi walked over to where Eiji and Shiyori were.
Along the way she received messages from her mother who asked how she was referring to the kidnapping of her boyfriend,Izumi only answered her briefly and continued on her way meeting Eiji and Shiyori outside the hospital.
Eiji:Hey Midoriya! I see that you have decided to come with us
Izumi:That's right,I know this is reckless but I can't help but worry about (Y/N) and how he's doing.
Shiyori:The best thing is to think that he is fine
Eiji:Yeah,you're right. I wonder what Yaoyorozu decided
Shiyori:No matter how reckless we are,it's up to her
Izuki:...She's here!
Izuki said as she watched Momo leave the hospital
Eiji:So,Momo,what have you decided?
They all saw how Tenri approached them
Tenri:Why...why you guys out of all people? the ones who stopped me when I acted recklessly for personal two,who received amnesty with me...why are you trying to make the same mistake I made?!? It's too much!!
Eiji:What are you talking about?
At that moment Shiyori stopped her
Tenri:We are barely entering our adult stage...U.A. is in a bad enough position as it is. Who will take responsibility for your actions?! Do you understand?!
Izumi:Iida,it's not how you think it is. We don't think it's okay to break the rules but...
At that moment Tenri slapped Izumi surprising everyone
Tenri:I'm frustrated,too! I am also worried! I am part of the class rep and I can't help but be worried about the class president! for my classmates! and for my boyfriend!!...when I saw everyone injured,it reminded me of my brother. What if you guys had ended up the same way because of your reckless actions? don't you care about my feelings?
Shiyori:Iida,It's not like we intend to face them head-on and win. They're too strong and I can assure you because I suffered that. We want to save (Y/N) without fighting
Eiji:In other words,covert action! that's the way students can fight while toeing the line on the rules!
Momo:I trust Shiyori,but so that I can stop them if anything happens,I plan to accompany them,so I can stop them...even if (Y/N) is the love of my's something I can't do and I know he wouldn't want me to do that either.
Izumi:I am determined to go...(Y/N) was with me at all times...and when he most needs our help I will not leave him alone!
Tenri:We can't agree then,huh? then I will go with you!
Tenri:Since I can't convince you not to do this then I will go with you
Shiyori:Your reasoning for joining the group is not working,Iida
Tenri:Even if you said you weren't going to fight I'm still not totally convinced so I'll be your watchman! I will make sure that you do not get into a dangerous situation
Shiyori:...Watchman Iida
Momo:I also think the same,rescuing (Y/N) is a job for the pros but as Midoriya said,I will not let (Y/N) think that he is alone at a time like this
Tenri:Then we will all go,Midoriya sorry for being so aggressive before,I'm sorry. Please forgive me
Izumi:It's fine! Don't need to apologize
[With Shroom]
Shroom was jumping between the buildings seeing how everyone was in a panic,angry and terrified because of what had happened.
Shroom:Hmmm I am surprised how much people are concerned...but from the factors I can see that they are not taking it very seriously...a person is kidnapped and people are not very supportive of the cause either...they are just waiting for someone to take care of it and a happy ending...let's see if they will like the ending that awaits them...let's see if they are really as human as they all appear to be.
Shroom tightened his grip on his scythe but after a few seconds he sighed,he threw his scythe into the air and it dematerialized into a dark colored aura,he sat on the edge of a building as he looked down into the alley below him.
Shroom:...Tokyo...Japan...and to think that in this was where it all went wrong...
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