Chapter 23 - Family Meeting
(Y/N):Why do I have the feeling that something is not right?
Izumi:(Y/N),are you okay?
Izumi said worried as she put her hand on my shoulder
(Y/N):U-Uh?...I'm sorry I just...I don't know but I have a bad feeling...*Sniff* *Sniff*
Ryuko:Do you smell that too?
(Y/N):Yeah,It smells like smoke
Izumi:It's not like it smells like smoke,there's smoke!
She said watching as a cloud of smoke was seen in the sky.
Tenri:Smoke? there may be a fire on a mountain!
At that moment I could see how Ryuko began to glows red and was being pulled by a strange force
Ryuko:W-Whats...what is happening?! HELP!!!
I ran to Ryuko and grabbed her in my arms,we both started to be attracted but once we came out of the trees I extended out my arm and gave a strong punch to the two people who were in front of us.
???1:Agh! t-that hurt!
??? 2:M-My face!
(Y/N):As I guessed,villains
Ryuko:They must have been the ones who started the fire
Izumi:(Y/N)! Pixie-Bob!
Izumi shouted as she came out of the trees accompanied by Tenri/Mandalay and Tiger.
Shino:A-Are they villains?!
(Y/N):...Shino,your quirk is telepathy right? use it to warn everyone about the villain attack
Mandalay quickly followed my orders and alerted everyone to what was happening.
Tenri:(Y/N),who are they?
???1:(Y/N)? are that kid that Stain appreciates
(Y/N):Stain? w-who are you?!
Spinner:Hehe greetings,you can call me Spinner,this is my friend Magne.
Spinner:We are the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!
At that moment I felt my chest tighten and a shiver run down my spine.
(Y/N):T-The...League Of Villains?!
Spinner:Yeah but we have also come to represent Stain. (Y/N),you would do us a big favor if you didn't meddle in this,Stain had a great appreciation for you and I don't want to be the one responsible for hurting you besides that we have strict orders not to hurt you
Ryuko:Not to hurt him? what do you mean?!
Spinner:Very easy,the league wants him. That is one of the main reasons this is happening.
My breathing began to get heavier.
(Y/N):N-No...this can not be happening!! I don't want to go back!!!
Izumi:We won't let you take him away from us!
Tiger:Yeah,no one will touch this student!
Mandalay:The three of us will hold them back here! everyone,go! (Y/N),try to go back to the camp,don't you dare fight on your own
(Y/N):...I-I will try...
Along the way,I started to think about all this,everything that was happening now.
(Y/N):This attack will not stop until I am captured...if this continues...then many will get hurt...because of me...
I stopped and turned around when I heard a lot of noise, assuming that the other villains started their attacks on the other groups.
Tenri:(Y/N),what happens? we have to keep you safe
Izumi:Villains can appear at any time!
(Y/N):...Tenri,go back to the camp and tell Aizawa to give permission for all the students to use their quirks to defend themselves,if you manage to convince her try to go back to Mandalay so that she uses her quirk and sends the message to everyone else
Tenri:W-What?! I can't leave you alone with Izumi and I won't do it after knowing that you are the target of the villains!
(Y/N):Well,you will have to do it,it is an order from your class president
(Y/N):Tenri...I promise I'll be fine. Villains will not think of hurting me and I know how to take care of myself. I don't want others to be hurt because of me so do what I told you,please...
Tenri:...I don't want to let you go...I won't.
(Y/N):...Tenri...I need to do this...these villains are serious and they won't stop for now...I just need everyone to be safe...please do this for me...I promise I will be fine
Tenri:...Damn it!...okay...I promise I will not disappoint you.
(Y/N):I know that would never happen
I kissed Tenri on the lips,she avoided crying and ran at full speed towards the camp.
(Y/N):Izumi,I also need you to do something for me
Izumi:I will do anything!
(Y/N):Kota may be in danger. He may be in his hideout,it's like a cave not far from the camp. That kid needs a hero to trust and I can't think of someone better than you,please protect that kid
Izumi:I promise I will do whatever it takes to protect Kota...please be careful
(Y/N):I promise you that I'll be fine
We both shared a short kiss,Izumi ran at full speed to where Kota might be.
(Y/N):Ugh!...DAMN IT!!...the league is here and they are here for me,not for All Might or anyone father already knows my whereabouts and I know he will not stop until he has me back...there is no turning back now...I have to hurry or else...he will come for me in person.
I started running around the forest trying to find some villain
(Y/N):Come on,come on,where is there a villain when you need them?
Toga:There may be one near you right now heheh!
I fell to the ground the moment someone jumped on me,I opened my eyes to see Toga,the girl from the mall in front of my eyes.
Toga:Heheh hi~
(Y/N):O-Oh hey...h-hi...well,this was unexpected,I didn't think you were a villain
Toga:Heheh once I heard that the league was at the time in the attack on the U.S.J I knew that at some point I could meet you if I joined and look at it,my wish was fulfilled...
Toga said as she took out a knife from her pocket
Toga:I can't wait to have you to myself,I can't wait to taste your blood...your delicious blood~
I liquidify myself from between Toga's legs avoiding being stabbed by her.
Toga charge against me trying to cut me or stab me with her knife but I managed to dodge most of her attacks although it was a bit difficult,she really is almost as fast and agile as Aizawa.
Despite her constant attacks,I managed to grab her by her wrists but even so,she was determined to get her knife through my neck.
(Y/N):W-Wait! if I remember correctly,you have strict orders not to hurt me
Toga:That's right,but I can't stop thinking about the idea of testing your blood,it's what I want the most
(Y/N):...Y-You know,I think there is something much better than my blood!
Toga:Oh yeah and what is it?
I connected my lips with Toga's managing to catch her off guard,I continued kissing her watching how slowly she began to release her knife until she closed her eyes and melted into the kiss
Toga dropped her knife and put her arms behind my neck,she jumped over me and wraped her legs around my waist while she didn't stop kissing me,once I saw that she was no longer going to attack me...I too melted into the kiss feeling her soft lips on mine...I don't know why but seemed familiar to me,as I had felt this feeling long was strange,I was sure I had felt something like that before in the same way...but nothing came to my mind.
At one point Toga wanted to go further trying to insert her tongue,I opened my mouth and our tongues began to struggle,she began to moan inside the kiss but after a few more seconds we broke the kiss causing a thread of saliva to come out of our mouths.
Toga:S-So...good...I want more,I want to feel this again...p-please
Toga tried to kiss me again but I put my hand in the middle,she didn't look disappointed or anything like that...she looked heathbroken.
(Y/N):Sorry but I think it's time for me to go
Toga:N-No! wait! please don't leave me!
Toga put her feet back on the ground and grabbed me by my shirt to keep me from leaving her
Toga:D-Don't do it...not again
(Y/N):Huh? why this sudden change in attitude?...agh!! why can't I remember any of this? I'm sure I've experienced something like this before.
I began to hear loud sounds throughout the forest,
(Y/N):Everyone should be defending themselves with their quirks right now.
I took toga's hands and made her let go of my shirt.
(Y/N):I'm sorry but I have to go
Toga:W-Will we see each other again?
I ran out leaving Toga behind,I thought she was going to start chasing me but then I heard sobbing,I turned around and saw her sitting on the ground,crying. I wanted to go back for her but the sounds were getting louder and louder.
(Y/N):...I'm sorry...but my friends need me.
I turned and kept running,I clutched my chest feeling a pang in my heart.
(Y/N):And why do I now feel like the worst person on the planet?
I kept running until I reached the place where a confrontation was taking place. There was Shiyori and Katsumi defending themselves against a very strange looking villain.
(Y/N):...What the fuck is that?
Shiyori:(Y/N),get out of here!! The villains are looking for you!
(Y/N):I won't leave here until I know that you are all alright
Katsumi:Idiot! villains may hurt you!
(Y/N):They won't,be sure of it
At that moment the villain shot his teeth to form them into powerful blades towards us,we managed to dodge the attack and Shiyori quickly created large columns of ice towards the villain but he managed to dodge them easily thanks to his quirk.
I fired energy balls at the villain and managed to hurt him a little but he wasn't going to back down at all, the villain threw one of his teeth towards me,I barely managed to dodge the attack resulting in half of my arm being cut in half.
Katsumi:(Y/N)! I fucking told you! damn it!!!
(Y/N):Don't worry,don't you remember this?
The other half of my arm was transformed into a pink mass and it went towards me and joined my body,the half of my arm that had been cut off was completely regenerated,having a totally new arm.
(Y/N):Regeneration,dear. Even if I am cut into little pieces,my body will regenerate completely as if nothing had happened...huh?
We looked to our side when we heard something approaching us,at that moment Shoji came out from among the trees which was carrying Izumi in his arms,behind them was a maddened Dark Shadow
Katsumi:What the hell?!
Dark Shadow charge against the villain,he tried to defend himself with his teeth but they didn't even scratch Dark Shadow,the only thing that caused him to become even more enraged.
Dark Shadow grabbed the villain and slammed him against the ground several times and then threw him against the trees,through several of them until he hit the trunk of one of them and fell to the ground completely hurt.
Izumi:(Y/N) quick,create light with your energy balls,like you did at the festival!
I quickly created a ball of energy between my hands and made it explode creating a strong flash around me,this caused Dark Shadow to become smaller and smaller until it retreated back to Tokoyami,he fell on his knees breathing heavily,I ran to him very worried and helped him to get up from the ground.
Tokoyami:I-I'm sorry...thanks for saving me
(Y/N):That doesn't matter,the only thing that matters is that you are fine
Shiyori:The villain that we were barely able to defend against was...was eliminated in an instant
Tokoyami:Shoji,Izumi sorry as well...I let my anger take over and released Dark Shadow...the influence of the darkness and my anger spurred on that guy
They all circled around Tokoyami to make sure he was okay. I at that moment turned to see someone among the trees
(Y/N):I hope this villain really takes me to the league
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N) slowly started to walk away from his classmates without them noticing and went into the forest in search of the person he had seen lurking nearby. It didn't take long for everyone to realize that he had disappeared.
Without thinking twice, Katsumi went into the forest without telling the others what had happened.
Whereas with (Y/N),he had managed to find the villain who was lurking around.
(Y/N):Well,I guess I was expecting this too,knowing that Toga was a villain I also assumed that you were one too,Dabi
Dabi:Heheh I don't think you should walk alone in the woods,(Y/N). Even knowing that you are being wanted by us you walk directly towards a villain
(Y/N):But I know that you won't hurt me,will you?
Dabi:...I have strict orders not to hurt you so...
(Y/N):You know I'm not referring to that,I have my suspicions but I can expect that you won't hurt me because you care about me.
Dabi:I stopped worrying about others a long time ago,don't think you have something special
(Y/N):If so then try to hurt me,I want to see if what you say is true
Dabi gulp knowing that right now (Y/N) had her hands tied,he was right of her,it was a rare thing for her, she had only seen him in videos and only talked to him a few weeks ago,but maybe that feeling of someone treating her with kindness after being alone for so long,with no one around her who really cared about her,(Y/N) was getting into that icy heart of hers.
(Y/N) started to walk slowly towards Dabi but she stopped him by grabbing him from his neck.
(Y/N):H-Hey,you don't have to be like this,trust me
Dabi:How do I know you weren't about to attack me?
(Y/N):All this moment I trusted that you were not going to attack me,if I trust you then I think you can also trust me
Dabi felt a sting in her heart,she let go of (Y/N)
(Y/N):Tell me,why are you doing this?
Dabi:...I don't's good to tell you right now
(Y/N):It's okay,maybe you can tell me when you have more confidence with me
Dabi:...Why are you doing this? why are you so nice to me? you give me a compliment at the mall despite my appearance,now you know I'm a villain and still treat me kindly. Why?
(Y/N):What? don't I have the right to be nice to you?
Dabi:I'm a villain
(Y/N):But I think I know how to differentiate between a villain who is bad by nature...and one who fell into that path...
(Y/N) said softly as he put his hand on Dabi's cheek
Dabi:I haven't felt this way in a long time. For a long time I have not felt concern...or love towards someone...when I saw you at the festival,when I saw your face...I just thought that these feelings towards you would go away,that it was just a silly thing and nothing more,but I was very wrong. Now that I was able to talk to you...I feel that I am more and more in love with you,I've never had these feelings before and I don't even know how to fucking control them.
(Y/N):Well...there is no need to suppress those feelings anymore
(Y/N) said as he approached Dabi and without her waiting for it,she felt his lips on hers. Dabi didn't back down or push him away,she just melted into the kiss,if Dabi could be able to cry she would do it right now,the kiss lasted for a few seconds until they both separated
Dabi:...That first kiss...
(Y/N):I wish to continue with this but I would like you to do me a favor
Dabi:W-What do you want?
(Y/N):One thing only...take me
(Y/N):Take me to the league right now,this already got personal against one person
???:I can see that you already managed to find him,Dabi
Dabi looked behind (Y/N) to see another villain walking towards them.
(Y/N):Hey,my man,I guess you're from the League of Villains.
Mr. Compress:That's right and you are our main objetive
(Y/N):I already know that,I need to be taken to the league right now,please
Mr. Compress:Huh! I didn't think you were going to be that cooperative
Mr. Compress quickly charged against (Y/N) and touched his chest causing him to turn into a tiny marble
Mr. Compress:Huh! that was easy,we already have what we were looking for,we have to go before someone show up
Dabi:Yeah...let's go...
Dabi and Mr. Compress turned around to see Katsumi emerge from the trees.
Dabi:You better turn around and go back the way you came if you don't want this to end badly for you
Katsumi:To hell if you think I'm going to leave without first getting (Y/N) back!!!
Dabi:Compres,don't you dare drop that marble. I'll take care of this noisy girl
Dabi created blue flames in her hands while Katsumi generated small explosions in the palms of her hands.
She quickly charged against Dabi but she released a huge blast of fire against her,Katsumi quickly created an explosion under her to avoid Dabi's blast of fire.
Katsumi:So you're the bitch that started this whole fire
Dabi:I can see that your level of observation is close to that of a five-year-old.
Katsumi grunted and charge against Dabi getting close enough to shoot an explosion at her causing her to back off. Katsumi was about to fire another explosion but Mr. Compress got in the middle of her and touched Katsumi turning her into a marble
Mr. Compress:Should we take her too?
Dabi:We have the one Homura wants,the girl is not important
Mr. Compress:Alright then
Shiyori:Hey you two!!
Dabi and Mr. Compress saw how Shiyori along with Izumi/Shoji and Tokoyami came out of the trees
Mr. Compress:We have more company
Dabi:Yeah,I'm getting annoyed already.
Shiyori:Bakugo came this way,these guys must have done something to her
Dabi:Good deduction work...Shiyori Todoroki
At that moment behind Compress a portal opened,from there Shroom came out with a smoothie
Shroom:Hey there,what's taking you so long? I'm getting bored waiting for you
Shroom said while taking a sip of his smoothie,from the portal came out another villain, this one carrying Toga on his back and a smoothie in his hand
???:HEY GUYS!! I earned a smoothie for doing a good job!
Shroom:Twice,you dumbass,I told you to be quiet!! no one should know that!!
Mr Compress:Um...where were you?
Shroom:I went to buy a smoothie,I wanted one
Dabi:I can see that you were nothing useful in all of this
Shroom:Oh please,I could have done this on my own,I just wanted you guys to prove you were worth it and look!...half of it was
Dabi:So do something instead of babbling on
Shroom:Ugh!! man you're so annoying,I want to go now so Mr Winrar,hold my shit
Shroom threw Mr. Compress his scythe and his smoothie
Shroom:Don't you dare spill my smoothie. For some reason that shit cost me 18 yen each. It's time to put an end to these brats,my soap opera is about to start and I won't miss that shit for nothing the world.
In the blink of an eye Shroom disappeared from everyone's sight
Izumi:W-Where did he Agh!
Everyone fell to the ground unconscious in just a few seconds,Shroom appeared in front of everyone
Shroom:There,work done.
Twice:Woah! that was great
Shroom:Yeah,I know. You have (Y/N),right?
Mr. Compress:That's right,we also have that girl from the festival
Shroom:Huh? why? leave her here,we just need (Y/N) not a walking speaker
Mr. Compress took the marble that contained Katsumi and threw it away from them,he snapped her fingers and released Katsumi
Katsumi:W-What the hell happened?!
Shroom:Oh nothing,you just couldn't save the only person you loved,what a shame. I can't wait to see (Y/N)'s face knowing that his girlfriend wasn't able to save him,good bye~
Shroom said walking through the portal along with Dabi/Mr. Compress/Twice and Toga. Katsumi ran trying to get them but it was too late,the portal closed causing the League of Villains to capture their main objective.
Katsumi fell to the ground looking at the place where the portal used to be,tears began to fall down her cheeks and she began to hit the ground
After that disastrous night,they all aimed to protect a single person...but they completely failed. After about 15 minutes after the league attacked,firefighters,paramedics and the police appeared to take control of the situation. Of some 41 students,15 were in serious condition due to the gas,11 were injured,only 13 of them remained unscathed and one was missing.
Of the six pro heroes one was also missing,the only thing that remained of Ragdoll was a trace of blood. Muscular,Mustard and Moonfish are all arrested by the Police while the rest of the villains have escaped. The injured students were taken to the hospital
After a day,all the media were disgracing the U.A and there were protests outside of these. While this was happening,the teachers and Nezu were holding an emergency meeting of the recent events
Vlad King:This is already over the line. We didn't take the league too much into account even after U.S.J
Nezu:Unfortunately it is true. The League Of Villains has officially started a war against the Hero Society and this may be a serious blow to our reputation. The students were preparing to handle possible villain attacks,the irony
Midnight:Even if we knew this next move,could we really have avoided this attack? Although it may not seem like it,it was very organized,it is as if they had information that only we have.
Present Mic:And they could not choose a better target than the strongest student in all of U.A...but there is something that I have had in mind
Midnight:What do you mean?
Present Mic:Only the teachers and the Wild Wild Pussy Cats know about the location of the training camp...I don't want to confirm anything but there may be a traitor among us...this is all sus...s-suspicious!!
Present Mic screamed in terror as he watched Snipe begin to unsheathe his weapon,he put his weapon back in his holster and sat down.
Snipe:Although it may be somewhat plausible...wouldn't it have been a better idea for that traitor to destroy the U.A from within?
Nezu:I trust all of you and my students but the idea of a...
They all looked towards Present Mic who was trying to kill an insect that was flying around him.
Present Mic:I'm sorry but that damn insect has not stopped bothering throughout this meeting!
While Present Mic was trying to kill that bug All Might's phone rings,causing her to leave the room
All Might:Hello?
???:Hey All Might,sorry if you're busy but what I need to tell you is very important
All Might:Ah! Naomasa,I'm a little busy but because of how you said this is important,what do you have to tell me?
Naomasa:Well,this was somewhat unexpected but apparently we have the League of Villains hideout located
All Might:W-What?! r-really?!
Naomasa:Possibly,about two weeks ago we had an investigation into all this and the owner was able to confirm that one of the subjects resembled the one who had kidnapped (Y/N) and that he apparently bears some resemblance to one who was also in the U.S.J. We are planning a rescue operation once we verify that all of this is true. I would like to know if...
All Might:I'm completely into that operation...thanks for the hard work,Naomasa
Naomasa:You do not have to mention it,I will keep you up to date with all the details that we can obtain
All Might ended her call with Naomasa
All Might:This have made it more personal than ever All For One...first my master...and now the man I will pay for all the damage you have done
[Meanwhile in the League Of Villains' Hideout]
Right now in the League Of Villains' Hideout,(Y/N) was tied up both arms and legs with heavy chains to a chair,in front of him was the rest of the members of the league,or what was left of them
Homura:I didn't expect you were going to be so cooperative,(Y/N)
(Y/N):I just wanted all that chaos to end soon,can you take my restrictions off?
Homura:Why should I do that?
(Y/N):Do not trust me? I promise I won't do anything,I just want to talk a little
Tomura didn't think much about it and ordered Dabi to remove (Y/N)'s chains. Once he got up from his seat all the rest of the members were on guard except for Toga/Shroom and Kurogiri
(Y/N):Like I said,I'm not going to attack you. I just want to talk to the way,hello again,Kurogiri.
Kurogiri:It's good to see you again,Mas...
(Y/N):Stop there,plase...just call me (Y/N)
Shroom:Heheh imposing authority from the beginning? and then you want to make yourself think that you and him are nothing alike
Shroom said while taking a sip of his smoothie
(Y/N):Is this how you greet someone?
Shroom:Sorry,you prefer something like "How do you do,good sir?" or "What's crack-a-lackin ',homie?" or "Ara,Ara,it looks like we have a guest" which one do you like the most?
(Y/N):The last one was...very weird
Shroom:What? I'm using my own language,it's your fault that you sexualize anything because of your crazy hormones.
(Y/N):Whatever you say
Spinner:Wait a damn minute,what's going on here? You seem to have known these guys long before.
Toga:Oh! oh! Is it that you wanted to join the league before?
Toga jumped in place waiting for (Y/N)'s words
(Y/N):...N-Not really...the only one I know perfectly well is Kurogiri...and by the way,I'd like to talk to him.
Kurogiri:You mean...
All For One:After a long time of searching,you are finally back,(Y/N)...
Everyone turned to hear the voice coming out of the monitor
(Y/N) began to breathe heavily as he heard All For One's voice once again.
All For One:I hope you know how upsetting it was to find you and know the perfect time to bring you back here,(Y/N),but it doesn't matter now,you're back.
(Y/N):Y-You wanted me back...well here I am,now tell me,what the hell do you want from me to attack my friends?
All For One:I don't think this is something to talk about in front of these people,why don't we talk face to face? As we did before
(Y/N) tried to hide it but inside he was totally terrified of seeing his father again. Everyone saw how a black liquid began to come out of (Y/N)'s mouth and then envelop his body completely,disappearing from the place
Twice:Woah! That looks gross,I want to try it!
Shroom:I would like to see how this family reunion ends
Homura:Family reunion? What the hell are you talking about?!
Kurogiri:Shroom,that was a secret!
Shroom:Ups! sorry~ but anyway,if things go the way they should be then you better meet the next Symbol Of Evil and leader of the League Of Villains.
Shroom:Why do you think All For One emphasized that no one hurt (Y/N)? Why do you think he was so happy to see him back? very easy,then everyone would know that he is the son of All For One,(Y/N) Shigaraki
(Y/N):Puagh! *Coagh* that was fucking disgusting
All For One:I'm sorry for that but I wanted to see you again...
I heard my father's footsteps echo through the dark room I was in,the only thing that illuminated it was the green light of the monitor
All For One:Just look at you,you have grown so much,you have become so powerful that even I would be envious but my pride for you is greater than that....
I raised my gaze to see that dark mask again,my body began to tremble with fear,it was as if I were a child again. It didn't matter how powerful I was now...I didn't think I could escape the trauma that everything this person made me go through almost my entire life...I will never be able to escape from all that nightmare...
All For One:(Y/N) Shigaraki...welcome back to where you should be...I have a lot to talk about with you,my son
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