Chapter 21 - The Training Camp
[Third Person-POV]
All Might:So are you ready for the training camp?
(Y/N):I would be if you let me sleep a little more
Right now (Y/N) was together with All Might in the teachers lounge waiting for his classmates to arrive.
All Might:Don't be like that,a hero must always be awake when danger is present!!
(Y/N):Yeah and it would also help to have a good eight hours of sleep to fight tthat danger
Midnight:Here,a cup of coffee will help you
Midnight said as she handed (Y/N) a cup of hot coffee,she gave him a kiss on his cheek before going to her desk
All Might:Do you have everything ready? you better be prepared
(Y/N):Yeah,everything from the gigantic list that Aizawa gave me I bring with me
All Might:Good,this is the time that you are going to train your quirk,you and Young Midoriya will have a week to improve your quirks. I'm proud of you! you have improved a lot since I first met you
(Y/N):I guess you're right about that but I still have to keep quirk...woah! this coffee is delicious!
(Y/N) kept waiting until it was time for the students to arrive at school,he woke up Aizawa and they both went to the buses
Aizawa:If you need help to train you can ask me whenever you want
(Y/N):Heh that's weird coming from you
Aizawa:I will only help you,the rest know how to handle themselves
(Y/N) laughed and waited with Aizawa for his classmates to arrive,during the waiting time Vlad King also joined. As time passed the students from class A and B began to arrive
Tenri:(Y/N)! are you here since so early?
(Y/N) said while taking a sip of his coffee
Tenri:Impressive! I expected no less from our class rep!
Aizawa:Anyway,load your bags in the bus
Everyone did what Aizawa ordered,everything was relatively quiet with some being excited about the camp like Ochaco/Denka and Mina until it stopped when someone started talking.
Monoma:There are people in Class A taking extra classes? I can't believe it,class 1-A has failed the finals,that's very weird!
Monoma spoke mockingly towards class A
Monoma:Wasn't class A supposed to be better than class B? Well,apparently it is not like that!
(Y/N):Dude,I remind you that the three finalists of the Sport Festival were from the A class...and you barely made it through one battle after the Calvary Battle.
Monoma:E-Excuse you!...
Kendo managed to knock Monoma out
Kendo:I'm sorry that he bothered you
(Y/N):Nah,it's okay,Kendo
(Y/N) winked at Kendo making her blush and smile.
Izumi:It's class B
???:Hey! we kind of met during the sports festival but it's a pleasure to meet you.
Izumi:It is also a pleasure to...
One of the girls from the class B passed Izumi to get closer to (Y/N),she stood in front of him while smiling
Setsuna:Hi there~ I'm Setsuna Tokage,I really wanted to meet you but I didn't have the right time
(Y/N):Well,I think we're going to have a lot more time to get to know each other now that we're going to camp together.
Setsuna:I hope so
(Y/N):And I'll be sure to spend time with you and Kendo~
Setsuna:Oh yeah? and what is the reason?
(Y/N):Setsuna...I'm not that dense...someone told me something about you
Kendo:We're getting on the bus!
Kendo yelled as she dragged Monoma into the bus
Setsuna:I think I know who it was. I guess we'll see you at the camp,goodbye~
(Y/N) said goodbye to Setsuna and got on the bus with his classmates. He sat next to Ochaco and the bus started heading towards the camp.
During the way (Y/N) was speaking by message with Melissa/Camie and Yu,yeah,the three of them at the same time,him explaining to Melissa and Camie what the Training Camp was like and Yu giving him some advices
Ochco:Are you really dating Mt.Lady?
Ochaco said in a low voice in surprise
(Y/N):Heheh you would be surprised people who find me attractive
Ochaco giggle and laid her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder,he wrapped his arm around her waist
After an hour of travel,the bus stopped and everyone left for a break
Eiji:Finally a break!
Minori:I gotta pee!!!
(Y/N):Huh?...this doesn't seem like a rest area to me
(Y/N) said as he looked around,it just a part of dirt sticking out by the road of a mountain.
Izumi:Are we the only ones here?
Kyoka:What about class B?
Aizawa:It would be foolish to stop here for no reason
They all looked at Aizawa confused
Minori:W-Where is the bathroom?!
(Y/N):Ehm...I think it is more important to ask what is that black car doing here?
(Y/N) said pointing to the black car that had arrived at the place,the car doors opened and about three people came out
???:Hey Eraser!
Aizawa:Hey,long time no see
Izumi:O-OH MY GOD!!
Izumi cried out in excitement when she saw how two women dressed in cat-like looks got in front of everyone
??? 1:Lock on with this sparkling gaze!
??? 2:Cute,cat,and stinger!
???1/2:Wild,Wild Pussycats!!
Both women said at the same time while finishing with a pose
Aizawa:These are pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp,the Pussycats,Pixie-Bob and Mandalay
Izumi:The four-person team who set up a joint agency!! they're a veteran team that specializes in mountain rescues!...
Izumi said very excited
Izumi:I listen that this year will be their twelfth workin...
She was cut off when Pixie-Bob grabbed her face with her paws
Pixie-Bob:I'm 18 at heart!
Izuki:Y-You're 18!
Pixie-Bob:...It's you!!
Pixie-Bob step past the rest to get in front of (Y/N)
(Y/N):E-Ehm...H-Hi...m-my name is...
Pixie-Bob:Well of course I know your name,silly,we send you our offer
(Y/N):O-Oh right! that name that you had said became known to me
Pixi-Bob:Now that I can finally meet you,I want you to answer this...why didn't you accept our offer?!?
Pixi-Bob:I even thought about waiting for you with a cake!
(Y/N):A-A cake?!...fuck! I should have come up with my plan much better!
Pixie-Bob got closer and closer to (Y/N) making their noses touch
(Y/N):I-I'm sorry but I had something v-very important to do at that time and for nothing in the world could I put that matter aside.
Tenri smiled realizing what (Y/N) was referring to.
(Y/N):I did not want an agency to have problems for the things that I had done and also because I was training in a different way
Pixie-Bob:Is it that we are not enough for you?!
Pixie-Bob said while pouted
Mandalay:Pixie-Bob you want to stop with that!!
Pixie-Bob sighed and walked away from (Y/N) if not before blowing him a kiss
Mandalay:Well...putting all that aside,I'd better explain something to you about this place. This whole area belongs to us. You'll be staying at the foot of that mountain
She said pointing to the destination which was far,far away
Ochaco:If so...then why did we stop here?
Sato:Could it be...
Tsu:No way...
(Y/N):...They'll throw us off that cliff,right?
Sero:A-Ahahah! why don't we get back to the bus? Fast
Eiji:Y-Yeah,let's do that...
Mandalay:It's 9:30 right now,I'd say about the noon
Mina:Let's get back!
Eiji:Hey guys! come on! to the bus!!
Mandalay:There will be no lunch for those who arrive by 12:30
Aizawa:Well,students...the Training Camp has already begun
They all started running towards the bus but Pixie-Bob got in the way,her claws glowed blue to later put her paw on the ground. The ground began to move under the students and then rose in some sort of earth tsunami,sending the entire class over the guard rails into the forest below.
(Y/N):Auch! that was not a good start
Mandalay:Hey! by the way! as it is a private area you can use your quirks as much as you want! you have three hours! come to the facility on your own! oh! and you'll have to get through the Beast's Forest!
Pixie-Bob:Good luck! especially you,(Y/N)!
Mandalay and Pixie-Bob yelled from the top
Izumi:T-The Beast's Forest?!
Eiji:That sounds like something out of a video game.
Kyoka:Why do we always keep falling for this kind of thing?
(Y/N):..Hehe falling...but anyway,we have to move or else that beast may attack us but first we have to go with...
Minori:Huh? Has it already become night?
Minori said seeing how it got dark around her,at that moment a beast appeared in behind her
(Y/N) reached out his arm grabbing Minori and pulling her out of the middle of the beast.
(Y/N):That was close
Minori:What are those things?!
Izumi:This must be the Pixie-Bob quirk's
Katsumi:That's pretty obvious,Nerd! this thing is on our way!
Katsumi said as she prepared to attack the beast just like Izumi/Shiyori/Tenri and (Y/N)
Shiyori approached the beast and freeze it's legs as Tenri uses Recipro Burst and Katsuki uses her Explosion to destroy it's arms and legs and then (Y/N) and Izumi will deliver the final blow destroying the beast completely
Eiji:Bro! that was amazing!
(Y/N):Quick,we have to move!
Momo:We have no choice but to go the shortest route,It is the best we have to not meet too many beasts
(Y/N):It works for me,come on!
Tenri:Alright! Let's do this,Class A!
Class A:YEAH!!!
And that's how it was,for the next eight hours the students in class A were fighting many of Pixie-Bob's Earth Beasts,although it was more tiring than dangerous. In the end,they all made it to the camp extremely tired.
(Y/N):Looks like we made it!
Class A:Y-Yeah...
Everyone said extremely tired
Pixie-Bob:Oh! you're finally here!
Mandalay:It took you some time
Eiji:You mentioned that it would take us three hours to get here!
Mandalay:That would be the time it would take us to do this,sorry!
Sato:Now you're bragging about how much better you are? That's mean!
(Y/N) was about to fall to the ground but Tenri caught him in her arms.
Pixie-Bob:Anyway,I thought it would've taken much more longer though but you defeated my earth beasts more easily than I expected. You did great,especially you five!
Pixie-Bob said pointing at (Y/N)/Izumi/Katsumi/Tenri and Shiyori
Pixie-Bob:I can see that you guys have experience! I can't wait to see where you'll be in three years! I call dibs on you! Especially you,(Y/N)!
She said as she jumped towards them.
Aizawa:Was she always like that?
Mandalay:She is desperate,she's about suitable age for,you know...she's been like this since we saw (Y/N)'s fights,let's say we've become her fans...I mean her!! her! heheh
Izumi:W-Wait,suitable age for...
Izumi's face was grabbed by Pixie-Bob as she radiated a sinister aura
Pixie-Bob:What were you going to say?
Izumi:Uhhh...I was wondering,whose child is that?
Mandalay:Oh! no,none of us,he's my cousin's kid. Come on Kota,say hello to everyone,you will be with them during the week
Izumi approached Kota waiting for a handshake
Izumi:H-Hey...I'm Midoriya from U.A. High School's hero course. Nice to meet y--
Izumi fell to the ground while wrapped her arms around her boobs
Tenri:Midoriya!! You feind of a child!! why did you hit a lady in that place?!
Kota:I'm not interested in hang out with guys that wannabe heroes!
Tenri:Wannabe? How old are you?!
Katsumi:Hehe! that boy has guts
Shiyori:It's just like you in the bad way
Katsumi:What the hell did you just say?!? no way!! I bet if you and (Y/N) had a son,that kid would have the same sour face that you have!
Shiyori:(Y/N) would rather that than have a loud,explosive,yelling and annoying kid like you
(Y/N):Why did this turn into what my future child will be like?
Aizawa:No one will have (Y/N)'s kid! go get your things and end that weird argument!...once you've put your bags in your rooms,we'll have dinner in the cafeteria and after that,you'll bathe and go to sleep. We'll start for real,tomorrow. Now,move quickly
They all brought their things inside,after that they all gathered in the cafeteria of the Training Facility for a banquet for all of them
(Y/N):Thanks for the food!
(Y/N) began to devour all the food that was in front surprising Mandalay and Pixie-Bob
Eiji:This rice is so good!
(Y/N):I could keep eating it all day! Mph!
Denka:It's at LunchRush's level
Denka said before noticing Pixie-Bob roll by with a clay hotpot
Denka:...W-Was it made in a clay pot?!
Pixie-Bob:Y-Yeah,you were really hungry and weirdly excited but whatever,today is the last day we will make food for you so eat all you can
(Y/N):As you say! man,this is delicious
(Y/N) said as he finished his plate,at that moment he saw Kota carrying a box of vegetables quite angry,this caught his curiosity
(Y/N):For a kid,Kota doesn't like heroes very much...
Once everyone finished eating,they all went to the baths where all the boys gathered in a specific part just for them,the same with the girls,in the middle there was a wooden wall that separated both sections.
(Y/N):Ah! ~ After a day like this,this was something I really needed.
Tokoyami:That's weird,of all of us you were the least tired
(Y/N):Yeah but no one can deny that a good bath is never bad.
(Y/N) said as he sank deeper into the water.
(Y/N):Ah~ and even better if they are hot good
While the boys were relaxing,on the other side Minori was looking at the wooden wall that overlooked the place where the boys were bathing
Momo:...Minori what are you doing?
Minori:What I'm here for is beyond this wall...having the boys' bath time matches ours...this is no coincidence,this is fate!
Eiji:Wait,girl! this is already taking it to the limit
Tenri:And if you do that you know there will be many consequences!!
At that moment Minori began to hear the voices of the boys on the other side
Sero:This feels great!
(Y/N):Yeah,this helps to relax my body
Tokoyami:After such a day,relaxing in a hot spring is the best
Minori:...Screw the consequences! walls...are meant to be climbed!!
Minori said as she ran to the wall and started to climb it
Minori:So close!!...
Before Minori made it to the top Kota appeared over the wall and glared down at her,he slapped Minori's hand and she fell back down towards the baths falling headlong to the ground
Denka:Auch! that will leave a mark
Tsu:Huh...and I thought that those balls also served as a shock absorber.
Mina yelled as Kota looked down to see they were all nude and smiling at him with gratitude,this impacted Kota causing him to fall from the wall to the boys' place,luckily (Y/N) managed to catch him
(Y/N):That was close,I better take you to Mandalay
(Y/N) wrapped a towel around Kota and went to the cabin's office where Mandalay and Pixie-Bob were
Mandalay:He just fainted due to the fear of the fall,thank you. I heard Eraser that one of the girls is quite naughty so I'll have to keep an eye on her. These days,girls developed quickly,don't you?
(Y/N):I mean,you're talking about 17 year old girls but anyway,I'm glad he's okay
Mandalay:You were quick to catch him,you really have a very impressive quirk
(Y/N) the way I have realized that Kota doesn't like heroes does he? I find it strange to see that in a kid
Mandalay:You are very observant,the truth is that there are many people in society who do not think well of heroes...if he had had a normal childhood I bet Kota would have admired heroes
(Y/N):Normal childhood? What happened?
Pixie-Bob:Mandalay's cousin. Kota's parents,they were heroes...but..they died in action fighting a villain
Mandalay:Two years ago,defending civilians from villains...It was an honorable death as a hero. But...a child that young couldn't understand...parents are a child's whole world..."my parents left me behind"...society kept praising them,saying it was a good thing for heroes...a wonderful thing...he doesn't seem to like us much,either,since we're also heroes...for Kota,heroes are a kind of human being he doesn't understand
(Y/N):...I hurts me to see that a child...has such a vision of heroes...and he is not the only one who thinks like that
Pixie-Bob:What do you mean?
(Y/N):...Nothing,it was just a silly thing that came to my head but I understand his pain of losing his parents...Thank you very much for the information
(Y/N) said as he approached Pixie-Bob and Mandala to hug the two of them,they both blushed once (Y/N) kissed both of them on the cheek
(Y/N):I can see that Kota needs the help of a friend,someone who understands change that negative vision that he has about heroes...please take care of him,you do not know how necessary it is for a child to have a person by its side to support them,see you tomorrow
Pixie-Bob/Mandalay:S-S-S-See you...
They both said at the same time feeling a blush growing on their cheeks and that their hearts were beating faster than normal
While with (Y/N) he put on his clothes while thinking about what was going on
(Y/N):I have been able to see the different points of view that people have about Homura...but maybe it is also the fault of people who see heroes that way. Kota doesn't understand why they see them that way and thinks that for his parents their work was more important than him...don't worry Kota,if anything happens to you,I'll try to be there for you...and I won't forget about you either,Homura...I know I can help you get out of that path
(Y/N) finished dressing and left the boys' room to see how the others were already leaving the hot springs,he went to get a glass of water and then went to the boys' room to go to sleep but on the way both of their arms were grabbed by Denka and Minori.
Denka:Hey handsome~
Minori:Where are you going?~
(Y/N):To sleep
Minori:Good! we made you a perfect place for you to sleep with us
(Y/N):I don't think girls want that
Denka/Minori:We want that!
Minori and Denka dragged (Y/N) into the girls' room. Once there,all the girls blushed when they saw him on the place.
Tsu:W-What are you doing here? *Kero*
(Y/N):This was Minori and Denka's idea
Minori:Oh come on! don't pretend like you don't want to sleep next to (Y/N)
Tenri:Mineta! Kaminari! that is not allowed! Ms Aizawa could punish us for this!!
Denka:Shh! if she doesn't know then no problem
(Y/N):Come on,Tenri,even you are blushing at the idea of sleeping with me~
Tenri quickly looked away embarrassed
(Y/N):Come on girls. Don't be embarrassed about that,I'm your boyfriend and I'm not going to judge any of you
All the girls smiled
Tenri:...Ms Aizawa may not realize this
(Y/N) lay down and then each of the girls hugged a limb of him or lay down as close to him as possible.
All the girls began to sleep,(Y/N) was about to do the same until he felt like someone decided to lie on his chest,he opened one of his eyes to see Eiji's hair in front of him,he smiled and decided to go back to sleep
[The Next Day]
It was already morning and Aizawa got up to wake up her students,she went first to the girls' room.
Aizawa:Okay,everyone get up and...(Y/N)?!
Aizawa looked surprised at how each of the girls in the class was snuggled up sleeping next to (Y/N). The girls and (Y/N) started waking up only to see Aizawa at the door
Kyoka:Huh?...M-MS AIZAWA!!
(Y/N):Hey,good morning
Tenri:M-Ms Aizawa,w-we can explain it!
Aizawa:I will let all this pass,we have many things to do so get up and get ready
Aizawa left to wake up the boys,each of the girls got up and gave (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek,he did the same to each of them except for Eiji.
Before Eiji could leave the room along with the other girls,(Y/N) stopped her by grabbing her arm.
Eiji:S-Something happens?
(Y/N):Yeah,you are the only girl in the class that I have not accepted your feelings. Of course,if you have feelings for me
Eiji:W-Well o-of course...I-I have them...I love you...I really love you but I had no idea how to confess my feelings...I was afraid would reject me...
(Y/N)n put his hand on Eiji's cheek making her look him in the eyes
(Y/N):Why do you think I rejected such an amazing girl like you? that...I...I don't know,maybe the fear of not being enough for you...
(Y/N):Don't say something like that,Eiji. I love you for who you are and I am being completely honest with you. Don't think of yourself that way because frankly you are an amazing girl
(Y/N):So Eiji...would you like to be my girlfriend?
Eiji jumped towards (Y/N) causing this to lead to their lips meeting for the first time,his arms wrapping around her frame entirely. Returning the kiss and relaxing making this better for both of them. After several seconds they both broke the kiss
Eiji:...I have never...never felt this happy in my life,knowing that I can be with you...makes me so happy
(Y/N):And I promise that I'll be with you for the rest of your life,I love you
Eiji:And I love you so,so,so much
Eiji said while having a big smile on her face
(Y/N):Heheh now let's go to Aizawa before she bothers
Eiji nodded and took (Y/N)'s hand,intertwining their fingers. They both got ready and went to where their classmates and Aizawa were.
Aizawa:Good morning everyone,today we will start with the training camp. The objective of this training camp is to increase everyone's skills and with that,for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses. It is to prepare all of you for hostilities which you will have to face on your way. Everyone give your best. To start we will do something that many will remember...
Aizawa took out a ball from her pocket and threw it at Katsumi.
Katsumi:Wait,will we do the Quirk Apprehension Test again?
Aizawa:Something like that. Your previous record,right after you started the school,was 705.2 meters. Let's see how you improved
Katsumi walked to the front,Mina started to get excited
Mina:We're checking our progress?
Sero:After everything that has happened,I bet she will make it over the kilometer
Eiji:You can do it,Katsumi!
Katsumi calmed down and then threw the ball with her quirk as far as she could,she smiled thinking about her new record until she saw Aizawa with her phone showing the distance
Aizawa:709.6 meters
Katsumi:W-What?! there is no difference!
Aizawa:Good observation,It's been three months since you started high school. After various experiences,all of you have improved but only mental and technical level,some have increased in stamina but as you saw,your quirks haven't improved much,that's why starting today we'll be training on improving your quirks. This will be so hard that you'll feel like dying. Let's hope you all survive
Aizawa said with a rather creepy smile
(Y/N):Heh! this would be easy!
Aizawa:Don't worry,(Y/N). As I have seen that you have become extremely strong these last few months...and it goes without saying that you manage to face Endeavor,that is why...
Pixie-Bob:That is why we will help you train!
Pixie-Bob said with someone else by her side
Aizawa:Actually,I was going to help him
Pixie-Bob:Good! you can also help
Pixie-Bob:By the way she's Ragdoll,she'll help you too,won't she?
Ragdoll stared at (Y/N) for several seconds with a blush on her cheeks until Pixie-Bob hit her with her elbow,snapping her out of her trance
Ragdoll:O-Oh! hi!! Hahaha!! I heard that you are already very strong but that does not mean that you will not do anything during this camp,we will help you in what you want to improve!! HAHAHA!!
Pixie-Bob:That's right,the rest can start to improve your quirks,if you need our help just call,we will be with (Y/N)
Pixie-Bob said as she dragged (Y/N) away from the rest while Ragdoll followed behind.
Aizawa:Well,you already know what to do...and by the way,don't look for me,okay? good luck
Aizawa followed behind (Y/N)/Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll
[Later-Class B]
Kendo:Improve our quirks?
Vlad King:That's right,Class A has already started,hurry up! Class A has taken all the attention the first semester but the second semester will be the turn of Class B,understand? us,not them!
Setsuna:You said we should improve our quirks but we all have very different quirks. How exactly are we going to improve each other's quirks?
Kamakiri:Could you be more specific?
Vlad King nodded
Vlad King:When muscle fibers are overused,they break and become stronger and thicker. Quirks are the same. If your keep using them they become stronger and if you don't,then they waste away...In other words,there's just one thing to do! Break through your limits!
All B-class saw how (Y/N) was about to fall on Vlad King but he was wrapped by Aizawa's scarf and then thrown away from him. (Y/N) fell to the ground so that at that moment he was surrounded by several earth beasts
(Y/N):This is not being a little harsh?!
Aizawa:During the last time you have faced one enemy at a time,it is better that you learn to face several enemies at the same time...for now you are doing it horrible
(Y/N):Thank you...for your words of encouragement
Ragdoll:Come on,(Y/N) you can do it!
Pixie-Bob:Once you get used to it it becomes completely easy!
All the earth beasts attacked (Y/N) at the same time,he dodged the attack and charged against Aizawa,they both began to fight while more Earth Beast began to appear around them
The B-Class looked around and could see Katsumi had her hand in hot water to expand her sweat glands and increase the rate of creating her explosions and increase their scale.
Shiyori was cooking in a barrel of water while constantly changing the temperature from fire to ice,this helped her body get used to the constant change in temperature and then use both at the same time at some point
Momo and Sato were eating large amounts of food to help increase their quirk's capacity.
Minori was throwing her balls nonstop to handle her scalp bleeding.
Sero was crying in pain as he tried to use his quirk shooting tape from his elbow to increase the strength and ability of his tape.
Koda was on the edge of a cliff screaming with everything he could to improve his voice to go further.
Denka was training with a generator to control large amounts of electricity and voltage.
Tenri was running all over the place with her exhaust spitting out fumes to increase her leg strength and stamina.
Tokoyami was in a cave to help control Dark Shadow even after it goes wild.
Aoyama was using his navel laser shooting skyward to handle the stomach ache and increase the distance of his laser.
Eiji and Ojiro were having a little fight using their quirks to get stronger.
Tsu was climbing up a mountain as she used her hands and feet to scale,this helped her train her muscles.
Ochako was spinning around in a ball rolling around while using her quirk to help her avoid puking up while increasing the max weight she can use with her quirk.
Kyoka and Mina were against a wall,Mina was pressing her hands against the wall while secreting acid from her hands to help improve the durability of her skin while Kyoka was stabbing the wall with her earphone jacks to increase the quality of sound.
Shoji was using his quirk to look for Toru helping him make more dupli-arms to look for her while she was hiding.
Aizawa:Class B,you have to hurry too,you don't want to be left behind
Aizawa said while taking off her goggles
Aizawa:You can take a break for now,(Y/N)
Everyone saw how (Y/N) was lying on the ground breathing deeply,he just raised his thumb,Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll approached him
Kendo:But can just six people manage the quirks of that many people? once we join,there will be like forty one in all
Aizawa:That's why all of us are here
Mandalay:That's right! The four of us are one!
At that time the entire team of The Pussycats began to introduce themselves
Mandalay:Lock on with these sparkling gazes!
Ragdoll:We've come to lend a paw and help!
Tiger:Coming out of nowhere
Pixie-Bob:Stingingly cute and catlike!
Mandalay/Pixie-Bob/Ragdoll/Tiger:Wild,Wild Pussycats! The full version!
While The Wild,Wild Pussycats made their performance,Aizawa looked over at (Y/N),she saw how he started coughing a lot,worried she approached him
Aizawa:What's wrong? did I go too far?
(Y/N)'s okay
Aizawa:Don't lie to me,I could see clearly how it is that in your fight with Endeavor you spit blood before falling to the ground.
(Y/N):I swear I'm fine,the same thing happened on the I-Island,the doctors said that I had an internal bleeding but thanks to my regeneration the lost blood was quickly recovered,only that due to the great loss of this I suffered from a faint but I swear I'm fine
Aizawa:...Okay,I'll let you rest for now
Aizawa looked around to make sure no one was looking at them so she could kiss (Y/N) on the cheek before leaving,he smiled and was about to get up until he saw Kota hiding among the trees looking towards the others improving their quirks
Setsuna:Hey there,are you okay?
(Y/N) looked to his other side to see Setsuna looking at him worriedly.
(Y/N):Uh? oh! hey! nah,I'm good
He got up off the ground and wiped the dirt off his clothes.
Setsuna:I knew Ms Aizawa was tough but not like this.
(Y/N):Same,but how have you been doing so far? you have just begun your training.
Setsuna:Well,now I guess I'll have to find a way to improve my quirk.
(Y/N):I can help you with that
Setsuna:Really? I thought you would go with Kendo,knowing that she is your girlfriend.
(Y/N):I don't want to be a gossip but she told me that a girl in her class also has a crush on me...I think that same girl was also looking at me closely at the festival...very closely~ were great...even the part where I could see what you were really hiding behind that shirt~
Setsuna said as she ran her fingers across (Y/N)'s chest.
Setsuna:That is an image I will remember a good way
(Y/N):It doesn't have to be the last time you will be able to see it~
Setsuna and (Y/N) brought their faces closer and closer,feeling the breath of both of them touching their faces.
(Y/N):So...I guess it goes without saying that I wouldn't mind if you were my girlfriend...but that's up to you.
Setsuna:...Well...knowing that Kendo told you that and seeing that she accepts the fact that you're dating her along with...all the girls in your class...I wouldn't mind sharing you.
(Y/N):If you are worried about anything just tell me,I will never leave any of you aside,each one of you means a lot to me.
Setsuna:You really know how to make a woman feel special,come here.
Sestuna put her hand behind the back of (Y/N)'s neck and forced him to kiss her deeply,obviously he returned the kiss by adding a little of his tongue against Sestuna's tongue making her moan.
After several seconds of a kissing session,the two parted,leaving a trail of saliva running from their mouths.
Setsuna:Ooooh~ and to think that Kendo enjoyed all this~
(Y/N):We have plenty of time to enjoy all this~
[League Of Villains' Hideout]
All For One:Is everything ready,Homura?
All For One asked while watching Homura through the monitor
Homura:Y-Yes,master. Everyone is prepared to attack that camp
All For One:Good,I hope you mentioned to your allies that if they bring (Y/N) even with a single scratch there will be serious consequences...very serious consequences
Homura:Y-Yes,master. Everyone is aware not to harm (Y/N)
All For One:Good,I hope this goes well
All For One ended the transmission with Homura. She took the picture of (Y/N) out of her pocket and started looking at it.
Homura:I don't know why Master want you so bad but...I can finally have you to myself
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