Chapter 19 - The Reason Behind Everything
(Y/N):Are you two okay?
I said looking at Denka and Minori who were lying on the floor against the door of the coffee shop
Denka:I am so tired! Aaaaahhh~
Denka complained,I rolled my eyes and leaned down next to her to stroke her hair. She and Minori leaned on me
Minori:Who knows how the expo is going to be,but I still want to go.
(Y/N):Well,as you two worked hard today there will be a good reward,here you go
I said giving Denka and Minori two tickets to the expo tonight
(Y/N):You two will be invited to the expo!
Denka:Really?! yay!!
Denka screamed as she hugged me and began to kiss me all over my face
Minori:How did you get these tickets?
(Y/N):You must thank Melissa for the tickets
I said while pointing my thumb towards her
Melissa:I had extra and since you two are (Y/N)'s girlfriends as well as Aunt Might students I thought it'd be nice to have you two there.
Melissa said with a smile
Minori:This is a message from God! now I can see (Y/N) in a tight tuxedo which his muscles can-AAAAAAHH!!!
Kyokas's ear jacks stabbed into Minori ears and the raging sound of her heart beat cause her to scream in pain and fall to the ground
Kyoka:You can't stop being weird even for five seconds!
Tenri:The party will be later tonight,let's meet up together at the entrance at 7:30 sharp! We are here to represent U. A's hero course and our school! keep it in mind!
They all scattered in different directions leaving me with Izumi and Melissa. At that,Melissa grabbed my hand and Izumi's hand.
Melissa:Will you two go somewhere with me first?
(Y/N):What's it about?
Melissa:I will tell you when we are there! come on!
We followed Melissa until we reached what seemed to be her school,I was in awe of how big it was
Melissa:This is the school I go to,I-Island Academy
Izumi:Woah! This is where you do all your research?
Melissa:Yeah and I also have my personal lab
She said as she opened the door to her lab,the whole place looked like something a professional would use
Melissa:Sorry it's a mess. I've actually been studying a lot more since my grades had actually been dropping
(Y/N):I assure you that this is not even close to being a mess,not even a bit...She really is very talented
Melissa:I want you to try this,here
Melissa said as she handed Izumi a red wristband,she placed it on her wrist.
Melissa:Alright,now push the button on the back,that should activate it
She pressed the button and the wristband began to glow,it wrapped around Izumi's arm and half of her fingers.
Izumi:Woah! It's awesome,what does it do?
Melissa:When I saw your wounds on your hands,I thought that maybe your quirk was very powerful and that you needed to limit yourself or else you'll end up getting hurt. Don't worry about using all your power,it can take Aunt Might's punches at one hundred percent three times!
Izumi:I-It's really impresive!
Melissa:If I'm going to be a hero,I need to design more incredible things
(Y/N):Do you want to be a pro hero?
Melissa:No,I gave that up early. After all I'm quirkless
I widened my eyes in surprise. What are the odds of three people in the same room who are or have ever been quirkless at some point?
Melissa:I didn't have any quirk even after I was five years old,we went to the doctor and they told me that I still had a few joints that most people with quirks don't have
(Y/N):She is the same as me and Izumi...only with the difference that with the two of them...they did not have to suffer what I had to suffer. At least their families supported them with all that
Izumi:It must have been tough
Melissa:Of course,I was shocked at first...but then I had another big dream that I wanted to come true...I wanted to be like my Papa...he didn't have a quirk to help him fight the villains but he supports Aunt Might and other heroes with the power of science and...
(Y/N):If you become a great scientist then indirectly you become a hero. Nowadays heroes cannot live without the support items,it would be almost impossible for them...being honest,scientists are also true heroes
Izumi:You'll be just as great as your father! I'll show them that this is one of your greatest creations!
Melissa:I'm counting on you,Midoriya!
Just then my phone started to ring,I took it out of my pocket and I could see that it was Tenri,I answered the call
Tenri yelled at my phones very loud
(Y/N):The speaker isn't even on!
I ended my call to keep my ears from bleeding
(Y/N):It's already time? how fast has the time passed?
Izumi:We have to go! thanks for this,Melissa. I appreciate it a lot!
(Y/N):Let's go!
Melissa:C-Can you wait a second,(Y/N)?
(Y/N):...O-Okay. You go,Izumi. I can go flying
Izumi:A-Alright! bye!
Izumi ran out of the lab,I turned to see Melissa who was approaching me
Melissa:I'm very sorry,I thought about having a gift for you but...I couldn't think of anything,you seem very experienced with your quirk that I was surprised to hear that you didn't even have much knowledge of your quirk
(Y/N):Hey,you didn't have to give me any gifts,I only came here to have fun and the truth is,I had a great time with you.
Melissa asked me as she looked at me,she had a clear blush on her cheeks
(Y/N):Yeah...but...look...this is something that I have not told anyone...I don't want to go into details but...
I took Melissa's hands
(Y/N):... I hope this stays only in us...can I trust you with this secret?
Melissa:Totally,I won't tell anyone,not even Papa
(Y/N) I said,I will not go into details,I will only tell you...that you and I are not so different
Melissa:W-What do you mean?
(Y/N):That...we are within that 20% of the population
It didn't take Melissa long to realize what I was referring to,I smiled and walked over to her to kiss her cheek. I let go of her hands and headed for the lab door
(Y/N):Thanks for the great visit,Melissa
That was the last thing I said before leaving her lab and heading to where the others were waiting.
Once there,I was able to see Tenri/Denka/Shiyori/Izumi and Minori. Each of them wore a dress
(Y/N):Woah! you five look beautiful
Minori:You think?~
Tenri:(Y/N)! Don't you realize how late you are?! Does no one listen to the times we're supposed to meet up?!...and you're not even wearing a tuxedo!
(Y/N):Yeah well...I had no idea that I had to heheh...uh?
I started to get scared when I saw how Tenri's glasses began to crack,her glasses broke and she pulled another pair out of her dress pocket,I wasn't the only one who was scared of how upset Tenri was right now,to calm things down I tried to change the subject
(Y/N):S-So...where are the rest of the girls?
Denka:Jiro said that they are on their way but I have no idea where Kirishima and Bakugo are
Shiyori:It's weird to think that Bakugo would agree to wear a dress
(Y/N):I don't know how Eiji does it but she is able to get Katsumi to do anything.
Just then,the doors opened revealing Kyoka, Ochako and momo wearing their dresses.
Ochako:Sorry we're late! We just wanted to be sure that we were ready
(Y/N):You look gorgeous!
Kyoka:R-Really?...I'm not used to clothes like this
(Y/N):You look good,really
Ochako:I do not know...It's my first time wearing formal clothes
(Y/N):And to be your first time you make it look great,My Cinnamon roll
Ochako:T-Thanks...Y-YOUR C-CINNAMON ROLL?!?
Ochako's face was completely red right now
Momo:Wait a minute...(Y/N)...where is your tuxedo?
(Y/N):Tuxedos are highly overrated nowadays
Kyoka:You really didn't bring a tuxedo?
(Y/N):I totally forgot but I still look good in this clothes,just let me take off my cape
I took off my cape and put it on the ground gently so as not to destroy it...the ground I mean
Shiyori:Are you really going like this?
(Y/N):The clothes make the man,right?
At that moment the elevator door swung open to reveal Melissa in a beautiful blue dress.
Melissa:Sorry for being late!
Melissa said as she approached us
(Y/N):You beautiful,Melissa.
Melissa:T-Thanks!...but you...
(Y/N):I forgot to bring a tuxedo,okay...let's forget about me and let the party...
-Attention! The island is in a state of emergency. We have received a report from the security system that explosive device was placed in the I-Expo. The island will remain on constant alert-
An alarm blared loudly as the building suddenly went into lock down
(Y/N):Great,looks like there's no party...what the hell just happened?
Shiyori:I'll try to call Bakugo and Kirishima
Shiyori pulled her phone out of her pocket to try to call Katsumi and Eiji.
Shiyori:No signal
Momo:Me neither
(Y/N):Weird,no signal and this whole place is on high alert...but the most dangerous thing seems that villains may have sneaked onto the island
Melissa:It should be that,the island wouldn't just lock down like this,not even for a bomb threat
Kyoka:The elevator does not work either
Kyoka said trying to call the elevator again
Izumi:...Melissa,is there another way to go to the party? We must know what is happening and having All Might together with (Y/N) will be the best
Melissa:That's a good idea,we can go down the emergency stairs,that way we can be closer to the party
We followed Melissa up the emergency stairs until we reached the rooftop,there we approached some windows that were directly over the place where the party was being held,we took a look seeing how all the guests were being held hostage by the henchmen,among them was Toshiko which surprised me to see her also being held hostage.
(Y/N):Yeah,we got villains
Izumi:And what will we do now?
(Y/N):...Kyoka,plug your jack into the floor and try to listen. I could see All Might tied up on the stage
Kyoka:Got it
(Y/N):Now I just need to get her attention
Izumi:I have an idea
Izumi took out her phone from her pocket,she tilted it causing the light to reflect on the screen and hit Toshiko's eyes,drawing her attention to us.
(Y/N):Good one,Izumi
[Third Person-POV]
All Might:Young Mirodiya? (Y/N)? What are you doing here?!
Izumi indicated to All Might that she could hear her,she understood and began to whisper making sure that no henchmen could hear her.
All Might:There is a team of villains on the island who have taken everyone hostage. They have taken David and his assistant over to somewhere on the upper floots of the tower. The security sentries will attack civilians if any of us dare to stop them. You have to get away from here!
All Might looked towards Izumi and (Y/N),she could see in their eyes that the two of them were not going to back down.
All Might:You two will not be able to fight them...I know you two know the consequences of this but ...if I weren't so damn proud of you two,I'd scold you like there was no tomorrow
She thought as she watched everyone go
All Might:...Young Midoriya has learned a lot during all this time...just like (Y/N)...I could see how much he and Young Midoriya have matured...please be careful you two
All Might thought as she watched steam start to come out of her body,she did her best to maintain her muscular form.
Everyone else went back to the emergency stairs and made sure to close the door
Ochako:What do we do? We have to find a way to free the heroes!
Minori:Are you crazy? we can't fight these villains! we don't know what they will do to us
Tenri:She is right,even if we can do it,we shouldn't. We don't even have our provisional licenses.
Momo:I agree with Iida. We are still students and we can't fight villains without our hero licenses.
(Y/N):...There must be a way to save everyone without fighting...there must be,we cannot fight or else these henchmen may hurt the hostages.
Izumi:I'm with (Y/N),there must be a way to fix this even without the need to fight. If there is any way then I'm willing to go out there and help you!
Tenri:Are you really planning on going out there where the villains are? Have you not learned anything from what happened in the U.S.J? with the Hero Killer?!
(Y/N):Yeah...I learned something...that if there are people in danger,no matter how things are,we must save them in the best way possible,think intelligently about things,I will not stand here and watch how people out there are afraid for their lives and I don't care what the law says or anything like that,if I have to save someone's life I will do it.
Melissa:...There is a way
Melissa said making everyone look at her
Melissa:If we make it to the security room at the top of the tower,we can reset the security system just by avoiding the villains. That way maybe we can free everyone!
(Y/N):That's a good idea. So we can avoid most of the combat as much as possible!
Izumi:I will go with you! I will not stay behind
Shiyori:I will also go with you,I will not stay here thinking that something bad could happen to you if I am not with you
Denka:I guess I'm in as well
Kyoka:I'm in,I believe that we can do it
Momo:It looks like a solid plan. I will help you in what I can!
Ochako:I'm with (Y/N)! let's do it!
Tenri:If I see we're in serious trouble...I'll make sure I find a way to drag us all out to safety. I'm in
Minori:...I'll go too! I'll do my best!
Kyoka:We are all in,without exception
(Y/N):Alright! then let's go!
Izumi:Melissa I think you better stay here
(Y/N):Oh no! she will also come
Izumi:But she is quirkless
(Y/N):Yeah but none of us know how to reset the security system and she knows this island better than all of us
Izumi:That is a fair point. I didn't think about it,then let's go everyone!
All agreed with Izumi. Melissa walked over to (Y/N) and taps his shoulder drawing his attention
Melissa:Thank you,I also had the desire to help. I promise you that I'll try not to get hurt
(Y/N):That will not happen because I will protect everyone with my life,come on
Melissa nodded with a smile on her face.
Everyone made their way out of the emergency stairs and towards the main stairs that climbed up the building.
After a while of climbing stairs (Y/N) realized that they were on the 50th floor.
(Y/N):This is the 50th floor? Melissa,how many floors are there in total?
Melissa:The security room is at the top of the tower so...we need to get to the 200th floor.
Momo:That is going to take us a long time!
(Y/N):There is no other way. We must run to get there as soon as possible!
Minori:(Y/N) can fucking fly!
(Y/N):Oh...right,I forgot about that heheh
Everyone fell comically to the floor.
Denka:How the hell did you forget something you can do?
(Y/N):I have more skills than just flying,what,do you think I carry a list of things I can do everywhere I go?
(Y/N) stretched his arms around everyone,holding them tightly against him,he began to fly at full speed until he reached the 80th floor,once there everyone saw how the doors were closed. (Y/N) landed and gently set everyone down.
Tenri:It's blocked,if so,then the other doors will also be closed.
Shiyori:What should we do? break it?
Melissa:If we do that then the alarms will go off and the villains will know about us.
Minori:...What about this door?
(Y/N) turned to see Minori opening the door in front of her. (Y/N) tried to stop her but it was too late,Minori opened the door and the alarm went off.
(Y/N):Shit! the surprise attack just got screwed. Let's not waste time anymore,we must prevent the villains from finding us!
Everyone continued running to the next staircase until everyone heard loud noises. Everyone saw how steel shutters coming down the hallway and blocking it off one section at a time.
(Y/N) saw how in front of them there was a door that was about to be blocked by one of the steel shutters,at that moment Minori stood in front and threw her balls towards the steel shutter preventing it from closing.
(Y/N):Well done,Minori!
(Y/N) said as he ran to the steel shutter and used his strength to lift it.
(Y/N):Quick,someone break the door over here! I won't be able to keep it open for too long!
Tenri:On it!
Tenri ran towards the door with the use of her engines and destroyed it with a kick,everyone passed through it until (Y/N) could not take it anymore and let go of the steel shutter separating him from the group.
Everyone shouted in concern until a pink mass came out from under the steel shutter,it began to mold until (Y/N) appeared in front of them.
(Y/N):You know what? after this I'll make a list of things I can do,I forgot I can do that too. But anyway,what is this place?
Melissa:A plant factory. Before we unleash our test products and experiments,we test them here to see what effects it produces on the environment.
Kyoka:Wait! someone is coming,the elevator is going down!
(Y/N):Let's hide! we have to stay hidden from the villains as long as possible!
They all hid in the bushes while (Y/N) climbed a tree and hid in the branches and leaves,the elevator stopped and out of it came two guys with a very bad vibe,they both looked around them as they walked until they stopped just below (Y/N)
Villain 1:...We found you! get out of there
(Y/N):Shit! I didn't think they were going to find us that easy
Katsumi:What the hell are you talking about,you bastard?!
(Y/N) peeked out to see Katsumi along with Eiji in front of the villains
Eiji:Please! Excuse her! we are a little lost. Do you know where the expo party is?
(Y/N):How the hell can you get lost and end up at the 80th floor?! W-WOAH!!
(Y/N) fell out of the tree but luckily the two guys broke his fall.
(Y/N):Phew! that was close
Eiji:(Y/N),what did you just do?!
Shiyori:Long story,in short,some villains have taken over the tower.
Shiyori said as she,along with the others came out of the bushes. She put her hand on the ground and then creates ice pillar to shoot up everyone towards the scaffoldings above excep for Eiji and Katsumi
Izumi:Wait! girls!
Shiyori:You guys go. we will cleanse this place of these villains
Katsumi:So there are more villains,great and I have this stupid dress on! AAGGHHHH!!!
Eiji:Go guys! we'll deal with the villains!
(Y/N):Come on,Izumi. They are strong enough to fight for themself
Izumi nodded and they continued on their way but stopped when they saw how the steel shutters blocking in the hallway
Izumi:It's looked!
Denka:Is it the only way we can go?
(Y/N) a situation like this...would you mind if I destroyed some things?
Melissa:As long as we get to the top of the tower as quickly as possible then it doesn't matter,why do you ask?
(Y/N):Because I was afraid that I had to pay for this now...
(Y/N) pointed his hand towards the steel shutter and fired an energy ball at it destroying it.
(Y/N):I won't have to hold back
Minori:Why didn't you do this before?! we could have saved a lot of time!
(Y/N):I don't feel like having to pay millions for the things I destroy. Let's go
They all started running down the hall while (Y/N) and Kyoka were in charge of destroying the security cameras. Everything was going smoothly until suddenly,all the steel shutters opened for them.
Denka:This is weird. All steel shutters seemed to have been raised since we passed the 100th floor. It seems the villains lost sight of us
Ochako:I don't think that's it,here are cameras everywhere...maybe they are leading us somewhere
Izumi:I don't know if it's a good idea but maybe we should go where they want us. Even if it's to go up a few floors
They all continued on their way until they reached the 130th floor where they were greeted by dozens of security bots.
Minori:Well apparently it was a bad idea,they led us into a trap!
Tenri:I think the villains have decided to capture us
Momo:They are sure that we are students. It's time to make a plan
Momo made a sheet of isolation to cover everyone
Momo:Kaminari,you got it,right?
Denka:Yeah! Leave it to me!
Everyone covered themselves with the sheet of isolation,even (Y/N),which confused Momo and Kyoka
Kyoka:Wait,(Y/N). Weren't you immune to Kaminari's electricity?
(Y/N):Yeah but that worked when I changed my appearance. I lost that ability after my fight with Endeavor and may not be immune now...many things happened in just a few seconds
Denka:Take this!! Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts!!
Denka screamed as her electricity spread everywhere but the robots managed to defend against her attack
Denka:What?...well,if so then let's see if they can fight this! Discharge 2 Million Volts!!
(Y/N):Wait Denka! If you increase the voltage the only thing you will do is...
Denka did not listen to (Y/N) and increased her voltage which caused her brain to be fried.
(Y/N):Well it's time for plan F
Momo:But we were going to continue with plan B
Ochako:And what is plan F?
(Y/N):Fuck everything in that direction! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
(Y/N) pointed his hands at the robots and fired a great rain of energy blasts that dodged Denka and hit the robots,destroying each one.
Kyoka:Woah! You managed to destroy all the robots and that none of your attacks hit Kaminari
(Y/N):Of course,my attacks will only hurt the people that I decide,the people I love will not do any harm...huh?
At that moment more robots began to fall from the ceiling
(Y/N):Clearly the villains know we're here and they're trying to stop us
Izumi:Let me take care of this,I want to...try something
Izumi pressed the panel on the Full Gauntlet that Melissa had given her. It started to glow and wrapped around Izumi's arm.
Izumi:One For All...Full Cowling! Full Gauntlet!...SMASH!!!!
Izumi pushes the bots back using 30% of One For All,she could see that her arm was not broken
Izumi:My arm doesn't hurt,I'm perfectly fine! I can do this
(Y/N):Well done,Izumi! Now let's not waste time anymore,we are very close
They all continued running until they reached the sever room,once they entered the room the door in front of them began to open and they were ambushed by even more robots.
(Y/N):You have to be kidding me! how many of these things do you have here?
Izumi:We have to make our way through them!
Melissa:W-Wait! If you damage the server room then you could also damage the security system!
More robots began to appear but Tenri and Momo got in front
Momo:We'll take it from here!
Tenri:(Y/N),take Melissa another route. We will take care of the robots
(Y/N):...Okay,come on!
They all continued running up the stairs until they reached the end of them. The only thing that was there were some big industrial fans.
Izumi:Where are we?
Melissa:We are under the security room right now! if I remember correctly there is a door on that scaffolding!
(Y/N):Hold on to me! I'll take...
At that moment more robots began to appear surrounding everyone
(Y/N):Crap! If I start to attack from this distance I can also hurt the girls...
(Y/N) started to charge a ball of energy in his hand but at that moment Katsumi made an explosion entrance destroying almost all the robots. Shiyori and Eiji burst through the floor on an ice pillar
Shiyori used her flames to destroy the rest of the robots
Shiyori:Quick! Keep going! you are the one who can fly,(Y/N)
(Y/N):Yeah,thanks girls. Let's go Melissa,Izumi
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around Melissa and Izumi's waist,he began to fly until he reached the door but instead of using it,he blasted the wall open above it to see another staircase that leads inside to the security floor
As they landed and were about to go up,a villain with blades for hands appeared and charged against (Y/N),he managed to dodge the villain only managing to cut his Gi a little
(Y/N):Hey! it is a gift from one of my girlfriends!!
The villain charged against (Y/N) again but this time Izumi got in the way protecting him with her Full Gauntlet
Villain:I won't let you,brats,ruin this!!
(Y/N) went to help Izumi but the villain turned his other hand into another blade and slash (Y/N)'s arm leaving a large cut on his arm but before it started to blood his wound was regenerated.
The villain quickly kicked Izumi causing her to back off,he was about to attack her but Melissa wrapped her arms around the villain from behind preventing him from hurting Izumi.Melissa:Stop it!!
Villain:Get off me!!
The villain knocks Melissa aside causing her to receive a small cut on her arm
Villain:You bi-AAAAGGH!!!
The villain screamed in pain the moment he felt (Y/N)'s fist in his gut,the villain was thrown against a wall and then fell unconscious to the ground. (Y/N) quickly approached Melissa very worried.
(Y/N):Are you okay?
Melissa:Y-Yes,it's just a small cut,nothing more...sorry for making you worry
Melissa said as she put her hand on (Y/N)'s cheek,he smiled and took Melissa's hand,he looked directly into her eyes.
(Y/N):Sorry for not protecting you but thanks for stopping the villain from hurting Izumi
Melissa:Heheh...I-It's nothing
They both looked at Izumi who was a little jealous
Izumi:We can't wait any longer,we must keep running!
(Y/N):Y-Yeah! you right but first...
(Y/N) ripped a long piece of his Gi to wrap it around Melissa's wound.
(Y/N):With that it will help while,let's go
The three continued on their way,Izumi and (Y/N) defeating each of the villains that appeared on their way until they finally reached the top floor and managed to find the security room.
Izumi:Finally we are here,let's enter carefully,maybe they are waiting for us.
As they peeked around the corner (Y/N) and Izumi could see an open door. They both got close enough to see people inside what appeared to be a sort of vault.
Izumi:This is like a vault,are the villains thinking of stealing something?
(Y/N):I-Izumi...they're not''s David...with someone else
Melissa:That's his assistant,Sam...what are they doing?
Izumi:Maybe the villains are forcing them to do something.
(Y/N):Maybe that's it,but what the hell do they want?...Melissa,what's in that vault?
Melissa:That's the vault where they put all the research and prototypes that were rejected
(Y/N):So there must be something there for the villains to want...but how do they know all that?
Izumi:We have to save them,let's go!
Melissa stayed behind while (Y/N) and Izumi moved closer to the vault,close enough to hear David talking to his assistant.
David:Did you find something,Sam?
Sam:Almost there,Professor! we are close
David pressed some buttons on the control panel. The sound of a seal breaking was heard as a compartment to the right of Sam opened up,he took what was inside revealing a rare device,he put it in a briefcase and locked it.
Sam:We finally got back what was stolen from us! Professor!
David:Yeah! now we...M-Melissa?!?!
David yelled shocked to see Melissa along with (Y/N) and Izumi
(Y/N) set this whole thing up,didn't you?
Melissa:Tell me it is not true! That you did all this to get that device!
David:...It is
David:I had no other choice,I had to do all this to get this device and save countless lives!
(Y/N):Save countless lives?! you risked the lives of all the people on this island!!..just for a stupid device?
Sam:It is not. This device was built to enhance a person's quirk!
(Y/N):And what is the reason you want it back enough to cause all this?
David:It is for All Might...with this,All Might would become ten times stronger,ten times faster,her light would never die and she could continue to work as the Symbol of Peace!...I have realized that her quirk has gone,it disappeared and I can't let that happen! I can't let our pillar of justice disappear forever!
Izumi:The professor did all this because...All Might passed One For All to's my fault All Might's power is leaving her
Izumi thought as she remembered how All Might passed her power down to her
Sam:All of this was planned from the beginning. We didn't want to hurt anyone so we paid fake villains to take over the tower while we tried to get back our research
(Y/N):If so then explain this
(Y/N) removed the piece of cloth that Melissa had around her arm revealing her wound
(Y/N):If they are fake villains then explain why they hurt your daughter and if it weren't for that I can regenerate my body now I would have a cut from my wrist to the elbow without saying that all my friends risked their lives to get us here
David:W-What?...b-but...but that's not right! They're paid actors! They're not suppose to hurt anyone! it was just an act!
???:We did our job well. We act like fake villains
The metal bars were tied around (Y/N) and Izumi's ankles,wrists,and neck
Melissa:DEKU!! (Y/N)!!!
???:I knew that I had seen you somewhere else
One of the metal bars stab (Y/N) in his ribs causing him to spit blood from his mouth. The person came out of the shadows to reveal his appearance.
???:Someone in the League of Villains is very interested in you.
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