Chapter 18 - The I-Island
Piccolo:They had no morals,they didn't care about anyone. Those villains from before did worse crimes than your father may have even thought...I still have memories of those moments...they destroyed entire families,cities,they just liked to destroy and nothing else. Two of these villains caused scientists around the world to fear for their lives, and it is because of these two villains that I-Island was created.
Piccolo's words echoed in my head as I looked through the window of the private jet in which I was traveling together with Izumi and Toshiko.
(Y/N):Two villains were the cause of that island being created...what kind of villains were those two?
Izumi:(Y/N)? are you okay?
I snapped out of my thoughts to see Izumi,she looked a little worried about me.
(Y/N):Oh! e-eh yeah,I'm just thinking of different things,you know to pass the time until we get to the I-Island
Izumi:Man,I can't wait until I get there,it's like a dream come true! traveling to the I-Island at the beginning of summer vacation,the artificial moving city inhabited by over 10,000 scientists!
(Y/N):Heh you are really excited to arrive...and I think you will be even more excited when you see that we are already here
Izumi leaned on me to look through the window and observe the I-Island.
Izumi:I can see it!! All Might! All Might!!
Izumi approached Toshiko and began to shake her to wake her up.
Toshiko:Huh?! w-what?
Izumi:We're almost there! The I-Island!
Toshiko:Heh I didn't think you would be this excited,apparently it was a good idea to invite you here
Izumi:But are you okay with having invited me? This would have been better if it was for a family member
Toshiko smiled and put her hand on Izumi's hair,she began to stroke her hair.
Toshiko:Do not worry! My friend who invited me told me that I could bring anyone I wanted but besides that, our bond is much closer than blood! The bond of One For All.
Toshiko smiled as her gaze shifted to me
Toshiko:And you because I thought you would like to visit something like this and also...Young Midoriya would like to spend time with you
Izumi blushed at Toshiko's words.
(Y/N):And just admit that you wanted to spend time with me too
Toshiko:M-Maybe but It seems we'll be landing soon,so we'd better change clothes,If I don't badly remember U.A allowed you all take your costumes with you
Izumi and I nodded,we both went to change into our hero costumes,well,I wore my training clothes that Mei made for me since my Hero costume had been destroyed in my fight with Endeavor.
I came out of the bathroom to see Izumi with her Hero costume on
Izumi:I really like your new hero costume
(Y/N):Oh! this is not my official hero costume,it is just a training suit that Mei has made for me,the truth is that she did a good job
Toshiko approached us,now in her muscular form and wearing her hero costume.
Toshiko:Okay,this is going to be busy day because I...have to maintain my muscle form
After the jet landed, we went through immigration inspection, the process was a bit long, understandable considering the reason why this place exists.
Izumi:This place is more amazing in person!
Izumi yelled excitedly as she looked around the island
Toshiko:Hahah! once we find our hotel we can explore this place much more but now,a question for you two. Why do you think I-Island was created?
Izumi:To gather all the greastest scientists in the world and that they can use their skills with the equipment to help the Heroes. This island was built to move and protect scientists and their results of research from the villains. The security system is as big as the Tartarus prison and it is for that reason that no crime has been committed here!
Toshiko sweatdropped due to Izumi's detailed explanation,at that moment a group of women passed in front of us,all of them stopped when they saw us.
Girl 1:Hey,hey! Isn't that the number one hero?!
Girl 2:Yes! and next to her is (Y/N)!
The whole group of women approached the two of us,surrounding us. Each of the girls asked Toshiko for her autograph and a photo with her while me...each of them wanted to give me a kiss,my autograph,a photo with me and other things not very family friendly
After a while,Toshiko finished giving autographs and I finished cleaning my face of the lipstick from my fans
(Y/N):I don't think it was a good idea to stop there
Toshiko:You mustn't disappoint a fan,(Y/N). If it weren't for them then maybe no famous would be where they are today!
(Y/N):Yeah but some don't know the words "personal space"
Toshiko:Yeah,that's truth...we are about to be late!
Toshiko:Yeah,I want to have a reunion with an old friend that I haven't seen in a long time. Would you mind coming with me?
Izumi:All Mights...friend? Of course I'll go!
Toshiko:But first you should know that I haven't told him anything about One For All or how I passed the quirk on to you,so be careful.
Izumi:Its even a secret from your friends?
Toshiko:It's because danger follows around those who know the secret about One For All
We followed Toshiko around the island,I was impressed with this place,it was a wonder to see something like this. As I looked around,my gaze fell on a blonde haired girl who was using a pogo stick,she was bouncing towards us.
???:Aunt Might!!
The girl then jumps off the pogo stick as Toshiko catches her and hugs her.
Melissa:Its been too long! I'm so happy you came to the island!
Toshiko:Thank you for inviting me! but I almost didnt recognize you! You're all grown up now!
Melissa:I'm eighteen now! I'm heavier than I used be,aren't I?
(Y/N):She is a year older than me
Toshiko put Melissa down. At that moment they both started talking leaving us both completely aside.
(Y/N):Ehm...shall I?
Izumi:Heheh I guess it would be for the best
They both turned to see us
(Y/N):Hey! I think we haven't introduced ourselves,the cute girl next to me is Izumi Midoriya and my name is...
Melissa:You are (Y/N)! you are the winner of this year's Sport Festival,I cannot say in exact words how impressed you were!
Melissa said as she approached me
(Y/N):Oh! t-thanks heheh
Melissa:I'm Melissa Shield! Nice to meet you!
(Y/N):The pleasure is all mine
We both said as we shook hands. Izumi took off her glove and shook Melissa's hand
Izumi:I'm Izumi Midoriya,a first year in the hero course at U.A. High School
Melissa:U.A. High School?
(Y/N):Yeah,we are students of All Might
Toshiko:Hehe they're both going to be great heroes in the future!
Melissa:Woah! I can't believe you two are Aunt Might's students! You two got a promising future,huh?
Melissa said as she got closer and closer to me. I started to blush and tried to avoid the sinister look that Izumi had on us.
(Y/N):Well,we are still training...uhhh...
Melissa began to circle around us inspecting our suits
Melissa:What kind of quirk do you two have?
Izumi:I-It's a strength type!
Melissa:Hmmmm...the costume seems fine,nothing too flashy...I dont see any support items,either...and it looks like you have some wounds
Melissa said referring to Izumi's scars
Melissa:Maybe you should refine your costume and about you...
(Y/N):Don't overthink it,this is just a training suit
Melissa:Training suit?
(Y/N):Yeah! It is heavy clothing,I use it to train my body and make it feel lighter.
Melissa:That sounds amazing!...Oh! I almost forgot,what kind of quirk do you have? I couldn't guess what kind of quirk you had at the Sport Festival. You can create and shoot energy balls,you can manipulate your body and a lot of other things.
(Y/N):Huh! apparently I went with everything at the festival...but although it sounds weird I still don't have much knowledge of my quirk. It has always been an enigma to me heheh but I can see that your eyes were on me at all times during the festival~
Melissa started to blush a little while smiling
Toshiko:Melissa,it's about time
Melissa:Oh!! right! we shouldn't waste anymore time,follow me!
We began to follow Melissa around the island until we reached a certain tower in the middle of the island. We entered the elevator and after a few levels we reached our destination in what seemed to be a huge laboratory
Melissa came in first and then told us to follow her.
Melissa:To celebrate you completing the first stage of your research,I invited a certain person!
???:I appreciate it very much but who did you invite?
Toshiko:I am here!! shaking with emotion from our reunion!!
Toshiko yelled as we entered the room,there was what I suppose Toshiko's friend
Toshiko:David!! My old friend!!! I came all this way just to see you!
Toshiko giggled as she walked over to David and started hugging him
Melissa:Well? Were you surprised?
David:Y-Yeah...very surprised
David said as Toshiko put him down again
Toshiko:We both have Melissa to thank for this reunion! man,how long has it been since we last met?
David:Oh,don't remind me about how old I am. Neither one of us wants to think about that,do we?
David looked at me and Izumi
David:Oh! and you've brought guests!
Toshiko:That's right! David,I want you to meet my students. This is Izumi Midoriya and (Y/N). Young Midoriya and (Y/N),he is...
Izumi:Y-You're David Shield! One of the most famous scientists among heroes and the one who designed all of All Might's suits!! from Bronze age! to the Silver age! and then the GOLDEN AGE!!
David:Heheh I guess I don't have to introduce myself
Izumi:S-Sorry,its just...
David:No,it's fine
Toshiko:*Cough* *Cough*
Toshiko started coughing,I could tell that her body was starting to release a little steam
(Y/N):E-Ehm...Melissa why don't you show me and Izumi around the expo?
Melissa:If you want I can show you the whole island! Come on guys!
Me and Izumi nodded and left the room leaving Toshiko and David alone.
The three of us walked around the main area talking and getting to know each other better.
Melissa:Tell me,what do you want me to call you?
Melissa:That if you want me to call you by your name or by your hero name so villains wouldn't track you down
(Y/N):I don't think it's necessary since I don't have a hero name,just call me (Y/N)...after all,I already attracted too much attention
Melissa:I see...and what about you?
Izumi:Uhm...just call me Deku
Melissa:Deku? that's a strange nickname
(Y/N):But it works like hero the way,your father is amazing,just look at all this. It's hard to believe that this is a man-made Island. Apparently your father is an inspiration for all the scientists of this island
Melissa:Yeah,papa is amazing,he has always wanted to follow the path of the person who totally inspired him
Izumi:And who is that person that your father admires?
Melissa:Unfortunately he is no longer with us...and also he was involved in many controversies that were never proven if they were true or false...but that's past history. The person who inspired papa is called Dr Gero!
I yelled at what Melissa had said,dhe and Izumi looked at me very confused.
(Y/N):S-Sorry! I did not listen very well heheh
Melissa:N-No problem. As I said,his name is Dr Gero
(Y/N) the inspiration for David Shield?!...
Izumi:How weird,I haven't heard much about him
Melissa:but what do they teach you in class? Dr. Gero is the person we have to thank for all the knowledge we have today about quirks, from the most basic to the most advanced topics.
Izumi:Did he really contribute so much? and why is he not so well known?
Melissa:I don't know much about it but there were some rumors about him, but they could never prove if those rumors were true or false because he disappeared completely and no one has ever seen him again.
(Y/N):Rumors?...what kind of rumors would those be?
Izumi:WOW!! look!
I snapped out of my trance to see where Izumi was pointing. I started to smile when I saw the Pro Hero Godzillo
(Y/N):WOAH!! IT'S GODZILLO!!!...he's greater in person!
Melissa:Heheh he must have been invited by a sponsor,to show off their newest items and sign autographs
Izumi:I-Expo is amazing!
Melissa:And there will also be a party with all the industry guests tonight
Izumi:Oh! So that's why All Might told us to pack in formal clothes
Melissa:Oh! I just remembered a place that you two may be interested in
We followed Melissa to the pavilion and she showed us tons of different inventions out on display.
Izumi:This place is awesome
Melissa:Almost everything here was created based on things Papa's patented,it's a great to know that his work is still being used and getting recognized
(Y/N):It shows that you respect your father a lot
Melissa:That's because it's my dream to become a scientist like him.
(Y/N):I'm sure you will make it,you can create things as interesting as your father
Melissa:I'm not really that interesting,I just follow in my father's footsteps. That's all
(Y/N):Oh,come on! since we arrived on this island the only thing that you have shown me is how interesting you are,you are very amazing and if you are following in your father's footsteps I am sure that you will become better than him
I could see how Melissa started to blush a lot as she looked away
Melissa:Y-You t-think?
(Y/N):Yep! after all you have the same dream as Izumi,she wants to become like All Might and you want to become like your father and seeing how you two are working hard at it,I'm sure you will fulfill your dreams in no time heheh
???:Y-Y-You look like you're having fun,(Y/N)
I turned around to see, surprised,Ochako on the place,she was looking at me with a clear forced smile.
Momo:Who's your friend,(Y/N)?
I looked to my side to see Momo too here
Momo:You looked like you were having alot of fun
Kyoka:We heard everything,(Y/N)
Kyoka said as she came out from behind Momo
(Y/N):Why do you act this way? Is it a crime to talk to a girl?
Melissa:They are your friends?
(Y/N):Well they're actually my girlfriends
Melissa:All of them?!
(Y/N):Yeah,but there are more girls,I hope you don't think bad of me for this
Melissa:D-Don't worry,I think you've made a great impression of yourself so far
Kyoka:We didn't know you were having a date on I-Island
(Y/N):It is not a date,she was just showing me around. Isn't it,Melissa?...uh?
I could see how it is that Melissa was very flushed while playing with her hair
Melissa:Y-Yeah! I was just showing him and Deku the place
(Y/N):Thank you...and by the way...
I stretched my arms around Ochako/Momo and Kyoka and brought them towards me,and then I hugged all three of them.
(Y/N):You know that I love each and every one of you equally and that I would never leave any of you behind.
I finished with a smile on my face making all of them blush.
After settling the misunderstanding,the six of us went to a coffee shop that Melissa had mentioned. During the way I could see how Izumi had whispered something to Melissa's ear,I had no idea what they were talking about but I don't think it was my uncumbence.
After arriving at the coffe shop,the girls were all sat together,conversing and giggling while I decided to sit at a table alone while I waited for the glass of water that I asked for.
(Y/N):This day has been very impressive,I did not think this place was this exciting...but what Melissa said about Gero...what rumors were there about him?...I must stop thinking about it,I came here to have fun and have a good time
At that moment I saw how the waitress put a glass of water in front of me
Denka:Thanks for waiting
(Y/N):It's no...D-Denka?
I looked next to me to see Denka wearing a maid outfit and next to her was Minori also wearing a maid outfit
(Y/N):Minori? what are you two doing here?
Denka:We could see that there were vacancies for some jobs for the summer and that they were also looking for student workes,so we decided to apply because it also means a free trip to the island! and knowing that you are here then this makes it much better!
Denka said as she started to hug me. I could see Minori very jealous
Minori:I came for the free trip but now...
Minori pulled one of the chairs closer to me and sat next to me
Minori:I have other plans once I saw you here~
Minori said as she put her hand on my leg and started to slowly climb up. She started biting her lower lip when she was about to put her hand on the bulge of my pants but I stopped her.
(Y/N):Yeah,I do not think so
Minori:That is not fair! You give love to all the girls in the class but less to me! why?!
Denka:Someone seems to be jealous~
Minori:Well of course I am!
(Y/N):Excuse us for a moment,Denka
I approached Minori and took her in my arms to take her to a more secluded place
(Y/N):Minori,sorry for not returning your feelings...I'm really sorry but...there is something that worries me about you
Minori:What is it?
(Y/N):The fact that are too perverted and I would not like people to recognize you just for that,I'm not asking you to change,I just want you to show that you are more than a perverted girl.
Minori:Really?...I thought guys liked perverted girls
(Y/N):Real men do not like a relationship to be based only on sex and nothing else,I just want others to see more of you besides being just a pervert
Minori:Okay! heh,I'll show everyone I'm not just obsessed with your dick!
(Y/N):I guess that's one way of putting it.
Minori:But...what about...having a relationship with me? you know,have the same as you have with the other girls
(Y/N):Well of course I will accept your feelings and have a relationship with you,when did I say otherwise?
I said then to give Minori a kiss on her lips,she put on a strange smile while blushing,we went back to the others but at that moment we both heard Tenri's voice
Tenri:Mineta! don't even think about slack off your summer job just to annoy the kind people of this island!
(Y/N):Huh? Tenri,you're here too?
Tenri:That's right! My family was invited to the Expo but they were busy and I was the only one who could come.
Momo:You too? I also received some invitations due to my father holding some of I-Expo's sponsors' stock
Kyoka:And because Momo had two invitations...the other girls lost rock paper scissors and we were chosen to go with her
Ochako:The others will also come once it is open to the public.
Melissa:Would you like me to show you around the place?
Ochako:You would? Yay!!
In the distance we could all see a great explosion. We rushed over there to see what happened. Once we arrived at the place,I could see that the place where the explosion had occurred was just a training place,there I could see Eiji who had defeated what seemed to be robots.
Melissa:(Y/N),is she your girlfriend too?
(Y/N):Oh! no,she has not confessed her feelings to me
Announcer:What an incredible time! Kirishima clears the villains out in 23.4 seconds!
Izumi:23.4 seconds?! Kirishima is fast!
Announcer:Next up,Katsumi Bakugo!
I looked at the entrance of the arena and I could see Katsumi walking out dressed in her hero costume just like Eiji
Announcer:Ready! GO!!
Katsumi used her quirk as she blasts herself towards every robot and destroy them as fast as she could,surpassing Eiji by far.
Katsumi screamed while destroying the last robot.
Announcer:Bakugo clears the villain course in 15.4 seconds! She's in first place!
The announcer said while the other people applauded,I approached the two of them.
(Y/N):Hey girls!
Eiji ran to me and started hugging me
Eiji:I did not know that you were here too,man!
(Y/N):I am not the only one who came to this place too
Eiji:Huh?...You're right. Bakugo! (Y/N),Midoriya and the others are here too!
Katsumi turned to see me,she smiled and approached me
(Y/N):Hey babe
Katsumi:Hey,you didn't tell me that you would come here
(Y/N):It was a last minute invitation
Katsumi:Anyway,it's good that you are here
Katsumi grabbed me by the collar of my shirt to get closer to her and we both gave a short kiss on the lips. After that,her attitude changed when she saw Izumi
Katsumi:Deku! what the hell are you doing here?!
Izumi:I was just coming to see what this was! I didn't know you were here!
(Y/N):You two were invited?
Eiji:Yep,Bakugo got invited for doing so well in the sports festival! I just tagged along!
(Y/N):I see
Eiji:Hey! hey! are you guys going to try it out as well?
Katsumi:Well you can forget it! You won't get a time faster than mine!
Izumi:Yeah,yeah,you're right!
(Y/N):Well...there's only one real way to find out!
I said trying to motivate Izumi
Izumi:Yeah,yeah,you're right!!!...w-wait!
Katsumi:Then hurry up and go get your results,Deku!
Izumi nodded as she stood at the starting point. The announcer gave the order to start and Izumi used the One For All while holding it at 5%. She managed to defeat all the robots in about 16.2 seconds.
(Y/N):Not bad!
Melissa:That was very impressive!
(Y/N):Hmmmm...I think I'll give this a chance...I'm sorry Katsumi but I'll take the first place
I went to the starting point and prepared for when it was time to fight
Announcer:We have another challenger!! Ready!...GO!
I spotted every robot that was in the area
(Y/N):...Alright! hah!!!
The barrage of energy waves fell and destroyed every robot in the place,I grabbed my wrist from the small pain I felt.
(Y/N):I released too much energy for me, even if I try to hold back I still have to train to control all this energy I have inside me,it has become more complicated since my fight with Endeavor.
Announcer:U-Unbelievable! (Y/N) finishes in just 1.6 seconds! setting a new record on I-Island and may never be defeated!
The announcer yelled as everyone watching cheered and clapped for me
(Y/N):Phew! That really takes a lot of my energy
I said while returning with the others
Shiyori:You do know how to put on a show
I said as I saw Shiyori approaching us.
(Y/N):Were you invited?
Shiyori:I'm here to represent my father,that's why I came here
(Y/N):I see,it's good to have you here too
I approached Shiyori and gave her a kiss on her forehead
Eiji:Looks like almost all of us are here,this is going to be great,isn't it,Bakugo?
Katsumi:LET ME ALONE!!
I laughed,after that Melissa continued to give us a tour of the island,me witnessing how everyone was getting ready for tonight's Expo.
(Y/N):This is all very impressive,nothing can ruin this.
[Somewhere else - Third Person - POV]
Shroom:Is that guy already on the island? are you sure this is not going to screw up? I mean,there is All Might and if I can guess right so will (Y/N) and that green haired brat
Dr Gero:50/50,All For One gave our ally a little help
Shroom:Is it necessary to steal that device? I mean,you can't make one like it?
Dr Gero:It will take me a long time to make one just trying to guess its components and that is why I require the original to speed up the production. But if that doesn't work then we have the next option,a more natural one. are you already arriving on the island?
Shroom:Maybe...this island is fucking hard to find...I hope Giran was not wrong with the directions,I'll call you when the deal is done
Shroom ended his transmission with Gero and kept flying through the sea until he saw something in the distance
Shroom:I guess this is the place
Shroom said when he saw in the distance a large island. What stood out the most about this island was that around it there were only roots that reached towards the sea and in the middle of it you could see a large tree
Shroom landed on the island and looked around. He walked around the place until he heard a branch break behind him. Before Shroom could attack he was enveloped by a green colored arm that wrapped around his body.
Shroom:Tch! great...
???:Well,well apparently we have an unexpected visitor
??? 2:You already know what we do with these intruders
Shroom looked in front of him to see two people approaching him
???:Yeah I guess it will bear some good fruit for this month
Shroom:If you could shut up and let me explain why I'm here,this might come to a good deal
??? 2:Deal? hahah! we don't need nothing from a bastard like you!
???:Easy,Slug. Let the guy speak
Slug:I don't want to waste my time,Turles!
Turles:Like you have something better to do
Shroom:Did you two finish arguing? Good. Look,I come from the League of Villains but also that Giran told me about you
Shroom said looking at Turles
Slug:League of Villains? hahah! what a silly name!...
Turles:I told you to let him talk! tell me,why is someone from the League of Villains on this island far from somewhere else? Besides that,how do you know Giran?
Shroom:Giran is a guy with a lot of contacts,it's no surprise that he's also with us on business. He mentioned about you and that you are the only one on the planet who grows a fruit from a tree called...The Tree Of Might,a fruit that was genetically altered to increase the power of a quirk and the physical strength of a person.
Slug:You must have good information,Kiddo. We made sure no one knew about the Tree of Might
Turles:Don't take all the damn credit,I was the one who made this tree grow
Shroom:Yeah,I could see that you put a lot of effort into it,you even destroyed this island for cultivation
Shroom said looking at the few rubble that were on the island,Slug let him go
Turles:It's not like that,these ruins were already here when I arrived,I just took this island as my own.
Slug:Enough chitchat,explain yourself. What do the League of Villains want with the Tree Of Might?
Turles:It is very noticeable that you do not come with a brain included. The League Of Villians want to become even more powerful in a short time.
Shroom:That's right,this fruit is enough to increase the power of your quirk without much effort.
Turles:You are absolutely right and I suppose you also know that this fruit is totally illegal and that it tried to be eradicated for quite some time,luckily,I managed to get a seed before the government managed to destroy them all.
Slug:The pros and the government are a killjoy. Even that drug that they talk so much about is more famous than this fruit and that the fruit has no side-effect
Shroom:Yeah,Trigger,I have heard about it too but its effects of the ones that are produced in Asia are generally of poor quality and thats why we wish something that is...more natural
Turles:Well then you come to the right place,my friend. This fruit is of good quality,its effects last...I don't know...until you die
Slug:And from what we have seen none of them give any side effect
Shroom:Good...I want everything
Shroom:You heard me,I want all the merchandise in addition to all those that are produced in the future
Slug:Do you know how much all that is going to cost you?
Shroom:Yeah,but I have a way to pay for it
Shroom:Easy,you can be part of the League Of Villains. You give us a generous amount of this fruit and you can be part of the League Of Villains...
Slug:Yeah,sure. Keep dreaming,dude. now get out of here!!
Shroom:Come on,the league needs powerful people and besides...don't you two want to have power,control everything at will? Being on this island must be boring and I think the heroes must have you two bored for being one of the most wanted smugglers.
Shroom pulled a folder out of his jacket,he threw it at the two of them and it opened showing Turles and Slug's mugshot
Shroom:Being a smuggler should not be easy when you see your business is not paying off. So what do you two say? are they joining us or not? we have cookies and lots of drinks~
Slug:HAHAHAHAH!! of course we will not join you! we'd rather stay on this island and die than join...A-AAAAGGHHH!!!
Shroom looked surprised to see how Turles had pierced Slug's back and chest with his hand. He fell to the ground and Turles pointed his hand at him.
Turles:Stay the rest of my life with you on this stupid island?! I'm sick and tired of assholes like you deciding about my damn life so...NO THANKS!!!!!
Turles kept firing balls of energy at Slug's corpse until there was nothing left but dust,he sighed and regained his composure.
Turles:I'm sorry about that...I had...a lot of complications with this guy...but what you said caught my attention. You need a lot of fruits,don't you? I'll give them to you as long as what you said is true
Shroom:I have not lied at any time. The gates of the league are open to you
Turles:Sweet,I'll take your deal. You don't know how long I've wanted to get out of this stupid place. I've always have opportunities in this shit some people call life. I believe that the league can give me those opportunities that were destroyed for me a long time ago.
Shroom:So I guess we have a deal,I assure you that you will have a promising future with us
Shroom said as he raised his hand to Turles,he smiled and the two shook hands to seal the deal.
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