Chapter 17 - A Day At The Pool
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N):Did you manage to get everything?
Izumi:Yep! I have everything I need for the camp,I hope I have not forgotten anything
(Y/N):There are still many days before the camp starts so you still have time to get everything you need
Right now (Y/N) was walking with Izumi back to her house.
Izumi:Tell me...why are you walking with me back to my house?
(Y/N):I just wanted to spend time with you,you know,you are one of my first friends but if you want me to go...
Izumi:N-No! no! I wanted to know the reason...t-that's all
(Y/N) saw how Izumi started to blush
(Y/N):You managed to control the One For All a little bit but you still can't control that shyness of yours...huh?
(Y/N) could feel something wet fall on his head.
(Y/N):Please be water! Please be water! Please be water!
(Y/N) looked up and sighed relieved to see how it was about to rain
(Y/N):It seems like it's going to rain
Izumi:U-Uhm...if it starts raining you can stay at my house until it stops.
(Y/N):Well it hasn't started raining yet so...
At that moment a large amount of water began to fall from the sky
(Y/N):Me and my big mouth...I guess I'll stay at your place for now
(Y/N) and Izumi ran towards her house avoiding getting more wet than necessary. They both arrived at the apartment complex where Izumi lived
(Y/N):Phew! this rain has apparently taken everyone by surprise
Izumi:Yeah,everyone is running to avoid getting wet
(Y/N):Well at least we...
(Y/N) looked to his side trying to avoid looking at Izumi
Izumi:S-Something happens?
(Y/N)'re a little wet too
Izumi quickly covered her breasts with her arms,she opened the door to her apartment and they both went inside. They both took off their shoes,(Y/N) took off his jacket too
(Y/N):How lucky,only my jacket got wet
Izumi:I didn't have the same luck,I'm going to have to change.
???:Izumi? it's you?
Izumi and (Y/N) walk inside to see Izumi's mother
???:How lucky you are here,Izumi. I thought you...Oh! you are...
(Y/N):Nice meeting you,Mrs Midoriya. My name is (Y/N)
Inko:But how polite you are. You can call me Inko and I see you on TV,you're so strong!
(Y/N):Heheh thanks!
Izumi:You don't mind him staying here,do you?
Inko:Of course not,dear. With this rain I don't think it's a good idea and also I don't want to give a bad image of me to your boyfriend~
(Y/N) looked next to him to see how Izumi froze upon hearing her mother's words
(Y/N):Hehe i didn't know that you were already aware of our relationship.
Izumi looked at (Y/N) very surprised
(Y/N):Izumi,dear. Don't you think it's time to change those clothes? it must already be very wet
Izumi:...Uh?...Oh! r-right,I will come back in a second!
Izumi went to her room to change her clothes leaving (Y/N) alone with Inko
Inko:It makes me happy to know that my little Izumi has gotten a boyfriend,she can be very...
(Y/N):Shy? yeah,that's something I try to help her with...and in addition to her dream of being a hero,I always try to help her by giving her some advice and being there for her
Inko:You are so caring...I'm going to make dinner,you two may be hungry
(Y/N):I can help her with that
Inko:Oh! I did not know that you can cook but it is not necessary,dear
(Y/N):I don't think it's polite to come to someone's house and just sit on the couch. Let me help,I won't take no for an answer
Inko:Well if you insist
(Y/N) went with Inko to help her make dinner. As (Y/N) helped Inko make dinner,several minutes passed before he heard Izumi's voice calling him.
Izumi:(Y/N)? c-can you help me?
Izumi shouted from down the hall
(Y/N):I'll see what she wants...
Inko:Sure! her room is down this corridor
(Y/N) walked to Izumi's room,there he could see her in her pajamas while she was brushing her hair
(Y/N):Can I?
Izumi shyly nodded and handed the brush to (Y/N),he started brushing her hair
Izumi:What you said before...that you were my boyfriend
(Y/N):Sorry,I thought if I got to the point your mother would stop asking uncomfortable questions
Izumi:Oh...I-I see...
(Y/N):But that doesn't mean I don't want to be your boyfriend,Izumi
Izumi turned to look at (Y/N) you want me to be your girlfriend?...but you have the other girls...
(Y/N):Izumi,I love them all equally and at no time will I let any of them feel apart from me. Each one of them is special to me...and so are you...
(Y/N) said as he brought his face closer to Izumi.
Izumi:...Is this real?
(Y/N):It's your decision,Izumi. I do not force you to be my girlfriend but I just want you to know that I will always be there for you
Izumi:...To be honest...I've always had these feelings towards you...but I was so shy that I didn't know how to act...but...but I think I have enough confidence to say...that I love you!
They both closed the gap and kissed. The kissing session made Izumi feel like she was in paradise itself,although of course this was her first kiss,she put her arms around (Y/N)'s neck deepening her kiss and making it more passionate
After a long minute of a passionate kiss they both separated
Izumi:...I still can't believe this is happening
(Y/N):I guess you have to start believing it,Izumi. I am your boyfriend and I assure you that I will be there for you,helping and supporting you on your way to become the number one hero
Izumi smiled and tears began to fall down her cheeks,she began to hug (Y/N),he took Izumi in his arms and they both lay down on her bed.
Izumi moved for her to settle into (Y/N)'s arms,nuzzling her head into his chest.
Izumi:I never thought I would have a boyfriend as wonderful as you said you would be there for me...then I will always be there for you,I promise you!
(Y/N):I know you will be,Izumi...I love you
Izumi:I-I...I love you too,(Y/N)
Izumi replied and they both kissed again only this time things got more heated once their tongues soon met. Izumi began to moan the moment she felt (Y/N)'s tongue on her in addition to feeling how his hands passed through her body,feeling every inch of her skin.
Izumi:Y-Your touch is...b-b-better than I could have ever imagined!
(Y/N)'s hands at that moment reached Izumi's breasts,he gave them a gentle squeeze
Izumi quickly covered her mouth hoping her mother hadn't heard her
(Y/N):D-Dn't apologize,Izumi. I was the one who rushed me too're nervous,aren't you?
Izumi silently nodded
(Y/N):We can take things as fast or as slow as you like...
(Y/N) said while giving Izumi a kiss on her forehead
(Y/N):Just tell me when you feel ready,I don't want to do something you don't want,okay?
Izumi nodded with a smile on her face,she approached (Y/N) and began to hug him
Izumi:I love you so much
(Y/N):And me too,sweetie
Izumi stayed in (Y/N)'s arms very happy until she heard someone knocking on the door of her room
Inko:Izumi,(Y/N),dinner is already on the table!
Izumi:We'll go in a second,Mom!
They both could hear Inko walking away from Izumi's room door,she turned to look at (Y/N)
Izumi:(Y/N)...Can I tell you something?
(Y/N):Yeah,sure,tell me
Izumi:...I know you're in a relationship with All Might
(Y/N):Did she tell you?
Izumi:Yeah,she told me about you and her since she didn't want to break my heart but she made sure that you were aware of my feelings and that you were going to accept my I told you I am a little shy and I did not know how to tell you
(Y/N):But you did,little by little you can overcome that shyness of yours and I will help you with that
(Y/N) said while putting his hand on Izumi's cheek,she smiled and rested her head on his hand
Izumi:I-I know...seeing how you make happy not only All Might but also all the girls in our class...I also wanted to feel that love
(Y/N):Now you can feel it for as long as you want.
Izumi and (Y/N) hugged for the last time and then went to dinner with Inko. The three were talking about how the exams were and what the training camp could be
Inko:Did you really take on the number two hero,Endeavor?!
(Y/N):Yeah,I managed to pass the exam but I suffered a lot of damage to my body but I'm fine now
Inko:Woah! you are very amazing
(Y/N):...By the way,Izumi,where is your father? Is he working?
Izumi's face changed to one of sorrow as well as Inko's,(Y/N) knew at that moment that he had fucked up very badly.
Inko:You husband died many years ago,when Izumi was about 6 years old.
(Y/N):C-Crap! I'm sorry,I shouldn't have asked that.
Inko:No,(Y/N),don't worry,it's not your fault,after all you didn't know anything about it.
(Y/N):Even so,I am sorry for your loss.
Inko:It's okay...
Inko tried to put on a smile but she was still sad,many years alone,only taking care of her daughter and that she did not have the same fate as her father was something that Inko always had in her mind until today,even though Izumi was a 17 year old girl,she still sees her as that little girl who did not separate from her,trying to protect her from any danger.
She remained thoughtful until she felt something on her hand,she looked and noticed that (Y/N) had put his hand on hers.
(Y/N):Sorry for bringing up a bad memory,if you need some support I am here,it may not be much but I always try to do my best.
Inko:(Y/N)...It's least I know my daughter is with a good man,is one of the many concerns that I had
They both laughed and continued with dinner.
After (Y/N) had helped Izumi and Inko wash the dishes, he sat down on the couch and waited for the rain to stop although it didn't look like that was going to happen any time soon.
(Y/N):Looks like I'll have to stay here for the day...huh?
At that moment he received a call on his phone from Toshiko
Toshiko:Where are you?
(Y/N):I'm at Izumi's house. She told me that I could stay here until the rain stopped
Toshiko:I see,I was hoping you would come to give you the news
(Y/N):Well, you can tell me now if you wish
Toshiko:Maybe now is a good time. I want you and Young Midoriya to accompany me to visit a great friend of mine to a very important event
(Y/N):Sounds very interesting,I'll tell Izumi
Toshiko:Okay!...You had me worried that you still hadn't arrived
(Y/N):I can take care of myself Toshiko but forgive me for not speaking to you earlier.
Toshiko:I can't be mad at you...I love you too much
(Y/N):And I love you too...and by the no longer have to worry about Izumi's feelings,she managed to confess her feelings to me. She is managing to overcome that shyness of hers
Toshiko:That's great! I know she will need someone like you in her life
(Y/N):I assure you that I will be there for her but also for all of you
Toshiko:I know you will,I can always trust you. Later I will tell you and Young Midoriya about the details of the trip. Goodbye
(Y/N) ended his call with Toshiko and at that moment he saw Izumi sit next to him and rest her head on his shoulder.
Izumi:Who were you talking to?
(Y/N):It was All Might she told me that she wanted you to come with the two of us on a trip to a place where a friend of hers is, she said there was going to be a very important event there
Izumi:Go to an important event with All Might and you?! I'd love to!
(Y/N):I already guessed,she said that later she would give more details of the trip
(Y/N) and Izumi cuddle on the couch waiting for the rain to end but as mentioned before, the rain is not likely to stop until tomorrow.
Inko:Looks like this rain won't end
(Y/N):Yeah but I don't want to keep bothering you two so I think...
At that moment both of (Y/N)'s arms were grabbed by Inko and Izumi.
Inko:You don't bother us at all,you can stay as long as you want
Izumi:I wouldn't mind...sharing my bed with you
Izumi said as her cheeks reddened
(Y/N):Well...if you don't mind my presence then I'll stay for today
Inko and Izumi smiled. After spending a while with Izumi and Inko,it was already dark. (Y/N) went with Izumi to her room so they could both sleep together although this was Izumi's idea,she was totally nervous about it.
(Y/N):Are you really okay with this? Your face is so red you look like a traffic light.
Izumi:I-It's the first time...I-I've slept n-next to a b-boy...t-that's all.
(Y/N):Don't worry,Izumi,it's me,you don't have to feel nervous about this.
(Y/N) went to Izumi's bed,grabbed the sheets and laid down on the bed and then dropped the sheets over the two of them. It wasn't many seconds before Izumi was back in (Y/N)'s arms,he just laughed and gave her a kiss on top of her head.
(Y/N):Good night,Izumi
Izumi:Good night,(Y/N)...I love you
[The Next Day]
It was already a new day and right now,(Y/N) and Izumi were watching TV,sitting on the couch, both cuddling until they both heard the doorbell ring.
(Y/N):I will see who it is
While (Y/N) got up from the sofa,on the other side of the door were Denka and Minori talking about something...mildly interesting
Denka:Do you think this will work?
Minori:Well of course,just imagine,being able to see (Y/N)'s bare chest one more time~ man I need to see it one more time~
Denka:Yeah,I can't stop repeating that moment of the festival,just having (Y/N) in front of me and...
The apartment door opened to reveal (Y/N),causing Denka and Minori to gasp in surprise.
(Y/N):Hey girls!
Minori:Wait,this is Midoriya's aparment!
(Y/N):Yep,I stayed with her tonight because of yesterday's rain
Izumi:(Y/N),who's in the...hey girls!
Izumi approached them while hugging (Y/N)'s arm,his arm was between her breasts
Izumi:What are you doing here?
Denka:I just came to invite you to the pool!
Izumi:The pool?
Minori:Yeah to train,to be more prepared until the day of the training camp comes and (Y/N) you are clearly invited,Are you going to join us?
Minori said as she crossed her fingers behind her back wishing (Y/N) would accept.
(Y/N):Sounds fun,I'll go
Izumi:If you go then I'll go too! I'll go get my stuff!
(Y/N):I will go to my home to get my stuff too,then we will see you,bye Izumi
(Y/N) said goodbye to Izumi with a kiss on her forehead and flew off to All Might's house. two already did it?
Izumi's face turned completely red
Izumi:N-NO!! We didn't do any of that,only (Y/N) stayed to sleep with me in my bed! that's all!
Minori:Crap! how I would have liked to be in your place!
After (Y/N) went to pick up the necessary items for the pool at All Might's house,he flew there. Once he landed in front of the pool,it didn't take long before Tenri's whistle could be heard echoing around the place.
Tenri:(Y/N)! you're late!
(Y/N):But I'm here,it seems that the others were ahead of me
Tenri:So it is and it is for that reason that you should put on suitable clothing to swim now
(Y/N):...Admit it,you just want to see me half naked heheh
Tenri started to blush a lot
Tenri:N-No! This is something important!! a-a-and it will help us train-
(Y/N):I know about Minori and Denka's plan. I know you're smart enough to know what was going to happen
Tenri looked at her side shyly. (Y/N) approached her and began to whisper in her ear.
(Y/N):You don't have to make excuses,Tenri. I'm not a person you can fool so the way,you look sexy in that swimsuit
Tenri turned to watch as (Y/N) made his way to the boy locker room. He looked behind him to give Tenri a wink.
After (Y/N) changed into his swimsuit and left the locker room. All the girls blushed at the sight of (Y/N)'s well-toned,muscular body once again.
Mina:He is so perfect~
Denka:It's like being in front of something divine~
Minori:This plan has been totally worth it~
Tenri:Keep your composure,keep your composure!
Kyoka:O-Oh my god
Momo:Oh my~
Izumi:I-I think that I am going to faint
Eiji:Damn man,he is so hot~
Katsumi:I could stare at that bare chest all day~
Shiyori:I can't believe he's going to be my future husband
Ochako:I-I hope my b-blush doesn't show too much
Tenri:E-Enough of this,it's time to start training!
Tenri said while wiping the drops of blood that ran down her nose
(Y/N):Wait,am I the only guy here?
Due to Tenri's obligations,everyone started to train very hard but despite all this,something was happening somewhere else...
[With Shroom]
???:Is everything going as planned?
Shroom:Almost,out of seven,only two Dragon Ball is full of negative energy
Shroom was sitting on the edge of a building while talking to someone through the orb of his scythe
???:The method is being slower than I expected
Shroom:Yep,If filling two of negative energy took all this time then filling the other five would take a lifetime,plus the green goblin is following me.
???:That will be a serious problem...I guess the last thing I have left is for you to give me back the Dragon Balls so that you don't suffer any attacks.
Shroom:You're back in Japan? It's been almost twelve years since I've seen you.
???:Not really,I have yet to find the last seven star Dragon Ball which I think is over there in Japan,don't worry about it,I'll take care of it.
Shroom:I see,you say where we meet to get your balls back.
???:...I'll pretend I didn't hear that,I'll let you know when,be careful for now.
Shroom:I know how to take care of myself,don't worry about me
???:Okay,keep me in touch with everything that happens with the Dragon Balls,bye
Shroom ended the conversation and stared at the city
Shroom:...Just a little more and I can see with my own eyes what human nature is really like...I want to see what people are really like in times of catastrophe...I want to see what they all care about...I want to see if they are all really rotten inside.
Shroom said as he got up and imagined in front of him a destroyed city...a hopeless one
Shroom:I want to mankind behaves in its last moments of life...*Sigh*
[Back To The U.A - (Y/N)-POV]
Right now I was sitting on the edge of the pool watching how Izumi/Katsumi and Shiyori were competing in a race.
(Y/N):Ah! I must say that Tenri really trains hard
I said as I stretched listening to how my bones thundered
(Y/N):Toshiko told me that tomorrow would be the day we would visit the I-Island...I've heard about that place,even Piccolo mentioned that place...I wonder what would have happened to that villain from before...meh! maybe at this point it's already dead
I looked towards Izumi/Shiyori and Katsumi who were about to start the race until at that moment I saw how Aizawa appeared and began to use her quirk making the three of them fall into the water.
(Y/N):Wait! this can answer my doubts. Aizawa can erase the quirk of that means...
I put my hands together and began to gather energy between them,in a few seconds a ball of energy had formed in the palm of my hand even with Aizawa using her quirk on us.
(Y/N):Yeah,I could already confirm my suspicions...I am the moment I was born...since the day I faced Endeavor I discovered more things about my body...that I couldn't do's something strange...but incredible at the same time...I still have doubts about what really happened that day.
I got up when I saw how everyone had gone to the girls locker room. Aizawa looked at me for a few seconds and then looked away,I giggled and approached her
(Y/N):No one is around,babe. You can watch all you want,the girls did it all this time
Aizawa:I was already clear about the intentions of Mineta and Kaminari. I only gave them free rein this time only
(Y/N):That's really kind of you
Aizawa:Whatever...y-you l-look good...
She said as her hands gently ran across my body
(Y/N):Don't be afraid,babe. For now there is no one to see us
I approached her and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips making her smile cutely
Aizawa:I think you were right,I don't think I'm going to regret this
I nodded and went to change clothes at the boys locker room. I took my dry clothes out of my locker and was about to take off my shorts until I heard how the door opened and then closed but I couldn't see anyone inside.
(Y/N):Huh?...maybe it was the wind
Toru:Or maybe someone that no one can see~
I gave a little jump of fright when I heard Toru behind me
(Y/N):T-Toru?! s-shit! you freaked me out...again!
Toru:Sorry heheh
(Y/N):I don't want to sound rude but what are you doing here?...
(Y/N):...Do you really want to dmph!
I was silenced by Toru when I felt her soft lips on mine. I closed my eyes and deepened into her kiss by putting my hands on her hips and pulling her closer to me.
I could feel how Toru put her hand on my chest and then she began to lower it slowly until she reached my crotch
(Y/N):W-Wait Toru,do you really want to do it now?
Toru:Yeah,I want you to be my first time. The date we had just opened my eyes wider
(Y/N) we better take advantage of the moment in which we are alone~
I approached Toru and started kissing her neck while putting my hands on her breasts. Thanks to her swimsuit I was better able to guide myself through her body,the more I massaged her breasts,the more she moaned
Toru:A-Aaahhh!~ (Y-Y/N)! your touch feels so good,please don't stop
I kept playing with her breasts until I started to lower my right hand until almost reaching her crotch,at that moment I noticed,not that,another thing
(Y/N):Toru,you locked the door,didn't you?
Mina:We already take care of that~
Me and Toru looked to our side to see Mina along with Denka in front of the door. Denka smiled as she closed the boys locker room door.
Mina:I hope you don't mind a foursome~
Denka:I won't lose my chance to have my first time with you~ heheh Minori will be so jealous
(Y/N):...I hope I have enough stamina for this
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