Chapter 15 - Am I Just A Weapon?
[Third Person-POV]
After a few long hours where several Class A students faced their teachers to pass the exam,some managed to successfully pass the exam while some did not make it. Although that didn't matter much right now as it was time to see the last student to take the exam.
The whole class A along with some teachers were watching what was about to happen
Momo:I'm not really sure about this
Ochako:(Y/N) is the strongest of our class but he is about to face the Number Two Hero
Ochako said very nervous hoping that nothing bad could happen to (Y/N)
Recovery Girl:It's okay,dear. I'm sure (Y/N) will make it out of this.
Eiji:Yeah!! It is not the first time that he has faced great challenges,like that time he faced that beast in the U.S.J
Sero:But he fainted shortly after defeating it
Mina:He will get through this. I trust him!
Nezu:It's good to see that several of you support your classmate,I think he will need it a lot right now
Nezu said looking through the cameras at (Y/N) walking through the city that had been partially destroyed by All Might
(Y/N):All right,I don't have any information about Endeavor's quirk beyond that he can create flames. But that's not a problem,I just need to watch him use it for a few seconds to get all the necessary information...OH FUCK!!!
I shouted at the moment that below me a great glow began to appear,I jumped forward dodging a column of flames that had come out of the ground,but that was not the end of it,in the place where I had fallen another glow appeared from below,I quickly rose into the air dodging again the same attack.
(Y/N):What the hell wasAAAGGHHH!!!
I screamed in pain as I felt a strong blow to my back which was so powerful that it threw me through a building causing it to collapse behind me. I slowly got up from the ground still feeling quite sore.
Endeavor:What a rookie mistake,keeping your guard down at a time like this?
I turned my head to watch Endeavor walk through the dust left by the building collapse.
Endeavor:(Y/N)...Come on! come here and let's see if that great power that you boasted at the festival is true or a lie!
(Y/N):He must be referring to the moment I said my Planet Burst is capable of destroying the planet/So let's not waste time anymore anUAAAGGGHH!!!
At that moment I felt my organs being crushed by the punch Endeavor had given me.
Endeavor:Apparently you are not as fast as I thought
Endeavor fired a burst of fire at point-blank range causing me to be thrown several meters away from him.
Endeavor:Seriously,everything you did in the tournament was just for show? Hmph!
I quickly got up from the ground and grabbed Endeavor's fire spear and threw it back at him,he just moved his head to the side dodging his own attack. I quickly charged at him and tried to punch him in the face but he grabbed my fist with ease.
Endeavor:You were right,I only came here to waste my time,what a disappointment you turned out to be...but don't think I'll let you leave here.
Endeavor grabbed me from my neck and slammed me to the ground with great force causing me to spit blood from my mouth. In my desperation I headbutted him hard in his face causing him to let go of me and escape from him.
(Y/N):Endeavor is not lying...what the hell is wrong with me?
I decided to hide behind one of the buildings
(Y/N):I just...*Pant*...*Pant*...a-aagh! need to verify something
I tried to change my appearance to at least boost my skills but I realized at that moment that I could no longer do that.
(Y/N):But what happens to me?!...Have I become weaker than before?!...that's impossible!...I trained so much for this!!...
A lot of thoughts invaded my mind,I did not know what was happening to me...I could not know what was happening with my body
I screamed in pain and agony as an intense pain started to run through my whole body,it was as if all my muscles in my body started to twist non-stop. I was very stressed at this moment,I didn't know what was going on with my body besides the fact that I don't have the power to face one of the most powerful heroes of Japan who was haunting me.
(Y/N):What happens to me?!...WHAT HAPPENS?!?!?!? AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
[Third Person-POV - Jaku General Hospital]
Shroom:...Hmmm?...Gero,apparently someone is calling you
Shroom said while leaning against a glass container that had a Nomu inside.
Gero was about to take his phone out of his pocket but at that moment he realized that his phone was not the one making that noise. The noise was coming from a control panel which displayed (Y/N)'s vital signs.
Dr Gero:...It's's finally happening!
Shroom:What?! Is the pizza ready?
Dr Gero:I'm talking about (Y/N)
Shroom:(Y/N)? What happens with him?
Dr Gero:That he is finally going to begin the first stage of unleashing his full potential! His body has successfully prepared to evolve to the next level! HAHAH!!
Shroom:Evolve? what do you mean with that?
Dr Gero:I'll explain it to you,Shroom. You see,a person's body is not capable of supporting more than two quirks. They cannot withstand so much power that it causes a massive strain on their body resulting in chronic pain,cellular degeneration,and even a significantly shortened lifespan. I learned that by studying One For All and All For One carefully,it has to depend on other quirks to be able to withstand so much power but that will not be a problem for (Y/N)
Dr Gero:You must already know. I genetically altered (Y/N)'s body to serve as a perfect storage for quirks and energy. He can manipulate every cell in his body at will and fire energy attacks,all so that his body can obtain a perfect balance and does not generate great tension,those quirks that I gave him were necessary and I had to prepare his body beforehand for those quirks. The last step was to give him a copy of his father's Super Regeneration but unfortunately he escaped from my old laboratory before I could do that...but I had another idea of how to solve that. Now it only remains for him to awaken his quirk.
Shroom:W-Wait! Are you telling me that that guy over fucking quirkless
Dr Gero:...For now, first he was quirkless...which was something unexpected but thanks to me I was able to make him obtain the true power that he would have at birth...even more than I should said
Shroom:...By the way...what kind of quirk will he have?
Dr Gero:Easy,it will be a quirk similar but even more powerful than All For One...that's why right now his able to withstand all the power that he obtains in the could say that it is a combination of the quirk of All For One and that of his mother
Shroom:Oh! I see now...but you said he was going to evolve right does his body know when to do that?
Dr Gero:It's easy,it's similar to when a quirk awakens. A specific emotional catalyst is needed for a quirk to evolve and that emotion is stress,similar to when a person is in life-or-death situation where the body enters a state of pure survival where it does everything possible to stay alive. That same reaction is happening with (Y/N) right now,something must be provoking that emotion
[Back With (Y/N)]
(Y/N):What's wrong?!...everything hurts!!...
(Y/N) was screaming as he was on his knees trying to move even though it was difficult for him.
(Y/N):Make it stop...please...STOP!!!....AAAAGH!!...
(Y/N) took a deep breath until all at once the pain disappeared completely,he opened his eyes and got up from the floor. He felt something inside his body...something was like feeling a small flame inside him...a small flame with great accumulated power
(Y/N):What was... all this?
Endeavor:Flashfire Fist...Hell Spider!!!
(Y/N)'s eyes widened and he felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard Endeavor's voice.
Endeavor:Your worst idea was to hide from me!!
Endeavor's attack left nothing but smoke,the building that was there before disappeared
Endeavor:It's not enough...I'll show that brat the mess he got himself into...UUUUUAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!
Endeavor's flames after a few seconds were extinguished,he raised an eyebrow at the sight of what was floating in the middle of the place.
Endeavor:What the hell is that?
Endeavor wondered seeing how in the middle of the air there was a pink mass floating,it suddenly began to change shape and gather the remaining parts of it.
(Y/N):...H-Holy hell!!
Endeavor:...W-What was that? is that a regeneration quirk?!
(Y/N):...To be is no longer a quirk
(Y/N):I no longer have the quirk of the Nomu from has totally disappeared from my body but...I felt like almost my whole body was destroyed by Endeavor's attack...but I was able to regenerate from a single piece of my body...I couldn't do something like that before
[With Dr Gero]
Dr Gero:Shroom,right now I could kiss you!
Shroom:...Sorry,man. I know it's offensive in this day and age but I only like women.
Dr Gero:Whatever. You were great in the attack on the U.S.J...convincing (Y/N) to use his Transfiguration Beam to get that Nomu's quirk was better than I thought/How lucky that I kept the knowledge of her quirk before she was murdered
Shroom:And what does that have to do with (Y/N) now having the regeneration of that Nomu?
Dr Gero:Very easy,the regeneration of that Nomu right now has evolved to an unimaginable point and right now it has been combined with (Y/N)'s body...I can deduce that right now his regeneration is such that with a single cell of him or even a simple molecule left alive he will be able to regenerate instantly. Of course,that will take a lot of his vital energy but I doubt that he does not decide to eliminate that weakness. Now all those abilities that I mentioned before along with his regeneration are part of his body and not quirks apart. It took a long time but the result was magnificent,now it only remains for him to awaken his quirk
Shroom:Easy,Gero. You speak very passionately about your experiment and I am glad about that but haven't you thought about the real problem right now? That guy has a lot of power right now and it goes without saying that he is completely against us.
Dr Gero:No need to worry about that...I already have a little trick in the palm of my hand
Gero said while looking at his hand,the image of Hitomi appeared in the red jewel which was in the middle of the palm of his hand.
Dr Gero:I will need a little time but I will make this Brainwashing permanent.
[Back With (Y/N)]
(Y/N):Now I feel...better than before!...I think I'm ready to fight now.
Endeavor:Oh yeah,then come on anUAAGH!!!
Endeavor spat blood from his mouth as (Y/N) moved at high speed and punched him directly in the stomach,(Y/N) grabbed him by his arm and threw him against some debris.
(Y/N):Woah! apparently my physical strength was also increased,not just my speed.
Endeavor:I can see that now you're really giving me a bit of a fight.
Endeavor said as he stood up from the rubble and dusted off his clothes.
Endeavor:Now...make me swallow my words and give me a good fight.
(Y/N):It will be a pleasure
(Y/N) clenched his fists and an aura began to surround him,Endeavor looked at this in surprise.
Endeavor:I see,so you had so much power stored up all this time.
Endeavor clenched his fists and squatted down,(Y/N) could feel the whole place start to get even hotter and not in a good way.
Endeavor increased the temperature in its flames and a great wave of fire covered the whole city,(Y/N) was now the one who was more surprised.
(Y/N):I never thought Endeavor's power...was so monstrous.
Endeavor surrounded himself with his own flames and charged against (Y/N) trying to punch him in the face. He quickly blocked Endeavor's attack and countered by kneeing him in his stomach but Endeavor did not stay behind and also countered by punching (Y/N) hard in his jaw and knocking him back.
Endeavor ran at (Y/N) and gave him a roundhouse kick to his ribs throwing him into the rubble but he somersaulted in the air to land on his feet on the rubble.
(Y/N) saw the place where Endeavor had kicked him,he had some burns but it quickly healed.
(Y/N):This is going beyond the regeneration I had before,I no longer feel the pain from before...this is incredible
(Y/N) looked up to see Endeavor walking toward him.
Endeavor:Now you can stand up after all that. Tsk! I don't know what happened but right now you are stronger than a few seconds ago,I acknowledge that
(Y/N):Yeah,you're right about that. It seems that my constant training has helped me to literally evolve my body
Endeavor was confused for a few seconds but then he smirk
Endeavor:That your body evolved,you say? So let's see if you're really stronger than before,let's see how much you have trained
Endeavor gathered a large amount of his flames in his fist and charged at full speed against (Y/N). He dodged Endeavor's attack and counterattacked by creating a ball of energy in his hand and making it explode in his chest causing Endeavor to fly through the air but he managed to land on his feet on the ground.
Endeavor:This kid is powerful...but he's still a rookie.
Endeavor looked in front of him to try to find (Y/N) but at that moment something wrapped around his waist and he was lifted into the air to be slammed against the buildings that were still standing.
(Y/N) shouted as he threw Endeavor into a collapsed building and then fired a ball of energy at him,creating a huge explosion where they both stood.
Through the curtain of smoke that had formed around him,(Y/N) leapt out of it and landed on the ground.
(Y/N):I guess your costume will need a little repair.
(Y/N) said as he watched Endeavor get up from the floor,his costume mostly torn.
Endeavor:I'm not the only one,you ended up just like me.
(Y/N) could notice that the top of his hero costume was completely torn due to the explosion earlier.
(Y/N):You're right...but that's not the important thing now...I still have to pass this exam.
Endeavor:Exam?...oh yeah...that...
(Y/N) hadn't realized it yet but blood was starting to come out of his mouth.
Endeavor:But let's see if you survive this...Prominence Burn!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
The flames of Endeavor engulfed not only (Y/N) but also what was left of the former city.
Endeavor wiped the sweat from his forehead after unleashing one of his most powerful attacks,seeing how everything around him had already been completely disintegrated... except for (Y/N)
Endeavor:You have to be kidding me,that's one of my most powerful techniques!
(Y/N):I-I admit that you are very powerful,that attack of yours could have easily killed me if not for my regeneration.
Endeavor:...Apparently I will not be disappointed in this,you are impressing me but not enough
(Y/N):Seriously? then let's see if you like this...
(Y/N) began to gather a large amount of energy in both hands which he pointed towards Endeavor and then put them behind him.
Endeavor didn't stand dumbly in place,he fired a large burst of flame at (Y/N)
(Y/N):Let's see what you think of my new attack ...I call it...KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAA !!!
(Y/N) shouted and fired a powerful energy beam at Endeavor's flames,both attacks collided but (Y/N)'s attack was more powerful and repelled Endeavor's attack.
(Y/N)'s attack hit Endeavor creating a huge explosion in the area,(Y/N) covered his eyes from the dust coming towards him. Once everything stopped he looked to see Endeavor still standing but then he fell to his knee.
Endeavor:Agh!...s-such p-power...
(Y/N):I think I just passed the exam
Endeavor looked up to see (Y/N) in front of him
(Y/N):I think you've already seen how capable I am
Endeavor:I must have shown such power...BUT YOU'RE A FOOL IF YOU THINK I'LL GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!!!!
Endeavor quickly got up off the ground and grabbed (Y/N)'s face very tightly. With all his strength,Endeavor threw (Y/N) into some rubble
Several explosions were generated in the place where (Y/N) fell,causing a sea of flames to engulf the whole place.
Endeavor was ready to launch yet another attack but before he could lift a finger,two hands shot out from the ground beneath him.
Endeavor's eyes widened and he looked at his wrist to see he had been handcuffed,the flames were extinguished by a strong wind breeze,the cause of this was (Y/N) who was sweating and breathing heavily but still with an arrogant smile on his face.
(Y/N):W-Well,I think after all I passed the test...i-it was a good fight I m-must say
Endeavor:...Heh! you exceeded my expectations...not bad (Y/N)
Endeavor said with a smirk
(Y/N) spat blood from his mouth and then fell unconscious to the ground. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was Endeavor approaching him
[Later - League Of Villains' Hideout]
Homura felt her heart beat faster and faster as she looked at (Y/N)'s photo. She just looking at his face felt relaxed and calm,that desire for destruction that she had was being overshadowed by the growing love that she was feeling towards him.
Shroom:I hope the seat you are in is not wet right now
Shroom said clearly mocking Homura,she gritted her teeth as she listened to him tease her but decided to keep her cool for once.
At that moment the door of the bar opened revealing Giran
Giran:We've been spreading the word about you for the past few days. About how it seems like something bigs about to go down
Giran said as he walked in followed by two people behind him
Homura:Well? Who are they?
Homura said while saving (Y/N)'s picture,she turned to see the two people who wanted to join to the league
??? 1:Huh! and I thought that you looked better
??? 2:You guys are the ones who knew (Y/N),right ?! right?!? I want to join too,I want to meet him too!
Homura:...Kurogiri,warp them away. Its the two types I hate most showed up as a duo. A brat...and a girl with no manners
Shroom:At least try to be nice to someone in your life,this will not work if you keep throwing anyone who bothers you on the street. If that was the case then you would still be on the street
Shroom said clearly mocking Homura again.
Kurogiri:Shroom is right,Homura Shigaraki. They've traveled all this way just to see you. You could at least humor them with a talk
Giran:Either way,I'll take my finders fee now Kurogiri. As for those introductions...let's start with this high school cutie. The media kept her face and name under strict lockdown...but she's a person of interest in a string of deaths by blood letting
Toga:I'm Toga! Himiko Toga. Life is too hard and I wanna make a world that's easier to live in! where I can live with (Y/N)! I wanna meet him! So lemme join you,Homura!
Giran:She heard about your attack on U.S.J. She then saw the sports festival and saw (Y/N). She claims its love at first sight
Toga:Ah! that cute guy from the TV
Homura began to feel very jealous upon hearing the way Toga spoke of (Y/N)
Homura:I dont get it. You some kind of freak?
Shroom:Look who's talking.
Giran:You both have similar goals. I'm sure she'll be useful to you. Next,this young lady has no outstanding criminal record to speak of...but she's in love with The Hero Killer's ideals
???:I'm not sure about this bunch really so dedicated to the cause? Cant be if your considering letting this little psycho join you
Homura:At least freak girl here can state her own name. If you're a proper adult,how about you try doing that?
Dabi:I go by Dabi right now
Homura:I said your real name
Dabi:You'll know it when you need to. Anyway...The Hero Killer's will...I plan to make it a reality
Shroom:...I don't know if that's true.
Shroom:I can see that you are using that as an excuse,I think this is something more personal
Dabi:...Believe what you want. I will leave you to your imagination but as I said I plan to make The Hero Killer's will reality
Homura:Everyone nowadays is all "Stain this" and "Stain that
Homura said as she got up from her seat
Kurogiri:Dont do it,Homura Shigaraki
Homura:You two are dust!
Homura screamed ready to use her quirk on Toga and Dabi but Kurogiri saw this and prevented the three from killing each other by creating portals in front of them
Shroom:*Sigh* Is it that nothing can end well with you?
Kurogiri:Please calm yourself,Homura Shigaraki. If we want to act under your wishes then expanding this organization is a necessity
Shroom:I don't know,Kurogiri. If Homura wants to act on her wishes then it will also be necessary to kill her crush too~
Shroom said in a mocking tone
Homura:SHUT UP!!!
Homura turned around and walked out of the bar, slamming the door on her way out.
Kurogiri:Was it necessary for you to make fun of her?
Shroom:I'm just giving the facts. Is everything I said a lie?
Giran:Pains me to say it,but our business partner there...she's too young and immature.
Shroom:Yeah,so for now I'll take the job interview...
At that moment the orb of Shroom's scythe began to glow
Shroom:Hold on a second...
Toga:Woah! that's a nice scythe,can I touch it?
Dr Gero:Shroom is me
Shroom:Hey man,look now I'm too busy recruiting more of the losers we meet on the street.
Dr Gero:Can you let Giran take care of that now? I need you to come with me to do something very important.
Shroom:Okay,Giran,can you do it?
Giran:Yeah,I guess I have some time.
Shroom ended the transmission with Dr Gero
Shroom:If you'll excuse me,I have business to do
Giran:You might wanna change if your going out in public
Shroom left the bar.
Kurogiri:We will have an answer for you within a day or two. Will that suffice? I expect even Homura knows what she must do
Dabi:Oh yeah?
Kurogiri:Her attitude now may have been due to Shroom constantly teasing her but for the last time she has been quite calm...she'll figure it out,I'm sure. An answer that will two,as well as herself
Toga:By the way who was that oldman that guy was talking about?!
Kurogiri:...I'm sorry but I can't say it,you could say that he is a high command of the league,he wants to stay in the shadows and that few people know him
Dabi:It seems that this league of villains is something bigger than I thought. I will be waiting for that answer
Kurogiri nodded. Dabi left the bar and walked for a few minutes to reach a nearby alley,she looked around her making sure there was no one near her,she took her phone and played the video of the Sport Festival. Specifically,the moments in which (Y/N) appeared
Toga:Do you love him too?
Toga appeared in the middle of nowhere scaring Dabi,she quickly put her cell phone in the pocket of her trench coat
Dabi:Tsk! and I thought that you had left,it would be better if you do not tell anyone about this or I will burn you alive!
Toga:Then you love him!
Dabi blushed and looked away gritting her teeth
Dabi:Shut up! it's just that that guy may be a problem in the future and I want to have enough information about him
Toga:If so then why are you blushing?
Dabi:Ugh! Can you leave me fucking alone?!
Toga:Heheh I was just going to tell you that I was going to follow Homura,I might have a chance to bump into (Y/N) and get to know him more closely~
Toga said while smiling
Toga:And I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come too~ Come on,I have a feeling this might be the time I can talk to him!
Dabi:...If I go with you then can you shut up?
Dabi:Okay then
[Back in the U.A]
(Y/N) head...
Recovery Girl:Better
(Y/N) looked to his side to see Recovery Girl
(Y/N):N-Ngh! how long was I unconscious?
Recovery Girl:Not long,just one hour. You worried everyone
(Y/N):Really? can you refresh my memory? I don't remember much what happened
Recovery Girl:Well,after you passed the exam you spit out a lot of blood from your mouth and passed out,luckily Endeavor brought you here
(Y/N):Really? Endeavor? That is something that I did not expect
Recovery Girl:Heheh I don't think anyone expected that but whatever,I'm not sure what happened but apparently you overexerted your quirk or your body...or both at the same time. It took me a while to get you back on your feet but it was a good thing you had a lot of stamina or else you'd be in that bed all day.
(Y/N):Yeah...can I ask you a question?
Recovery Girl:Sure thing
(Y/N):..Is it possible that a quirk could...evolve?
Recovery Girl:I mean...there is that possibility...several factors are needed to trigger the process of a quirk to you think that happened to you?
(Y/N):No...I do not think that my quirk has evolved,it is just a thought that I had for a long time and I had that doubt in my mind...and also...I think that what evolved was my body...I don't remember too much but Gero mentioned something about this...
Recovery Girl:You better get out of your mind and go back to class
(Y/N):You are right,it would be better not to worry my classmates
(Y/N) took his things and walked back to his classroom
(Y/N):Apparently I was wrong...I don't have a quirk...all this power I had was just part of my body...something I could do without the need for a quirk...*Sigh*...
(Y/N) stopped and looked at the ground. Tears began to fall down her cheeks
(Y/N):I don't want to do it...I refuse that this is my destiny but more and more I realize...that I am only a weapon...I was only created in order to destroy the heroes...
(Y/N) squeezed his hands very tightly
(Y/N):But I don't want...I don't want to do that...I want to have my way...I have realized many things...things that no one had ever thought about before...I know that at some point my whole past will be revealed and that they will all know that the son of the Symbol Of Evil...that I was born to fulfill the goal of destroying the society of heroes...just a weapon of unimaginable power...I am afraid of what people will think of they will only think that I am just a weapon...they will all start to hate me...but at least I want to do something right...
(Y/N):Before everything turns against me...that will be my destroy the Symbol Of Evil...destroy my father....that bastard...he does not deserve a place on this planet!...thanks to him...and many people just like him...there is no peace in this world...he only takes advantage of people who have been abandoned by society...taking them to a hole that they will never get out of...just to fulfill his whims...
(Y/N) went to the boys' bathroom,he used the sink to wash his face,then looked in the mirror.
(Y/N):Maybe what Shroom said was matter what you do...the past is not so easily forgotten and it is not so easily forgiven...but...that doesn't matter now...I know that the moment will come when I will have to face my father...but at least...I also want to change this something better...if I'm going to die...I plan to take my father with me to hell.
After classes finished,(Y/N) was flying around town trying to clear his mind,it had already turned dark
(Y/N):*Sigh*...I have already forgotten almost half of my past but I am sure that those dark memories will return at some point...forgetting everything that happened is not going to solve anything...I guess I'll have to accept all this
(Y/N) kept flying until the top of a building he could see Piccolo sitting on the edge of that building. He flew to where he was,landing behind him
(Y/N):Hey Piccolo!
(Y/N):I hadn't seen you in a long time,since what happened with the Hero Killer. I can see you didn't get in trouble with the police
Piccolo:Endeavor covered my back with the police
(Y/N):Endeavor covered Piccolo's back?...what reason is there for Endeavor to do that with Piccolo?
Piccolo:Tell me,what do you want to forget?
(Y/N):Huh? What are you talking about?
Piccolo:Just so you know I have super hearing... sit down and tell me what happens to you. From what I see you can't talk about your problems with just anyone
(Y/N):...Okay,this is scaring me a lot,can you really do all that?
Piccolo:And much more...but as I said before,I am not on the side of the villains or the heroes,I only help when it is really tell me your problems
(Y/N) sat next to Piccolo looking at the city lights
(Y/N):*Sigh* I don't know how to start with all this but I guess I have this giant fear that everyone will find out who I really am
Piccolo:Of everyone finding out that you are the son of All For One?
(Y/N):Yep,you know him?
Piccolo:Yes,long ago he was Japan's worst villain... but in a world could say that he was dangerous but no totally,because of other villains out there
(Y/N):Were there villains more dangerous than my father?
Piccolo:Yes,even though All For One uses his powers to help people,he did it for other reasons,he made them submit to him and if they did not accept they were purged...but the villains that I referred to were completely different.
(Y/N):In what sense?
Piccolo:They had no morals,they didn't care about anyone. Those villains from before did worse crimes than your father may have even thought...I still have memories of those moments...they destroyed entire families,cities,they just liked to destroy and nothing else. Two caused the scientists of the world to fear for their lives,It was because of those two villains that the I-Island was created
(Y/N):I had no...idea about that
Piccolo:It was a dark past,something that society decided to forget. The dust of what were once people flew through the air,many people disappeared and the only thing left were their clothes,scientists being murdered in cold blood just to steal their inventions...humanity suffered too much because of those few villains
(Y/N):G-God...and how was it that those villains were defeated? from how you described them it seems they were invincible
Piccolo:It was a slow process but with better results than expected...there was even a villain that one of his quirks was to absorb energies from other living beings,no matter where in the world you were,your energy was going to be clan were the ones who helped defeat that villain
Piccolo:Some time ago there were so-called clan,they were places where a race was born with certain quirks but these were extinguished because of these villains,they were three clans which attracted a lot of attention. I think I already told you about the Dragon Balls,two villains were very interested in the Dragons Balls and we had to do something...hiding them was not an option so we took a very extreme method...thanks to that my entire race disappeared
(Y/N):I'm sorry about that
Piccolo:Don't worry,thanks to that we managed to defeat about three villains who threatened to destroy everything...there was another villain who was worrisome...but I managed to defeat him anyway.
(Y/N):What about the other clans? you said there were three
Piccolo:I do not have enough details but some fell because of the villains,if I remember correctly those clans drew attention because one had quite powerful quirks and others that their fighting techniques could say perfect,besides the fact that they were very intelligent,this clan formed good relations with the other clans.. I have no idea how but one of those clans...all its people were massacred...and the other one...nothing was left...not even a little dust from that far as I knew one of the villains killed all that of the clans managed to survive...but from one day to another...they disappeared completely.......Heh! did you like the history class? we were talking about you and I end up explaining something that very few people know
(Y/N):The truth is that it was very interesting...I did not know that there were villains more powerful than my father...I think that is the main reason why I was created
Piccolo:You're stupid. You helped someone to form their own path and you cannot help yourself?
Piccolo:Shiyori Todoroki,you helped her begin to create her own way and avoid the path that Enji...Endeavor wanted. Do you really believe that your destiny in life is to be a weapon for a megalomaniac psychopath? Right now you have been behaving very differently from what your father would do,you helped that girl to free herself the shackles that hold her back from using her quirk from her. You went to help that blue haired girl and made her think what she had been doing was stupid. You went to help her without a second thought and I can assume that most of your class see you as an inspiration. I'll ask you the same question again,do you really believe that your destiny in life is to be a weapon for a megalomaniac psychopath?
(Y/N):N-No...I don't want that to be my destiny...but every time I think about it...I was created with that goal-
Piccolo:But it is not your goal! it's your life and you know how you handle it...I know it's hard for a child...not having a real family...but you have friends,people who care about you
At that moment (Y/N) started crying
(Y/N):B-But...*Sob*...I am afraid...afraid of losing them all once they know that I am the son of one of the worst villains that ever existed*Sob*...I always wanted to have something like this...and I'm afraid i'll lose them all once they find out the truth!
Piccolo quickly started hugging (Y/N) and stroking his hair. (Y/N) returned the hug
(Y/N):I know it's selfish of me...but I always wanted to have something like this...a life...and not what I had before
Piccolo:...If your friends turn their backs on you...were they even friends?
Piccolo:You've been there for your classmates,your friends,and your girlfriends,haven't you? Why would they turn their back on you once you've done so much for them? and if they are intelligent then they will know that the sins of the parents do not go into the hands of their children. They love you,right? do they consider you their friend? If so,then why do you worry about your friendship breaking? calm down,that's not going to happen...
(Y/N)'re right...I know them all very well...they would never think of turning their back on someone who helped them...I hope so...after all of them they will be future heroes
Piccolo:See,you were worrying about only meet the goal that you set for yourself and not anyone else's
(Y/N):...Thanks Piccolo...I was trying to encourage myself before but...I think I was not even sure of my own words...that I was just lying to myself...but you really helped a lot right now
Piccolo:It's nothing,I was listening to you depressed so I wanted to cheer you up. Now get out of here,tomorrow you have classes
(Y/N):Heheh yeah...bye Piccolo...and thanks
That was the last thing (Y/N) said before leaving. Piccolo turned to see (Y/N) flying in the direction of his home,he started to smile
Piccolo:That boy...I am impressed that he has not become a psychopath.
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