Chapter 13 - Hero Killer's Aftermath


Shiyori:Could you sleep last night?

Izumi:No,not really

Shiyori:Me either

Right now I/Izumi/Shiyori and Tenri were in Hosu General Hospital after our confrontation with the Hero Killer.

Izumi:Looking back now...what we did was incredible!


Izumi:And after our last ditch effort...I'd say...its a miracle we're still alive. Looking at my leg,I think that he could've killed me if he'd wanted to

Shiyori:Yeah,we were obviously left alive on purpose. You're amazing to have been able to face him after all the murderous intent directed at you

Tenri:Not really.I...

The door then slides open as Gran Torino and Manual comes in

Gran Torino:It's good to see the little wounded warriors are awake! kid,I would like to give you a great sermon

Izumi:I-I'm sorry...

Gran Torino:But right now you have a visitor

Gran Torino said as someone else entered the room

Gran Torino:He is Hosu's chief of police,Kenji Tsuragamae

Tsuragamae:And I guess you are the U.A students who captured the Hero Killer *Woof*

(Y/N):Yep! that's right. How is he? After the beating he took, I don't think he's in good condition.

Tsuragamae:The captured Hero Killer is in critical condition with burns and fractures and he's receiving treatment under strict guard. For this very reason,I am here to tell you something very serious about your actions. You must know,as U.A students,that before superpowers became the norm,police placed high regard on leadership and standard and decided that "quirks" should not be used as "weapons" and the heroes,emerges as a profession to fill that gap. The use of personal armed force and strength that can easily kill someone,such things that would normally be condemned,has been publicly accepted because the predecessors have upheld the morals and are not certified,yet you used your quirks without instruction from a guardian and caused injury to others. Even if the opponent was the Hero Killer,this is complete violation of the rules...besides the four of you,the pro heroes Endeavor,Manual and Gran Torino...the seven of you must receive strict punishment


Shiyori:B-But that...

(Y/N):That's totally unfair! If it weren't for us the Hero Killer would still be on the streets killing heroes!

Tsuragamae:I'm sorry but those are the rules,those same rules you...

(Y/N):I don't give a shit about the rules! If people are dying or getting hurt I will intervene no matter what!

Tsuragamae:You would put your life in the middle

(Y/N):That's right and I would do it a million times if I could! If my sacrifice would save a million lives then I would do it in a heartbeat!

Tsuragamae looked intently at me only for him to smile and laugh.

(Y/N):What's so funny?

Tsuragamae:It's not that...I'm happy to see that the future generation of heroes is so promising, if I asked that same question to some heroes now,they would take a few seconds to answer. You did it without a second thought and comforts me,being a hero has a greater depth than you think...everything I said before is the official opinion of the police and the punishment is only if this is made public,If it's made public,the public will no doubt praise you but punishment would be inevitable,this may sound unfair,but if it's not made public,the burns on Hero Killer will lead giving all credit to Endeavor....thankfully,there aren't very many witnesses,this violation could stay just between us but no one will ever know of your bold judgments or achievements...which do you prefer? as for me,I don't want to criticize youths with a promising future,just for one mistake

Manual:Either way,we will need to take responsibility for being negligent in our supervisory duties

Tenri looked at Manual and approached him,she bowing her head to him

Tenri:I'm sorry!

Manual gave Tenri a gentle karate chop on her head

Manual:Yes,you caused trouble for other that you know,don't do it again


Gran Torino looked towards Izumi,she bowed to him

Izumi:I-I'm really sorry

Shiyori:Me too,sorry

Tsuragamae:Well,that's all I had to say...and see,please take care,you guys are more promising than you think. I will look forward to your debut as official heroes.

Tsuragamae said and then gave us a thumbs up before leaving.

After the chief's visit we stayed for another day in the hospital. Me making sure Izumi/Shiyori and Tenri were okay. 

The news of Hero Killer's defeat and arrest spreads like wildfire throughout Japan. It was the only thing that could be seen on the news and in the newspapers. All my classmates were worried about what happened so I called Ochako to tell her that things are quiet for now and not to worry too much about us.

Ochako:Long as you guys are and Todoroki...I got super worried when Deku sent nothing but her address

(Y/N):Yeah,I think sending an image without context and the address didn't help the situation much but it all ended well. It's better that no one else gets hurt

Ochako:Yeah..take it easy for now! I'll hear about the rest later

(Y/N):Alright...I'll see you at school,sweetie ~

Ochako:A-Ah!...I-I-I-I...g-gotta go! bye!!

The call ended,I started to laugh

(Y/N):Teasing this girl is quite fun heheh

I put my phone in my pocket and went back to the room where the others were. Once I opened the door I could only see Tenri in the room,she was looking at a piece of paper with something written on it.

(Y/N):Something happens?

Tenri:...A-Apparently...we were wrong with the Hero Killer

(Y/N):W-What do you mean?

Tenri:My family sent me the last report of my brother,I told them that I wanted to know the current status of my brother at all times...a-apparently...w-what left him incapacitated was due to a sharp..curved object

(Y/N):...W-Wait...The Hero Killer didn't have a curved sword or some...

In that moment the realization hit me like a damn truck

Tenri:The person who seriously hurt my brother...was not the Hero Killer...was Shroom!

Tenri said while crumpling the paper. I approached her but she quickly began to hug me

Tenri:I went for the wrong person...with the intention of killing it!

(Y/N):It's okay,'s were blinding with anger and revenge...but I hope you think things through now

Tenri:...Yeah,you're right...because of my thirst for revenge I went for the wrong person...I may have killed a person who had nothing to do with this matter...I must not do that again...and also...I know that Shroom would finish me without wasting time

(Y/N):See,right now you're thinking better of things. Do not believe what the Hero Killer can be a hero,each one learns through experience and right now you are doing it

Tenri:You're right...thank you very much for being there for me,(Y/N)...I don't know how to thank you

(Y/N):You have nothing to thank me for,Tenri

I said while putting my hand on her shoulder. She looked into my eyes and unexpectedly she started kissing me. This apparently took me and her unexpectedly

Tenri:S-S-Sorry!! that no...that clearly wasn't something...I-I...

Tenri started to get very nervous,I took her hand. This helped her relax a bit.

(Y/N):Don't be nervous,that short kiss was good


(Y/N):And don't think I'm going to deny your feelings. You are too cute to do it

Tenri blushed as she looked away. I gave her a kiss on her lips which she accepted

(Y/N):Go rest for now. I have some things to do

Tenri:O-Okay...please take care


I said goodbye to Tenri and left the hospital. I started taking a long walk thinking about everything that had happened

(Y/N):Shroom was clearly behind all of this...negative energy,just what Piccolo had mentioned but...what wish does he want so that he needs negative energy? many unanswered questions...

I went to a nearby park and sat there feeling how the wind passed by my face. I closed my eyes trying to clear my mind until I felt someone touch my shoulder. I opened my eyes only to see that there was no one around

(Y/N):Huh? I'm sure I felt someone behind me

Toru:You are not wrong


I jumped off the bench when I heard Toru in front of me

(Y/N):T-Toru?! s-shit! you freaked me out

Toru:Sorry heheh 

Now that I could see Toru better,I could see how she was wearing casual clothes

Toru:By the way,are you okay?! Uraraka told me that you/Iida/Todoroki and Midoriya were attacked by the Hero Killer

(Y/N):Well,I have a regeneration quirk so I'm pretty much fine. Tenri/Izumi and Shiyori are still in the hospital recovering

Toru:It's good that you guys are safe and sound

(Y/N):Same the way,are you busy right now?

Toru:Nop! my intership just ended and I'm taking a break

(Y/N):Great,I don't have much to do right now so you want to go for a walk? I really want to clear my mind right now

Toru:Like a date?~

(Y/N):Heheh if you want we can turn it into a date

Toru:I'd love to!

Toru approached me and took me by the hand

(Y/N):Where do you want to go?

Toru:Hmm surprise me!

I nodded and we both left the park for a walk around town. Due to the Hero Killer some stores were closed so the options were not many but at least there was a shopping center open. We both went there and I could see how Toru started to get excited

(Y/N):I can see that you like shopping

Toru:Yeah heheh,I like to see what kinds of things the stores sell but what I love the most is buying plushies and other cute things!

(Y/N):So let's take a walk through the shops and then we can go get something to eat


Toru this time hug my arm and we both started visiting each store in the shopping center. Mainly she looked at a wide variety of clothes while buying almost all the cute plushies that she saw.

(Y/N):I know you like this but you should control yourself a bit when buying so many plushies

Toru:Don't worry,I know how much money to spend and also I couldn't say no to so many cute plushies!

Toru said while hugging a plushie of a blue cat

(Y/N):Well,unfortunately we haven't had the whole day to spend together so let's eat something and take a walk before saying goodbye.

Toru didn't say anything so I just assumed she nodded her head. After eating something in one of the food stalls that were in the place,me and Toru left the shopping center to walk around the city seeing how it was already getting dark

Toru:Is it getting dark already? awww! I wanted to spend more time with you

(Y/N):...You know,maybe the little time we have left we can spend seeing something wonderful.

Toru:Oh yeah? What is that wonderful that you say?

(Y/N):First of all,it will be better if you hold on tight to me

Toru got behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck,she held on tight to me. I began to rise into the air slowly so that Toru wouldn't get too scared. Once we were high in the air and began to fly across the city

Toru:Woah! Seeing everything from up here is wonderful,is this what you always see when you fly?

(Y/N):Yeah,when I'm bored or stressed I always start flying around the city,this always helps me to relax

Toru:This is incredible,the truth is that this was a very fun date although it was somewhat short,you do not know how happy it makes me spend time with you

(Y/N):The truth is that I must also thank you too,Toru. After what happened with the Hero Killer my mind was in chaos...but hangout with you helped me to relax and have a great time,thanks

Toru:You can always count on me,(Y/N)

Toru said as she gave me a kiss on my cheek. I smiled as I kept flying,the happiness that right now I had inside of me is immense

[A Few Days Later]

(Y/N):*Yawn* it's good to come back to this place

I said as I crossed the school gate,at the entrance I could see Tsu 

(Y/N):Hey Tsu! 

Tsu:Uh? hey (Y/N)! *Kero*

(Y/N):How was your internship?

Tsu:It was interesting,I was able to help against a villain

(Y/N):That's surprising,but you already have a bit of experience with villains from before.

Tsu:T-The U.S.J...y-yeah

Tsu said that while blushing,this confused me a bit

(Y/N):What's wrong? You started to blush when you mentioned the U.S.J

Tsu:It's just that...I remembered something that happened there...

(Y/N):What thing? tell me,I also want to know

Tsu:...I-I-I...I always remember...that moment when you saved my life

Now I remember,I put myself in the middle of her to prevent Homura from using her quirk 

Tsu:And I think...that I could never thank you for doing that

(Y/N):You have nothing to thank me for,I did what any hero would do

Tsu:...B-But...from that day on...I...b-began...i-is nothing,sorry for...

Tsu said this while blushing even more. I put my hand on her cheek making her look me in the eye

(Y/N):Please,tell me...

I said softly

Tsu:E-Ehm...that I-I...started to develop...f-feelings for you...

(Y/N):Heh that was all I wanted to hear

I smiled and brought my face close to Tsu,she began to smile and tears began to fall down her cheeks once she felt my lips on hers. Tsu stood on tiptoe trying to put her arms around my neck but instead she jumped on me and wrapped her legs around my waist

Tsu put her hands on my neck deepening in the kiss,I felt how she put her tongue inside my mouth and wrapped it around my tongue,it was a strange sensation but not unpleasant at all. 

The kiss lasted for several seconds until we both separated due to lack of air.

Tsu:You don't know how long I was waiting for this...t-that was m-my first k-kiss...

(Y/N):A-And there is still a little time and no one is let's make the best of our time~

We both kissed again,I started to lower my hands grabbing Tsu's butt causing her to start moaning into the kiss. Our kiss began to heat up the moment we both began to run our hands over each other's body. We both had to break the kiss abruptly when we heard several students approaching the school gate,I put Tsu back on the floor.

(Y/N):Don't you think we're not moving very fast?

Tsu:I don't mind moving so fast or so slow in our relationship

(Y/N):Heheh okay but...If you want this to reach another level,it will be better to do it in a more private place...and so maybe you can show me what else you can do with that tongue~

I said whispering into her ear,we both continued walking towards the class to avoid some suspicions. She hugged my arm,putting it between her breasts. She did this while having a cute smile on her face

I pat her head getting a giggle from her

(Y/N):You're so cute

We both made it to the classroom. Tsu let go of my arm and gave me a kiss on the cheek before going to her desk. I went to mine and when I sat down,Katsumi approached me and sat on my lap

Katsumi:Hey handsome~

(Y/N):...Hey beautiful~ I was hoping to see you again

Katsumi:Same here,are you okay? I heard about that Hero Killer asshole,he didn't hurt you,did he?

(Y/N):No,of course not,I'm fine but tell me,how was your intership?

Katsumi:L-Let's not talk about it!...I wanted to know if you know,have a date...and then~...

I gulped as I felt her hand land on my crotch and give it a gentle squeeze earning a moan from me,luckily no one could hear me

Katsumi:Take things a little further~

Katsumi said in a whisper. I put my hands on her hips and started to move them down her skirt, I slipped my hand under her skirt feeling her panties,she bit her lower lip trying not to moan in the middle of the room.

(Y/N):I would love to spend some quality time with you,Katsumi.~

Katsumi:I'm liking this more and more~

Katsumi got up from my lap and gave me a kiss on my cheek, she went to her desk and at that instant I could feel someone hug me from behind as I felt two big soft things pressing against my back.

Eiji:It's good that you are alive,that you are all alive

(Y/N):I suppose you are referring to what happened with the Hero Killer.

Sero:We heard what happened

Almost everyone approached me

Momo:I was very worried,especially about you

Sato:Endeavor came to the rescue,right?

Toru:I'm very skeptical about that,(Y/N) is very strong,he could defeat the Hero Killer easily

(Y/N):E-Ehm...e-eeeehhh...well,Endeavor came to the rescue but I helped him get some citizens out of the place,he did all the work

Eiji:But for me you are still the best hero! 

Eiji said while hugging me more tightly,bringing me closer to her breasts

Ojiro:I've heard that the Hero Killer and the League of Villains are connected,it scares me a lot to think that someone like him would have come to the U.S.J

Denka:He's scary but did you see that video? seeing that,you can see how he's really single minded and,like,tenacious. Doesn't it almost make you think AAAAAHHHHH!

Kyoka,using her earphone jack,electrocuted Denka to stop her from talking too much

Kyoka:I think you should shut your mouth knowing that "someone" is listening!


Tenri:N-No,it's fine...I understand how people could think he's cool but he chose purging as a result of his beliefs,no matter what he thinks,that part is definitely wrong. In order to keep anyone else from turning out like me,I will once again walk on the path to becoming a hero!!...but the class is about to start! everyone to your seats!

Tokoyami:So noisy

Kyoka:It's all Kaminari's fault,she started talking about weird stuff



After classes and part of a training session with Toshiko were over,she called me and Izumi to the break room to talk about a very important topic. We both didn't know what she was referring to but I think I already had a clue where the conversation could go.

Toshiko:Take a seat

We nodded and sat in front of her

Toshiko:You two had a tough time,huh? I'm sorry I wasn't any help

(Y/N):It's nothing for you to apologize for

Toshiko:I heard the hero killer lick your blood,Midoriya

Izumi:That's right. His quirk could paralyze anyone just by consuming a little of their blood.

Toshiko:I see...when I granted you my you remember what I said that day?

Izumi:Yes..."Eat this"

Toshiko:No,not that part. I said that it didn't matter what it was as long as you took in my DNA.

Izumi got up from her seat very worried

Izumi:Th-Then don't tell me,the h-hero killer has One For All now?!

(Y/N):One For All cannot be transferred to anyone unless the bearer wishes it. It cannot be stolen by force. It can be transferred by force though

Toshiko:Exactly. I knew you would remember the explanation I told you,(Y/N) but I wasn't sure if I explained everything to you,Midoriya. It's a unique quirk...with a unique origin story...because One For All was originally derived from a different quirk altogether

I clenched my fists knowing what was coming,basically Toshiko explained the whole origin of quirks and how they changed society...until she reached that point

Toshiko:All For One..he named himself after his power...

I gulp the moment I hear...about my father

Izumi:But how's this connected to One For All?

Toshiko:All For One can steal quirks but it can also give quirks. With that ability,he could instill trust to others...or at least get them to submit. However,the loaf was too much to bear for those who received it. Many would end up becoming mere puppets,unable to speak. 

(Y/N):Just like the Nomu...

Toshiko:Yes...on the other hand,there were cases of quirks that were modified and mixed,due to being transferred to others. He had a quirkless younger brother. The younger brother was petite and frail,but he had a strong sense of justice...


At that moment my eyes widened in surprise at hearing all this.

(Y/N):...I...had an uncle?...

I squeezed my hands imagining the fate that my uncle possibly had when he perhaps faced my father. It doesn't matter who you are...he won't let anyone get in his way...

Toshiko:But the older brother gave his younger brother a power sticker quirk by force...we still dont know...whether that was out of kidness or if it was to force the brother to submit...the younger brother who was thought to be quirkless,actually had one in him. One that he,nor those around him,could recognize...a meaningless quirk that only grants quirk to others. A quirk that stocks power and the quirk that grants to others miced together. This is the origin of One For All

(Y/N):...ironic,justice always comes forth from evil.

Toshiko got up from her seat and walked to the window of the room,Izumi did the same but I just sat there listening to the rest of the story.

Toshiko:One For All is power inherited to defeat All For One,so to speak. You may one day have to fight against this great evil...this is harsh on you,but-

Izumi:I'll do my best! I'll do whatever you ask of me,no matter what it is! As long as you're with me,I can do anything!


Toshiko and Izumi turned around to see me,both very surprised by my sudden reaction.

(Y/N):I'm sorry but...that's not going to happen...I'm sorry but...that not for you two...

I took my things and left the room very angry.

(Y/N):Years of pain...years of suffering...just created to be a weapon of mass destruction...saying nice things just to manipulate me...the person who's going to kill that bastard....will be me!! I won't let anyone else get hurt thanks to that bastard!!...damn it!!

I left the school and was about to cross the gate until I stopped. I began to breathe deeply until I calmed down a bit.

(Y/N):...*Sigh*...Just calm down...this will end the same as with Tenri...just don't do something stupid...why?...what the hell happened?...why did everything have to change this way? mother...she was a total bitch and deserved to die...but my father...h-he...

Before I could continue with my thoughts,I heard someone muttering behind me very angrily. I turned around to see Katsumi quite angry for some reason,if there was a reason.



(Y/N):What's wrong? you look more upset than normal

Katsumi:Tsk! it's just that I wanted to hang out with you but my...mother ugh! she wants to meet you

(Y/N):Oh! come on,Katsumi,don't be upset,we can have our date some other time.

Katsumi:Tsk! we could have spent time alone if it weren't for that old hag!...sorry for this,she really wants to meet you and verify...that you won't break my heart or some shit like that

(Y/N):I would never do something like that

Katsumi:I know...

Katsumi smiled and she hugged my arm putting it in the middle of her cleavage

Katsumi:I love you

(Y/N):And I love you too...nowlet's go to your house,so that your mother is sure that I will never break your heart

Katsumi nodded and we both walked towards her house.

Katsumi sighed but after a few seconds nodded,we both walked towards her house talking mainly about her mother on the way,sshe told me...some pretty personal things about her,it seemed that Katsumi had too much confidence in me to tell me all those things about her mother.

After a few minutes we both arrived at her house,she knocked on the door and after a few seconds it opened to reveal a woman very similar to Katsumi.

???:You're actually real!

Katsumi:Yeah,he's my boyfriend!

Katsumi said very defensively

(Y/N):Come on Katsumi,calm down,it's a pleasure to meet you Ms Bakugo

Mitsuki:Wow,you are completely different from my troublesome daughter. Nice to meet you,Dear,I'm Mitsuki Bakugo


(Y/N):Being honest,right now I can see why Katsumi is so beautiful~

Mitsuki:Oh you,come in

We both came in. I took a look around Katsumi's house, I could tell that most of the pictures there were of her and her mother only,her father was not in any of them.

Mitsuki:Please have a seat

I nodded and we both sat on the couch in the room,Mitsuki sat on the other couch across from us.

Mitsuki:I'm surprised that Katsumi someone as calm as you,I think you know that she has to be very "explosive"

Katsumi:What did you say,Old hag?!

Mitsuki:You hear me,brat!

(Y/N):H-Hey come on chill we're here to get to know each other,not yell at each other


Katsumi pouted as she buried her face in my chest,I started stroking her hair making her smile

Mitsuki:Awww I can see you already know how to control Katsumi better than I have ever tried

Katsumi blushed as she began to clench her teeth and fists as her mother began to embarrass her

Mitsuki:Tell me,do you want to stay for dinner? we can continue talking



[Third Person-POV]

While (Y/N) was getting to know Katsumi's mother much better. In another place was Hitomi Shinso walking through the streets of the city while she looked at her phone,not realizing that she was about to collide with someone else.


???:A-Auch!...A-Agh! my back

Hitomi put away her phone and quickly helped the person who had fallen to the ground.

Hitomi:Crap! sorry pops

???:I-It's okay,I can't blame the kids with their technology,if it were me I'd still be the same as you heheh

Hitomi helped the old man get up from the ground

???:Oh! you are that girl from the festival,Hitomi Shinso

Hitomi:Yes it is

???:Nice to meet you young lady. You did very well at that festival. Your quirk is very impressive,brainwashing,I guess you use that quirk like a hero

Hitomi:I think so. For that I enrolled in the I know you from somewhere? you look a little familiar

???:Oh! I guess you can say that I am a bit famous,I am the founder of Jaku General Hospital. Sure,my achievements are nowhere near that of my older brother,but at least I am proud of what I accomplished. Maybe I should stop there,this old man usually gets lost when he tells his stories and maybe you don't want to get bored. I have to go,I have a lot of people to attend to right now,good luck in your classes,young lady. Take care of yourself

Hitomi:You too....

Hitomi stepped aside letting the old man continue on his way.

Hitomi:That was kinda weird...

She continued on her way,ignoring the strangeness of the situation.

???:Heheh you have a very powerful quirk Hitomi Shinso

Hitomi unfortunately did not know that she had run into a very dangerous person,Dr Gero

Dr Gero:Brainwashing...this will serve a lot for the future

Dr Gero thought while he saw how in the palm of his hand there was a red gem,this gem showed the image of Hitomi which began to slowly disappear

[Back With (Y/N) - (Y/N)-POV]

Mitsuki:Seriously? that doesn't totally sound my daughter

(Y/N):Yeah I guess that's the first impression Katsumi gives but once you meet her you know she's a very sweet girl

Right now I was alone with Mitsuki because Katsumi decided to go to her room to change her clothes.

Mitsuki:It's good to see that my daughter found...someone who really loves her

Mitsuki said with a bit of sadness in her words. I decided to ask a question that has been on my mind for the last few minutes.

(Y/N):Excuse me,Ms Bakugo,I've been wondering...where is your husband? I have seen the pictures on your wall and I have been able to see that there are only you and Katsumi

Mitsuki:...*Sigh* we separated a long time ago,we were not on bad terms,only love was over,neither of us took each other into account and we saw that this relationship was not going anywhere,I decided to take care of Katsumi...I haven't heard from my ex husband for a long time

(Y/N):S-Sorry for hearing that,maybe I shouldn't have asked that

Mitsuki:Don't worry,it's not your fault...It is for that reason that I want to give you a little warning...if you dare to hurt my daughter...

(Y/N):You don't have to threaten me,Ms Bakugo,I love Katsumi,I really mean it...and I'll be honest,if someone else dares to hurt her...that person will have to run too fast to escape from me

Mitsuki:Heheh it's good to hear that,I don't want her to go through the same

I saw Mitsuki trying to put on a happy face but I clearly knew that telling that had hurt her. I sat next to her and took her by her hands making her look me in the eyes

(Y/N):I assure you that I will not let Katsumi go through the same and I am sorry that you have had that experience,a woman as beautiful and great as you should not feel like this,I assure you that you will be able to find someone who will love you again. I assure

Mitsuki:...O-Oh! (Y-Y/N) such moving you really think I'm still beautiful at my age?

(Y/N):Well of course,you really are beautiful,any man would kill to be with...

At that moment Mitsuki began to hug me,I ignored the fact that her huge breasts were in my face and return the hug

Mitsuki:Thank you very much,(Y/N),you really are a great boyfriend to my daughter...and who knows,maybe a great husband~

(Y/N):Heheh we'll see about that~ although I wouldn't mind coming here to talk to you either~

Mitsuki:Oh!~ so you also want to include the mother

(Y/N):I wouldn't mind making a woman like you happy~

At that moment I heard Katsumi come down the stairs,she was dressed in a more informal way

Katsumi:You two kiss yet?

Mitsuki:He's your boyfriend,dear. Not mine

Katsumi:Yeah,like you two weren't about to devour each other

Mitsuki:Don't think such things but anyway,it's time to make dinner,(Y/N),will you stay for dinner?

(Y/N):I'd love to

Mitsuki nodded happily and she went to the kitchen to make the dinner. At that moment Katsumi took my hand and dragged me into another room of the house.

Katsumi:First let me finish everything I'm going to say. I heard you talking to my mother


Katsumi:L-Look!...can you make my mom fall for you?

(Y/N):...I...did not expect that...You want us to...become a couple?

Katsumi:Yeah...she's lonely and I know better than anyone how much she deserves love. I know this sounds stupid but I know how happy you make me and the truth is...I want my mother to be just as happy as me,I'd rather you be that person who makes her happy than some random bastard...please...

(Y/N):I...It's okay,I'll do it. I will make your mother happy just like you

Katsumi:Thank you

We both shared a short kiss and went back with Mitsuki,I helped her with dinner.

Mitsuki:Thank you very much for your help but it was not necessary

(Y/N):It's nothing,as you welcome me with open arms to your home. The best I can do is help you

Mitsuki:That's...really kind of you

(Y/N):If you need my help just tell me

I said as I put my hand on hers,Mitsuki blushed and looked away as she put her other hand on her cheek.

The three of us sat at the table and began to talk about any topic in general just to avoid any awkward silence, during our conversation I did not overlook the fact that both Katsumi and Mitsuki were getting closer and closer to me, so much so that I could feel their breasts pressed against my arms,I guess you could say that my stay at Katsumi's house was totally welcome,but it was time to leave.

Katsumi:Do you really have to leave so early?

(Y/N):Yeah, we have school tomorrow and I'm not a person who wakes up very easily. I'll see you at school tomorrow,Katsumi. Goodbye

I said goodbye to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

Mitsuki:Be careful on the way and come back soon

(Y/N):I sure will,thank you so much for dinner,Mitsuki

I approached Mitsuki and said goodbye to her with a kiss on her cheek. I could see how she started to blush


I walked away from Katsumi's house and then started flying to get to Toshiko's house faster. The trip there only took me a few minutes of flying until I landed at the door of her home, I was about to put my hand on the doorknob until the door opened to reveal Toshiko in her True Form. She looked quite upset and worried

Toshiko:Would you mind explaining to me why you acted that way?

(Y/N):You are angry?

Toshiko:No,I just want to know why you acted that worried me

(Y/N):...I'm's just...Izumi is still young and facing you described it,All For One worries me...that's all

I lied,I didn't want to tell her the truth,the truth that I am the son of the Symbol of Evil...I know this is selfish of me and things could only get worse but...I don't want to lose all this,friends,girlfriends...a life...something that was impossible for me to get before.

Toshiko:I'm sorry...I know it's a big burden for Young Midoriya but...she has to know what she's going to face...but...I didn't have the strength to tell her that I couldn't possibly be by her side

(Y/N):Don't worry,I'm sure you'll be by Izumi's side the moment you face All For One or she does...and I'll be there too...

I said while putting my hands on Toshiko's cheek

(Y/N):I will also be there to support Izumi and you in everything you need


Toshiko looked into my eyes as she slowly approached me. I also started to get closer to her and at one point we both started kissing. I was going to keep going until Toshiko back off

(Y/N):S-Something happens?

Toshiko:I-I just...I don't know if this is okay...Young Midoriya is in love with you and...this just makes me feel horrible


I took Toshiko's hands

(Y/N):I know about the feelings Izumi has towards me and you don't have to worry. I will not deny her feelings towards me,I just want her to trust them and achieve greater confidence in herself. I also know about how lonely you have been for most of your life...I just want to make you happy in that area

Toshiko:...I'm scared...scared that something will happen to you...that All For One...

(Y/N):Don't think about that bastard. He won't be able to do anything to me...I promise you,nothing will happen to me and besides that,I will make sure that nothing will happen to you and Izumi

Toshiko:I have lost important people in my life are you so sure of your words?

(Y/N):...Because I think I have what it takes to protect not just the two of you but all the people that I love...Toshiko...are you sure of...having a relationship?

Toshiko:...I have wanted to bury these feelings towards you in order to protect you...but I can't anymore...I love you so much that it hurts to deny my feelings towards you...

(Y/N):So don't suffer anymore...come here

I kissed Toshiko again and this time she returned the kiss. We both kissed for several seconds until I had the urge to move my head up. I opened my eyes to see how Toshiko was now in her muscle form.

Toshiko:...Let's take this to my room


I didn't have time to answer,Toshiko grabbed me by my arm and dragged me into her room...only one thing began to run through my mind

(Y/N):...A-Am I going to lose my the Symbol of Peace?!

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