Chapter 11 - Shroom's Plan & The Hero Killer
Aizawa:You all wear your costume,right? keep in mind that you cannot use them in public,don't drop them or something similar
Mina said as she lifted her case in the air with a big smile on her face
Aizawa:Try to be professional. Yes Ms,Ashido!
Mina:Y-Yes M-Ms...
Aizawa:Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes during your internship,now go
Everyone started to board the different trains which were waiting at the station,before she could leave I approached Tenri and put a hand on her shoulder.
Tenri:(Y/N)? is something wrong?
(Y/N):Tenri...If you ever feel hopeless,make sure you let me know. We're friends,right? and that of not get carried away by your feelings
Tenri gave me a smile
Tenri:Yeah! don't worry about it
Tenri said as she walked away
(Y/N):...*Sigh* she clearly did not take my words into consideration
Aizawa:(Y/N),you'd better hurry up if you don't want to be late for your Internship
(Y/N):It's okay,I didn't choose any
Aizawa:W-What?! why?!
(Y/N):Because...I don't want someone to take the blame for how reckless I'm going to do...
Aizawa:...*Sigh* Anyway,just try to learn something during this week somehow
(Y/N):Are you upset that I didn't take your internship?~
I said giving Aizawa a playful smile
Aizawa:T-That doesn't matter to me,I don't care if you accept it or not
(Y/N):There is no one around,Aizawa and we are not inside the school...I know you are in love with me,I could hear you the moment I left the infirmary
Aizawa:...Fuck! look,I know what I said is stupid and...
(Y/N):It doesn't sound stupid to me,do you think that I would reject your feelings?
I said as I approached her. Aizawa tried to hide her blush with her scarf
Aizawa:(Y/N) stop...this is not right
(Y/N):It will be worse if you keep repressing these feelings. I am not forcing you to do this,I am just saying that I will gladly accept your feelings and I assure you that no one will notice. I don't want you to lose your job
I approached her and hugged her from behind
(Y/N):So what is your answer?
Aizawa:...I guess...I'll give this a chance...I hope I don't regret this
(Y/N):I promise you won't
I grabbed her from her chin and slowly started to get closer to her. Aizawa did not turn back at any time,I could feel her lips touch mine until we began to kiss
I could feel how she ran her hands over my chest feeling my muscles through my uniform. I also passed more of her hands over her body feeling her curves. After a minute we both broke the kiss
Aizawa:...Are you sure don't want to have intership with me?
(Y/N):You don't need to make excuses just to spend some time alone,just ask~ But like I said,I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen...and I think you already know that I'm not someone who follows the rules so I don't want to cause problems for someone else,much less to you. See you later~
I said and then gave Aizawa a kiss on her lips and flew out of the train station. I flew for a few minutes until I reached the vicinity of the city of Hosu, there I landed on the roof of a store and opened my briefcase to see the new outfit that Mei had made for me,I saw a note lying on top of it,I picked it up and began to read it.
I hope you like the costume I made for you!
With love: Your future wife!
(Y/N):Hehe let's see how it is
I jumped off the roof of the store and landed gently on the ground and then saw my reflection in the store window.
(Y/N):Woaha! look at that handsome boy,Mei is great. I must thank her after this
???:Good style
I looked at the reflection of the person who had spoken to me,it was him
(Y/N):W-Wait! you are that guy! which I saw in that book!
???:And? Do you have to tell everyone that I appeared in a silly book?
(Y/N):S-Sorry! it's just that I wanted to know who you are. You don't look like a villain but I've never heard of you as a hero and the book in which you appeared did not have much information about you.
Piccolo:....My name is Piccolo and no,I am not a hero,much less a villain. I am only a person who helps when I see it necessary now
(Y/N):Oh! so you are like a vigilante
Piccolo:Maybe that's a more accurate definition but right now I'm busy
(Y/N):Doing what?
Piccolo looked me up and down like he was analyzing me.
Piccolo:...I can help me,have you seen some orbs with stars inside?
(Y/N):Hmmmm...orbs...orbs...oh! now I remember something similar,in the attack on the U.S.J. a villain named Shroom had an orb but it was black
Piccolo:Shroom huh...You were more useful than I thought. Do you know where he could be?
(Y/N):Hmmm...I really don't know/and I don't think Shroom is hiding in that old lab
Piccolo:Well at least you gave me useful information on who stole them
(Y/N):But what are those orbs? If you want I can also help you find them
Piccolo:And why should I trust you?
(Y/N):Hmmm...I don't have an argument right now but looking for it yourself will take a long time and Shroom is someone very dangerous. The times I met him,he was always one step ahead of me and if you have a problem I would like to help
Piccolo:...Well,I can see that you haven't lied to me about anything you've told me. I hope this stays between the two of us,okay? if anyone knows about this then it will create gigantic chaos in the world
Piccolo:Okay,those orbs I'm looking for are called Dragon Balls. It is important that I have them because these can grant any wish if you manage to get all the Dragon Balls
(Y/N):I see,so you want these Dragon Balls not to fall into the wrong hands
Piccolo:Not totally,you see,a long time ago the creator of the Dragon Balls died...protecting them,due to his death then the Dragon Balls turned into stone due to the lack of energy of the creator
(Y/N):...I see now,this is just a guess but Dragon Balls can absorb negative energy from people and their souls. If they manage to get a lot of energy then they can grant wishes again
Piccolo:Heheh you're very smart,boy. Yes,but there is a difference,negative energy is extremely powerful,a lot and as you can see the villains are becoming more recognized than a long time ago. The Hero Killer is on everyone's lips right now and if things continue like this then the orbs will be able to absorb more energy than ever. If they manage to get more energy than necessary then the Dragon Balls will grant more powerful wishes. That is why I am looking for the Dragon Balls
(Y/N):I see,if I see something like that then I'll let you know,I'm busy with something else right now
Piccolo:With what?
(Y/N):*Sigh* The brother of a friend of mine suffered an attack from the Hero Killer,I know she will do something very stupid so I try to be patrolling around Hosu City and help her in whatever she needs.
Piccolo:Hmmm...from what you told me it seems that she is looking for revenge,sorry for the words but that is something very selfish on her part other than stupid.
(Y/N):You think?
Piccolo:The Hero Killer has been in the news a lot lately,but long before the attack on Ingenium. She shouldn't do that for revenge but rather for the common good,although she still has a lot to learn from being a hero. but it's good to see that you'll be there for your friend...that's what a true hero would do...well I have to go,thanks for the information,I don't bother you anymore,bye
Piccolo said while walking away from me
(Y/N) no point did I mention that Ingenium was the one that was attacked.
[Third Person-POV]
Piccolo:So this is your son,huh? is good to see that he inherited his uncle's desire for justice and not his father's evilness and his mother's greed.
[Meanwhile in the League Of Villains' Hideout]
Stain:I get it,you are the guys who attacked the U.S.J...and now you want me to join you and your little gang
Homura:Exactly,when it refers to evil you are a pro
Stain:...And what're you after?
Homura:Well,we will kill All Might eventually but I also plan to destroy everything I don't like
Homura was about to take two pictures but instead she only showed Stain one which showed Izumi
Homura:Like this little brat for example!
Homura said very jealous,Stain glared at her very pissed off
Stain:You are a fool if you thought you had my interest there for a are the kind of people I hate the most
Stain said as he grabbed the handles of his two knives on his side
Stain:As if I'd team up whose leader is a little girl with tantrums. Haha bloodlust without conviction is meaningless
Kurogiri:Homura Shigaraki knows nothing but the urge to destroy. I thought it would be a good idea to invite the Hero Killer to help her mature and have a goal other than destruction...but apparently I was very wrong.../Master,should I stop them?
All For One:...I want to see how this ends
All For One said looking at everything through the monitor on the bar
All For One:I'm giving you two more chances,Homura...I hope you don't disappoint me more than necessary
All For One thought while next to him he will keep repeating the moment when (Y/N) was creating his attack,Planet Burst at the festival
All For One:So this feels like being a proud father...I hope it won't be long before you awaken your true power...when that happens nothing in this world will be able to overcome you,my son
All For One said while smiling
[Hosu City - With Tenri]
Manual:Usually I just walk around and wait for a call but lately...well this place has been pretty panicky
Tenri:Because the number of patrolmen have been dropping?
Right now Tenri was in her hero costume going on patrol with the Pro Hero Manual
Manual:That's right. Although it's nice to have Ingenium's little sister by my side
Tenri didn't answer,she had her thoughts on Stain
Tenri:The Hero Killer...a phantom that not even modern police have managed to capture...this may be in vain but I can't help but want to pursue him...beacuse I...can never forgive him
Tenri thought as she continued to patrol the streets. What she didn't know was that someone was watching her from the top of a building
Shroom:Heheh this has been very gratifying,people are in constant panic about The Hero Killer just like the heroes. This negative energy is enough
Shroom said as he took out an orb from his jacket and looked at it. He began to smile when he saw the appearance that the orb had taken
Shroom:One less,six to is a method that takes time but...the result will be pretty good...okay,now the reason I'm on this building...where the fuck is the closest KFP?
[Night - With (Y/N)]
(Y/N):Well...this is fucking weird!
(Y/N) said seeing as literally all the muscles in his arm began to move
(Y/N):What the hell is wrong with me? what the hell does this all mean?
He began to calm down a little as his muscles began to stop twitching.
(Y/N):I very much doubt that a doctor knows what is happening to me,at least it is not hurting me...but it is worrying to see your muscles twist like this.
(Y/N) continued walking through the dark streets of the city until he heard something fall to the ground followed by a groan of pain,he went to where he heard the sound and could see Izumi getting up from the ground in pain.
Izumi:A-Auch!...I thought I already had it
(Y/N):Can't you go five minutes without hurting yourself?
Izumi got up from the ground to see how (Y/N) was in front of her
(Y/N):Hey Izumi,how are you doing? you are training?
Izumi:Y-Yeah,something like that. I'm testing my new discovery about One For All
(Y/N):And I can see it's not going very well. What is that discovery?
Izumi:I am trying to use One For All as as a simple body function
(Y/N):...Yeah,that can work but not entirely...hmmmm...I think you still don't understand the real problem with One For All.
Izumi:So what is that problem? I have tried to find out but I have not been able in any way,not even the clues that Gran Torino has left me I can understand.
(Y/N):Well then I will tell you directly because I see that in the long run this will seriously damage your body. You are using all the power of One For All in a single part of your body. That's the problem. You better unleash a little of the power of One For All through your entire body. A certain percentage will be what is necessary so that you can handle it without the need to hurt yourself completely. Over time you will be able to unleash more of the power once you get used to it.
Izumi:...That is a great idea! I have to try it right now!!
(Y/N):Hey,hey,why don't you do it better tomorrow? it's getting late
Izumi:But I want to keep training
(Y/N):Izumi you are overexerting yourself very much. If you continue like this,the only thing you will achieve is extreme fatigue. Take a break,You still have several days of internship left
Izumi:I're right
(Y/N):Good,I'll go now. If possible I'll see you tomorrow...and by the way I like your new hero costume. It looks cooler than the other one you had
Izumi:Y-You t-think?
(Y/N):Yep!...good night
(Y/N) said as he approached Izumi and gave her a kiss on her cheek causing her entire face to turn red
(Y/N):Heheh good luck with your internship
(Y/N) said as he flew out of the place leaving Izumi alone. She put both hands on her chest feeling her heart beat fast
[League Of Villains' Hideout]
Stain:No matter what you want to accomplish,it is necessary to have conviction and desire. Those without it and those who are weak will be weeded out. It's only natural. That's why you're about to die
Stain said as he had Homura on the ground,stabbing her right shoulder with one of his daggers while another dagger pointed at her neck
Homura:Owww! strong. Kurogiri,take this guy back!
Kurogiri:I-I can't move my must be the hero killer's Quirk
Stain:This society is full of fake heroes. That word has lost its true meaning in this corrupt society. Criminals who aimlessly throw their weight around too. You are all my targets of my purge
Stain went to slice Homura's hand that was on her face but she grabbed the dagger and let it slowly decay between her fingertips
Homura:You really like to talk a lot...conviction? Nah! I don't have anything grand like that but if I have to say that it drives me when doing this...I feel like I really want to completely crush this society,where trash like that gets worshiped HAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Homura started laughing like crazy. She gripped the dagger with more force causing it to disintegrate. She tried to attack Stain but he jumped back avoiding Homura
Homura:My last injury was finally about to finish healing...we don't have a healer in our party,you know. Will you take responsibility for this?
Stain:Heh so that's who you are?
Stain:It seems our goals oppose each other. However,we do agree on one thing...destroy the status quo
Homura:...Get lost!! Go home and die. I'm the kind of person you hate the most,right?!
Stain:It's testing your sincerity. People are totally honest when they are about to die. You are an odd one but your will...I can see the seed of some warped conviction within you. I wonder what that seed will yield. It might not be too late to wait until after I've seen that to dispose of you
Homura:Are you gonna dispose of me? Kurogiri,I don't want someone this crazy asshole as a party member
Kurogiri:Homura Shigaraki he'll add so much needed firepower to our efforts
Shroom:Hey bitches!
Homura/Stain and Kurogiri looked at the bar door to see Shroom with a bucket of chicken wings
Shroom:That's my name. Look! I brought you some chicken wings, can eat,right? the way,what the hell happened here? I'm leaving for a few hours so you can talk to the Hero Killer and when I come back I see you have a stab in your the negotiations were a success or am I wrong?
Stain:The negotiations were successful. My business is done. Now,return me to Hosu. There are still things I must attend to there,several fake heros that must be killed
Shroom:I would recommend that you take a shower but I am nobody to judge.
Shroom created a portal with the help of his scythe,sending Stain back to Hosu. Shroom put the bucket on the table as he sighed and looked at Homura.
Shroom:So the deal was just a waste of time
Homura:You better shut your mouth before I-
Shroom:What? try to use your quirk on me? I want to see you try that
Homura:You asked for it!!
Kurogiri:Homura Shigaraki NO!!
Before Homura could move a single finger, Shroom had already harvested her soul causing her to fall to the ground extremely tired. Shroom turned around and placed his foot on Homura's back.
Shroom:Well,apparently things did not go as you asked heheh...huh?
Shroom could see a piece of paper next to Homura. He took the paper and could see it was a picture of (Y/N)
Shroom:Oh~ But what do we have here? A picture of (Y/N)~ I can see the reason why you haven't wanted to leave your room lately~ Haha!
Homura:Y-You better leave that where it was before!
Shroom:The Hero Killer said he was going to be in Hosu murdering some heroes...HAHAHAHAHA! but how great are the coincidences. I was thinking of going for (Y/N) right now,it's time for him to "die"
Homura:Don't you dare go near him! did you hear me?! do not kill him!!
Shroom:Huh? How funny,it's the first time I've heard you say that to someone. It is the first time you care about someone...apparently he is not only focused on his classmate but also on villains...I'll leave you with your little school romance...I have work to do...
Shroom said as he created another portal to Hosu and stepped through it leaving Homura and Kurogiri alone in the bar.
[The Next Day - (Y/N)-POV]
(Y/N):Well,it's been three days and I haven't seen anything strange...maybe the Hero Killer left this place
I said as I was sitting on the roof of a building looking around me,I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time.
(Y/N):5:00 PM...maybe it's time for me to go...but I'll wait a little longer
I lay on the edge of the roof looking at some messages Izumi had left me, the last one she had sent me was that she had sent a message to Tenri but she had only read it,so far she had not replied to it.
(Y/N):There is no doubt that she will go for the Hero Killer...if I'm not there to help her then...w-what?!
I got up from the ground to see something white jumping between the buildings and then landing on the train's bagon.
(Y/N):Is it... that's a!!...
(Y/N):A-A Nomu?!...fuck! I must do something
I flew to where the Nomu was, stretched out my arm wrapping it around its neck and threw it away from the train,I pointed my hand towards the Nomu and disintegrated it with a wave of energy.
(Y/N):Apparently there were no injuries...oh fuck
I said seeing as how in Hosu City, several Nomus were creating chaos around.
(Y/N):How did things get screwed up in so few seconds?
I flew towards the place of the incident but at that moment a Nomu with wings rushed towards me to attack me but I dodged it and gave it a double axe handle in its brain throwing it to the ground,to make sure I charged at it and crushed its brain with a stomp.
(Y/N):Damn it and they're new shoes...anyway,this may not be the only Nomu here.
I looked around until I saw a woman about to be attacked by a Nomu,I was about to kill it until a huge blast of fire burned the Nomu alive to ashes. I looked behind me to see Endeavor together with Gran Torino.
(Y/N):Endeavor and Gran Torino?...Izumi and Shiyori! Fighting villains is one thing but the Nomus is something else
Other winged Nomus began to hunt some civilians until it fell to the ground when a energy wave destroyed it wings. I looked above me to be surprised to see Piccolo on the scene.
Piccolo said nothing,he just raised his finger and pointed at a specific place,I started running to that place,I took off my heavy clothes to go faster.
I looked around until an explosion was generated not far from me,I went there to see Manual trying to put out the fire but Tenri was not with him
Manual:Iida!!! How come she could run at a time like this?!
(Y/N):Like I guessed,she went for the Hero Killer. Piccolo must have seen her running around here...but where?!
I looked to my side to see Izumi running toward me.
(Y/N):Izumi! you're good?
Izumi:Y-Yes,but I can't find Tenri maybe she...
(Y/N):She went for the Hero Killer...
Izumi:In the city where the Hero Killer appeared...Nomus are running wild in the city...the only thing I imagine is that the League of Villains and the hero killer are connected somehow!
(Y/N):...You may be right...maybe they are trying to recruit stronger people...quick! we have to look for Tenri,I made sure to do some research on the Hero Killer and from what I saw he hangs around uncrowded alleys....Tenri may be in an alley nearby.
Izumi:There are many alleys in Hosu city,which one is the right one?
[Third Person-POV]
On top of a building,Homura and Kurogiri were looking at all the chaos caused by the Nomus
Homura:Well done my Nomu
Kurogiri:I take it you're not joining?
Homura:Of course not,don't you see that I'm hurt?...for tomorrow...everyone will forget about Stain! The Hero Killer!
Speaking of the Hero Killer,he was currently in an alleyway with Tenri who was lying on the ground after trying to fight him. The Hero Killer stabbed Tenri in her shoulder with his sword getting some of her blood.
Stain:You and your brother are weak. For the sole fact that you're posers
Stain said as he put his sword in front of his mouth.
Tenri:Shut up!! the damage you did to his spinal cord means he's probably going to be crippled for the rest of his life! He'll never be a hero again!!
Stain:Good and that I was gentle with him. I didn't think he was that weak
Tenri:There's no good reason you could possibly have for crippling him!!....He's a great hero...who inspired my dreams!!!
Tenri screamed as tears formed in her eyes
Stain:That's very nice but...
Stain pointed at the Pro Hero,Native which was lying on the ground hurt by Stain
Stain:Save him first. It is time for you to forget about yourself for a few seconds and try to save others. Your act of revenge is pure self-interest and makes you the furthest thing from a hero
Stain said and then licked Tenri's blood,she could no longer move her body,she was paralyzed.
Tenri:M-My body...I can't move!
Stain:Goodbye child,may your death bring upon a better world
Tenri:D-Damn you!!! DAMN YOU!!!!!
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