Chapter 1 - A New Chance In Life

[Third Person-POV]

Right now in the city of Musutafu,Japan. A teenager was leaning against a wall in an alleyway watching people walk past him,this teenager was known as (Y/N)...

(Y/N):Man...I'm hungry...

A pink smoke surrounded (Y/N) changing his appearance completely

(Y/N),using his antenna he fired a pink beam at a pile of papers,that pile of papers had now turned into a pile of candies,he took several of these candies and began to eat them.

(Y/N):It's been almost a year and I haven't eaten anything but candies...I think I'm starting to get a little tired of it...*Sigh*

(Y/N) extended his arms and grabbed onto the roof ledge of the building wall where he was leaning,he pushed himself up and managed to land on the roof of the building

(Y/N):It is better not to stay too long in this place....

(Y/N) began to jump between the rooftops that were around until he heard someone screaming near him,a huge silhouette passed close to him and then landed on top of a building.

(Y/N):What the hell was that?...focus (Y/N),right now you need to escape from've already spent too much time in this place,you'll attract too much attention.

(Y/N) kept jumping between buildings until he stopped at one to look around to see what direction to take until he saw several heroes running towards a specific place,this caught his attention so he followed the heroes discreetly until he saw smoke coming out of an alleyway. He landed on a nearby rooftop to see a blonde-haired girl being held hostage by a Sludge Villain.

(Y/N):That girl is not having it easy,that villain will not take long to swallow her...well...I must go...

(Y/N) was about to continue on his way until he saw how the girl tried in every possible way to escape,even using her quirk releasing explosions around her,some heroes tried to help her but they couldn't do anything and they just stared at what happened

(Y/N):...Ugh! I can't just abandon her,no hero is helping her...but someone might see me and...fuck it.

Among the group of people,a girl with green hair came out of there and ran towards the villain,she began to root it with the hope that she would free the other girl who was trapped

???:What are you doing,Deku?!

Deku:I don't know,my legs moved on their own!!

???:...Tsk! I don't need your help...and I doubt that you can do anything...


At that moment,Deku and the girl were grabbed from their shirts by two pink hands,the girl was released from the villain while Deku was taken away from  it.

???:W-What the!...

They both watched as (Y/N) landed in front of them

(Y/N):Are you two okay?

???:...Why did you get in the way?!? I was about to!...

(Y/N):Yeah,yeah,talk to the wall I got this

DekuYou are a hero?! can you defeat him?!

(Y/N):...It would be very easy for me 

Villain:Hahah,do you really think that you could do me some harm? 

(Y/N):I did not think at any time of hurting you...I have something much better

Villain:What?...UH?!?! W-WHAT?!?!

(Y/N) pointed his antenna at the villain and fired a beam at it. Everyone saw astonishment how the villain had become a piece of chocolate

(Y/N):Alright! come back with papa!

(Y/N) extended his antenna and grabbed the chocolate 

(Y/N):...Hey,hero,here is the villain

(Y/N) said as he threw the chocolate at Death Arms

 (Y/N):After a few minutes the effect of my beam will end so be careful

Death Arms:W-What...what the hell was that?!

Deku:Was that your quirk? do you have more than one quirk?!

(Y/N):E-Ehm I-I have to go!

(Y/N) run out of the place leaving Deku,the blonde girl and the multitude of people in the place even more surprised

(Y/N):Damn it! I called too much attention,it was the least I wanted to do!

(Y/N) ran for several minutes away from the place until he hid in an alley. He returned to his normal appearance

(Y/N):Phew! that was close,the last thing I need is for my face to be too recognizable...I need to go unnoticed for as long as possible until I escape the city....well now to start with what I wanted to do from the beginning

(Y/N) began to walk through the city with more tranquility trying to get out of the there but of course,without any clear path anyone can get lost so he walked until it began to get dark without knowing where to go.

(Y/N):All right,my idea of walking straight has been totally demolished...what do I do now?...let's see...following the stars might help m-Ah!


At that moment when (Y/N) turned a corner,he collided with someone causing them both to fall to the ground. He got up from the ground and approached the person with whom he had collided

(Y/N):Sorry for that,let me help y-you...

(Y/N) realized the person he had helped get off the ground

Deku:T-Thanks...h-hey! you are that guy form before!

(Y/N):W-What?! What are you talking about? 

Deku:I recognized your voice and also that you have the same clothes with which you faced that villain

(Y/N):Oh!...yeah,you can tell I'm not even trying to go unnoticed huh...are you okay? I mean if that villain did something to you

Deku:N-No I'm fine...t-thanks for helping me and K-Kacchan


Deku:The blonde haired girl,well her name is Katsumi but I've always called her Kacchan

(Y/N):I see,so you are Deku because of what that girl called you

Izumi:M-My name is Izumi Midoriya,Kacchan calls me Deku to make me fun of me

(Y/N):Oh! so she's something of a bully,I guess.

Izumi:Yeah but again thanks for helping me! I did not know that there was a hero so young!!

(Y/N):It's because I'm not a hero,j-j-just someone who will have a lot of trouble if someone finds me...

All Might:I FIND YOU TWO!!


They both turned scared to see All Might coming out of an alley

All Might:What a coincidence,I was just looking for you two!

Izumi:A-All Might!!...

(Y/N):Shit! shit! shit! shit!

All Might:...Young Midoriya!...I take back what I said before,you do have everything to be a hero even if you are quirkless!


All Might:That's right,you tried to save the life of that girl that the villain who wanted to hurt her,a hero would do anything to save a life...I'm sure you will be a great hero in the future,I'm sure about that!

Izumi:T-Thanks...THANKS! THANKS!

All Might:There is no problem...and you young...

(Y/N):...(Y/N)...just (Y/N)

All Might:Young (Y/N)!....I suppose you know that it is illegal to use your quirk when you do not have authorization to do so

(Y/N):Yeah,I know but I don't care,I was the only one there who could save Izumi and that girl,Katsumi. Not even the heroes who were there could do anything,I don't care if what I'm doing is illegal,if what I do is to save a life...I guess I'll do what I can...

All Might:...Oh my! those were great words,words that reached my heart! you really have what it takes to be a great hero in the future too!

(Y/N):...No,I don't think I'll ever be a real hero

Izumi:But why? what you did was great,you managed to beat that villain in no time!

(Y/N):It wasn't a big deal either...but like I said,I-I don't think I have what it takes to be a hero but thanks for the recommendation

All Might:Very well,if that is your decision then I will not try to change your mind...e-eh! w-we will see you later bye!

All Might was about to leave until she whispered something to Izumi in her ear,she opened her eyes in surprise and was about to speak back to All Might but she left the place in a blink of an eye

(Y/N):Hmmm...It seemed that she was in a hurry...but look happy

Izumi:W-Well...y-yeah,All Might said that I could be a great hero in the future...a-and something else

(Y/N):And? why do you need her approval to know that you will be a hero in the future?

Izumi:W-Well...I think you heard what she said...I don't have a quirk...I'm nobody

Izumi said while looking at the ground

(Y/N):No,you are someone,just look what you did,trying to save that girl's life no matter what

Izumi:I know but without a quirk then I'll never be a complete hero

(Y/N):What? is it necessary to have a quirk to be a hero? if you ask me,courage is something that really makes one a takes a lot of courage to save a person's life and at the same time risk your are a hero...for what you did

(Y/N) put his hand on Izumi's shoulder,she looked into his eyes and started to blush

(Y/N):You can be a hero if you try hard,do not let anyone tell you otherwise

Izumi:B-But...if I fail?

(Y/N):But at least you tried,failing is part of life,it is better to try and fail than to fail without having tried,if you try hard then you will achieve what you want...even to be a hero without quirk



(Y/N) blushed when he saw how Izumi began to hug him

Izumi:I don't know but...listening to you motivated me just like hearing All Might's words!

(Y/N):U-Uh...heheh it's nothing...I guess you can stop hugging me now

Izumi realized what she was doing and she quickly stopped hugging (Y/N),she was blushing more than before

Izumi:I just realized that this is the first time I hug a boy!

She had a big blush on her cheeks

Izumi:I-It was nice t-talking to y-you (Y/N)!...but I have to go,b-bye!

Izumi ran out of the place leaving (Y/N) somewhat confused,he sighed and walked by the place where All Might had gone but just when he turned the corner around,he could find a thin and fragile looking woman

(Y/N) for this reason you were in a hurry

All Might:U-Uh?!...I'm sorry kid but I don't know what you're talking about

(Y/N):Sorry,All Might,but I know about your little secret,it is not necessary to hide it from me since I will not reveal anything

All Might:H-How did you know?!

(Y/N):...E-Ehm...l-let's say I know how to hide very well,no one could detect my precense. I've seen you fight villains before and escape the place once you are done with work,one day I followed you and I could see your secret...yeah...that...

All Might:I have a very interesting quirk

(Y/N):...Y-Yeah I think so,this quirk has many abilities that I have not discovered yet

All Might:Your parents must be proud of you

(Y/N):...I don't have parents,they abandoned me a long time ago

All Might:S-Sorry for hearing that...but why don't you want to be a hero? I think you have what it takes to be one,I could hear your conversation with Young Midoriya

(Y/N):It's not that I don't want to...I don't think I have the opportunity to be one

All Might:Why do you say that?

(Y/N):...I don't have the resources to enter a school of heroes. No money and no pro hero to recommend me...and for other things that do not have much importance

All Might:...I think I can help you with that

(Y/N):Uh? do you want to help me be a hero?

All Might:I have already denied the future to a person and I could see that I was wrong,I think that you have the potential to be a great hero,what do you say?

(Y/N):...I don't think I can deny an offer from All Might herself...okay,I accept I guess

All Might:Perfect,I'll talk to some people,for now you'll sleep at my home

(Y/N):Woah! this fast? not even a date in between?

All Might:I do not mean that! I-I think you would not like to continue sleeping in the streets and I don't think an orphanage will accept you

(Y/N):...Well if it's not wrong with you then I don't see the problem

All Might:Alright follow me!

(Y/N) followed All Might towards her house

(Y/N):I was not expecting something like was going to happen to me,I think I lost my hope on my first try

[Timeskip - (Y/N)-POV]

It's been a few weeks since All Might had said that she was going to help me become a hero. Which she was fulfilling since right now I am walking in the direction of U.A to meet the principal,she said that I would have to show my skills to see if I could get into school

(Y/N):Right now I am walking to the U.A...the school that prepares people who want to be future Pro Heros,the best one...I never thought I would step on that place with that reason

After a few minutes of walking I was in front of the U.A gate

(Y/N):So this is the's bigger than I thought

???:So you must be (Y/N)

I lowered my gaze to see what seemed to be the principal of the U.A.

(Y/N):Y-Yeah! I'm (Y/N)...are you Nezu?

Nezu:That's right,I was waiting for you,please follow me

I followed Nezu around the school,I have to admit it's a nice place. We both arrived at his office,I stood in front of his desk while he sat in his chair

Nezu:All Might has told me about you,apparently you have a very interesting quirk and that you have great potential...

(Y/N):Yeah that's what she told me too

Nezu:But unfortunately you don't have the resources to be a hero and your parents abandoned you,I'm so sorry about that

(Y/N):Don't do it,I just try to erase everything about what the past is

Nezu:Well,as you know in U.A not everyone manages to enter or not everyone manage to be in the hero course and it is for that reason that I would like to see if what All Might said is true

(Y/N):And what do I have to do?

Nezu:Easy,you will do the same test that we do to new students with the fact that you will have to eliminate all the objectives that are put in front of you,of course,you must use your quirk to see how much potential you have

(Y/N):Yeah,it sounds easy

Nezu:Good,come with me,I together with another teacher will see your performance

Nezu took me to a place where I was going to do the test,it took us some time but once we arrived I could see some great walls and a great door in front of me.

(Y/N):This is the place where I have to do that test?

Nezu:That's right,mainly I want to see how your quirk is and how you use it

???:This is the guy?

I looked behind me to see a woman approaching the two of us

(Y/N):Huh? wait,I know you,you are Eraserhead!

Eraserhead:Better not start behaving like a fanboy

(Y/N):Don't worry,I don't behave that way,I'm just excited to see you,you're awesome when you fight villains

Eraserhead:Yeah,yeah anyway,let's get to the point. You said this kid had potential

Nezu:That's what All Might said but it remains to be seen if what she said was true

Eraserhead:So let's get this over with,I want to go back to sleep

Nezu:Very well. (Y/N),I will explain what you will have to do,you will have to eliminate every obstacle that is in this city. When I speak of obstacle I mean a large number of robots,remember you will have to use your quirk

(Y/N):I understand

Eraserhead:You better not disappoint

(Y/N):Heheh I promise that I will impress you

I said while winking my eye to Eraserhead,although she tried to hide it with the help of her scarf I could see how she blushed

Nezu:All right,wait here while we open the do...

Nezu stopped talking the moment he saw me,how is it that I extended my arms to the edge of the door. I pushed myself up,standing on the edge of the big metal door

(Y/N):Woah! He was not lying when he said it was a city,U.A have that much money?

I started jumping around the buildings looking for the robots until I saw some walking through the streets that were below me.

(Y/N):Hah! easy!

I shot several energy balls at the robots,destroying each one. I went down to the street to see if there were more robots,until I saw how several of them began to come towards me

(Y/N):It seems that it attracted attention,well,it's not much of a problem

I said while raising my hand the air and charges a pink aura around my body. Then,I fire a massive barrage of pink energy waves up into the air to rain down on the robots. Every robot that was near or tried to get close to me was easily destroyed.

(Y/N):The truth is that this is fun,I have never used my quirk with such freedom before. Let's see what else I can find

I said as I started running through the alleys trying to find more robots. 

After a few minutes of destroying all the robots that I found in my way,I could see how there were none closer

(Y/N):That was all?...uh?

At that moment I felt how the ground began to shake,a large shadow appeared over me. I could see how a huge robot was looking at me

(Y/N):Huh...apparently they still have something else

The giant robot raised its fist against me but I just pointed my hand at the robot and fired a great energy wave at it,I had to put my other hand on my arm to withstand the great power of my attack. 

The energy wave managed to completely destroy the robot,leaving nothing of it behind. I wiped the sweat that fell from my forehead.

(Y/N):That was too much power for me.

Nezu:That was very impressive

I turned to see Nezu and Eraserhead approaching me. They both had a tablet in their hands,I guess they were watching everything from them.

Eraserhead:I say the same and that's not something I say all the time,you have a quite interesting quirk,not only can you stretch your body but you can also shoot energy attacks

(Y/N):That's not all,I can also do this

I surrounded myself with pink smoke and change my appearance

Nezu:Oh! what is that?

(Y/N):I call it...I don't know,I don't have a name for it but I use it from time to time because it gives me a boost to my abilities and it helps to control my power a little more even though I'm mostly used to it,apart from that it does not do anything else...

I returned to my normal appearance

(Y/N):That is why I did not use it in the test

Nezu:I see,well,I could see what your quirk is like and All Might was right with what she said. I'll see you in a few months when classes start

(Y/N):Wait,am I already in?!

Nezu:Well of course,what else did you think the test was for?

(Y/N):To see how I handle my quirk

Nezu:Yep and that is mainly the entrance exam,almost. I will send your uniform to the place where you live,you have a promising future

Nezu said as he walked away leaving me alone with Eraserhead

Aizawa:By the way,my name is Shoka Aizawa,you better learn my name

(Y/N):I guess the reason is because you will be my teacher

Aizawa:Heh you're smart,yeah,you're going to class 1-A when classes start,remember

(Y/N):I don't think I can forget the class where I'll be with a cutie pro hero 

Aizawa:Y-You better measure your words

(Y/N):I don't see that it bothers you,you should work a little more to hide your blushes

Aizawa looked away trying to ignore me you want me to guide you to the gate?

(Y/N):With you? would be pleased

Aizawa:*Sigh* I'm getting sick of this bullshit

(Y/N):Your blush says something else ~

Aizawa:Stop with your flirting and let's go!

Me and Aizawa left the city to head towards the gate of the U.A. After a long way we both reached the gate

(Y/N):Well I guess I'll see you in a few months

Aizawa:I guess so,don't you dare be lazy,train your quirk and yourself,you'll need it for the first day

(Y/N):Awww! do you care


(Y/N):Okay,okay I'll stop,see you soon!

I said as I walked away from the U.A

(Y/N):She is right,I have a powerful "quirk" and I have never trained...I have several months to train,let's start now!

And that's how it was. I trained my quirk during these months learning more secrets about it,I could realize that my quirk was more than I thought. I guess I was born "blessed" as far as my quirk is concerned...

It wasn't long before classes start,from what I knew thanks to All Might or rather Toshiko Yagi,I also knew that she was training Izumi to be her successor. Toshiko told me about One For All and the story behind it...

During these months we have both managed to have even more confidence than before,I mean,I know things about her that any reporter would pay whatever it was to have in their hands. I will not break that trust with her because thanks to her I am in the place that I am now. Walking to my homeroom...very early in the morning!!

(Y/N):Ugh! why did she have to wake me up so early?! I'm sure I'll be the only one in the damn...

The moment I opened the great door of the homeroom I could see two girls there. One of them had glasses and blue hair while the other had half of her hair red and the other half white

The blue-haired girl approached me.

Tenri:It is nice to meet you! my name is Tenri Iida!!

She is cute but she is also louder

(Y/N):N-Nice to meet you,Tenri,my name is (Y/N)

Tenri:You must come by recommendation,I do not remember seeing you in the entrance exam

(Y/N):Nah! I did a different exam

Tenri:Really? so that means you must have something out of the ordinary!

Tenri said while waving her arms in a very unique way

(Y/N):I...guess/why does she move like a robot?

Tenri moved away from me and I got closer to the other girl,I have to introduce myself  to my classmates 

(Y/N):Hey! hi

I said to the girl,she looked at me and I could see that she was very beautiful

Shiyori:Hi...I'm Shiyori Todoroki

(Y/N):My name is (Y/N),just (Y/N) but I think you already heard my name. It is a pleasure to meet you,Shiyori and it is more if it's a girl as beautiful as you

I could see her blush,I smiled and walked over to my desk and sat on the chair. I waited for the rest of my classmates to arrive and I could see that most of them were women

I kept waiting until I could see how the last person to enter was Izumi,before I could talk to her I could hear Aizawa's voice. She came out of a sleeping bag

Aizawa:Now that everyone has shut up for once you better listen. I am Shoka Aizawa and I will be your homeroom teacher,I know this is sudden but put these on and meet me down at the field

Aizawa took out some P.E uniforms from her sleeping bag and handed them all of us. They all went to the field but I stayed behind

(Y/N):It's good to see you again

Aizawa:The same can I say,I hope you take this seriously because I will not be gentle with any of you. It is better that you learn how the world of heroes and villains works from the beginning.

(Y/N):I can see that you really take this very seriously...that's good to know....

Aizawa:...Anyway,go change 

I nodded and went to the field along with my other classmates,there I could see Izumi in her PE uniform,I approached her


Izumi:Huh?...(Y/N)!!...h-hi!...didn't expect to see you here! How did you get in?

(Y/N):Well All Might recommended me to the school principal.

Izumi:A-All Might?! That's impressive,she never told me anything about it.

(Y/N):Yeah,I heard she was training you,I can see you have changed a lot.

Izumi:T-Thanks a-and yeah,It is my dream to be a great hero like All Might and I will do whatever it takes to fulfill it

(Y/N):It's good to hear that,I can see that nothing has made you lose that motivation

At that moment Aizawa appeared and we stopped talking so as not to get into trouble

Aizawa:Now that you're all here we can begin the Quirk Assessment Test

???:But what about the Entrance Ceremony and the orientation?

A brown-haired girl asked

Aizawa:If you want to become heroes then we must not waste time. UA's selling point is how unrestricted it's school traditions are. That's also how teachers run their classes. You kids have done this in middle school right? Physical Fitness Test where you aren't allowed to use your quirks. The country still uses average taken results from students not using their quirks,but now I want to see what you can do with your quirks and see if you all have what it take to be a hero

After that explanation Aizawa looked at a girl with blond hair

(Y/N):Wait a minute,I know that girl,she's Katsumi

Aizawa:Katsumi,in Junior High what was your best softball throw?

Katsumi:67 meters

Aizawa:Good now I want you to do the same but using your quirk

Aizawa said as she took out a ball from her pocket and threw it at Katsumi

Aizawa:You can do whatever you want with your quirk as long as you stay within the circle

She looked at the ball for a few seconds and then threw the ball. 


(Y/N):Die? huh!

I could see how an explosion originated behind the ball causing it to fly even further

(Y/N):So she can create explosions from her hand. Interesting

Aizawa:Doing these test is the most rational way to form a foundation of a hero...750 meters

Aizawa said while showing the result on her phone,I could see how then her gaze changed to me

Aizawa:(Y/N),come here,I want to see how you do it too

I nodded and stood in the circle,she gave me another ball. I was about to throw the ball until Aizawa spoke again

Aizawa:Use your quirk,for some reason it's called a Quirk Assessment Test


I turned my arm like a jelly and put it behind me,I swings my arm like a catapult and threw the ball with all my strength. I could see how the ball got lost in the distance

Aizawa:Pretty good,902 meters

(Y/N):Are you not worried about the ball falling on someone?

Aizawa:If no one complains then no problem,now let's continue with the following tests and for you to know,the person who comes out last in the tests will then be expelled

I could see how that simple clarification made almost everyone nervous but also determined,I could see clearly through Aizawa's lie

The first test was the 50 Meter Dash Track. After some had already finished the test it was my turn against a girl named Momo Yaoyorozu,I must be honest,she is a very beautiful girl

I lined up next to her. She started to get ready to run but I had another idea that was not running


Momo ran away but I surrounded myself with a pink smoke changing my appearance and then liquefying my body to move at high speed to the end of the line. I quickly returned to my normal form in a pink cloud so that no one would see me

Aizawa:I have no idea what happened but (Y/N) got 3.02 seconds and Yaoyorozu got 5.2 seconds

(Y/N):Yeah! I was the best

Aizawa:Don't let it go to your head,there is still more test to do

(Y/N):Oh come on,let me enjoy the moment,I promise it won't go to my head

Aizawa:I hope so,now let's head quickly to the second test

While everyone was following Aizawa to the next test,I approached the girl from before

(Y/N):Hey! I thought to come and introduce myself,I'm (Y/N),a pleasure

Momo:It is also a pleasure to meet you,my name is Momo Yaoyorozu. You did very well in the first test,your quirk is teleportation with that pink cloud?

(Y/N):No,no,it's something I can do with my quirk,I can also do other things but what I did was not teleportation,I just moved very fast without anyone noticing

Momo:Woah! that is amazing

I left aside about the fact that I can change form so I plan to leave it for another time

Leaving that aside we both arrived at the place where we would do the second test which was a grip test,I just had to grab a small device and squeezed as hard as you can,quite simple. I made a great mark although not the most remarkable. I guess my strength is something I have to continue training

After that came the Standing Long Jump,everyone used their quirks to take a very long jump. With the help of my extendable arms it was totally easy to outperform most of my classmatess.

Now the next test was Repeated Side Steps and I think the name says it all. I did my best but I couldn't beat a girl of ridiculously small stature...I did not overlook that she along with another girl were looking at me with great interest,too much

But whatever,now the last test was Ball Throw...again,at least I won't have to repeat the same test. Some had already finished doing the test until it was Izumi's turn

Aizawa gave her a ball. Izumi was fully prepared to throw the ball but when she did that she only threw it a few meters

Izumi:W-What?! but I'm sure I used my quirk

Aizawa:That's because I erased your quirk

I turned around to see Aizawa,she was looking at Izumi with her eyes glowing red as her scarf was moving around

(Y/N):How can she do that with her scarf?

Aizawa:After seeing how you broke your arm in the entrance exam,I don't want you to do the same thing again. I give you back your quirk but I don't want to see your arm broken again

She returned her quirk to Izumi and gave him another ball. She stared at the ball thinking about what she could do until she decided to throw it. 

At the last moment she decided to use her quirk and I could see what Toshiko was referring to with the backlash that One For All has. Izumi's finger broke but she managed to throw the ball a great distance,narrowly beating Katsumi's score.

I changed my gaze towards her and I could see how extremely furious she was,so much so that she charged against Izumi

Katsumi:Hey!! Deku you bitch! tell me how you did that or you're dead!

Before Katsumi could hurt Izumi I extended my arm out my arm and wrapped it around her, stopping her.

Katsumi:What the hell do you think you're doing,Rubber Shit?!

(Y/N):How sweet,you already gave me a nickname. But first calm down

I said as I hit Katsumi on the ground and held her still

(Y/N):Man,I don't understand how a 17-year-old girl can be this angry.

Aizawa:Stop making me use my quirk over and over again. I have dry eye!

I let Katsumi go the moment I saw how she had calmed down

After all that altercation we all continued with the test,including Izumi with her broken finger.

Once we all finished with the test Aizawa showed the total results. I could see that I was second behind Momo and ahead of Shiyori. 

(Y/N):Meh,second place ain't so bad

I could see how the last one was Izumi,I looked at her to see how she was disappointed at herself

Aizawa:Before I leave,I will say that what I said before was a lie,no one will be expelled. I just wanted you all to give everything you had with your quirks

She said making everyone shout in disbelief


Classes had already finished and I was about to go through the gate of the U.A. until I heard someone walking behind me

(Y/N):Hmm? Oh! Izumi,hey

Izumi:Hey (Y/N),are you going home?

(Y/N):Nah! I think I'll take a walk before I go back,why? do you want me to go with you to your house?

Izumi:E-Eh!...I-I just thought that y-you wanted some c-c-company on the way back home!

(Y/N):I would love it,it would make it less boring,by the way how is your finger?

Izumi:Oh! don't worry,it's okay,Recovery Girl heal me,and thanks to that I'm fine

Izumi said while smiling

(Y/N)/Tenri:Good to hear that

I looked up to see Tenri approaching us

(Y/N):Hey Tenri,what's up?

Tenri:I wanted to know how Izumi's finger was but apparently it's okay

Izumi:That's right,no need to worry

Tenri:Does it bother you that I walk along with you?

(Y/N):It does not bother me

Izumi nodded,the three of us started walking in the direction of what I suppose the station was

(Y/N):The first day of class was really interesting,don't you think?


Tenri:I am intrigued by Mrs Aizawa's way of teaching,I trust the school's judgment since the U.A is a top prestige school but she lying is something immoral

(Y/N):It was just a little lie that benefited all of us,if not for that then none of us would not have tried very hard on the test...

Izumi:By the way I don't think you should call Ms Aizawa Mrs. As far as I know she is not married

(Y/N):I guess she's too tired to find a husband

Tenri:(Y/N)! that's something cruel!

(Y/N):Jeez,It was just a joke

???:Hey guys wait!! 

The three of us turned to see the same brown-haired girl from before screamed running towards us.

???:Do you go to the station? I also want to join

Tenri:You're that infinity girl?

Ochako:Yep! I'm Ochako Uraraka. Now let's see,you are Tenry Iida,you are (Y/N) and you are Deku


Ochako:Yeah that's how that girl,Katsumi was calling you

Izumi:Y-Yeah heheh but Deku is the way Kacchan calls me to make fun of me

Ochako:Sorry I didn't know that,although I like Deku,it works great as a hero name!

(Y/N):The same I say


(Y/N):Well,since we're done introducing ourselves,it's time to go.

We continued on our way until we reached the station,I sat in the middle of Tenri/Ochako and Izumi. Because the trip was a bit long,we decided to talk and learn more ourselves

Ochako:Hey (Y/N),now that I've figured out,you haven't said your last name

(Y/N):It's because...I don't have any

Tenri:What are you talking about? You must have a last name,if not then you would not have parents

(Y/N):It's for that reason,I don't...have parents...they...abandoned me a long time ago

Ochako:S-Sorry!! I shouldn't have brought up that topic,I'm very sorry!

(Y/N):Don't worry,I have no problem with it. Besides,my parents can go straight to hell

Izumi:Do you...have a grudge against them?

(Y/N):More than you think...but let's change the subject,we are here to not feel sorry for me

Quickly the subject changed and the subject of my parents disappeared completely,thank God. 

After a few hours Ochako/Izumi and Tenri had gotten off at their respective stops after saying goodbye to me. 

Now it was me,alone until I got off at a random stop. I started using my quirk to swing through buildings thanks to my extendable arms

(Y/N):Going home this way is more fun.

I continued on my way until I stopped at the top of a very tall building to see the view of the city at night

(Y/N):...I have never stopped to look at is beautiful...I'd better get back to Toshiko's house before she starts to worry...

Toshiko:Knowing that you're okay is enough for me!


I almost fell from the building when I heard Toshiko's voice behind me,luckily she grabbed me by the collar of my uniform 

Toshiko:Sorry,did I scare you?

(Y/N):Like twice!! the way what are you doing here? I thought you were in your home resting

Toshiko:I wanted to meet Young Midoriya to speak a few words with her and on the way to my home I could see someone swinging through the buildings and the only person that came to mind is you!...Ugh!

Toshiko spat blood from her mouth and she returned to her "True Form"

Toshiko:I'm sorry about that

(Y/N):It's okay,although I still worry about the fact that you spit out so much blood.

Toshiko:Don't worry about that. I come with news for you!


Toshiko:Yeah! I'm already looking for your parents

(Y/N):Woah! Woah! Woah!...stop,I never asked to go back to my father,in fact I don't want to see that piece of shit in my life again


(Y/N):I learned all the vocabulary and I will use all the vocabulary

Toshiko:I thought it would be a good idea to reconnect with your parents...although you only mentioned your father

(Y/N):That doesn't matter...look,if you want me out of your home,just tell me and I'll go,I have places to sleep. I don't want to see my parents again,never again...please,Toshiko

Toshiko:...Okay,I will stop looking for your parents


Toshiko:And by the way,you are not going to leave my house. You will continue living with me

(Y/N):Good,I like living with you and thank you,Toshiko

Toshiko:It's nothing,whatever it takes to help you


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