Chapter 3

PoV: Scar

There are clothes provided for us the next morning. I groan as I wake up, memories of yesterday rising up again. The parade... starting fires... the Peacekeepers forcing me away from the chaos... Hypno unsure whether he wanted to tell me off or compliment me.

BigB's still asleep so I slip past him, grabbing the clothes, entering the bathroom that's bigger than my home in District 12, and changing. They're thin, skintight, probably protective. Then, deciding against waiting, I leave the room and head to training.

I'm not the first there. Already several of the tributes are fighting and practicing things I didn't even knew existed... I try to match faces to activities... a blond with a bandana is facing another tribute with sunglasses and brown hair in a pony tail, both armed with axes. Across the way, the 7 foot district 2 tribute throws a trident at a target, setting it on fire with electricity. The blond-brown haired district 1 tribute is fiddling with what I think is a trap, before it blows up in his face.

Show off what you're good at first. That way you'll gain allies. Then move onto what you can't do as well and practice that. I remember Hypno reminding me. But I'm not good at any of this... not fighting, or making traps, or using weapons... 

I look around again, before catching sight of the other district 1 tribute, the black-haired chaotic one, practicing archery. He notices me, and invites me over. I obey, unable to believe my luck that someone from what's considered the best district already wants to train with me.

I approach, trying to stay casual as I pick up one of the bows, instantly forgetting how to put an arrow into it. After a very embarrassing couple of moments I aim a shot, and just about hit the target. I aim another, about to fire when...

'Aim higher.'


'Aim above the bullseye. You're aiming too low. And legs further apart. Shoulder length apart. Draw your bow back further and...' Instant bullseye. I grin. The district 1 tribute smiles back, proud.

'Nice work.'

'Thanks. I'm Scar. District 12.' Instant regret as the handshake isn't returned for a moment. 'I... caused a lot of chaos yesterday.'

'Cub. District 1. I saw.' Relief fills me as Cub accepts the handshake. Then... 

'Can I team up with you? In the actual hunger games?' I blurt out. This is my only chance to get someone good on my side... he definitely summoned me over here, didn't he?



'You'll be a good ally.'

'I... don't think I will.' I can't help but answer honestly. 'I once almost died to a pig...' But he just laughs.

'I mean... Dream died to a pig too. Technically.'

'True.' I laugh back. 'Well... thanks. I really didn't expect you to say... yes.'

'I wanted to ally with you anyway.' I frown at him.


'We both like chaos, and standing out. The audience will love an alliance between District 1 and 12.' 


'Besides, you're decent with a bow already. And willing to learn.'

'Can you teach me how to be good at everything else too?'

'Yeah. You're my ally.' 

My brain can't comprehend a response to the conversation I just had. Someone from District 1 - the district with 90% of the winners - wants to ally with me, from District 12, who's only 2 winners won due to teaming up with a group of others and turning on all of them or hiding under the arena in a cave until the other tributes died from natural causes. 

'Thanks again. This is... wow.' I laugh. 'I'm allied with someone from District 1...'

'Yeah. Well, Scar... what should we practice?'

I look around, trying to find something I'm either great or rubbish at, and get distracted by the District 9 pair talking with who I think is from District 5 right by the stall of survival skills where I catch sight of...


Taking my bow with me, I cross to the area, passing the three as they talk. I grab a large piece of wood you're supposed to make a shelter with and whack it into the terraformed dirt ground with a rock, simultaneously sticking it deep enough to stay and getting their attention. I spark a fire on top of it, aim an arrow and...

As I fire through, the arrow sets alight, sticking in the wall behind. I hear a murmur of intrigue. 

'Wow.' Cub steps over. 'That's... impressive.' 

'Sets stuff on fire further away.' I add. 

'Yeah... can I try?'

'Oh, sure!' I hand over the bow. Cub shoots successfully. The back wall is still on fire.

'Didn't you cause chaos yesterday too...?' One of the three asks, 

'Oh, yeah. Scar, District 12, This is my ally. He's in District 1.' 

'I'm Tango, and this is Jimmy and Impulse.' One of the District 9 ones speaks. 'Impy's District 5. Me and Jim are...'

'District... 9?'

'Yeah.' We shake hands. 'Allies...?'

'If we see you we won't attack.' Cub compromises quickly. 'Too big a group will attract the careers...' Already I see a couple of strong-looking tributes talking while practicing making traps, one with dyed blue-white hair and the other with blonde hair and goggles.  

'Bad idea. But... yeah. It's good to have friends still.'

'Yeah.' I smile, as Cub distracts me.


'Not now, Cub, I'm just talking with our allies.' 


'Uhh... it's important?' Jimmy adds. I turn.

'We forgot to put out the fire...' The whole back of the area is on fire. 'We should get out before we're blamed.'

'They've noticed...' Impulse looks up to an area I didn't even see, where several Capitol people are shouting to each other about the fire. A moment later Peacekeepers appear, shoving me aside as they come to put it out. 

'We didn't mean it...' Cub tries to speak. 'But at the same time...' One of the peacekeepers aims their gun at him, keeping it there as the others put out the flames. I can't see through the helmet but can tell they're glaring at us. Several other tributes have noticed the commotion, a couple even coming over.

'Nerds.' Laughs who I think is Joel.

'CUB! Stop... causing... chaos!' The other district 1 person runs over too. 'Seriously!'

'Grian- it's alright. And this time it wasn't on purpose.

'Besides, they've sorted it out...' I add. Grian glares at me too.

'You realise you're going to get killed before you even enter that arena...' He warns. 

'I don't even know who you are... Green.' I reply, instantly forgetting his name.

'Grian.' He corrects. 'And you're a danger to yourself.'

'Oh, I know that... and... Grian?' He turns as I speak again. 

'May the odds be ever in your favour.'

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