Chapter 6: Showdown
As (y/n) and the others walked into the arena as CRDL did the same already prepped up as Glynda adjusted her glasses and tapped on her scroll each member of every team Aura's gagged appeared on screen as well as the Team's name.
" So what's the plan here Boss? " Nathan asked as he walked next to(y/n) his gazed locked on Cardin and with a fire in his eye. " We're going in as a team of course. But coordinating our attack will be key so teams of two. Cole and Nathan, You take Sky and Russel. Me and Gloria will take Cardin and Dove. If we need back up yell."
" I call dibs on pretty boy." Cole said as he took out Rose and switched it to it's scythe form standing by the side as Nathan loudly chuckled. " Then I'll take the wanna-be Punk rocker!" yelling out loudly as he clapped his hands together and summoned Wilted Rose and taking position next to Cole.
" So I take it you want Cardin to yourself then? " Gloria asked as he cracked his knuckles and let out a soft sigh, as he looked towards Dove, While (y/n) readied himself looking to Cardin whom which glared back with a cocky grin. Both teams were ready.
Seeing this, Ms.Goodwitch stood up and began to count down as the big moment was finally upon them!. " Three! two! one!....BEGIN!" She shouted as all of them rushed towards the middle and the battle began!
(y/n) was the first to clash his pole against Cardin's over sized mace, said ginger pushing harder as(y/n) was slightly pushed back he swept his leg towards Cardin who didn't see it coming, Cardin was nearly tripped and stumbled back as (y/n) was quick to slam Cardin's side with his polearm, leaving quite the blow as Cardin went sliding back and quickly lashed out in anger, jabbing his mace forward.
(y/n) was hit in the gut as he reeled back himself, as Cardin raised his mace high into the air and prepared to strike him down. But it was shortly cut off as a body came flying out of nowhere and collided with Cardin whom was knocked to the ground. Turns out that body was Dove as(y/n) looked over to Gloria who as dusting his gloves of with a smirk. " Shows you for just recklessly charging at me the fool." He remarked as stood beside (y/n) " How are the others doing? " Taking note,(y/n) looked over to see how the other two were doing.
Nathan had Russel on the ropes as he had just gave a hefty kick to his opponents chest. Russel squealed back as he loosened his grip on his daggers as Nathan was quick to capitalize on his opening, " If you spend half as much time training then you did greasing your hair, maybe you would be doing better!" Said the masked man, taking his buster sword and stabbing in front of him and into Russel's gut, on instant Russel gripped onto the blade as he tried to intake air. But Nathan raised Wilted Rose up into the air as he then gave it a hard swing, Russel lost his grip as he went tumbling backwards and joined his teams group. Cardin and Dove were both still recovering. " Come on man!, I didn't even start using my semblance..." Nathan said in a saddened tone.
" Oh brighten up Nate, Their getting humiliated and I'm loving every second of it." Cole said walking towards Sky. " Hello pretty boy~" He teased as he took off his cloak and stood at Sky with no weapon whatsoever and began to charge right at him as Sky just raised an eyebrow before jabbing the spear end of his Halberd at him, Cole leap up and landed on the shaft of Sky's halberd before smirking. Sky just looked at him stunned as Cole delivered a swift kick towards his jaw, staggering back as there was a loud poof and Sky would feel another pair of arms around him.
It was a second Clone of Cole that taken hold of Sky, " Time to go see you friends~ "It said before it dropped him to the ground and picked him up by the knees as Sky laid on his back in the ground, and slowly Cole's clone began to spin in place, Sky was slowly lifted off the ground as he began to spin in circles along with Cole's clone, before shortly he was let go and went flying towards the rest of CRDL. Clapping his hands Cole bowed before walking back to the others, " Not going to lie, this was just sad..." He said as (y/n) and the others nodded...
" Like most neanderthals they are just all talk.." Gloria sighed as he looked up at the board and saw there own auras, while Team (L/n)SMN were all still in the green, CRDL was looking a little rough around the edges.
" Think it's time we clean this mess up boys?"(y/n) asked as they all nodded as they prepared themselves, Nathan vanished Wilted Rose and brought out Blood Letters as Gloria took a sprinters position ready to charge at the moment, Cole summoned the rest of his clones whom all had their scythes at the ready. And finally(y/n) shifted (w/p) into a short sword and shield and raised the blade in the air. " (L/n)SMN CLEAN THEM UP!"(y/n)'s voice boomed as all them charged as CRDL watched with gazes of pure terror.
The first to be targeted was Dove by Nathan who quickly blinked in front of him and going hog wild with his twin daggers across Dove's chest multiple times as he wasn't letting up as he kicked Dove back and swapped out his twin daggers for Vikki and Vance. Unloading his dealge's clips into Dove still as his Aura was dropping by the minute, and after both clips were empty, he turned his back and pocketed the guns as he held up his hand and a figure holding Reaper's Vow was crouched next to him taking aim " Fire..." He said dropping his hand as the figure took one last shot and with it broke Dove's Aura, letting the boy drop to the ground tired and beaten. " Clean up on ale Scumbag!" Nathan then slowly walked back as he waited for his team to finish up.
Next was Russel whom already began to run away with fear before he was stopped by Cole and his clones who stood in front of him " Dived We Stand!" They shouted in unison rushing at him, As clone 1 leap forward gave shoulder tackle, knocking Russel back as clone 2 Leap over the shoulder of the clone 1 and slid towards Russel before springing up and delivering an uppercut, launching the punk rocker into the air as 3 and 4 rushed from the sides and grouped up and cupped their hands together as the Real Cole ran towards and hopped on their hands both pushing hardly as they launched them into the air as Cole took Mary and hooked Russel by the blade as he continued to fly high as he then both him and Russel began to fall down. To end it all Cole spun and tossed Russel off his scythe as he went crashing into the ground with a loud thud. And Cole landed as he held Mary at his side. " Minus one Metallica fan! " Cole's clones vanished as he turned his back to them. " Now I need a drink..." He muttered before joining Nathan.
Sky backed up slowly as Gloria watched him his eyes scanning his every movement as he then dashed towards Sky, and while he did attempt a swing at Gloria with his Halberd, Gloria stopped by gripping the polearm and yanking sky towards him. " You fool you played yourself!" Gloria shouted as he ripped the Halberd from Sky's grip and grasping it tightly and swung. " Every move you make I can easily predict and counter effortlessly! " He said tripping Sky with the pole as he dropped the halberd and raised his fist looming over Sky. " In other words. This fight is mine! "He shouted, his fist crashing into Sky's cheek and knocked him out cold as he huffed and dropped his stance dusting himself off as he fixed his hair. " And here I thought I would have to try..." He scoffed as joined his team and egged on their leader as the finale was upon them.
Watching every one of his teammates fall, Cardin's fear grew more and more evident as he looked towards (y/n) his grip on his mace loosening as (y/n) didn't waste no time quick charging forth and striking at Cardin who blocked it with his Mace as he was now shaking, not stopping his assault (y/n) began to alternate between strike and bashing at Cardin with his shield as eventually Cardin lost his footing and his grip as he tumbled to the ground lost the grip on his weapon as (y/n) was quick to point his blade at Cardin's neck. " Apologize." Was all(y/n) said as he glared down the defeated Cardin.
" W-What?" He gulped as if the word didn't exist in his vocabulary, but(y/n)'s patience was thin as he pressed the blade against his neck further. " I. Said. Apologize." He made his statements clear as day as everyone watched with cautious eyes, including Ms.Goodwitch. Everything was dead quite before Cardin finally broke " Okay okay! " He said stumbling away once(y/n) pulled away his blade.
Cardin scrambled his team together as they all stood in a line directed to Velvet in the audience as(y/n) and others stood around them weapons still out, as they all blurted out apologies. Velvet just stood there, shocked that this was actually happen.
" I believe we can call it here Ms.Goodwitch. They learned their lesson and can't fight anymore.."(y/n) said as he looked up to the teacher whom slowly nodded and the class was soon dismissed as both teams began to leave. When they were walking back to the changing rooms.
Once they were getting changed Nathan was the first to break the silence.
" That went a lot better then I thought it would be honestly. " He said with a sigh, slightly disappointed before a smirk formed and he put on his school uniform and stood by as the others were getting done.
" Well those neanderthals were to predictable. Just going in head first swinging most of the time..But I'll admit, it was nice getting a bit of combat done with you three again. " Gloria said as he joined Nathan shortly.
" And thanks to this CRDL will be thinking twice before trying something like that again in this school..." (y/n) Said as he closed the locker door and turned to the other two with a small smile before turning around and staring at the one open locker. " Yo Coleslaw you almost done? "
" Yeah, yeah. Just getting something..." Cole said as he closed the locker and began to walk towards them, his cloak dragging on the floor as he could be seen drinking from a flask when approaching the rest of the team.
" Well you weren't kidding about that drink now where you mate? " He chuckled as Cole nodded, lowering the flask and handing it to Nathan. " Whisky. Have a sip if you want one."
Nathan took the flask and chugged it with gusto before handing it back to Cole who had a small smirk, capping the flask and hiding it in his flask as Gloria shook his head. " When can talk when we get to out dorms.." He said as (y/n) nodded in agreement. And thus they left
Team (L/N)SMN walked back to their dorms as they chatted as when they entered their room they all collapsed onto their respective beds as they could finally relax for the day..
" Good work today guys."(y/n) said as he looked up at the ceiling, resting on his pillow.
" We still need to work on some coordinated attacks but other then that, yes I would agree with can make quite the deadly force." Gloria stated, sitting up as he was flipping through a book of tactics.
" Now you guys are getting me way to excited for when we start planning.." Nate said polishing his various weapons as he turned to the cloaked figure " Especially when one of us seems to have some expertise with it."
" Say what? " Cole looked up at Nathan who smirked backed. " The 'Solomon Barrage' " He said as Cole crashed onto his bed. " For the love of Oum cut me some slack, I came up with it on the spot.." He sighed as he pulled his hood over his head as Nathan chuckled loudly. " I'm just joshing you...So-"
And so they the Team began to discuss back and forth of different strategies, Attacks, etc. And everyone seemed to be having a fine time(y/n) watched as he was proud of what he had achieved and who he had meet...Now what would tomorrow hold for them I wonder?
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