Chapter 5: Class, Bonds, Bullies.

As early sunlight peered through the curtains of team (L/N)SMN as (y/n) finally began to wake up with sunlight beaming right into eyes, causing him to roll out of bed and onto feet as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

Looking around to his teammates to see if they were sharing the same fate, He would still See Nathan sleeping like a rock as he cuddled his pillow and Gloria yawning softly before getting up and going in to use the washroom waving to (y/n) as he passed. Cole however was already out of bed, but no where to be found. 

" Hmm. " He sighed to himself as he shook his head, checking the time, It was very early in the morning and hour or less before classes started, seeing he head a bit of free time(y/n) he began to get dressed in his school uniform before looking out the window the see the rising sun at the grassy fields that lead to the cliffs. while the few was nice, he could see someone.

The figure was standing at the cliff, with a black fabric floating behind them as they were out looking the cliff. " Well, there's the last member of the team." (y/n) said to himself with a smirk as he then raised an eyebrow as four more similar figures stood next to him, wearing the same cloak. Must be the clones he was referring back to yesterday. 

As a soft shifting could be heard behind (y/n) as he turned to see Nathan rolling out of bed and yawning, his hair being messy and sticking up as he finally got up and looked to (y/n) " Morning leader.." He said before yawning once more to which (y/n) chuckled. " Morning Nate." 

" Sleep well? " Nate asked as (y/n) nodded and looked back to Cole who's clones were now gone as Nathan raised an eyebrow and walked over, peering out the window and seeing his cloaked teammate. " He alright? " " He was like that when I woke up, so I guess he's just enjoying the view."(y/n) replied as Nathan nodded. " Where's Glory? " He asked in a hushed tone.

" I heard that!" He shouted from the bathroom in a muffled tone from the closed door. " Well that answers that." Nathan said in humored tone as he shrugged. " Guess we should get ready ourselves right? " He asked as (y/n) nodded, and they both began to finish up getting ready Gloria shortly joined them after that. And all three of them began to head to head towards class.

" So we have...Professor...Port as our first period." Nathan said looking to the schedule.

" Well at least we're getting there on time.." Gloria said with a sigh before looking behind him. " Is Cole going to join us or not? " He asked in a cold tone, but you could make out a slightly worried tone.

" He will be. Trust me." (y/n) said as he had faith in his partner, as they continued to chat and make their way towards the classroom, and before they knew it,  they were walking in and taking a seat.

" Good day gentlemen!" Greeted Port as his mustache moved while they all waved back and took their seats, after awhile more students began to flood in as did the last member of their team, Cole took a seat at the end of table as all his teammates looked at him before waved, he was still wearing his cloak over his uniform.

" Hey. How was your guy's morning? " He asked with a small smile, for the most part they replied well and good.

" Where were you,? " (y/n) asked as Cole shrugged. " I was out by the cliff's, woke up early and didn't want to disturb you...The view's nice there." He shook his head. As class was about to begin but two sections was still empty.

" Is that for who I think it is? " (y/n) tilted his head as team RWBY & JNPR came rushing in right Port was about to start, (y/n) and his team got a small chuckle before said teams scrabbled to get too their seat and class finally started...

As class was already half through the first period and almost everyone was asleep, Nathan being one of them as he tried his best to stay awake but fell victim to it in the end, Gloria and Weiss were both taking notes as Port told stories from his youth, in too long detail. While Cole was leaning forward his chair, his full attention on Port's story as finally  was Doing a mixture of staying asleep, but keeping up with notes, it wasn't that he found Port boring. Just that he went on for to long until...

" Would anyone like to volunteer?" Finally something to do!, He quickly raised his hand as did many others, along with most of his team..Minus the one who was asleep of course. and with so many Port took a few seconds to pick one and that being...Weiss

When she got up she seemed to take a walk in stride as she left to go get changed. It wasn't long before she came back dressed in her same combat attire, it wasn't long before Port reveled a cage that held a boarbatusk in it, As Port instructed Weiss to get ready for combat, he shot the cage open things quickly went wild.

As the Grimm quickly charged at Weiss she seemed to know what she was doing and dodging out of the way with ease, as it went back and forth with Weiss dodging and leaving gashes into the Boarbatusk, Weiss quickly turned to shout at Ruby who had said something to offended her, But (y/n) couldn't make it out as he was to focused on the battle as the Grimm took the advantage and managed to land a charge on Weiss, though she ended up getting her rapier stuck between the tusks as she defended herself last second.

As she used what seemed to be a glyph to slow and stop the momentum the Boar had, sliding the rapier out of it's grip and jumping back, landing another glyph as she crouched down, waiting as the Boar finally charged at her once more before she dashed at it with increased speed and aimed towards the lower stomach where there was no armor, and managing to hit it, driving her rapiers blade deep into it, Killing it with one swift blow. And the bell rang signaling the end of class as everyone began to get up, Cole leaving before anyone could, already packed and dashed out, with his cloak dragging behind him. 

Nathan shot awake before rushing after his cloaked teammate as Gloria shortly followed after, shaking his head and heading off to the next class. (y/n) however stood behind, looking at the Schnee shortly before following after, something was up. But it could wait for later. He had Goodwitch's class next.

After another short walk, he arrived and took a seat as an arena was in the middle of class and surrounded buy seats filled with other students, (y/n) managed to find Gloria and Nathan while Cole was sitting on the railing that surrounded the arena.

Ms.Goodwitch quickly came in and welcomed the class and explained that this was were they would learn about in depth details about their aura, gauging it, in depth look at it, etc, also what to do in the heat of battle.

" Now for today's first lesson, we'll be learning how to basically  gauge your aura, and to do that, we'll need to volunteer's, so are there any takers? " Nearly every students hands shot up to which Glynda smirked. " We only need two for today So..." She said looking to her scroll checking the names of lists and picking a selection.

" Mr.Gloria and Mr.Thrush. " She said as Gloria nodded and quickly walked down to where the entrance was while Russel went the opposite way snickering, when the two finally came out of their uniform Gloria was wearing his same attire he did at the cliffs while Russel seemed to have a punk rocker look going for him with the sleeveless vest and black jeans.

"Ready to take a pounding girly? " Russel taunted to which didn't effect Gloria what so every, Though he did have a sharp stare at Russel, not one of intimidation. No, He was scanning him and his every movement.

" On my mark you shall begin and keep going until I say otherwise." Glynda stated as she quickly raised a hand. " Begin!" She said to to which both hunters were ready, Russel carelessly charging straight at Gloria, both daggers held tightly as he leaned forward and attempted to do across slash as Gloria effortlessly ducked underneath and curled up his fist, ramming it into Russel's stomach with full force and standing up, pushing Russel with tremendous force as he went sliding back.

Two bars popped up on a screen about the arena as one showed Russel's & Gloria's picture as when Gloria landed the punch, Russel's bar went down about 30% before Glynda spoke up. " As you can see students those bars measure our aura, we can both check them on our Scrolls to help gauge or choices in battle. Keep in mind that it's always best to check after a long engagement and retreat when necessary. 

(y/n) Nodded as he walked forward to he railing and joined Cole as they both looked down at the arena " This should be easy." Cole stated with quite the bold tone as he keep his eyes on Russel. " What makes you say that? " (y/n) said.  " He's too cocky, going to rush head first, and he'll realize it before it's too late. Gloria new that first thing he stepped in the ring. You could see it in his eyes. " Cole said as he got off the railing and leaned forward, smirking all the while as Nathan came over and dropped in " He raises a good point Boss." He said to (y/n) " Oh shush with the nickname." They all chuckled before turning their attention to their teammate.

Gloria slowly began to walk towards Russel with that same cold stare as he gripped his hand once more. " I'll finish this with one move.." He sighed as Russel grunted in response, growling and rushing him once more, throwing one of his daggers this time as Gloria leaned to the side with ease, avoiding the sloppy attack as Gloria dashed forward and punched the remaining dagger out of Russel's hand and putting his hand over Russel's mouth and lifting him up. 

" Game over." Nathan said as all three looked up and saw Russel's bar ever so slowly dropping before hitting red and Gloria dropped him as punk gasped for air and Gloria turned around. " Think before you leap. and maybe you fall within seconds. " He said with his back to Russel who looked at him with rage before he got up and retrieve his weapons before walking out.

Glynda then explained why Russel lost so easily before they both returned and everyone went to their seats, Nathan smirking as he looked to Gloria. " Kicked his ass, good one on ya mate." He chuckled " Oh shush Nate it was to easy.." Gloria replied hiding a faint blush. " You perfected his ass."  Cole said crouching on his seat and (y/n)nodded in agreement. 

Glynda signaled for everyone to rise as the Bell rang, letting them know it was lunch time as everyone made their way to the Cafeteria 

When they got there, lots of students had settle down, Teams lining up different spots as (L/n)SMN looked around as a pair of hands rose up and signaled them over those pairs of hands belonging to RWBY & JNPR as (y/n) and the others looked at each other before shrugging and walking towards them sitting down 

  (y/n) sat down between Ruby and Yang as Nathan sat on the other side to Yang and Blake. Gloria sat across from Weiss and in between Jaune and Ren as Cole was squatting on his seat as he sat across from Pyrrha and Nora and next to Weiss at the end.

All there own meals with them as Ruby started the conversation

" Thanks for coming over(y/n)!" She said with a small smirk as(y/n) yawned and began to eat away at his lunch before taking a drink of his cup of water. " Thanks for having us Rubes~" he chuckled as he looked over to Yang who which was staring along with Nathan into each others  eyes with lovey dovey smiles as (y/n) shook his head and left them. 

" How's your team handling their first day? " Ruby asked in a hushed tone as they both looked around the table to see what everyone was doing. Gloria was in a discussion with Weiss & Ren about the classes and their studying it seemed as Blake was reading a book and quietly keeping to herself with a smirk. Cole was drinking from his cup of tea before handing looking down to his sandwich which was gone...He looked up to see Nora with her cheeks full acting as nothing happened while Pyrrha giggled softly and shrugged, Cole joined in one the giggle as he remained squatting on the chair.

" I think their doing Just fine Rubes..How's yours? "(y/n) asked as Ruby shuddered a little bit. " We're off to a shakey start but nothing the leader can't handle! " She said with that confident smile he had come to trust and know over the years. It was just then Cole turned in his seat, eyes locked on something as he didn't look to happy.

" Something wrong Cole? " Pyrrha as he shook his head, and pulled up his hood of the cloak. " Trouble and not the good kind." He said as he peered over to team CRDL making their way too a rabbit faunus eating by herself, " Guys, should we go pay them a visit?, I don't think their going to say hello." He said as he jumped up from his seat and the other nodded. " No violence though." Cole said as he began to walk his cloak swaying side to side as they followed. As everyone from RWBY and JNPR shot worried looks to each other.

When the four of them arrived to where CRDL was, Cole cleared his breath loud enough to make their prescene heard as Cardin stopped his motion, about to pull on the unexpecting rabbit's ears. " What are you doing? " He asked in monotone voiced.

Cardin spoke up turned towards (y/n) and looking at Cole in his fully cloaked form " What's it matter to you? " He said back in a tough tone, a agitated lip as he looked to him. " It matters because it looked like you were going to hurt the poor girl." He said taking a step closer 

" I was just seeing if they were real. Like this!" He said as he went to grab her ears to which a cane shot out of Cole cloak and nailed Cardin's hand as he pulled them back and yelped the cane flying up as Cole quickly caught it and pointed the end at him 

" Cole shouldn't we-" Gloria said before Nathan stopped him and whispered. " He an't going to get violent, Trust me." He said as Gloria stepped back and sighed.

" Now that was a bad move on your part. " He turned to the bunny and leaned it. " If you could excuse us Miss. Don't want you getting hurt because of this Dolt." He asked as she nodded before quickly moving away to which Cardin shot daggers to (y/n) and his team " Why you!" He growled as his teammates seemed to join in, ready to pounce at a pen drop.

Cole slowly walked towards Cardin hood slowly falling as he looked him dead in the eyes. " You want some?, Goodwitch's class. (L/N)SMN vs CRDL. If you want to take your frustration out so badly. Save it." He said mere inches away from his face.

" But she's a freak, they don't belong here! " He spat in Cole's face who didn't budge. " And that's sadly where your wrong Cardin." _He said as he tapped the Cane against his chest poking him back. 

" Faunus have as much if not more right then YOU do in this school. Just because they have extra ears or tails doesn't make them different moron. They came here to prove themselves just like you. So stop wasting your efforts on them an- " Cole was cut short as a fist came flying from Sky which he stopped with the palm of his hand unfazed. " - *ahem* And save it for the Grimm." He said looking to Sky and pushing his hand away before turning around and walking away. (y/n) and the other shortly following the same as CRDL watched them walk off back to their seats as Cole squatted down once more and took another sip from his cup of tea. The whole table staring at him.

" What?" He turned to him, returning to his regular tone and looking confused. " Why did you do that? " Jaune asked to start off " Many reasons really. But the main ones being I hate racism and discrimination. And Cardin's a dick so there's that. " He said before taking another sip.

" And you just challenge them without our consent? " Gloria asked a bit alarmed as Cole put his empty cup down. " Gloria. Their headstrong and easy. It'll be a slaughter if we work together. This isn't a fight. It's a lesson." 

Nathan kept quiet before looking to Cole " Mate, did you seriously just set our team for a fight next class? " To which Cole nodded. " Wouldn't be fair if Gloria had all the fun now would it~" He chuckled to which Nathan did too " Your a hard book to read, I'll give you that!" It wasn't long before everyone joined in on the small chatter and laughter as soon enough the lunch bell rang

" I can't believe this is really happening." Weiss said as(y/n) stood up. " Me neither but I look forward to it. " He said as everyone began to walk off back to Glynda's class, expect(y/n) and Cole who which stayed behind, slowly walking.

" So did you really mean what you said about Faunus back there? Most people aren't open about that sorta thing."(y/n) said with a slight worried tone. 

" I never lie when it's about equal rights(y/n). " He said before stopping and turning to his leader. " You could be part Grimm for all I care, so long as you have a heart, You deserve a second chance." 

" Well thanks man...that means a lot to me...I am one of them after all." He said shyly as Cole smiled " Is that what the strings for? " He said as(y/n) nodded " It looks good...Though you hiding them won't change my views on how I see you. Leader. " 

  (y/n) blushed lightly as he rubbed the back of his neck " C-Come man, your too sweet about something like this." He said looking away as Cole chuckled. 

" Well come on Leader, We have a match to fight. And A point to prove. Onward!" He said speeding off as his cloak flowed behind him(y/n)  shortly running after him to catch up 

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