Chapter 3: New Friends.

After a long walk of talking with Cole, him and (y/n) both finished chatting.

" So what's your whole deal with the cloak? "(y/n) asked as he examined Cole's cloak that was a bit big for him as he stood roughly shoulder to shoulder with(y/n). " And it's size?" 

" Oh I just use it as a means to carry around things like my weapons and among other things." The cloaked man replied as he pulled out a cane with a dark blue color much like that of obsidian as(y/n) raised an eyebrow.

" You kill Grimm with a Cane? " He asked as Cole shook his head. " You'll see in time if we- " Cole was cut short when he heard grunting in the distance along with some howling " Well guess you'll get to see what it does!" The man shouted before rushing off towards where the howling was(y/n) Shortly following after and right on his tail.

When they cleared the bushes and came into an opening they saw two hunters standing back to back surrounded by a pack of Beowolves, back to back.

One of the them was wearing A blue shirt that countered the shade with Cole's hair, being a light blue while contrasting it with a red scarf wrapped around their neck and finishing it off with Black jeans and matching black combat boots and bracelets on each wrist. Then they finally saw the strange looking gloves that was probably their weapon as they had long blonde hair that fell to shoulders length and reached behind him, which faded and parted into a black which curled up and ended there. 

The other male next to him was more armored up it appeared as he wore a mask full mask the resembled a human skull with a shade of black,  with a glowing red eye and engraving of a maple leaf on the side of the jawbone, He had what appeared to be a sorta of ballistic jacket top with red lines with a sheath for a knife. while his army styled looking pants along which were also black alone with his own combat boots with another sheath on one of the sides of his legs.

(( I don't know if I did decent describing it so here's a link to make it easier for the vest It's just his Vest )) 

Finally he had two small looking gauntlets of which he held a huge Buster sword with a Crimson blade, with a black guard while the handle was grey.

Both (y/n) and Cole didn't hesitate as they both joined in the middle catch the other two off guard. (y/n) pulling out (w/n) In it's rod form, quickly changing it into a sword and looking at the horde that surrounded them

" Oh great, the more the merrier!" Said the man wearing the mask almost in a jolly tone.

 " We can cheer when we're alive, they still out number us! " Said the one in a scarf as he held a defensive position. " Oh lighten up Gloria." Retorted the Mask man before the one called Gloria sighed and nodded.

" Gentlemen. Lovely to see you both but we'll talk after we've wiped out our unwelcome guests right?" Cole asked as he looked back to (y/n) who nodded " One who kills the most has to gets to pick the artifact!" (y/n) said with a smirk before all four of them nodded and dashed off into the pack.

Not holding back from the start (y/n) dove his sword the skull of a Beowolf who quickly crumbled and turned to dust as three more pounced towards him, quickly rolling underneath one as he gripped the sword with both hands and the blade shifted once more, growing longer and skinnier to form a katana.

Taking a deep breath he focused on the Two beowolfs who were now charging him as the one from earlier was recovering from it's missed pounce. As one went in for a swipe at his stomach he swung with grace as he cut clean through the Beo's arm and leaving it wounded as he plunged back and stabbed the blade through the one arm Beo's gut and pulled away.

As it's remains blew in the wind(y/n) heard the pounding of feet coming from behind him as he dodged left and raised his blade once more, dodging a lunging Beowolf to which he countered with bringing his blade down and cutting the Beowolf in half. One now remained and it was in his sights.

The wolf foolishly charged at(y/n) like previous companions before with haste, leaping at him, with a smirk(y/n) Dropped to the ground and held the blade up, The Beowolf howled in pain it ended up leaping into the sharp blade, and thust cutting itself in half right down the split with how fast it was going, Smiling to himself(y/n) got up and began to dust himself off while he looked at how the others were doing.

The man with Skull mask was doing just fine as he was surrounded by his own five  and still held the buster sword as he quickly dashed forward towards a Beowolf, though out of nowhere he vanished out of thin air and reappeared behind the Beowolf and swung his sword with ease, cleaving the shocked Beowolve in half. Well, that must be his semblance. 

As it let out one last howl before blowing away as dust before it's companions then decided to all rush him down at once, reacting quickly his buster sword faded away as he gripped the two knifes from both his vest and boot and quickly rolled forward dodging a swipe from one of the Grimm, when he landed he blinked forward and towards the one that tried to claw at him.

Jumping once he finished his Blink he dove one of his knifes into the Beowolf's back, making the creature stop in it's track and try to throw him off to which he used to his advantage, he swung himself off Beowolf's back and propelled himself forward and over it as when the blade was ripped out it howled once more in pain to which The man drove his second knife into it's Jaw followed by the second knife into it's head, leaving only three left.

He quickly sheathed his knifes and rolled back works, his gauntlets flashing a light as he summoned two Desert Eagles one being the traditional sliver while the other was gold tented. and he began to unload bullet after bullet as his arms seemed to have a mind of their own and his skull's red eye flashed brighter as he did so, in his barrage of bullets he managed to pick off two of the last three Beowolf and wounding the other one harshly making movement neigh impossible. 

With one last smooth turn his guns and gauntlets flashed once more as it turned into a sniper rifle with a color pattern(y/n) quickly recognized much like Crescent Rose when Ruby was sniping. And with one clear shot the Skull man blew a huge hole in the Grimm's head before he was done on his end " God I'm going to love this school." He sighed happily to himself. 

(y/n) turned his attention too Gloria who was already fending off his own already holding back a Beowolf before quickly snapping it's neck cleanly and letting it's body hit the floor turning to the next opponent before two Beowolf's jumped down and started sprinting on all fours.

Gloria could be seen taking a deep breath as he took a defensive stance as the two Beowolf's leap at him. one charging for his legs while the second one jumped and aimed for his chest. Gloria jumped of the ground and tackled the second Beowolf into the ground and stomping and crushing it until the beast stopped moving.

But he didn't hesitate to follow after the Beowolf that charged with the one he just killed, quickly grabbing it's tail and which caused the beast yelp before Gloria began to slowly spin in place holding tightly onto the tail before the Beowolf slowly began to lift off the ground and spin in circles as Gloria held tightly before with one heave and let go, seeing the poor Grimm flying off into the sky. Gone. 

" Three huh?, Sadly I was expecting more but I'll take it." He said as he clapped his hands together signaling that he was done. leaving(y/n) to turn to the last one out of the squad.

Cole was yawning as he himself was surrounded by three to four Beowolf's himself though he didn't seem to give a care in the world, still only having his cane out. Seeming like the Beowolfs thought it was an easy kill they only had one quickly charge at him swiping wildly 

He then quickly dashed towards the lone Beowolf and stopped, sliding down and kicking a foot up and hitting the Grimm's chin and stopping the charge as he quick jammed the Cane into it chest and pressed something as his cane extended and pushed him back as a large blade shot out and pierced through the Beowolf's jaw and he quickly yanked it out quickly as the Beowolf fell lifeless, Turns out his cane was a scythe. the blade was a solid Neon slimy green as it kept the same obsidian blue for the Pole as he smirked. " Oops. " 

He then turned his attention to the three remain Beowolf's as he began to he began to hum to himself softly as his hips swayed side to side, like he was in his own little world as(y/n) looked with a raised eye brow.

The Grimm didn't take any chances as all three of them began to circle him slowly before sprinting on all fours and didn't attack as Cole didn't seem to care, now bobbing and moving his shoulders to whatever he was humming as he gripped his scythe and chuckled, Running and quickly jumping in the air as he brought his scythe's blade flying down towards the ground landing and cutting into the soil before a Beowolf stopping it said Grimm in it's tracks. 

As it was to late for it to stop it hit the scythe as Cole jumped to over the dazed Beowolf and gripped something as a metallic rattling could be heard as he left his weapon in the ground.

The Beowolf recovered quickly glared back and snarling at Cole he smirked as he yanked on something that turned out to be connected to a chain right then a Beowolf went to strike him from behind with Both claws raised, But as he yanked the chain the scythe surprisingly popped out of the ground and came flying back towards it's own, slicing through the Beowolf that was staring him down while he caught the flying scythe.

Catching the weapon by the pole and turning around and slicing what was in front of him he dispatched the other Beowolf, leaving on one who stood there and watched as he smirked. " Well?, I'm waiting~"  He taunted as the Beowolf did something unexpected and turned tail, running back into the forest as he sighed.  " Party pooper.." He chuckled before turning around and giving(y/n) a thumbs up. 

  (y/n)  merely chuckled as he returned the gesture and in the result(y/n)  and the others grouped back up before starting to chat once more.

" Well that was major kick ass we did against that horde." Cole started out holding his scythe to his side before the man in the masked as with a slight chuckle, " What's that's beauty name?" Cole smiled " Rose. and then I have her sister Mary who I keep in the cloak much like her sister."

" Rose and Mary...Not bad." The man chuckled before looking to his gauntlets. " Well knowing my many weapons I'll just give you a run down." He said as the other nodded. 

" My Buster Sword is 'Wilted Rose' While the knives are  'Bloodletters', My C14 is 'Reaper's Vow' and finally to top of the pile I have, my two Deagles are called ' Vikki ' and ' Vance' and that sums it up, All hand built from yours truly!" He ended with chuckle.

" God damn dude got enough weapons? " Cole asked a bit gasped to which the Masked man chuckled even louder. " Nope!"(y/n) joined in on the laughter as Did Gloria, though he did his best to try and hide it. 

The laughter continued before the Masked man stopped and took a deep breath. " Oh right, The name's Nathan Montroy, And this is my partner." Nathan said as he pointed over to Gloria who stepped up.

" I am Gloria Notita. Pleasure to make your acquaintance  you two." He said as he held out both hands to which(y/n) and Cole happily shook  " My weapons may look like Gloves but they drain Aura upon contact, being able to both absorb and redirect it if needed." (y/n) and Cole both nodded before they introduced themselves.

" Say(y/n) what's with your weapon?" Nathan asked as he looked to the Metal pole(y/n) held

" Ahh, That would be the work of my Semblance. And a little bit of Aura mixed in, (w/n)'s one of my proud treasures" He said as Nathan nodded and smiled underneath his mask. " So what's your semblance anyway? " Gloria asked as they all began to walk towards the ruins as their conversation continued.

" Well it's a bit of a mix like I said, to put it simply, I control electricity while I'm still figuring out the kinks, I managed to impalement it into my weapon, Having it shape to anything I want."(y/n) said with a slight smirk.

" Does that mean you shoot electricity out of it too?" Cole asked to which(y/n) nodded.

" What are your guy's semblance's? "(y/n) asked as Nathan was the first to spoke before anyone else.

" Well as you saw, I can blink back and forth course it's not free, if I use it I can seriously hurt myself with over exhaustion, though I can also summon a body double of mine...It's a bit complex why, but I'll tell you all another time.." 

" Is that it-" Cole asked before he got cut off.

" But wait there's more!. I can also make others see Illusions if I concentrate hard enough, though I can't really be interrupted during it. So eh." He shrugged before turning to his Partner

" Your up Glory." He chuckled as said teammate sighed. " Please don't call me that.." 

" Oh alright Gloria." Nathan said with one last chuckle before Gloria took the floor.

" Well unlike my partner who has to many to name, My semblance is called 'Analyze Data' With it I can recall any combat data I have witnessed and break it down, allowing me to use that myself or project it and inform others from these little cubes that appear when I use it..So more useful for Intel on any enemies we've fought before." He ended before going quiet.

Everyone's gaze turned to Cole who smiled back. " Well my turn~" He took a deep breath.

" It's called " Divided We Stand." With it I can create up to five clones of my self, they share the same feats and weapons as me, perfect copies, they can think on their own while we can communicate. But if I spam it to much, say I git rid of one to avoid a deadly attack I can't just summon another one willy nilly, because of a few things..." He ended as he took another breath.

" So what are those reasons? "(y/n) asked

" Well whatever the one clone feels all the others feel, be it pain or something like healing. That means if one were to die, I would do the same as well. That and if I spam it to much...Things happen.." He wondered off.

" ...Like what?" Gloria asked mildly curious.

" If I summon to many clones, my body starts to take tolls..Such as catching a cold...Temporary blindness...Heart attacks, etc.." He said before shaking his head. " Anyways, who cares about the down sides. Look!" He said as he pointed at their destination. They all quickly ran down to the ruins.

When they got their(y/n) and the rest took note and before they approached looked around as they saw black and white chess pieces on the pedestals " So these are the relics.." Gloria said as he approached a rook piece.

" Looks like it."(y/n)  said as he did the same, spotting a black rook piece. " So who's picking?" 

" I got four." Cole said.

" Three hear." Gloria replied.

" Five Alive!" Nathan laughed in response.

" Then me and Nate are choosing."(y/n)  responded as the two did so, scanning over the selections before they grabbed both rook pieces and smiled. " Now who wants to go back and get into beacon?" (y/n) said as he chuckled.  

"We do!" The other three yelled in response as all of them sprinted back towards the cliff that they came from...Things were now getting interesting.

(( Well that was a lot longer then I expected it to be, and now were getting to the good part of it all, and while I thank all of you who applyed for OC's but didn't make the cut, have no Fear, I'll be doing one of two things, either adding a second team or...Making another story line...One day after this. ))

(( But I couldn't thank anyone else more then Miraak568 for helping me out with getting OC's in, thanks fam, and the same goes for the other two owners I used those being Project-Carnes and Gameman659. If you two are reading this please let me know how I did. one last thing.)) 

(( If you guys love reading this, please, let me know how I am doing and what I can improve on in this by leaving comments if you want too. I only want to improve as we move on. Thank you and that is all- Cole )) 

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