Phone Calls

Dean's phone begins to rings. The ringing phone echos throughout the quite bunker. Dean sat alone in the library, he looked around the room. He knew Sam had went off to bed just a few moments ago. Dean looked at his phoe and saw the number: 666, Crowley. Dean stood up and placed the phone to his ear.

Crowley- "Hello Squirrel."

Dean- "Crowley, where the hell have you been!? Did you get my calls?!"

Crowley- "How has it been?"

Dean- "Well, it could be better if I had this damn Mark off my arm! Why didn't you return my calls?"

Crowley- "I'm preoccupied."

Dean- ''With?"

Crowley- "I don't know, maybe something called Hell! I am after all the King of Hell and I had other matters of state and I don't serve you!"

Dean- "What about helping me, I thought we were pals or whatever."

Crowley- "Hey hey, now squrriel, I did fetch you your little first blade, buddy."

Dean- "Good. Hand it over!"

Crowley- "Ahhh not soo fast."

Dean- "What?"

Crowley- "There are some pressing matters at stake here. Like I may have discovered something you maybe insterested in."

Dean- "Well, spill it!"

Crowley- ''I know you are searching for Cain's location."

Dean- "How?"

Crowley- "A little birdy told me."

Dean- "Do you have it? The location."

Crowley- "Now now, don't be pushy."

Dean- "Damnit Crowley, come on! I aint got all day!"

Crowley- "As I said, a little birdy told me."

Dean- "Okay and?"

Crowley- "Well, he was following our favorite winged fellow."

Dean- "Cas? Why? What are you...what did you..."

Crowley- "Relax. Castiel is fine. My spies just kept a close eye on him, listen to a few phone calls. Moose sounds unhappy with your current situation. Trouble in paradise?"

Dean- "Enough Crowley. I'm hanging up!"

Crowley- "No, now just wait a moment! I may have some bad news you may not like very much. Cain, he may not be the source you are looking for.''

Dean- "What? Why?"

Crowley- "Cain gave it to you but the Mark of Cain has an original source, the one who gave it to Cain."

Dean- "Okay? Who?"

Crowley- "Dean, Dean, Dean. I figured the slow pace from Moose not you Squirrel."

Dean- "Get on with it Crowley!"

Crowley- "Your little pal...Lucifer. Ring any bells?"

Dean- "Lucifer?! No, no no no no, that can't be it."

Crowley- "Oh yes."

Dean- "Crap! How?"

Sam suddently walks into the room. He sees Dean standing up and is on the phone yelling at someone. Dean's back is to Sammy.

Sam- "Dean?"

Dean turns around quickly and sees his little brother standing behind him watching his movements.

Dean- "Got to go."
Dean says to Crowley on the phone.

Crowley- "Oh squrriel, fancy a chat later."

Dean tosses his phone onto the table and clears his voice and takes a step closer towards Sam.

Dean- "Hey."

Sam- "Hey, who was that?"

Dean- "What? Nothing, what's up?"

Sam- "Nothing. Just seeing how you are."

Dean- "I'm peachy."

Sam- "You sure?"

Dean- "Yeah, never better. Why?"

Sam- "No reason."
Sam looked at Dean thinking, "Your my big brother and I'm super worried about you and I'm here to help in anyway I can, just talk to me. Please."
But Sam didn't say those words he was thinking. He didn't want to push Dean to hard or far. He was worried about Dean but knew that Dean like to bottle it all up and try to hide it by acting like everything was all good and putting a smile over his pain.

Sam- "Umm...Cas called yesterday."

Dean- "And?"

Sam- "And, well he hasn't found Cain's location, but he is still searching so don't..."

Dean- "Don't what?! Give up hope!"

Sam looked up at Dean. He hated to think Dean had no hope of returning to his old self, to be Sam's same old, big brother he once was.

Sam- "Dean..."

Dean- "What! Hope that I will be rid of this thing!"
Dean pulled up his sleve and pointed at the Mark of Cain.

Dean- "Yeah, nope not losing hope that I never had in the first place Sammy!"

Sam- "Did something happen? What's wrong?"

Dean- "Nothing. Just the game has changed."

Sam- "Changed how?"

Dean- "Nothing. You hungery cause I can eat."

Sam- "Dean."

Dean- "No. Cool, I'll be back in a bit."
Dean blocked Sam out and tried to change the topic real quickly.

Sam- "Dean wait! Don't you think we should talk about whatevers gotten you upset?"

Dean- "No, cause I'm good. Now lay off this Sammy."

Sam- "Dean, I'm just trying to help you. You are..."

Dean- "I said Stop Sam! How many times do I got to say it, enough. Quite bothering me, quite ringing your hands over this, over me. I'm fine. Now leave it at that!"

Sam- "Dean."

Dean- "Sam!"

Dean raised his voice and his eye brows at Sam, warning him to stop. Clearly Dean was both done talking and upset. Sam could tell that Dean was furious.. Sam noddedhis head and Dean turned and quickly walked up the stairs in the bunker and left, slamming the door loudly behind him. Sammy ran his fingers through his hair and looked down at the table. Dean's phone sat there, and Sam looked back up at the door. Sam quickly grabed the phone and looked at it's call history...666- Crowley. Sam exhailed and redailed the number. It ranged for a moment before Crowley picked it up and answered it.

Crowley- ''Two phone calls in a day squrriel, and I...."

Sam- "Crowley!"

Crowley- "Ahh Moose. What have you been up too and why are you on your brother's phone?"

Sam- "Quite the small chat Crowley, this isn't a social call!"

Crowley- "Ohh of course not. What can I do for you Moose?''

Sam- "Tell me what you told Dean earlier!"

Crowley- "And why would I do that?"

After a moments pause Crowley continued to speak to Sam.

Crowley- "Why would you like to know Moose? What did squrriel not tell you of our secret chats and phone calls? Is he hiding things from you? Must be trouble in paradise for you two. Your brother..."

Sam- "My brother! He needs my help and whatever you said set him off! So I need to know."

Crowley- "It's about the Mark, moroon."

Sam- "The Mark?"

Crowley- "Try to keep up Moose. The Mark and it's source. I may have uncovered something of value to helping out your brother."

Sam- "Well what is it?!"

Crowley- "Not a what but a who. And you..."

Just then the phone was yanked from Sam's ear and out of his hands. Sam turned around to see Dean standing behind him and Dean didn't look happy. Dean looked down at the phone and put it up to his ear.

Dean- "Hey!"

Crowley- "Squirrel!!"

Dean clicked the phone and ended the call. Dean shoved his phone into his pocket and looked back up at Sammy.

Dean- "What did he tell you!?!"

Sam- "Nothing."

Just then Dean launched at Sam. His fists in Sam's shirt and shoveing Sam against the wall. Sam looked surprised and confuessed at his older brother. Dean's knuckles were turning white. Dean was pissed off. He was pissed that Sam might have heard what Crowley had told him earlier that Lucifer was the key to all of this and he couldn't risk Sammy finding this out and taking risks that could end up with him killed or worst.

Sam- "Dean?"

Dean's mind was spinning. He couldn't think straight for a moment. All the emotions within him that he had bottled up were touching the surface but then lessing and he became cool and calm like. He could hear Sam's voice as a whisper but he didn't respond to it. He then got a flash of an image when he was torturing Metatron and how it felt.

Sam- "Dean!!"

Dean looked up at Sam and relased him quickly and back up form his little brother.
"NO" he thought, "I can't lose control with Sammy! I can't hurt him, I can't! I won't hurt him, it can not happen. I can't be near Sammy, Sammy is in danger cause of me. I might..."
Dean looked back at Sammy. He could see that his little brother was very worried about him right at this moment. Dean looked down at his arm. The Mark still had soo much power over him, it was dangerous, he was dangerous.

Sam- "Dean."

Sam stepped closer to his big brother. Dean jumped when he saw this and in a flash he saw himself throwing punches at Metatron. Dean swong his arm and his fist connecting with Metatron's face and how he smiled at it and enjoyed Dean go darker and deeper into that dark hole he had inside him. Dean threw another punch and another one until her heared Sam's small voice off it the distance. The words were hard to make out.

Sam- "Dean stop! Dean!"

Dean threw another punch and heard Metatron laugher fill the room around him. But then he heared Sammy's voice, it was small and quite like a whisper off in the distance. But he now heard them more clearly than before and heard pain and begging from his little's brother's voice.

Sam- "Dean! Listen to me please...Dean!"

Dean's vision became clear and he saw what had just happened. He looked shocked. He saw Sammy on the floor with blood pouring from his nose. Sam held his arm up to block his face from another blow. Dean's hands were in tight fists. Dean looked down at his hands. They were red and had some blood on the knuckles.
He wasn't beating up Metatron, he was hitting Sammy and hurting him and he couldn't stop himself and Sam begged for him to stop and listen to him. Dean backed up from Sam. Sam pushed himself up and back onto his feet. He placed one hand on his head and was clearly in pain. Sam lowered his hand from his head and looked up at Dean.

Sam- "Dean..."

Dean- "No Sammy. Stay back!"

Sam- "It's alright, I can help you. Dean.."

Dean shocked his head and turned from Sam and left the room quickly. Sam began to follow him but when Dean got to the door he held out his hand as if warning Sam to stay where he was.

Dean- "No!"

Dean then threw open the door and quickly went to his baby, the impala. Sammy quicken his steps and made it outside just in time to see Dean pull away quickly. Sammy knew Dean shouldn't be on his own but he had no way of stopping him. Dean was many things, strong, independent, a leader, hero and a awesome big brother but he was also hurt, sad, lost and in pain and felt soo much guilt over everything little thing in the world. Sam watched the car disappear off in the distance. Sammy closed his eyes and lifted up his head. He felt like he was failing his brother once again and that all of this that has been happening with his brother was all his fault and Sam felt horrible that he didn't know how to help Dean out.

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