Chapter 20

It was fast, and slow at the same time.

Far too slow for Morgana who kept staring from the distance turned into a raven, knowing that if she were to intrude things could get a lot worse than what they already were. She knew Morgause was pending, waiting for the outcome while Gawain and Agravaine had already chosen sides. One movement from her part and far more lives could be lost.

The fight had dragged, she didn't know how long it was taking, but she could see that every time Arthur held the upper hand he hesitated, whether it was in his sword or in his steps. Every single time, this gave Mordred enough advantage to continue the fight. It wouldn't take long before it got dark. Both of them seemed to be getting tired, the length of the fight getting to them; yet, none of them relented. She could faintly see their lips moving but she couldn't make anything of what they were saying. Next to her, turned into an owl, Emrys watched, his eyes never once moving away from the fight, his breathing stopping every time it seemed like if Mordred would win.

One second, she was watching both their swords clash against each other, the metal resonating before they were too close to each other. Each of them remained still for a moment, Morgana took flight.

As she was flying to them, Arthur and Mordred broke apart, hands resting over their fractured armors, their swords loose on their hands. No longer having the power to raise it again. Mordred let out a furious scream rushing towards Arthur as fast as his steps allowed and Morgana noticed the red stain growing in the side of his armor. Her heart twisted on her chest.

It should have never been like that.

Mordred shouldn't have become what he did.

But she watched his legs give up and he fell to the ground. Morgana's eyes then followed Arthur. She saw the stain on his chest and the way his eyes looked at Mordred with the deepest of sadness. He turned his back on the young knight, struggling to keep his steps. The boy seemed willing to drag himself through the ground if it meant stabbing Arthur a second time. Morgana heard the sound of leaves rattling and she knew Emrys had taken flight.

"This is all your fault" Mordred spat, his blue eyes throwing daggers at Arthur, who has leaning forward, his hand pressing against his armor "You're not living through this Arthur, I made sure you wouldn't, because you don't deserve it. You should have given me what I deserve, what I was born to have. I swear, I swear to you that one day, one wonderful day you will be gone from this earth and I will have the strength to take what should have always been mine, I will build a kingdom far larger than what you have created and your name will be meaningless"

Morgana approached the scene, turning back into a human, she looked at Mordred in the ground, the boy had turned and was looking at the sky. Morgana knelt down to his level, putting her hand in his chest. She couldn't heal him, but at least she could make his death less painful. Her eyes glowed blue, and she could feel him glaring at her as she pushed his pain away.

"I don't want anything from you, you traitor," Mordred spat, looking at Morgana this time. Her lips turned into a line,

"I know," Morgana mumbled standing up.

She turned to Arthur, who was staggering.

"Come here, big boy" Morgana muttered tenderly, throwing Arthur's arm over her shoulder, she turned one last time to see Mordred, but she found his body wasn't there anymore.

"I'm an adult Morgana, you can't call me big boy" Arthur mumbled, Morgana smiled with sadness.

"Sure you are" Morgana's smile didn't falter, but the pain in her eyes grew. She looked ahead of her where the boat rested "Hold on Arthur, just a little bit more, think of Aethel, that girl is waiting for you at her home and has yet to see the lengths that your stubbornness can reach" Morgana said watching Arthur smile despite the pain twisting his features. Arthur nodded, a hand over Morgana's shoulders as she tried to get him to move as fast as possible with the time ticking against them.

Morgana laid Arthur's body in the boat and she sat in it. She saw him struggle to remain sitting and keep his eyes open. She noticed a figure in the edge of the lake. She recognized Emry's shape, his eyes glowing green before fog covered the lake, Morgana gave him a single nod before he vanished. Her heart sank and she swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Morgana" Arthur mumbled bringing her attention to him "I don't what's happening, but please take care of Aethel, and tell her that I loved her, tell her that her father loved her so dearly and that I wouldn't dare to trust Camelot to anyone else" Morgana's eyes opened wide her aching only growing.

"Why me? You can tell her all those things as soon as we get you better" Morgana tried, watching him struggle to make up the words to answer to her, her heart began to beat fast. She stood in the boat and her eyes glowed blue while she opened a door to Avalon.

The boat went through it and as soon as they crossed, she closed it. A group of fairies, her grandmother amongst them were waiting for her at the edge of the river. She touched it almost as soon as they arrived. The fairies helped her to lift Arthur from the boat

"Please" Morgana pleaded "You have to help me save him," she tried, noticing how he barely kept his eyes open, far too week to question where he had been taken.

"Of course we will child, otherwise he wouldn't be allowed here" Morgana's grandmother, Derys, spoke with a hint of bitterness. They laid Arthur's head in Morgana's lap, her grandmother highlighting the importance of someone having a connection with the person on who the spell was going to be practiced on. Two fairies at each side of Arthur, their eyes glowing as their hands rested above Arthur's body. Morgana's hands were at each side of Arthur's head, trying to do exactly as she had been taught. Force the death out, give the person a reason the fight against it while the others healed the body.

Morgana saw the lights fade from the eyes of the fairies. Their eyes focused on her until she stopped, their mouths were twisted, and their eyes refused to look at Morgana. She saw her grandmother take a deep breath, reaching to touch Morgana's arm.

"It's too late" she said with eyebrows furrowed. Morgana's eyes opened wide, she looked at Arthur who just as easily could have been asleep. Morgana felt something growing in the pit of her stomach.

"But you said that as long as I brought him here on time, this would work" She yelped.

"I know what I said" Derys spoke, a hint of sadness in her voice "but we are not gods, we can't do miracles."

"He'll die, then?" Morgana's voice hesitated, breaking for a moment. No. It couldn't be happening, the point was to make him live, help him survive. Not to lose him while trying, he had to wake up, it was supposed to work.

"No, but he won't be entirely alive either, nor he will be able to leave this place" Morgana's eyes moved from her grandmother to Arthur, whose chest was raising in falling with more clarity than before.

She thought about her niece, who would now have to live without her parents, with Guinevere gone to a nunnery and Arthur now gone forever. The world wasn't kind to girls, Morgana knew that better than anyone else, but she would help Aethel to see that sometimes it's kind enough to give you something that makes enduring a little longer worth it.

"He will be fine, there are many fates worse than that" Morgana's grandmother tried. Morgana's eyes shot in her direction, scanning her face for any indication of mockery and lies, but the woman's face was soft and tender. Morgana's eyebrows furrowed.

"Like what?" Morgana questioned, a hint of bitterness in her tone but she was only met with silence.


Jonathan was writing as fast as he could on his notebook, trying to get his calculous homework done before the class began. There was a fleeting moment when he had considered doing it in the comfort of his home. However, much like every homework he could do while in the school, it was buried in the back of his mind until the moment the break began.

"I can't believe you." Mary laughed, leaning over to check what the boy had already written. Jonathan rose his middle finger at her while he tried to scribble the answers as fast as he could, while still making sure they were correct. They most likely were.

"Is it really surprising at this point?" Lizzie questioned, peering over Jonathan's shoulder who took his eyes off his homework to look at the girl as if she had revealed his most important secret. Lizzie smiled.

"I suppose not," Mary shrugged, "I just assumed that now that we're a week away from leaving this wonderful place Jonathan would have gotten some responsibility into him and would begin to do the homework at home. I know I was too naïve, but a girl can dream" she sighed, her voice teasing and overly dramatic at the same time.

"I'd rather be doing it in class, nothing better than the pure adrenaline of knowing the teacher is asking for the homework while I've just begun mine, but that idiot needs it" Jonathan pointed at Henry, who was sitting close to Jonathan trying to look at what he was doing so he could write it on his own notebook. He, in one of his few displays of common sense, liked to have his homework done by the time the teacher asked, but hardly ever did it himself.

"And I'll forever be grateful for it, my grade is half your work, I'd kiss you right now if I could" Henry leaned close to Jonathan who quickly pulled away rolling his eyes.

"Maybe next time" he tilted his head, his lips tensing to prevent an amused smile "If I reclaimed every single kiss you say you owe me, we'd be kissing for days"

"And the problem is..." Henry rose his eyebrow, doing his best impression of a charming smile and winking at Jonathan, who barely lifted his eyes from his notebook to look at him.

"You're not my type" he deadpanned; his voice emotionless. His cheeks flushed when Lizzie, the always sweet and nice Lizzie gave him knowing eyes that seemed to say, 'oh but we all know who is your type, don't we?'.

"Jonathan, how mean of you to crush poor Henry's heart, what does he have that makes him undesirable? I mean, sure, he sometimes smells like he hasn't bathed in days, and has a habit of interrupting people, and the charm of a rock someone kicked in the woods, but I don't get what you don't see in him"

"Mary, that's mean, he does have a girlfriend, remember that" Lizzie scolded. Jonathan repressed a laugh and Mary rolled her eyes.

"What would I do without you Lizzie? You're an angel" Daniel said making the girl giggle.

"I..." Jonathan began to speak, furrowing his eyebrows and standing still, a strange feeling sat on his stomach and a chill ran down his spine. It was unfamiliar and had a sense of dread carried with it. At the same time, it was recognizable, like seeing the same nose as your grandfather in a relative you were meeting for the first time. He stood up, leaving the pencil next to his notebook until he felt the ground begin to shake.

"Get under the table!" Lizzie was quick to command, Jonathan remained still trying to put a name to what he had felt before the ground began to shake, faintly hearing the voice of a teacher who repeated the same words Lizzie had said over and over again until someone pulled him from his uniform's jacket. He mumbled a quick thank you. He could hear some people tried to push the door to get out of the cafeteria and others scream in panic.

The shaking didn't last long. Henry and he were the firsts to peek out of the table, making it clear to others that it was safe to get out. Nothing had fallen, the crystals remained standing. Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows, helping Lizzie from underneath the table while Daniel helped Mary.

He crossed eyes with Audrey who was standing next to Gabriel, both of them staring at a corner of the cafeteria. He followed their eyes until he noticed the knight standing in the corner of the room next to an empty table. His hear sunk in his chest as his eyes began to search for Valerie amongst the scattered people coming from underneath the tables while others remained beneath them. He put a hand in Henry's shoulder before he hurried to look for her underneath every table when he realized she wasn't amongst the people who had stood up. He wondered if she had been of the few that had run out, but it didn't seem quite like her. A teacher was trying to get everyone's attention, maybe to get everyone out of the cafeteria before an aftershock happened, but it seemed to be useless. All eyes were focused on the knight in the corner.

"Well, fuck" he cursed, moving to Audrey and Gabriel. The knight rose his sword for the first time letting it fall to the table that broke in two and fell to the floor resonating above the student's whispers. He began to call Valerie until he was met with the voice of the lady that said he could leave a voice mail.

"Where is Valerie?" Audrey questioned, Gabriel's arm was over her shoulder "Gabriel and I tried to get ahold of her, but she's not answering, nor has she seen them."

Jonathan couldn't say that it surprised him, but at the same time, depending on what the message said, he doubted that Valerie wouldn't even see them.

"I'm trying to call her," Jonathan said, his phone pressed tight against his ear. A dreadful gut feeling setting in the pit of his stomach when he got send to the voice mail a second time.

"Do any of you have any idea why the fuck is everyone here? No one should be here... she still hasn't answered" Jonathan complained, the students had either scattered to the opposite side of the cafeteria from where the knight was and were recording the scene with their phones or had run as soon as the sword broke the table.

"We need a plan," Audrey spoke looking in between Gabriel and Jonathan who stared at the knight swinging his sword. If they wanted to get Valerie in, they first needed to get rid of the rest. Preferably in a way that didn't involve having to call Merlin and Morgana to come and heal half the school.

"We need to get everyone out" Jonathan said

"We can do both" Gabriel added, looking in between them, "What if the reason why Valerie isn't answering is because she's dealing with another one, so far, the knights have only shown up where she is" Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows, Gabriel's words made sense, but they also caused Jonathan's heart to sink in his chest. If Gabriel was right it meant he was with Gabriel and Audrey when Valerie could be needing his help to fight a guy in an armor with a thousand year old grudge.

He knew that Valerie was someone who most of the time, didn't need help defending herself. That was something he was sure of and that she had shown him over and over again. These things, however, weren't some stupid boy who had decided that trying to stick bubblegum to her hair was the brilliant definition of a prank. These things were out for her head, all he could do was try to make sure that didn't happen. A difficult task when he was in the school's cafeteria and she was who knows where not answering her phone.

"But we've never had more than one knight" Audrey's voice resonated.

"Can you think of a better excuse than her life being on danger to explain why she's not answering Jonathan's calls in the middle of a break, right after an earthquake?" Audrey remained quite, her eyes travelling to the floor. Jonathan knew what she was thinking, there could be a lot of reasons, each sounding much worse than the other "What I think we can do is, Audrey, you get everyone out of the cafeteria and the school if possible, I go to search for Valerie and send out every student I can find, Jonathan, you've got to stop the knight" The phone he was pressing against his ear nearly fell of Jonathan's hands as he stared at Gabriel, looking at him up and down.

"You hit one with a fucking shovel and they didn't even move except to nearly knock your lights out. I suppose I can try to hold it back, but..." he tried, glancing at the knight, tilting his head, his mouth tense in a line.

"You do that." Gabriel gave him a thumbs up hitting him in the shoulder with enough force to make him lean forward, "right now the priority is trying to get everyone out..."

Jonathan sees the knight going after a table with people still underneath them. His heart resonated in his chest. Without thinking about it his eyes glowed golden and a shield rose above the table, stopping the knight from dropping the sword above the teenager that scattered out helped by another student. Jonathan turned his back on Audrey and Gabriel and walked to his classmates that were watching the knight with shock. He looked around, begging no one had made up a link between him and the shield.

He pressed his phone against his ear, listening to the beeping sound before letting out a curse. His heart beating faster as a dreadful feeling settled on the pit of his stomach. Valerie had to be fine, she was smart, she was strong. The hole in his chest grew bigger at the idea that she might be getting hurt while he remained in the cafeteria. He dialed her number once again. Trying to listen to it over Audrey raising her voice to get everyone's attention.

"Jonathan, I know you need to know if the little gremlin is alright" Mary began, he hadn't realized when she reached his side. Audrey and Gabriel's eyes on her "I'm sure you can allow yourself a bit of self-preservation every once in a while" she tried to pull him, but he didn't move.

Mary stopped, and saw him lower his phone to hang on the woman in the voice mail. Jonathan pressed the phone to his chest as if it would make her forget that she saw the nickname he had picked for Valerie on the screen.

"Jonathan, mate" she sighed, almost sounding like a mother about to scold her son "I know Valerie can throw a punch and that shit, but I don't get why you'd want her to come here I'm here and I don't want to be here" Jonathan watched her recoil when the knight's sword collided against one of the pillars that stood at each side from where the food was. Jane, Lucy, Katy and Ann, the women who always looked over it to make sure no one took extra or that no one stole anything were long gone. While the teachers were pointing at Audrey who was still trying to get everyone's attention to her. So far, she was only halfway successful.

"That's the issue" Jonathan his eyes focused on the knight, "None of you should be here" he mumbled.

"That's a bit rude don't you think" Mary said.

"What would you know?" Henry's voice resonated, he stood next to Mary "Jonathan, do you know anything about this shit?" he pointed. Jonathan froze, slowly lowering his phone, his heart beating hard in his chest as he stared at Henry as if could watch the engines of his brain working.

"Why the fuck would I know anything about that?" he spat, raising his arms while he pointed at the knight. "For fuck's sake" Jonathan rubbed the bridge of his nose. Looking at the people that where still in the opposite side form where the knight was. "Help Audrey gather everyone and get out of here," he spoke, "She and Gabriel will know what to do." He turned to them, nodding. Gabriel gave a quick kiss to Audrey in the cheek before running out of the cafeteria.

"What... " Henry furrowed his eyebrows as Mary pulled him and Lizzie walked behind them.

"Running now, questions later" Audrey indicated. He watched Audrey raise her voice another time, this time, Lizzie, Mary and Daniel helping the teachers to guide everyone outside.

He felt his phone vibrate on the pocket of his pants. A half smile rose to his face when he saw Reemajesty shining in the screen.

"Thank God you answered" A feeling of relief swept over him when he heard Ree's voice. She sounded slightly agitated, but she was alive, "Are you alright? Is everything alright?... Are you sure you're really really fine? Because there's a fucking knight in the cafeteria and... Yeah, I... No! Valerie, I'm. You know how this works, I can't..." He smiled at her the sound of her voice and her words "... I will. Please, be safe" He begged. His call was quickly met with silence. He placed the phone carefully over a table.

"Come on, Jonathan, you've got to do this, if it's not for your own survival, for her," he muttered to himself, shaking his head as if it would be enough to get rid of the what ifs in the back of his mind.

His eyes glowed golden, he knelt until his hands touched the floor. Patches of ice covering from where his hands touched until they reached the knight's boots, trapping it. He took a step forward vines attempted to bloom from the roof but dropped as quickly as they had bloomed.

"Fuck me," he said as the knight attempted to break free out of the ice that held it.

He touched one of the tables, his eyes glowed before it flew towards the knight, trapping it under its weight. The hit had broken the knight out the ice that what was holding it, yet, the knight had fallen to the floor and the sword had fallen out of his hands. A smile almost came out of Jonathan's lips, before he pushed a second table towards the knight who had barely managed to grasp its sword. His eyes continued glowing while the table broke into different parts that promptly fell to the floor, scattering around the knight.

"Come on" he complained, picking one of the pieces at the time as he stepped closer. Using the metal bars that held the tables together to pin the knight to the floor the hand that held the sword pulled as far apart from the rest of the body as possible.

Jonathan looked at his work, kneeling on the ground once again, allowing patches of ice to come out of his hands until it covered all of the knight's body trapping it. The moment his eyes stopped glowing, the ice melted, making a puddle of water around the knight

"Close enough" Jonathan mumbled, opening the cafeteria's door. He closed it behind himself, touching it for a second, his eyes lit up.

He tried to push it. The door didn't move no matter how much pressure he applied. Still unsatisfied, he knelt on the ground, trying for a second time to freeze the knight or grow vines that would trap the knight unsure if it would work. Jonathan let out a sigh when he stood up, his heart beating fast in his chest before he ran.


Valerie stared at where the knight had been seconds before, eyebrows furrowed, slashing the sword through the now empty space trying to figure out if the knight had turned invisible and if it was something new they now would have to deal with.

She turned Excalibur back into a bracelet, her mouth tensed into a line. It had been far too easy. Avoid the coming sword, slice through the knight's chest and then it was gone as soon as it had appeared. It had never been that easy or simple. Valerie turned to Iman and Philip putting one loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Now can I have an explanation?" Philip questioned, looking over Valerie's shoulder as if to make sure the knight was truly gone.

"Just a second" Valerie mumbled taking her phone out of her pocket. Jonathan hadn't called her another time, so she went through her messages. Someone in her class had shared a picture of the knight in the cafeteria and tried to convince another person that it was real while others thought it was the ghost of the school's legend.

Gabriel's message was quick, he told her about the knight in the cafeteria and asked where she was and if she was alright.

Audrey's message had a similar note, asking her if she was alright, sending her a picture of the knight in the cafeteria and asking her to call her if she wanted to. A few minutes after that, she had sent another one.

''I know you don't want to talk to me I just thought maybe you'd like to know, we managed to get most of the school out, we're in the soccer field.

It was Gabe's idea, but pretty much everyone is out except Gabe who is looking for people who still are inside.

Valerie left her messages on seen, but she relieved knowing that most of the school seemed to be fine. She put her phone back in her pocket and turned to Philip and Iman, both of them leaning against the wall. Philip looked at her with eyebrows furrowed, tapping his fingers against his crutches while Iman rose an eyebrow.

"I have to go, someone is looking for me" Valerie said, turning to Philip knowing he would continue asking for questions unless she gave him some sort of explanation "Long story short, king Arthur was real, this is Excalibur, some people are descendants from knights, Iman is one of them, wizards are also real. I found the sword in a cave, I'm Arthur's descendant and some evil forces are trying to kill me, do evil things and that kind of shit." Valerie's words came fast, and she saw Philip's eyes open more with each word she spoke, it would have painted a comical image had it not been for the fact that her heart was beating fast in her chest and she needed to get herself and them out of there as fast as posible

"Wait a second..."

"Iman, can I ask you a favor?" Valerie turned to her interrupting Philip who was now looking at the floor bewildered.

"What do you need?" Iman stood up straight. Valerie looked around, to make sure of where exactly she was.

"If you go down this hallway and turn to the right, you'll see the stairs that lead to the first floor, once there, go straight and turn to the left, you'll see a door that leads to the soccer field, go there with Philip. Audrey says most of the school is there. I have to meet with Jonathan"

"But..." Iman began, her eyebrows knitted together "What do we do if we encounter a knight?" She questioned. Valerie froze, her eyes trying to look everywhere, her mind moving as fast as it could to find a solution.

"Shit" she mumbled, taking a deep breath "I'll go with you two then," she decided, feeling Philip's eyes fixed on her.


It took a while for Jonathan to realize he was not going through the hallway he should have been walking through. He was running on the school's third floor. He had only realized when he had noticed the classroom mismatched door that had been replaced when he was thirteen because Adam had dared Henry to hang from it knowing it probably wouldn't stand the weight. And that probably would be only one who would actually listen to him and do it.

Jonathan froze in place looking around him. He walked towards the door, turning the knob, the air hitching in his throat, hoping he was only confused and his poor sense of direction was playing a prank on him. He groaned, hitting the door shut when he saw the familiar white walls of the lab.

"For fuck's sake," he complained turning in his heels and running to the stairs. He faintly thought he had heard Valerie's voice calling for him. His heart skipped a beat as he ran as fast as his feet could take him


Valerie took a deep breath under the curious eyes of Iman and Philip "Jonathan!" she screamed as loud as her voice allowed. Iman and Philip seemed to have taken a step back and were watching her with wide open eyes.

"What were you doing, exactly?" Iman questioned, eyebrows furrowed, half a smile in her face, a feet in the school and the other outside where Philip already was.

"Figured it was worth a shot" Valerie shrugged, blushed cheeks a sheepish smile in her face, "I'm gonna close the door now, the rest are there, take care"

"I should be saying that to you" Iman shook her head, Philip's face looked as if he still had a lot of questions, but Valerie closed the door before she could give him the chance to ask them. She opened it again only to see the lab in the third floor. She was quick to turn and began running.

She was in the first floor and the cafeteria shouldn't be so far. Her heart beat stronger in her chest as she prayed that whoever was doing this, was kind enough to allow her to get to the cafeteria fast enough. Valerie needed to find the knight in there and get rid of it and whoever had turned the school into a maze with a knight on every corner. She prayed Jonathan was fine. He was the smartest person she knew; she would trust him with her life. Valerie did her best to not think in the worst-case scenario, one where his powers failed him, and a sword went through his chest. The mere thought of that made a weight sink in her chest and her breathing to become irregular forcing her to shake her head and bite her lower lip assuring herself he would be fine no matter what.

Valerie froze in front of the cafeteria doors, with her sword now in hand she tried to push the door only for it not to move a bit. It was as if it was too heavy, or if something was blocking it from the other side.

"Please, please let this mean something good" she prayed, turning in her heels to look for the entrance of the kitchen to be sure.

As she ran past the stairs that led to the second floor, she heard someone come down them, a familiar set of steps that made Valerie stop and turn. Her eyes crossed with Jonathan's the hazel in them a lot warmer than what she could ever remember it being. A wide smile made its way to her face, and she saw his eyes light up in the way they did when he was reading a good book as he ran to her.

"You're fine," he said not hesitating to wrap his arms around her. She sank into the hug, the metal of the sword resonating when it fell to the floor. "I knew you would be but..."

"Shut up," she mumbled, breaking the hug reaching her hands to his face. "You're not hurt are you? You... did you get rid of it? I thought..."

"I'm fine," he said softly, his hands reaching to hers to hold them and put them down.

"I'm glad." She smiled, watching his eyebrows knit together when he noticed her scrapped knees. Valerie had forgotten about them "Did you kill it?" she questioned, bending over to reach of the fallen sword. She could almost hear him pull out a package of band-aids and telling her to be more careful next time.

"No, I just held it back, do you know what's going on? Usually is just..."

"Just a few of us." Valerie finished, agreeing with him, "Someone must be controlling them from the inside of the school" she began to walk, he walked by her side.

"What do you mean?" Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows, not once taking his eyes away from her.

"Remember that night at the cave? My aunt made these earth puppets, but she was the one controlling them... someone must be controlling these knights"

"But we've always known that, haven't we?" Jonathan questioned; Valerie sighed.

"Yes, but this time is different, these are three..." Jonathan's eyes opened wide, his mouth remained closed but she could see his mind working a mile per minute trying to make up sense of the third knight she had encountered, "knights, not to mention the school turning into a fucking maze, so whoever is controlling them, has to be somewhere near. Or at the very least there has to be a big knight we haven't crossed with and he's the one controlling the school" Valerie reasoned, Jonathan gave a single silent nod as she waited for his answer or if he had a different idea than she did.

"Lead the way and I'll follow." Valerie paused, noticing the solemnity in his features. Valerie's eyes softened and she reached for his hand squeezing it tight for just a second.


Hello! we are a little over halfway through the story, and I want to thank everyone who is reading it. If you enjoyed this, don't hesitate to leave a vote or a comment, that'd really make my day. Have a lovely day!

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