"There!" I pointed excitedly. "Go up there!"
Gerard shot me a look of exasperation, indicating left. "You are the worst navigator in the history of navigation."
"Excuse you? You haven't been anywhere with Brendon."
He simply rolled his eyes, driving up a small lane that led to a parking lot at the bottom of a hill. He stopped the car, and we both climbed out of it. I went to the trunk to collect the picnic basket and the blanket, and felt his arms slip around my waist from behind.
"Stop, you." I giggled as he kissed my neck, his arms tightening.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it." He murmured. "C'mon."
He took the picnic and my hand, leading me up the hill to the top. The sun was just beginning to set, which meant that we could watch the stars come out...I hoped. I laid the blanket on the grass, flopping down on it as Gerard set the basket on the blanket. I rolled onto my side as he lay beside me, on his back, and I took his hand.
"We haven't done anything like this for ages." I said, resting our joined hands on his stomach.
"No, we haven't." He agreed, sounding almost distracted, staring up at the sky. "I love you."
"I love you too."
He turned his head, a smile gracing his lips, and then his free hand came up, holding the back of my head. His mouth landed on mine, and he kissed me softly. When he pulled away, he stayed where he was, his breath fanning across my lips.
"My moon," he whispered, kissing me again. "my stars," kiss. "my sun." He arranged our hands so my palm was over his heart, and I could feel it drumming against his chest. "This is what you do to me. You've done this to me since last September."
I grinned. "I do that to a lot of people." I rolled him over and straddled his waist, my hands either side of my head. "This, however -" I rocked my hips against his, earning a gasp. "- I can only do to certain people."
He leaned up and kissed me, and I sank into it, kissing him back just as lazily. It was my favorite kind of making-out - the kind that was slow, and sleepy, and careful, and it stirred things up in my stomach and made strange feelings travel lower and I wasn't even gonna lie, it was a turn-on.
I broke the kiss as his hands landed on my ass, and I smiled against his lips. "We're missing the sunset." I said, my voice barely audible.
"You're much prettier than a sunset."
I laughed, sitting up. "You are so corny, oh my God."
He shrugged, letting me climb off of him and sit between his legs, with my back against his chest. As the sun sank below the horizon, he took my left hand in his, raising it to his lips and kissing the silver band.
"One day," he murmured, his chin on my shoulder. "in a couple of years...maybe we could change this for one with a bigger meaning."
I managed to tear my eyes away from the sunset, staring at him in stunned disbelief. "What are you trying to say?"
He smiled. "And then some time after that - several months, maybe even a year or two - we can get another one, that has an even bigger meaning."
I opened my mouth and closed it again, at a loss as to what to say. "Really?" Was what I ended up blurting out. Good one, Frank.
"Well...yeah, I mean...if you want to." He suddenly looked unsure, almost embarrassed. "Why, don't you want to?"
"No, I do - I'd love it more than anything in the world - I'm just - I - I wasn't expecting it, is all." I found myself smiling widely, and he smiled too, kissing me softly. "Oh fuck, I love you so much." I said, and he held me closer, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
"I love you too." He nuzzled his face against my cheek and my neck, swaying us from side-to-side a little.
It felt good to just be us for once, without any cares or worries, without anyone cockblocking us. As he placed warm, open-mouthed kisses on my neck, I let my mind wander. We weren't just in it for the sex. We were in love. We cared about each other. Anyone else saying otherwise was a liar.
I glanced towards the sky and spotted the first stars becoming visible. "First star, I win."
"Mm?" He raised his head and looked up with me. "Oh! Make a wish then, Frankie."
I rolled my eyes but closed them anyway. Wishes never came true, but it never hurt to try. I still made wishes when I blew candles out on birthday cakes, and I was nearly nineteen. I'd probably do that forever. It was nice to have that false illusion to cling on to.
I wish that Gerard and I could stay in this moment forever, without anything bothering or hurting us.
My eyes opened, and Gerard reached behind us, picking up the picnic basket and putting it in front of us. I opened it up and saw sandwiches, cake, soda, and lots of random other items of food, such as an apple and various flavors of mousse.
"You're so strange." I said, just as I felt the first drops of rain on my head.
"Is it raining?" He looked up, and I nodded.
"Uh-huh." I picked out a chocolate cupcake, eating it as if the heavens weren't about to open on our heads.
"We'd better go back to the car, then." I shook my head. "Frank, you'll get sick."
"That's a myth." Due to the fact that I had a mouthful of cake, it sounded like, "Vats a miff."
"Your immune system is shit - remember how long you were sick for in January?" I waved a dismissive hand. "We're not staying out in the rain. We can go and sit in the car or something." I shook my head. "We can smoke and eat in the car." I shook my head again. "We can make out?"
"I don't care if it's raining - it's only water." I said, shrugging.
He huffed. "You're a stubborn bitch, you know that, right?" He kissed my cheek before standing. "Don't let the cake get wet; I'll be back."
"You love me!" I called out as he left, and he just laughed.
The rain got harder while I waited for him to return, and I was shivering before he did. So I changed my mind, gathering everything up and wandering down the hill. Gerard was in the car when I approached, his forehead on the steering wheel. I put the basket and wet blanket on the backseat, picking up a dry blanket and wrapping it around myself before getting in the passenger seat.
"You weren't gonna come back, were you?" I said quietly, and he jumped, clearly only just noticing me.
"Shit, babe - sorry." He glanced at me and did a double-take. "Fuck, you're freezing!" He pulled me into his arms, rubbing his hands up and down my arms and brushing my hair from my face. "Sorry, Frankie. I just got a call from Bert -" my body tensed at the mention of his name. "- and he's drunk again. I don't want to go back home until he's passed out."
I frowned. That was very un-Gerard - the way they worked, I would've thought that he would be heading straight home. "Why?"
He hesitated before shrugging. "It reminds me of how I used to be."
I leaned into him, savoring his warmth. "Tell him to not drink, then - if it's hurting you, don't let him drink in your house."
He kissed the top of my head. "If only it was that easy." He paused. "C'mon, we'll go to a motel or something."
He drove to the nearest motel, booked a room for the night, and when we were inside, he wrapped his arms around me once more, kissing my cheek and leading me over to the bed.
"My dad would've liked you." I said, after a few minutes of lying there in silence.
"Really? Even though I used to be your art teacher?" I raised my head, and he was smirking. "'Hey dad, I've been fucking my art teacher - but it's okay, we were safe'."
I nudged him, smiling. "'He hasn't bent me over the kitchen table yet, but I'm willing to wait'."
His eyes widened. "Why didn't you say anything? I would've done that quicker than you could get the sentence out."
"I was joking, idiot. And I'm serious - he would've liked you. After he got over the original shock of my homosexuality, he was okay with it. I think he preferred the idea of me having someone...well, like you, as a boyfriend."
His eyebrows rose. "Okay, so ignoring the fact that our relationship was illegal for several months, you really think he would've approved?"
I paused, thinking it over. "Well, you don't drink, you have a good job, you're talented, you give a shit, you know how to make people like you, you're honest, and you're strong. So yeah, he would've."
He smirked. "But I smoke, I swear, I fucked a student, I'm not that attractive -"
I clapped a hand over his mouth. "Oh, you shush right there Gerard Way. That - that thing your doing with your mouth? Where words come out? That needs to stop, because I smell horse shit." His eyebrows rose yet again. "And it's really bad, I think we need to open a window in here."
He moved my hand from his mouth, and my smile faltered as his eyes locked onto mine. He leaned forward, brushing his lips against mine, and a shiver rushed down my spine.
"I can do something better with my mouth, if you want." He whispered, his hand trailing from my neck to my waist. "I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Just fucking kiss me, you animal." I hissed, grabbing his shirt with both hands and pulling his mouth to mine.
He let out a low moan, his hands gripping my waist. He positioned himself so he was on top of me, his body against mine, and he slipped his tongue between my parted lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he shifted so he was straddling my waist, and he broke the kiss to pull my shirt over my head.
"Why - why do we always end up at - at motels?" I gasped, my heart beating fast as he attached his lips to the scorpion on my neck.
"Because I can't fucking resist you." He practically growled, kissing down my neck and to my chest.
"Don't we do enough sexual stuff at home?"
"Probably." His tongue ran over my right nipple, drawing a hiss from me. "But I really couldn't care less."
He sucked on the nipple, his nails digging into my hips, and I moaned loudly, my crotch rubbing against his. He smiled against my skin, traveling lower until he got to the waistband of my jeans - but then my stomach became a cockblock, and began to rumble.
He breathed a laugh, his forehead on my stomach, and then he looked up at me. "You obviously didn't eat enough when we were up on the hill."
I propped myself up onto my elbows, an eyebrow raised. "That's because someone made me come down to the car because it was raining."
"I didn't make you do anything." He got to his feet and went over to the picnic basket, bringing it over to the bed as I sat up, leaning against the wall. He sat down with it and tossed me a banana, a faint smirk at his lips.
"You're a whore." I told him, and he shrugged. "You want me to tease you...with a banana?"
He blinked, feigning innocence. "No, it was just the first thing I picked out."
"Mm-hm. I smell horseshit again." I unpeeled and took a bite out of the fruit, watching his eyes narrow. "What? I'm not eating a banana like I suck a cock - they're innocent fruits that should not be tainted by the likes of you." I poked his nose before taking another bite, and he rolled his eyes as he unbuckled my belt. "Gerard -" I sighed, defeated, lifting my hips so he could pull my jeans down my legs.
"Bananas have never been innocent." He said nonchalantly, pulling off his shirt and throwing it aside. "They have more uses than just food, though."
I grimaced as he stood up, pulling off his jeans and kicking them aside. "That's disgusting. I'm sat here, innocently eating my banana, all innocent and shit, and you..." I trailed off as he crawled towards me, taking my lower lip between his teeth and pulling on it a little. "Gerard, I - "
"I love you." He murmured, before kissing down to my neck and taking the half-eaten banana from my hand.
"Show me." I breathed, and I felt him grin against my shoulder.
"I will."
Heeeeey folks! Sorry this took a few days, I've been planning my Ryden fic (check that out if you haven't already xD), getting my braces off and worrying about college results :) but it's up now, aaaaaaand the next chapter is the wedding! Wahey!
I don't think I've ever been more excited to write a wedding, omg xD
Could you guys do me a favour, actually? Could you suggest songs they could have for their first dance? Bearing in mind FOB are gonna be the band, but alternatively, Gerard could sing something :3 just suggest anything by FOB or MCR, or anything else if you have any other awesome suggestions xD
Thanks guys!
Thanks Pete,
-xocharr <3
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